11.dealing With The Competition
11.dealing With The Competition
11.dealing With The Competition
Critical Advantage of a Firm over its competitor MP : Cost Advantage Same value, lower cost Differentiation Advantage superior value Focus
Porters Five Forces that Determine Market Attractiveness:
Threat of intense segment rivalry Threat of new entrants Threat of substitute products Threat of buyers growing bargaining power Threat of suppliers growing bargaining power
Barriers to Entry
Economies of Scale - Reliance Access to inputs - Tea gardens Government Policies - Defence Proprietary Products- Patents held by Pharma industry
Few firms with large market share Large no. of firms has market share
: less rivalry
: high rivalry because = in size Results in price wars, increased customer services & warranties Differentiation is absent then rivalry is high Switching costs are low, rivalry is high
Threat of substitutes
Switching costs Price performance of substitutes Customer propensity to move to substitutes eg: Cold drinks vs tea, Pepsi in cups (Rs. 2), Chota Pepsi
Identifying Competitors
Competitive Markets
Industries Can Be Classified By:
Degree of globalization
Competitive Markets
Competitive Markets
A few firms produce essentially identical commodities and little differentiation exists Lower costs are the key to higher profits Example: oil
Competitive Markets
A few firms produce partially differentiated items Differentiation is by key attributes Premium price may be charged Example: Luxury autos
Competitive Markets
Many firms differentiate items in whole or part Appropriate market segmentation is key to success Example: beer, restaurants
Competitive Markets
Many competitors offer the same product Price is the same due to lack of differentiation Example: farmers selling milk, crops
Competitor Analysis
Key characteristics of the competition must be identified:
Strategies Objectives Strengths and Weaknesses Effect a firms competitive position in the target market Reaction Patterns
COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Any product fills a need so analyse different ways for filling need : thirst : water, Pepsi, tea, coffee, coconut All are competitors : Pagers didnt realize mobiles were competitors : radio vs TV A group of firms following the same strategy in a given target market is called a strategic group. Determine competitors objectives : profits? Sales growth? Market Share? Technological Leadership? Cash flow? Service Leadership?
Reaction Pattern Slow reactor : Mosquito repellants Selective competitor : React to only certain elements of competitors strategy Tough competitor : retaliates to any move; Coke/Pepsi, Airtel/Hutch, (b) on price not commn. Unpredictable competitor : may or may not respond to competition strategies Must assess reaction patterns, no point reducing price if you feel competition will do the same
Classes of Competition
Generic : Companies competing for the same disposable income; want to make their products essential to the customer Form : Company competes with all other companies offering same benefit : Coke Industry : Company competes with same kind of product manufactures by other firm Brand : Similar products to similar consumer segments
Flank Attack
Bypass Attack
Guerrilla Warfare