UNESCO Module: Introduction To Computer Vision and Image Processing
UNESCO Module: Introduction To Computer Vision and Image Processing
UNESCO Module: Introduction To Computer Vision and Image Processing
Department of Pattern Recognition and Knowledge Engineering Institute of Information Technology Hanoi, Vietnam
Introduction to Lectures
and Conclusion
This presentation summarizes the content and organization of lectures in module Image Processing and Computer Vision.
The course provides fundamental techniques of Image Processing and Computer Vision as well issues in practical use.
basic background in mathematics and computers is necessary, of the C programming language will enhance the usefulness of the algorithms used in programming,
Target audience
programmers, graphics specialists, multimedia developers, and imaging professionals will all appreciate Computer Vision and Image Processing's solid introduction Anyone who uses computer imaging.
Processing (IP) is used for two somewhat different purposes: a. improving the visual appearance of images to a human view, and b. preparing images for measurement of the features and structures present. Image Processing:= Image Image Transformation
Vision (CV): to create a model of the real word from images. A CV system recovers useful information about a scene from its twodimensional projections. This recover requires the inversion of a many-to- one mapping.
Computer Graphics (CG): generates images from geometric primitives such as lines, circles, and free-form surfaces. CV is the inverse problem: estimating the geometric primitives and other features from images. CG: Synthesis of images. CV: Analysis of images.
Example: Variouse quantizing level: (a) 6 bits; (b) 4 bits; (c) 2 bits; (d) 1 bit.
Moravec operator
Frequently it is useful to zoom in on a part of an image, rotate, shift, skew or zoom out from an image. If (x,y) - the new coordinates and (x, y) - original coordinates
Forward Transformation
Techniques: splitting an image up into segments (also call regions or areas), each holds some property distinct from their neighbor.
Approaches :
Region operations is the dual of edge operations. Ideally edge and region operations should give the same segmentation result, however, in practice the two rarely correspond.
4.3 First order derivative for edge detection Hc = y_differ(x, y) = value(x, y) value(x, y+1) Hr = X_differ(x, y) = value(x, y) value(x-1, y)
Example: The use of opening: (a) An image having many connected objects, (b) Objects can be isolated by opening using the simple structuring element, (c) An image that has been subjected to noise, (d) The noisy image after opening showing that the black noise pixels have been removed.
Previous chapters dealt with purely statistical and spatial operations. Techniques: - looking at and processing whole images - uses information generated by the algorithms in the previous chapter. - finding basic two-dimensional shapes or elements of shapes by putting edges together to form lines that are likely represent real edges.
6.2 Hough transforms 6.3 Bresenhams algorithms 6.4 Using interest point 6.5 Labeling lines and regions
Shotest distance from origin to line defines the line in term of r and
Strategic learning
C Legs R L Leg
L Top P R Shyni
Previous chapter presented some methods used in reasoning about facts from image: edges or textures, colours or surface positions. Some problems are better described as problems of determining a high level fact from a pattern of some kind. The term "pattern" has a wide range of meanings, We are particularly interested in sets of value that describe things, normally where the set of values is of a known size. This is different to looking at a scene of a flat surfaced object where we do not know how many corners there are, how many edges or how many surfaces.
object =...
Pattern vector
8.4 Determining decision function: - Searching for islands of simplicity, - Distance or similarity measure,
Group A
The signal frequency of an image refers to the rate at which the pixel intensities change.
- The high frequencies are concentrated around the axes dividing the image into quadrants.
- speedily operation (both compression and unpacking), - significant reduction in required memory, no significant loss of quality in the image, - format of output suitable for transfer or storage. Each of this depends on the user and the application.
Huffman Coding
Modified Huffman Coding Modified READ
Arithmetic Coding
Object recognition