Core Java Chapter 1: Presented By, Soe Min Htut

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Core Java Chapter 1

Presented by, Soe Min Htut

Chapter 1 Hello Java Chapter 2 Java Fundamental Chapter 3 Java OOP Chapter 4 GUI (AWT & SWING) Chapter 5 Generic and Data Collection Chapter 6 Java Input and Output (IO) Chapter 7 Java Thread Chapter 8 Java & Database (mysql)

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Pogramming language originally developed James Gosling and released in 1995

Java usage
Open-source software Write Once, Run Anywhere (Windows, Mac Os, Solaris, Linux, other) Object model, platform independent, architecture neutral, simple, secure, portable, robust, multithreaded, distributed, dynamic

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Java architecture

Chapter (1) Hello Java

JRE, JDK and JVM Java Runtime Environment (JRE): minimum requirement to run java Java Development Kit (JDK): provides all requires to compile and execute java for developers Java Virtual Machine (JVM): is created when it downloads and runs JRE or JDK Windows system requirements for JDK and JRE Pentium 2.266 MHz processor, memory 128 MB, disk space 94 MB (JRE) and 180 MB (JDK) Software requirements for our learning JDK, Mysql, Netbeans and Notepad++

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Configuration JDK to run java from command prompt
Uninstall older version of JDK/JRE: Control Panel Un-install programs Java SE Development Kit and Java SE Runtime Go to Java SE download @ Click the Download button under JDK of Java SE 7 Choose your OS e.g: Windows x86 (32-bit) or Windows x64 (64-bit) By default, JDK will be installed into directory: C:\Program Files\java\Jdk1.7.0 Control Panel System Advanced system settings Advanced tab Environment Variables In System Variables box, scroll down to select PATH Edit In Variable value field, insert c:\Program Files\java\jdk1.7.0\bin followed by a semicolon (;) C:\> java version, C:\> javac

Chapter (1) Hello Java

First hello java program
Java source file extension: class FirstJava { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello Java"); } } C:\> javac Java compiled sources (bytecode): C:\> java FirstJava FirstJava.class

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Java class
Java class can be called as java program

Java code block (braces)

It defines by curly brackets { }

Java main method

Methods describe the capabilities of the class. Every method must be called from another method. The only exception is main(), which is called by the OS. Methods can accept parameters. public static void main (String args[]) { }

Java is case sensitive

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Java dot operator:
A.B ( A => B)


Single line comment: // Multiple lines comment: /* Three types of error

(1) compile-time error (2) run-time error (3) logical error

Chapter (1) Hello Java

Installation NetBeans
Download NetBeans IDE installer from Run the downloaded installer

Writing a java program in NetBeans

File menu New Project In Choose Project dialogue under Categories, Java choose Java Application Name and Location In Project Name, enter FirstJava

Compile & Execute

Right-click Run File

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