Phonics and Spelling

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By: Rachel Stear

Key Question
What happens when students take spelling test on weekly phonetic skills?

Take a closer look at our spelling test. Figure out other things we can do to help students succeed in Fundations. Look at data and research to back decisions. Make adjustments and still teach Fundations with fidelity.

Interviews Journal Videos Pictures Observations Collaboration Sources

Step 1- Look at the Data

On the 1st spelling test of the school year (in August), 45% of students failed. Used students writing and test samples to guide our instruction.

Step 1- Writing Samples

Check out the test and writing samples. This is after two weeks of Fundations instruction. Students are listed as red, yellow, or green according to our DIBELS benchmark scores.

Red Student

Step 1- Writing Samples Green Student

Mikey missed cliff, silk and bunted.

The writing samples were corrected in class.

Emma missed think, Rick, crossed, fastest, and the sound old.

Step 1- Test Sample Green Student

As you see here, marking up is taking away from students focusing on spelling the word.

Step 1-Collaboration
8/31-9/12 PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting9/12/2012 with 2nd grade teachers. The marking up portion of Fundations is an issue for all of our spellers. Not counted against the students, but students are given an option to use it on the test. Students using too many markings for all rules.

Step 1-Decision
Contacted District Fundations Coordinator Mona. Got the green light to only using marking up for current skill for practice. Not necessary for testing situations. Kept with fidelity of Fundations.

Step 1- In Action
Sarah is a yellow student who was having a difficult time with marking up. On her next test she performed much better without any markings.

Step 2- Look at the Data

9/12-9/26 Still not seeing results we would like to see. Week three of Fundations had to be repeated because less then 80% of each class passed. Students are only marking up current skill. Examples of test and writing follow.

Step 2- Writing Sample

Coleson is a green student. He reads at grade level. Struggles with unfamiliar words.

Step 2- Writing Sample Cont.

Green Student
Writing sample that was corrected. He missed spelled, panic, and dentist. All words that our 2nd grade students dont commonly see.

Step 2- Test Sample #1

This an example of our green student Colesons spelling test. He correctly marked up for only the multisyllabic rule for that unit.

Step 2- Test Sample Cont.

Student missed combat, belts, thankful, mascot, kindness, cabin, cliff. All words not used often by our students. The ones he does know all have suffixes making it more of a challenge for him.

Step 2- Research
Current spelling instruction is not providing any connection to learn words for a purpose(Alderman & Green, 2011). Should provide meaningful, varied, and challenging task that promote mastery goals for spelling (Alderman & Green, 2011). Our instruction is extremely ruled based. How can we provide the right type of task to master spelling goals?

Step 2- Collaboartion
PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting9/26/2012 with 2nd grade teachers. Lessons are still missing something. Scores reflect that our students still arent getting it. Brand Name Phonics

Step 2- Decision
Implement Brand Name Phonics during Word of the Day that we have 2-3 times per week. These words are generally seen on our test. Example: If our Word of the Day is ham we will come up with other words & their pictures that they might see in their everyday lives that follow the same pattern: On multi-syllabic words, or words with suffixes we will use the base word.

Step 2- In Action
Take a quick peek at our Kindergarten classrooms brand name phonics alphabet line. They implemented this shortly after I presented on Pat Cunninghams Brand Name Phonics.

Step 3- Look at the Data

9/26-10/10 Scores are improving! Two of the four classes had 80% or more pass the Fundations test. Still have an overall failure rate at about 28%. This number needs to come down to 20%. We still need to come up with ways to expose our students to the test words throughout the week, especially since they dont have a spelling list anymore.

Step 3-Research
Examining each layer of the orthography helps students see regularities and patterns in English words; how words work in our writing system (Hufnagel, Hungler, Lundstrong, Phillips-Birdsong& Williams, 2009 ). Experts support a combined approach, concluding that efficiency in spelling is obtained from both direct and incidental learning (Schiagal, 2002).

Step 3- Collaboration
PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting10/10/2012 with 2nd grade teachers. Place words throughout the lesson DAILY. Quickly discuss the meaning(s) of the words. Have students make a connection with the words. Keep them posted nearby, use them throughout the day in various subjects.

Step 3- More Research to Support Decision

Exemplary phonics instruction . . . 1. builds on a childs rich concepts about how print functions. 2. builds on a foundation of phonemic awareness. 3. is clear and direct. 4. is integrated into a total reading program. 5. focuses on reading words, not learning rules. 6. may include onsets and rimes. 7. may include invented spelling practice. (Stahl, 1992).

Step 3-Decision
Use the test words as often as possible. Use them in as many context as possible, especially reading. We understand we have to teach spelling in this form, but we should give students more experiences with words before testing them.

Step 3-Writing & Test Samples

Jaden is our next example. He is considered a yellow student. He had gotten nothing but 50-60% since the beginning of school. Very difficult time with Fundations, but is reading just slightly under grade level.

Step 3- Writing Sample/ In Action

Writing sample after implementing the words more often. The writing sample is corrected.

He still missed spelled and combat, but got everything else correct!

Step 3- Test Sample

This test is before we started to use the words more often.

He is missing unfamiliar words, and words with suffixes.

Step 3- Test Sample/ In Action

-Test from Unit 4 Starting to improve because of more exposure to the test words. Still needs some help on words with suffixes and bonus letters.

Step 4- Look at the Data

10/10-10/31 Scores continue to improve! Two of four classes were at 80% or more on their test. Parents are complaining about new program. How can we help them help their children?

Step 4- Interviews-Teachers

What do you think about the new program? My children are both great spellers, and they were never
taught any of these rules. Chrissy Troutman teacher and parent at Lincoln Elementary, teaching for 11 years. I understand the importance of phonics, but we cant always focus on breaking the words down in parts. Our students have to see these words in whole. Pam Grimshaw- 2nd Grade Teacher Lincoln Elementary, teaching for 25 years.

Step 4- Interviews- Parents

What do you think about the new program Fundations? What you are teaching my child isnt even English! Upset parent of a student at Lincoln Elementary. These rules are confusing, even if they are supposed to help my child with reading and spelling I have no way of helping at home. Concerned parent at Lincoln Elementary.

Step 4-Research Behind Teaching our Students Phonics

Pennington Publishing Blog- Top Ten Reasons to Teach Phonics by Mark Pennington: 1. Phonics is an efficient way to teach reading 2. Phonics works 3. Phonics is the fastest way to learn how to read 4. Phonics makes students better spellers 5. Phonics requires less rote memorization 6. Phonics works better for students with learning disabilities 7. Phonics works better for English-Language Learners 8. Phonics works better for remedial readers 9. Phonics makes students smarter 10. Phonics learning builds self-esteem.

Step 4- Collaboration

PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting10/31/2012 with K, 1st, and 2nd grade teachers. How are we going to get help parents help their children? Parent Tutor Times Homework Packet

Step 4- Collaboration Cont.

Met with Reading Specialist from other schools in district. Tutor Times- Schedule times for parents to learn the skills their children are learning before and after school. Video and Q&A session at school board meeting on 11-202012.

Step 4- In Action
Video- Created video to deliver for parents to see what Fundations looks like. Watch the video below to see it for yourself!

In Summary
Spelling is getting a bad reputation: Friday Test serves as major benchmark for spelling still today, this creates frustration in our students (Alderman & Green, 2011). Many believe it is the most poorly taught subject (Alderman & Green, 2011). We made BIG changes Implemented Fundations for our spelling test. Results: Looking at reliable sources, collaborating, and using data we are providing the best possible spelling experience that we can for our students while teaching Fundations with fidelity.

Any questions on why we have made the modifications to our instruction? Any additional information you would like to add?

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