Vernacular Building Material - Lime

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AR102 Building Materials and Construction 1

Source of lime Calcium carbonates in Lime stone, sea shells, coral, kankar etc. When they are burnt CaCO3 --- CaO+CO2 (Quick lime) Quick lime converted to Slaked lime to make it stable. CaO+H2O ----- Ca(OH)2 Cementing action due to Carbonation. - Requires CO2 from the atmosphere. Ca(OH)2+CO2 --- CaCO3 +H2O

Lime mortar It is one of the oldest known types of mortar, dating back to the 4th century BC and widely used in Ancient Rome and Greece. Slaked lime mixed with sand to increase bulk as well as porosity of the material.

Usual lime mortar not hydraulic requires atmospheric air for setting. Lime with reactive silica Hydraulic lime Egs Lime with pozzolanas Romans mixed lime with volcanic ash to produce Hydraulic lime. Slaking of Quick lime Quick lime is heaped on a wooden or masonry platform and water is gradually sprinkled over and the heap is turned over till lime is slaked and reduced to powder. Tank Slaking - Lime Putty 3 large tanks are made one at higher level and other two lower. The first tank is half filled with water and quick lime is added gradually. The mixture is mixed till boiling stops and it thickens. The product is allowed to flow to lower tanks and stand for 72 hours. The lower tanks are made of dry brick masonry so that excess water is removed. The final paste obtained is Lime putty.

Surkhi Pozzolanic material in India

Pozzolanas are materials containing reactive Silica which combines with lime to produce cementing compounds. Derives the name from Puzzolini in Italy, after the Roman invention of hydraulic lime. Surkhi is finely powdered burnt clay and generally made from slightly under burnt bricks. Good surkhi should be perfectly clean and free from any admixture of foreign substances and Surkhi shall pass through I.S. sieve 3.35mm with at least 50 % of it passing through I.S. sieve 1.70mm and be perfectly clean and free from foreign matter.

Lime in conjunction with Surkhi has been used as a material of construction since time immemorial. This mixture, though possessing superior bond, is slow setting.
Increased availability of flyash has lead to less reliance on Surkhi.

The family of the gramineae (grasses) incorporates the subfamily of the bamboos. The gramineae also comprise the rice, corn and sugar cane. There are existing 500 different species of bamboo.












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