Control of Administrative, Selling and Distribution Overhead
Control of Administrative, Selling and Distribution Overhead
Control of Administrative, Selling and Distribution Overhead
- Bhavik Ambani -Prateek Jain -Suman Kothari -Swati Singh -Rahul Agarwal -Bhupesh Uppal
Administrative Overheads
Administrative Overhead are incurred for planning, general management and control of an organization Depending on the organizational structure two types of administrative costs are incurred in an organization are:
- Within the Factory. - Centrally in the Head office.
Indirect Labor
Indirect Expenses
Accounts Departments
Accounting Methods
Transfer to Costing Profit and loss A/c.
Budget control
Standard Costing
Selling Overhead
Selling overheads includes the costs incurred in selling to existing customers. They consist of following Items Direct Selling Cost Advertisement and Sales promotion Credit and collection costs Financial and general administrative costs
By product/Cost Units.
Selling expenses
Distribution cost No. of units sold Sales
4000 16000 76000
1800 6000 28000
2000 10000 52000
The company adopt sales basis and quality basis for application of selling & distribution cost respectively a) The territory wise overhead recovers rates separately for selling & distribution cost b) The amount of selling and distribution cost chargeable to a consignment of 2000 units of a product sold in each territory at Rs 4.5 p.u.
Statement showing determination of overheads recovery rates for selling & distribution cost
Selling cost recovery rate = (selling exp / sales) * 100
Territory 1 Rs (7600/76000)*100=10% of sales Territory 2 Rs (4200/28000)*100=15% of sales Territory 3 Rs (6240/52000)*100=12% of sales Distribution cost recovery rate per unit sold = (distribution cost / no. of units sold ) Territory 1 (Rs4000/16000units) = Rs 0.25 p.u. sold Territory 2 (Rs1800/6000units) = Rs 0.30 p.u. sold
Statement showing determination of selling & distribution costs charged to consignment of 2000 units Territory 1 Territory 2 Particulars Territory 3
No. Of units sold Sales revenue Selling cost Distribution cost Total cost 2000 Rs. 9000 900 500 1400 2000 Rs.9000 1350 600 1950 2000 Rs. 9000 1080 400 1480
Standard Costing
Percentage of sales
X 100
X 100