When Do You Conduct A Needs Assessment?
When Do You Conduct A Needs Assessment?
When Do You Conduct A Needs Assessment?
Needs assessment
A Needs Assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These "things" are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance. A needs assessment is a way of determining the current state of an organization before developing solutions or programming. Needs assessment is conducted to obtain baseline data on the service needs of a particular population can save an organization money and time.
When organizations decide to save time by skipping this important task, money and human resources can be wasted on implementing solutions that did not hit the targeted population where it could be of the most benefit. A needs assessment can be proactive or reactive. For example, if yield or retention numbers are decreasing, a needs assessment could be used to determine the cause or possible solutions. On the other hand, a needs assessment can be conducted before there are any negative indicators or identified problems simply to identify future programming needs.
Needs Assessment
Action Plan
What are our priorities? Do we have the resources to address them? Why do anything at all?
Have any areas been identified for follow-up or future opportunities for educational intervention?
Decide who will be responsible for designing, implementing and analyzing the assessment. Determine what research questions must be included in the assessment. Decide on the methodologies for distributing, collecting and analyzing the assessment. Establish a workable timeline for accomplishing each task
Focus Groups
Focus Groups
Want and Need are not synonyms. A Needs Assessment is conducted before the activity is planned. Pre-Assessment is not enough. The more types of need you consider, the richer the planning process and the more effective the education. What gets measured gets managed Peter Drucker.