Fiber Optics: By: Engr. Syed Asad Ali
Fiber Optics: By: Engr. Syed Asad Ali
Fiber Optics: By: Engr. Syed Asad Ali
Fiber Optics
By: Engr. Syed Asad Ali
B.E & M.E (Telecom) MUET
Is a Central cylindrical rod of dielectric material. Light propagates mainly along the core of the fiber. Outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the light back into the core. The index of refraction of the cladding material is less than that of the core material (n2 < n1). Its main job is to confine the light within the Core For extra protection, the cladding is enclosed in an additional layer called the coating or buffer. It is a layer of material used to protect an optical fiber from physical damage and moisture.
3. Buffer coating
Refractive Index (n): The ratio of velocity of light in air c to the ratio of velocity of light in any medium v.
c v
Lowest attenuation Attenuation in the optical fiber is much smaller than electrical attenuation in any cable at useful modulation frequencies. at 1.3 m and 1.55 m bands Much greater distances are possible without repeaters Highest Bandwidth Broadband high-speed More Freedom Upgradability: Optical communication system can be upgraded to higher bandwidth, more wavelengths by replacing only the transmitters and receivers
Optical fibers are more fragile than electrical wires.
Affected by chemicals
The glass can be affected by various chemicals including hydrogen gas (a problem in underwater cables.)
Mode theory
Treats light as electromagnetic waves. The mode theory describes the behavior of light within an optical fiber. The mode theory is useful in describing the optical fiber properties of absorption, attenuation, and dispersion.
Ray theory
Two types of rays can propagate along an optical fiber
Meridional rays Skew rays.
Meridional rays
Pass through the axis of the optical fiber.
Skew rays
are rays that travel through an optical fiber without passing through its axis.
When light is incident upon a medium of lesser index of refraction, the ray is bent away from the normal (Refraction)
so the exit angle is greater than the incident angle
When exit angle will then approach 90, incident angle is called critical angle c incident angles greater than the critical angle there will be total internal reflection.
Multi-mode Fiber
Multimode (MM) Fiber:
An optical fiber that has a core large enough to propagate more than one mode of light. The typical diameter is about 2.5 x 10-3 inches or 62.5 microns. Multimode Step-Index Fiber:
Fiber that has a uniform index of refraction throughout the core that is a step below the index of refraction in the cladding and allows more than one mode of light. A multimode graded-index fiber has a core of radius (a). Unlike step-index fibers, the value of the refractive index of the core (n1) varies according to the radial distance (r). The value of n1 decreases as the distance (r) from the center of the fiber increases.
Attenuation is the loss of optical power as light travels along the fiber. Signal attenuation is defined as the ratio of optical input power (Pi) to the optical output power (Po). The total attenuation (A), normally expressed in the logarithmic unit of the decibel as:
P A 10 log x dB Py
Px 10dB / 10 Py
In optical fiber communications the attenuation is usually expressed in decibels per unit length (i.e., the attenuation coefficient () or attenuation rate), following:
A dB / km L
Absorption is defined as the portion of attenuation resulting
from the conversion of optical power into another energy form, such as heat.
absorption occurs when a light particle (photon) interacts with an electron and excites it to a higher energy level. The main culprits are: the transition metal ions and the OH ions present in the glass.
Intrinsic absorption
Caused by basic fiber-material properties when an optical fiber were absolutely pure, with no imperfections or impurities.
Extrinsic absorption
Caused by impurities (such as iron, nickel, and chromium) introduced into the fiber material during fabrication.
Scattering losses
During manufacturing, regions of higher and lower molecular density areas, relative to the average density of the fiber, are created. Light traveling through the fiber interacts with the density areas and as a consequence it is then partially scattered in all directions.
Non-linear scattering
Causes the optical power from one mode to be transferred in either the forward or backward direction to the same, or other modes, at a different frequency.
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Raman scattering,
Bending Losses
Optical fibers suffer radiation losses at bends or curves on their paths. Bending the fiber also causes attenuation. Bending loss is classified according to the bend radius of curvature: Micro bends are small microscopic bends of the fiber axis that occur mainly when a fiber is cabled. Macro bends are bends having a large radius of curvature relative to the fiber diameter. During installation, if fibers are bent too sharply, macro bend losses will occur.
In optics, dispersion is a phenomenon that causes the separation of a wave into components with different frequency. E.g. Rainbow (White light separated into its different wavelengths) Dispersion in digital OFC systems cause broadening of transmitted pulses as they travel along the channel. There are several types of dispersion. Modal Dispersion Material Dispersion Waveguide Dispersion
Pulse broadening