Section of Solids

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The key takeaways are the different types of section planes and their definitions, as well as the steps to draw sectional views and determine the true shape of a section based on the characteristics of the cutting plane.

There are four main types of section planes that can be used: 1) perpendicular to one principal plane, 2) parallel to one principal plane, 3) perpendicular or inclined to reference planes, and 4) inclined to principal planes.

The main steps to draw sectional views of an object are: draw projections of the object, draw the cutting plane, locate intersection points, project points to other views, join points to form apparent shape, and add section lines.

Sections of Solids

EXAMPLE : Advantage of using a section view.

SECTIONING A SOLID. An object ( here a solid ) is cut by some imaginary cutting plane, which may be perpendicular to one principle plane, parallel, perpendicular or inclined to other reference plane. to understand internal details of that object. A) Section Plane perpendicular to Vp and inclined to Hp. ( This is a definition of an Aux. Inclined Plane i.e. A.I.P.) NOTE:- This section plane appears as a straight line in FV. B) Section Plane perpendicular to Hp and inclined to Vp. ( This is a definition of an Aux. Vertical Plane i.e. A.V.P.) NOTE:- This section plane appears as a straight line in TV. Remember:1. After launching a section plane either in FV or TV, the part towards observer is assumed to be removed. 2. As far as possible the smaller part is assumed to be removed.

The action of cutting is called SECTIONING a solid & The plane of cutting is called SECTION PLANE.





Based on the characteristics of sectioning plane true shape of section will vary

Section Parallel Circle to the base

Section Plane Triangle Ellipse Section Planes Parallel Section Plane to end generator. Through Apex Through Opposite Generators (except parallel)



Section Plane Hyperbola Cutting generator & base on same side

Cylinder through generators.

Sq. Pyramid through all slant edges


For TV



x y

Apparent Shape of section



How to draw section views

Draw the projections of a given solid using thin lines in both of the views (top & front), in uncut condition. Draw the cutting plane as straight line as per the conditions. i.e. perpendicular to H.P & parallel to V.P, perpendicular to V.P and parallel to H.P), inclined at degree above of XY (cutting plane is perpendicular to V.P & inclined to the H.P plane) and inclined at degree below of XY line or in top view (cutting plane is perpendicular to H.P & inclined at to V.P). Locate the points common between the cutting plane line and surface lines of the solid. Serially number the points starting from one end of the cutting plane and moving towards the other end (visible edges then invisible edges). Project these points on other view by drawing inter connecting projections and intersecting the concerned surface lines.

Join the points obtained in previous step by continuous thick lines (curved lines in case cylindrical or conical surface or by straight line in other solids). The apparent section is completed by drawing cross hatching section lines)

Section of Prisms

Problem 1: A cube of 25 mm edge is resting on the base with two side faces inclined at 300 to the V.P. It is cut by the section plane parallel to the V.P and 10 mm from the axis. Draw the sectional front view and top view of the surface.

Section plane parallel to V.P.

Section plane perpendicular to the H.P and Inclined to the V.P

Problem 2: A cube of 35 mm long edges is resting on the H.P on one of its faces with a vertical face inclined at 300 to the V.P. It is cut by a section, inclined at 600 to the V.P and perpendicular to the H.P, so that the face which makes 600 angle with the V.P is cut in two equal halves. Draw the sectional front view, top view and true shape of the section.



2 b'





h' d h

4 f'


1 3

g c

a e
1 2 4 4 f b

Problem 3: A pentagonal prism , 30 mm base side & 50 mm axis is standing on Hp on its base whose one side is perpendicular to Vp. It is cut by a section plane 450 inclined to Hp, through mid point of axis. Draw Fv, sec.Tv & sec. Side view. Also draw true shape of section.


Solution Steps:for sectional views: Draw three views of standing prism. Locate sec.plane in Fv as described. Project points where edges are getting Cut on Tv & Sv as shown in illustration. Join those points in sequence and show Section lines in it. Make remaining part of solid dark.

d X1 e a
e d

c b

For True Shape: a Draw x1y1 // to sec. plane Draw projectors on it from cut points. Mark distances of points of Sectioned part from Tv, on above projectors from x1y1 and join in sequence. Draw section lines in it. It is required true shape.

c b

Problem 4: A cube of 65 mm long edge has its vertical faces equally Inclined to the F.P. It is cut by the section plane, perpendicular to the F.P so that the true shape of the section is a regular hexagon. Determine the inclination of the cutting plane with the H.P and draw the sectional top view and true shape of the section.
b a c 4 3 d

Section plane cutting the mid point of edges of the cube. F T




g e 5 a' e

b' f'

h d'

1 g' c' 6

Section of Cones

Cone: Section plane parallel to the base of the cone .







Cone: Section plane passing through opposite generators (except parallel)




Problem 5: Cone: A cone, 50 mm base diameter and 70 mm axis is standing on its base on Hp. It cut by a section plane 450 inclined to Hp through base end of end generator. Draw projections, sectional views, true shape of section and development of surfaces of remaining solid.

Solution Steps:for sectional views: Draw three views of standing cone. Locate sec.plane in Fv as described. Project points where generators are getting Cut on Tv & Sv as shown in illustration.Join those points in sequence and show Section lines in it. Make remaining part of solid dark.

Y1 o



a hb

c g

f d

For True Shape: Draw x1y1 // to sec. plane Draw projectors on it from cut points. Mark distances of points of Sectioned part from Tv, on above projectors from x1y1 and join in sequence. Draw section lines in it. It is required true shape. h

g hf


bd c

f e

a b

d c

Problem 6: Cone: A cone base 75 mm diameter and axis 100 m long, has its base on the HP. A section plane parallel to one of the end generators and perpendicular to the FP cuts the cone intersecting the axis at a point 75 mm from the base. Draw the sectional Top View and the true shape of the section.



True shape of the section (parabola)



B' y1


Home Work: Repeat the same exercise for the cone, section plane cutting base and generator on same side

Section of Pyramid

Problem 7: Pyramid: Pentagonal pyramid has its base 30 mm and height 65 mm. Section plan is 25 mm above from the base.

Problem 8: Pyramid: A square pyramid, base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long, has its base on the H.P And all the edges of the base equally inclined to the V.P. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to the V.P, inclined at 450 to the H.P and bisecting the axis. Draw its sectional top view and true shape of the section.


3 2 4 65 mm 2 1

d' a' b' d

1 c'

4 a o 1 c

o 2


Problem 9: Pyramid: A pentagonal pyramid (side of base = 50 mm and height = 100 mm) is resting on its base on the ground with axis parallel to frontal plane and perpendicular to the top plane. One of the sides of the base is closer and parallel to the frontal plane. A vertical section plane cuts the pyramid at a distance of 15 mm from the axis with section plane making an angle of 500 with FP. Draw the remaining part of the pyramid and the true shape of the cut section (Solve problem in third quadrant).

Method for locating the point from the base of pyramid to its front view

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