Iwan Hernawan Indonesia Ministry of Public Work Directorate General of Water Resources Directorate Irrigation and Lowland
Iwan Hernawan Indonesia Ministry of Public Work Directorate General of Water Resources Directorate Irrigation and Lowland
Iwan Hernawan Indonesia Ministry of Public Work Directorate General of Water Resources Directorate Irrigation and Lowland
Ministry of Public work
Cultivated 2,953,145 Ha
Cultivated 1,006,231 Ha
By Government 1,316,249 Ha
By Farmer 1,636,896 Ha
By Government 495,574 Ha
By Farmer 606,657Ha
lowland area
a. Irrigation infrastructure condition of some irrigation infrastructure are almost damaged; some are poor of flood control; some are open drainage system; ground water table is uncontrolled; tertiary system is inadequate. b. Water management system Poor Water resources management in some areas.
c. Institution of water management Need to implementing the Operation and Maintenance; Provincial and District Irrigation commission less functional, WUA/WUAs mostly has not been formed and works fine.
g. Cultivation method Need to educate the farmers about the good cultivation method.
h. To increase the farmer income BULOG should buy the crops from the famers with the decent price.
Action Plan
Phase of the improvement of lowlands irrigation are as follows: 1. Preparation phase, Collecting the data (2013 2014) 2. Trial phase (2014 2016)
Project Impact
Not conducted by the project 1. The decrease of lowlands irrigation performances 2. High of carbon emission if in peatland area --> peat decomposition and Fire 3. The decrease in agricultural productivity 4. Land subsidence --> Permanent flood 5. changes the plant --> from paddy to palm oil 6. Farmers income decrease --> farmers dont have a passion to do the cultivation.
Project Impact
Conducted by the project 1. Low of carbon emission (Reduce peat decomposition and Reduce fire) --> groundwater table should be high. 2. Reduce land subsidence --> Reduce permanent floods
5. Giving contributions to agricultural productions, agricultural economics, rural economy and national