Italian Celebrations in The Four Seasons
Italian Celebrations in The Four Seasons
Italian Celebrations in The Four Seasons
New Year
World Day of
January 6
Saint Valentine:
patron saint of
The Christian Easter, as celebrated in Italy,
is preceded by a period of penance. This
space of time, said Lent, the period of forty
days go by Ash (Ash Wednesday is the day
when the priest puts ashes on the heads of
the faithful, in memory of olive blessed
burnt residue) to Saturday Santo (Saturday
before Easter), provides food moderation.
Over the last few days before Easter
Sunday, Italy, as in many Catholic
countries, held various rituals that recall
the Passion of Christ. On this occasion,
take place many folkloristic ceremonies in
which are represented some episodes of
the Passion,are blessed the homes, are
used the paschal lamb, eggs and sweets
in the shape of a dove. ?The use of giving
eggs is linked to the fact that Easter
coincides with the beginning of spring,
which was celebrated with ancient rituals
for fertility and renewal of nature. The egg
symbolizes, in fact, that life is renewed. ?
After the long preparation for Lent, the pace
of evocative rites of the Passion is
intensifying, reaching the summit on Friday.
With Semana Santa community of the faithful
live a day of mourning Universal, expressed
through various forms of popular
participation. In many Italian regions, at
dawn on Friday, the women go to church and
a bare knees on the floor, read a brief prayer.
Many of the prayers of today are very old,
some dating back to the fifteenth century. In
addition to prayer, are recited copies of the
events that accompanied the death and
resurrection of Christ. This is the most direct
way for people to participate in the pain of
loss. Thus, in the regions of Italy are in place
many performances in which, since the
Middle Ages, it recalls the death of Jesus.
April 25
Anniversary of the
liberation (1945)
Celebration VARIABLE (from 11
May to 11 June).
Pentecost Sunday
May 1
Feast of workers
Celebration mobile (the
second Sunday of May)
Mother's Day
June 2
Feast of the
June 24
The equinoxes and solstices were very
important moments in the lives of farmers and
shepherds. Since old time the change of
direction that the sun makes between 21 and22
June, resuming his race on the horizon on the
24 was hailed as the beginning of a new period
of life. This day, known as summer solstice, is
still remembered and expected, as the first day
of summer, and is associated with magical
feast of St. John the Baptis.The sun at this time
seems to stand always in the same place until
June 24 when rising again to move gradually on
the south of horizon determes the stretch or
shorten of days. Even the old men realize these
changes and celebrated the event with different
The name derives from the Christian religion,
because according to its liturgical calendar is
celebrated St. John the Baptist.
All Saints
November 2
The commemoration of deceases is
the holidays that the Catholic Church
dedicated to the the dead. It is a time
to remember the deceases, a day of
religious significance, which fuse with
ancient rites and folk beliefs. A pattern
recurs in the folk traditions of the feast
of the dead is the belief that in this day
missing loved ones come back to visit
us on earth. For this reason, the rites
of commemoration took throughout
Italy meanings and purposes like:
welcome, comfort, soothe the souls of
dead ancestors.
commemoration of the dead
It is a Holy Day of
Obligation. The
faithful are required to
attend Mass, where
they commemorate
when Mary was
Solemnity of the graced by God to lead
Immaculate Conception a life completely free
of sin
December 25
December 26
Feast of St.