Project Planning Logical Framework Approach: Phase II: The
Project Planning Logical Framework Approach: Phase II: The
Project Planning Logical Framework Approach: Phase II: The
The Logframe
The vertical logic:
Identifies what the project should achieve; Clarifies the causality relations; Specifies the assumptions (external factors that the project manager cannot control)
The Logframe
Verifying the necessity (the vertical logic)
IF we wish to contribute to the overall objective, THEN we must achieve the purpose/ goal
IF we wish to achieve the purpose/ goal, THEN we must deliver the specified results IF we wish to deliver the results, THEN the specified activities must be implemented; and IF we wish to implement the specified activities, THEN we must provide the identified inputs/resources.
Are actions implemented in order to obtain the results Their description must lead to resource estimation
Assumptions = external factors that may affect the implementation of a project/ programme and that cannot be controlled by the project manager = o neutral formulation of major external risks entailed by a project/ programme (affirmative, not negative wording)
Project description Overall objective
To contribute to improved family health, particularly of under 5s, and the general health of the riverine ecosystem
Purpose/ Goal
The quality of the river water is improved
Public awareness campaign by Local Government impacts positively on health and sanitation practices of poor families
Result 1
Volume of waste-water directly discharged into the river system by households and factories reduced
River flows maintained above X mega litres per second for at least 8 months of the year
EPA is successful in reducing solid waste disposal levels from X to X tons per year
Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI) describe the projects objectives in operationally measurable terms (quantity, quality, time). A well stated OVI should be SMART: Specific Measurable (either quantitatively or qualitatively) Available at an acceptable cost Relevant to the information needs of managers Time-bound There are no indicators on the activities level!
Overall objective Purpose Results impact indicators outcome indicators output indicators
One can define more indicators relevant to one objective. One selects only those indicators which are commensurate with the costs of collecting them!
Sources of verification
SoV indicate whether the OVIs can be realistically measured at the expense of a reasonable amount of time, money and effort. SoV should specify: 1. the format in which the information should be made available (e.g. progress reports, project records, official statistics etc.) 2. Who should provide the information 3. How often should it be provided (monthly, quarterly, annually etc.)
Improved quality of river water
Matrix (example)
Project description
Overall objectives
To contribute to improved family health, particularly the under 5s and to improve the general health of the river ecosystem
Incidence of water borne diseases, skin infections and blood disorders caused by heavy metals, reduced by 50% by 2008, specifically among lowincome families living along the river Concentration of heavy metal compounds (Pb, Cd, Hg) and untreated sewerage; reduced by 25% (compared to levels in 2003) and meets established national health/pollution control standards by end of 2007
Sources of verification
Municipal hospital and clinic records, including maternal and child health records collected by mobile MCH teams. Results summarized in an Annual State of the Environment report by the EPA. Weekly water quality surveys, jointly conducted by the EPA and the River Authority, and reported monthly to the Local Government Minister for Environment (Chair of Project Steering Committee)
Project Purpose
The pubic awareness campaign conducted by the Local Government impacts positively on families sanitation and hygiene practices Fihing cooperatives are effective in limiting their members exploitation of fish nursery areas River flows maintained above X mega litres per second for at least 8 months of the year Upstream water quality remains stable
1. Volume of waste-water directly discharged into the river system by households and factories reduced 2. ..........
70% of waste water produced by factories and 80% of waste water produced by households is treated in plants by 2006
Annual sample survey of households and factories conducted by Municipalitiy between 2003 and 2006
1.1 Conduct baseline survey of households and business 1.2 Complete engineering specifications for expanded sewerage network 1.3 Prepare tender documents, tender and select contractor 1.4 Identify appropriate incentives for factories to use clean technologies 1.5 Prepare and deliver public information and awareness campaign on wastewater disposal
Cost (000 Euro) EC Gvt. Other Total 400 400 1000 400 200 1600 ......... 3000 1000 600 4600
Pre-conditions All households connected to the sewerage network All necessary building certificates obtained