5S Analysis, Implementation and Its Effects On Organizations
5S Analysis, Implementation and Its Effects On Organizations
5S Analysis, Implementation and Its Effects On Organizations
What is 5S How to implement it Why we need it What its importance is How to promote employee ownership
Introduction What is 5 S
Japanese system Creates clean, organized and well designed work place 100% efficiency and occupational safety Seiti, seiton,seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke
5S_4 Seiketsu(Standardize)
Seiketsu means creating standard ways to keep the work areas organized, clean and orderly and to document agreements made as part of the 5Ss.
Variability in the process can be controlled by eliminating non-standard resources. Every employee follows those standards, understand and maintaining them will improve the efficiency and reduce the cost. Repeat the first three steps over and over to continuously improve.
5S_5 Shiksute(Self-Discipline)
Maintainace of favourable habits for a longer time continuous improvement
the involvement of employees integrated performance measurement system support of management discipline all the safety information should be put to production and quality reports
How to implement?
Clear objectives Effective communication system Opinions of employees Training Follow up, feedback Regular updates
How to implement?
Cleaning and order is the basis of standarization, continous order and improvement. 5S help: based on common sense, discipline and visual management
Impact on quality, cost and human environment. Cost as waste eliminated
Clean, tidy, well organized workplace Safer workplace High quality work Employee satisfaction Customer satisfaction Management satisfaction Continuous improvement culture