Brand Matrix

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Branding strategy

Is the means by which the firm help consumers understand its products and services and organize them in their minds. Two important strategic tools: The brandproduct matrix and the brand hierarchy help to characterize and formulate branding strategies by defining various relationships among brands and products.

Branding Strategy or Brand Architecture

The branding strategy for a firm reflects the number and nature of common or distinctive brand elements applied to the different products sold by the firm.

Which brand elements can be applied to which products and the nature of new and existing brand elements to be applied to new products

The role of Brand Architecture

Clarify: brand awareness

Improve consumer understanding and communicate similarity and differences between individual products Maximize transfer of equity to/from the brand to individual products to improve trial and repeat purchase

Motivate: brand image

Brand-Product Matrix
Products 1 A 2 3 4



Understanding Matrix

Product line

A group of products within a product category that are closely related The set of all product lines and items that a particular seller makes available to buyers The set of all brand lines that a particular seller makes available to buyers

Product mix (product assortment)

Brand mix (brand assortment)

Brand product matrix

1 A Brands B C D 2 3 4

1 A Brands B C D

Brand extension strategy

1 A Brands B C D

Brand portfolio strategy

Breadth of a Branding Strategy

Breadth of product mix Aggregate market factors Category factors Environmental factors Depth of product mix Examining the percentage of sales and profits contributed by each item in the product line Deciding to increase the length of the product line by adding new variants or items typically expands market coverage and therefore market share but also increases costs

Depth of a Branding Strategy

The number and nature of different brands marketed in the product class sold by a firm Referred to as brand portfolio The reason is to pursue different market segments, different channels of distribution, or different geographic boundaries Maximize market coverage and minimize brand overlap

Ford Brand Portfolio

Designing a Brand Portfolio

Basic principles:

Maximize market coverage so that no potential

customers are being ignored Minimize brand overlap so that brands arent competing among themselves to gain the same customers approval

Brand Roles in the Portfolio

Flankers Cash cows Low-end entry-level High-end prestige brands

Brand Hierarchy

A means of summarizing the branding strategy by displaying the number and nature of common and distinctive brand elements across the firms products, revealing the explicit ordering of brand elements A useful means of graphically portraying a firms branding strategy

Brand Hierarchy Tree: Toyota

Toyota Corporation
Toyota (Trucks) Toyota (SUV/vans) Toyota (Cars) Toyota Financial Services Lexus



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MR2 Spyder


Brand Hierarchy Levels

Corporate Brand (General Motors)

Family Brand (Buick)

Individual Brand (Park Avenue)

Modifier: Item or Model (Ultra)

Corporate Brand Equity

Occurs when relevant constituents hold strong, favorable, and unique associations about the corporate brand in memory Encompasses a much wider range of associations than a product brand

Family Brands

Brands applied across a range of product categories An efficient means to link common associations to multiple but distinct products

Individual Brands

Restricted to essentially one product category There may be multiple product types offered on the basis of different models, package sizes, flavors, etc.

Signals refinements or differences in the brand related to factors such as quality levels, attributes, functions, etc. Plays an important organizing role in communicating how different products within a category that share the same brand name are

Corporate Image Dimensions

Corporate product attributes, benefits or attitudes Quality Innovativeness People and relationships Customer orientation Values and programs Concern with the environment Social responsibility Corporate credibility Expertise Trustworthiness Likability

Brand Hierarchy Decisions

The number of levels of the hierarchy to use in general How brand elements from different levels of the hierarchy are combined, if at all, for any one particular product How any one brand element is linked, if at all, to multiple products Desired brand awareness and image at each level

Number of Hierarchy Levels

Principle of simplicity

Employ as few levels as possible

Principle of clarity

Logic and relationship of all brand elements employed must be obvious and transparent

Levels of Awareness and Associations

Principle of relevance

Create global associations that are relevant across as many individual items as possible Differentiate individual items and brands

Principle of differentiation

Linking Brands at Different Levels

Principle of prominence

The relative prominence of brand elements affects perceptions of product distance and the type of image created for new products

Linking Brands Across Products

Principle of commonality

The more common elements shared by products, the stronger the linkages

Brand Architecture Guidelines

Adopt a strong customer focus Avoid over-branding Establish rules and conventions and be disciplined Create broad, robust brand platforms Selectively employ sub-brands as means of complementing and strengthening brands Selectively extend brands to establish new brand equity and enhance existing brand equity

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