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Quality of Work Life (QWL)

The success of any organization is highly dependant on how it attracts, recruits, motivates, and retains its workforce. Today's organizations need to be more flexible so that they are equipped to develop their workforce and enjoy their commitment. There is no doubt that to prosper and expand at work is beneficial to both national health and the balance of payment. If quality of life at work can be improved it will benefit and reward not only the individual employee but also the company, its customers and society as a whole. That is why we find it necessary to talk about working-life quality.

Working-life quality deals with these three elements:

Personal quality of life in your work developing mastery Experiencing real fellowship with colleagues and managers and contributing to the creation of real value for customers and the surrounding world through your job.


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1. To study the various Labour Welfare facilities provided by Dr. Baburao Bapuji Tanpure Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited: Shri Shivajinagar under my study.

2. To study the effect of Labour Welfare Facilities on Quality of work life of employee.
3. To study the various determinants of Quality of work life.

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.
Research is define as a careful, patience, systematic, careful inquiry for examination in some field of knowledge undertaken to establish facts or principles Pure or basic research Applied research Exploratory research Descriptive research Historical research Quantitative or qualitative research


Main Types of Research

Conceptual research Experimental research One time research Simulation research Conclusion oriented research

Other Types of Research


The design result from the logical and systematic planning and directing a piece of research A research design is purely and simply the framework or plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data. Generally a research design is a blue print of the research that is to be followed in completing the study. It is descriptive research type are those, which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or of a group, where we cannot control the variables.

Types of Research Design

Exploratory Research Design Descriptive Research Design Experimental Research Design

SAMPLING TECHINIQUE Probability Sampling

Sampling is the use of a subset of the population to represent the whole population. Probability sampling, or random sampling, is a sampling technique in which the probability of getting any particular sample may be calculated. It can be divided into following types:Simple Random Sampling Systematic Random Sampling Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling

Non-probability sampling

Non-probability sampling techniques cannot be used to infer from the sample to the general population. Any generalizations obtained from a non-probability sample must be filtered through one's knowledge of the topic being studied. Performing non-probability sampling is considerably less expensive than doing probability sampling, but the results are of limited value Under this method factors other than random chance is used for selection of the sample Convenience sampling Quota sampling Judgment sampling Snowball sampling

Sampling Tech. Sampling Unit Sample Size

: Convenience Sampling : Labour : 50

Sampling Procedure : Simple Random Sampling (probability sampling) Tools for Data analysis: Basic frequency count Pie-chart representation by using Microsoft excel


Primary data has been collected by means of direct one to one task, interviews, questionnaires and interaction with laborers and the Personnel Manager of the company.

Primary Data:

Sources of Primary Data:

Observation Experimentation Simulation Projective Techniques Interviewing

Secondary Data:

Secondary data has been collected from various books, reports, brochures, internet etc and other texts available in college library.

Sources of Secondary Data:

Published Sources Unpublished Sources

SCOPE OF THE STUDY According to my objectives the entire study is based on understanding the various labour welfare facilities that are provided to the employees working at the manufacturing unit. I have also taken a step to study the various problems faced by the employees due to lack of facilities available for them at the workplace ,which often leads in spoiling their relationship with at higher authorities as well at even between themselves there by disrupting the quality of work life of the employees.

LIMITATIONS Time Constraint. Non Availability of Information. Limited Resources.

Limited sharing of information.

Unwillingness of laborers to co-operate.


According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed only 01 labourer disagree. So working environment of the company motivates the worker

According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed none of the labourers disagree. So the health facilities provide by the company improves the efficiency of workers.
According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed none of the labourers disagree. So it is clear that job satisfaction is essential for workers. According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed only 03 labourers disagree. So. According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed none of the labourers disagree. So this is clear that rest and recreation facilities are very important for workers.

According to my study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed only 02 labourers disagree. This proves that canteen facilities are very important for good health of labourers.
According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed only 01 labourer disagreed. Here, it is very clear that welfare facilities help in reducing labour absenteeism. According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed none of the labourers disagree. So labour welfare facilities helps in reducing labour turnover in the organization. According to the study conducted it is seen that out of 50 people who have been surveyed only 05 labourers disagree. So it is also clear that labour welfare facilities heps in maintaining better industrial relationship.

Better and quality food should be provided in the canteen. The company should immediately solve the labour problems in the company in order to improve industrial relation and for the smooth functioning of the organization. All dangerous and moving parts of machinery shall be securely fenced. Screws, bolts and teeth shall be completely encased to prevent danger.

No new employee shall be allowed to work on any dangerous machine, unless he is sufficiently trained or is working under the supervision of knowledgeable person.
Scope of labour welfare should be increased. Organization should improve the coordination between management and labour. Organization should provide the scholarship or loan facility for the higher study of the employees children.

CONCLUSION This survey included labourers/employees of the company. From the survey, it was found that most of the labourers were satisfied with the facilities given by the company. The effect of the labour welfare and its effect on the quality of work life of the employees is good. Good labour welfare if provided by the company have a positive reaction with respect to the quality of work life of any employee for various reasons. I have come to the conclusion that the various labour welfare facilities adopted by Dr. Baburao Bapuji Tanpure Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd; Shri Shivajinagar meet the expectations of the employees and hence result is a good quality of work life for the employees.


The following books and references have been used to carry out the study:


Jain S.P., Industrial and Labour Laws, published by GAGAN KAPOOR, for Dhanpati Rai & Co. (P) LTD (Eleventh Edition) 2005-2006. Jambh L.C. And Jambh Savitri. Safety And Source Management, published by Nirali Prakashan, 2nd Edition Nov.2003. Dhar D.M., Industrial Safety Management, published by Everest Publishing House, 1st Edition 2005. Kale N.G., Industrial Organization & Management, Universal Law Publishing Co. 3rd Edition 2006. Ackoff, Russell L., The Design of Social Research, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961 Berdie, Douglas R., and Anderson, John F., Questionnaires: Design and Use, Metuchen N.J.: TheScarecrow Press, Inc., 1974. Boot, John C.G., and Cox, Edwin B., Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions, 2nd ed. New Delhi:McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., (International Student Edition), 1979. Cochran, W.G., Sampling Techniques, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons., 1963. Gibbons, J.D., Nonparametric Statistical Inference, Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., (International Student Edition), 1971. Noether, G.E., Elements of Nonparametric Statistics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1967. Kothari C.R.- Research Methodology University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, New Age International Publishers, 2004.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/28623180/PROJECT-REPORT-on-EmployeeWelfare-at-Hindalco-Renukoot http://www.citehr.com/research.php?q=impact-of-employee-welfaremeasures-on-productivity#axzz1VmevlNYG http://www.google.co.in/#hl=en&source=hp&q=research+paper+on+l abour+welfare+and+safety+measures&rlz=1R2ADSA_enIN415&aq=f&aqi= &aql=f&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c372f750a604cadb&biw =1348&bih=531 http://softnetweb.com/find/pdf/research+work+on+employee+welfare +measures http://www.tn.gov.in/spc/tenthplan/CH_8_3.PDF http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/5553/1/Thatcherism_New_Labour_and_the_Welf are_State.pdf http://www.academon.com/Term-Paper-Employee-Safety-Healthand-Welfare-Law/94679 http://www.academon.com/Term-Paper-Employee-Safety-Healthand-Welfare-Law/94679

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