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MODULE 2. INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Approaches Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric, Regiocentric.

. Selection: Factors in Expatriate selection Technical ability, Cross-cultural suitability, Family requirements, MNE requirements.

Sources of Recruitment / Selection: The Recruitment sources at macro level are of four categories namely 1. Ethno centric, 2. Poly centric and 3. Regiocentric 4. Geocentric These are already explained in Module 1.

Practices of Recruitment/Selection: The practice vary from MNC to MNC. Some cases it is centralised and in some other cases it is decentralised. Why centralised? 1. Lowers cost of recruitment due to economies of cost. 2. Availability of expertise 3. Uniformity among subsidiaries 4. Probability of malpractices, abuse of power, pressure etc will be reduced 5. Interchangeability 6. Enables centralised selection, promotion, career planning, training and development etc.

Why de-centralised?

1. Respective subsidiary to concentrate on specific region/country. Hence, low expenses. 2. Subsidiary is aware of requirements of job regarding cultural, traditional, local and social factors etc. 3. Less time consuming 4. Freedom to the subsidiary 5. Subsidiary would enjoy better control over the employee who is directly recruited by them.
Management has to weigh merits and demerits before taking decision on this issue.

Sources of recruitment: Organisations should identify sources within each country they select for sourcing employees. The micro level sources include: 1. Subsidiaries 2. Parent company 3. Campus selection 4. Consultants/agencies 5. Professional associations 6. Databank 7. Internships

Techniques of recruitment: Techniques to stimulate internal candidates 1. Promotions and 2. Transfers Techniques to stimulate external candidates 1. Present employees/referrals 2. Scouting 3. Advertising Modern sources: 1. Walk-in 2. Consult-in 3. Head-hunting 4. Body-shopping 5. Business alliances 6. Tele-recruiting

Already discussed in Mod 1(2) Selection criteria Expatriate selection Expatriate failure Preparing expatriates for assignments

Selection techniques: 1. Test the self orientation self esteem, self confidence, and mental well-being etc. 2. Orientation towards others ie. develop and maintain long lasting relationship with HCNs and willingness to learn HCN language and initiating communications with them. 3. Ability to perceive accurately 4. Perception of cultural variations 5. Technical and managerial competence 6. Adaptability

7. Age, experience and education 8. Health and family status 9. Spouses educational background, interests and adaptability 10.Achievement motivation and leadership 11.Strong desire to transfer knowledge andskills 12.Positive attitude

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