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Obligation and Contracts

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Law on Contracts

Ryan Jeremiah D. Quan, J.D.

Commercial Law Department

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Forms of Contracts
FORM in some kinds of contracts only; as contracts are generally consensual; form is a manner in which a contract is executed or manifested Informal may be entered into whatever form as long as there is consent, object and cause
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Forms of Contracts
Formal required by law to be in certain specified form such as: donation of real property, stipulation to pay interest, transfer of large cattle, sale of land thru agent, contract of antichresis, contract of partnership, registration of chattel mortgage, donation of personal prop in excess of 500 Real creation of real rights over immovable prop must be written

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When Form is Important

For validity (formal/solemn contracts) For enforceability (statute of frauds) For convenience

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Forms of Contracts
Gen. Rule: contract is valid and binding in whatever form provided that 3 essential requisites concur Exceptions: Law requires contract to be in some form for validity - donation and acceptance of real property Law requires contract to be in some form to be enforceable - Statute of Frauds; contract is valid but right to enforce cannot be exercised; need ratification to be enforceable
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Forms of Contracts
Exceptions: Law requires contract to be in some form for convenience - contract is valid and enforceable, needed only to bind 3rd parties Ex: public documents needed for the ff:
Contracts w/c object is creation, transmission or reformation of real rights over immovables Cession, repudiation, renunciation of hereditary rights/CPG Power to administer property for another Cession of action of rights proceeding from an act appearing in a public inst. All other docs where amount involved is in excess of 5000 (must be written even private docs)
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Reformation of Contracts
remedy to conform to real intention of parties due to: mistake fraud inequitable conduct accident

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Reformation of Contracts
1. Mutual: instrument includes something w/c should not be there or omit what should be there Mutual Mistake of fact clear and convincing proof causes failure of instrument to express true intention

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Reformation of Contracts
2. Unilateral
one party was mistaken other either acted fraudulently or inequitably or knew but concealed party in good faith may ask for reformation

3. Mistake by 3rd persons due to

ignorance, lack of skill, negligence , bad faith of drafter, clerk,
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Reformation of Contracts
4. Others specified by law to avoid frustration of true intent
Requisites: a. There is a written instrument b. There is meeting of minds c. True intention not expressed in instrument d. Clear and convincing proof e. Facts put in issue in pleadings NOTE: prescribes in 10 years from date of execution of instrument
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Reformation of Contracts
1. 2. 3. 4. Simple donation inter vivos Wills When real agreement is void Estoppel when party has brought suit to enforce it

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Kinds of Defective Contracts

CONTRACTS Those which
have caused a particular economic damage either to one of the parties or to a 3rd person and which may be set aside even if valid. It may be set aside in whole or in part, to the extent of the damage caused'
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Rescissible Contracts
a. Contract

must be rescissible

i. Under art 1381: Contracts entered into

by persons exercising fiduciary capacity:

1. Entered into by guardian whenever ward suffers damage by more than 1/4 of value of object

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Rescissible Contracts
2. Agreed upon in representation of absentees, if absentee suffers lesion by more than of value of property 3. Contracts where rescission is based on fraud committed on creditor (accion pauliana)

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Rescissible Contracts
4. Objects of litigation; contract entered into by defendant w/o knowledge or approval of litigants or judicial authority 5. Payment by an insolvent on debts w/c are not yet due; prejudices claim of others 6. Provided for by law - art 1526, 1534, 1538, 1539, 1542, 1556, 1560, 1567 and 1659
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Rescissible Contracts
ii. Under art 1382 - Payments made in a state of insolvency
1. Plaintiff has no other means to obtain reparation. 1. Plaintiff must be able to return whatever he may be obliged to return due to rescission

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Rescissible Contracts
3. The things must not have been passed to 3rd parties who did not act in bad faith

4. It must be made within the prescribed period (of 4 years)

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Rescissible Contracts
a. Things w/c are the objects of the contract and their fruits b. Price with interest

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Rescissible Contracts
a. creditor did not receive anything from contract b. thing already in possession of party in good faith; subject to indemnity only; if there are 2 or more alienations liability of 1st infractor
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Rescissible Contracts
a. consideration of the conveyance is inadequate or fictitious
b. transfer was made by a debtor after a suit has been begun and while it is pending against him
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Rescissible Contracts
c. sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor d. evidence of indebtedness or complete insolvency e. transfer of all his property by a debtor when he is financially embarrassed or insolvent
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Rescissible Contracts
g. transfer made between father and son where there is present any of the above circumstances

h. failure of the vendee to take exclusive possession of the property

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Rescissible Contracts
Rescission in Art 1191 It is a principal action retaliatory in character Only ground is non-performance of ones obligation or what is incumbent upon him Applies only to reciprocal obligation Rescission Proper in Art 1381 it is a subsidiary remedy There are 5 grounds to rescind. Nonperformance by the other is not important Applies to both unilateral and reciprocal obligations Even a third person who is prejudiced by the contract may demand the rescission of the contract. Court cannot grant extension of time for fulfillment of the obligation

Only a party to the contract may demand fulfillment or seek the rescission of the contract Court may fix a period or grant extension of time for the fulfillment of the obligation Its purpose is to cancel the contract Its purpose is to seek reparation for the damage or injury caused, thus allowing partial rescission of the contract Powerpoint Templates Page 23

Voidable Contracts
2. VOIDABLE CONTRACTS intrinsic defect; valid until annulled; defect is due to vice of consent or legal incapacity

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Voidable Contracts
a. Effective until set aside
b. May be assailed or attacked only in an action for that purpose

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Voidable Contracts
c. Can be confirmed ( NOTE: confirmation is the proper term for curing the defect of a voidable contract) d. Can be assailed only by the party whose consent was defective or his heirs or assigns

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Voidable Contracts
a. Minors ( below 18 ) b. Insane unless acted in lucid interval c. Deaf mute who cant read or write d. Persons specially disqualified: civil interdiction e. In state of drunkenness f. In state of hypnotic spell
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Voidable Contracts
false belief into something REQUISITES: a. Refers to the subject of the thing which is the object of the contract b. Refers to the nature of the contract c. Refers to the principal conditions in an agreement
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Voidable Contracts
d. Error as to person - when it is the principal consideration of the contract e. Error as to legal effect - when mistake is mutual and frustrates the real purpose of parties

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Voidable Contracts
serious or irresistible force is employed to wrest consent

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Voidable Contracts
one party is compelled by a reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent and grave danger upon person and property of himself, spouse, ascendants or descendants (moral coercion)

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Voidable Contracts
person takes improper advantage of his power over will of another depriving latter of reasonable freedom of choice

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Voidable Contracts
Martinez vs. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, 12 Phil 252,
The doctrine on reluctant consent provides that a contract is still valid even if one of the parties entered it against his wishes or even against his better judgment. Contracts are also valid even though they are entered into by one of the parties without hope of advantage or profit.

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Voidable Contracts
thru insidious words or machinations of contracting parties, other is induced to enter into contract w/o w/c he will not enter (dolo causante)

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Kinds of Fraud
a. Causal Fraud (dolo causante) deception of serious character without which the other party would not have entered into; contract is VOIDABLE (Art. 1338)
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Kinds of Fraud
b. Incidental Fraud (dolo incidente) deception which are not serious and without which the other party would still have entered into the contract; holds the guilty party liable for DAMAGES (Art. 1344)

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Kinds of Fraud
c. Tolerated Fraud includes minimizing the defects of the thing, exaggeration of its god qualities and giving it qualities it does not have; LAWFUL misrepresentation

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Kinds of Fraud
NOTE: Expression of an opinion not fraud unless made by expert and other party relied on the formers special knowledge

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Kinds of Fraud
Fraud by third person does not vitiate consent; only action for damages except if there is collusion between one party and the third person, or resulted to substantial mistake, mutual between parties.

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Defective Contracts
a. PRESCRIPTION - Period to bring an action for Annulment i. Intimidation, violence, undue influence - 4 years from time defect of consent ceases

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Defective Contracts
ii. Mistake, fraud 4 years from time of discovery iii. Incapacity - From time guardianship ceases
Carantes vs. CA, 76 SCRA 514, discovery of fraud must be reckoned to have taken place from the time the document was registered in the office of the register of deeds. Registration constitutes constructive notice to the whole world (9a)
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Defective Contracts
i. knowledge of reason rendering contract voidable ii. such reason must have ceased, except in case of ratification effected by the guardian to contracts entered into by an incapacitated,
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Defective Contracts
iii. the injured party must have executed an act which expressly or impliedly conveys an intention to waive his right

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Defective Contracts
c. LOSS OF THE THING which is the object of the contract through fraud or fault of the person who is entitled to annul the contract

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Defective Contracts
NOTE: Object is lost through a fortuitous event, the contract can still be annulled, but the person obliged to return the same can be held liable only for the value of the thing at the time of the loss, but without interest thereon. Ratification cleanses the contract of its defects from the moment it was constituted Powerpoint Templates

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Unenforceable Contracts
3. UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACT valid but cannot compel its execution unless ratified; extrinsic defect; produce legal effects only after ratified

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Unenforceable Contracts
a. Unauthorized or No sufficient authority entered into in the name of another when:
i. No authority conferred ii. In excess of authority conferred ( ultra vires)
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Unenforceable Contracts
b. Curable by Ratification Both parties incapable of giving consent -2 minor or 2 insane persons

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Unenforceable Contracts
c. Curable by Acknowledgment Failure to comply with Statute of Frauds
i. Agreement to be performed within a year after making contract ii. Special promise to answer for debt, default or miscarriage of another iii. Agreement made in consideration of promise to marry
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Unenforceable Contracts
iv. Agreement for sale of goods, chattels or things in action at price not less than 500; exception: auction when recorded sale in sales book v. Agreement for lease of property for more than one year and sale of real property regardless of price vi. Representation as to credit of another Powerpoint Templates

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Unenforceable Contracts
a. Failure of defendant to object in time, to the presentation of parole evidence in court, the defect of unenforceability is cured b. Acceptance of benefits under the contract. If there is performance in either part and there is acceptance of performance, it takes it out of unenforceable contracts; also estoppel sets in by accepting performance, the defect is waived
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Void Contracts
a. It produces no effect whatsoever either against or in favor of anyone b. There is no action for annulment necessary as such is ipso jure. A judicial declaration to that effect is merely a declaration
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Void Contracts
c. It cannot be confirmed, ratified or cured d. If performed, restoration is in order, except if pari delicto will apply

e. The right to set up the defense of nullity cannot be waived

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Void Contracts
f. Imprescriptible g. Anyone may invoke the nullity of the contract whenever its juridical effects are asserted against him

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Kinds of Void Contracts

a. Those lacking in essential elements: no consent, no object, no cause (inexistent ones) essential formalities are not complied with ( ex: donation propter nuptias should conform to formalities of a donation to be valid )

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Kinds of Void Contracts

i. Those w/c are absolutely simulated or fictitious no cause

ii. Those which cause or object did not exist at the time of the transaction no cause/object
iii.Those whose object is outside the commerce of man no Powerpoint object Templates Page 56

Kinds of Void Contracts

iv. Those w/c contemplate an impossible service no object v. Those w/c intention of parties relative to principal object of the contract cannot be ascertained

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Kinds of Void Contracts

b. Prohibited by law c. Those expressly prohibited or declared void by law Contracts w/c violate any legal provision, whether it amounts to a crime or not

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Kinds of Void Contracts

d. Illegal/Illicit ones Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy ; Ex: Contract to sell marijuana

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CONTRACT CONSTITUTE CRIMINAL OFFENSE Parties are in pari delicto a. No action for specific performance a.No action for restitution on either side. The law will leave you where you are b.Both shall be prosecuted c. Thing/price to be confiscated in favor of government a. No action for specific performance b. Innocent party is entitled to restitution c. Guilty party is not entitled to restitution d. Guilty party will be prosecuted e. Instrument of crime will be confiscated in favor of govt. DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CRIMINAL OFFENSE but is ILLEGAL /UNLAWFUL PER SE a. No action for specific performance b. No action for restitution on either side. The law will leave you where you are c. No confiscation

Only one party is guilty

a. b. c.

No action for specific performance Innocent party is entitled to restitution Guilty party is not entitled to restitution

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Illegal Contracts
Both parties are guilty, no action against each other; those who come in equity must come with clean hands; applies only to illegal contracts and not to inexistent contracts; does not apply when a superior public policy intervenes
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Illegal Contracts
EXCEPTION TO PARI DELICTO RULE - If purpose has not yet been accomplished and If damage has not been caused to any 3rd person

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Illegal Contracts
a. Payment of Usurious interest b. payment of money or delivery of property for an illegal purpose, where the party who paid or delivered repudiates the contract before the purpose has been accomplished, or before any damage has been caused to a 3rd person
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Illegal Contracts
c. payment of money or delivery of property made by an incapacitated person d. agreement or contract which is not illegal per se and the prohibition is esigned for the protection of the plaintiff e. payment of any amount in excess of the maximum price of any article or commodity fixed by law or regulation by Powerpoint competent authority Templates

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Illegal Contracts
f. contract whereby a laborer undertakes to work longer than the maximum number of hours fixed by law g. one who lost in gambling because of fraudulent schemes practiced on him is allowed to recover his losses (Art. 313 RPC) even if gambling is prohibited.
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Illegal Contracts
REQUISITES OF ILLEGAL CONTRACTS: a. Contract is for an illegal purpose b. Contract must be repudiated by any of the parties before purpose is accomplished or damage is caused to 3rd parties
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Illegal Contracts
c. Court believes that public interest will be served by allowing recovery (discretionary upon the court )
based on remorse; illegality is accomplished when parties entered into contract; before it takes effect party w/c is remorseful prevents it
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Illegal Contracts
WHERE LAWS ARE ISSUED TO PROTECT CERTAIN SECTORS: CONSUMER PROTECTION, LABOR,USURY LAW a. Consumer protection if price of commodity is determined by statute, any person paying an amount in excess of the maximum price allowed may recover such excess
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Illegal Contracts
b. Labor if law sets the minimum wage for laborers, any laborer who agreed to receive less may still be entitled to recover the deficiency; if law set max working hours and laborer who undertakes to work longer may demand additional compensation
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Illegal Contracts
c. Interest paid in excess of the interest allowed by the usury law may be recovered by debtor with interest from date of payment

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Effects of Illegal Contracts

a. If one party is incapacitated, courts may allow recovery of money, property delivered by incapacitated person in the interest of justice; pari delicto cannot apply because an incapacitated person does not know what he is entering into; unable to understand the consequences of his own action
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Effects of Illegal Contracts

b. If agreement is not illegal per se but merely prohibited and prohibition is designated for the protection of the plaintiff may recover what he has paid or delivered by virtue of public policy

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Mutual Restitution in Void Contracts

GENERAL RULE: parties should return to each other what they have given by virtue of the void contract in case

Where nullity arose from defect in essential elements

a. return object of contract and fruits b. return price plus interest

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Mutual Restitution in Void Contracts

EXCEPTION: No recovery can be had in cases where nullity of contract arose from illegality of contract where parties are in pari delicto; except:
a. incapacitated not obliged to return what he gave but may recover what he has given b. other party is less guilty or not guilty
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Natural Obligations
they are real obligations to which the law denies an action, but which the debtor may perform voluntarily. It is patrimonial, and presupposes a prestation. The binding tie of these obligations is in the conscience of man, for under the law, they do not have the necessary efficacy to give rise to an action.
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Natural Obligations
1. Performance after the civil obligation has prescribed 2. reimbursement of a third person for a debt that has prescribed 3. restitution by minor after annulment of contract 4. Delivery by minor of money or fungible thing in fulfillment of obligation Powerpoint Templates

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Natural Obligations
5. Performance after action

to enforce civil obligation has failed 6. payment by heir of debt exceeding value of property inherited 7. payment of legacy after will have been declared void
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Maraming salamat.

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