Elements and Components of The Curriculum

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Elements/Components of the Curriculum

1. 2. 3. 4.

Aims, goals and objectives Subject matter/content Learning experiences Evaluation Approaches

Component 1 Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives

Aims: Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary Based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987, all schools shall aim to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inculcate patriotism and nationalism. Foster love of humanity. Promote respect for human rights. Appreciate the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country. Teach the rights and duties of citizenship. Strengthen ethical and spiritual values. Develop moral character and personal discipline. Encourage critical and creative thinking. Broaden scientific and technological knowledge and promote vocational efficiency.

Aims of Elementary Education (Education Act of 1982) Provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, values essential to personal development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing society; Provide learning experiences which increase the childs awareness of and responsiveness to the changes in the society; Promote and intensify knowledge, identification with and love for the nation and the people to which he belongs; and Promote work experiences which develop orientation to the world of work and prepare the learner to engage in honest and gainful work. Aims of Secondary Education Continue to promote the objectives of elementary education; and Discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of students in order to equip them with skills for productive endeavor and or to prepare them for tertiary schooling. Aims for Tertiary Education Provide general education programs which will promote national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual vigor; Train the nations manpower in the skills required for national development; Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation; and Advance knowledge through research and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life and respond effectively to changing society.

Goals: School Vision and Mission Objectives: Educational Objectives Educational Objectives as defined by Benjamin Bloom and Robert Mager: 1. Explicit formulations of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by the educative process, and 2. Intent communicated by statement describing a proposed change in learners. Domains: 1. Cognitive Domain domain of thought process Knowledge Analysis Comprehension Synthesis Application Evaluation 2. Affective Domain domain of valuing, attitude and appreciation Receiving Organization Responding Characterization Valuing 3. Psychomotor Domain domain of the use of psychomotor attributes Perception Complex overt responses Set Adaptation Guided response Origination Mechanism

Component 2 Curriculum Content or Subject Matter

Information to be learned in school, another term for knowledge. It is a compendium of facts, concepts generalization, principles and theories.
1. Subject centered view of curriculum the fund of human knowledge represents the repository of accumulated discoveries and inventions of man down the centuries, due to mans exploration of his world. 2. Learner-centered view of curriculum relates knowledge to the individuals personal and social world and how he or she defines reality. Criteria used in selection of subject matter for the curriculum: 1. Self-sufficiency less teaching effort and educational resources, less learners effort but more results and effective learning outcomes most economical manner (Scheffler, 1970) 2. Significance contribute to basic ideas to achieve overall aim of the curriculum, develop learning abilities, skills, processes and attitude. 3. Validity subject matter should be checked or verified at regular intervals, to determine if the content that was originally valid continues to be. 4. Interest a learner will value the content if it is meaningful to him or her. 5. Utility usefulness of the content either for the present or the future. 6. Learnability should be within the range of the experiences of the learners. 7. Feasibility can be learned within the time allowed, resources available, expertise of the teacher and the nature of the learners.

Other considerations that may be used in the selection of the learning content. As a guide, subject matter or content can be selected for use if these are: a. Frequently and commonly used in daily life; b. Suited to the maturity levels and abilities of students; c. Valuable in meeting the needs and the competencies of a future career; d. Related with other subject areas; and e. Important in the transfer of learning. Principles to follow in organizing the learning contents 1. Balance curriculum content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth of the particular learning area or discipline. This will ensure that the level or area will not be overcrowded or less crowded. 2. Articulation each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next, glaring gaps and wasteful overlaps in the subject matter will be avoided. 3. Sequence - logical arrangement of the subject matter. Refers to the deepening and broadening of content as it is taken up in the higher levels. 4. Integration the horizontal connections needed in subject areas that are similar so that learning will be related to one another. This will help the learner get a holistic or unified view of reality and outlook in life. 5. Continuity learning requires a continuing application of the new knowledge, skills, attitudes or values so that these will be used in daily living. It is referred as constant repetition, review and reinforcement of learning.

Component 3 Curriculum Experiences Instructional strategies and methods will link to curriculum experiences, the core and heart of the curriculum. The instructional strategies and methods will put into action and goals and use of the content in order to produce an outcome.

Teaching strategies convert the written curriculum to instructions. Among these are time-tested methods, inquiry approaches, constructivist and other emerging strategies that complement new theories in teaching and learning.
Guidelines for the selection and use of the curriculum: 1. Teaching methods are means to achieve the end. They are used to translate the objectives into action. 2. There is no single best teaching method. Its effectiveness will depend on the learning objectives, the learners and skill of the teacher. 3. Teaching methods should stimulate the learners desire to develop the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social and spiritual domain of the individual. 4. In the choice of the teaching methods, learning styles of the students should be considered. 5. Every method should lead to the development of the learning outcomes in the three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 6. Flexibility should be a consideration in the use of the teaching methods.

Component 4 Curriculum Evaluation Curriculum evaluation may refer to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, product of curriculum. Tuckman defines evaluation as meeting the goals and matching them with the intended outcomes. CIPP Model most widely used evaluation model by Stufflebeam. Context refers to the environment of the curriculum. The real situation where the curriculum is operating is its context. Input refers to the ingredients of the curriculum which include the goals, instructional strategies, the learners, the teachers, the contents and all the materials needed. Process the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented. Product indicates if the curriculum accomplishes its goals. It will determined to what extend the curriculum objectives have been achieved.

Process of curriculum evaluation: 1. Focus on one particular component of the curriculum. Will it be the subject area, the grade level, the course, or the degree program? Specify the objectives of evaluation. 2. Collect or gather the information. Information is made up of data needed regarding the object of evaluation. 3. Organize the information. This step will require coding, organizing, storing and retrieving data for interpretation. 4. Analyze information. An appropriate way of analyzing will be utilized. 5. Report the information. The result of evaluation should be reported to specific audiences. Reporting can be done formally in conferences with stakeholders, or informally through roundtable discussions and conversations. 6. Recycle the information for continuous feedback, modification and adjustments to be made.

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