Water Pollution: Prepared by

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Water Pollution

Prepared By

Key Concepts
Types, sources, and effects of water pollutants Major pollution problems of surface water

Major pollution problems of groundwater

Reduction and prevention of water pollution Drinking water quality

Types, Effects, and Sources of Water Pollution

Water is polluted by infectious bacteria, inorganic and organic chemicals, and excess heat. Water pollution is any chemical, biological, or physical change in water quality that has a harmful effect on living orgReduction and prevention of water pollution The WHO estimates that 3.4 million people die prematurely each year from waterborne diseases. In the U.S., an estimated 1.5 million people a year become ill from infectious agents.

Scientists monitor water quality by using bacterial counts, chemical analysis, and indicator organisms. One method of measuring water quality involves measuring the number of colonies of fecal coliform bacteria present in a water sample. Drinking water should not contain any colonies/100 milliliters, Chemical analysis includes checking inorganic and organic chemicals present, sediment content, and turbidity of water. Indicator species are living organisms that are monitored to determine levels of pollution.

Sources of Water Pollution

Point sources Nonpoint sources Biological oxygen demand Water quality
Water Quality
Good Slightly polluted

Do (ppm) at 20C


4.5-6.7 Below 4.5 Below 4

Moderately polluted
Heavily polluted Gravely polluted

Point and Nonpoint Sources


Urban streets

Cropland Animal feedlot Suburban development POINT SOURCES


Wastewater treatment plant

Sources of water pollution

The leading sources of water pollution are agriculture, industries, and 1. Agricultural activities are the leading cause of water pollution from erosion, overgrazing, fertilizers and pesticides, and excess salt from irrigated soils. 2. Industrial facilities are another large source of water pollution, and mining is a third source.

One of every five people in the world lacks access to safe drinking water. Ninety-five percent of people in developed countries and 74% of people in developing countries have access to clean drinking water. In a warmer world, too much rain and too little rain can increase water pollution.

Pollution of Freshwater Streams

Streams can recover from moderate levels of degradable water pollutants if the flows are not reduced.


A combination of dilution and biodegradation can allow recovery of stream pollution

The breakdown of pollutants by bacteria creates an oxygen sag curve. Organisms that have a high oxygen demand cant survive in the curve. Volume of the stream, volume of wastes entering, flow rate, temperature, and pH levels all affect how great a sag curve is produced.



Oxygen Sag Curve

Clean Zone Types Of Organisms Decompositio n Zone Septic Zone Clean Zone


Time Of Distance Downstream

Water Pollution: Now

Most developed countries have reduced point source pollution, but toxic chemicals and pollution from non-point sources are still problems. Stream pollution in most developing countries is a serious and growing problem. Half of the worlds 500 major rivers are heavily polluted, and most of them run through developing countries where waste treatment is minimal or nonexistent. For example: Religious beliefs, cultural traditions, poverty, little economic development, and a large population interact to cause severe pollution of the Ganges River in India.

Pollution of Lakes
Discharge of untreated municipal sewage (nitrates and phosphates) Nitrogen compounds produced by cars and factories

Discharge of detergents ( phosphates)

Natural runoff (nitrates and phosphates Manure runoff From feedlots (nitrates and Phosphates, ammonia)

Discharge of treated municipal sewage (primary and secondary treatment: nitrates and phosphates)

Lake ecosystem nutrient overload and breakdown of chemical cycling Dissolving of nitrogen oxides (from internal combustion engines and furnaces)

Runoff from streets, lawns, and construction lots (nitrates and phosphates)

Runoff and erosion (from from cultivation, mining, construction, and poor land use)

The Great Lakes

Groundwater Pollution: Causes

Low flow rates Low oxygen Few bacteria Cold temperatures

Hazardous waste injection well

Pesticides Coal strip mine runoff

De-icing road salt Pumping well Waste lagoon Gasoline station Water pumping well Landfill Buried gasoline and solvent tank Cesspool septic tank Sewer Leakage from faulty casing Discharge

Accidental spills

Confined aquifer
Groundwater flow

Pollution of Groundwater
Experts rate groundwater pollution as a lowrisk ecological problem; it is rated as a highrisk health problem. The extent of groundwater contamination is generally unknown Prevention is the most effective and affordable way to protect groundwater from pollutants.

Ocean Pollution
Industry Nitrogen oxides from autos and smokestacks, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals in effluents flow into bays and estuaries. Cities Toxic metals and oil from streets and parking lots pollute waters; Urban sprawl Bacteria and viruses from sewers and septic tanks contaminate shellfish beds Construction sites Sediments are washed into waterways, choking fish and plants, clouding waters, and blocking sunlight. Farms Runoff of pesticides, manure, and fertilizers adds toxins and excess nitrogen and phosphorus. Red tides Excess nitrogen causes explosive growth of toxicmicroscopic algae, poisoning fish and marine mammals.

Closed shellfish beds Closed beach Oxygen-depleted zone

Toxic sediments Chemicals and toxic metals contaminate shellfish beds, kill spawning fish, and accumulate in the tissues of bottom feeders. Oxygen-depleted zone Sedimentation and algae overgrowth reduce sunlight, kill beneficial sea grasses, use up oxygen, and degrade habitat. Healthy zone Clear, oxygen-rich waters promote growth of plankton and sea grasses, and support fish. p. 505 Fig. 21-10,

Case Study: Chesapeake Bay

Largest US estuary Relatively shallow Slow flushing action to Atlantic Major problems with dissolved O2

Oil Spills
Sources: offshore wells, tankers, pipelines and storage tanks

Effects: death of organisms, loss of animal insulation and buoyancy, smothering

Significant economic impacts

Mechanical cleanup methods: skimmers and blotters

Chemical cleanup methods: coagulants and dispersing agents

Solutions: Preventing and Reducing Surface Water Pollution

Nonpoint Sources Reduce runoff Buffer zone vegetation Reduce soil erosion Point Sources Clean Water Act Water Quality Act

Technological Approach: Septic Systems

Require suitable soils and maintenance

Technological Approach: Advanced (Tertiary) Sewage Treatment

Uses physical and chemical processes Removes nitrate and phosphate Expensive Not widely used

Drinking Water Quality

Purification of urban drinking water Protection from terrorism Purification of rural drinking water Safe Drinking Water Act

Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)

Bottled water

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