E Abhijoga Presentation

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Odisha State Grievance Redressal Portal


E-Abhijoga is an initiative of Government of Odisha, which is developed by National Informatics Centre(NIC) with the help of DARPG, Govt. of India, Administrive Reforms Department, Chief Ministers Office, Public Grievance and Pension Administration Depratement Government of Odisha


To introduce a uniform and systematic approach towards monitoring by adopting classification and standardization of grievances Speedy and transparent redressal of public grievance. To facilitate online availability of the grievance redressal mechanism to citizens thereby providing the facility to lodge the grievances anytime, anywhere. To track the status and to send reminders & clarifications, irrespective of citizens geographical location

Acknowledgment of grievance by concerned Office Paperless processing of grievances as per internal workflow of the organization. Initial assessment of grievance organization for follow up action. by concerned

Additional information sought from citizen for timely redressal of Grievance Latest status of the grievance if not disposed. Communication of final outcome to the citizen

Key Features :
An integrated workflow application system, based on web technology which primarily aims at submission of grievances by the aggrieved citizens from anywhere; anytime (24X7) basis. Facilitates the system generated unique registration no. upon online submission of grievances by aggrieved citizens. Automatic Online Data transmission between CM Office and the subordinate organizations. Online lodging of grievances by citizen to the concerned Departments, which can be linked to their official Website.

Sub-ordinate offices can implement e-Abhijog just by accessing the centralized server hosted at NIC Data Centre with out any requirement of dedicated hardware and software at there end. Only a computer with Internet connectivity is required
Paperless processing of grievances as per internal workflow of the organization. Facilitates generating MIS reports and queries for effective monitoring of pending grievances. Networking of all the public grievance offers on a single platform which facilitates better monitoring at highest level.


Benefits for the Common Citizen

Put your Griavance any time any where 24x7:

Citizens of the State can lodge grievance any where across the Globe if they have internet connectivity
Single Channel:
e-Abhijoga is designed in such a way that the grievance is channelized into one cohesive system with a Unique Grievance Tracking Number.

No physical movement


Quick feedback:
Unique Registration number to the citizen upon submission of the grievance to the system. First response to the citizen within 24 hours of submission of the grievance.

Any question or documents required for redressal of the grievance will be asked in one go on time bound basis on receipt of the grievance.


Confidence for the transparency:

Grievance cannot be deleted by anyone and most of the information is available openly to all concerned stakeholders. The name & contact number of the person who is dealing with the grievance will be given to the applicant Once the citizens are acquainted to the system & observe that the redress of their grievance is fair, they will also develop confidence over the online procedure than the manual one.


Benefits of the Government

Easy Monitoring
Facility to monitor the progress of grievance redressal by sub ordinate officers. Facility to send reminder to sub ordinate office. Facility to view Action Taken Report of sub ordinate office, before final disposal of the grievance by higher authority. As the workflow processes are in hierarchical structure, it saves the effort of the grievance handling process.


Data Security
All the data of the grievances is saved in the central server and backups are taken ensuring no data loss.


Now the system is extended to all Departments, Directorates,Districts to directly receive the grievance It can be further extended to Blocks, Tahasils and Thanas to directly receive the grievance CSC (Common Service Centres) are integrated to e-Abhijoga so that rural poor can lodge their grievance through them.

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