Ives The Unanswered Question
Ives The Unanswered Question
Ives The Unanswered Question
More symbols
Some students
even color coded
their symbol
system in order to
show two
different parts.
This piece also
had more than
one section. Some
students created
very complex
Music and Art
Students created
art work to
demonstrate the
feelings in their
music. Through
simple analysis
the students
found how pitch,
rhythm and
harmony or
dissonance create
Students chat about their
piece and share ideas….
Students decide how the
second section will sound.
Some of the music
the students
created sounded
cheery and bright,
almost humorous.
And in this picture
you can see that
humor, pigs
Where do ideas come
Some fourth graders
didn’t always know
what their music
meant. An idea
from another
student might give
them an inspiration.
In this picture the
art demonstrates
hurried and
stressful feelings.
Those feelings are
clearly heard in the
Tropical Paradsie Fourth graders
do not yet know
about complex
Laughing nda isnigngplayingalong analysis of
We’rejustkidswedon’t haevplaytimeforlong music. But by
Weshouldstay puandabout paying close
Leaveusaloneto amke attention to
Ourownroute…. what the music
does the
students were
Using sounds in unusual
Festivals of the Tribe
There were many
Deep in the jungle
kinds of sounds there is a tribe
that students dance,Around the
used to make fire they all prance
their music They party all night
colorful and Up until the first light
interesting. In With drums galoreYou
always want more
this poem the
At dawn,
students could The party is gone.
hear a tropical,
jungle kind of
Sounds,Words and Music
Musical Fish sings his Sometimes the
unusual sounds
Bubbles floating up
made the
Suddenly when they
reach the top The students see
musical notes arise unusual pictures
Bubbles blowing in their minds.
Blowingbubbles Can you imagine
Bubbles floating the sounds of
Floating bubbles
Bubbles popping
bubbles played on
Popping bubbles a glockenspiel?
Musical Fish sings his Can you imagine
Another response to
student music
Another Day
More student poetry
Seasons is to changing as winter is to snow.
Seasons is to changing as spring is to flowers.
Seasons is to changing as summer is to fun.
Seasons is to changing as fall is to leaves.
The Unanswered
Charles Ives thought deeply about important
questions. He wondered why we are here and
what we are supposed to do with our lives. He
wondered about questions that really have no
answer. The fourth graders came up with
some of their own questions. They wondered if
the universe would go on forever, if the sun
would ever die, if we are the only thinking
creatures in the universe. We listened to
Ives’”The Unanswered Question”. It is
powerful, sad and peaceful music.
The end of our exploring?
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first
T.S. Eliot