Layouting Basics: How To Be A Good Layout Artist
Layouting Basics: How To Be A Good Layout Artist
Layouting Basics: How To Be A Good Layout Artist
September 1
In libris graecis appetere Ea pro natum invidunt mea. At vim odio lorem repudiandae, his et facilisis omnes, pri id iuvaret vituperatoribus. partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed.
What is layout?
the make-up or the window dressing of a page. consists of illustrations text/articles graphics includes the selection of font styles, sizes and colors.
Old method of layouting Cut, paste, and fit method Uses layouting paper More papers are consumed
software and programs are readily available for desktop publishing (MicrosoftTM Publisher, AdobeTM InDesign, Corel Draw)
not much laborious for all you need is a computer unit, a program and a creative designing skill
putting up a campus paper becomes easier and more convenient Disadvantage: limited size of the computer screen. A dummy is still prepared.
Box Picture/Graphic
Arrow Text/Article
Newspaper Sizes
BROADSHEET - Dimensions: 750 x 600 mm (29.5" x 23.5") TABLOID SIZE - Dimensions: 430 x 280 mm (16.9" x 11.0")
deals with the ratio of one part to another and of the parts to the whole. Pictures must be sized properly to keep up with other shapes on the page. Length of stories must be considered. A long story may ruin the proportion of the page. A jump story is better than a poorly proportioned page.
the agreement between and among parts. Content of every page/double page must blend as a harmonious unit. No one part of the page should overshadow another. The headlines should complement each other and the pictures should not distract the eyes too much from the type.
a feeling of equality in weight suggests the gravitational equilibrium of a single unit or a space arranged with respect to an axis or a fulcrum.
felt balance. Visual units in the other side of the axis are not identical but are placed in positions so equated to produce a felt equilibrium.
gives proper importance to the parts and to the whole. It involves the differentiation between the more important and the less important.
is the blending of units as one. Every head and cut on a page should contrast with adjoining materials. Contrasting adjacent headlines will help emphasize the importance of each other. Boxes and pictures between heads are sometimes good makeup devices.
Types of Headline
headline banner
Boxed headline
headline of jump story
In slate
Opinion Page
Feature Page Sports Page
Front Page
ear table of contents headline banner by line
main lead
headline news/pictures other news/pictures umbrella caption
Front Page
name of school and address date volume and Issue No. identity
logo name of the paper
Opinion Page
folio editorial cartoon
flag (small name of column of the the newspaper) editor-in-chief masthead or editorial board editorial Letter/s to the editor
other columns
News Page
other news campus news, students, school officials
Feature Page
folio short essay personality sketch or success story trivia, comics, puzzle, fun page literary page (poem, short story)
Sports Page
sports nameplate
headline sports banner other sports news score board action picture
sports commentary
Numerous pages
Modern layout With tally score
Sample Layouts
Front Page
Editorial Page
Feature Page
Sports Page
Final Reminder
Laying out a page is a matter of personal taste. There are no criteria set for it. Therefore, the staff may experiment freely on page makeup until they get the pattern acceptable to them.
Thank you!