Bowen Theory
Bowen Theory
Bowen Theory
Murray Bowen
Oldest of 5 children
Medical doctor Hospitalized entire families with schizophrenic member 1975 founded the Georgetown Family Center
Differentiation of self
Occurs when an individual is able to distinguish between intellectual processes and the feeling
Differentiation of self
Highest levels Separate thinking from feelings Over 60 is a small % of society
Smallest stable relationship system
A major influence on the activity of a triangle is
More anxiety = more distance, or closeness
Nuclear family emotional system Lack of differentiation > emotional cutoff > fusion in marriage Unstable fusion in marriage tends to produce
1. Dysfunction in a spouse 2. Marital conflict
Emotional cutoff
A way to manage intense fusion & anxiety Distance ourselves physically and emotionally Escape
Sibling position
Provides info. about roles people take in relationships
People in same sibling positions tend to share characteristics Sibling roles are complementary
Do not act as problem solver Coach clients to understand process & structure Encourage expanding familial ties Asks questions Neutral parts of triangles
Best if therapist observes from partially outside the family
Decrease anxiety, increase self-focus De-triangulation Balance fusion and differentiation Understanding, not action
Process questions Relationship experiments De-triangulation Coaching Taking I-positions Displacement stories
Nichols, N. P., & Schartz, R. C. (2008). Bowen family systems therapy. In Family therapy: Concepts and methods (8th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Bowenian family therapy. (2008) Based in part on Nichols, N. P., & Schartz, R. C. Family therapy: Concepts and methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Retrieved from Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. (2009). Bowen family therapy. Retrieved from Brown, J. (1999). Bowen family systems theory and practice: Illustration and critique [Electronic version]. Journal of Family Therapy, 20, 94-103.4
Read each scenario and form an analysis using the 8 key concepts Taken from