Presentation 2
Presentation 2
Presentation 2
Research Report on
A Comparative Study of Consumer Preferences for PIZZA HUT & DOMINOS in Lucknow
A Comparative Study of Consumer Preferences for PIZZA HUT & DOMINOS in Lucknow
The chain was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney. Pizza Hut entered India in 1996, and opened its first restaurant in Bangalore.
In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, Phil, purchased DomiNick's,a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan On
May 12, 1983, Domino's opened its first international store, in Winnipeg, Canada.
3.1 Need of the study 3.2 Objective of study
Research Design
Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The formidable problem that follows the task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the research project, known as the research design. Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means concerning an inquiry or a research study constitute a research design.
Sample Design
Population: population included consumers of pizza restaurants in Lucknow. Sampling Element: Individual respondents were the sampling element.
Sampling Technique: Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. Sample Size: Sample Size was 150 respondents.
Data Collection
Primary data: - Primary data is as this data is not present in reports or journals etc., and is collected through a number of methods used:
Secondary data: - Secondary data is collected from the sources such as:
A study is always based on certain hypothesis. Researcher when start the project, confronts with many situations. He may not be able to touch all the aspects of research and he may not be covering the whole area. So the researcher has to assume certain things which are called hypothesis. Deciding about hypothesis is not only facilitates the study but also safeguard the researcher. So as being researcher I had taken a hypothesis that out of two popular Pizza joints, which are Pizza Hut & Dominos.
77 3
80 80 6
Since the calculated value of chi square (X^2) is less than the tabular value, so we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that Pizza Hut is Most preferred by Customers.
YES 86 86%
NO 14 14%
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 100 respondents 86 were Pizza lovers, while rest 14 doesnt liked to eat pizza.
Question: How many times you visit Pizza restaurants in a month? One [ ], Two [ ], Three [ ], More [ ] Response:
How many times you visit Pizza restaurants in a month?
50 40 30 20 10 Series1
0 Series1
One 25
Two 50
Three 11
More 0
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 25 use to visit Pizza Restaurants once in a month, 50 use to visit Pizza Restaurants twice in a month, while 11 use to visit Pizza Restaurants thrice in a month and no one from all use to visit more than thrice to these same restaurants
Question: How did you come to know about these Pizza restaurants? Print media [ ], Advertisements [ ], Friends or Family Recommendations [ ], any other [
Print media Advertise Friends or Any other ments Family Recomme
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 8 have come to know with reference to Print Media, 45 have come to know with reference to Advertisements, while 33 have come to know with reference to Friends or Family recommendations.
Table-5.4 Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of Prices?
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 74 respondents would prefer Dominos & only 12 would prefer Pizza hut. So it means that, Dominos have taken edge over Pizza Hut on the basis of Prices. It means Prices of Dominos Pizza are less as compare to the Prices of pizza hut.
Table-5.5 Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of Food Quality?
Dominos 9 10.5%
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 77 respondents would prefer Pizza Hut & only 9 would prefer Dominos. So it means that, Pizza Hut have taken edge over Dominos on the basis of Food quality. It means food quality of Dominos Pizza is less as compare to the same of pizza hut.
Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of Pizza variety?
76 88.37%
10 11.63%
60 40 20 0 Series1 Series1
Domino's 10
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 76 respondents would prefer Pizza Hut & only 10 would prefer Dominos. So it means that, Pizza Hut has taken edge over Dominos on the basis of Pizza variety. It means Pizza variety of Dominos Pizza are less as compare to the same of pizza hut.
Dominos 8 9.31%
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 78 respondents would prefer Pizza Hut & only 18 would prefer Dominos. So it means that, Pizza Hut have taken edge over Dominos on the basis of Beverages. It means Beverages of Dominos Pizza are less as compare to the same of pizza hut.
Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of Cooperation of Staff?
Pizza Hut 53
Dominos 33
61.62% 38.38%
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 53 respondents would prefer Pizza Hut & 33 would prefer Dominos. So it means that, Pizza Hut have taken edge over Dominos on the basis of Cooperation of staff. It means Cooperation of staff of Dominos Pizza is less as compare to the same of pizza hut.
Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of waiting time in Outlet? Pizza Hut Dominos
40 46.51%
46 53.49%
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 46 respondents would prefer Dominos & 40 would prefer Pizza hut. So it means that, Dominos have taken edge over Pizza Hut on the basis of waiting time in Outlet. It means waiting time in Outlet of Dominos Pizza are less as compare to the Waiting time in Outlet of pizza hut.
Question: Which restaurant Customers would prefer to go on the basis Of Home delivery services? Pizza Hut 22 25.58% Dominos
64 74.42%
Domino's 64
Interpretation: By analysing the response for above question, it is concluded that out of 86 respondents, 64 respondents would prefer Dominos & only 22 would prefer Pizza hut. So it means that, Dominos have taken edge over Pizza Hut on the basis of Home delivery Services. It means Home delivery services of Dominos Pizza are better as compare to the Same of pizza hut.
Pizza Hut gains a good market share than Dominos. Mostly consumers came to know about these Pizza joints by commercial advertisements & friends or family recommendations. Prices of Dominos Pizza are less as compare to the Prices of pizza hut. Food quality of Dominos Pizza is less as compare to the same of pizza hut. Waiting time in Outlet of Dominos Pizza is less as compare to the Waiting time in Outlet of pizza hut. Home delivery services of Dominos Pizza are better as compare to the same of pizza hut. Pizza Hut is having better Ambience than Dominos. Pizza Hut chain is having high visibility in market than dominos.
Pizza Hut Advantage:Variety Ambience Services offered Quality Location Cooperative staff Beverages
So, we can say that due to these parameters, Pizza Hut dominates Dominos.
For Dominos Improve the quality of Pizzas Increase its Visibility Increase the Variety of Pizzas Maintain the good Ambience Introduce the more variety of Beverages as well
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