Store Layout & Design
Store Layout & Design
Store Layout & Design
Chapter outline
Store layout management Store Planning Fixtures & merchandise presentation Store Design Visual Communication
2 primary objectives:
Store image Space productivity
Store Planning
Space allocation Layout circulation
Store Design
Exterior Ambiance Lighting smell
Fixtures Mdse presentation Visual mdsing
Store environment
Encourage shoppers:
Browse Evaluate Buy
Space productivity
Convert them into buying customers
Do this in most efficient manner
Space productivity
The more merchandise a customer is exposed to, presented in an orderly manner, the more they tend to buy
Space productivity
Traffic flow circulation Sales / sq foot Mdse placement
Avoid confusion to customers
Issue: shrinkage
Avoid hidden areas in store Reduce damage & loss
2. Store planning
Floor plan Space allocation Circulation Shrinkage prevention
Back room Office & functional areas Aisles, service areas, non-sell areas Wall mdse space Floor mdse space
Space allocation
Existing stores
New stores
Industry averages Kahns theory
Sales/sq ft = f(# customers) x time spent in store
Allocating Space
Warehouse clubs are able to take advantage not only of the width and depth of the store, but also the height, by using large warehouse racks that carry reachable inventory at lower levels with large pallets or cartons of excess inventory at higher levels.
LO 2
P. 465 exhibit 13.6
P. 465 exhibit 13.5
P. 466 exhibit 13.7
Grid pattern
Fixtures: types
Hardline bins, baskets, tables, shelves Softlines bulk/capacity fixtures feature fixtures Wall fixtures
Merchandise presentation
Shelving Hanging Pegging Folding Stacking dumping
Store design
Sensory marketing
Store fronts
Lifestyle graphics
Lifestyle graphics
Directional signs
POS signage