Audience Paper Analysis
Audience Paper Analysis
Audience Paper Analysis
Lewis Woods
It is advisable to view my presentation analysing the online survey first as this presentation references it in many places and is designed to be viewed second.
What type of building do you live in? How many bedrooms and bath/ toilet/ shower rooms?
Building House House House House House House House House House House Bedrooms 3 3 3 5 4 4 2 3 4 4 Bathrooms 2 1 1 4 No reply 2 1 2 2 2
35 Bedrooms / 10 House = 3.5 Per House 17 Bathrooms / 10 House = 1.7 Per House This averages out to 3/ 4 bedrooms a
house and 2 bathrooms. This very closely related to the Online Survey as that averaged out to 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, but covered a lot more areas, not just Surrey. But being in surrey, we can see that it averages with one extra bedroom and bathroom each. These details are futile separately but when all details are considered at the same time, we can establish that the people answering the paper survey are solidly middle class.
Are you familiar with the There is genre Social Realism? in this a clear divide between the answers
questions results. On a good note, 60% are familiar or have heard of the genre of Social Realism. Now the fact that 40% have said they arent familiar with the genre can be interpreted as good and as bad. On the good side, I have the chance to introduce a new genre to them and subvert their expectations of other film genre. On the bad side, they may expect more than they get and dislike the nature of this very niche genre.
The results here are very different to the online survey where 53% said they are familiar with the genre and only 24% said they arent familiar with
Which of these websites, if any, have you used to view short films of any genre?
Website Tally
Vimeo LOVEFiLM Netflix Mubi None Other
0 1 3 0 1 0
From looking at the graph, we can see that in some places the graph follows a trend and in others it is completely different to the Online Survey. The trend is constant in places such as Youtube being the website that is used to view short films the most and where Mubi is not even used at all. What we can tell from this is that Youtube is the website that achieves the most views when distributing short film and that Mubi would not be a good candidate for my demographic.
Bare in mind that the paper questionnaire collected 10 responses whereas the Online Survey collected 17.
Would you be interested in a short film about teen This chart is extremely close to being a homosexuality?
complete inversion to the Online Survey. Here we can see that only 20% of people would be interested in seeing a short film about teen homosexuality, whereas 80% do not want to view it. The Online Survey provided 18% saying No and 82% saying Yes.
This again could fall under my earlier theory that the respondents felt uncomfortable without full anonymity and didnt want to be ridiculed for wanting to see a film of this nature. These are the exact issues that my film explores. But just as a mentioned before, this could also possibly be 100% truthful.
Person # 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Response Bullying
Teens being homosexual and are scared about coming out of the closet How society affects the decisions teens make Bullying, Prejudice, Discriminations Discrimination N/A Discrimination Bullying, Coming out, Dramas Coming out, Parents, Peoples opinions Bullying
In the Online Survey analysis, I completely disregarded the neutral words, but here I will start with them. Someone mentioned society and how it affects the decisions teens make. This is undeniably a true-to-life statement with a majority of teens trying their hardest to fit in with their peers and conforming to a society, but is it not also said that homosexuality is a state of being rather than a choice? This leads me to believe the person meant about the teens decision to let the fact that theyre a homosexual known. This is explored with the two main protagonists in my short film. The second neutral word Id like to discuss is Parents. I have taken this as neutral over negative as who says the parents arent supportive of their child rather than making them feel like a criminal. In my film, the openly gay teens parents are not an issue and there is no obvious signs of parental trouble. But then again, there is no sign that theyre proud of their son for being who he feels he is. The last neutral phrase is Peoples Opinions. This is because at the beginning of my film, the peoples opinions of the openly gay teen are very negative, but later on, a catalyst for change appears and thereon, peoples opinions are changed. The trend of the negatives outweighing the positives are out whelming with these results. There are no positive responses. This could be due to the fact that 80% do not wish to watch it and they have just been negative about it subconsciously.