Visual Programming: Session: 4 Selva Kumar S
Visual Programming: Session: 4 Selva Kumar S
Visual Programming: Session: 4 Selva Kumar S
Quick Recap
Windows Forms: Text Boxes, Rich Text Boxes, Labels, and Link Labels Button Check box, radio box, panels Picture Boxes Scroll Bars Splitters Track Bars Notify Icons Tool Tips Timers
Function Addem(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) As Long Return int1 + int2 End Function
Understanding Scope
The scope of an element in your code is all the code that can refer to it without qualifying its name (or making it available through an Imports statement). an element's scope is its accessibility in your code. As we write larger programs, scope will become more important, because we'll be dividing code into classes, modules, procedures, and so on. You can make the elements in those programming constructs private, which means they are tightly restricted in scope. an element can have scope at one of the following levels: Block scopeavailable only within the code block in which it is declared Procedure scopeavailable only within the procedure in which it is declared Module scopeavailable to all code within the module, class, or structure in which it is declared Namespace scopeavailable to all code in the namespace
Declaring a variable in a procedure gives it procedure scope, and so on. Inside these levels of scope, you can also specify the scope of an element when you declare it. Here are the possibilities in VB .NET: Public The Public statement declares elements to be accessible from anywhere within the same project, from other projects that reference the project, and from an assembly built from the project. You can use Public only at module, namespace, or file level. This means you can declare a Public element in a source file or inside a module, class, or structure, but not within a procedure. Protected The Protected statement declares elements to be accessible only from within the same class, or from a class derived from this class. You can use Protected only at class level, and only when declaring a member of a class. Friend The Friend statement declares elements to be accessible from within the same project, but not from outside the project. You can use Friend only at module, namespace, or file level. This means you can declare a Friend element in a source file or inside a module, class, or structure, but not within a procedure. Protected Friend The Protected statement with the Friend keyword declares elements to be accessible either from derived classes or from within the same project, or both. You can use Protected Friend only at class level, and only when declaring a member of a class. Private The Private statement declares elements to be accessible only from within the same module, class, or structure. You can use Private only at module, namespace, or file level. This means you can declare a Private element in a source file or inside a module, class, or structure, but not within a procedure.
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim intValue As Integer = 1 If intValue = 1 Then Dim strText As String = "No worries." System.Console.WriteLine(strText) End If System.Console.WriteLine(strText) 'Will not work! End Sub End Module Module Module1 Sub Main() System.Console.WriteLine(Module2.Function1()) 'Will not work! End Sub End Module Module Module2 Private Function Function1() As String Return "Hello from Visual Basic" End Function End Module
Module Module1 Sub Main() System.Console.WriteLine(Module2.strData) End Sub End Module Module Module2 Public strData As String = "Hello from Visual Basic" End Module
In fact, when you declare elements like strData public throughout the program, need not qualify their names in other code, so it can refer to strData in Module1 as well: Module Module1 Sub Main() System.Console.WriteLine(strData) End Sub End Module Module Module2 Public strData As String = "Hello from Visual Basic" End Module
Creating Functions
[ <attrlist> ] [{ Overloads | Overrides | Overridable | NotOverridable | MustOverride | Shadows | Shared }] [{ Public | Protected | Friend | Protected Friend | Private }] Function name[(arglist)] [ As type ] [ statements ] [ Exit Function ] [ statements ] End Function
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim intValue As Integer = 2 System.Console.WriteLine("{0}+{1}={2}", _ intValue, intValue, Addem(intValue, intValue)) End Sub Function Addem(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) As Long Return int1 + int2 End Function End Module
Module Module1 Sub Main() DisplayMessage() End Sub Sub DisplayMessage(Optional ByVal strText As String = _ "Hello from Visual Basic") System.Console.WriteLine(strText) End Sub End Module
Creating Properties
[ <attrlist> ] [ Default ] [ Public | Private | Protected | Friend | Protected Friend ] [ ReadOnly | WriteOnly ] [Overloads | Overrides ] [Overridable | NotOverridable] | MustOverride | Shadows | Shared] Property varname([ parameter list ]) [ As typename ] [ Implements interfacemember ] [ <attrlist> ] Get [ block ] End Get [ <attrlist> ] Set(ByVal Value As typename ) [ block ] End Set End Property
Handling Exceptions
Exceptions are just runtime errors; in Visual Basic (unlike some other languages), the terms exception handling and error handling have become inter-changeable. Exceptions occur when a program is running (as opposed to syntax errors, which will prevent VB .NET from running your program at all). You can trap such exceptions and recover from them, rather than letting them bring your program to an inglorious end. there are two ways of handling errors that occur at run time in VB .NETwith structured and unstructured exception handling. Unstructured Exception Handling Module Module1 Sub Main() On Error Goto Handler Exit Sub Handler: End Sub End Module
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim int1 = 0, int2 = 1, int3 As Integer On Error Goto Handler int3 = int2 / int1 System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is {0}", int3) Handler: System.Console.WriteLine("Divide by zero error") Resume Next End Sub End Module
When you run this code, you see this message: Divide by zero error
Here are the arguments for the Raise method: NumberLong integer that identifies the nature of the exception. SourceString expression naming the object or application that generated the exception; use the form project.class. (If source is not specified, the name of the current Visual Basic project is used.) DescriptionString expression describing the exception. HelpfileThe path to the Help file in which help on this exception can be found. HelpcontextA context ID identifying a topic within helpfile that provides help for the exception.
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim int1 = 0, int2 = 1, int3 As Integer Try int3 = int2 / int1 System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is {0}", int3) Catch e As Exception System.Console.WriteLine(e.ToString) End Try End Sub End Module
Exceptions are based on the Visual Basic Exception class Exception class, which lists the classes derived from it:
Each derived class itself has many derived classes, and if you keep searching (each class above is a hyperlink in the documentation, so you just keep clicking), you'll eventually find the OverflowException class, which is based on the ArithmeticException class, which is based on the SystemException class, which is based on the Exception class:
Using Finally
The code in the Finally block, if there is one, is always executed in a TryCatchFinally statement, even if there was no exception, and even if you execute an Exit Try statement. This allows you to deallocate resources and so on
Throwing an Exception
You can throw an exception using the Throw statement, and you can also rethrow a caught exception using the Throw statement.
Sub Procedures and Functions Understanding Scope Creating Sub Procedures Creating Functions Preserving a Variable's Values between Procedure Calls Creating Procedure Delegates Creating Properties Handling Exceptions Throwing a Custom Exception