Wk3 Slideshow Acute Responses To Exercise

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The key takeaways are the acute and chronic responses of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems to exercise.

The acute circulatory and respiratory responses to exercise include increased heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood flow, ventilation and lung diffusion to meet increased oxygen demands during exercise.

The acute muscular responses to exercise include increased motor unit activation, selective recruitment, muscular temperature, and enzyme activity while decreasing fuel stores like glycogen and triglycerides.


Acute circulatory & respiratory response to exercise

Short-term or immediate responses to exercise on the cardio-respiratory system.
Increased heart rate (HR: of beats per minute)

increases to meet the increased demand for oxygen during exercise. Heart will beat faster to increase the volume of blood being pumped around the body
Increased stroke volume (SV: the volume of blood

pumped from the left ventricle of the heart per beat) increases to meet the blood and oxygen demand of increased exercise.

Acute circulatory & respiratory response to exercise cont.

Increased cardiac output (Q: the volume of blood pumped

around the body in a minute) increased to meet the increased oxygen demands during exercise.
Increased Arterio-venous oxygen difference (a-v O2 diff.:

The difference between the oxygen concentration in the artery compared to the veins) reflects the amount of oxygen taken from the blood capillaries by the muscles.

Acute circulatory & respiratory response to exercise cont.

Increased blood flow To meet the oxygen demands of

increased exercise. Changes in blood lactic acid levels lactic acid levels increase from rest. Decreased blood volume Decreased blood plasma volume as if is forced out of the capillaries due to increased blood pressure.

Acute circulatory & respiratory response to exercise cont.

Increased ventilation (VE: the process where air is moved

in and out of the lungs per minute) to meet the oxygen demands of increased exercise. Tidal Volume the volume of air moved in and out of the lung per breath. Breathing frequency the number of breathers per minute Increase lung diffusion increase of oxygen diffused into the blood stream

Acute circulatory & respiratory response to exercise cont.

Blood Pressure increases to meet the demands of oxygen during exercise.
Systolic blood pressure the pressure exerted on the

blood vessels when the left ventricle contracts. Diastolic blood pressure the pressure exerted on the blood vessels when the left ventricle relaxs.

Acute muscular response to exercise The short term or immediate response to exercise on the muscular
system. Increased motor unit activation the muscle neuron is stimulated to contract , all the muscle fibres in that unit will simultaneously contract 100% on each effort.
Selective recruitment the use of slow twitch or fast twitch fibres in

the muscles contractions.

Increased muscular temperature heat in generated by blood flow

and ATP resynthesis

Decrease in fuel stores decrease of CP, Glycogen and

Triglycerides. All three stores suffer depletion during exercise to a certain degree.
Increased enzyme activity enzymes are responsible for speeding up

the rate of reaction within the skeletal muscles increase their activity level.

Chronic responses to anaerobic training

Chronic responses are the result of repeated training over a period of time.
Increased muscular strength as a result of muscular

hypertrophy and the ability to recruit a greater number of motor units during exercise. Increased fuel stores ATP and CP stores in the skeletal muscle. Increased glycogen stores within the skeletal muscle. Increased lactic acid tolerance can exercise for with higher levels of muscle and blood lactic acid. Increased lactic acid utilisation muscles improved capacity to metabolise lactic acid and convert it back to pyruvic acid and glycogen. Increased flexibility increased range of motion, increased resting length of muscles and decreased resistance to joint movement.

Chronic responses to aerobic training

Cardiac hypertrophy increase in the size and volume of

the left ventricle of the heart. Increased blood volume results in increased red blood cell count, therefore increased haemoglobin. Increased number and size of mitochondria increased within the muscle cells which results in a greater capacity for aerobic respiration.

Chronic responses to aerobic training cont.

Increased oxygen delivery
Increased capillarisation the density of capillaries surrounding

the trained muscle tissue increases significantly with endurance training. Increased red blood cells results in more oxygen being picked up and transported around the body. Increased myoglobin greater oxygen being transported around the body. Increased pulmonary diffusion greater ability for oxygen to be diffused from the alveoli in the lungs across the pulmonary capillaries into the blood for transport to the active muscles. Residual volume the volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximal expiration.

Chronic responses to aerobic training cont.

Increased fuel stores muscle and liver stores increased

through endurance training. Increased respiratory function with repeated exposure to endurance training the strength of the respiratory muscles increase. Decrease in total body fat and increase in lean body weight. Lowering of cholesterol balance.

Chronic responses to sub-maximal exercise

Heart rate/stroke volume/cardiac output the enlarging of

the left ventricle chamber. Blood pressure decrease of blood pressure. Increased blood volume and haemoglobin. Increased blood flow to the working muscles. Increased minute ventilation increased amount of air inspired and expired within a minute. Increased Arterio-venous oxygen difference due to the body being able to extract oxygen from the blood easier. VO2 increased oxygen consumption.

Chronic responses to sub-maximal exercise cont.

Muscle glycogen depletion decrease in the amount of

muscle glycogen used as the body gets better at utilizing fatty acids as an energy source. Decreased lactic acid production/accumulation increased mitochondria for greater aerobic respiration, smaller oxygen deficit, greater use of lactic acid as a fuel source & increased reliance on fatty acids as fuel sources. Anaerobic threshold increased ability for the body to supply ATP during exercise.

Chronic responses to maximal exercise cont.

Unchanged Heart rate

Increased stroke volume/cardiac output

Increased muscle blood flow Increased VO2 max Increased Ventilation minute tidal volume x breather

frequency Increased in lactic acid production and utilization

How to analyse a specific sport

What are the dominant energy systems?
What is the intensity?
o Maximal anaerobic o sub-maximal - aerobic

What is the time frame?

o 0-10 seconds of maximal intensity - ATP-CP o 0-90seconds of high intensity lactic acid o 2-3minutes+ of low intensity aerobic

What is the work-rest ratio?

o Total work time : total rest time o Average work and rest time

Consider a few game play example specific to volleyball that would be dominated by the three different energy systems.

Energy system
ATP-CP System

Game Play Example

Lactic Acid System

Oxygen System

Fitness components/factors
Health related factors
Cardio-respiratory endurance Flexibility

Capacity of your heart, blood vessels and lungs to function efficiently during vigorous sustained activity. The ROM possible at a particular joint or series of joints.

Muscular endurance

The capacity of a muscle to repeatedly exert a force or to hold a fixed or static contraction over a period of time.
The maximum force that can be generated by a muscle or group of muscles in a single maximal contraction. The make up of the body, taking into consideration the relative proportions of fat mass and fat free mass, which includes components like bone and muscle often expressed as a % body fat.

Muscular strength

Body Composition

Skill related factors

Skill related factors Agility Balance Coordination Description The ability to change direction quickly and accurately while maintaining balance. Maintaining body equilibrium while static or dynamic. Accurate movement of body parts, to produce smooth, controlled actions.

Muscle power
Speed Reaction time

The maximum force that can be exerted in the shortest possible time. A combination of speed and strength.
How quickly a body part can be put into motion speed of muscle contraction Time it takes to respond to a stimuli.

What fitness component and skill related factors are relevant to volleyball?

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