100 Years of Regeneration in Hulme
100 Years of Regeneration in Hulme
100 Years of Regeneration in Hulme
Victorian Hulme
Midland Hotel
Oxford Rd.
City Rd.
Stretford Rd.
Cooke St.
In-human scale
Confusing orientations
Expensive to heat
Poor management
I miss having more people around, especially children having no children around makes the place feel unnatural somehow. I cant blame families with children for moving out: its better to be at street level, hopefully with a garden. I really miss a garden more than anything else.
William Kent Crescent resident
Diverse and creative, but transient community young adults and elderly
residential / ethnic / cultural / age / gender / sexuality / disability / service providers / users create a unified structure, co-operative ethos adequate representation at every level
Be strategic Put effort into establishing general policies and principles that will be applied to all projects Develop high quality proposals to win partners support Be astute about the real decision making process
professionals think they know best, dont appreciate all of the detailed consequences undue faith in the trickle down theory of development Lack of investment in community led projects No lead in for research & consensus building
Tight timetables
Theres never been a meeting before when the Council, the tenants and the private sector have sat down in the same room and worked things out together.
Ive never been to anything so positive. There was non of the usual rancour.
If its going to have the buzz we want, the initiative will have to come from people who want to live, work and play in the area.
This redevelopment is either going to be one of the last of an old generation or one of the first of a new generation that takes sustainable development seriously.
All partners put in writing what participation will mean in the project and what they will do to support it
All partners commit themselves to honest communication, integrity of action and trust
Use a variety of consultation methods e.g. newsletters, meetings, surveys, drop-ins, exhibitions, piggy back on other events, go to where people are/ meet, involve minority groups in designing how to reach them Develop community capacity to deliver services and manage assets Involve community in monitoring and evaluation Plan exit strategies early in the project
New York
CO2 emissions from energy use in the home Condensing boilers, insulation & ventilation
Loreto College
No. of Council homes: (a) demolished (b) improved No. of properties disinfested No. of private homes completed No. of HA homes completed 2,647 635 1,095 1,500 1,500
No. of pupils benefiting from improvements to schools/ teaching No. of community facilities improved No. of community projects supported No. of childcare places created 6,500 39 350 400 37.5 75 350
City Challenge investment (m) Other public sector investment (m) Private sector investment (m)
Engagement with
Regeneration Growth
Engagement with
Planning Urban Design & Architecture Engineering & Construction Housing Management Environmental Design & Management Operational Services
Professional Development
Voluntary Org. Management Education, Youth & Sports Health Professions Administration & Finance Social Services Community Development ICT
Site & Workspace Development Business Support (inc. wage subsidy & work placements) Social Enterprise Community Finance & Exchange Enterprise & HE
Social Inclusion
Consultation & Participation Information, Advice & Guidance
Healthy Society
Fitness/ Exercise Smoking Food/ Diet
Domestic Management
Drugs & Mental Health Stress Management Personal Development
Welcome to this celebration of Hulme, a place of safety, past, present and future, and symbolised today by the naming of Sanctuary Close, by our first citizen, the Lord Mayor of Manchester. Hulme has suffered greatly in the last few years from deprivation, injustice, and violence, actual and potential. Today in commemorating the pains, the divisions and indeed the deaths, we are also expressing our hope and faith in the years ahead. The sanctuary movement has given safety and security not just to Viraj Mendis, Victoria Apetor, Salema Begum and others locally. It has provided a haven for thousands world-wide and given a focus and an inspiration for countless others of the oppressed and the marginalised. The regeneration of Hulme and all the physical, economic and social rebuilding of this part of the city of Manchester is intended to put the humanity back into the Hulme community, and make the new Hulme a place more humans can really live together in harmony.
Margaret Sands, former Chair of the Hulme Alliance of Tenants and Residents, and Treasurer of Hulme Labour Party branch, died on 16 December 2004, of a cardiac arrest, after 6 months of poor health, aged 75. Known and respected by many people in Manchester, Margaret steered the Hulme Alliance through the dramatic regeneration programmes of Hulme during the 1990s. A remarkably unassertive character, her patience and consistency helped broker before-to unheard of partnerships between the community, the Council and the private sector in Hulme. During the hardest of times her advice was