The Understanding by Design Framework: Acquisition, Meaning Making, and Transfer
The Understanding by Design Framework: Acquisition, Meaning Making, and Transfer
The Understanding by Design Framework: Acquisition, Meaning Making, and Transfer
Donna Herold, Spokane Public Schools ASCD Understanding by Design Cadre / Faculty Member -------------------------------------------------------------------ASCD Summer Conference 2011, Boston
Describe an outstanding learning experience that youve hadas a student, teacher, in life. What made it effective or engaging for you?
Desired Understandings:
There are three distinct kinds of learning acquisition (A), meaning making (M), and transfer (T)and an Understanding by Design learning plan must address each
The roles of teachers and students vary according to the A-M-T goals Acquisition of knowledge and skills is not the long-term learning goal but the means for students to illustrate understanding and transfer
Learning to Transfer
The research is very clear on this point: students who really develop and own an idea are more likely to successfully interpret new situations and tackle new problems than students who possess only drilled knowledge and skill.
Wiggins and McTighe
Defining A M T
Acquire Information
Making Meaning Transfer
See page one of AMT Teaching Resources handouts
A fact is a fact; a skill is a skill. We acquire each in turn.
Acquisition does not yield understanding; it is necessary but not sufficient. If I have skills and facts, it does not mean that I understand. I cannot, however, understand without those skills and facts.
Use a mnemonic system for remembering liquid/solid measurement equivalents. Name the various sectors of the Hospitality industry. Identify technology used in a business office. List the 3 largest branches of the US Military. Identify the job duties of a state legislator. Identify and describe external variables. Define various leadership styles. Identify correct answer when prompted (fact recall, information retrieval)
Making Meaning
What do these facts imply?
When would I use this skill (or not)? What is their sense, import, value?
Make Meaning
Data Analysis: Students manipulate and interpret a data set using tables, graphs, charts, and other visual displays to draw conclusions, identify patterns, and make predictions Demonstration: Students teach a process, concept or problem through the use of models, explanations, illustrations, and/or inquiry so the audience understands it Concrete or Applied Response Students provide a reasonable answer/explanation and evidence to support their thinking. Requires application of previous knowledge.
How should I apply my prior facts, skills, and ideas effectively in this particular situation?
The situation must be new and uncharted.
Performance / Product: Generate a performance/product using visual, multimedia, Problem/Solution: Identify and define a sound, writing, and /or speech to demonstrate problem and generate a possible understanding and/or communicate creative solution(s) (or solution paths), evaluate intent. the viability of each solution, and offer a Modeling/Simulation: Given a model or set of recommendation. criteria/data/experiences, create Inquiry/Investigation: Develop questions and representations to illustrate/predict outcomes pursue an explanation/pattern based on, or to deepen understanding. but not limited to, known information. Correspondence/Interviews: Appropriately Source/Comparative Analysis: Analyze data, communicates to an audience and/or responds information, artifacts, and/or textual to an idea, point of view, concern, request or evidence to develop an explanation, proposal to achieve a desired result. interpretation, and/or determine impact. Persuasive statement: Develop an Critique/Self-Analysis: Evaluate a given text, argument/artifact using supporting information performance, or problem based on and persuasive techniques to promote a established criteria. particular point of view and/or to cause action. Debate, Panel, Role Play: Present and Portfolio/Reflection: Collect work over time to participate in a debate, panel, or role play demonstrate mastery in one or more modes of to provide information, gain insight and/or expression/College, Career & Citizen-Ready promote a particular point of view. Skills, reflect on growth, and/or set goals.
Students discuss the pros and cons of laces vs. Velcro, and different methods of tying
Meaning Making
Other AMT-like constructs: Gradual Release of Responsibility Rigor/Relevance Framework
To inform the learners through explicit instruction in targeted knowledge and skills; differentiating as needed
Lecture Graphic organizers Demonstration or modeling Process guides Guided practice Feedback, corrections
Teacher Role and Instructional Strategies: Make Meaning via Facilitative Teaching
To engage the learners in actively processing the information and guide their inquiry into problems, texts, or simulations, differentiating as needed
Graphic organizers Concept attainment Problem based learning Formative assessments Rethinking and reflection prompts Using analogies
To coach the learners to independently perform in increasingly complex situations, provide models, and give ongoing feedback (as personalized as possible).
Ongoing assessment, providing specific feedback in the context of authentic application Conferencing Provide just-in-time teaching (both individuals, small groups and whole class) when needed
adapt (based on feedback) adjust (based on results) apply create design innovate perform effectively self-assess solve troubleshoot
10 Strategies Exercise:
Now go back to your list of the ten most commonly used strategies in your classroom. Label each learning experience as A, M, or T. Discuss:
Using the criteria on page four of the AMT teaching resources handouts: Draft a learning plan for a unit of study. Indicate lesson order, code with A-M-T