Talent Management

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The document discusses various strategies for talent management and retention including identifying retention strategies, developing leadership qualities, providing career opportunities, building employer brand, enhancing employee engagement, and analyzing HR initiatives.

Some strategies discussed for retaining talent include developing leadership qualities in line managers, providing opportunities for career development, building employer brand, achieving retention through enhanced employee engagement, and analyzing key HR initiatives through managed retention.

Factors discussed as important for building an employer brand include making the organization stand out as an employer of choice in the competitive market and achieving retention through enhanced employee engagement.


Attracting & retaining top talent: What does HR need to know?

Identifying strategies to retain

talent in the organisation Developing the leadership qualities of line managers Providing opportunities for career development

Building Employer Brand as a strategy to Retain

Achieving retention through enhanced employee engagement Making organisation stand out as an employer of choice in the competetive market Analyzing key HR initiatives through managed retention Assesing key challenges due to changing economic scenario in India

Identifying Compensation,Rewards & Recognition Programs

Prospects of integrating a global compensation strategy Designing creative rewards program to enhance performance driven culture Identifying effective compensation and rewards program to leverage diverse human capital

Pushing the Boundaries: Managing talent across organisational borders

Comparing the existing talent pool and set of skill with the dynamics of the corporate strategy to prevent failure Identifying talent management as an integrated and continuous process linked with the changing strategy Importance of designing strategies to achieve goals of the organisation

Employee engagement to meet business objectives

Aligning HR processes with internal brand values to increase employee engagement Ensuring high levels of engagement within your organisation Understanding employee motivation and employee engagement Importance of aligning individual &organisation goals

Talent management in a Globally Organised Enterprise

Challenges for organisations in the globalized era Importance of managing diversity of the talent mix Identifying global sourcing models to build a talent pipeline

Leadership Development in organisation

Identifying strategies to develop leaders Implementing roles & responsibilities on line managers HR meterics for better people management

Implementing Integrated Performance Management System

Analyzing why performance management systems perform & fail Identifying performance management systems and their linkage to other processes Importance of creating a performance culture in an organisation

Identifying & developing critical leadership talent

Determining employment brand, recruitment & talent management strategies essential to attract & identify top talent Implementing online tools, resources & learning programs that help employees take their skill to new levels Applying early career development programs to help employees navigate through their professional & leadership development path

Driving corporate culture for engaging employees on organisational values

The increasing importance of corporate culture Adopting the employer value proposition to changing employee needs Understanding & leveraging the company DNA to create a sustainable culture The power of cultural alignment & how to get there

Mentoring as a tool for Talent Retention

Engaging line management & identifying how HR can guide line managers effectively Ensuring talent is recognised & released by line mangers Minimizing the gap between bottom, middle & top management as to work together for the overall benefit of the organisation Linking the various approaches to talent within an organisation

Engaging your Global Workforce: How culture drives Employee Engagement around the world
Identifying universal drivers of employee engagement that companies should include in its overall global engagement strategy Identifying local drivers of employee engagement that will give your company an in country advantage Analyzing employee survey to assess employee engagement

Measuring effectiveness of recruitment strategies

Implementing best practices approach to talent acquisition and retention measurement Identifying the analytics that will help improve recruiting practicesand quality of hire Understanding turnover & vacancy metrics in an organisation

Leveraging Training & Development as a Talent Acquisition & Retention Tool

Assisting employees in identifying future performance goals & expectations Implementing professional development to enhance learning in the workplace Aligning your people development strategies with your strategic business goals & priorities Creating a mentorship program to further develop employee learning &understanding of different job functions

Strategies to become a real employer of choice

Identifying & clarifying your talent requirements Inspiring the role of leadership in an organisation Establishing clear & consistent channels of communication

Innovation & Creativity in HR

Industry & technology focus HR as a strategic partner Success stories on breaking the rules HR as a change agent & future of HR

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