Silent Way
Silent Way
Silent Way
Not only in the past but also today, people have learned languages by means of habit formation, memorization and translation.
However, cognitive psychologists and transformational generative linguists claimed that languages cannot be learned through mimicry since people can create utterances they have never heard before.
Gattegno stated his reasons for the emergence of his method as follows:
As I developed my techniques while subordinating my teaching to the learning, I found that I could very early transfer the responsibility for the use of the language to my students, so that I become able to teach using fewer and fewer words. It is this aspect of my techniques of teaching that prompted me to call the approach. The Silent Way of Teaching Foreign Languages (Oller and Amato 1983:73)
He gives too much value to the word silent since he thinks that there are means of letting the learners learn while the teacher stops interfering.
Learning will be more motivating and permanent if physical objects such as rods and wall-charts are used. These objects gather students attention and create memorable images for student recall.
At the beginning, the teacher needs to look for progress, not perfection, Learning takes place in time. Students learn at different rates.
Theory of Language
A structural syllabus is used to organize the language to be taught. Language is seen as groups of sounds arbitrarily associated with meanings and organized into sentences by grammar rules.
Language is taught artificially through artificial situations. Language is separated from its social context.
Vocabulary has a great importance in this method. There are two types of vocabulary which are:
Semi-luxury vocabulary: expressions that are common in the daily life in the target language culture. These include food, clothing, travel, family life and so on.
The teacher should give only what help is necessary. In other words, the
teacher makes use of what students already know. The more the teacher does for the students what they can do for themselves, the less they will do for
Learner Roles
The learner is expected to become independent, autonomous, and responsible in language.
Learners are expected to interact with each other and suggest alternatives to each other. They must learn to work cooperatively rather than competitively. The teachers silence encourages group cooperation.
Repetition consumes time and encourages the scattered mind to remain scattered. If the teacher avoids repetition strictly, this will force alertness and concentration on the
Type of interaction: student-student verbal interaction is desired and encouraged. The teachers silence is one way to achieve this.
Students native language: native language can be used to give instructions when necessary. Also native language can be used during the feedback sessions (at least for beginner levels). If the native language is not very essential then it is avoided.
Evaluation: although the teacher does not have to give a formal test, s/he assesses student learning all the time. One criterion of whether or not students have learned is their ability to transfer what they have been studying to new contexts.
If it is succeeded to teach the language the by using the rods without repeating too much, it will really save time and energy for both teachers and students.
By this way students will say I learned instead of I was taught well. (Demircan1990)
This method can be benefited by the teacher only in small groups of students. The teacher can gain ability in this method by trying. The teacher is expected to enrich the materials on his/her own.
For some teachers the rigidity of the system (no repetitions by the teacher, no answers by the teacher etc.) may be meaningless.
example of story :
This is Mr. Brown. He is opening the door. Hes going into the house. Hes turning on the light and going into the bedroom. Now hes sitting in the armchair and taking off his shoes
Use large wall picture that depicts everyday scene (bedroom or supermarket) .
Students write the word on the given worksheets (same wall picture).
Different students can then continue this activity while the teacher keeps silence
Emine, Sari. (2005, March). The Silent Way.
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