Dams constructed of RCC are concrete gravity dams, and their stability requirement and methods of analysis is similar to gravity dams. Gravity dams built using the RCC construction method, afford economies over conventional concrete (CC) through rapid placement techniques. Construction procedures associated with RCC require particular attention be given in the layout and design to water tightness and seepage control, horizontal and transverse joints, facing elements, and appurtenant structures.
Thus RCC differs from conventional concrete principally in its consistency requirement. For effective consolidation, the concrete mixture must be dry enough to prevent sinking of the vibratory roller equipment but wet enough to permit adequate distribution of the binder mortar in concrete during the mixing and vibratory compaction operations, Costs: Depending on the complexity of the structure, RCC costs 25 to 50% less than conventional concrete.
Construction Method
Construction techniques used for RCC placement often result in a much lower unit cost per cubic yard compared with CC placement methods. The dry, non flow able nature of RCC makes the use of a wide range of equipment for construction and continuous placement possible. End and bottom dump trucks and/or conveyors can be used for transporting concrete from the mixer to the dam. Mechanical spreaders, such as caterpillars and graders, place the material in layers or lifts. Self-propelled, vibratory, steel-wheeled, or pneumatic rollers along with the dozers perform the compaction. The operation is continuous, building one horizontal lift at a time.
The success of a RCC dam is often contingent on the correct selection of lift thickness, which depends on the mixture proportions and on the equipment available. If the lift is too thin, the placement rates will be small, thereby reducing the advantages of using RCC. If the lift is too thick, the compaction will not be adequate, creating horizontal layers of higher porosity, thereby compromising the strength and durability of the structure. Normally, the thickness of the lifts ranges from 0.15 to 0.90 m; mostly a lift thickness of 0.3 m is often used. With the flexibility of using the above equipment and continuous placement, RCC dams can be constructed at significantly higher rates than those achievable with conventional mass concrete.
RCC construction techniques have made gravity dams an economically competitive alternative to embankment structures. The following factors tend to make RCC more economical than other dam types: a) Material savings Construction cost show the unit cost per cubic yard of RCC is considerably less than CC cost, The cost savings of RCC increase as the volume decreases. RCC dams have considerably less volume of construction material than embankments of the same height. As the height increases, the volume versus height for the embankment dam increases almost exponentially in comparison to the RCC dam. Thus, the higher the structure, the more likely the RCC dam will be less costly than the embankment alternative,
Economic Benefits
B. Rapid construction. The rapid construction techniques and reduced concrete volume account for the major cost savings in RCC dams. Maximum placement rates of 5,800 to 12,400 cubic yards/day have been achieved. These production rates make dam construction in one construction season readily achievable. When compared with embankment dams, construction time is reduced by 1to 2 years. Other benefits from rapid construction include reduced construction administration costs, earlier project benefits, and possible selection of sites with limited construction seasons. Basically, RCC construction offers economic advantages in all aspects of dam construction that are related to time.
c. Spillways and appurtenant structures. The location and layout alternatives for spillways, outlet and hydropower works, and other appurtenant structures in RCC dams provide additional economic advantages compared with embankment dams. The arrangements of these structures is similar to CC dams, but with certain modifications to minimize costly interference to the continuous RCC placement operation.
Gate structures and intakes should be located outside the dam mass. Galleries, adits, and other internal openings should be minimized. Spillways for RCC dams can be directly incorporated into the structure. The layout allows discharging flows over the dam crest and down the down stream face. In contrast, the spillway for an embankment dam is normally constructed in an abutment at one end of the dam or in a nearby natural saddle. Generally, the embankment dam spillway is more costly.
For projects that require a multiple level intake for water quality control or for reservoir sedimentation, the intake structure can be readily anchored to the upstream face of the dam. For an embankment dam, the same type of intake tower is a free standing tower in the reservoir or a structure built into or on the reservoir side of the abutment. The economic savings for an RCC dam intake is considerably cheaper, especially in high seismic areas. The shorter base dimension of an RCC dam compared with an embankment dam reduces the size and length of the conduit and penstock for outlet and hydropower works.
D. Diversion and cofferdam. RCC dams provide cost advantages in river diversion during construction and reduce damages and risks associated with cofferdam over topping. The diversion conduit will be shorter compared with embankment dams. With a shorter construction period, the size of the diversion conduit and cofferdam height can be reduced. These structures may need to be designed only for a seasonal peak flow instead of annual peak flows. With the high erosion resistance of RCC, if overtopping of the cofferdam did occur, the potential for a major failure would be minimal and the resulting damage would be less.
E. Other advantages: The smaller volume of an RCC dam makes the construction material source less of a driving factor in site selection of a dam. Furthermore, the borrow source will be considerably smaller and more environmentally acceptable. The RCC dam is also inherently safer against internal erosion, overtopping, and seismic ground motions.
a. Water tightness and seepage control. Achieving water tightness and controlling seepage through RCC dams are particularly important design and construction considerations. RCC that has been properly proportioned, mixed, placed, and compacted should be as impermeable as conventional concrete dam. The joints between the concrete lifts and interface with structural elements are the major pathways for potential seepage through the RCC dam. This condition is primarily due to segregation at the lift boundaries and discontinuity between successive lifts. It can also be the result of surface contamination and excessive time intervals between lift placements. Seepage can be controlled by incorporating special design and construction procedures that include contraction joints with water stops making the upstream face watertight, sealing the interface between RCC layers, and draining and collecting the Seepage.
B. Upstream facing. RCC cannot be compacted effectively against upstream forms without the forming of surface voids. An upstream facing is required to produce a surface with good appearance and durability. Many facings incorporate a water tight barrier: (1) Conventional form work with a zone of conventional concrete placed between the forms and RCC material. (2) Slip-formed interlocking conventional concrete elements. RCC material is compacted against the cured elements.
(3) Precast concrete tie back panels with a flexible water proof membrane placed between the RCC and the panels. A waterproof membrane sprayed or painted onto a conventional concrete face is another method; however, its use has been limited since such membranes are not elastic enough to span cracks that develop and because of concerns about moisture developing between the membrane and face and subsequent damage by freezing.
Cleanup of the lift surfaces prior to RCC placement is not required as long as the surfaces are kept clean and free of excessive water. Addition of the bedding mortar serves to fill any voids or depressions left in the surface of the previous lift and squeezes up into the voids in the bottom of the new RCC lift as it is compacted. A bedding mix consisting of a mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate is also applied at RCC contacts with the foundation, abutment surfaces, and any other hardened concrete surfaces.
d. Seepage collection.
A collection and drainage system is a method for stopping seepage water from reaching the downstream face and for preventing excessive hydrostatic pressures against conventional concrete spillway or downstream facing. It will also reduce uplift pressures within the dam and increase stability. Collection methods include vertical drains with water stops at the upstream face and vertical drain holes drilled from within the gallery near the upstream or downstream face. Collected water can be channeled to a gallery or the dam toe.
Transverse contraction joints are required in most RCC dams. The potential for cracking may be slightly lower in RCC because of the reduction in mixing water and reduced temperature rise resulting from the rapid placement rate and lower lift heights. In addition, the RCC characteristic of point-to point aggregate contact decreases the volume shrinkage. Thermal cracking may, however, create a leakage path to the downstream face that is aesthetically undesirable. Thermal studies should be performed to assess the need for contraction joints. Contraction joints may also be required to control cracking contraction joints will interfere or complicate the continuous placement operation of RCC.
g. Water stops. Standard water stops may be installed in an internal zone of conventional concrete placed around the joint near the upstream face. Water stops and joint drains are installed in the same manner as for conventional concrete dams. Around galleries and other openings crossing joints, water stop installation will require a section of conventional concrete around the joint.