Shock (For Surgery)
Shock (For Surgery)
Shock (For Surgery)
Transition between life and death Failure to oxygenate & nourish the body adequately Mortality > 20%
Shock affects mitochondria first Without oxygen mitochondria convert fuels to lactate lactic acid Failure of the krebs cycle
Lactic Acid
Early shock
Skeletal muscle and splanchnic organs 1st affected Lactic acid production
Systemic Response
Decreased vascular wall tension increases sympathetic stimulation (blocked in sepsis)
Increased epi, norepi, corticosteroids, renin, and glucagon Increased glycogenolysis and lipolysis
Immune Response
Neutrophil and macrophage activation due to hypoxia
Enzymatic organ damage Capillary plugs causing microischemia TNF and Interleukins released
Cardiac Physiology
Contraction created by Ca++, ATP/CP, and troponin C Calcium inflow determines strength of contraction
Inotropics increase Ca++ release in the sarcoplasmic reticulum via -receptors or cAMP
Cardiac Physiology
ATP/CP supply almost entirely from oxidative phosphorylation by mitochondria Complete turnover of ATP/CP every 5-10 beats
Cardiac Physiology
Gregg Phenomenon
Decreased coronary perfusion in shock Decreased workload due to lower SVR Very minimal cardiac ischemia even in severe shock
Cardiac Physiology
Inflammatory actions of TNF, Interleukins, and NO decrease contractility Acidosis can decrease contractility but effect is minimal
Clinical Features
Frequently no obvious etiology Rapid recognition
H&P, ill appearance, diaphoresis HR and BP not reliable HR/SBP ratio better indicator
Normal is less than 0.8
Shock Classification
Rapid, but detailed H&P to direct therapy
Flow diagram
Clinical Data
CXR infection, contusions EKG ischemia Glucose CBC anemia, leukocytosis Electrolytes dehydration, GI bleed, acidosis ABG base deficit, acidosis UA dehydration
IV, O2, monitor BP readings every 2-5 minutes
Urine output
>1 cc/kg/min
IV access
Volume Replacement
When is the tank full?
Goal CVP slightly elevated of 10-15 cm H2O Must correlate CVP with SBP, urine output, and lactate levels to adequately assess perfusion
Rapid sequence intubation preferred
Ketamine or etomidate are good choices due to minimal cardiovascular depression Intubation protects aspiration, decreases breathing workload, and initial treatment for acidemia High negative pressures in bronchospasm or ARDS can decrease LVEF and positive pressure removes this
Acidosis is a negative inotrope No evidence supports using bicarbonate for treatment Treat with improved ventilation and mild hyperventilation THAM (tris[hydroxymethl]-aminomethane) may be used IV for acidosis reversal
Optimal Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin carries oxygen High hematocrits increase viscosity and cardiac workload Optimal balance is a hemoglobin of 10-12 gm%
Goal-Directed Therapy
Goal directed therapy is the practice of resuscitating to a defined physiologic endpoint
Wedge pressures measures left ventricular filling pressures controversial risk/benefit Lactate clearing index decrease in arterial lactate by 50% in 1 hour and continued efforts until lactate < 2 mM GI tonography permeable balloon in stomach or rectum measuring pH to estimate perfusion
Questionable data supporting
Hemorrhagic Shock
Rapid reduction in blood volume Heart rate and blood pressure responses can be variable No firm conclusion can be made by simply HR and BP readings
Decreased SBP
Hemorrhagic Shock
Decreased perfusion to splanchnic organs precedes lower BP
After 1/3 of blood volume lost hypotension occurs Acidemia occurs about then as patient cannot create enough respiratory compensation for the lactic acid
Hemorrhagic Shock
Organ injury in resuscitation
Release of activated neutrophils & inflammatory cytokines Distorted balance of vasodilatation vs. vasoconstriction May lead to ARDS, acute tubular necrosis, & centrilobular ischemic liver damage
Consensus Definition
Hemorrhagic Shock 3 classifications
Simple hemorrhage
Bleeding with normal vital signs and base deficit
Hemorrhagic shock
Bleeding with 4 or more of below
Ill appearance or mental status HR >100 RR >22 or PaCO2 <32 Base deficit < -5 or lactate > 4 Urine output < 0.5 cc/kg/hr Hypotension > 20 minutes
Septic Shock
Any microbe may cause, but gram negative most common Lipopolysaccharide is a key mediator 1/3 of cases no organism is identified Higher causes recently of gram positive due to
Septic Shock
3 major effects
Relative due to increased venous capacitance Absolute due to GI loss, diaphoresis, tachypnea
Cardiovascular depression
Depression due to inflammatory mediators
Systemic inflammation
Capillary leak causing ARDS in up to 40%
Consensus Definition
Septic Shock
Severe sepsis with hypotension unresponsive to fluid resuscitation and perfusion abnormalities
If focus identified
Use clinical experience
If no focus identified
Semisynthetic PCN with -lactamase inhibitor with an aminoglycoside and vancomycin Imipenem-cilastatin good monotherapy choice Antifungal in immunocompromised
Most common first line agent and a bad idea Remove from you armamentarium
Start 0.5-1 g/min and titrate to response Excellent first choice; well studied
Start 5 g/kg/min Hypotension unresponsive to vasopressors and IVF.
Cardiogenic Shock
Pump failure Results when more than 40% of myocardium damaged Similar circulatory and metabolic changes to hemorrhagic shock May also be due to a PE
Consensus Definitions
Cardiac failure
Evidence of impaired cardiac outflow including dyspnea, tachycardia, rales, edema, or cyanosis
Cardiogenic shock
Cardiac failure plus four of below criteria
Ill appearance or mental status HR >100 RR >22 or PaCO2 <32 Base deficit < -5 or lactate > 4 Urine output < 0.5 cc/kg/hr Hypotension > 20 minutes
Often needed in pulmonary edema or if respiratory failure imminent Avoid barbiturates, morphine, propofol and benzodiazepines
Negative inotropic effects Fentanyl, ketamine and etomidate much better choices
Dobutamine and Milrinone are agents of choice Amrinone (Replaced by Milrinone) Milrinone
Similar to amrinone Load at 50 g/kg (Consider half loading dose) Infuse at 0.375 - 0.75 g/kg/min Be prepared for hypotension
Ventilatory support IV fluids Norepinephrine Thrombolytics (systemic vs. intra-arterial) Possis catheter Surgical embolectomy at few centers
Anaphylactic Shock
IgE mediated response to an allergen Mast cells release histamine Histamine causes
Smooth muscle relaxation Bronchial contraction Capillary leak
Intubation if needed
Neurogenic Shock
CNS cord lesions above T1
10 mg IV bolus good for 3-4 hours
100-180 g/min IV until stable
Early recognition of shock and early treatment is key Do not rely solely on a HR and BP to determine their status
Jones, Alan E., & Kline, Jeffrey A. (2006). Shock. In Marx, John A., Hockberger, Robert S., & Walls, Ron M. (Eds.). Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 6th ed., Pg. 41-56. Mosby.