Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual For POTWs
Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual For POTWs
Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual For POTWs
I n d u s t r i a l S a m p l i n g
U s e r M a n u
I n s p e c t i o n a l F o r P O T
A n d W ' s
Inspection f o r
M a n u a l
P O T W s
Prepared by: The Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance Water Enforcement Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460
April, 1994
MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: Transmittal of the Final Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual Michael B. Cook, Director Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Water Management Division Directors Regions I-X
I am pleased to provide the final Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual. The manual represents the culmination of almost two years of effort on the part of various offices within EPA Headquarters, and is the result of substantial comments from the EPA Regional Water Management Divisions, the Office of Research and Development in Cincinnati, AMSA members, and other interested parties. We appreciate the extensive effort in providing comments on the previous two drafts. Your insight significantly improved the document, and we are confident that the manual will be extremely useful to POTW inspection and sampling personnel. The final document includes the second round of comments made by the Regions. The most significant change made to the document as a result of Regional comment is the deletion of the discussion on determining compliance with the 4-day average standard under the Electroplating regulation. The method for determining compliance with the Electroplating standard may be addressed through a policy paper at a later date. A second significant change is the deletion of the discussion on determining compliance from sample results below detection. The reason that we deleted this discussion is that the national work group addressing this issue has delayed its time frame for making a recommendation on how to address compliance in these situations. Therefore, any discussion of this matter will need to wait until the national work group has reached its conclusion. We are expecting to conduct a mass-mailing of the document to all POTWs with approved pretreatment programs in late spring or early summer depending on the amount of time it takes to have the document printed. If you have any questions regarding the manual or its distribution, please feel free to call Lee Okster at (202) 260-8329. cc: Cynthia Dougherty Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Fred Stiehl - OE Ken Kirk - AMSA
This manual has been written by the Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and has been peer reviewed both within the EPA and outside of the EPA. This guidance represents the EPAs recommended procedures to be used by POTW personnel when conducting an inspection or sampling visit at an industrial user. A failure on the part of any duly authorized POTW official, inspector, or agent to comply with the contents of the manual shall not be a defense in any enforcement action taken against an IU, nor shall a failure to comply with this guidance alone constitute grounds for rendering evidence obtained in the inspection inadmissible in a court of law. Any mention of trade names or commercial products is neither an endorsement nor a recommendation for use.
This manual was written by the Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under the direction of Lee Okster. The Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance would like to acknowledge the considerable efforts and cooperation of the following individuals, whose contribution helped to complete this document successfully: Mr. Paul Marshall (Region VII Retreatment Coordinator) for use of his checklist for inspecting industrial users; the EPA Regional Pretreatment Coordinators for insightful comments on the draft document; Mr. Sam Hadeed and members of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) who provided comments on the draft document; Mr. William Potter of the EPAs Office of Research and Development in Cincinnati; Mr. Jack Stoecker of Brown and Caldwell; and Ms. Nadine Steinberg of the EPAs Office of Enforcement.
T a b l e
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C o n t e n t s
Disclaimer Acknowledgements List of Tables List of Figures Definitions and Acronyms Used in the Pretreatment Program I. Introduction Inspections and Sampling in the Pretreatment Program Legal Authority and Regulatory Basis for Conducting Industrial User Inspections and Sampling Purposes for Inspection and Sampling Industrial Outline of the Guidance I I . Inspecting Industrial Users Introduction Developing and Maintaining an IU Survey Frequency of Inspections and Sampling Types of Inspections Confidential Business Information Responsibilities of the Inspector Inspector's Field Notebook Pre-Inspection Activities - Pre-Inspection Preparation Review of Facility Background Information Developing an Inspection Plan Safety and Sampling Equipment Preparation Notification of the Facility Entry to the Industrial User - Legal Basis for Entry - Arrival for the Inspection Reluctant to Give Consent Uncredentialed Persons Accompanying the Inspector Access to Federal Facilities Denial of Consent to Enter Withdrawal of Consent to Enter Denial of Access to Parts of the Facility Covert Sampling in Response to Denial of Entry Conducting an Inspection Under a Warrant Pre-Inspection Checklist Pre-Inspection Observations Information to be Collected During the Inspection On-Site Activities - Opening Conference - Inspection Procedures
i ii vii viii ix 1 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 11 14 16
28 29 29 31 32
T a b l e
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( c o n t . )
Physical Plant Review Self-Monitoring Review Operations Evaluation Maintenance Evaluation Records Review at the Industrial User Obtaining Copies of Necessary Records Record Identification Procedures - Closing Conference Follow-Up Activities - Inspection Report Inspection Checklist I I I . Sampling Industrial Users Introduction Analytical Methods Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan Standard Operating Procedures Pre-Sampling Activities Cleaning and Preparation of Sampling Equipment Cleaning Procedures for Conventional Pollutants Cleaning Procedures for Metals Cleaning Procedures for Oil and Grease Cleaning Procedures for Organic Analyses Volatile Organic Compounds Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds, Organochlorine Pesticides & PCBs Cleaning of Automatic Sampling Equipment Preparing Field Instruments Ph Meters Residual Chlorine Meters Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Selection and Preparation of Sample Containers Type of Sample On-Site Activities Sampling Location Sample Collection Techniques Sample Volume Sample Preservation and Holding Times Sample Documentation Sample Identification and Labeling Chain-of-Custody Sample Packaging and Shipping Quality Control S a f e t y C o n s i d e r a t i o n s D u r i n g S a m p l i n g Physical Hazards Atmospheric Hazards Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere
45 48 53 53 55 56 58 60
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Explosive Atmosphere Toxic Atmosphere - Safety Equipment Protective Clothing Traffic Control Radio Air Monitoring Devices Ventilation Devices Safety Harness and Retrieval System Respirators - Confined Space Entry - Safety Training Flow Measurement - Open Channel Flow Primary Devices Secondary Devices - Closed Channel Flow Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Quality Control Procedures for Sampling - Quality Assurance Procedures for Sampling - Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control Compliance Issues Related to Industrial User Sampling - The Use of Duplicate Samples to Evaluate Compliance - Compliance With Monthly Average Limitations - Closed Cup Flashpoint Sampling and Compliance - Frequency of POTW Sampling In Lieu of Industrial User Sampling - SNC in Situations of Multiple Outfalls - Violation Date - Compliance With Continuous Monitoring of pH Summary Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII General Industrial Inspection Questions Industry Specific Questions General Operations and Maintenance Questions Hazard Associated With Specific Industrial Categories EPA Memorandum The Use of Grab Samples to Detect Violations of Pretreatment Standards." Now Measurement Techniques EPA Memorandum, Determining Industrial User Noncompliance Using Split Samples Compliance With Continuous Monitoring of pH Example Standard Operating Procedures Example Sample Tag and Chain-of-Custody Form for Use by POTWs List of Regional Pretreatment Coordinators List of Available Pretreatment Guidance Documents 40 CFR Part 136 - Tables IA, IB, IC, ID, IE and II
List of Tables
Table # and Title 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 VI-1 VI-2 VI-5 VI-3
Page # 13 15
Procedural Responsibilities of the POTW Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knowledge and Skills Required of Pretreatment Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information to Review Prior to the Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Generic Elements of an Inspection Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre-Inspection Checklists 21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 61 7 0
Volume of Sample Required for Analyzing Various Industrial Pollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Required Containers, Preservation Techniques, Holding Times. and Test Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Head-Discharge Relationship Formulas for Nonsubmerged Weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discharge of 90 V-Notch Weir -- Head Measured at Weir Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flow Rates for 60 and 90 V-Notch Weirs VI-3 VI-4
VI-4 Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates for Free Flow Through Parshall Flumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-5 Free Flow Values of C and N for Parshall Flume Based on the Relationship Q=CWH. . . . . . .
VI-6 Minimum and Maximum Recommended Flow Rates for Free Flow Through Plast-Fab Palmer-Bowlus Flumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-13 VI-7 Coefficients of Discharge c for Venturi Meters VI-8 ................................... VI-15 VI-15 VI-17
List of Figures
Figure # and Title 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 VI-2 VI-3 Example of a Deficiency Notice Metals Cleaning Procedures Atmospheric Constituents Profile and Nomenclature of Sharp-Crested Weirs Four Common Types of Sharp-Crested Weirs Plan View and Cross Section of a Parshall Flume Free-Flowing Palmer-Bowlus Flume Configuration and Nomenclature of a Venturi Meter Electromagnetic Flow Meter Nomograph for the Capacity of Rectangular Weirs Flow Curves for Parshall Flumes
VI-4 Dimensions and Capacities of Parshall Flumes for Various Throat Widths VI-5 Effect of Submergence on Parshall Flume Free-Discharge
Accuracy Accuracy refers to the degree of difference between observed values and known or actual value in the analysis of wastewater.
Act or the Act The Federal Water Pollution Control Act. also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 125 et.seq.
Acute Effects When the effects of an exposure to a pollutant (over a short period of time) cause severe health effects to humans or other organisms, this condition is said to be acute (compare to chronic below).
Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR) [40 CFR 403.12(b)] All new source industrial users subject to categorical standards must submit a baseline monitoring report (BMR) to the Control Authority (POTW, State or EPA) at least 90 days prior to the commencement of discharge. The purpose of the BMR is to provide initial information to the Control Authority including identifying information, description of existing environmental permits, description of operations, flow measurements (estimated), and the concentration of pollutants in the waste stream (estimated). Existing sources were required to submit BMRs within 180 days after the effective date of any applicable categorical standard. Batch Process A treatment or manufacturing process in which a tank or reactor is filled, the wastewater (or solution) is held or a chemical solution is prepared, and the tank is emptied, resulting in a discrete discharge to the sanitary sewer. The tank may then be refilled and the process repeated. Batch processes are also used to clean, stabilize, or condition chemical solutions for use in industrial manufacturing and treatment processes.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedures for five (5) days at 20 centigrade, usually expressed as a concentration (e.g.. mg/l). BOD measurements are used to indicate the organic strength of wastewater.
Biological Treatment A waste treatment process by which bacteria and other microorganisms break down complex organic or inorganic (e.g., ammonia) materials into simple, nontoxic, more stable compounds.
Blank (Bottle) Is an aliquot of analyte-free water which is taken through the appropriate steps of the analytic process as a means of determining if the sampling container is introducing contamination into the sample. For aqueous samples, reagent water is used as a blank matrix; however, a universal blank matrix does not exist for solid samples (e.g., sludge), and therefore, no matrix is used.
Blank (Equipment) Is an aliquot of analyte-free water which is taken to and opened in the field. The contents of the blank are poured appropriately over or through the sample collection device, collected in a sample container, -viii-
and returned to the laboratory as a sample to be analyzed. Equipment blanks are a check on the sampling device cleanliness. 10) Blank (Field) Is an aliquot of analyte-free water or solvent brought to the field in sealed containers and transported back to the laboratory with the sample containers and analyzed along with the field samples. 11) Blank (Method) Is an aliquot of analyte-free water prepared in the laboratory and analyzed by the analytical method used for field samples. Method blanks are used to test for the cleanliness of reagents, instruments, and the laboratory environment. 12) Blank (Sample Preservation) Is an aliquot of analyte-free water (usually distilled water) to which a known quantity of preservative is added. This type of sample is a means of determining the level of contamination of acid and chemical preservatives after a period of use in the field. 13) Blowdown The discharge of water with high concentrations of accumulated solids from boilers to prevent plugging of the boiler tubes and/or steam lines. In cooling towers, blowdown is discharged to reduce the concentration of dissolved salts in the recirculating cooling water. Clean make-up water is added to dilute the dissolved solids in the system. Blowdown also includes the discharge of condensate. 14) Categorical Industrial User (CIU) A categorical industrial user is an industrial user (see IU definition below) which is subject to a categorical standard promulgated by the U.S. EPA. 15) Categorical Standards (40 CFR 405-471) Any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in accordance with Sections 307(b) and (c) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 1317) which apply to a specific category of users and which appear in 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471. 16) Centralized Waste Treatment Facility (CWT) A public or private facility which treats hazardous and other wastes. These facilities are designed to handle the treatment of specific hazardous wastes from industry. The waste waters containing the hazardous substances are transported to the facility for proper storage, treatment and disposal. 17) Chain of Custody A legal record (which may be a series of records) of each person who had possession of an environmental sample, from the person who collected the sample to the person who analyzed the sample in the laboratory and to the person who witnessed the disposal of the sample. 18) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Chemical oxygen demand is expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed from the oxidation of a chemical during a specific test (in mg/L). As such, COD is a measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity of the organic matter present in the wastewater. The results of the COD test are not necessarily related to the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) because the chemical oxidant responsible for utilizing the oxygen may react with substances which bacteria do not stabilize. -ix-
A waste treatment process which involves the addition of chemicals to achieve a desired level of ef?luent quality. 20) Chronic Effects When the effect of a single or repeated exposure(s) to a pollutant causes health effects over a long period of time in humans or other organisms this is said to be a chronic condition (compare to acute above). 21) Code of Federal Retwlations (CFRI A publication of the United States government which contains all of the final&d federal regulations. Federal environmental regulations are found in volume 40 of the CFR. and the General Pretreatment Regulations are found at 40 CFR Part 403. 22) Combined Wastestream Formula (CWFI 140 CFR 403.6(eA The combined wastestream formula is a means of deriving alternative categorical discharge limits in situations where process emuent is mixed with waste waters other than those generated by the regulated process prior to treatment. 23) Couwosite Proportional) Sam&s A composite sample is a collection of individual grab samples obtained at regular intervals, either based on time intervals or flow intervals (e.g., every two hours during a 24-hour time span or every 1000 gallons of process wastewater produced). Each individual grab sample is either combined with the others or analyzed individually and the results averaged. In time composite sampling the samples are collected after qua1 time intervals and combined in proportion to the rate of flow when the sample was collected. Flow composite sampling can be produced in one of two ways. The first method of obtaining a flow composite sample is to collect equal volume individual grab samples after a specific volume of flow passes the sampling point. The second manner of obtaining flow composite sample is to vary the volume of the aliquot collected in proportion to the amount of flow that passed over the time interval which the sample represents. Composite samples are designed to be representative of the emuent conditions by reflecting the average conditions during the entire sampling period (compare grab sample). 24) Confined Space A space which, by design, has limited openings for entry and exit, unfavorable natural ventilation which could contain or produce dangerous air contaminants (or create an atmosphere of oxygen deprivation), and which is not intended for conlinuous employee occupation. A permit may be required under OSHA to enter a confined space. 25) Conservative Pollu rant A pollutant found in wastewater that is not metabolized while passing through the treatment processes in a conventional wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, a mass balance can be constructed to account for the distribution of the conservative pollutant For example, a conservative pollutant may be removed by the treatment process and retained in the plants sludge or it may leave the plant in the effluent. Although the pollutant may be chemically changed in the process, it can still be detected. Heavy metals such as cadmium and lead are conservative pollutants. 26)
pretreatment program, but in some cases, the Control Authority may be the State (e.g., Vermont, Connecticut, Nebraska, Alabama. and Mississippi), or it may be the EJPA (i.e., where there is no local approved program and the state is not approved to administer the National Pretreatment Program in lieu of the EPA). 27) Conventiorral Pollurant A poltutant which has been designated as conventional under section 304(a)(4) of the Act. These pollutants include: BOD. TSS, pH, fecal coliform, and oil and grease. 28) cusrodv Custody refers to the process whereby the inspector gains and controls possession of a sample, A sample is in custody if: I) it is in the actual possession, control, and presence of the inspector; or 2) it is in the inspectors view; or 3) it is not in the inspectors presence, but is in a place of storage where only the inspector has access; or 4) it is not in the inspectors physical presence, but is in a place of storage and only the inspector and identified others have access. 29) Dailv Maximum Is the average value of all grab samples taken during any given calendar day. If only one grab sample has been taken, that grab sample becomes the daily maximum (as well as the instantaneous maximum see definition below). If more than one grab sample is taken in a given day, the daily maximum is the average of all the individual grab samples. A composite sample, by definition, becomes the daily maximum for the calendar day in which it is collected. 30) Duplicate San&e (Field) Is a precision check on sampling equipment and sampling technique. At selected stations on a random time frame duplicate samples are collected from two sets of field equipment installed at the site, or duplicate grab samples are collected from a single piece of equipment at the site. 31) Duvlicare San&c (Laboratory) A sample which is received by the laboratory and divided (by the laboratory) into two or more portions. Each portion is separately and identically prepared and analyxd. The results from laboratory duplicate samples check the laboratory precision. 32) EtIhnr Wastewater or other liquid - raw, untreated, partially or completely treated - flowing from an IU to a reservoir. basin. treatment process, or treatment plant.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency. The principal environmental regulatory agency established by the Congress to administer the nations environmental laws. 34)
Existinn Source
Any source of discharge, the construction or operation of which commenced prior to the publication by the E:PA of proposed categorical pretreatment standards, which will be applicable to such source if the standard is thereafter promulgated in accordance with Section 307 of the Act.
35) Grab San&e A sample which is taken from a wastestream without regard to the flow in the wastestream and over a
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For a waste to be considered a hazardous waste it must first be designaled a solid waste. Virtually all forms of wastes are considered to be solid wastes (including solids, liquids, semi-solids, and contained gaseous materials) except those expressly excluded under the regulatory definition, e.g., industrial emuem which is mixed with sanitary wastes in the sewer. For a solid waste to be considered hazardous it must meet one of two criteria: 1) it has one of the following four characteristics -- ignitibility, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity (according to the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure). or 2) it must be a listed hazardous waste in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33. 37) Industrial User (IU) I40 CFR 403.3lh)l An industrial user is any non-domestic source which introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). 38) Influent Wastewater or other liquid - raw (untreated), partially or completely treated - flowing into a reservoir, basin, treatment process, or treatment plant. 39) Instantaneous Maximum Dlscharpc Limit The maximum concentration of a pollutant allowed to be discharged at any time. determined from the analysis of a grab sample collected at the industrial user. 40) Interference I40 CFR 403.3(1)1 A discharge which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations or its sludge processes, use or disposal; and therefore. is a cause of a violation of the POTWs NPDES permit or of the prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with the act or any more stringent State or local regulations. 41) Local Limifi I40 CFR 403.5k~i Effluent discharge limits applicable to industrial users of the Control Authoritys system developed by the Control Authority in accordance with 40 CFR 403.5(c). 42) Monthlv Averape The monthly average is the arithmetic average value of all samples taken in a calendar month for an individual pollutant parameter. The monthly average may be the average of al! grab samples taken in a given calendar month, or the average of all composite samples taken in a given calendar month. 43) New Source I40 CFR 403.3(k~tI)I (I) Any building, structure, facility, or installation from which there is (or may be) a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the publication of proposed pretreatment standards under Section 307(c) of the Act which will be applicable to such source if such standards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with that section, provided that: (a) The building, structure, facility, or installation is constructed at a site at which no other discharge source is located; or (b) The building, structure, facility, or installation totally replaces the process or production equipment that causes the discharge of pollutants at an existing source; or (c) The production or wastewater generating processes of the building, structure. facility, or
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installation are substantially independent of an existing source at the same site. In &mining whether these are substantially independent, factors such as the extent to which the new facility is engaged ion the same general type of activity as the existing source, should be considered. (2) Construction on a site at which an existing source is located results in a modification rather than a new source if the construction does not create a new building. structure, facility, or installation meeting the criteria of Section (l)(b) or (c) above but otherwise alters, replaces, or adds to an existing process or production equipment. (3) Construction of a new source as defined under this paragraph has commenced if the owner or operator has: (a) Begun, or caused to begin, as part of a continuous on-site construction program; (i) (ii) any placement, assembly, or installation of facilities or equipment; or significant site preparation work including clearing, excavation, or removal of existing buildings, structures or facilities which is necessary for the placement, assembly, or installation of new source facilities or equipment; or entered into a binding contractual obligation for the purchase of facilities or equipment which are intended to be used in its operation within a reasonable time. Options to purchase or contracts which can be terminated or modified without substantial loss, and contracts for feasibility, engineering, and design studies do not constitute a contractual obligation under this definition.
pH is an expression of the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution. The measurement indicates an acid solution when the pH is ~7 and an alkaline solution when the pH is ..*7. pH meters typically measure the pH in the range of 0 to 14. pH reflects the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration of the aqueous solution.
An acid or other chemical solution in which metal objects are dipped to remove oV,de scale or other adhering substances. RN-W I40
CFR 403.3to)l
Publicly Owned Treatment Works. A sewage (or wastewater) treatment v ,rks which is owned by a state, municipality, city, town, special sewer district or other publicly ov .ed or financed entity, as opposed to a privately owned (industrial) treatment facility. The deP ,tion includes not only the treatment works itself, but also the entire collection system leadir, to the treatment works. Redsion Precision refers to the reproducibility of laboratory analytical results. Pretreatment The reduction in the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to, or in lieu of, introducing those pollutants into the POTW. This reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical, or biological processes; by process changes; or by other means, except by diluting the concentration of the pollutants unless allowed by an applicable pretreatment standard.
Pretreatment FacMv
Industrial wastewater treatment system consisting of one or more treatment devices designed to remove sufftcient pollutants from waste streams to allow an industry to comply with effluent limits (i.e., categorical standards, local limits, and federal prohibitive standards). Prior&v
Is the list of pollutants designated by the U.S. EPA pursuant to section 307(a)(l) of the Act. There are 65 classes of pollutants and 126 individual pollutants currently identified.
The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (PL 94-580). RCRA was enacted to define a federal role in solid waste and resource management and recovery. RCRAs primary goals are: 1) to protect human health and the environment from hazardous and other solid wastes; and 2) to protect and preserve natural resources through programs of resource conservation and recovery. Its principa1
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regulatory focus in on the control of hazardous waste through a comprehensive system of identification, tracking, treatment, storage, and ultimate disposal. 59) Rewivinn Water A stream, lake, river, ocean, or other surface or groundwater into which treated or untreated wastewater is discharged. 6 0 ) Retwesentative Sanwle
A sample from a wastestream that is as nearly identical in composition to that in the larger volume of wastewater being discharged. 61) Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) A sewer use ordinance is a legal instrument implemented by a local governmental entity which sets out all the requirements for the discharge of pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works. 62) Simiflcrrnt Industrial User (SIC) I40 CFR 403.3(tH A significant industrial user is an industrial user (see IU definition above) which is either: I) a categorical industrial user; 2) a user which discharges an average of 25.000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to a POTW; 3) contributes a process wastestream which makes up 5 percent or more of the average dr) weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW; or 4) is designated significant industrial user by the POTW. 63) Sknifkant ,Voncompliance L~,VCI I40 CFR 403.8t?M2)(viijl An industrial user is in SNC if its violations meet one or more of the following criteria: (A) Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, defined ils those in which sixty-six percent or more of all measurements taken during a six month period exceed (by any magnitude) the daily maximum limit or the average limit for the same pollutant parameter; (8) Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations, defined as those violations in which thirty-three percent or more of all measurements for each pollutant parameter taken during a six month period equal or exceed the product of the daily maximum limit or the average limit multiplied by the I .4 for t3OD. TS, fats. oil, and grease. and I.2 for all other pollutants applicable TRC (TRC except pH: (C) Any other violation of a pretreatment eflluent limit (daily maximum or longer term average) that the Control Authority determines has caused. alone or in combination with other discharges. interference or pass through (including endangering the health of POTW personnel or the general public): (D) Any discharge of a pollutant that has caused imminent endangerment to human health, welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTWs exercise of its emergent) authority to halt or prevent such discharge; (E) Failure to meet, within 90 da)s after the schedule date. a compliance schedule milestone contained in a local control mechanism or enforcement order for starting construction, completing construction, or altaining tinal compliance; (F) Failure to provide. within 30 days after the due date. required reports such as the baseline monitoring report (see defimtlon above), 90-Day Compliance Report (see definition above). periodic report (see definition above), and reports on compliance with compliance schedules; (G) Failure to accurate]> report noncompliance; and (H) Any other violation or group of violations which the Control Authorit} determines will adversely affect the operation or implementation of the local pretreatment program..
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The settleable solids intentionally separated from liquid waste streams during treatment typicaily under quiescent conditions, and the unintentional accumulation of solids in tanks and reservoirs associated with production and manufacturing processes. Slw Dlschatpe I40 CFR 403.80It2Mv)l Any discharge at a flow rate or concentration which could cause a violation of the prohibited discharge standards in the General Pretreatment Regulations. Slut? Discharpe Control Plan I40 CFR 403.%(II(tl(v)l A plan designed to prevent the uncontrolled discharge of raw pollutants (or materials, e.g., a dairy spill of milk may disrupt a small POTW and would have to be reported even though milk is not a pollutant) into the POTW. Every Significant Industrial User is required to be evaluated. at least every two years, for the necessity of instituting such a control plan. SD&cd San&e (Field) A sample of a known amount of a particular pollutant constituent prepared in the field by adding a known amount of the analyte in question during sampling. This technique identifies potential sample matrix interference and/or problems with inadequate sample preservation. Spiked Sam& (Laboratorv) A sample of a known amount of a particular pollutant constituent prepared in the laboratory by adding a known amount of the pollutant in question at a concentration where the accuracy of the test method is satisfactory. Spiked samples check on the accuracy of the analytical procedure. Split Samle (Field) A sample which is collected and divided in the field into the necessary number of portions (e.g., 2, 3, etc.) for analysis. Equally representative samples must be obtained in the process. The split samples are then analyzed by separate laboratories (or the same laboratory) preferably using the same analytical techniques. Technolom-Based Standards Discharge limits for specific industrial categories established by the Federal EPA based on the use of the Best Available Technology economically achievable (BAT), the Best Practicable Control Technology available (BPT), or the Best Conventional Technology available (BCT). Such standards are based on the cost and/or availability of technology to treat the specific wastestream under consideration. Toxic Pollutant (40 CFR 122 Amendix DI Those pollutants, or combination of pollutants, including disease-causing agents. which after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any organism either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through the food chain, will, on the basis of information available to the Administrator of the EPA, cause, death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring. Such pollutants which have been identified as toxic are listed at 40 CFR 122 Appendix D. Water Oualltv Standardr Water quality standards are provisions of state or federal law which consist of a designated use or uses
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for a given water bcdy and associated water quality criteria which must be met in the stream to a&eve these uses. Water quality standards are eflluent standards imposed on point sources. These standards are designed to achieve the water quality criteria established for a given wata body. These standards are designed to improve and/or maintain the quality of the receiving water, regardless of the cost or availability of treatment technology.
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Inspections and Sampling in the 1 Pretreatment Program Legal Authority and Regulatory Basis for Conducting Industrial User Inspections and Sampling 2
Purposes and Objectives for Inspecting and Sampling Industrial Users Outline of the Guidance
3 5
Inspections and Sampling in the Pretreatment Program The requirements imposed on Industrial Users (IUs) and Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) by the National Pretreatment Program have become increasingly complex. The scope and detail of the pretreatment regulations have expanded at the same time as the control on the discharge from POTWs has evolved from traditional pollutants (e.g., BOD, TSS, etc.) to water quality-based permit limits and biomonitoring requirements. In addition, the Federal Sludge Regulation, promulgated on February 19, 1993, imposes requirements on the POTWs sludge use or disposal practice based on the quality of the sludge the POTW produces. Due to this increased complexity and the strengthened controls on the POTWs effluent and sludge, it has become increasingly important for the POTW to be able to assess directly the compliance status of its IUs. The primary method for a POTW to accomplish this oversight is to use periodic inspections and sampling at the IU.
This manual is intended to acquaint POTW personnel with the well-established inspection and wastewater sampling procedures which have been used in the NPDES program for many years. The information presented will guide the POTW inspector by providing a framework for conducting inspections and wastewater sampling. The manual assumes that the POTW inspector has a basic knowledge of wastewater treatment technologies, as well as all applicable Federal. State and local pretreatment requirements. The information contained in this guidance will serve the experienced inspector as a reference,
while new inspection personnel will find it useful as a logical framework for learning how to conduct inspections and sampling. This manual is also intended to assist the POTWs legal counsel and lab personnel as a reference for the legal and technical aspects of pretreatment inspections and sampling activities. This manual is not intended to provide detailed information on pollution prevention activities. For further information on pollution prevention, the POTW should consult the following EPA Manual: Guides to Pollution Prevention: Municipal Pretreatment Programs. October, 1993, EPA/625/R-93/006.
Prior to this manual, in July, 1986, the EPA issued the Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (PCME) Guidance document, With the evolution of the Pretreatment Program since that time,
As used in the text and throughout this manual, the term inspector includes all field personnel who collect information that may lead to or support an enforcement action While the focus of the text is on the conduct of compliance inspection at facilities subject to regulation by the POTW, the majority of the material is also relevant to other types of compliance/enforcement investigations
however, much of the information contained in the PCME Guidance has become outdated. Instead, POTWs should use the Guidance for Developing Control Authority Enforcement Response Plans (September, 1989), the Industrial User Permitting Guidance Manual (September, 1989) and this guidance as the principal guides for implementing their approved pretreatment programs. These three documents are intended to replace the use of the PCME Guidance because they provide the most current information for POTWs to establish appropriate pretreatment permitting. compliance monitoring and enforcement procedures.
This document creates a comprehensive and detailed framework for conducting inspections and sampling at regulated industrial users. Certain elements of this overall framework may not need to be implemented by each POTW in all cases. For example. where there are few industrial users in the system and each one is small. the POTW may never encounter issues relating to confidential business information or some of the safety precautions described in this manual. Nevertheless. each of these items should be considered when a new industrial user is identified in the POTWs system. For large POTWs with many industrial users which are complex, it will probably be necessary for the POTW to follow each of the procedures outlined in this manual.
Legal Authority and Regulatory Bask for Conducting Industrial User inspections and Sampling The General Pretreatment Regulations establish the overall framework for implementing an approved pretreatment program. The Regulations outline the minimum requirements which a POTW must perform to satisfy the obligation established in its NPDES permit. With regard to inspecting and sampling industrial users, Section 403.8(f)(1)(v) of the Regulations requires the POTW to have the legal authority to: carry out all inspection. surveillance and monitoring procedures necessary to determine, independent of information supplied by Industrial Users, compliance or noncompliance with applicable Pretreatment Standards and requirements Representatives of the POTW shall be authorized to enter any premises of any Industrial User in which a discharge source or treatment system is located or in which records are required to be kept ... to assure compliance with Pretreatment Standards. The standard to which POTWs are held for purposes of evidence collection during an inspection or sampling event is further outlined in Section 403.8(f)(2)(vi): Sample taking and analysis and the collection of other information shall be performed with sufficient care IO produce evidence which is admissible in enforcement proceedings or judicial actions. It is important that the inspector keep current on the regulations by reading the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, by subscribing to a service which summarizes the EPA regulations, or by consulting on a regular basis with the POTWs legal counsel.
The overall objectives of the General Pretreatment Regulations are to: I) prevent the introduction of pollutants into POTWs which will interfere with the operalion of the plant. including interference with the desired use or disposal of its municipal sludge; 2) prevent the introduction of pollutants into the POTW which will pass through the treatment works to receiving streams; 3) improve opportunities to reclaim and recycle municipal and industrial wastewaters and sludges; and 4) reduce the health and environmental risk of pollution caused by the discharge of toxic pollutants lo POTWs.
Ultimately, the POTW must implement an overall compliance monitoring program (i.e.. receiving and reviewing self-monitoring reports from IUs, and conducting inspections and sampling) that accomplishes the following objectives: 1) meets the requirements and intent of the General Retreatment Regulations. 3) is effective and timely in determining compliance with categorical standards. local limits and prohibited discharge standards, 3) provides representative data required to meet POTW reporting requirements to the State or EPA. and 4) provides sampling data that would be admissible in court, if such an enforcement action were to be undertaken by the POTW, State or Federal government.
Inspection and sampling activities form the core of the POTWs compliance monitoring program and require POTW personnel to enter private property to gather information to assess or detemline the compliance status of the facility. Therefore, these compliance monitoring activities must be pcrfbrmed in accordance with minimum constitutional protections (e.g., protecting against unreasonable searches and seirures). as well as other rights and due process considerations available to individuals under Federal. State or local law. Consequently, all POTW representatives, including any authorized agents of the POTW, who enter industrial facilities shoulct be familiar with the section of their local ordinance that gives the Inspector (or the POTWs agent) the authority to enter an industrial users facility to conduct an insPection or sample the wastewater. addition, each inspector should be familiar with the POTWs standard procedures for entermg industrial facilities, including how to obtain a warrant if entry is denied or withdrawn. In
Identify which IUs influence the quality of the POTWs influent, eflluent, and sludge quality; Evaluate the impacts of the POTWs influent on its treatment processes and receiving stream; Evaluate, the need for revised local limits; Inform the regulated community of pretmatm ent requirements; Maintain current data on each regulated industrial user; Assess the adquacy of the industrial users self-monitoring program and the Ill pennit; Provide a basis for establishing the sampling requirements of the 1U (above the Federal minimum); Evaluate the adequacy of the IUs operation and maintenance activities on its pretreatment system; Assess the potential for spills an&or slug discharges; Evaluate the effectiveness of slug discharge control measures; Gather information for IU permit development; Evaluate the adequacy of the IUs hazardous waste management and disposal; Evaluate compliance with existing enforcement actions; and Develop a good working relationship with the II-J; The inspector is the cornerstone of the POTWs compliance monitoring and enforcement of the pretreatment program. Without the inspector on the scene, processes that violate Federal, State, or local laws would continue to jeopardize the POTW, the environment, and public health.
For example, industrial waste can cause damage to the POTWs collection system by clogging sewers, causing corrosion, creating the potential for explosions, and contaminating the POTWs sludge. Toxic wastes from industry can upset the biological treatment processes which may take months to repair. To protect the environment, the Pretreatment Program has been designed to prevent pollutants generated at industrial sites from passing through (see the definition of Pass Through in the Definitions section of the manual) the POTW into the environment, either through the POTWs sludge or effluent, or by interfering (see the definition of Interference) with the operation of the POTW Public health is protected by the Pretreatment Program through the regulation of industrial discharges so that treatment plant and sewer maintenance personnel are not exposed to toxic or flammable chemicals.
The inspector is usually the only person from the POTW who regularly appears at the industrial users facility. The inspectors presence dramatically symbolizes the POTWs role as a responsible public agency observing the actions of the regulated industry. The knowledge that an inspection could occur unannounced encourages industrial plant managers to keep their operations in compliance.
Chapter Three of the manual presents a detailed framework for conducting sampling at the industrial user. This chapter covers: the objectives of sampling, pre-sampling considerations (e.g.. a sampling plan), special sampling requirements (e.g., cyanide sampling at Electroplating facilities), analytical methods, use of automatic sampling devices, flow measurement, and quality assurancefquality control considerations.
II. Introduction
USERS 28 29
Developing and Maintaining an IU Survey Frequency of Inspection and Sampling Types of Inspections Confidential Business Information Responsibility of the Inspector Inspector's Field Notebook Pre-Inspection Activities Pre-Inspection Preparation Review of Facility Background Information Developing an Inspection Plan Safety and Sampling Equipment Preparation Notification of the Facility Entry to the Industrial Facility Legal Basis For Entry Arrival for the Inspection Reluctance to Give Consent Uncredentialed Persons Access to Federal Facilities Denial of Consent to Enter Withdrawal of Consent Denial of Access to Parts of the Facility Covert Sampling in Response to Denial of Entry
Pre-Inspection Observations 29 Information to be Collected Prior to and During the Inspection 31 8 32 9 On-Site Activities Opening Conference 11 Inspection Procedures 14 Physical Plant Review 16 Self-Monitoring Review Operations Evaluation Maintenance Evaluation Records Review at the Industrial User Obtaining Copies of Necessary Records Record Identification Procedures Closing Conference 22 Follow-Up Activities 45 Inspection Report Inspection Checklist 48
INTRODUCTION This chapter presents a framework to be used by POTW personnel when conducting on-site inspections at industrial facilities that discharge or have the potential to discharge process wastewater to the POTW. The principal intent of this chapter is to assist POTW personnel in planning, collecting. and documenting sufficient information to determine compliance or noncompliance, particularly by all SIUs, with all applicable Federal, State. and local pretreatment standards and requirements. New POTW inspection personnel are
encouraged to read and understand the material presented in this chapter before beginning any inspection activities.
This chapter begins with a discussion of general inspection topics such as: developing and maintaining an industrial user survey; criteria to be used in setting the frequency of inspections and sampling activities; the types of inspections which can be used by the POTW; how to handle confidential business information; the general responsibilities of the POTW inspector; and the use of an inspector's field notebook. Once this groundwork has been laid, a detailed discussion of specific inspection activities follows. The topics covered
in this discussion include: pre-inspection activities; on-site activities; and follow up activities. Also included
at the end of the chapter is an inspection checklist which can be used by the inspector as the basis for the inspection report.
Each of these activities of the inspection (i.e., general, pre-inspection, on-site, and follow up activities) are discussed in greater detail in the sections which follow. but first. the need for developing an industrial user survey is discussed.
DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING AN INDUSTRIAL USER SURVEY All permitting, compliance monitoring and enforcement activities which the POTW undertakes are derived from an accurate identification of the regulated industrial users in the POTWs system. Therefore, it is imperative that the POTW maintain an up-to-date listing of each IU which discharges to the POTW. Once this list is established, the POTW should update this information periodically (sources of information and techniques for updating this information include: checking with the local Chamber of Commerce for new businesses, reconnaissance drive-throughs of the POTW district by POTW personnel, newspapers, applications for water service. yellow book advertising, building permits, etc.). For Significant Industrial Users (SIUs), the POTW is required to update this list annually as part of its Pretreatment Performance Report to the State or EPA. This list provides the basis for developing a plan for scheduling site visits at SIUs. The schedule for site visits should be contained in a neutral inspection plan (discussed later in this chapter) which should be developed by the POTW to guide its conduct of SIU site visits.
FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION AND SAMPLING The General Pretreatment Regulations require POTWs to inspect and sample each SIU at least once each year. This frequency was established as a minimum to represent the EPAs expectation for site visits to facilities with good compliance histories. POTWs should develop a neutral inspection plan (discussed below) to establish the criteria under which the POTW will conduct site visits at a frequency greater than the once per year minimum. These criteria should be applied when the POTW schedules routine compliance inspections for its IU universe. When considering how often to visit an industrial facility, the POTW should consider (at a minimum) the following criteria: - The industrial users potential to adversely affect the POTWs operations (e.g., the type and/or concentration of pollutants in the IUs discharge); . The volume and variability of the discharge; . Available resources and finances; . The type and reliability of control methods used to achieve compliance; . The quantity and nature of materials stored or in use and their relative risk of accidental spill; 7
. POTW problems known or suspected to have been caused by the NJ; . A history of complaints, if any. at the facility; . The facilitys geographic location; . The compliance history of the user; . The period of time since the last inspection; . The imposition of new or additional pretreatment standards and requirements; and . Special considerations or circumstances such as seasonal production schedules or batch discharges at an industrial facility. For example, a large facility with a poor compliance history may be scheduled for monthly site visits. On the other hand, a significant industrial user with a fairly consistent record of compliance, a cooperative attitude toward the pretreatment program, and a relatively constant manufacturing .process may need to be inspected only once per year. When establishing an inspectors site visit schedule, adequate time must be allotted to allow inspectors to prepare for each visit, document their findings in a site visit report, and conduct other assigned duties.
The POTW shouId develop procedures to implement a neutral inspection plan for routine inspaztion and sampling visits. A neutral monitoring scheme provides some objective basis for scheduling inspections and sampling visits by establishing a system for setting priorities (whether a complex factor-based, alphabetical, or geographic system) to ensure that industrial users are not unfairly selected for inspection or sampling. The selection of which industrial users to inspect must be made without bias to ensure that the POIW can not be challenged for operating its inspection and sampling program in either an arbitrary or capricious manner. This plan should be included as part of the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan as well as included in the POTWs automated tracking system (if available).
TYPES OF INSPECTIONS inspection and sampling activities at industrial facilities may be: I) scheduled. based on a neutral scheme; or 2) on demand. usually in response to a specific problem or emergency situation, such as a spill at the industry or an upset at the POTW. The POTW may use either of these inspection types when conducting a site visit at an industrial user, but to satisfy the minimum inspection frequency established by the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(v)), the POTW must conduct a routine compliance inspection at the IU (i.e., not a demand inspection, which may not have sufficient coverage to satis@ the regulatory requirement).
Scheduled inspections should be conducted according to the POTWs neutral inspection scheme. This does not mean that the POTW must notify the facility prior to each scheduled inspection. On the contrary, a routine compliance inspection is most effective when it is unannounced or conducted with very little advance warning (\o~E: when determining compliance with pretreatment standards, the IU should be in normal operation to ensure the representativeness of the samples taken). The neutral inspection scheme should set the criteria the POTW uses to choose which facilities to inspect, but the schedule for the actual inspection should remain confidential and may be separate from the neutral plan. Demand insoections are usually initiated in response to known or suspected violations, usually identified as a result of reviewing a self-monitoring report, a public complaint, a vmlation of the POTWs NPDES permit requirements, POTW operating difficulties, unusual influent conditions at the POTW. or emergency situations (e.g., sewer line blockages, tires, or explosions) When emergency situations arise in the treatment system (including the collection system),
industrial mspections should be initiated immediately. Sampling is almost always a part of a demand inspection because the purpose of the inspection is to identify or verify the source of a discharge causing problems. and to gather information which might be used in a subsequent enforcement action. In some instances. the POTW may want to notify other appropriate local agencies (e.g., the fire department, State hazardous waste response team, the EPA. etc.) depending on the nature of the suspicion at the industry.
may have to deal with claims of confidentiality. These claims are authorized under Section 308 of the Federal Clean Water Act and are explained in the Code of Federal Regulations at 40 CFR Part 2. The inspector is responsible for following proper security measures when handling inspection data. both while on the road and in the office. Confidential business information includes trade secrets (including chemical identity, processes, or formulation) that could damage a companys competitive position if they became known to the public. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information could result in criminal sanctions against the inspector.
Any business being inspected has the right to claim all or any part of the information gathered during the inspection as confidential. Information collected during an inspection is available to the public unless the IU takes measures to have the information held as confidential. This information must be held in confidence from the public. but this information must also be disclosed to the EPA upon request. The Control Authority may. as a matter of policy. notify the business through the IU permit or by providing the local SUO to the business of its right to claim confidentiality.
The affected business must assert its claim of confidentiality at the time the information is submitted to the POTW. If a claim of confidentiality is made after the fact. the POTW should make every effort to honor such a claim, but is in no position to guarantee that the information has not already been distributed to the public. The claim of confidentiality must be made in writing and signed by a responsible company official (e.g., a president, vice president, treasurer, general counsel, or chief executive officer). While the business is entitled to make a claim of confidentiality on all information which an inspector requests or has access to while on site, claims of confidentiality should be subject to review by the POTWs counsel. A business may not refuse (on the grounds that the information is considered confidential or a trade secret) to release information requested by the inspector. The claim of confidentiality only relates to the Dublic availability of such data and is not to be used for denying access of a facility to POTW inspectors performing their duties under State or local law. Confidential business information must not be disclosed to competitors or to any other person who does not need to have access to the information to evaluate compliance with pretreatment obligations (e.g., POTW compliance personnel). A determination of confidentiality should be made when someone From the public requests the information which was claimed as confidential. At that time, the POTWs legal counsel must determine if the information is. under State law. confidential information. The POTW must have a process for safeguarding these materials until such a request is made, including having locked file cabinets, designating responsible officials. etc. Federal law requires that information described as effluent data (defined at 40 CFR Part 2,302(2)(i)) not be treated as confidential. Eftluent data include any information regarding the nature of the discharge to the sewer system.
In some cases, entry to a facility may be denied based on a claim that there is confidential information at the facility. In such cases, the inspector should inform the industry of the relevant subsections of the State or local law regarding confidentiality so that they are clearly understood b> all parties involved. The inspector should then explain the procedures used by the POTW to keep information confidential. In this instance. it would be helpful if the POTW had already notified the IU of its right to claim confidentiality and the Ills response (assuming it acknowledges this right and agrees that information must be provided to the inspector under the expectation that its claim will be honored by the POTW). If the facility representative still refuses entry, the inspector should not contest the issue but should treat the matter in the same manner as any denial of entry and follow established procedures for gaining entry (see discussion of Entry to the lndustrial Facility later in this chapter).
To understand claims of confidentiality, an inspector should know the types of information considered confidential. The federal regulations specifically exclude certain types of information from confidential treatment. In particular, this public information includes all effluent data. LXlluent data include all
information necessary to determine the identity, amount, frequency, concentration, temperature, and other characteristics (to the extent related to water quality) of : . Any pollutant which has been discharged by the source (or any pollutant resulting from any discharge from the source) or any combination of these Pollutants; and . Any pollutant which, under an applicable standard or limitation, the IU was authorized to discharge (including a description of the manner or rate of operation of the facility). Effluent data may also include a general description of the location and/or nature of the source of pollutants to the extent necessary to distinguish it from other sources of pollutants (e.g., a description of the device, installation, or operation of the source). In general, information which is collected to determine the compliance status of the industry is not considered confidential. It is the inspectors responsibility to handle all material claimed as confidential according to established procedures. For more information on confidentiality and the handling of confidential information, as well as on the right of entry to a facility for inspections and sampling, the inspector should consult with the POJWs legal counsel.
The inspector should not sign any pledge of secrecy or confidentiality agreements or any agreement which would limit the POTWs ability to disclose or use the information obtained while inspecting an IU. Such secrecy agreements are not a precondition of entry to the facility and should not be signed by the inspector. It is not appropriate for the inspector to determine whether an IUs claim of confidentiality is
justified. Once such a claim is made, the information must be kept confidential until a determination is made by the POTWs legal counsel.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSPECTOR The inspectors fundamental mission is to examine the environmental activities of a single regulated facility. The site visit is the basic element that determines the quality of information available for determining compliance and taking enforcement actions. The inspector must be knowledgeable about the requirements that apply to the user (i.e., the industrial user permit, the SUO, and Federal categorical standards) in order to determine the facilitys compliance status. responsible for the following areas of conduct: laui POTW inspectors must conduct all inspection activities within the legal framework established under State or local law. The inspector must be knowledgeable of the conditions established in the industrial user permit, the local SUO, applicable National Categorical Standards, local limits, the General Prrtreatmcnt Regulations, and any other applicable State or Local regulations, including any special requirements regarding entry to the industrial facility. Local pretreatment program inspectors are
POTW inspectors must be familiar with general inspection procedures and evidence collection techniques to ensure accurate inspections and to avoid endangering potential legal proceedings on procedural grounds. These inspection procedures should be set forth in the local Enforcement Response Plan and should address inspections, sampling, flow monitoring, and documenting the results of these activities in a manner which enables the POTW to produce evidence which is admissible in a judicial action. The standard sequence of activities for conducting inspections are outlined in detail in Table 2-l. These procedural considerations are discussed further later in this chapter. Evidence Collection: POTW inspectors must be familiar with general evidence gathering techniques because the POTWs case in a civil or criminal prosecution depends in part on the evidence which the inspector has gathered. Inspectors must keep detailed records of each inspection. This information will serve when preparing the inspection report, determining the appropriate enforcement response. and giving testimony in an enforcement action. In particular, inspectors must know how lo: substantiate facts with items of evidence, including: samples, photographs, document copies, statements from witnesses, and personal observations (but not opinions); abide by chain-of-custody procedures; * collect and preserve data in a manner admissible in legal proceedings; and o testify in court and administrative hearings. Inspection and sampling procedures are discussed in detail in this chapter and in chapter three of this Manual. Safety: The POTW inspector must follow safety procedures, including: dressing appropriately and wearing safety clothing (e.g., steel toed shoes, hard hats, etc.), maintaining safety equipment in good working order, and using safety equipment in accordance with any manufacturers specifications or label procedures. In addition, the POTW inspector should follow the safety procedures established by the industrial user which is being inspected, unless these procedures prevent the inspector from conducting the inspection. Professional/Ethical: POTW inspectors must perform their duties with the highest degree of professionalism. In dealing with industry representatives. inspectors must be tactful, courteous, and diplomatic. The inspector is the representative of the POTW, and is often the initial or only contact between the IU and the POTW. A firm but responsive attitude should encourage cooperation and initiate a good working relationship with industry. Inspectors should avoid any negative comments regarding any product, manufacturer, or person while conducting their inspection. Inspectors should not accept gifts, favors, lunches, or any other benetits under any circumstances. This might be construed as influencing the performance of their duties. When evaluating the information obtained during the inspection, the facts of the inspection should be developed and reported completely, accurately, and objectively. Ouallt~ Assurance (OA) Resoonsibilities: The inspector must assume the primary responsibility for ensuring the quality of the compliance data obtained during the inspection. While other organizational elements play an important role in quality assurance (see the discussion in Chapter 3), it is the inspector who must assure that all effluent data generated by the POTW and introduced into the inspection file are complete, accurate, and representative of conditions at the NJ. To help the inspector meet these responsibilities, the POTW should develop a QA Plan that identifies individual responsibilities and documents detailed procedures for ensuring the
Establish the purpose and scope of the inspection; Review all pertinent background information, including the IU permit and the permittees compliance tile; Contact appropriate staff personnel responsible for the permittee: e.g., pretreatment coordinator; Develop a plan for the inspection; Preparc an! documents and equipment necessary for the inspection; Coordinate >our schcdulc \rith the laboratov if samples are to be collected; Contact rc>ponsiblc part! for transporting samples and for packingshipping requirements. Re\ ie\r applicahlc categorical standards. Entry: . Present official credentials and verbally identify oneself; . Manage denial or bbithdraual of entq. if necessary. Opening Conference or Meeting: (if applicable) . Discuss inspection objectives and scope; . Iistablish a \torhing relationship brith the industrial user Facility Inspection: Conduct visual inspection of the entire industrial facility; Review industrial user records; inspect monitoring equipment and operations; Review huardous waste records; Collect samples; Review laboratory records for QA,QC, monitoring data (flow, pH, etc.); Review laboratoc procedures to verify the use of approved methods; Document inspection activities. Closinn Conference: (if applicable) . . . . Collect missing or additional information; Clarify questions and answers with facility officials; Revieu inspection findings and inform industry officials of follow-up prdcedures; and issue a deficient> notice, if appropriate.
Inspection Report: . Organize inspection findings into a useful. objective evidence package; . Include all deficiencies and required activities; and . Prepare the narrative report, checklists, and documentary information, as appropriate.
highest quality of sampling from the inspection. The objective of the QA Plan is to establish standards that will guarantee that data obtained during the inspection or sampling event meet the requirements of all users of that data (e.g., it must be able to be used by compliance personnel to determine the compliance status of the facility, and it must be able to be used by the POTW in court as admissible evidence in an enforcement proceeding). Many elements of QA are incorporated directly into the basic inspection procedures and may not be specitically identified as QA techniques by the inspector (e.g.. chain-of-custody procedures). The inspector must be aware that following established inspection procedures is critical to the inspection program. These procedures should be developed to reflect the following QA elements: o Valid data collection; o Approved analytical methods; * Standard data handling and reporting; Quality analytical techniques. When conducting an in-depth inspection at an industrial user, POTW personnel are required to evaluate a broad spectrum of activities at the facility. In some cases, the level of expertise for this evaluation may exceed the qualifications of the inspector (e.g., when evaluating if appropriate analyttcal equipment is used or conformity with the analytical procedures in 40 CFR 136). In situations where such an evaluation is part of the inspection, the POTW should make available specially trained or skilled staff (c.g.. analytical chemists) to either assist in the inspection or to train inspectors in their areas of expertise. The POTW inspector should have the necessary knowledge and skills for conducting effective 111 inspections, but these skills and expertise may be supplemented by other POTW or contractor staff. The general skills and knowledge which POTW inspectors should have are outlined in Table 2-2.
contained in the inspectors field notebook, which is intended to provide accurate and inclusive documentation of all inspection activities. It is important for the information contamed in the field notebook to relate exactly to the conditions observed by the inspector at the facility. The tield notebook should nor contain opinions or any observations not supportable from the facts of the inspection Normally, field notes will be written in a
field notebook andor on a prepared report form developed by the POTW (or the inspector may use the enclosed checklist) to ensure that all perlinent information is collected. The !icld notebooks used by the inspector should be bound, to be sturdy enough to last through several inspections. and information should be recorded in permanent ink. It is important that the information obtained during the inspection be retained in the inspection notebook for a long time. because the information contained in the notebook might be used in an enforcement action years later. The POTWs legal counsel should be consulted for advice on preparing
Pretreatment inspectors should have the following knowledge and skills: Knowledge of Federal, State and local regulations and requirements. Know ledge of toxic constituents in industrial waste discharges. Knowledge of the Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards. Knowledge of all local limits developed by the POTW. Knowledge of industrial processes and where wastestreams are generated. Knou Icdge of spill control procedures. Know ledge of bcastewater treatment technology. Knob+ ledge of \b astcuater sampling methods. Know ledge of L+ astewater analy-tical methods. Knowledge of flow measuring techniques. Knoulcdge of ,tnd ability to identify safety hazards associated with pretreatment control. Knowledge of and ability to practice professional ethics. Abilit) to inspect waste treatment facilities and verify conformance with specifications. Abilit) to evaluate and select monitoring locations. Abilit) to deal tactfully and effectively with industry representatives. Ability to maintain accurate records and write clear and concise reports. Ability to read and interpret mechanical construction drawings and pipeline schematics. Abilit) IO keep confidential information and trade secrets. Abilit? to understand other viewpoints and work with industries and other regulatory agencies. Abilltb to prepare and maintain proper files and documentation on work performed. Abilit) to understand and carry out procedures on confidentiality developed by the POTW.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Since an inspector may be called to testify in an enforcement proceeding, it is imperative that each inspector keep detailed records of inspections, investigations, samples collected, and related inspection information. The types of information that should be entered into the field notebook include:
Obsenations: All conditions, practices, and other observations that will be useful in preparing the inspection report or that will validate evidence should be recorded; Documents and Photographs: All documents taken or prepared by the inspector such as the completed checklists for the inspection report should be noted and related to specific inspection activities. (Photographs taken at a sampling site should be listed and described).
. Unusual Conditions and Problems: Unusual conditions and problems should be noted and described in detail, and
General Information: Names and titles of facility personnel and the activities they perform should be listed along with statements they have made and other general information. Weather conditions should be recorded (e.g., raining or clear). This information can be used to determine if storm water is being discharged to the sanitary sewer. Information about the facilitys record keeping procedures should be noted since it may be useful in later inspections. Information on who was interviewed and what those individuals said are important pieces of information for the inspectors notebook.
Pre-inspection activities are crucial for conducting eRicient and effective inspections because they provide a focus for the on-site inspection activities. By carefully planning the inspection activities, the inspector will
not waste time on-site deciding what needs to be accomplished and how to obtain all of the necessary information. This background work should be completed at the POTW so that inspectors can use their time efftciently when they arrive at the facility. An inspection and sampling program begins even before the inspector goes out into the field. A good inspection begins with planning. Generally, a significant amount of time should be devoted to planning the inspection and on follow up activities to the inspection. Planning begins with the thought process by which the inspector identifies all activities relating to the inspection, from its objective (purpose) through its execution (actual conduct) and follow-up. Pre-inspection preparation is an essential element of conducting high quality inspections. By knowing why the facility is being inspected,
what should be looked for, how it will be found, and where attention should be focused, the inspector will make the most efftcient use of field time and ensure that the appropriate information for subsequent compliance or enforcement purposes is collected. By the time the inspector goes into the field, he or she should: . Have a clear idea of the objective for the inspection (e.g., investigation of a reported spill or complaint, routine compliance inspection, etc.). The objective will define the scope of the inspection (i.e., the range of activities to be conducted during the inspection). The objective will depend on what type of inspection is being conducted (i.e., scheduled, or demand);
Know all applicable program regulations (federal and local), compliance history, and physical layout of the site to help define the scope of activities the inspector will undertake at the facility;
. Know the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) for the type of inspection activities to be conducted (again, these activities will be determined by the objective of the inspection). It is recommended that all Control Authorities adopt written SOPS. SOPS are a document or set of documents which explain, in step-by-step detail, how an inspection should be conducted (e.g., it defines who will be interviewed; what types of questions will be asked; how a specific type of sample will be collected; cleaning procedures for sample collection equipment and sample bottles; calibration methods for pH meters, D.O. meters, and conductivity meters, etc.; identification of the correct equipment, materials and techniques for conducting the inspection and for collecting, preserving, and documenting samples and other evidence; and any additional activity which the POTW conducts related to inspections or sampling). This manual will provide many of the details needed by POTWs to establish SOPS for their inspection activities; and . Know the safety plan for protecting all members of the inspection team from potential hazards or harmful exposures on site. This section will describe the elements and procedures that go into pre-inspection planning, both those related to general field activity and the facility inspection itself. In this section, we will concentrate on the why and what of pre-inspection planning; detailed discussion of the how tos of some of the key elements of planning (e.g., how to develop a quality assurance plan for samples) will be found in later chapters.
Pre-Inspection Preparation
Pre-inspection prepamtton can be broken down into the following activities: reviewing facility background information; developing an mspection plan; safety and sampling equipment preparation; and
notifying the facility (if appropriate). Each of these will be discussed in turn. Review of Facility Background Information: To plan effectively and ensure the overall success of an inspection, it is essential that the inspector collect and analyze any available background information on the candidate facility. By reviewing background information. the inspector can minimize the inconvenience to the IU caused by requesting information which has already hren suhmittcd. Avoiding this situation increases the regulatory credibility of the POTW. The inspector must A-t*: *:,ne the amount of background information necessary for the inspection and in collecting this information should focus on the characteristics which are unique to the targeted facility, e.g., design and physical layout. historical practices and compliance status, legal requirements. etc.. The types of information which might be important for the inspector to review are listed in Table 2-3. A summary of this information may be kept in a separate file or filed with the final inspection report for each IU so that it is conveniently available for any subsequent inspection.
The inspector can find the majority of the information described in Table 2-3 in the permit application and permit of the industrral facility (for a review of permit requirements and application information, refer to the Industrial llser Permitting Guidance Manual September. 1989). the POTWs Industrial Waste Survey, the BMR and 90 Day Compliance Reports, Periodic Compliance Reports. and information learned by the inspector from previous visits at the facility. The industrial user permit should clearly identify all of the responsibilities and obligations of the industrial user in a single document. The permit should provide information on all appltcable eflluent ltmitations (Federal categorical standards, prohibited discharge standards. and local limits), requirements and restrictions applicable to all discharges from the facility; slug control plans; monitoring. record keeping and reporting requirements; sampling location; type of samples to be taken; and required analytical methods (i.e., methods approved in 40 CFR Part 136). The permit application and f3\lR should outline the general facility information by describing the facility and providing site plans and layouts of the process areas and other areas of concern. The applic&ion should also include all contact persons as well as production levels and flow data from the facility. The previous inspection report for the factlity will identify areas of concern from the last inspection which required action on the part of the 1U. The inspector should review this report carefully and follow up on any progress in addressing any problems previously identified. When the facility to be inspected is a categorical industry, the inspector should review any appropriate guidance from the U.S. EPA regarding that particular category to become familiar with the specific industrial
industrial User
inspecrion Manual
Reauiremenfs, Repulations, and Limilations: . . Copies of all applicable Federal, State and Local regulations and requirements, including any joint agreements or multi-jurisdictional agreements; Copy of the industrial users permit and permit application; and Any applicable compliance schedule which the industry might be under.
Any correspondence between the facility and Local, State or Federal agencies; Documentation on past violations of permit requirements or compliance schedules (available from the POTWs data tracking system); Self-monitoring data and reports; Post inspection reports; Past notices of violation (NOV), or other enforcement correspondence between the facility and the POTW; and Laboratory capability and analytical methods used by the industrial users lab (if applicable).
Wastewafer Treafmenr Syslemr: . Description and design specifications for the wastewater treatment process employed at the industrial user; Process description, specifications, and schematic diagram; . Available bypasses for existing pretreatment systems (if applicable): . Type and amount of wastes discharged; and - Spill control and contingency plans.
7 to be inspected. A list of all pretreatment-related guidance documents is found in Appendix XII. In addition, the inspector should become familiar with the EPA issued Development Documents associated with each industrial categov to become more acquainted with the manufacturing processes, wastewater characteristics, as well as treatment technotogy at these categorical industries.
The development of a sound inspection plan prior to going on-site is as important to the success of the POTWs inspection efforts as the on-site activities themselves or the preparation of a high-quality, welldocumented inspection report. Inspection plans should be flexible enough to adapt to unanticipated situations encountered at the site, but the plan should also be designed as an organized approach to guide the conduct of the inspection. The basic purpose of the plan is to provide the inspector or inspection team (if appropriate) with a step-by-step guide to collecting relevant evidence about a facilitys procedures and practices that are to be observed during the inspection. All inspection activities (i.e., its scope) are derived from the inspections objective(s) (i.e., why the inspection is taking place). The objective(s), in turn, depend on the reason for conducting the inspection (i.e.. to conduct a routine compliance evaluation, to follow up on information from a previous inspection, to investigate a complaint, or in response to an emergency situation). The inspection plan clarifies each of these areas (the inspections objective, scope and activities) for each type of inspection. The basic components of the inspection plan should cover the following areas:
The purpose of (i.e., reason for) the inspection: a brief history of why the inspection is taking place and the inspection objectives (i.e., what goal is to be accomplished). This will depend on the type of inspection taking place.
. The scope of the inspection (i.e., what range of activities need to take place to fulfill the objectives of the visit (NOTE This may change in the field, since some of the best evidence may be unanticipated by the inspector. The inspector must be flexible enough to adapt to new unanticipated situations in the field);
The inspection standard operating procedures (SOPS) and associated rationale for these activities (i.e., which field and analytical techniques will be used to collect what information; what record keeping systems will be reviewed; which IU personnel will be interviewed; which samples will be collected; and for each step, why).
. The definition of team task assignments and time scheduling (if applicable); . Resource requirements (costs and time) based upon the planned activities and time allowances;
What kinds of evidence should be collected and documented in field log books. A Quality Assurance Plan, where necessary; and
The investment of time required to produce a quality inspection plan is worth the effort because it constitutes a walk-through of the facility for the particular inspection type that should save time and
resources during the actual inspection. The inspector must be clear on what questions are appropriate to address during the inspection, and the plan provides a framework for working through these issues prior to visiting the site. POTWs should develop standard operating procedures an&or inspection checklists that are incorporated as part of the inspection plan. The checklist at the end of the chapter can be used for this purpose, and it can form the basis of the POTWs SOPS for a comprehensive compliance inspection. It is still important, however, to be clear as to which elements will be the focus of the inspection. Once this plan is developed for each facility and each type of inspection, it can used for each subsequent inspection without revision, unless circumstances at the plant change significantly. If there are significant changes at the IU, a new inspection plan may need to be developed The general components of such a plan are outlined in Table 2-4. Safety and Sampline Equipment Preparation: After the background information for an IU has been gathered and reviewed. and a plan for the inspection has been developed, POTW personnel should review and check the types of equipment which are necessary to meet the objectives of the site visit. An inspector must carry enough equipment to gather the necessary information during the inspection. This part of the pre-inspection process in\,olvcs obtaining and The necessary types of equipment may vary with the For
nature of the IU and the types of activities to be performed by the POTW during the inspection.
example, if sampling is to be performed during the inspection, sampling equipment, and possibly additional safety equipment would need to be prepared. All equipment must be checked, calibrated and tested prior to
each inspection. The inspector must also ensure that all materials necessary for the inspection are taken to the inspection site. Safety procedures and equipment for a facility will be based on past experience at the facility, or, for new facitities, the facilitys response to the POTWs letter requesting such safety information (such a letter is recommended for all new facilities). Safety requirements must be met to ensure the inspectors safety and to help ensure that the inspector is not denied entry to the facility or parts of the manufacturing operations. Notification of the Facility: Most inspections will not involve notice to the affected facility. This is especially true when the POTW has established a working relationship with the IL, and its personnel are known at the facility. Also, notification should not be given to the facility when illegal discharges or improper records are suspected or the POTW wants an accurate picture of normal operations. The concern that physical conditions may be altered before the inspection or that records may be destroyed or altered justifies an unannounced visit to the facility. Likewise, a demand inspection (i.e., an inspection conducted as a result of a spill at the 1U or upset at the POTW) can not be planned in advance. The POTW must be ready to conduct these types of
inspections on very short notice and at any time of the day or night.
In some instances, the 111 may be notified that it has been scheduled for an inspection by the POTW. The time frame for this notification is up to the POTW. Notification of the IU prior to visiting the facility is used primarily before inbprcting an III for the first time. so that plant officials are prepared to conduct a tour of the facility to familiarlzc the POTS uith the IUs operations. If coordination with the IU is necessary for
the inspection (e.g., to ensure that appropriate plant personnel are present), then the POTW may notify the facility of the exact date of the inspection and request that certain IU personnel be present. This notification may also inform the IOTW of its rights to claim confidentiality of the information obtained during the inspection. but any confidentialit) claim should be reviewed by the POTWs counsel at the time a request for the information is made by the public (set the Confidential Business Information discussion earlier in the chapter for a more detailrd discussion of this matter).
This section discusses the legal basis for entry onto an IUs premises.
NJs facility with the consent of the plant personnel, but there may be circumstances where such consent is not granted, or consent to enter particular areas of a facility may be denied. In situations where consent is denied, or where consent is withdrawn part way through an inspection. it will be necessaq to follow certain procedures to ensure the legality of the inspection. This section covers both of these situations and explains
what procedures should be followed by the inspector when consent is not granted to conduct or continue the inspection.
sample at an industrial facility. If the Superintendents designated representative (i.e., the POTW inspector) is allowed to inspect, he or she is usually required to present proper credentials prior to entering the facility. An inspectors credentials are his or her proof of authority to enter and inspect a facility. and should a1way.s be presented when entering the facility.
There may be times when the POTW may wish to inspect a non-discharging facility (e.g.. if the POTW suspects that the non-discharging facility has commenced a discharge without a permit, or if the POTW desires to ensure that no discharge is occurring at the facility). IInder these circumstances. the same authority which allows the POTW to enter the premises of discharging facilities should enable the POTW to gain access to the non-discharging facility. Of course. if the facility rcfuscs entry. fur whatever reason. the POTW has the same recourse as vvith any other facility, i.e., seek a warrant to enter the premises. In this case, the POTW should follow the Denial of flntry procedures outlined in this manual. 22
In some instances, the POTW employs an independent contractor to perfotm all or a certain aspect of the inspection or sampling at the industrial facility. POTW personnel should consult with their legal counsel to ensure that the POTW may, in fact, designate such contractor personnel as inspectors. This designation must be made in accordance with State or local law. The POTW should be aware that contractors may not perform functions which are inherently governmental (e.g.. determining compliance, initiating enforcement action, etc.). All inspectors (whether POTW or contractor) must follow the POTWs written procedures for inspecting and sampling, and the POTW must be the ultimate authority when compliance determinations are made or policy decisions which affect the conduct of inspections or sampling.
The right of the government (Federal, State or Local) to enter an industrial facility and the protection against unlawful entry by the government has been the subject of numerous court decisions. These court decisions influence the manner in which a POTW inspector may enter a regulated facility. Several decisions by the Supreme COUR pertaining to the right to enter and the use of warrants for entry have bearing on the POTW inspection process because these decisions define the limitations under which a POTW inspection may lawfully gain entry to a regulated industry. The principal court case dealing with these issues is Marshall v. Barlows, 436 U.S. 307 (1978). Under this decision, the court concluded that where consent for the inspection was not voluntarily given by the facility, the inspector is required to obtain an administrative warrant to gain lawful entry. The court held that an inspector is not permitted to enter the non-public areas of the worksite without either the owners consent or a warrant.
The court further established the conditions under which a civil or administrative warrant can be issued by a judge or magistrate. These conditions are: 1) reasonable cause to believe that a circumstance (e.g., a violation) addressed by a statute or ordinance (for a POTW this would be a State statute and/or local ordinance) had 2) that the facility to be entered was identified and selected by the POTW based on a preexisting administrative plan or scheme for entries. The basis for the plan or scheme was required by the court to be neutral. The message of the court was simply that the government (Federal, State and Local), through its field agents, cannot pick on regulated facilities with subtle harassing techniques or through the exercise of entry, search, inspection, investigation, or correctional rights or powers. The appropriate exercise of government authority is not to threaten an industry. This is why it is important that the POTW develop an
inspection plan which is based on neutral conditions (e.g., geographical location) and to stick to this plan when conducting site visits or to conduct the inspection when there is a justified suspicion of a violation. The procedures which an inspector should follow when entry is denied are discussed in detail below.
There are two important exceptions to the limitations described above. In these two situations, there is a right to entry without a warrant, as discussed below:
Emenwncy Situations: such as potential imminent hazard situations, as well as situations where there
is potential destruction of or where evidence of a suspected violation may disappear if time is permitted to elapse while a warrant is obtained. In an emergency, when there is insufficient time to obtain a warrant, a warrantless inspection is allowed. The POTW will have to exercise considerable judgment as to whether a warrant should be served when dealing with an emergency situation. However, even in emergency situations, the POTW would probably need the assistance of the police, sheriff, or fire department to gain entry. During the time it takes to get this assistance. a warrant could probably be obtained if there is close coordination with the POTWs legal counsel.
Oven Fields and In Plain Vkw situa!ions: Observations by an inspector of things which are in
plain view (i.e., they can be seen by anyone in a lawful position or place to make such observations) do not require a warrant. For example, an inspectors observations from the public area of a facility or even from certain private property not normally closed to the public, are also proper and valid. Further, even when a warrant is obtained for entry, those areas outside of the warrants scope are also in plain view so long as the warrant permits the inspector to be where they are when they make such viewing.
The inspectors authority is usually not limited to entering and examining the industrys treatment plant (effluent sources) alone. The inspector may inspect other areas of the permitted facility as well. The inspector should consult with the POTWs counsel to ensure a complete knowledge of the local law which authorizes their activity. Coordination with the POTWs counsel is also important when situations arise where entry is denied. Under these circumstances it may be necessary to contact the POTWs legal counsel to gain entry into the facility.
Enter the facility through the main gate, unless the facility has designated another point for entry; Locate the person in charge at the facility as soon as possible. Consent to enter the facility must be given by the owner or operator, or their designated representative. The inspector should learn who this individual is and develop a working relationship with that person. The inspector may want to have several industry contacts to grant entry in case the primary contact is not available. As long as the inspector is allowed to enter, the inspection is considered voluntary and consensual. A clear expression of consent is not necessary because an absence of an expressed denial is considered consent. If there is only a guard at the entrance, the inspector should present their credentials (if no credentials are issued by the POTW a business card should suffice) and suggest that the guard call his or her superior or the responsible industry representative. The credentials indicate that the holder is a lawful representative of the POTW and is authorized to perform pretreatment inspections. These credentials are important documents and should never leave the sight of the inspector.
If the facility provides a blank sign-in sheet. log, or visitors register, it is acceptable for the inspector to sign it, as long as there
no rcstrictivc language associated with it. The inspector must not sign any type of
waiver or release from liability form that would ltmit in any way the ability of the POTW to use the information obtained during the inspection. The inspector must not agree to any such restrictive condition of
entry. In addition, the inspector must not sign any safety or personal harm waiver absolving the facility of any injury which the inspector may. incur while on-site. If the industry insists on such a waiver, the inspector
should politely explain that they cannot sign and request a blank sign in sheet. In some instances, it may be possible to simply cross out the offensive language before signing, obtain a photocopy and make a note in your field notebook about it. If the inspector is refused entry because they do not sign the release, they should leave and immediately report all pertinent facts to their supervisor or. preferably, the POTWs legal staff. All events surrounding the refused entry should be fully documented, and problems should be discussed cordially and professionally. Officials at the regulated facility must not be subjected to any form of intimidation or threats for their failure to allow an inspector entry to the premises. The inspectors authority to inspect should not be abused. nor should the ILs right to refuse entry be attacked. Keep in mind that the inspector is at the facilrty to conduct an inspection. not to see a specific individual. If the normal contact is not in, the inspection should not be postponed.
The POTW inspector cannot be required to take a facilitys safety training course prior to entry, but if the company has a relatively short safety briefing that will not interfere with the inspectors ability to complete the planned inspection. it may be worthwhile to attend.
Reluctance to give consent. The receptiveness of facility officials toward inspectors is likely to vary from facility to facility. Most inspections will proceed without difficulty. &cause monitoring may be considered an adversarial proceeding to some industries, the inspectors legal authority, techniques, and competence may be challenged. If consent to enter is flatly denied, the inspector should follow the dmial of
entry procedures outlined below. In other cases, offtcials may be reluctant to give consent for entry because of misunderstandings of responsibilities (e.g., officials may feel that the inspection is part of an enforcement proceeding against the company), inconvenience to the firms schedule. or other reGons that may be resolved through diplomacy and explanation on the part of the inspector.
One of the typical obstacles encountered by the inspector is a receptionist refusing entry because the inspector does not have an appointment. In this case, remind the receptionist that you are not there to see a
specific individual but to inspect the facility. If entry is still refused, ask to speak to the environmental manager or owner of the facility. If that does not work. follow the denial of entry procedures outlined below.
Another common obstacle is the statement, There is nobody here who can authorize the inspection. In this instance, ask to speak to a supervisor, or show the receptionist the section of the sewer use ordinance which authorizes the inspectors access to the facility. Do not threaten legal action, but clearly state your intent to inspect. Be professional, assertive and persistent, but if you still cannot gain entry, follow the denial of entry procedures outlined below.
Whenever there is difliculty in gaining consent to enter, inspectors should tactfully probe the reasons and work with oflicials to overcome any problems. In any instance where there is a misunderstanding or conflict
due to the inspection. the inspector must avoid threats. inflammatory discussions, or language which would deepen the antagonism. The inspector should be aware of their personal safety during such confrontations and avoid actions which may enrage an individual who is irrational. If the situation is beyond the ability or authority of the inspector to manage, the inspector should leave and consult with the POTWs legal counsel.
(i.e., industry representative) must be obtained for persons accompanying an inspector to enter a site if they do not have specific authorization (e.g.. acting as an agent of the POTW). If consent is not given, such
individuals may not enter the premises. If consent is given. these individuals may not view confidential business information unless officially authorized for access.
with military, intelligence or nuclear-related activities may have special security or access requirements due to the facilitys mission of national security. POTW inspectors have the right to gain access to these facilities to the same degree they have authority to enter any industrial facility which discharges to their system, but it is necessary for POTW personnel to comply with any special entry requirements. POTW inspectors must obtain the appropriate clearances for access to national security information. facilities or restricted areas at Federal facilities. Where compliance information has been classified, restricted or protected for national security, all information is to be maintained in accordance with the originating Agencys (e.g.. DOD) requirements. This information should be treated as confidential business information and protected to the same degree as other CBI (e.g.. access to this information should be under lock and key with only authorized personnel having access to the key). The POTW should contact the EPA Regional office (Pretreatment Coordinator - see the list of Regional Pretreatment Coordinators in Appendix XI) to get information on how to obtain these security clearances. Obtaining top level security clearances can take up to one year, so you should plan ahead to avoid unnecessary delays. In the interim. it may be necessary to contact the EPA Regional Office for assistance in conducting inspections at these facilities.
Denial of Consent to Enter. If an inspector is refused entry into a facility to conduct their inspection under an appropriate State or Local law, the following procedural steps should be taken: - Present Credentials. in-charge; Make sure that all credentials have been presented to the facility owner or agent-
- Tactfully Discuss the Reason for Denial. If entq is not granted, courteously ask why. Diplomatically probe the reason for the denial to see if obstacles (such as misunderstandings) can be resolved. If the resolution of these conflicts is beyond the inspectors authority, he or she may suggest that the facility oflicials seek advice from their attorneys regarding a clarification of the POTWs inspection authority and right of entry; - Carefully Record Observations in Your Field Logbook. All observations pertaining to the denial should be noted carefully in the inspectors field logbook. Specifically, note the following: Facility name and exact address; Name, title, and authority of the person who refused entry; Name, address, and telephone number of the facilitys attorney (if readily available); Date and time of refusal;
Reason for the denial; and Facility appearance (e.g., neat and orderly, or chaotic); All of this information will be helpful in case a warrant is sought. - Avoid Threatening or Inflammatory Statements. Under no circumstances should the inspector discuss potential penalties or do aq?hing that may be construed as coercive or threatening. For example, the POTW has the right to ask for a warrant under normal circumstances. Therefore, refusal to permit entry to conduct the inspection is not likely to lead to any action against the industry, providing that the refusal was based on the inspectors lack of a warrant and there isnt an emergency situation as described above. If the inspector were allowed to enter the facility based on a threat of enforcement liability, it is likely that any evidence obtained through such an inspection would be deemed inadmissible in an enforcement proceeding. On the other hand, an inspector may inform the facility representative that he or she intends to seek a warrant to compel the inspection. However, the inspector should be careful how this statement is phrased. Do not state: I will Ret a warrant. If an enforcement action is brought against this facility using the information obtained in that inspection, a reviewing court may feel that the above statement usurped the coufls authority to authorize a warrant and may deny the warrant. Even if the company later consents to the inspection following a statement that the inspector will Ret a wan-ant, there may be an issue as to whether consent was coerced. If the inspector decides to make a statement regarding a warrant, it should be phrased similar to: 1 intend to seek (or apply for) a warrant.
Leave Premises and Contact Supervisor. If entry is still denied after attempting to resolve the obstacles, the inspector should leave the premises after obtaining the information noted above in the field logbook. The inspector should contact his or her supervisor immediately after leaving the premises. and the supervisor should confer with the POTWs legal counsel regarding the desirability of obtaining a warrant. The POTWs legal counsel should attempt to resolve the conflict by contacting the facilitys legal counsel prior to obtaining a warrant.
Withdrawal of Consent Durinn an Inspection. Occasionally, a facility may consent to an inspection and later withdraw the consent while the inspection is in progress. Consent for the inspection may be
Indumial User Inspection Manual withdrawn at any time after entry has been made.
entry. Therefore, the inspector should follow the procedures cited above under Denial of Consent unless the inspection has progressed far enough to accomplish its purposes. All activities and evidence obtained prior to the withdrawal of consent are valid and may be used in an enforcement proceeding against the facility.
the facility is denied, the inspector should make a note of the circumstances surrounding the denial of access and of the portion of the inspection that could not be completed The inspector should then proceed with the
rest of the inspection and should contact his or her supervisor after leaving the facility to determine whether a warrant should be obtained to complete the inspection.
Covert Samplinn in Response to Denial of Entry. Whenever entry to a facility is denied, a sample should be obtained at a manhole immediately downstream of the facility, if possible (NOTE: the inspector should be aware of the potential difficulties with the sample, i.e., are other facilities connected to that part of the sewer which discharge the pollutants of concern?). This type of sampling, however, may help with any
Ma enforcement actions or investigations which the POTW may undertake at the facility by uncovering activities which the industry is attempting to hide. This type of sampling is also effective when a demand inspection is being conducted because the POTW personnel can then compare the results of sampling from inside and just outside the plant to see if they match. This can provide evidence of any batches being dumped prior to entry to the facility.
entry. This situation would only occur where the POTW knows that entry will be denied to the inspector). The Barlow decision from the Supreme Court (discussed earlier), author&s the issuance of a warrant to inspect facilities without showing that a violation is probably occurring (probable cause requirement). When the FOTW seeks a warrant, it must show that it has the authority to inspect industrial facilities. Obtaining such a warrant may be an appropriate part of the pre-inspection preparation process when the POTW suspects that entry may be denied, either absolutely, or temporarily until processes or records can be altered, or other actions taken to obscure violations of applicable pretreatment requirements.
No single list of documents and equipment will be appropriate for each inspection. The majority of the inspections which the POT\V undertakes rrill be routine annual inspections required by the Federal Pretreatment Regulations. There ma) be instances. however, such as emergencies (e.g., spills at an IU, or complaints of problems at an II!). lrhich might require an immediate site visit to assess compliance or ascertain the situation at the II!. Ihe POTW must be ready to respond to such situations by having all inspection equipment and documents readily available and ready to go. lhe checklist outlined in Table 2-5 is intended to guide and aid the inspector in planning for necessar) inspection supplies and activities.
The inspection report form and the field notebook form the basis for the written report made of the inspection and should onl) contain pertinent information and data. The language used in recording the inspection information should be objective, factual. and free of personal feelings or terminology. Notebooks can become an important part of the evidence package used by the POTW in an enforcement action and can be entered in court ;FS e\ldence if properly maintained. All of the information developed as a result of the inspectlon should be dated so that the inspector can recall the information while writing the inspection report. This report should be written as soon as possible after the inspection or sampling visit.
The inspector should keep all pertinent information from the inspection in the field notebook, This information could include sampling measurements, flow measurements. production rates (if they are needed to determine compliance with any applicable mass based limits), process descriptions, nature of the facility, cooperativeness of the II; ollicials. general housekeeping observations (e.g., how clean or organized is the facility), and an) other infom>ation lenrncd from visiting the site. Representatives from the IU may request that any or all of the Information collected be treated as confidential business information. The FOTW must
General Equipmen!:
* Proper personal identification Camera 9 Film and flash equipment Pocket calculator . Tape measure Clipboard Waterproof pens, pencils, and markers . Copy of the local sewer use ordinance Field logbook and maps
l l l l l
. . . . . . . . .
Polyethylene bags Disposal towels or rags Flashlight and batteries Pocket knife Locking briefcase List of facility contacts Compass for direction on maps. etc. pfI paper Evidence tape
Samplinp Equipmenr:
. . .
Siphoning equipment Weighted bottle sampler Liquid waste samplers Sample bottleticontainers (certified clean bottles with teflon lids) Ice chest Flow meter (if applicable) Preservatives Thermometer
. . . . . . . . .
Container for contaminated material Waterproof container labels Field test kits Field document records Vermiculite or equivalent packing Calorimetric gas detection tubes pll equipment Explosimeter (atmospheric testing device) Tubing, tape and rope
. -
Entry warrant (if applicable) Notice of inspection (if applicable) Receipt for samples and documents Chain of custody for auto samplers Copy of IUs permit
. . . .
Chain of Custody Forms ILazardous sample shipping labels Inspection form checklist Copy of the local Sewer Use Ordinance
Safetv Equipment:
Safety glasses or goggles Face shield Ear plugs Rubber-soled. metal toed. non-skid shoes Liquid-proof gloves Coveralls, long sleeved Oxygen!combustion/Fi$ meter with alarm Air blower with 15 fI. hose Safety harness. tripod and hard hat Flashlight Self-contained breathing apparatus
. . . . . . . . . * . . . . .
Confined space permit (if applicable) Plastic shoe covers Respirators and cartridges Self-contained breathing apparatus Manhole hook or pick Fire extinguisher Safety ladder (aluminum, chain, or rope) Safety cones Warning flags Particulate masks Traffic diversion devices
Emerpencv Equipment:
. Substance-specific first aid information Emergency telephone numbers . First aid kit with eyewash
Two-way communication radio Fire extinguisher Soap, waterless hand cleaner, and towels Supply~ of clean water for washing
honor this claim until or unless the POlWs legal counsel determines that the information is not confidential. In some instances it may be possible or necessary to elevate this evaluation process up the judicial ladder to the state or federal system for final determination
As mentioned earlier, the types of information that will be collected during an inspection will depend, in part, on the objective of the site visit. For a comprehensive compliance evaluation and site review most of the following information should be summarized prior to the inspection and updated during the inspection. The information discussed in this section is reflected in the checklist questions found at the end of this chapter, and this discusslon should be used in conjunction with the checklist and the checklist instructions. 9 Identifying Information: Facility name. site address, mailing address, contact name, title, and telephone number. . General Background Information: Applicable categorical standards and local limits, applicable Standard Industrial Classitication (SIC) code(s), number of shifts used, number of employees per shift, hours of operation, date facility commenced discharge to the sewer, date the categorical process commenced operation, etc.
Water Schematic: The schematic for water flow through the facility and the location of all wastewater discharge lines that flow to the POTWs system, along with major plant features.
. Discharge Schematic: A description of each discharges (including any batch discharges) amount, regulated pollutants, frequency, and destination.
Process Schematic: A description of each process flow from each major product line and process used within the plant. particularly processes that are subject to Federal Categorical Standards. Reactors, plating tanks and all types of process tanks can contain chemicals which maybe discharged periodically. Metal cleaning solutions are a prime example. The amounts, chemical nature, brand name, and frequency of discharge are all important. In addition, it is important to note how these wastes are disposed (i.e.. discharged to the POTW or packed in drums as hazardous waste). If pretreatment of these solutions is practiced (neutralization, etc), this fact should be noted as well as the method used to determine that the waste has been treated to acceptable levels. General plant washdown (its frequency and quantity of water used) is also important. In many plants, the washdown is the largest at&or the most significant discharge. Pretreatment Systems: A detailed description and appropriate sketches of each existing pre&atment facility, including operating data, if available.
. List of Pollutants: The list should be divided into two categories: I) pollutants that come into dirazt contact with the water that is discharged to the POTW; and 2) pollutants that do not come into direct contact with water discharged to the POTW, but which have the potential to enter the wastewater due to spills, machinery malfunctions, etc.
Sampling Locations: A list of all sampling locations used at the facility. Chemical Storage: The proximity of chemical storage to floor drains and whether floor drains discharge to storm or sanitary sewers. The volume of all hazardous chemicals encuuntercd should be listed. Any floor drains should be noted. If the chemicals stored are unknown, note the brand name, use and chemical supplier and obtain all material safety data sheets for all chemicals used at the plant.
The suppliers address should be noted in case it is necessary to contact them to obtain the nv chemical information. . Slun Control Plans: A description of all spill control practices used by the IU, including information on all past spills, unusual discharges, or temporary problems with any of the process units that may affect the wastewater discharged to the POTW. . Air Pollution Control Equipment: A description of all air pollution control equipment that may generate a wastestream, the pollutants that are likely to be found in this wastestream, and the discharge or disposal method used. In some industries, the effluent from air scrubbing may be the principal waste source and may contain a wide variety of process chemicals which are not encountered in any other wastestreams. For example, booths for spray painting sometimes use a water column as a water curtain for fume control. . Sludge DisDosal: A description of how waste residuals (sludge) from the pretreatment operations are handled, stored, and/or disposed. Many industrial processes such as cleaning, degreasing, grinding, or chemical pretreatment produce sludge which must be disposed. How this occurs, how often, and the quantities involved are all important. For example, vapor degreasers are used for cleaning metal in a wide variety of industrial applications. They almost always produce a sludge and solvent waste, and are usually water cooled. producing a steady stream of uncontaminated cooling water. The presence of these devices should always be noted as well as appropriate answers to questions concerning the wastes associated with them. As is the case with batch discharges, any waste disposal service should be recorded.
Boiler Blowdown: A description of the biocide(s) or algicide(s) used in the boiler maintenance program. The chemicals used in this process may be chemicals of concern, especially for sludge disposal by the POTW (e.g., molybdenum compounds). &rational Problems: A description of any operational problems or shut-downs of pretreatment facilities since the previous inspection.
- IU Water Bills: The inspector should be familiar with trends in the NJs water consumption and wastewater production. This information can be obtained by a careful review of the facilitys water bills. A mass balance approach should be taken to pinpoint any areas of water loss or potential bypass.
Compliance Information: The inspector should review all previous IU compliance sampling data, as well as all data obtained by the POTW on the facility to be inspected.
RCRA (i.e.. Hazardous) Wastes: A description of all hazardous waste generated or stored at the site
and the manner of disposal for all such waste, especially any disposal to the sewer.
Each of these areas of a complete compliance evaluation are contained in the checklist which is presented at the end of the chapter. This checklist should provide the basis of the information collected during the inspection, unless the scope of the inspection does not require a complete compliance evaluation (e.g., a response to an emergency situation may require only very specific information and not include the general information contained in the checklist).
This chapter has thus far addressed the procedures which should be followed when planning and preparing for the inspection visit at a regulated NJ. In doing so, we have covered the why and what of
inspections. We nou turn to the on-site activities of the site visit. These activities can be characterized as the who. ho\+ , and \s hcrc aspects of conducting inspections and form the core of the inspectors handson activities.
The on-site activities at the facility form the core of the inspection. Once on-site, the inspector is responsible for developing a complete picture of the IUs manufacturing and process operations, wastewater treatment operation, compliance activities. and records management. Using the industrial inspection to its fullest extent will depend upon the ability of the inspector to ask the right questions and to look closely in the appropriate location3 \i hilt cyn+itc. l711s will require inspectors to become thoroughly familiar with industrial
treatment proccsscs. \s.:stur ater sources and treatment technology, as wel I as with correct inspection procedures and techilqucs (c.g.. intcrvicwing and observation). The principal goal of the NJ inspection is to gather information that cm be used to determine compliance with all applicable requirements, including permit conditions, regulations. and other State or local requirements.
An industrial pretreatment facility consists of wastewater treatment processes designed to remove pollutants from wastestreams prior to discharge to the local sewer system. Pretreating these wastes is the method used b! man! Industrici to cornpI\ with local waste discharge ordinances and permits, and also federal and state regulations. The sources. amounts, and types of wastes generated at an industrial
manufacturmg or processing site depend on the age of the facility. raw materials used, production processes, and the abllit) to recover or rcc)clc ti%tcs generated as a result of industrial activity. Some industries attempt to minimize the diffcrcnt wastestreams by controlling them at the source (i.e.. pollution prevention), while others gather all \rastestrcams together for treatment at one central location.
Physical, chemical, and sometimes biological treatment processes are used to separate or remove pollutants from these \rastc~trc:m~s. I~NX treatment processes should be closely controlled by plant
personnel to produce dlschargcs uhich are acceptable to the POTW. To ensure that industrial dischargers meet all applicable rcquircmcnts. the pretreatment facility inspector must inspect each of the treatment processes or facilities at an) industrial site which has the potential to discharge taxi; or hazardous wastes to the POTW. lhis section outlines the procedures used in the NPDES program for industrial inspections. These procedures should be followed b) PO-TW inspectors when conducting their site visits.
Opening Conference:
Once proper credentials have been prcscnted and legal entry has been established, the inspector can proceed with the on-site activities of the inspection. If this is the first visit by the POTW to the IU, or if the
management team at the IU has changed significantly since the last inspection, the on-site activities should
begin with an opening conference with facility officials to outline what will be covered during the inspection, the purpose of the inspection, and the procedures which will be followed. Once a rapport with facility officials has been established, subsequent inspections and sampling activities at the IU may not require a detailed opening conference as described below, or may not require a conference at all. (YOTE: The inspector should always inquire if any changes have been made at the plant since the last inspection. This can be done during an official opening conference or it may be done informally at the beginning of the inspection. If changes have been made which affect the discharge to the POTW, the IU is required to report such changes. If the IU has not reported such changes, it should be considered a reporting violation and brought to the attention of appropriate IU officials). Ihe inspector should gauge the level of awareness of the IU offkials with the POTWs role in the pretreatment program, and the inspector should continue opening conferences until the IU clearly understands th : significance of its responsibilities. The POTW should encourage cooperation between the facility o ficials and the inspector(s) to ensure that the activities go smoothly. This section addresses the role of the inspector in the opening conference. along with relevant meeting agenda topics. This section also describes possible mid-course adjustments which might be needed as a result of the information discussed during the opening conference.
The opening conference establishes a forum for exchanging information between the POTW inspector and facility personnel. This information exchange should focus on the inspection, but it does not need to be limited to the inspection itself. The inspector should use the following principles when conducting the opening meeting:
Gain an early rapport; Start the meeting on a positive and professional note; Prepare and use any supprting information that will enhance the discussion (e.g., a copy of the local regulations or statute authorizing the inspection, pollution prevention materials or technology transfer information which might allow the NJ to operate more eficiently). If you can provide the IU with information which it might find useful, the inspector will be viewed as a resource and not a burden on Ihe facility; Acknowledge that the inspection may disrupt daily facility routines, but assert that reasonable efforts will be made to minimize such disruption; be maneuvered into bending POTW policies/procedures or overstepping your authority in an attempt to accommodate facility representatives. For example, facility representatives will be understandably very curious about how they are performing vis-a-vis the requirements of the pretreatment program Do not forget that the inspectors primary objective is to inspect the facility for compliance with discharge requirements. The inspector is not there as a consultant to solve technical problems for the company, but if through the inspectors experience or technical expertise the inspector can describe how similar problems have been handled successfully. the inspector may be able IO help the industry solve its problem. Be cautious about giving advice. The inspector should not advise the IIJ on how it could come into compliance. Such information, if followed, could be used as a defense in a future
. Listen carefully and be willing to answer the facility offkials questions, but do not permit yourself to
enforcement proceeding. The IU has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance. It is the inspectors job to evaluate the IIJ based on the requirements established in its permit or in the local sewer use ordinance. It is not the inspectors job to tell the IU how to come into compliance. A cooperative working relationship developed during this opening meeting can set the tone for the rest of the inspection. It can also be used as the foundation for strengthening ties between the POTW and its regulated industries. If approached properly, the opening conference provides an ideal opportunity for the inspector to function as a public relations liaison and educator. The inspector should ensure that he or she
provides tactful assistance before. during and after the inspection, but does not provide information which the IU can use as a defense in a later enforcement action. During the opening conference, the inspector should attempt to cover the following topics with the facility offtcials: - Inspection Obiectives: By informing facility officials of the purpose and scope of the inspection, it may help to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate the work of the inspector. - Order of the Inspection: If the inspector also discusses the order in which the inspection will be conducted. it will eliminate wasted time by allowing officials at the IU the time to make any requested records available. - Meeting Schedules: The inspector should schedule meetings with key IU personnel (perhaps beforehand) to allow facility offtcials adequate time to spend with the inspector during the inspection. It is important that a facility representative accompany the inspector during the inspection, not only to answer questions about the facility and to describe the plant and its operating processes, but also for safety and liability considerations. If these needs are discussed prior to the inspection, it allows the IU an opportunity to make someone available.
Permit Verification: The inspector should verify the pertinent sections of the IU permit, e.g., name and address of the facility, discharge points, and proper use of the Combined Wastestream Formula (if applicable).
- Safety Requirements: The inspection should verify which safety requirements (if any) are required at the facility, to ensure that appropriate preparations were made. - Photomhs: Photographs are a useful tool for documenting inspection information, and may prove useful in any enforcement proceedings against the facility. Facility offtcials, however, may object to the use of cameras on their property (especially Federal military facilities or defense contractors). If a mutually acceptable solution can not be reached, and if photographs arc considered essential for the inspection, the inspector should conclude the inspection without photographs and consult the POTWs legal counsel for additional information. If facility officials request that photographs be considered confidential, as with any other information so identified. the POTW is obliged to comply with this request pending further legal determination. When taking photographs it may be useful for the inspector to use a camera which takes pictures with the dates imprinted on the photograph. This can prove useful when storing and retrieving photographs for enforcement purposes. Also, when taking pictures, it is often useful to include reference objects in the photograph to judge the distance and size of objects. This creates a more substantial picture of the scene and may be useful when pursuing an enforcement action.
Inspection Procedures:
Physical Plant Review When an inspector performs an industrial facility site review, his or her primary areas of investigation include the facilitys pretreatment units, monitoring equipment, and production processes. The purpose of a facility site review is to examine the permittees premises for problem arear and to verify existing POlW file information on the IU. This overall review allows the inspector to gain a feeling for the facility being inspected and to review areas that may indicate problems with plant operations or effluent limitations. In particular, the inspector should focus attention on areas of the [Us premises where regulated pollutants are produced, pumped, conveyed, treated, stored or recorded. This type of facility site review requires that the
inspector understand fully the wastewater treatment processes used at the industrial facility and how each process fits in with the overall treatment scheme. The objectives of this type of comprehensive review are to:
. Evaluate the flow of raw water used for production culminating in wastewater discharged to the POTW, the facilitys water consumption and distribution usage, and the hydraulics of the facilitys drainage and collection system; . Understand the flow of raw materials and any additives used in production as well as all end-products; by-products; and other liquid. gaseous, and solid wastes resulting from the production process;
Assess the conditions of the facilitys current treatment processes and operations;
. Evaluate the wastewater characteristics (only possible if the inspector samples the effluent);
. Check the completeness and accuracy of the ILJs performance!compliance records (e.g., production levels, results of self-monitoring, etc.); and
In the course of the site visit, the inspector should become more knowledgeable about the facility, including areas that may indicate problems with effluent limits and overall operation and maintenance of the facility. It is to the inspectors advantage to conduct the facility review as soon as possible upon entering the facility. This prevents the permittee from altering any problem areas. ARer completing the preliminary discussions
with the plant officials, the inspector is ready to tour the facility. During the plant tour, the inspector should be alert to and inquire about any of the following areas:
Vital treatment units out-of-service for repairs. (The inspector should determine when the units were taken out of service, the type of failure experienced, and when the units will be put back in service). Any unusual equipment or operations such as special pumps, floating aerators in difised air systems, chemical feeders, construction, temporary structures, or any rigged systems intended to correct operational problems; Adequate safeguards to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes during electrical failures;
- Any evidence of spills an&or leaks, including proper storage of chemicals. which may enter the sewer (the inspector should ask questions of the employees to see if they are familiar with any rquired spill
or slug control measures at the plant and to determine if the IU provides any training on safety or slug controt measures) - Unauthorized discharge pomts andor bypasses, channels, or other areas likely to experience overflows. (The inspection should determine if spills or unauthorized use has recently occurred as a result of facility staff attempting to correct operational problems; and * Disposal of collected screenings. slurries. sludges, or other by-products of treatment. (These materials. including wastewater should be dtsposed of in a manner so as to prevent the materials from entering navigable waters or thetr tributaries); One of the principal areas which the inspector should evaluate is the level of production at the facility. Industries frequently make production changes because of advances in technology and the availability of new products. Therefore, during the tour of the facility. the inspector should inquire whether the permittee has made any changes to: production processes; raw material usage; amount of finished product; water use; waste treatment processes; and other such changes.
The inspector should also inquire whether the permittee has modified any production process that would change the pollutant loading to the POIW, and whether the POTW had been notified of such changes. This is especially critical tf the industry has limitations which are based on the combined wastestream formula (CWF). The inspector must assess the impact which any changes in the discharge of wastewater will have on any existing limits based on the CWF. Finally, the inspector must ensure that any increases in wastewater flow is not used as dtlution to meet any applicable pretreatment limits. If dilution is suspected at an industrial
facility, the inspector should tract each plumbing line to determine where it originates and where it goes. This may be very time intcnsivc. but it is the only way to accurately assess the existence of dilution at the facility, since it is unlikely that dilution lines will show up on any schematics that the company provides. The inspector should verif) any changes in production processes or pollutant loadings and include the results in the Inspection Report prepared alter the inspection.
In addition. the inspector should check the appropriateness of monitoring locations, the existence, condition and calibration of the permittees self-monitoring equipment (both field and laboratory), and the facilitys maintenance program for thus equipment. During the physical walk through of the facility, the
inspector should observe all areas which have current or potential problems. Fach.of these observations should be carefully documcntcd m :he inspectors field notebook because of their potential sensitivity during
an enforcement proceeding. It is often useful when trying to understand the tndustrial facilitys process to follow the process in a sequential order of production. Self-Monitoring Review: The site review at the tndustry should include an examination of the permittees self-monitoring program. To perform this review thoroughly. it is the inspectors responsibility to be familiar with the monitoring
requirements contained in the facilitys permit and with any correspondence which may have modified or replaced sampling points or analytical procedures. The inspector should also be thoroughly familiar with all approved test methods and the specified sample holding times and preservation techniques. or in the case of a complex array of methods, the inspector should have a reference list available of the approved methods for those samples required by the permit. (See Table 3-4 in Chapter 3 for an overview of appropriate holding times and analytical methods for various pollutant parameters).
equipment are provided as required in the permit and that they are being operated. calibrated and maintained properly; and 2) confirm that the analytical test methods used to evaluate pollutants or parameters specified in the 1U permit conform with the EPAs regulations at 40 CFR Part 136. When conducting the self-monitoring review, the inspector should: . Verify that flow measurement devices are in use (if required) and are adequate to handle the expected ranges of flow rates; . Verify that samples are taken at the locations prescribed in the IU permit; . Verify that the sampling location specified in the permit is adequate to provide a representative sample of the regulated discharge; . Verify/determine that the appropriate limits arc being applied at the specified sampling locations;
Verify that the frequency of sampling is performed in accordance with the permits requirements and that this frequency is adcquatc for the nature of the facility;
. Verify that samples are collected and preserved in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136; . Verify that samples are analyzed within the holding times and analyzed according to approved test methods in 40 CFR Part 136; . Verify that appropriate procedures are used by the industrial user when the IU pulls its own sample (i.e.. observe the IIJ pulling a routine compliance sample), and observe the 111 when it conducts its measurements of flow and/or pIl (it should be a common practice for the inspector to pull a pH sample and compare the results with the IU;
Verify that QAQC procedures used by the 1lJ in its self-monitoring program are adequate; and Check all sampling, monitoring, and laboratory equipment to verify that all equipment is in working order and has been operated, maintained and calibrated (including O&M and calibration logs) correctly. Evaluation.
The operating factors at the facility which might affect plant performance range from qualitative factors such as the skills and aptitudes of the operators (c.g.. process knowledge and general aptitude), to physical deficiencies in laboratory equipment or a lack of flexibility in process equipment. The evaluation of operation activities must focus on wastewatcr treatment, and laboratory analysis. Ihis evaluation should be based on the following topics:
Chapler 2 - inspecting Industrial Users - Staffing and Training; - Health and Safety; and - Management controls. Appendix 111 presents the basic review questions that an inspector should ask to evaluate the operation and maintenance activities at the facility,. These questions are detailed and comprehensive, and it is probably not necessary to cover all of these points with each inspection. The POTW should make sure that these areas are
covered during the course of the IUs permit cycle (e.g.. if the IUs permit is issued every three years, the POTW should cover the operation and maintenance questions at least every three years, unless there are suspected problems at the plant bvhich relate to the operation andor the maintenance of the facility. NOTE: The permit issuance cycle should never exceed five years).
Policies and Procedures. Written operating procedures and standard reference texts enable the operator of the process lines or wastewater treatment equipment to achieve efficient plant operation. The operations manual prepared for the faclltty is the most important reference that an inspector should review when evaluating plant policies and procedures. Other reference materials which should be available relating to the
operation of the facility include: manufacturers literature, publications by professional organizations (e.g.. the Chemical Manufacturers Association). and EPA publications.
Staffing. Even the best engineered facility cannot perform to its potential without a sufficient number of capable and qualified staff. Staff interviews are an important component of this evaluation, and the questions outlined in Appendix III can be used to ascertain the quality of the operations at the facility. The inspector should make an attempt to interview the individual in charge of overall operation at the facility, the chief operator (if different). specific unit process operators, and the laboratoy staff.
Ilealth and Safety. At all times. safe operating procedures should be followed by the regulated facilitys personnel. Employees must be trained in emergency shut-down, fire control. and spill response procedures, as well as in the use of safety equipment. Each of these areas can adversely affect the nature of the discharge to the POTW by allowing unregulated or uncontrolled amounts of pollutants to enter the POTWs system. The authority for such an evaluation is found at 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(v) which requires an evaluation of each SW for the need to adopt a slug control plan. The inspector should also verify that the Material Safety Data Sheets required by the Right-to-Know law are readily available at the facility. This law also requires a written hazard communication program (including notification to the POTW, which is also covered by the General Pretreatment Regulations). and labeling of chemicals (to ensure that incompatible chemicals are not stored together, e.g., cyanide compounds stored with acid compounds).
Chapter 2
Manaaement Controls. Monitoring practices are a good indicator of both the emphasis placed on operations and the operators understanding of process controls. capabilities are: The sampling program; Performance testing; Analytical capabilities; and * Record keeping practices.
l l
An effective process control program is essential to a treatment facilitys optimal performance. However, process control cannot be quantified easily by the inspector, therefore, in most cases, the inspector must rely on discussions with plant personnel (e.g., operators) to supplement available records and the technical evaluation. Again, the questions outlined in Appendix III can be used to evaluate the quality of the facilitys operations.
Facility maintenance directly affects the ability of the facility to run efficiently and to comply with its IU permit. There are two types of facility maintenance which should be conducted at the plant:
Preventative Maintenance: Reduces the facility operating costs by eliminating breakdowns and the need for corrective maintenance. It improves the facilitys reliability by minimizing the time the quipment is out of service. It increases the useful life of the treatment and process equipment, thus avoiding the need for costly premature replacement which may cause an interruption of wastewater treatment at the facility. Each of these items, if adequately addressed, reduces the possibility of compliance problems at the facility. Therefore, it is important that the inspector evaluate these areas to ensure compliance with all applicable program requirements. AND Corrective Maintenance: Returns the malfunctioning equipment to operation. This has compliance implications because the malfunctioning equipment may be in a treatment process necessary for compliance with the pretreatment program requirements. Therefore, the inspector should evaluate the procedures the facility uses to identify and correct instances of malfunctioning equipment.
The principal areas of concern for both the operations and maintenance evaluation are: stafftng and training, planning and scheduling. and management control (i.e., records systems and inventory control). Only welltrained, competent staff can be expected to perform adequate physical inspections, repairs, and preventative maintenance. Wastewater facility maintenance is complex and requires a variety of skills. Because many of The pluming and scheduling Ensuring that an
these skills are not readily available, an ongoing fruining progrum is essential.
adquate plan and schedule is in place is an important task for the inspector. A detailed records sysfem is the basis of any maintenance program. Records are used to establish the maintenance histories of equipment. diagnose problems, and anticipate (and thereby avoid) equipment failure, making records an effective tool for preventative maintenance. A central invenrory of spare parts, equipment and supplies should be maintained. The extent of the inventory should be adequate to avoid process or treatment interruptions. A mornfenunce
cost control s?vsfrm should he an integral part of every wastewater treatment facility at the IU. Evaluating costs in this manner serves to control expenditures and can be used as a baseline for future budgets. This will help ensure that all necesslu> process and treatment equipment is operated continuously and effectively, thereby ensuring that the regulated facility operates within the limits specified in its permit. Records Review at the Industrial User The General Pretreatment Regulations require Significant Industrial Users (SIU) to submit reports at least twice per year on the nature and concentration of pollutants in their discharge and the flow from the plant to the POTW. Each SllJ is required to mamtain records of all the information obtained from their monitoring activities for a period of at Icast three bears. llowever. man) Ills. as well as many POTWs, maintain records
for at least five years to coincide with the statute of limitations on penallies. These records contain a variety of information which may be useful to ascertain the facilitys compliance status with its permit requirements. Examining these records is a key part of the inspection process for the POTW.
Records and files ma) be stored in a variety of information retrieval systems, including written or printed materials, computer or electronic systems, or visua! systems such as microfilm and microfiche. Conducting an effective records review is an important investigative skill for the POTW inspector, but it is an art that is developed largely through experience and practice. No set of instructions can prepare an inspector for the
variety of records and record keeping systems they are likely to encounter. This process can be difIicult because of the complexity of the industrial processes being regulated and the infinite variety of record keeping systems which can be used to document how these processes are operated and maintained This complexity makes it difficult for the inspector to achieve his or her goal, i.e., to verify or determine whether or not a facility is in compliance with its applicable permit requirements.
The POTW inspector should review the IUs permit prior to conducting the inspection (it may even be useful to have a copy of the permit along on the inspection) to determine the facilitys record keeping requirements. Throughout the inspection. the facilitys operations should be compared with the permit to verify that required permit activities are correct, current. and complete. Some of the information needed to verify the permit can be obtained during the opening conference and compared with the facility permit. This general information may include: correct name and address, correct name of the facility contact, number and location of discharge point(s) to the POTW, and the facilitys principal products and production rates (what there are production based standards in place).
The inspector should check for records which will verify that proper notification was made by the facility to the POTW if: I) discharges have changed from those stated in the IU permit (e.g., additional discharges,
or significant increase in flow), 2) a permit violation has occurred (e.g.. the permittee is required to notify the POTW within 24 hours of becoming aware of an eMuent violation and to resample the discharge within 30 days), 3) any discharge of a hazardous material (as defined in 40 CFR 261) has occurred from the IU (NOTE: This notification must be sent to the POTW, the U.S. EPA Regional Waste Management Division Director, and the State hazardous control authorities), or 4) a bypass has occurred. These record keeping requirements are outlined in the federal regulation at 40 CFR 403.12. The inspector should also check to ensure that the appropriate records are being kept for a minimum of three years. the following types of information: + Sampling and Analysis Data: a a Dates, times, and location(s) of sampling; Sampling techniques (e.g., grab or composite) and analytical methods used; Results of the analyses; Dates of the analyses; and Name(s) of analysis and sampling personnel. These records will likely include many of
. Monitoring Records: Self-monitoring reports (if applicable). including flow, pollutant parameters, etc. as required by the permit; and o Original charts for continuous monitoring instrumentation and bench sheets for analyses. . Laboratory Records: O Calibration and maintenance equipment and schedule; o Calculations (e.g.. bench sheets or books); and QA!QC analysis data. . Facility Operating Records: o
Daily operating log; Summary of all laboratory tests run and other required measurements (if applicable); Chemicals used (e.g., pounds of chlorine per day. etc.); Weather conditions (temperature, precipitation. etc.); Equipment maintenance schedules; and Sludge/RCRA disposal records and waste hauling manifests.
Slug Control Plan (if applicable); o When required, a properly completed Slug Control Plan should be available to the inspector.
The inspector should document all records review activities and should note all inadequacies, discrepancies, or other problems disclosed or discovered during this review. Any identified problems may warrant a more intensive investigation. This decision should be made by the inspector in conjunction with PQTW officials.
A primary objective of the records review at the industrial user inchrdes a comparison of the bench sheet data and laboratory report summaries to the values reported on the self-monitoring reports submitted by the
facility. This evaluation is critical to determine if &I data are correctly summarized on the self-monitoring repotis received by the POTW. As mentioned above. the IU is required to keep complete and accurate sampling records, and a failure to do so is a violation of the Federal Pretreatment regulations. The POTW should treat this failure to keep records as a violation and respond with the appropriate enforcement response, as identified in its Enforcement Response Plan. A review of facility records must determine if the IU is complying with the sampling and the record keeping requirements of the General Pretreatment Regulations contained in its IU permit. In particular, the inspector should verify that the IU is keeping the following records for all samples: the date and time for each sample. the date(s) of each analysis, the exact place the sample was taken (i.e., location of the sample point). the analytical techniquesmethods used for all samples, the name of the person who took each of the samples, the name of the person who performed the analysis, and the results of each of the analyses. Obtaining Copies of Necessary Records: Uhen copies of records arc necessary the IU must make these records available in accordance with 40 CFR 403.12(o). The inspector must consider how to retrieve and store the required records. The following outline may be useful in determining the appropriate means of accessing and securing certain records. - Written or printed records generally can be photocopied on-site. Portable photocopy machines may IX available to the POTU inspector, but in the absence of this equipment, inspectors should be authorized to pay a reasonable price for the use of facility copying quipment. * At a minimum, all copies made for or by the inspector should be initialed and dated for identification purposes (see identification details below). * When photocopying is impossible or impractical, close-up photographs may be taken to provide suitable copies. - Computer or electronic records may require the generation of hard copies. Arrangements should be made at the time of entry or during the opening conference for these copies. Photographs of computer screens w provide adequate copies of these records if no other means are available. * Visual systems (microfilm and microfiche) may have photocopying capacity built into the viewing machine, which can be used to generate copies. Photographs of the viewing screen may provide adequate copies if hard copies can not be generated. Record Identification Procedures: Immediate and adequate identification of the records reviewed by the inspector is essential to ensure a legally binding custody process which ensures the admissibility of the records in court. If an inspector is called to testify, he or she must be able to identify positively each particular document and state its source and the reason for its collection. This identification can be accomplished by initialing, dating, numbering, and entering each of the records in the inspectors notebook under the facilitys name. . InitialinaDatina: Each inspector should develop a unique system for initialing and dating the records and copies of records so that he or she can easily verify their validity. This can be done by initialing each document in a similar position, or by another method, at the lime of collection. Both the original and the copy should be initialed in the same fashion. All record identification notations
should be made on the back of the document. The inspector must be able to identify positively that he or she so marked the document.
Numbering: Each document or set of documents substantiating a suspected violation(s) should be assigned an identifying number unique to that document. The number should be recorded on each document and in the inspectors field notebook. LominE: Documents obtained during the inspection should be entered in the field notebook by a logging or coding system. The system should include the identifying number, date. and other relevant information. such as: the reason for copying the material (i.e., the nature of the suspected violation); the source of the record (i.e., type of file. individual who supplied the record); and the manner of collection (i.e., photocopy, other arrangement).
The originals of each document must be returned to the proper person or to their original location, and related records should be grouped together for ease of reference. Confidential business records should be
handled according to the special confidential provisions discussed earlier in this chapter.
Closing Conference:
To achieve the most effective results from the compliance inspection, the inspector must communicate the results of the inspection promptly lo the facilitys management and/or operating personnel. The inspectors discussion, however, should be limited to the specific findings of the site visit. If appropriate, the findings should be compared with the industrial users permit requirements, consent decrees, administrative orders, an&or other enforcement actions. Even though a discussion of the inspection findings is important, certain precautions are essential when conveying this information. The inspector should keep the following
guidelines in mind when presenting any findings from the site visit.
. The inspector should be cautious about discussing the compliance status or any legal enforcement
consequences with the industrial user representatives or with facility operating personnel. On the other hand, if there are violations which are clearly identified during the inspection, and the inspector is confident that those violations are actionable. then the inspector should bring these violations to the attention of the 111 representative. This should be done in writing, either through a Notice of Violation (NOV) or Deficiency Notice (DN) (see Figure 2-l for an example form for the deficiency notice).. The inspectors purpose is to call attention to and explain the violation but nof to predict the consequences or penalties that may occur beyond the NOViDN.
The inspector should refrain from recommending a particular consultant or consulting fum. or any particular treatment system, even if asked to do so. Inspectors should tell the permittees representative to contact a professional society or approved listing for advice on how to come into compliance with all applicable permit requirements.
A deficiency notice identifies existing or potential problems specific to the permittees self-monitoring program. Issuing a deficiency notice on-site or after the site visit provides a swift and simple method for improving the quality of the data submitted by the industrial user. This type of notice allows the inspector to assign formal responsibility to the permittee, and to track each stage of the compliancdenforcement process with respect to the IIIs self-monitoring program. This notice is designed to alert the facility to deficiencies in their self-monitoring activities and to assist the industrial user in complying with its permit
Follow up activltles from the inspection are necessary because this is how the information from the inspection is translated into an action by the POTW (e.g., an enforcement action or decision to modify the Ks permit). The POT% has the primaq responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable pretreatment requirements. and the inspcctiun is an important mechanism for achieving this goal. Once the inspection has been completed. the inspector must summarize his or her findings in a report (a standard form for this repot-t should be developed by the IOTW) so that inspection findings can be admitted in court. The POTW may also choose to
the inspection checklist at the end of the chapter as the basis of its inspection repoti
format. This report should hc placed in the Ills file for future reference as background material for subsequent inspections.
Every POTW should ha\c 5)stcmatic procedures for tracking industrial user problems. including permanent records of all prublcms kept in office tiles or computers. In this way, the information can be
reviewed at any future date. If the inspector took cflluent samples as part of the site visit, the results of these tests should be placed into the POTWs compliance tracking system (either manual or, preferably, automated) and appropriate action (as defined in the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan) should be taken if a violation is detected. It is in the PO~Ius best interest to conduct timely follow-up activities with the IU so that any identified problems can be addressed before they get out of control. Such follow-up activities will usually include some form of cnforccment action. perhaps even formal enforcement action for significant violations.
Inspection Report
Once the inspection has been completed. the inspector should review his or her notes to identify areas which may require follow-up activities. The notes from the inspection should be organized into a report
format. This is one of the most important points of the whole inspection procedure, yet it is often ignored The need to write a clear and concise report which contains pertinent information to be used as a basis for future permitting, compliance. and enforcement decisions cannot be stressed enough. This chapter has outlined in detail the proccdurcs for collecting and substantiating the information which should be used to prepare the inspection report.
The report accomplishes three objectives: I) it organizes and coordinates all information in a comprehensive, usable manner for use by the POTWs compliance personnel, 2) it clearly identifies areas which require follow up activity. and 3) it provides significant background information on the facility which can be reviewed prior to conducting subsequent inspections at the facility. The quality of this report will, to a large degree, determine how cffcctivc these follow up activities will be at the facility. The preceding sections
have detailed the procedures for collecting and substantiating the inspection information. Once organized, this material should be translated into a report format developed by the POTW.
The information in the inspection report must be presented in a clear. concise, and well-organized manner. The information must be objective and factual; the report should not speculate on the ultimate result of the inspection findings (i.e.. anticipate any enforcement action). but should stick with the facts as identified by the inspector. Of particular importance in the report are the following items:
Accuracy: The information in the report must be factual and based on sound inspection practices. Observations in the report must be the verifiable result of firsthand knowledge so that compliance personnel can dcpcnd on the reports accuracy when determining appropriate follow-up action (if any). Relevancy: The information in the repoti must be relevant to the compliance status of the facility. Irrelevant facts and data will clutter the report and may reduce its clarity and usefulness. Personal comments and opinions must be avoided. AII information pertinent to the industrial users compliance status should be Comtwehensiveness: organized as a complete package. Documentary support (e.g.. photographs. statements. sample results, etc.) accompanying the report should be referenced clearly so that anyone reading the report will get a complctc. clear ovcrvictv of the situation at the facility. The more comprehensive the evidence. the better and easier is the task of the compliance personnel when taking an action. the report form (developed by the POTW); supplementary
narrative information; copics of the completed checklist (an example of a checklist is provided at the end of this chapter); and documcncary support (e.g., photographs or sketches).
The contents of the report should be comprehensive (i.e., should include all pertinent observations from the inspection), but the report should focus on supporting or explaining the information provided in the inspectors notes. The narr;l!i\~c of the report should be a concise, factual summary of the observations and activities undertaken during the inspection, organized in a logical, legible manner. and supported by specific references to accompanying documentary support.
All documentation that is produced or collected by the inspector to provide evidence of suspected violations should be included in the inspection report. This type of documentation may include: the inspectors field notebook, statements, photographs, drawings and maps, printed matter, mechanical recordings, and copies of records. In general, the types of information contained in the report should reflect
Prctxatmcnt Program Administcrcd by the (/07X .Sumr/ PIJRMflTEE REPRl!SIX1,1 1111. (RerervmR fhrs norrc~e/UlTl.lIll Permit No
the dcficwtclcs noted bclw were found Additional arcas During the compliance inspection carried out on (&are) of dcficlcncy ma) bc broughf 1,) !our attention following a complete rcviw of the Inspection Rqwrt and other information on file with Ihc (.kme o/PO7-IO
M O N I T O R I N G LCKATION (lkscrrk)
S A M P L E C<~l.l.tlC~O~OlOI.D1N<i
TISlIi (Ikscrrhe)
l)I~l~ICIIXCIfiS (kscrrbe)
Did the previous inspection icientl~~ areas which the It/ HUT required to corr1z.t (1 .!I What areas were ident$ed? What progress has the IU mude in correcting the identi/ied dL/icitncu*s
IndusIty contacts (w, titles) 1. 2. Applicable categorrcoi standards. (e.g.* 413, 433, 425, etc.)
f (
) J )
Phone #. (
Pollutants covered by local Itmits: (e.g.. Cd. Cr. Cu. Ph, /Vi. ZnJ Are local limits technically based (Y/N) Number of employees. Number of shafts per dq. Hours of operation per dqv. Work abys per week. Manufacturing processes used. Planned changes to the plant Changes since lust inspection Production lorl. Use of ruw moteriuls Amount offinished product. Did the faciliv report an), changes identi/ied uhove to the POTH 111 ,X .$.A) - 48 Seusonol production ( j:,.VI Product(s) produced Amount offinished product Nan, materiuls used.
The checklist is intended to be used by POTW inspectors as a field guide when conducting site visits at industrial users. The checklist is intended to encompass the scope of a routine compliance inspection. If the POTW inspector follows the checklist questions, all necessary compliance information should be obtained during the site visit. Some of the information contained in the checklist may not change (e.g., industry name, SIC codes, etc.), but the POTW inspector should continue to gather the information in case of a change which might affect the discharge of pollutants to the POTW (e.g., a new SIC code might indicate a new industrial process which may discharge additional pollutants to the POTW). The checklist may be altered by the POTW to meet its specific needs, but the checklist, either as presented or altered, should form the basis of the inspection report prepared by the POTW.
I. and Ii. General Inspection Informafion and General Facility Info-n:
The inspector should obtain basic identifying information about the IU when conducting the site visit, including: industry name; standard industrial classification code number(s) (NOTE: there may be more than one SIC code for a given facility); site address and mailing address (the two are often different); as well as any industry contact names, fax and phone numbers, and titles. This information will facilitate routine communication with the industry. The inspector should also check to see if a copy of the IU permit is on file at the IU. If it is not, this may be an indication that the IU does not understand or realize its obligations under the local pretreatment program. The inspector should provide a brief description of the facility (i.e., type of operation, how long in business, nature of the products produced, length of time in business, etc.) and probe the nature of the facilitys applicable limits (both categorical standards and local limits). The nature of the business operation should be understood by the inspector. Therefore, the inspector should cover: how may employees the facility has (and the trend of employment over time); the number of shifts per day; the hours of operation each day; the number of work days per week; whether there is any seasonal production schedule; the nature of the products and the amount produced and raw materials used in the process; as well as a description of the manufacturing processes used. It is important for the inspector to track any changes in the plants operation, including any changes in the items listed above. This information provides a history of the manufacturing process and will aid in future inspections at the facility. The inspector should evaluate the IUs efforts at operation and maintenance of its pretreatment facilities and storage areas since this will affect the discharge of pollutants from the facility. Therefore, there are checklist questions pertaining to these issues. Production data is included and is especially important in situations where production based limits are in place for the IU. A final area of general investigation is the compliance status of the facility and a note of any enforcement actions which have been taken for the current noncompliance (past, resolved actions need not be mentioned). The inspection report should track the progress of any IU in meeting imposed compliance deadlines, and the checklist reflects this.
- 49 -
1. WATER USAGE SOURCE Waler Company Private Well TOTAL 2. WASTE WATER PRODUCTION WASTE WATER GENERA TIN<; PR(KESS A B. C. D. t. F. Contact cooling warer SUBTOTALS G. Boiler hlowdown/Make up H. Evaporation (loss) I. Non-contact cooling J . Luwn maintenance/lrrigatron floss) K . Sanitary (loss) L. In product/Shipped (loss) M. Other TOTAL Number of ou@~ils to the POTW Total Regulated Number of outfails to surface waters All outfalls accounted for? /y/N, Chemicals used in boiler blowdown. AVG. FLOW (gpd) METERED (Y/N, ? Comments.
To calculate the amount of wastewater discharged to the sewer, the inspector must obtain data on incoming water and water consumption. The inspector should request the following information from the IU regarding the NJs operation: water bills for the most recnt 12 months; documents showing incomping water from other sources (e.g., well); discharge flow meter totatlizer charts or readings for the same 12 month period (if flowmeter is present); and production process flow meter totatlizer charts for the I2 month period (if flowmeter is present). The inspector should understand clearly all water use and wastewater production at the IU, and the checklist is designed to allow the inspector to account for all such water use/loss and wastewater production. The chart should lx copied and expanded if there are additional sources of wastewater at the facility. In addition, the inspector should check for such illegal activities as: piped or hosed connections which bypass a sampling point; any signs of dilution, such as rinses running during non-processing times which may be inadequately substituting for pretreatment; and any diversions of wastewater flow around the pretreatment system. One of the main reasons for establishing this water balance is to be able to compare water usage and wastewater production from one inspection to the next to determine if additional processes are being employed by the facility. In addition, the inspector should evaluate the number of outfalls from the facility and identify if there are any unregulated outfalls in use. Any potential for by-pass needs to be investigated as soon as possible to ensure that the POTW is not receiving pollutants of a kind or an amount which it can not handle. Also, the inspector should be aware of the chemicals which are being used as biocides in the boiler blowdown because some of these chemicals may interfere with the operation of the treatment plant or interfere with the POTWs final sIudge use or disposal (e.g.. molybdenum compounds).
Sample location(s)? (Y1.N) Permit limit(s) 7 {Y:N) Sample method? (K/N, Sample frequency7 f YiN)
If no. explain.
If no, explarn. If no, explarn.
If no, expluin.
What changes. i/any, ure neeakd in the permit 3 Samples unatyxd according to 40 CFR 1363 Samples token during periods of process dtscharge on[r? Are samples preserved uccording Part 136. SumpIes unulyzd In-house or contruct? Samples unulyzed wrthrn required holding times ) Is required unulytical certicution used? I
2. Record Keeping
Ali information kept for 3 years7 3. Reporting Did the facility report results of any more frequent sampling in the last reporting period? POTW nottfki of all violatrom w/i 24 hours3 Do sample results match what is reported by the industty? Are there any vrolatrons which were not reported to the POTW? If so. were all results reported? All required information avariable. current and complete? Are all sumplc results included In the IL!s rcport3 I
-51 -
It is crucial for the inspector to evaluate the IUs monitoring, record keeping and reporting practices because this information forms the basis of the POTWs regulation of the industry. If the IU is not monitoring correctly or if the samples are not analyzed using the required procedures, the information derived from that monitoring can not be used to establish compliance. Likewise, if the facility does not keep records, the POTW can not know the conditions at the facility during the reporting period. It is necessary for the inspector to compare the results of sampling to the actual reported values to ensure that there are no discrepancies. If a discrepancy is found, the cause should be determined at once. In the first section the inspector should compare the industrys practice with the permit requirements for the following: sampling location (which must be specified in the permit, e.g., location 001 with a schematic indicated this location), sampling frequency (e.g., monthly, twice per year, etc.), and sampling method (i.e., grab or composite) for metals and organics. Each of these items should be specified in the permit, and the facility must abide by the requirements established in the permit for these items. In addition, the inspector must determine if the current permit conditions for the facility are adequate to control the discharge to the sewer. The checklist questions are designed to give the inspector a comprehensive overview of the Ws monitoring, record keeping and reporting procedures. If there are any problems, the source of the problem should be determined as soon as possible.
(lf no ~reotmtn~, ~0 IO rk MXt ~ecrl~n) Inadequate system in place to correct a problem? (Y/N) Unuuthorr:ed b~pusses in pluce? (Y/,%) Date originall), instuffed. Modt$ed srnce instulIationV Describe.
Design jlow (gpd), Actual fro w (gpd) Operuting Schedule Hours per day. FTEs needed to operate. Clartfier volume. Description of overull condition. Duvs per week
Treutment (hutch or continuous)? Dischurge (hutch or continuous) Reugents used. (mc~urle ,,.ulle ra:es rj~tnoun)
Has the system experienced operational/upset problems since the last inspection I/res, describe
Mani@sts uvailahler
Hazardous Sludge Generated? (Y/N/NA) Manner of Hazardous Waste Disposal. Are hazardous waste mantyests uvailuble?
The wastewater treatment system at the IU must be operated and maintained in a manner which allows the system to prevent the discharge of pollutants in excess of the IUs permit limits. The treatment system is at the heart of the Ws ability to control its discharge of pollutants. Therefore, it is necessary for the inspector to spend some time to evaluate the treatment systems condition and use/operation. The inspector should check for the following items: equipment maintenance record keeping or lack of preventative maintenance; instrument calibration frequency; critical spare parts inventory; inadequate detention time or inadequate mixing in the pretreatment tanks; improper chemical dosage; impoper meter settings; stale chemical use; and current operational status. (NOTE: not all of these items are contained in the checklist, but should be noted in the comment section at the end of the checklist).
Vi. Sludge Generation/Waste Disposal
How the IU handles its solid waste is an indication of its commitment to the ,proper handling of all its wastes, liquid or otherwise. The inspector should examine the IUs sludge disposal methods to ensure that no sludge from the treatment system is being discharged to the sewer (except in accordance with a permit). If the facility produces hazardous wastes (e.g., electroplating sludge), the inspector should verify where the waste is being ultimately disposed. Make sure that each applicable box is filled in (Y!NNA stands for Yes, No, and Not Applicable).
Should the faciliy he using the combined wastestream formula? Are there an? new flows Hfh1L.h need to be considered in the application of the combrned wasteStream formula? Are there un)* dilution flows n,hich have not been accounted for?
Does the faciliry have a slug control program? Has the facility had any past slug discharges? Amount of water used in washdowns (gals).
Attach a schemaric of production, wafer flow, wasfnvater production, and a stepwise description of the production process at the facility. Atrach a srepwisc description of the chemicals used and/or discharged during production. Ovemll Inspection Commenls
- 53 -
If the CWF is being used to calculate alternative discharge limits, the flow of each waste stream must be known and measurable. The inspector should ensure that flow can be measured at all necessary points and that flows are being measured correctly at all locations. The inspector will need to evaluate any dilute streams being discharged to the sewer and whether these streams are being used to meet any permit limits. Dilution streams for purposes of the CWF include: sanitary wastewater, boiler blowdown. non-contact cooling water or blowdown, deionizer backwash, cooling tower bleedoff. condensate, and rainwater/stormwater. If it appears that dilution or unregulated streams are being co-mingled with regulated streams prior to treatment, then the inspector should initiate the procedure to have the permit changed and new limits applied (as well as initiating any applicable enforcement action as dictated by the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan). In addition to dilution streams, the inspector should check for any unregulated streams at the facility. Unregulated wastestreams for purposes of the CWF include: any wastestream which is not currently regulated by a categorical pretreatment standard and does not meet the definition of a dilute stream. Determining such unregulated wastestreams requires a familirity with the categorical industry in question, and probably will require some research into the Development Document issued by the EPA. Refer to the EPA Guidance Manual on the use of the combined wastestream formula which is listed in Appendix XII.
VIII. and IX. Chemical Storage and Production/Process Areas of the Industrial User
II is important for the inspector to trace the use of all process (and non-process) chemicals which may be discharged to the sewer. Areas of spill containment, floor drains, and the manufacturing process should be examined to determined which chemicals are (or can) find their way into the sewer. The inspector should verify that incompatible chemicals (e.g., strong acids and bases, or chemicals which may interact to form toxic compounds) are not stored near each other in the event of a spill. It is best for the inspector to follow the chronological sequence of the production process in the step wise sequence of production to comprehend the activities at the plant. (NOTE: Do not allow the IU contact to control the inspection or the sequence of the inspection. How the inspection is conducted is up to the inspector alone). Once the inspector understands the operation at the facility, a schematic of the production/manufacturing process, water use and wastewater production, and a stepwise description of all chemicals used or discharged during production should be developed and compared on subsequent inspection visits. The inspector should also check the production area for the following conditions: excessive drag-out and/or spillage from plating lines; excessive water on the floor and its entry points to the sewer system; and labelling of all tanks used in the production process.
- 54 -
III. SAMPLING INDUSTRIAL USERS Introduction Analytical Methods Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan Standard Operating Procedures Pre Sampling Activities Cleaning and Preparation of Sampling Equipment Cleaning Procedures for Conventional Pollutants Cleaning Procedures for Metals Cleaning Procedures for Oil and Grease Cleaning Procedures for Organic Analyses Volatile Organic Compounds Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds, etc. Cleaning of Automatic Sampling Equipment Preparing Field Instruments pH Meters Residual Chlorine Meters Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Selection and Preparation of Sample Containers Type of Sample On-site Activities Sampling Location Sample Collection Techniques Sample Volume Sample Preservation and Holding Times Sample Documentation Sample Identification and Labelling Chain-of-Custody Sample Packaging and Shipping Quality Control 79 53 Safety Considerations During Sampling Physical Hazards 55 Atmospheric Hazards 56 Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere Explosive Atmosphere 58 Toxic Atmosphere 60 Safety Equipment Protective Clothing Traffic Control Radio Air Monitoring Devices Ventilation Devices Safety Harness and Retrieval System Respirators Confined Space Entry Safety Training 88 Flow Measurement Open Channel Flow Primary Devices Secondary Devices Closed Channel Flow 71 94 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Quality Control Procedures for Sampling Quality Assurance Procedures for Sampling Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control Compliance Issues Related to Industrial User Sampling 9 9 Summary 104
INTRODUCTION An effective local pretreatment program must include the ability to collect and analyze wastewater samples such that laboratory results are of high quality, defensible and able to support the two primary goals of the Pretreatment Program. The first goal is to determine the Impact of Industrial wastes from a particular industry or group of industries on the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) collection and treatment system, including the impact on treatment plant operations, sludge management (including final use or disposal), and receiving stream quality. The second goal is to evaluate compliance by all industrial users with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements. In addition to these primary objectives, the POTWs sampling and analysis program is designed to satisfy one or more of the following program objectives: Verify the quality of self-monitoring data; Verify chat sampling location(s) specified in the permit are adequate; l Verify compliance with daily maximum effluent limits (local limits or categorical standards); 53
Industrial User Sampling Manual Support enforcement actions; Support local limits development; and Support permit development/reissuance and revision
These objectives can only be supported if the data produced by sampling are adequate. The quality of the data resulting from the POTWs sampling activities can be ensured by using the following procedures and techniques: collecting representative samples; maintaining the integrity of samples through proper handling and preservation; adhering to appropriate chain-of-custody and sample identification procedures; and practicing adequate quality assurance and quality control activities. This chapter outlines each of these areas in detail. Sampling and analysis of wastewater can be done independently or in conjunction with a compliance inspection visit, and can be performed by the same or different POTW personnel. If sampling and analysis are performed independently and by POTW personnel different from the inspection personnel, it is strongly recommended that the sampling personnel familiarize themselves with the procedures and guidelines used by the inspection personnel. Chapter Two of this manual provides a recommended framework for conducting inspections at regulated IUs. Sampling, just like inspections. can be announced or unannounced. The goal of your sampling visit will determine whether the industry is notified. As with inspections, routine compliance sampling should be conducted based on a neutral scheme (see discussion in Chapter 2). These routine compliance sampling visits should be unannounced. Sampling visits which are in response to known or suspected problems or in response to a complaint should also be unannounced so that the facility does not have time to alter any of its activities. In the pretreatment program, the vast majority of sampling will be routine compliance evaluation sampling mandated in 40 CFR 403.8. In these situations. it is necessary for the POTW to ensure that the sampling data collected will be of a quality sufficient for the POTW to draw a proper conclusion about the compliance status of the facility and to ensure that the data will be viewed as credible evidence substantiating the POTWs position should an enforcement action be pursued. This is the fundamental objective of any sampling carried out for compliance and enforcement purposes, and even, perhaps, when developing local limits, since the basis for these limits must be justifiable and defensible. Rut there may be situations where other types of sampling may be used by the POTW. This sampling can be conducted for a variety of reasons (e.g., operation or maintenance evaluations). These sample objectives would not involve as comprehensive a set of procedures as a compliance sampling visit, which results in evidence that may be used in court. If a sample is to be used for other than compliance evaluation purposes, it need not comply with the strict requirements of compliance sampling (i.e., to obtain results which are admissible in court). However, if a 54
sample is obtained using approved sampling and analytical procedures, then the results of the sampling must be reported to the POTW
This chapter presents a detailed and comprehensive framework to be used by POTW sampling personnel when conducting sampling and flow measurements at regulated industrial users. The purpose of the chapter is to familiarize POTW inspectors with proper sampling procedures and to establish consistent procedures for all POTWs with approved local programs. The goal of this chapter is to assist POTW personnel in planning and conducting sampling activities at industrial facilities which discharge to the POTW. The chapter is divided into six sections to accomplish these objectives: analytical methods, quality assurance and sampling plan, standard operating procedures, pre-sampling activities, on-site sampling activities, safety considerations during sampling, flow measurement, and quality assurance and quality control. In addition to these sections, this chapter presents a concluding section on Compliance Issues Related to Sampling and Analysis. This section discusses specific compliance issues related to the POTWs and 1Us compliance monitoring program and provides recommendations for handling certain compliance information. POTW sampling personnel are encouraged to read and understand the material presented in this chapter before beginning any sampling activities.
The National Pretreatment Program requires that samples be analyzed using the approved methods listed in 40 CFR 136 (40 CFR 403.12(g)(4)). The methods in 40 CFR 136 are derived from five different sources: (I) Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-600!4-79-020. revised March, 1983; (2) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, (specified edition); (3) m (4) Methods for Analysis of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments - USGS; and (5) additional sources. Not all methods listed in each of these documents are approved in 40 CFR 136. Therefore. the POTW (and IU) must use the methods listed in Part I36 or apply for an alternative method. POTWs and IUs can apply for such an alternate test procedure if they believe that a method not listed in 40 CFR 136 is a better method of analysis and can prove that the proposed method of analysis is comparable to the method listed in 40 CFR 136. This alternate method must be approved by the EPA if the results are to be used to comply with 40 CFR 403,12(g)(4). The POTW is not allowed to grant this variance in analytical methods. The application and approval procedures for instituting an alternative analytical method are outlined in 40 CFR 136.4 and 136.5
Choosing the appropriate analy?ical method for the samples collected is an important task. If more than one method is listed for a parameter (which is common), the method which is chosen should be based on the
eftluent limit in the permit, Sewer Use Ordinance, and/or Federal Categorical Standard. An example of how to choose the correct analytical method can be illustrated using the pollutant parameter lead. Lead can be analyzed using EPA methods 200.7, 239. I, and 239.2. For our example. lets assume that the established eflluent limit for lead is 15 ug I. The detection limit for lead using EPA method 200.7 is 42 @I. The detection limit for lead using EPA method 239.1 is 100 ugil. The detection limit for lead using EPA method 239.2 is I ug I. Methods 200.7 and 239.1 should not be used because the detection limit for the method is higher than the permit limit. Therefore. any results reported. even a non-detect, could be viewed as an excursion from the permit limit. The appropriate method of analysis in this example is EPA method 239.2. and this method should be specified to the analytical laboratory. (NOTF: the actual detection limits for these methods will vary with different matrices). In addition, laboratories must establish their own method detection limrts using Appendix B to 40 CFR I36 -- Revision 1.1 I. In addition, the impact of sample dilution and elevated detection limits should be evaluated by the POTW If a sample must be diluted to get one or more analytes on-scale within the linear range of the calibration curve, the detection limit for any nondetected parameter must be elevated accordingly. For example, if a detection limit for analyte A was IO ugil and a sample was diluted I:4 to get another analyte on-scale, then the detection limit for analyte A in that sample must be elevated to 40 ugl. The POTW must be aware of this situation when evaluating the appropriate detection limits and analytical methods for sample analysis.
QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SAMPLING PLAN A fundamental step in setting the objective(s) of a sample collection effort is to establish clearly the ultimate use of the data. Refore sampling at an industrial user, the inspector should understand clearly the data needs (i.e., for what purpose will the data be used, e.g.. compliance determination) and the data quality objectives of the site visit (e.g., a compliance detemrination will require data which are admissible in court). When the data resulting from the sampling become available, it is crucial that it be possible to assess the quality and utility of the data in meeting the sampling objective. Once the inspector understands the needs and objectives of the site visit, a complete and comprehensive quality assurance and sampling plan can be developed. The plan should be documented in written form and completed prior to initiating any sampling activities. This plan ensures that each sampling effort goes through a careful thought process before it is undertaken. The U.S. EPA Quality Assurance Management Staff (QAMS) has developed documents which will be useful to the FOTW when developing their QA and Sampling Plans. It is recommended that POTWs contact their U.S. EPA Regional QAMS or QA Managers for copies of model QA and Sampling Plans to use as guidance in preparing their own plans. At a minimum, the QA and Sampling Plan should include the following elements:
So@lng Locurlonfs): Sampling locations should include all outfalls that appear in the 1Us permit. Due to accessibility, needs, and objectives of the sampling, and/or safety hazards, the sampling location specified in the permit may not be adequate. Therefore, locations other than those specified
int he IUs permit may need to be sampled. The number of samples at each location should also be specified in the IUs permit. In addition, the inspector should sample any outfalls which are not included in the IUs permit because they may represent illegal bypasses or other illegal discharges.
Type o/Sample: The type of sample depends on the parameters to be measured and/or the discharge characteristics (e.g., batch discharge). This information may be specified in 40 CFR 136 and should be specified in the IUs permit. Type of Flow Measurement: The type of flow measurement is dependent on the flow rate, the condition of the wastewater, and the variability of the discharge. Flow measurements are necessary to determine the mass loadings of a discharge. The adequacy of the permittees flow measuring device should be verified at the time of sampling. Parameters for Anolysb: The IU permit should specify the pollutant parameters to be monitored by
the permittee. and these parameters should be specified as either mass- or concentration-based discharge limits, These parameters must be selected for compliance sampling, but other parameters may be chosen as well, if new processes or products have been incorporated in the plant or if new or added sources of wastewater are evident. If new processes or products have been introduced in the plant, additional sampling will help provide the basis for necessary permit modifications. (NOIT: The 111 is required to notify the POTW in advance of any substantial change in the discharge from the facility. Failure to do this, as discovered during the inspection or sampling visit, should be addressed with an appropriate enforcement response as specified in the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan).
Sample Volume: The volume of sample collected depends on the type and number of analyses to be
conducted. The volume of the sample obtained should be sufficient to perform all the required analyses (including laboratory QA/QC and repeat analyses) plus an additional amount to provide for any split samples that may be required. A summary of required sample volumes for various poIlutants is provided in Table 3-3 at the end of this chapter, but it is still best to check with the individual laboratory to determine the sample volume which it requires.
Type of Saw@e Containers: The selection and preparation of sample containers are based on the parameters to be measured and wastewater characteristics. Required containers are specitied in 40 CFR 136 and are summarized in Table 3-4.
Sample Preservafion Techniques: To preserve samples correctly, the appropriate chemicals must be used and temperature control must be ensured. Preservation techniques and maximum allowable holding times are specified in 40 CFR 136 and are summarized in Table 3-4 at the end of this chapter.
SamprC Idcnli/cation Procedures: Each container should have an acceptable identification label so
that the sample can be tracked accurately and an uninterrupted chain-of-custody can be maintained.
Sample Packagfng und Shipping: Once a sample is collected, it must be delivered to the laboratory
for analysis within the prescribed holding time. The manner of packaging and shipment must be addressed through the sampling plan.
Concerns: Sampling personnel should have complete information on any relevant plant safety regulations and safety procedures to be followed during on-site sampling activities.
Hazurdous Wusfe: Samples of potentially hazardous waste; samples with extremely high or low pH;
and samples that may contain toxic, volatile, or explosive substances will required special handling. DOT regulations for shipping these types of wastes must be followed.
Chain-tzfiCusfody Procedures: Procedures for chain-of-custody must be followed for all samples
collected by the POTW. and standard chain-of-custody forms should be used for this purpose (see Appendix X for an example Chain-of-Custody form).
QMQC Procedures: To ensure that the data collected are valid, systematic checks must be conducted
to verify that the sample results are sufficiently accurate and precise to evaluate the compliance status of the facitity being sampled.
Several of these items must be coordinated with the lab. Therefore. the inspector should contact the lab in advance of any sampling to discuss the sampling plan and QA@C procedures. to allocate lab time. and obtain sample identification numbers and field trip blanks.
Once the sampling plan is developed, it should be followed when conducting sampling at the industrial users regulated by the POTWs approved pretreatment program. The procedures in the plan should be followed closely to ensure that all the information collected can be used for its intended purpose. This is especially critical when the sampling data is to be used for compliance evaluation (which accounts for the majority of the data collected by the POTW). However, in certain situations. the inspector may be forced lo alter some items in the plan due to uncontrollable circumstances at the industrial user. Ihe inspector has discretion lo change some items in the QA Plan if. in the opinion of the inspector. circumstances at the facility warrant such a change. followed. Whenever, possible, however, the elements in the QA Plan should be
The discussion of Standard Operating Procedure elements was taken from the Standard Operating Procedures Manual: Pincllas County Sewer System lnduswial Moniroting Program, January, 1989. 58
pH Meter Calibration /Laboratory/ - Ibe laboratory should maintain its own notebooks to record
equipment calibration. When the laborstory pH meter is used, it must be calibrated. The discussion of how to calibrate the meter should be included in the SOP under the calibration procedures section. Once the meter is calibrated, the results should be recorded in the (laboratory) pH Meter Calibration Log Book. pH Calibrationk~pike Checklist - The pH Calibration!Spike Checklist is used to record the date and time of field pll meter calibration, calibration data, results and true value for the known sample, and to document the buffer and fill solution changes. Chain-of-(usfc+ Form - The Chain-of-Custody Form includes sample collection information (i.e., who collected the sample, when the sample was collected, what type of sample was collected, and who received the sample after the initial sample was taken), types of analyses to be run by the lab, preservation technique used, and a space for the lab personnel to sign with the date and time the sample was received by the lab.
Chain-of-Custody: The overall success of a sampling program (whether by the POTW or the industry) depends on its ability to produce valid data through the use of accepted sampling procedures and protocols, and its ability to substantiate such data through documentation. lhe success of documenting samples depends on the faithful use of chain-of-custod} forms by all involved personnel. The SOP should include the chain-of-custody form.
. Safety: The SOP should outline the many safety precautions which must be followed both at the of?ice and in the field. Industrial monitoring, by its very nature, adds additional hazardous situations to those existing in any field sampling situation. All safety procedures should be outlined in the SOP. - Cleaning: Sampling equipment, grab and composite collection containers, sample bottles, and tubing should be cleaned at a specified frequency outlined in the SOP. All cleaning procedures should also be included in the SOP.
Maintenance: Maintenance activities ensure the constant reliability, of sampling equipment. including flow meters. The SOP should outline a maintenance schedule for all equipment related to sampling. Calibration: Calibration of field and lab equipment is crucial to the continued reliability of the sample results obtained from sampling. A regular schedule of calibration should be included in the SOP and should be adhered to strictly. This calibration should include flow meters, pIl meters. and any other equipment requiring calibration, as recommended in the manufacturers specifications.
- Sampling Preparation: Sampling preparation is the most important part of a successful sampling event. Standard sampling checklists should be included in the SOP and should outline all sampling preparation procedures.
Types of Samples/Sample Methodoloev: There are two basic tjpes of samples: grab and composite. The IU permit should establish the sample type, and this sample type should be used by the POTW when collecting samples.
- Field Analyses: Certain measurements are typically performed in the field (e.g.. flow, ~14. and temperature). Detailed procedures for conducting these analyses should be included in the POTWs SOP. Each of these areas is discussed in greater detail later in this chapter, and a cop) of the Pinellas Count) SOP is included as Appendix IX. Each POTW should review its SOPS to enture that all nrcessar) area arc covered in adequate detail using Appendix 1X as a guide.
Once the SOPS are written, they should be followed closely. Any deviation from a SOP may create potential problems or weaknesses in a subsequent enforcement action taken b> the fOTW against a
noncompliant industrial user. If the POTW establishes clearly identified SOPS and follows those procedures when conducting on-site sampling activities. it is unlikely that an industry could challenge the results of the POTWs sampling results. If circumstances arise in the field which make it unrealistic or physically impossible for the SOPS lo be followed, the inspector should document any deviation from the written SOPS and the reason for the deviation.
The success of each sampling task hinges on adequate preparation. Because POTW personnel may not be familiar with the facility lo be sampled, a sampling plan should be developed prior to going out into the field. Once the POTW sampling plan is in place for a particular industrial user, inspection personnel should follow the plan when conducting on-site sampling. Inspection personnel should be briefed. as well, on all field procedures, particularly safety requirements. The inspector should make sure that the appropriate
sampling equipment is available and in good working order. When sample analyses are to be performed in the field (e.g.. pH), the necessary instruments should also be included. Equipment must be checked prior to going into the field 10 ensure accurate operation and calibration. In addition. a review of necessary safet,
equipment should be made and the inspector should be aware of any potential hazards at the facility. The inspector and plant staff should discuss any unusual circumstances and formulate a plan for dealing with them in advance of the site visit.
A checklist of field sampling equipment should be used to ensure proper preparation. An example of such a list is outlined in Table 3-l. When the type of waste to be sampled is known ahead of time, the list can be narrowed lo the actual pieces necessary for the specific sampling required.
Sampling Equipment
The cleaning and preparation methods for sampling equipment will vary depending on the parameters being sampled. This section addresses the cleaning and preparation of sample collection vessels a&or sample bottles for conventional pollutants (TSS. BOD, fecal coliform, oil and grease and ptl). metals, and organic pollutants. Many vendors now sell precleaned sample bottles with varied cleaning specifications. It is recommended that a bottle blank be run when analyzing the samples to verify that the bottles are not a source of sample contamination. One bottle blank is recommended per LOT number.
Claninn Procedura for Conventional Pollutant Parameten fBOD and TSS only): When sampling for the conventional pollutants BOD and TSS, it is necessary to clean the sample bottles and/or collection vessels prior to each sampling visit. The recommended cleaning procedure involves: (I) a detergent wash, (2) tap water rinses, and (3) deionized water rinses. This procedure forms the basis for almost all further cleaning procedures required for other pollutant parameters when preparing sampling bottles 60
. Container for contaminated material Waterproof container labels . Ambient air monitor - Field document records a Vermiculite or equivalent packing . Thermometer 0 Calorimetric gas detection tubes . pll equipment * Explosimeter (atmospheric testing device) * Tubing. tape and rope * Field samplrng logs . Sample shipping forms (vc. lab phone PS) Graduated cylinder * Preservatives (e.g., nitric acid and NaOfO
l l
. . * .
Siphoning equipmenl Weighted bottle sampler Liquid waste samplers Auger. trowel, or core sampler Scoop sampler Sample bottles/containers (certified clean bottles) Ice chest Flow meter (if applicable) Preserval ives Chain-of-custody forms Custody seals and tags Strapping tape Field test kits (PH. etc.) Automatic or composite sampler
or vessels.
Cleaninp Procedures for Metals Samplinp:
When preparing for metals analysis. it is necessary to preclean the sample bottles and or vessels (either purchased precleaned or cleaned manually). The cleaning procedures for preparing sample bottles for metal analyses is provided in 40 CFR 136, Appendix C, Section 8 (ICI method 200.7) [%()-IX: This method is not applicable for atomic absorption analysisj, along with the documentation on the analytical method in Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, 1983. The cleaning process for metals sampling and analysis is outlined in Figure 31. Figure 3-1 Metals Cleaning Procedures Use the foflowing procedures when cleaning sampling bottles an&or vessels for metals sampling and analysis: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Detergent wash Tap water rinses (I:!) Nitric acid rinse Tap water rinses (1: I) Hydrochloric acid rinse Tap water rinses Deionized distilled water rinses.
Chromic acid may be used to remove organic deposits on glassware. If chromic acid is used, extreme care must be taken to ensure that the glassware is thoroughly rinsed to remove all traces of the chromium. It is recommended that chromic acid not be used for cleaning sampling bottles if chromium one of the parameters being analyzed.
Tke approved method of analysis for Oil and tirease is gravimetric extraction (Standard Methods for the Exammation of Water and Wastewater, 17th edition, 1989. method 155208 or Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, 1983. method a413.1). When sampling for oil and grease, it is necessary to use a wide mouthed glass jar, which has been rinsed with the solvent used in the extraction process. CurrentI). freon is used as the solvent in this process. A substitute for freon is currently being researched and may result in an alternative analytical method. The cleaning method for oil and grease is the following: (I) detergent wash; (2) tap water rinses: and (3) solvent rinse. It is recommended that the sample bottles have a teflon-lined cap. If this is not possible, there should be either aluminum foil or cut teflon pieces which cover the areas where the bottle and the cap meet. The teflon or aluminum foil used must also be prepared, following the same cleaning procedures as the sample bottle.
Generally. the glassware used to collect volatile organic samples is precleaned. When glassware needs to be cleaned. the procedure in 40 CFR 136 may be followed. EPA method 624 states that the vials and the septa must be cleaned as follows: (I 1 detergent wash; (2) tap water rinses; (3) distilled water rinses; and (4) drying at IO5Y.
Semi-volatile organic samples should be collected in amber bottles according to 40 CFR 136, Methods 625 and 1625. Organochlorine pesticides and PCB samples should also be collected in amber bottles according to 40 CFR 136. Method 608. If amber bottles are not available. the samples must be sheltered from the light The sample bottles (including cap liner, either teflon or foil) and the collection vessels for
semi-volatile organic compounds, organochlorine pesticides, and PCBs must be cleaned by the following procedure: (I ) detergent wash; (2) tap water rinses; (3) distilled water rinses; (4) solvent rinse (method 625 lists acetone or methylene chloride); and (5) drying. If one or more of the samplesis being collected in a sampling vessel, the sampling vessel must be cleaned for all parameters. Examples of this include: - Sampling for conventional pollutant analysis and metals analysis: the collection vessel must be detergent washed and then acid washed (following the steps for metals cleaning listed above). q Sampling for metals analysis and semi-volatile organic analysis: the collection vessel must be acid washed (following the steps above) and then solvent rinsed. The initial steps in the semi-volatile organic cleaning do not need to be repeated in this case (only the solvent rinsing), since they were already done in the metals cleaning procedure.
Generally, the sampler tubing and inner parts of the sampler (e.g., distribution arm, S-tube, and compressed silicon tubing) which come into contact with the effluent are cleaned using the following procedure: (1) detergent wash, (2) tap water rinses, and (3) distilled water rinses. If the sampler is to be used to collect semi-volatile organic and/or organochlorine pesticide and PCB samples, additional cleaning is required. 40 CFR 136, Methods 625 and 608, respectively, states that the automatic sampler must be as free as possible of contaminants in the Tygon tubing and any other potential source of contamination. One
suggestion for the replacement of Tygon sampler tubing is the use of teflon tubing. These methods also state that if the sampler has a peristaltic pump, a minimum length of compressible silicon rubber tubing may be used. Before it is used, the compressible silicon tubing must be cleaned using the following procedure: (1) methanol rinse, and (2) distilled water rinses. If the sampler used has an S-tube, it must be cleaned by following the same procedure as for the sample bottles for semi-volatile organic compounds, organochlorine pesticides, and PCBs. As an alternative, some POTUs may prefer to replace tubing prior to each use of the automatic sampler.
ofi%ze. The instruments should be in good condition, have charged batteries, be calibrated, and have all appropriate standards already made. lfan instrument is calibrated in the ofTice prior to going into the field. if must be recalibrated once you reach your sampling location.
pH Meters:
In the field. pH samples are analyzed using a portable pH meter. The meter may either analyze individual samples or do continuous readings with a recorder (e.g., strip chart). ptl meters must have a minimum of two point calibration (see EPA method 150.1 section 7). (~orr : If there are separate manufacturers specification for calibration, these procedures must be followed. Otherwise. use the procedures outlined in the remainder of the paragraph). The pH meter should be calibrated using two fresh buffer solutions. The buffers that are used to perform the calibration should bracket the expected pli range of the wastewater that is being sampled and should be at least 3 SlJ or more apart. If the buffer solutions are bought already made, it is important to note their shelf life and dispose of buffers rvhen their expiration date has passed. A log book with calibration information for the pH meters should be maintained. This allows
the inspector to track when a pti probe needs to be changed or when batteries start to fail. Remember, the meter must he recalibrated once the sample location is reached.
Residual Chlorine 3leter-s:
The manufacturers specilications should be followed for calibration. Portable spectrophotometric, DPD meters are an approved method of analysis listed in JO CFR 136. Other instruments. such as portable amperometric titrators, can also be taken into the tield to detect low levels of chlorine (100 ugl). The permits limit, local limtt. or Sewer [se Ordinance limit will determine the appropriate method of analysis.
A mercury-tilled thermometer. a dial type Celsius thermometer, or a thermistor must be used to make a temperature determination. The mea\urir.g device used must be routinely checked against a National Institute of Standards (KIS I) traceable thermometer. Ihis check should be recorded in a calibration log book with the
date, both temperature readings (reference and actual), and any correction which was made to the temperature measuring device. Ihe calibration log book could be an important document in an enforcement case, if temperature violations were noted during the inspection.
Dissolved Oxveen:
Dissolved oxygen measurements can be taken either using the Winkler or the electrode method, If the Winkler method is used, the samples must be !ixed (preserved) on-site. stored in the dark. and analyzed wtthin eight hours. JO CFR 136 requires that if the electrode method is used, the sample must be analyzed immediately (see Table 3-J at the end of the chapter for a summary of this information). Prior to each sampling, the DO. meter should be calibrated. The manufacturers specifications for calibration should be followed. Generally. the D.O. meter is calibrated to a solution of known D.O. concentration (usually saturated) or to moist air. A calibration record should be maintained (including date, D.O. readings, my adjustments, date a new probe is added, etc.). If a membrane electrode is used, great care should be used when the membrane IS being changed to avoid trapping air bubbles under the membrane. Trapped bubbles will result in inaccurate D.O. readings.
these procedures (i.e.. SOPS). If either type of sample container is acceptable and available, the ins-or should use plastic containers since they are less likely to break POTWs should develop specific acceptance
criteria (i.e., chemicahparameter concentration) for each type of sample container to be used. An example of such criteria (as well as sample container preparation procedures) may be found in the U.S. EPA document Specifications and Guidance for Contaminant-Free Sample Containers, EPA 540/R-93/05 I, December, 1992. Although this document was prepared for solid waste applications, it gives an idea of the types of requirements POTWs should have for sample containers. Sample containers, preservatives, and holding times are specified in Table 3-4 and in 40 CFR 136.
Glass sample bottles are required when collecting samples for organic priority pollutants, oil and grease, and phenols. while plastic sample bottles are most oAen used for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), metals. and nutrients. Containers with wide mouths are recommended to facilitate the transfer of samples from the sampler to sample containers (for automatic samplers). In addition, the container must be large enough to contain the required volume for laboratory analysis. The inspector should use dark containers for samples that contain constituents which will oxidize from exposure to sunlight (e.g., iron cyanide which oxidizes to hydrogen cyanide).
Container lids and closure linings must also be intact so they do not interfere with the pollutant parameters to be measured. Most containers have tight, screw-type lids. Plastic containers are usually provided with screw caps made of the same material as the container, so cap liners are usually not required. Glass containers usually come with rigid plastic screw caps. Liner materials may be polyethylene, polypropylene, neoprene, or teflon.
The inspector should make sure that all sample containers are clean and uncontaminated. The general cleaning procedure for a sample container was outlined previously and should be followed whenever samples are taken. All tubing and other sampling system parts must be scrubbed with hot water and detergent, rinsed several times with tap water, and then rinsed with distilled or deionized water. Further rinsing with acetone is advised only when the type of tubing (e.g., teflon) is not susceptible to dissolution by the solvent. In most cases, the container should be rinsed three times with the wastewater to be sampled before the sample is taken (NOTE: Except when sampling for oil and grease, volatile organic compounds, and coliform bacteria. In these situations, the sample container should not be rinsed with the wastewater prior to sampling). However, some sample containers, such as those used for bacteriological sampling, require special cleaning procedures. Bacteriological sample containers must be sterilized prior to sample collection. The inspector should refer to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and 40 CFR Part 136 for proper procedures on sample container preparation. Table 3-4 outlines required sample containers, sample preservation and sample holding times.
Type of Sample
lhe type of sampling which will be undertaken at the IL1 must be understood clearly prior to going OUI into the field and should be oullined in the POTWs Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan and SOP. There are two basic types of samples: grab samples and composite samples. Each type of sample has distinct advantages and disadvantages. To obtain a complete characterization of a specific facilitys effluent, the two sample types may be used in combination. However, the inspector must use the appropriate sample type for compliance monitoring. For determining compliance with all applicable requirements. the inspector must use the sample method establlshed in the industrial users permlt. (KO~I: If the sample method is inadequate the inspector should take two samples, one with the perrmt sample method, and the other with the sample method which the inspector deems more appropnate). In this situation the permit should be modified to reflect the appropriate method. It is vep important that the POTW establish specific procedures for collecting grab and composite samples. lhcse procedures must be consistent with the EPA guidance on grab versus composite sampling which was distributed to all POTWs with approved pretreatment programs and all of the EPA Regional Offices (NoK: See Appendix V for a copy of this guidance). Copies of this policy can be obtained from the Regional Pretreatment coordinators. Once the POTW has established its procedures for taking grab and composite samples. the III permit should be modified to incorporate these specific procedures so that the IlJ is held to the PWWs procedures.
A grab sample is an individual sample collected over a period of time not 10 exceed I5 minutes. Grab samples are usually taken manually. and the sample volume depends on the number of analyses to be performed. The sampler must make sure that suffkient volume of sample is taken to conduct all necessary analytical procedures, including (>A QC. Grab samples represent the conditions that exist at the moment the sample is taken and do not necessaril) represent conditions at an) other time. Grab sampling is the preferred method of sampling under the following conditions: When the effluent is not discharged on a continuous basis (i.e., batch discharges of short duration), and only when the batch is continuous11 stirred (i.e.. well-mixed) and the pollutant can be safely assumed lo be uniformly dispersed.
- When sampling Hastewater from an electroplating facility regulated under 40 CFR 413, if it has been demonstrated that the single grab sample is representative of the daily discharge. - When sampling a facility where a statistical relationship can be established between previous grab samples and composite data. When the effluent is being screened 10 see if a parameter is present (SOTE: This is only true when the sample is well-mixed and representative of the discharge).
- When the waste conditions are relatively constant (i.e., are well-mixed and homogeneous) over the period of the discharge. In lieu of complex sampling activities. a grab sample provides a simple and
. When a POTW or State has adopted an instantaneous local limit which is based on grab samples;
When it is necessary to check for extreme conditions. For example, composite sampling would tend to conceal peaks in the pH of a discharge. Extreme acidic and alkaline conditions may cancel each other out, causing a composite sample to appear neutral. Therefore, composite sampling cannot be used for pH analyses.
When specific pollutant parameters are immediately affected by biological, chemical, or physical (e.g., pH sensitive compounds) interactions, or have short holding times, such as pJJ, temperature, total phenols, residual chlorine, soluble sulfide, hexavalent chromium, cyanide, volatile organics. and dissolved oxygen, individual grab samples must be taken. Individual grab samples or composite samples (with proper cornpositing procedures) may be taken for oil and grease, and cyanide (as described below). The sampler must be careful in sampling for oil and grease, since these pollutants tend to adhere to the sample container.
Composite samples are samples collected over a period of time greater than 15 minutes. formed by an appropriate number of discrete sampJes which are: I) collected at equal time intervals and combined in proportion to the wastewater flow? or 2) are equal volumes taken at varying time intervals in proportion to the wastewater flow, or 3) equal volumes taken at equal time intervals. Composite samples are used to determine the average pollutant concentration during the compositing period. Various methods for compositing samples are available. Composite samples may be collected individually at equal time intervals if the flow rate of the sample stream does not vary more than plus or minus IO percent of the average flow rate, or they may be collected proportional to the flow rate. The industrial users pemlit may specify which composite sample method to use, either time composites or flow-proportional composites. .Jhe compositing methods, all of
Composed of constant volume discrete sample aliquots collected at constant time intervals. This method provides representative samples when the flow of the sampled stream is relatively constant (i.e.. when the Row does not vary by more than 10% of the average flow rate over time).
. Flow-Proportional Sampline: There are two methods used to collect a flow-proportional composite
sample. In the first method, the time between samples is constant, and the volume of each sample is proportional to the flow at that given moment in time (i.e., the volume of the sample varies over time as the flow changes). This is the preferred method of sampling when taking a manually composited sample. This method requires that discrete samples be collected over the operating day and then be manually cornposited. It is crucial. when using this method, to have accurate flow data continuously recorded during the sampling period. The second flow-proportional sampling method involves collecting a constant sample volume for each volume of wastestream Row (e.g., 200 ml sample collected for every 5.000 gallons of flow) at time intervals inversely proportional to the stream flow. This is the preferred method when taking composite samples using an automatic sampler. This method is based on taking a sample after a set amount of wastewater has been discharged. lhis method provides representative samples of all
wastestreams when the flow is measured accurately. In the other method, the sample is collected by increasing the volume of each aliquot as the flow increases, while maintaining a constant time interval between al iquots. A composite sample should be collected over a workday. If a facility operates and discharges 24 hours per day, then the composite sample should be taken as a 24-hour composite (either flow proportional or time composite). If a facility operates 24 hours per day but only discharges wastewater for six hours, a six hour composite sample should be collected. In general, composite samples should be collected to assess compliance with Categorical Standards and local limits, as long as the limits are daily, weekly, or monthly averages, except for those parameters listed above which must be taken by grab sample. If the POTW is using an automatic sampler with discrete sample containers, the inspector should keep track of any sample bottles which are empty and seek an explanation from the IU for all empty sample bottles from the composite sampler.
Appendix V contains the EPA memorandum, The Use of Grab Samples to Detect Violations of Pretreatment Standards. This memo explains in greater detail when it is appropriate to use grab samples for determining the compliance status of industrial users with categorical standards and local limits.
As stated earlier, some pollutant parameters should be collected as grab samples, but may be collected as composite samples, if specific sampling/preservation techniques for each parameter are followed. Those parameters which may be a grab or a composite sample are oil and grease, and cyanide. Each of these is discussed in turn below. OU and Crease Method 5520B in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 17 edition, is an approved method of analysis for oil and grease and is listed in 40 CFR 136. Standard Methods states that a representative sample shall be collected in a wide-mouthed glass jar that has been rinsed with a solvent. It also proceeds to explain that composite samples should not be taken due to the potential losses of grease on the sampling equipment. This concept applies only to samples which are collected using automatic samplers. Oil and grease samples may be cornposited, if the following steps are taken:
The compositing vessel is made of glass and has been precleaned and rinsed with the solvent to remove the detergent film. The sampling jar is made of glass and has been precleaned and rinsed with the solvent to remove the detergent film. Collect the sample directly into the sample jar and properly preserve the sample with HCI or &SO, to a pH<Z. Pour the sample into the compositing vessel. After each additional sample is added to the collection vessel, the pH should be re-checked and adjusted if necessary. Preserve the sample in the compositing vessel by cooling to 4C and holding at a pHQ. When taking the pH, it is recommended
+ +
that the pH paper or probe not be put directly into the sample. To make sure that equal volumes of each sample are taken, mark the outside of the sampling jar. Repeat this process for the compositing period. When the compositing is finished, both the compositing vessel. which has sampling jar must be submitted to the laboratory for analysis. The entire vessel must be sent to the laboratory, a smaller sample may not be taken jar is sent to the laboratory to allow the oil and grease which has adhered to be extracted and included as part of the sample which is analyzed. the sample in it, and the volume in the compositing from this vessel. The sample to the side of the container
This compositing procedure must be approved by the EPA prior to its use for determining compliance with oil and grease pretreatment standards, but is available subject to approval by the FPA Regional Office. Cvanidc (Totall EPA methods 4500-CN-C. D. or E are approved methods from Standard Methods. 17 edition, which are listed in 40 CFR 136. Most of the sampling guidance to date has recommended that total cyanide samples be collected as grab samples (see Grab Sample memo in Appendix V). A manual composite for total cyanide may be collected if the following steps are followed. (NOTE: The first I 2 steps must be followed to preserve a grab sample, even if it is not being cornposited). I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Collect a grab sample into either a glass or polyethylene sample bottle. Check for oxidizing agents (e.g.* chlorine). If oxidizing agents are not present, then go to step #6. If oxidizing agents are present, add 0.6g of ascorbic acid (see NOTE belorr). Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no oxidizers are present. Add one additional dose of ascorbic acid. Check the sample for sulfides by placing a drop of the sample on a piece of lead acetate test paper which has been moistened with acetic acid buffer solution (pH 4). If the lead acetate test paper is darkened, sulfides are present. If sulfides are not present, go to step I I. If sulfides are present, add cadmium nitrate powder. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the moistened lead acetate test paper no longer darkens. Add one additional dose of cadmium nitrate powder.
7) 8) 9)
IO) Filter the sample to remove the sulfides which have precipitated out of the solution. The filtrate then goes to step 1 I. II) Preserve with NaOH to a pH>l2. 12) Pour the sample into a cornpositing vessel. After each additional sample has been individually preserved (steps l-l I), add it to the cornpositing vessel. The pH of the composite should be rechecked and adjusted as needed. The sample in the cornpositing vessel must remain preserved at 4T and at pH>l2. When taking the pH, it is recommended that the pH paper or probe not be put directly into the sample. To ensure that equal volumes of each sample are taken, mark the outside of the sampling jar. Repeat this process for the compositing period. (NOTE: 40 CFR 136.3, Table II, footnote 5 explains thaf if residual chlorine is present, rhe sample mur be treated with 0.Q of ascorbic acid. Footnote 6 to this table also states that i/sulfides are present in the sample, It must be analyzed within 24 hours. 11 continues to txplarn that samples can he tested for the 69
prtstvxx of .sd$dtx usrng Stud uctvute puper. I/ sulfides ure present, cudmium nitrate powder should be uuiled until 11 ntgutnt~ spot ttst IS ohtoined with the lcud ucetate papr. The sample should then be filtered und .VuOII ht- ddtd IO d pfl .I2 s u .Accordlng to 40 (FR (36 3. checking and preserving for sulfafes uli~w.~ u h~)lJ~n~ time (4 14 dqv.~ ruther thut 24 hours i/sul/ides ure present and not treated. JO ( FR 136 3 7;1hit~ IB stutt~ thut Stundurd .LtethoA for the fiumination of Water and Wastewater, Ith L&Ion - mtvhoA JjOO-C.V-C: D, E, und G ure upproved unu!),ticul methoa5 for cyanide analyses. The presenution ttx.hnlqut7.v j&r rhtjse sump/es ure tqCned m the unalJ.trcul methodr. When conflicts arise, the informution .\tutcd rn 40 ( ER 136.3. TAhle II supersedes the preservation technique in the analytical method .VOTt,. 1ht8 prtx*nutlrts in JO CFR 136 ure not the sume u those stated in Stundurd Methods). This process of cornpositing a total cyanide sample is very resource intensive. Therefore, it is not recommended for routine compliance sampling for cyanide. Table 3-2 lists the advantages and disadvantages of each comprr*.ltinC sampling method. Either manual or automatic sampling techniques can be used. If a sample is compositcLI manually, sample manipulatton should be minimized to reduce the possibility of contamination. The inspector must use the sampling method specified in the permit, but if the sampling
method is inadequate. the inspector should pull a sample using the permit method and the method which is deemed more appropriate
Minimal instrumentation and manual effort. Requires no flow measurement.
May lack representativeness especially for highly variable flows.
Widely used in both automatic samplers and manual handling.
Constant sample \ olumr. constant time inter\ al bet\+ een samples. Flow Proportional
- Constant sample \ olume. time interval between samples proporttonal to weam tlou - Constant time interval between samples. sample volume proportional to total stream flow at time ibt wnplmg.
Minimal instrumentation.
Samples must be manually cornposited. Discrete samples must be taken. Chance of collecting samples which are too small or too large for a given composite volume.
Once the sampling plan has been established and pre-inspection activities have been completed. the focus of the inspection turns to the on-site activities performed by the inspector. This section outlines the procedures which POTW inspectors should follow when conductmg on-site sampling at their industrial users. As with inspections, in many cases the first thing the sampler will do is conduct an opening conference with the IU representatives. Where the POTW has developed a working relationship with the I!: or where there
are suspected violations, the sampler should proceed immediately with sampling and then conduct a closing conference as necessay.
Sanqpiinn Location The first step in preparing to sample is to verify that the sample location is approprtatc. Ihe II: permit
must specify the sampling location for compliance sampling (40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(iti)). This sampltng location must be representative of the actual discharge from the facility. When conducting a compliance sampling site visit, the inspector should use the sample location specified in the industrial users permit. If the sample location specified in the permit is not adequate to collect a representative sample. the inspector should determine an alternative location. This determination should be based on the inspectors hnouledge of the plant itself, the production processes, and the outfalls. If there is a conflict between the sample location described in the permit and the location the inspector believes is most representative, samples should bc collected at both sites. The reason for the conflict should be thorought), documented for later resolution by the POTW. If necessary, the permit must be amended to reflect the correct sampling location(s).
The Federal Categorical Standards apply at the end-of-process (or at the end of treatment. if treatment exists), unless the standard specifies a different location to collect the sample (e.g.. in 40 C):R 4.33 Metal Finishing, the sample location for cyanide is after the cyanide destruct system prior to dilution with other streams). If process effluent is mixed prior to treatment with unregulated wastestrcams or dilution water or if local limits apply at a different point, the combined wastestream formula (CWF) or flow weighted average (FWA) formula must be used (40 CFR 403.6). Samples under this circumstance would be taken after treatment. If the samples are being taken to determine compliance, all associated flows must be measured
The inspector should always collect samples from a sampling location or locations that reflect the total regulated effluent flow (i.e., is representative). Convenience and accessibility are important considerations, but are secondary to the representativeness of the sample. lhe most representative samples will be drawn from a wastewater depth where the flow is turbulent and well mtxed and the chance of solids settling is minimal. Depending on the sampling location. ideally, the depth of sample collection should he 40 to hO
personnel should be cautious when collecting samples near a weir because solids tend to collect upstream and floating oil and grease accumulate downstream.
Samples can be collected either manually (grab or composite) or with automatic samplers. The following general guidelines apply when taking samples: - Take samples at the site specitied in the industrial user permit (andor at the site selected by the inspector to yield a representative sample if the inspector concludes that the site specified in the permit is not appropriate) - llse the sampling method (grab. or composite) required by the I11 permit. If the permit sampling method is inappropriate (e.g.. if it calls for composite sampling for pH), then the inspector should note this in his her field notebook and take two samples: one using the permit method and one using the method deemed most appropriate by the inspector. Samples of certain pollutant parameters may not be taken by automatic samplers, but must be taken by manual grab samples. These parameters include: dissolved oxygen, residual chlorine. pH, temperature, oil and grease. fecal coliforms, purgeable organics, and sulfides. Avoid collecting large nonhomogeneous particles and objects. . Collect the sample facing upstream to avoid contamination. Do not rinse the sample container with the effluent when collecting oil and grease and microbiological samples. but till the container directly to within 2.5 to 5 cm from the top. Fill the container completely if the sample IS to be analyzed for purgeable organics, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide. free chlorine, pH. hardness, sulfite. ammonium, ferrous iron, acidity, or alkalinity. Collect sufftcient sample volume to allow for quality assurance testing. Table 3-4 provides a guide to numerous sample volume requirements but additional volume may be necessary for QA testing) When taking a grab sample. the entire mouth of the container should be submerged below the surface of 71
A wide mouth bottle with an opening of at least two inches is recommended for this type of
sampling. When using a composite sampler, the sample line should be kept as short as possible and sharp bends, kinks, and twists in the line (where solids can settle) should be avoided. The sample line should be placed so that changes in flow will not affect sample collection.
Sam& Volume The volume of samples collected depends on the type and number of analyses needed. This will be determined by the parameters to be measured and the requirements of the analyTica laboratory being used. Sample volume must be suff%zient for all analyses, including QAiQC and any repeat analyses used for verification. Laboratory personnel should be contacted for the sample volume required to complete all analyses, since the lab is in the best position to estimate the necessary volume of iample. Individual, minimum composite portions should be 100 mls. with a total composite volume of 2-4 gallons. Larger volumes may be necessary if samples are to be separated into aliquots or if bioassay tests are to be conducted.
Volume requirements for individual analyses range from 40 ml for pH and volatile organic determinations to 1,000 ml or more for BOD, oil and grease, and settleable solids. The inspector should always collect more than the minimum sample volume to allow for spillage and laboratory reruns. Table 3-3 lists minimum volume requirements for various parameters.
San&e Preservation and Holdinp 77mes Preservation techniques ensure that the sample remains representative of the wastestream at the time of collection. Since most pollutants in the samples collected are unstable (at least to some extent), this instability requires that the sample be analyzed immediately or that it be preserved or fixed to minimize changes in the pollutant concentration or characteristics between the time of collection and analysis. Because immediate analysis is not usually possible, most samples are preserved regardless of the time of analysis. Xhis preservation mast take place as soon as possible after collecting the sanlplc 7Ms means thar
preservafion must take place in thcf7eld (see 40 CFR 136.3). The most common procedures used for preserving samples include icing, refrigeration, pH adjustment, and chemical fixation. When chemical fixation is used, the chemical preservative must be added before the samples are transferred to the laboratory. Likewise, refrigeration should be supplied immediately upon taking the sample. For many samples, if preservatives are not appropriately used, bacteria can quickly degrade certain pollutant constituents (e.g., phenols and phosphorous). Other constituents may volatilize (e.g.. cyanide and sulfides) or may react to form different chemical species (e.g., hexavalent chromium). Proper preservation and holding time for each parameter is essential for the integrity of the monitoring program. (See Table 3-4 and refer to 40 CFR Part 73
Problems may be encountered. however, when N-hour composite samples are collected. Since sample deterioration can take place during the compositing process. it is necessary to preserve or stabilize the samples during the composittng in addition to preserving the aggregate sample before shipment to the laboratory. Preservation techniques vary depending on the pollutant parameter that is to be measured; therefore, the inspector must be familiar with the JO CFR Part 136 preservation techniques to ensure proper sample handling and shipment. It is important to verify, that the preservation techniques for one parameter do not affect the analy,tical results of another parameter m the same sample. If there is this possibility. then two discrete samples should be collected and preserved independently. Sample preservation should be provided during compositing. generally by refrigeration to 4C (or icing) [SO~IE: See 40 CFR 136.3 Table II. Footnote 2,]
Refrigeration is the most widely used preservation technique because it has no detrimental effect on the sample composition and does not interfere with any analytical methods. Refrigeration requues that the sample be quickly chilled to a temperature of -to<, which suppresses biological activity and volatilization of dissolving gases and organic substances. This technique is used at the start of sample collection in the field
and during sample shipment, and continued until the sample is analyzed by the laboratory Sample temperature should be veritied and recorded by the inspector. This results are to be used in an enforcement action.
In addition to presenation techniques, 40 CFR Part I36 indicates maximum holding times. Times listed are the maximum times between sample collection and analysis that are allowed for the sample to be considered valid. (YOIE: Some parameters have separate holding times from the time of sample collection to extraction preparation and from extractionpreparation to analysis). A wastewater sample becomes a sample when the first aliquot is collected. At that point, holding time limitations begin A detailed list of
presenation methods and holding times appears in Table 3-4 at the end of this chapter. These sample preservation procedures and holding times were selected by the EPA because they. retard sample degradation and minimize monitorrng costs; by extending holding times as long as possible.
Sample Documentalion Since many sampling reports may be used in enforcement proceedings, the inspector must keep a precise record of sample collection and data handling. All field records containing these data must be signed by the inspector at the time of collection, including all chain-of-custody forms. If required, the following
All samples should be assigned a unique identification number. If there is a serial number on the transportation case, the inspector should add this number to their field records.
The date and time of sample collection must be recorded. In the case of composite samples, the sequence of times and aliquot size should be noted. sampled should be recorded as well as a narrative description and/or diagram referring to the particular site where the sample was taken should be included.
- Source of Sample (Facility Name and Address): The name and address of the facility being
The name(s) and person(s) taking the sample must be indicated. For a composite sample, the name(s) of the person(s) installing the sampler and the name(s) of the person(s) retrieving the sample must be included.
. Sample Type: Each sample should indicate whether it is a grab or composite sample. If the sample is a composite, volume, and frequency of individual samples should be noted.
. Preservation Method: Any preservatives (including the amount) added to the sample should be
Examples of analyses which must be conducted and recorded in the field include: PH. temperature. dissolved oxygen. residual chlorine, and sulfites. Field analyses should be treated the same as any other sample, i.e.. the sampler must record the date of the sample, type of sample, name of the sampler, chain of custody. etc. . Flow: If flow is measured at the time of the sampling. the flow measurement must be recorded. If the sample is to be used to determine compliance, flow must be measured.
- Production Rates:
Information on products manufactured and production rates should be included since many effluent limitations are based on production rates. The shipment method (e.g.. air, rail, etc.) as well as the shipping papers or manifest number should be recorded.
- Comments: This refers to all relevant information pertaining to the sample or the sampling site
Such comments include the condition of the sample site. observed characteristics of the sample, environmental conditions that may affect the sample, and problems encountered in sampling. Each of these items must be recorded by the POTW inspector when conducting site sampling, but this information should also be kept by the industrial user when it conducts its required self-monitoring. This information should be available for review by the POTW when conducting an on-site inspection or sampling visit.
provides the laboratory with relevant information for analysis, such as: the name of the sample collector. the sample identification number, the date and time of sample collection, the location of the sample collection, the preservatives used. the type of sample (grab or composite) and the identification of the parameters to be analyzed. Sample identification, therefore. is a crucial part of chain-of-custody. Sample tags should be used as part of the chain-of-custody process because they can be removed after the sample has been transported to the lab and placed in the evidence file for that sample while labels are usually discarded with the sample. The tags can then be used as evidence in an enforcement proceeding The sample identification procedures
should be incorporated into the POTWs Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan (see p 56 for a further discussion of the plan).
Sample seals or cooler seals (i.e., seals placed around a cooler with similar samples inside) should be used to protect the samples integrity from the time it is collected to the time it is opened in the laboratory. The seal should contain the collectors name, the date and time of sample cohection and the sample identification number. Information on the seal must be identical to the information on the label and tag. In addition, the seal must be attached so it must be broken to open the sample container or gain access to the sample container in the case of a cooler seal. Caution should be observed to assure that glue on the sample seals and tag wires does not contaminate samples, particularly those containing volatile organics and metals.
Chain-of-Custodv Procedures Once an appropriate sample has been obtained and the sample collection methods are properly documented, a written record of the chain of possession of that sample must be made. Chain-of-custody refers to the documented account of changes in possession that occur for a particular sample or set of samples (see Definition section for a definition of custody). Chain-of-custody procedures are a crittcal aspect in monitoring industrial users, and these procedures should be incorporated into the POTWs Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan (see p. 56 for a further discussion of the plan). The chain-of-custody record allows an accurate step-by-step recreation of the sample path, from its origin through its final analysis in the laboratov. Every sample needs to he accompanied by a chain-of-custody tag which is properly signed and transferred to each person in the chain, from the original sampler to the final person involved in analyzing the sample. Some of the information that needs to be addressed in chain-of-custody are: . Name of the person collecting the sample; . Sample identification number(s);
Date and time of sample collection; Parameters to be analyzed; Location of sample collection; and
and signature(s) of all persons handling the samples in the field and in the laboratories.
To ensure that all necessary information is documented, a chain-of-custody form should be developed by the POTW. An example of such a form used by the EPA is found in Appendix X. Chain-of-custody forms should be preprinted on carbonless, multipart paper so that all personnel handling the sample receive a copy. All sample shipments must be accompanied by the chain-of-custody record while a copy of these forms should be retained by the originator. In addition, all receipts associated with the shipment should be retained. Carriers typically wilt not sign for samples; therefore, seals must be used to verify that tampering has not occurred during shipment
When transferring possession of samples, the transferee must sign and record. the date and time on the chain-of-custody record. In general, custody transfers are made for each sample, although samples may be transferred as a group, if desired. Each person who takes custody must till in the appropriate section of the chain-of-custody record. Finally, the person or group at the POTW responsible for permitting and/or compliance and enforcement should receive a copy of the completed chain-of-custody from, particularly if the sample results are to be used for enforcement purposes.
Chain-of-custody records are crucial if the analytical data are to be used in an enforcement proceeding because they allow such data to be introduced as evidence without testimony of the persons who made the record. Therefore, it is important that all chain-of-custody records be complete and accurate. To maintain the samples integrity, chain-of-custody records must show that the sample was properly collected, preserved, and analyzed, and was not tampered with during shipment. Since it is not possible to predict which violations will require legal action, it should be assumed that all data generated from sampling will be used in court. Therefore, all compliance samples taken at an industrial user should follow chain-of-custody procedures. saw/e Parka&w and Shbp~nf After the samples are properly labelled, they should be placed in a transportation case along with the chain-of-custody form, pertinent field records, and analysis request forms. Glass bottles should be wrapped in foam rubber, plastic bubble wrap, or other material to prevent breakage during shipment. The wrapping can be secured around the bottle with tape. Samples should be placed in ice or a synthetic ice substitute that will maintain sample temperature at 4C throughout shipment. Ice should be placed in double-wrapped watertight bags to ensure the water will not drip out of the shipping case. Metal or heavy plastic chests make good sample transportation cases. Filament tape wrapped around each end of the ice chest ensures that it will not open during transport. Sampling records should be placed in a waterproof bag, envelope or airtight sample bottle and taped to the inside lid or other appropriate place inside the transported container to prevent 77
tampering or breach of custody. Shipping containers should also be sealed to prevent tampering. Sample Packaging and Shipping considerations should be included in the POTWs Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan (see p. 56 for a further discussion of the plan).
Most samples will not require any special transportation precautions except careful packaging to prevent breakage andor spillage. If the sample is shipped by common carrier or sent through the U.S. mail, it must comply with DOT Hazardous Waste Materials Regulations (49 CFR Parts I71 -177). Air shipment of hazardous waste materials may also be covered by requirements of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Before shipping a sample. the inspector should be aware of. and follow, any special shipping requirements. Spectal packaging and shipping rules apply to substances considered hazardous as defined by
IATA rules. Wastewater samples are not generally considered hazardous materials (see Footnote #3 in Table 3-4).
Oualitv Control
Control checks should be performed during the actual sample collection to determine the performance of sample collection techniques. In general, the most common monitoring errors are caused by improper sampling, improper preservation, inadequate mixing during compositing, and excessive holding time. The following samples should be used to check the sample collection techniques: - Duplicate Samples (Field): Duplicate samples are collected from two sets of field equipment installed at the site, or duplicate grab samples are collected from a single piece of equipment at the site. These samples provide a precision check on sampling equipment and techniques. * Equipment Blank: Is an aliquot of analyte-free water which is taken to and opened in the field. The contents of the blank are poured appropriately over or through the sample collection device, collected In a sample container. and returned to the laboratory as a sample to be analyzed. Equipment blanks are a check on the sampling device cleanliness. . Field Blank: Is an aliquot of analyte-free water or solvent brought to the field in sealed containers and transported back to the laboratory with the sample containers. The purpose of the trip blank is to check on sample contamination originating from sample transport, shipping and from site conditions.
- Preservation Blanks: Is an aliquot of analyte-free water (usually distilled water) to which a known quantity of preservative is added. Preservation blanks are analy%d to determine the effectiveness of the preservative, providing a check on the contamination of the chemical preservatives. The quality control measures taken by the POTW should be inctuded in the POTWs Quality Assurance and Sampling Plan (see p. 56 for a further discussion of the plan). Quality control is discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. This full discussion includes a review of laboratory as well as sampling quality assurance and quality control techniques.
Continuous education is essential to a successful safety program. The inspector should be familiar with the hazards associated with sampling, in addition to the safety measures to be followed. For example, if the inspector is required to enter a manhole or other confined space, training in confined space entry and rescue procedures should be required. In addition, a permit for confined space entry is now required under OSIIA. and the permit must be obtained prior to field personnel entering a confined space. Potential hazards in a confined space include toxic gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, and carbon monoxide; or esplosi\,e gases, such as gasoline vapors or methane. In addition, an atmosphere may be hazardous because there is not enough oxygen to support life due to the presence of other gases. A confined space, such as a manhole, should not be entered until the atmosphere has been tested for sufficient oxygen and the lack of toxic or explosive gases. Such a confined space should never be entered alone or without a lifeline.
In general, the potential hazards that POTW personnel will encounter while performing inspection or sampling at industrial users can be divided into two areas: physical hazards and atmospheric hazards. The ability to recognize these hazards and follow proper procedures will eliminate most accidents.
Phvsical Hazards A sampling location can present several potential hazards. Sampling activities are often carried out in locations that meet the criteria set forth in the definition of confmed space. A confined space is defined as a space having limited means of entry or exit which is subject to a deficiency of oxygen. and the accumulation of toxic or combustible gases. Such locations include manholes, pumping stations, wetwells. storm drains, and water meter vaults.
Care must be exercised when removing manhole covers and entering manholes or other confined spaces. Manhole covers should be opened and removed with a properly designed hook. Manhole covers should never be opened with fingers. An acceptable tool can be made from 34 hex or round stock. Two inches of one 79
end should be bent at a right angle and the opposite end should be formed into a handle wide enough for placement of both hands. The two inch hook can be inserted into one of the holes in the cover and lifted by straightening the legs. Improper lifting of a manhole cover may result in back injury. Caution must be exercised when lowering and lifting sampling equipment. A sampler is much heavier when it is full and is sometimes difficult to lit?. Tools should be lowered into and lifted out of the manhole in a bucket to prevent the tools from falling on someone below.
Generally, the top of a manhole is flush with the surrounding surface. Therefore, a person entering the manhole may not have anything to hold on to for support. ladders and steps leading into manholes and other types of confmed spaces are subject to corrosion and may not be well maintained. These structures should be examined prior to entry. If there is any doubt regarding the soundness of the manhole steps, a portable ladder should be used. Other physical hazards in a confined space include the following: excessive depths; excessive flow; poor visibility; wetslippery surfaces; harmful animals, insects or organisms (spiders. snakes, bacteria); protruding or sharp objects; and falling objects. Other physical hazards are listed in Appendix IV.
Amos~heric Hazarak Atmospheric hazards are comprised of three primary types: oxygen deficient atmospheres; explosive, flammable atmospheres; and toxic atmospheres. These types of hazards require air monitoring and
ventilation before entering a manhole or other confined space. Air monitoring equipment is discussed later in this chapter.
Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere:
The minimum OSHA requirement for oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is 19.5%. A SelfContained Breathing Apparatus is necessary to enter an atmosphere with less than 19.5% oxygen. The oxygen enriched atmosphere, which exists when the oxygen concentration is greater than 25%. is also considered hazardous because of its ability to support combustion. Normal air consists of the gases listed in Figure 3-2. Other gases,
78.09% 20.95% 0.93% 0.03%
such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which are harmless under normal conditions, may build up in confined spaces in quantities
Argon Carbon Dioxide
large enough to displace the oxygen necessary to support life. When the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere falls to IO16%. a person will experience shortness of breath. Loss of consciousness will occur at a 6-10% oxygen concentration and
death will occur rapidly when the concentration of oxygen falls below 6%.
Gasoline is the most common flammable liquid found in the sewer system. The major source of gasoline is leaking underground storage tanks and accidental discharge or spills. Gasoline is lighter than water, enabling it to float on top of the wastestream, and the vapors spread out in the collection system. It takes a very small amount of gasoline to generate an explosive atmosphere in a confined space.
Methane is the most common flammable gas encountered in the sewer system. Methane gas is the product of waste decomposition and is the primary component of natural gas. A leak in a natural gas pipe may result in the gas seeping into the collection system. Methane is lighter than air, which allows it to collect at the top of a confined space.
Toxic Atmosphere:
There are various guidelines for assessing chemical hazards in the atmosphere. The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) are guidelines developed and published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) to be used for identifying and controlling potential hazards. One form of the TLS - the time weighted average (TWA} - refers to the vapor phase concentration a worker may be exposed to for an eight hour day or 40 hour work week without chronic or acute health effects. TLV-TWA numbers are sometimes used to calculate IU discharge screening levels for volatile organic compounds. The EPA has issued a guidance document entitled Guidance to Protect POTW Workers from Toxic and Reactive Gases and Vapors, (EPA 812-B-92-001). This document should be used to evaluate the potential for exposure to toxic atmospheres and necessary steps for avoiding contact with such atmospheres.
Hydrogen sultide (HIS) is the most common gas found in the collection system. The gas, which is formed by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, is heavier than air and tends to collect at the bottom of an enclosed space. At low concentrations, hydrogen sulfide has an odor of rotten eggs, at higher concentrations, however, the olfactory system becomes impaired and the gas cannot be detected by smell. The TLV-TWA for hydrogen sulfide is 100 ppm, At higher concentrations of H,S. damage can occur to the eyes, nervous system, and respiratory system. A caustic solution (sodium sulfide) is formed when the gas comes into contact with moist tissue, such as in the eyes and respiratory tract, which causes the irritation and danger from the chemical. At concentrations of 500-1,000 ppm the respiratory system is paralyzed and death will occur.
Hydrogen cyanide gas may be generated when cyanide salts react with an acidic wastestream.
salts are often found in plating baths and metal finishing facilities. The gas causes death by preventing the transfer of oxygen within the bloodstream. 81
Chlorine (Cl:) gas may be encountered at plating facilities where it is used for cyanide destruction. Aside from the irritating odor, chlorine gas is corrosive in the presence of moisture. It combmes with moisture in the lungs and the respirator) system to form hydrochloric acid. Pulmonary edema (fluid in the lung may occur at SO ppm and at 1,000 ppm death occurs rapidly.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is another gas that is generated in a collection system from anaerobic decomposition of organic materials. Asphyxiation occurs from exposure to this gas because the hemoglobin of the blood has 300 times more aflinily for carbon monoxide than for oxygen. Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin to form carboxy hemoglobin. As a result, blood cells with CO cannot transport oxygen to body tissues, and death occurs.
Toxic vapors also present a hazard to inspectors and sampling personnel. Vapors are the volatile form of substances that are normally in a solid or liquid state. Chlorinated solvents used in degreasing or photoresist developing operations generate vapors that may accumulate in the collection system. Some of the vapors have an anaesthetic effect when inhaled. In addition. the vapors are generally heavier than air causing oxygen in a confined space to be displaced which may create an oxygen deficiency in that space.
Safe@ Equipment
Recognizing the physical and atmospheric hazards associated with sampling and inspections is important. Simply acknowledging the hazards. however, does not guarantee safe working conditions. An employer is obligated to provide safety equipment and to establish a training program for employees. The important thing to remember is that the responsibility for using the equipment and following safety procedures rests with the individual inspector. The following discussion will acquaint the inspector with proper safety techniques,
Protective Clothim:
Protective clothing is an important aspect of safety, and the guidelines presented below should be followed when conducting inspections and sampling at industrial users. * t(a.rd Hat - All persons entering a confined space are required to wear a hard hat. A full strength hard hat with a brim and chin strap provides protection from head injuries. - Coveralls - A persons skin should be covered as much as possible to prevent scrapes and cuts and to avoid skin contact with hazardous substances. . Gloves - Hand protection is necessary when collecting and:or handling wastewater samples. In addition to preventing absorption of hazardous chemicals through the skin. gloves will protect the hands from cuts and scratches. 0 . Shoes - Rubber-soled. non-skid, steel-toed shoes and boots must always be worn in or around a confined space. Safety shoes are designed to protect against impact and/or hazardous chemicals. Ear Plugs - Ear plugs should be worn when working in areas with high noise levels (e.g.. general 82
manufacturing areas). This equipment will protect the inspector from the cumulative effects of loud noises in the work place. * Safety Gog.gles - Safety goggles are necessary during inspections and sampling to prevent eye contact with hazardous substances. Contact lenses are often prohibited around some industrial processes such as plating operations. if a hazardous substance comes into contact with a persons eye through splashing or exposure to mists or vapors, that substance may become trapped behind the lens where it would be difftcult to flush out and could cause severe eye damage. . Safety Vests - Safety vests are necessary warning devices in areas with vehicle trafftc.
Trafftc Control:
Traffic diversions are necessary when inspecting and/or sampling in areas subject to vehicle trafftc. For protection of the public as well as employees, the devices must be installed immediately upon arrival at the site and must not be removed until the work is completed. The following devices may be used to route traffic away from an open manhole. . Warning Devices - Rotating/flashing lights and arrow boards should be placed between the work area and oncoming trafk to alert drivers and pedestrians. . Uarricades - A vehicle or heavy piece of equipment should be placed between trafftc and the working area. It should not, however, interfere with trafftc.
. liigh-Level Warning Flar;Cones - Should be used to route traffic through a job-site. Flagmen should be used whenever possible and must wear reflective clothing, such as safety vests, hard hats, and safety shoes.
Radio* L
A two-way radio is the most effective way to maintain contact with a main office. A sampling team should make radio contact upon arrival and departure from each sampling location. Sampling sites are often located in unpopulated areas; therefore, it is important that the radio be kept in working order in the event it is necessary to call for help. If an accident should occur, the rescuer must call for help before any assistance is given to the victim Air Monitorine Devices: Before sampling in a confined space, tests should be done for: (I) explosive gases; (2) the presence of toxic gases; and (-3) oxygen deficiency. The most effective method for detecting these conditions is with an atmospheric monitor. The gas detectors discussed below are the most commonly used for atmospheric monitoring . Single Purpose Detector - Designed to detect specitic gases, such as carbon monoxide, methane, or hydrogen sulftde. These gases are commonly present in collection systems and confined spaces. Single detection units or tubes are available for measuring gases that are less common. . * Dual Purpose Detector - Capable of detecting lack of oxygen and explosive conditions in an area. Combination Detector - Capable of detecting a lack of oxygen, explosivity and the presence of toxic gases. This type of meter provides maximum protection by detecting the presence of all three hazards. Ilydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide are the gases usually measured because they occur most 83
The atmosphere in a confined space can change suddenly; therefore, a detector that continuously monitors the atmosphere is recommended. In addition, detectors should be equipped with an audible and
visual alarm which is activated in response to specific hazardous conditions or a low batter), thus eliminating the need for taking the time to read a dial or gauge.
It is important to remember that using an atmospheric tester does not ensure safe conditions. Gas detectors are only one source of information pertaining to a potentially hazardous situation. Most gas detectors are designed to test for common gases such as hydrogen sulfide, and are not effective for detecting less common substances such as trichloroethylene vapors. There are test kits available for detecting the less common gases. lhe hits consist of a bellows-type pump and glass tubes containing an indicator chemical which are sealed at the ends until they are used. The indicator chemical in the detector tube is specific to a particular contaminant or group of gases. A predetermined volume of air is drawn through the tube and the contaminant reacts with the indicator chemical. producing a color change that can be compared to a colorcalibrated chart to determine an approximate concentration.
When measuring explosivity. gas meters measure the percentage of the Lower-Explosive Limit (LEL) of a calibration gas. which is usually methane. Gases are combustible throughout a range of air mixtures. The meters do not differentiate between gases, but only indicate explosivity relative to the calibration gas. The range begins with the LEL. which is the lowest concentration of a combustible gas or vapor in air that is necessary to support combustion. The explosive range extends upward to the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) which is the maximum concentration that will support combustion. If the concentration of gas is below the LEL, there is insufficient fuel to support ignition. Alternatively. if the concentration is above the UEL, there is insufftcient oxygen to support combustion. These limitations in the atmospheric monitoring equipment emphasize the need for constant ventilation and awareness of potential ha;rards. (NOTE: Combustible gas meter alarms are usually set a point well below the LEL of the gas or atmosphere being measured)
Ventilation Devices:
Few confined spaces have adequate natural or mechanically induced air movement, and in most spaces, it is necessar) to remove harmful gases or vapors by ventilation with a blower or fan. The most common method of ventilation uses a large flexible hose attached at one end to a blower with the other end lowered into the space. The blower will push fresh air into the space to purge the area of hazardous substances. The blower allows the fresh air to enter the space at the lowest point possible. Because the atmosphere in a confined space can change quickly, ventilation should be continuous.
Any entry into a confined space must always be performed by a team consisting of at least two people. A standby person must be stationed outside of the confined space and must remain in visual and radio contact with the person inside. All personnel required to enter the confined space must wear a safety harness. A full body parachute type harness with a lifeline attached at the shoulders is recommended. This type of harness will keep a body vertical and prevent a limp body from falling out when being pulled out of an area.
The lifeline should be attached to a retrieval system which includes a fall arrest mechanism. This type of safety system works in a similar manner as an automobile safety belt where a centrifugal locking mechanism is activated when a fall occurs. If a rescue attempt is necessary, this type of retrieval system eliminates the need to enter the space. Approximately one half of all fatalities that occur in confined spaces are unplanned rescue attempts where a worker instinctively rushes into the confined space to assist an injured co-worker.
The retrieval system should be purchased from a reputable manufacturer or authorized distributor as complete systems, including, repair, and training for proper use. Most components of a retrieval system must meet certain manufacturer specifications and substitution of these components may result in liability for personal injury.
Safety equipment must be maintained and inspected on a regular basis. A safety harness and rescue rope should be examined for the following: frayed strands of fibers, cuts or tears, chemical damage, decay, and kinks or extreme stiffness. Visual inspection of this equipment should be made prior to each use, and formal procedures should be implemented for periodic inspection and maintenance. Respirators: The primary function of a respirator is to prevent exposure to hazardous atmospheres. It is important to
choose a respirator based on the job to be performed and the potential hazards to which an employee may be exposed. The basic types of respirators are: . Air Purifvina - Masks which filter dangerous substances from the air; and s Air SupDlyine. - Devices which provide a supply of safe breathing air from a tank. An air-purifying respirator will remove particles of dust and light concentrations of gas or vapors, but it will not protect against heavy gas concentrations. In addition, this type of respirator provides no oxygen other than what is filtered through the mask. Air-purifying respirators include the following types:
Gas and Vapor Respirators - Contaminated air is passed through charcoal which traps gases and vapors. Ptiiculate Respirator - Contaminated air is passed through a filter for removal of particles. Powered Air-Purifying Respirator - A blower passes contaminated air through a device which removes
. Evaluation. Tests must be evaluated for oxygen level, explosivity, and potentially toxic substances. Sampling personnel should also consider necessary safety equipment. - Monitoring. The atmosphere in a confined space is subject to change. Therefore, the area should be continuously monitored during the sampling activities. Rescue procedures must be developed for each type of confined space that may be encountered by the sampling personnel. A written record of training and safety drills should be kept. Rescue procedures should be practiced frequently enough to ensure proficiency in any necessary rescue situations. In developing a successful training program, the POTW is encouraged to call on other agencies (e.g., local fire and rescue department) with expertise in any of the areas described above.
Pollutant limits in the industrial users permit are often expressed in terms of mass loadings to the POTW (e.g.. OCPSF categorical standards). To determine a mass loading and thereby evaluate compliance with the permit limits. it is necessary for the inspector to obtain accurate
commonly used term for this process. and this section briefly describes the types of devices and proce&res used to measure flow. For further information, the inspector should consult two other EPA guidance manuals, the 1988 NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual and the 1981 NPDES Comuliance Flow Measurement Manual. In situations where flow measuring devices such as those described in the following sections are not available, the POTW may need to rely on the use of water consumption records at the facility. However, when a mass loading needs to be determined for assessing compliance, the POTW should have the ability to assess directly the flow at the facility during the sampling event, Relying on water consumption records when determining compliance with mass-based limits is not an acceptable practice and should nor be used by the POTW. Own Channd Flow Open channel flow, where the flow occurs in conduits that are not full of liquid, is the most prevalent type of flow at industrial user discharge points regulated by the pretreatment program. Partially full pipes that are not under pressure are classified as open channels as well. Open channel flow is measured using both primary and secondary devices (as described below).
Priman Devices:
Primary devices are calibrated, hydraulic structures installed in the channel so flow measurements can be obtained by measuring the depth of liquid at a specific point in relationship to the primary device. Weirs and flumes are examples of primary devices.
The most common type of weir consists of a thin, vertical plate with a sharp crest that is placed in a stream, channel, or partially filled pipe. Figure 3-4 shows a profile of a sharp-crested weir and indicates the appropriate nomenclature. Four common types of sharp-crested weirs are shown in Figure 3-5. The crest is the upper edge of the weir to which water must rise before passing over the structure. The depth of water above the crest of the weir is termed the head. To determine flow rate, the inspector must measure the hydraulic head. The rate of flow over a weir is directly related to the height of water (hydraulic head) above the crest. To measure the hydraulic head, a measuring device is placed upstream of the weir at a distance of at least four times the head. To approximate the head, the inspector can measure at the weir plate. However, this value will provide only a rough estimate of flow.
The flume is an artificial channel constructed so the wastestream flows through it. The wastestreams flow is proportional to the depth of water in the flume and is calculated by measuring the head. A flume is composed of three sections: (1) a converging upstream section; (2) a throat or contracted section; and (3) a diverging or dropping downstream section. The two principal types of flumes are the Parshall Flume and the Palmer-Bowlus Flume.
Figure 3-6 presents a sketch of the Parshall Flume, identifying its different parts. In the Parshall Flume, the floor level of the converging section is higher than the floor of the throat and diverging section. The Flume operates on the principle that when water flows through a constriction in the channel, a hydraulic head is produced that is proportional to the flow. FIumes are good for measuring open channel waste flow because they are self-cleaning. Sand and suspended solids are unlikely to affect the devices operation.
A Palmer-Bowlus Flume, which may or may not have a constriction, has a level floor in the throat section and is placed in a pipe for approximately the length of the pipes diameter. The depth of water above
the raised step in the throat is related to the discharge rate. The head should be measured at a distance (d/2) upstream of the throat, where (d) is the size (width) of the flume. The height of the step is usually unknown until the manufacturers data tie consulted, and it is difficult to measure manually the height of water above the step at an upstream point. The dimensions of each Palmer-Bowlus Flume are different. Therefore, the manufacturers data must be consulted to establish a relationship between the head and the discharge rate. Figure 3-7 contains a sketch of a free-flowing Palmer-Bowlus Flume.
!Secondarv Devices: Secondary devices are used in conjunction with primary devices to determine the actual flow passing the measuring point. Typically, secondary devices measure the depth of water in the primary device and convert
K = APPROX. 0.1
- - -
Profile and Nomenclrtorr of Sharp-Crested Weirs (Taken fkom NPnES Compbnce Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
L Crest Length
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2Hmax Mintmum
L Crest Length
ZHmar Mlnlmum
- I
L Crerl Length
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2Hmax fvllnlmum
2Hmax - Mmimum
............. ............ ........... ............ ............ ............ . ._ : . . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .......................... ............ ............ . . . . 2Hmax . . . . . . . ......... ... . . . . ............ ..... . . . .. ................... :.:.:.:.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .
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* _ -a ;
g , n
1 I! mmat SectIon
Submer~ FIow
Free Flow
oLevel Floar
2% -
g o t & -
x -
zuo fiofer~ - L e v e l f o r Ha Utd Hb
Figure 3-6
Plan View and Cross Section of a Parshall Flume (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May, 1988) 92
Tp--.. . . 4-.
Small Jump
Should Occur
In Th,s Region
l l
H m
.,.: 4 :;. :::: 1.: :.:- :. .:...y .: :. . .; ,: = .A,.: :
. . . . . . . . . . . ,,
;. \. :
,, ,,.
:.:::.:\ : .. .
-D 2
Measuring Point
Proforred He8d
D = Conduit Diameter
Figure 3-7 Free-Flowing Palmer-Bowlus- Flume (Taken hm NPDES Compbnce Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Configuration and Nonmrdrture of a Venturi Meter (Taken from NPDES Complbca lnsgection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
the depth measurement to a corresponding flow, using established mathematical formulas. The output of the secondq device is generally transmitted to a recorder and/or totalker to provide instantaneous and historical flow data to the operator. Outputs may also be transmitted to sampling systems to facilitate flow proportioning. Secondary devices can be organized into two broad categories: * A non-recording type with direct readout (e.g., a staff gauge) or indirect readout from hxed points (e.g., a chain, wire weight, or float); or A recording type with either digital or graphic recorders (e.g.. float in well, float in flow, bubbler, electrical. or acoustic).
Closed Channel
Closed channel flow is normally encountered between treatment units in a wastewater treatment plant and after lift stations. where liquids an&or sludges are pumped under pressure. It is also encountered in submerged outfalls. Flow in closed channels is usually measured by a metering device inserted into the conduit. Examples of closed channel flow measuring devices are the Venturi Meter and the electromagnetic flow meter.
The Venturi Meter is one of the most accurate primary devices for measuring flow in closed channels. It is basically a pipe segment consisting of an inlet with a converging section, a throat, and a diverging outlet section, as illustrated in Figure 3-8. The water velocity is increased in the constricted portion of the inlet section which results in a decrease in static pressure. The pressure difference between the inlet pipe and the throat is proportional to the flow.
F.lectromagnetic flow meter operation is based on the fact that the voltage induced by a conductor moving at right angles through a magnetic field will be proportional to the velocity of that conductor as it moves through the field. In the case of the electromagnetic flow meter, the conductor is the stream of water to be measured, and the magnetic field is produced by a set of electromagnetic coils. A typical electromagnetic flow meter is shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9 Electromagnetic FIow Meter (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
two or more samples) and accurate (degree of closeness between the results obtained from the sample analysis and the true value that should have been obtained). By following QAQC procedures, the POTWs confidence in the validity of the reported analytical data is increased.
All data generated or used by the POTW must be of known, defensible, and verifiable quality. This includes data which are generated through self-monitoring at the industrial facility. Therefore, the IU should also have QA QC procedures in place to ensure the adequacy of the data submitted as part of its periodic compliance report (sort : All inspections, and the data obtained as a result of the inspection, have the potential to be used in an enforcement proceeding and should be treated as potential evidence to be admitted in court).
QA is the program functions specified to assure the quality of measurement data while QC is the process of carrying out those procedures stated in the QA program The QA program should be general while QC activities are specific. Also, the specific QC procedures used to assure data of good quality should be specified in the Qualit) Assurance and Sampling Plan developed for individual sampling events (e.g., the use of duplicate samples in the field). A QA program has two prim- functions. First, it is designed to monr!or
und ~~oluurr continuously the reliability (i.e., accuracy and precision) of the analytical results reported by each industrial user. This is how the quality of the data received from the IU is judged for acceptability. Second, QA should conrrol the quality of the data to meet the program requirements. A QC program is designed to ensure the routine application of procedures necessary for the measurement process to meet prescribed standards of performance (e.g., through instrument calibration and analysis of reference unknowns). A program describing the schedule for calibration is QA, while the actual calibration procedures are QC.
QA.QC functions fit into two categories, field procedures and laboratory procedures. Each of these items is discussed in greater detail in the subsections which follow.
Ovalltv Assurance Procedures for Sanwlin~ A QA program for sampling equipment and for field measurement procedures (for such parameters as temperature. DO, pH, and conductivity) is necessary to ensure data of the highest quality. The inspector should recognize the importance of implementing quality assurance in sample collection to minimize such common errors as improper sampling methodology, poor sample preservation, and lack of adequate mixing during compositing and testing. Again, each of these activities should be a part of the POTWs SOP. so that all POTW sampling personnel are familiar with the proper sampling procedures. Quality assurance checks will help the inspector determine when sample collection techniques are inadequate for the intended use of the
data. A field quality assurance program should contain the following elements: - The required analytical methodology for each regulated pollutant; special sample handling procedures; and the precision, accuracy, and detection limits of all required analytical methods. - The basis for selecting the analytical and sampling method. For example, each analytical method should consist of approved procedures. Where the method does not exist, the QA plan should state how the new method will be documented, justified, and approved for use. * The number of analyses for QC (e.g., the percentage of spikes, blanks, or duplicates), expressed as a percentage of the overall analyses, (e.g., one duplicate sample per IO samples) to assess data validity. Generally, the QA program should approximate IS percent of the overall program, with IO percent and 5 percent assigned to laboratory QC and field QC respectively. The QA plan should include shifting these allocations or decreasing these allocations depending on the degree of confidence established for collected data.
A performance evaluation system which allows sampling personnel to cover the following areas: Qualifications of personnel for a particular sampling situation; Determining the best representative sampling site; Sampling techniques, including the location of sampling points within the wastestream, the choice of grab or composite samples, the type of automatic sampler, special handling procedures, sample preservation procedures, and sample identification. Flow measurement, where applicable. Completeness of data, data records, processing, and reporting. Calibration and maintenance of field instruments and equipment. Use of QC samples, such as field duplicates, or splits to assess the validity of the data. Training of all personnel involved in any function affecting data quality.
By following these QA procedures, the inspector can ensure the proper quality data from the industrial user.
OuaIitv Control Procedures for Sanwlinp Sampling QC begins with calibration and preventative maintenance procedures for sampling equipment. The inspector should prepare a calibration plan and documentation record for all field sampling and analysis equipment. A complete document record should be kept in a QC logbook, including equipment specifications, calibration date, and calibration expiration data, and maintenance due date. All of these activities should be reflected in the POTWs Standard Operating Procedures (see the beginning of the chapter for a discussion of SOPS). The sampler should keep in mind that field analytical equipment should be recalibrated in the field prior to taking the sample. In addition to calibration procedures, the person conducting field sampling should complete the various types of QC samples outlined on page 77.
Personnel conducting sampling should be well-trained in the use, cleaning, calibration, and maintenance of all instruments or samplers used. Automatic sampler tygon tubing, bottles, and the sampler itself should be cleaned prior to each sampling event. Automatic samplers should be calibrated for sample quantity, line purge, and the timing factor, if applicable. This calibration can and should be checked in the field to verify 97
draw. lhe manufacturers directions should be reviewed and followed for cleaning and calibrating all equipment.
Laboratory Oualitv AssurancdOuafify Control l.aboratory QA!QC procedures ensure high-quality analyses through instrument calibration and the processing of control samples. The precision of laboratory findings refers to the reproducibility of results. In a laboratory QC program. a sample is analyzed independently (more than once) using the same methods and set of conditions. Precision is estimated by comparing the measurements. Accuracy refers to the degree of
difference between ohserved values and known or actual values. The accuracy of a method ma) be determined by analyses of samples to which known amounts of a reference standard have been added,
Four specific laboratory QA procedures can be used to determine the confidence in the validity of the reported analytical data. duplicates, blanks, splits, and spiked samples. Each of these are described below:
- DuDlicatc Sampla ILaboratory): Laboratory duplicate samples are samples which are received h) the laboratory and divided (by the laboratory) into two or more portions. Fach portion is separateI) and identicall) prepared and analyzed. Duplicate samples check for precision. These samples provide a check on sampling equipment and sampling techniques.
- Method Blanks: Method blanks are samples of analyte-free water that are prepared in the IabnratoF
and analyzed by the analytical method used for field samples. The results from the analyses are used to check on the cleanliness of reagents, instruments. and the laboratory environment.
- Split Samples (Field): Field splits are collected and divided in the field into the necessary number of
portions (e.g.. 2. 3, etc) for analysis. Equally representative samples must be collected in this process. and then the samples are usually sent to different analyIical laboratories. Field splits allow the comparison of analytical techniques and procedures from separate laboratories. Sampling personnel should exercise caution when splitting samples to avoid producing large differences in TSS. All widely divergent results should be investigated and the cause identified. NOTE: Oil and grease samples cannot be split due to the nature of the pollutant. * Laboratory Spiked Samples: These samples provide a proficiency check for the accuracy of analjqical procedures. A known amount of a particular constituent is added to separate aliquots of the sample or to distilled/deionized water at a concentration where the accuracy of the test method is satisfactory. lhe amount added should be coordinated with the laboratory. Laboratory QA/QC procedures can be quite complex. Often, the analytical procedures specify QAiQC requirements for calibration. interference checks (for ICP analyses), control samples, spiking (including the method of standard additions), blank contaminant level, and instrument tuning. Accuracy is nor-mall) determined through the analysis of blanks, standards, blank spikes, laboratory control samples, and spiked samples. Precision is determined through the comparison of duplicate results or duplicate spiked results for organic analysis. For more information on laboratory QAiQC, the POTW should contact their Regional Quality Assurance Management Staff or Quality Assurance Manager.
The methods used by in-house or contract laboratories to analyze industrial user samples must be methods which are EPA approved under 40 CFR 136 and thus are acceptable to a court of law as the most reliable and accurate methods of analyzing water and wastewater. Although some field test kits are useful as
indicators of current conditions (and, thus, may be used for process control considerations), they are not appropriate for sampling that is conducted to verify or determine compliance. If non-EPA approved methods When choosing a
are used for analysis, it is likely that the data will be considered inadmissible as evidence. contract lab. POTWs should obtain and review a copy of the labs QAQC plan.
to determine the compliance status of its industrial users after it has been appropriately gathered. For example. we have already discussed certain laboratory QAQC measures. These measures are necessary to ensure the validity and reproducibility of the sample. One of these measures is the use of dupticate samples, but how should the PQTW determine compliance from these samples if their results are different (e.g., one shows compliance and the other shows noncompliance). This issue and others like it are addressed in this 3 section of the manual. The POTW should follow the procedures and information outlined in this section when establishing the compliance status of their ILJs.
In other cases, the analytical results from the duplicate samples, even though pulled from the same sample (or a simultaneous second sample), may yield significantly different analytical results. If this happens, the POTW needs to make a judgment as to whether the sample can be used for determining the compliance status of the IU (e.g.. for determining SNC). If duplicate samples produce significantly different analytical results, the POTW should follow the procedures outlined below: Investigate the Analvtic Methodoloav. The POTW should review the procedures used by the laboratory personnel when analyzing the sample to ensure that all steps were followed properly. The POTW should also evaluate the nature of the samples themselves and whether the samples may be responsible fur contributing to any analytical discrepancies (e.g., duplicate samples of very high concentration, i.e.. requiring significant dilutions. may produce high relative percent differences which may be due to sampling techniques in the field, sampling of the aliquot in the laboratory, dilution technique. or a combination of these factors). POTWs must be aware of this situation when evaluating whether any duplicate sample results may be used for determining compliance. . Check the Analyttc Time Sequence. Very often the sample analysis for duplicate samples is done sequentially. This is especially true when the sample analysis requires the use of GC!MS equipment. In these situations. it is possible to have the sample analyses far apart in time. If this happens, the sample holding time may be exceeded. If this happens, the sample which was analyzed after the holding time is not valid. and a new sample must be taken. Even if the sample holding time has not been exceeded, it is possible that two analyses from the same sample will produce different results if they are far enough apart in time. Therefore, make sure that all duplicate samples are analyzed as close together as possible to ensure sample integrity through the entire analytic process. If the sample has not exceeded its allotted holding time. the POTW can re-analyze two new samples from the original sample collection vessel to obtain valid duplicate results. . Check the Laboratory Equipment. The POTW should make sure that all glassware is properly washed and rinsed to make sure that it is clean and free of contaminants. Dirty glassware can cause interference with the sample analysis. In addition, make sure that all lab equipment is properly calibrated, operzted and maintained. This should ensure consistent sample results. - Review the Sampling Methodology. It is possible that a duplicate sample, if taken as two discrete samples, will have very different characteristics. For example, when taking a duplicate sample for oil and grease, it is usualI> necessary to take two discrete samples because it is not possible to split an 011 and grease sample. When the two samples are taken, the sampler may not take each sample in exactly the same way (e.g.. one sample may skim the top of the wastestream and the other may be taken from the bottom of the wastestream). This can produce two radically different samples. even though they were taken at the same time from the same place. If duplicate samples are taken from the same sample collection vessel, make sure that the sample is well mixed and homogeneous so that each sample is as close as possible to each other.
Check the Laboratow QAiQC. The laboratory and sampling QAQC procedures should be reviewed when duplicate samples produce different analytical results. The lab should check to see if blank and spike sample analyses give appropriate results. If the blanks and/or spikes do not produce expected values, it is highly likely that there is a problem with the analytical procedures. If the blanks and spikes indicate analytic problems, it may be necessary to discard the sample and disregard the results when determining the compliance status of the industrial user.
If the source of the discrepancy is identified, the POTW should run another analysis from the same loo
sample batch (this is one good reason to take an adequate sample amount when in the field) making sure to avoid the mistakes on the original duplicate sample.
The POTW also has the option of sending the sample in question to an independent laboratory. This referee laboratory can serVe to give impartial analysis of the sample so that the sample results can be used to evaluate compliance. If the POTW chooses this option it should keep in mind that while the referee?
laboratory will give independent results, it will not necessarily give the right result. The POTW should evaluate the referee lab in terms of the equivalency of its analytical procedures, QA/QC etc., in relation to 40 CFR 136 as well as equivalency to the POTWs and/or the IUs lab.
Compliance with Monthly Averape Limitations POTWs are faced with the issue of how to assess an appropriate penalty for various types of violations of the local pretreatment program. In evaluating this situation, the POTW should follow the reasoning of the courts when assessing the number of violations which accrue as a result of a violation of a monthly average. In Chesapeake Bqv Foundation v. Gwaltney of Smithfield Ltd. 791 F.2d. 304 (4th Cir. 1986) a violation of the monthly average was deemed to be a violation of each of the days of the month (not necessarily operating days). The court reasoned that the language in the Clean Water Act strongly suggests that where a violation is defined in terms of a time period longer than a day, the maximum penalty assessable for that violation should be defined in terms of the number of days in that time period. (Id at 314). This means that if there is a violation of a monthly average, the largest penalty assessable is the maximum penalty authority of the POTW (which should be, at a minimum, I.000 dollars per day) multiplied by the number of days in the month of violation. This is not necessarily the penalty which the POTW will impose on the IU, but it is the maximum amount which the POTW may legally assess.
There has been some confusion on the part of some POTWs as to how many samples are required to demonstrate a violation of a monthly average. At a minimum, the POTW needs only one valid sample from the month to assess compliance with the monthly average. If the POTW has only one sample from an IU in the six month reporting period and that sample is in violation of the monthly average. the maximum liability the IU faces for that effluent violation in that six month period is the maximum penalty authority of the POTW multiplied by the number of days in the month the sample was taken. This process should be used by the POTW when evaluating the appropriate penalty amount to assess in situations where the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan indicates the need to assess a penalty.
The General Pretreatment Regulations at 403.5(b)(l) require that no discharge to a POTW shall create a tire or explosion hazard in the POTW. The regulation further explains this requirement by setting a closed cup flashpoint limit of 140F (60C) on wastestreams discharged to the POTW. Since this prohibitive limit is an instantaneous limit. the POTW must use a grab sample to evaluate compliance with the closed cup flashpoint requirement.
The POTW should monitor the NJs wastestream periodically for the potential of creating a tire hazard, but this frequency should be based on the nature of the wastestream. If the POTW has reason to believe that
the IU has a strong notential to create a tire hazard, monitoring for the closed cup flashpoint should be conducted regularly If the POTW has no reason to believe that the IU poses a fire hazard, minimum closed
cup flashpoint monitoring can be done. At a minimum, the POTW should evaluate the IUs potential to cause pass-through or interference. as well as the IUs potential to violate any of the prohibitive discharge limits. at least once every permit cycle (e.g., every ftve years if the IUs pennit duration is five years long).
Freauencv of RWW San&inn In Lieu of industrial User Sanwlinn The General Pretreatment Regulations allow for the POTW to take over the periodic sampling and analysis activities for the industrial user. When the POTW chooses to exercise this option, the IU is not required to submit the periodic sampling report required in 403.12(e). The General Pretreatment Regulations also require POTWs to inspect and sample the eflluent from each Significant Industrial User at least once a year. (403,8(f)()(v)). The purpose of this inspection and sampling is to provide information, independent of the IU. on the compliance status of the SIU. If the POTW is already conducting the periodic sampling for the IU. however, the POTW is already evaluating compliance independent of the IU. Therefore, if the POTW is conducting the required sampling for the IU under 403.12, the POTW is satisfying the 403.8 requirement of annually sampling the II:. The POTW is still required to inspect each SIU annually, but the POTW would only be requtred to conduct two sampling events at the IU, as required by 403.12.
The General Pretreatment Regulations require IUs to notify the Control Authority and conduct follow-up sampling if the previous sample taken by the IU indicates a violation. The notification to the Control Authority must be conducted within 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation, and the results of resampling must be submitted to the Control Authority within 30 days. If the POTW is conducting the sampling for the IU. however, there is no regulatory requirement for the POTW to resample after detecting a violation. As a matter of policy, though, we strongly recommend that the POTW conduct the required repeat sampling, or require the IU to conduct the repeat sampling. because this provides further information on the 102
nature of the [Us impact on the treatment plant and may provide further support in an enforcement action taken by the POTW for eflluent violations.
SNC in Situations With Multi& OutfoIls POTWs often encounter situations where industrial users have multiple outfalls (i.e.. connections to the collection system) from the same categorical process line, and the question has been raised of how the POTW should evaluate such situations for the purpose of determining the compliance status of the facility, especially with respect lo SNC. When the POTW encounters a multiple outfall situation. compliance with applicable standards should be determined in the following manner.
Multiple outfall situations can arise in three ways: I) multiple categorical operations with multiple outfalls, 2) a single categorical operation with multiple outfalls, and 3) a wastestream regulated by local limits with multiple outfalls. Each of these circumstances are discussed below. If an industrial user has several outfalls to the POTW from separate categorical operations, each of these outfalls and each pollutant parameter per outfall must be evaluated separately for the purpose of determining whether the facility meets the criteria for Significant Noncompliance. For example, if the iU has three outfalls from three separate categorical
operations and each outfall is regulated for chromium, cadmium and zinc, and any of the data from each separate outfall exceeds either the chronic or TRC criterion, then the IU meets the criteria for SNC and should be published in the newspaper by the POTW. When evaluating the compliance status of the IU keep in mind that the IU must be evaluated on a categorical operation-by-categorical operation, parameter-byparameter, and outfall-by-outfall basis. However, if the IU has more than one outfall from the same colegorical operation (e.g., several lines from the same metal finishing operation), the POTW should treat those different categorical operations as a single, aggregate line for purposes of determining compliance. example, if a metal finisher discharges categorical process wastewater generated from different categorical operations in the same process line through two different sewer connections (without any intermediate treatment), compliance with the categorical standard should be determined by using a flow weighted average of the two lines. Finally, the POTW should be aware of how to evaluate compliance in situations where local limits control the nature of the discharge and there is more than one discharge point to the POTW. If there is For
more than one discharge point to the POTW which is regulated by a local limit (even if the separate outfalls come from the same process line), then the facility must meet the local limit ur rhe end ofeuch pipe. Likewise, the federal prohibitive standards in 403.5 must be met for each discharge pornf lo the POTW no matter where the discharge point is derived.
If a sample taken at an IL indicates a violation, the date of the violation is the date the sample was taken, not the date the sample was analyzed in the laboratory. For a long-term composite sample, the date of violation is the date the F o r e x a m completed. a s a m p l e r i s p l a c e d a t a n i n d u s t r i a l u s e r a t samDIe was p l e , i f SAM on Tuesday and picked up at 8AM on Wednesday (the following day), but the sampler stopped taking samples at 5PM Tuesday, the date of violation is 5PM Tuesday (not 8AM Wednesday). (NOTI:: In this example. the required holding time for this sample would commence at 8AM on Tuesday). This can be important when the POTW goes to apply the rolling quarters method for determining SNC (as outlined in the EPA Memorandum Application and Use of the Regulatory Definition of Significant Noncompliance for Industrial (Jsers, September 9. 1991). When tracking the compliance status of each IU. the POTW should have an automated system which tracks the date each sample was taken at each IU regulated by the POTW.
determine compliance with continuous monitoring centers on the length of time allowed for pH to be out of compliance with the limit. POTWs have been placed in the situation of having to determine what is an acceptable amount of time to be out of compliance under a continuous monitoring scheme, and many POTW have turned to the federal regulations at 401.17 to provide the answer. Part 401 .I7 addresses the allowed excursions for pH when applied to facilities which discharge directly to a receiving water. The question has been asked whether or not this same excursion policy should be adopted for facilities which discharge to the sanitary sewer. In general, POTWs may apply an excursion policy (although not necessarily the one found at 40 CFR 40 I. 17). with three important restrictions. First, the POTW may not allow an industrial user to discharge waste below a pH of 5 (403.5(b)(2)) unless the POTW is specifically designed to accommodate such waste. Second, a POTW may not grant a variance from a categorical standard for an upper pH limit, if such an upper limit exists in the standard. Finally, a POTW may not grant a waiver from a local pH limit if the waiver would cause pass through or interference at the plant. If the POTW observes these restrictions, it can establish a policy of allowing the pH discharge of a facility to go outside the range established in the limit without the facility incurring any enforcement liability. If a POTW establishes a policy allowing pH discharges outside the established range, the POTW should document such a policy in the POTWs Enforcement Response Plan, Sewer Use Ordinance, or IU permit to ensure the enforceability of the policy.
This chapter discussed the procedures and protocols which should be used when sampling the effluent from industrial users or when observing a permittees self-monitoring procedures. The need for a sampling plan and for coordinating with the laboratory performing the analyses were stressed in order to promote consistency between samplers and to ensure that laboratory requirements are met during all sampling events. The chapter also emphasized the importance of using proper sample collection techniques, including the selection of an appropriate sample location and sample type, the preparation of sample containers, and the preservation, labeling, and handling of samples after collection to establish the validity of each sample result should violations be identified that lead to an enforcement action. The chapter further explained several instances in which special sampling requirements must be followed. Finally, this chapter described various chain-of-custody and quality assurance procedures that should be practiced during all sampling events to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and reliability of each sample and of the corresponding analytical results. Inspectors must conduct all sampling activities on the premise that each may lead to an enforcement action.
Table 3-3 Volume of Sample Requited for Andyzing Various Industrial Pollutants (Associated Water and Ait Resource Engineers, Inc, 1973 Handbook for Monitorinp Indurrrial Whtewater. U.S. EPA TechnoloPv Transfer
Ana~vfical Tests PtfYSICAL Color and Ode? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corrosivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flectrical Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ptf. electrometric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radioactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turbidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEMICAL Dissolved Gases: Ammonia, NH, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbon Dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chlorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f hydrogen Sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulfur dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Acidity and alkalinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bacteria, iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bacteria. sulfate reducing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) . . . . . . . . . . . Chloroform extractable matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Detergents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t (ardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I iydrazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volatile and filming amines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil and Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phenolic compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PH. calorimetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyphosphates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solids. dissolved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solids, suspended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.annin and Lignin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 200 200 1,000 500 500 to 100 loo 500 100 100 to 500 50 to 100 l.ooO 100 to 200 50 to 100 50 to loo 100t0200 500 to 1.000 3,000 to 5900 500 to l,ooo 800 to 4,000 IO to 20 loo to 200 50 to l,ooo 100 to 20,000 50 to 1,000 loo to 200 100 to 500 flowing sample 100 100 100 to 1.000 loo flowing sample to 20,ooo 100 to l,ooo Iofutne of Sawpie (ml)
Table 3-3 Vihmt of Sample Requited for Am&zing Various Indust&! Poikfants (con&)
A n a l & a l Tests: Cations: Aluminum, Al . . . . . . . . . Ammonium. NH, . . . . . . . A n t i m o n y , S b t o Sb Arsenic, As to As . . . Barium, Ba . . . . . . . . . . . . Cadmium. Cd* . . . . . . . . . . Calcium, Ca . . . . . . . . . . . C h r o m i u m , Cr. t o Cr Copper, Cu . . . . . . . . . . . . Iron, Fe to Fe . . . . . . . Magnesium, Mg . . . . . . . . Manganese, Mn to Mn* Mercury, Hg to Hg . Potassium, K . . . . . . . . . . Nickel, Ni . . . . . . . . . . . . Silver, Ag . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sodium, Na . . . . . . . . . . . . Strontium, Sr . . . . . . . . . . Tin, Sn to Sn . . . . . . . Zinc, Zn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anions: Bicarbonate, HCO; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bromide, Br . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonate, CO,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chlorine, Cl- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyanide, Cn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fluoride, FI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydroxide, OH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iodide, 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrate, NO; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrite, NO,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphorous, ortho, PO,-. HPO-, H,PO; Sulfate, SO,-. HSO, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulfide, S-, HS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulfite. SO,-. HSO; . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Volume of Sample (ml) loo 500 loo loo loo 100 100 loo 200 100 100 100 loo loo loo loo 100 100 100 I00 to I.000 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to l,ooo l,ooo 1,000 l,ooo l,ooo 1,oocl 4.000 1.000 4,000 l,oocl l.ooa 1,000 l,ooo 1,000 l,ooo l,ooo
. . .
. . .
. . . . .
. . .
. .
100 to 200 100 loOto2oa 25 to IO0 25 to 100 200 50 to loo 100 IO to 100 50 to 100 50 to 100 I00 to 1,000 loo to 500 50 to loo
1 I
Volumes specified in this table should be considered as guides for the approximate quantity of sample necessary for a particular analysis. The exact quantity used should be consistent with the volume prescribed in the standard method of analysis. whenever a volume is specified. Aliquot may be used for other determinations. Samples for usntable constituents must be obtained in separate containers, preserved as precribed. completely filled, and sealed against all exposure.
Table 3-4 Required Containers, Pmwvation Techniques, Holding Times, and T& Uethodr (Excerpt from 40 CFR PM 136 Tab& I and II)
EPA Tar Mcfhod (1979) ( u n l e s s orherwlrc noted))
Preserw1hw O)
MPulmuJU Holding #
6 Hours
Standard Methods 15th Ed.: 908 Standard Methods 15th Ed.: 910
6 Hours
48 Hours 48 Hours
28 Hours 28 Hours
P,G Chloride P,G Chlorine, total residual P.G Color P,G Cyanide, total and amenable to chlorination P Fluoride P,G Hardness
325 330
Cool to 4C Cool to 4C NaOH to pH>l2 0.6g ascorbic acid None required HNO, to pH<2, H,SO, to pH<
II0 335
28 days 6 months
340 130
Tabk 3-1 (Conk) Requkd Containers, Preservath Techniqrccs, HoMing lhes, and T&t h&this (Erccrpf /mm 40 CFR P~H 136 Tcrblc I and II)
EPA Tat Mtthod (I 979) (unlas otherwise nor@ 150.1
None required
TKN. organic nitrogen METAL!? tlexavalent Chromium Mercury Metals. (except above)
Nitrate Nitrate-nitrite
Cool to 4C Cool to 4C H,SO, to pHa Cool to 4C Cool to 4C H,SO, to pH<1 COOI to 4C. HCI or H?SO, to pH<;! Filter immediately Cool to 4C
48 Hours 28 days
352.1 353
48 Hours 28 days
354 413
Organic Carbon
28 days
48 Hours
G bottleitop G bottle/top
None required Fix on-site and store in the dark Cool to 4C H,SO, to pHQ Cool to 4C
24 Hours
Phosphorous (elemental)
48 Hours
Note (I
T&k 3-4 (Cot@ Requirtd Containers, Pmerva&n Techniques, Holding Times, and Test Methods (EKccrpt from 40 CFR Pari 136 Table I and 113
EPA Test Method (1979) (unlas o?herwise nored) 365
Container P,G
PraenwthP Cool to 4oc H,SO, to pHG Cool to 4C Cool to 4C Cool to 4C Cool to 4C Cool to 4C Cool to 4OC Cool to 4OC Cool to 4C Cool to 4C add zinc acetate plus NaOH to pH19 None required
Residue, total Residue, filterable Residue, nonfilterable (TSS) Residue, settleable Residue, volatile Silica Specific conductance Sulfate Sulfide
surfactants Temperature
425. Analyze immediately 48 Hours 180. I ORGANIC TESTS Purgeable halocarbons G, tcflon lined septum Cool to 4C 0.008NaSO~ I4 days 601 (40 CFR 136 Appendix A, 1984) 170.
Cool to 4C
Tabk 3-I (Coa) Requkd Containem, Pmerva&n Techniques, Holding Tti, and Test Methods (Except ftvm 40 CFR P&i 136 Tab6 I and II)
EPA Method (1979) unless otherwise noted 601 (40 CFR I36 Appendix A, 1984) 602 (40 CFR I36 Appendix A. 1984) 603 (40 CFR I36 Appendix A, 1984)
Purgcablc Aromatic Hydmwbons
Conrafnef I G, teflonlined septum Cool to 4C 0.008% Na.$20, HCI to pH 2 Cool to 4C 0.008% Na$,O, Adjust pW4.5 Cool to 4C 0 . 0 0 8 % Na$,O, G. teflonlined cap
14 days
7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction. 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction
Benzidines ) G, teflonlined cap G. teflonlined cap G, tcflonlined cap Polychlorinated Biphenyls G. teflonlined cap Nitroaromatics and isophorone G. teflonlined cap
Polynuclear aromatic hydrowbons
C o o l to 4 C 0 . 0 0 8 % Na$,O, Cool to 4C
Phthalate esters
Nitrosamines I
7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extract ion
C o o l to 4 C
606 (40 CFR I36 Appendix A, 1984) 607 (40 CFR 136 Appendix A, 1984) 608 (40 CFR I36 Appendix A, 1984)
G. teflonlined cap
Tab&? 3-4 (Conty Required Containers, Preservation Twhniques, Holding Times, and Test Methods (Ercept from 40 CFR Pati 136 Tab& I and II)
EPA Method (1979) Maximum (unless H o l d Time otherwise noted)
G, teflon-lined Cap
Cool to 4C
7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction
Chlorinated Hydrobarbons
G, teflon-lined Cap
T C D D (
G, teflon-lined Cap
Organochlorine pesticides
G, teflon-lined CaP
Cool to 4C pH 5-9
HNO, to pH-Q
6 months
Polyethylene (P) or Glass (G) Sample preservation should be performed immediately upon sample collection. For composite chemical samples, each aliquot should be preserved at the time of collection. When use of an automatic sampler makes it impossible to preserve each aliquot, then chemical samples may be preserved by maintaining at 4T until compositing and sample splitting is completed. When any sample is to be shipped by common carrier or sent through the United States mail, it must comply with the Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Part 172). The person offering such material for transportation is responsible for ensuring such compliance. For the
Table 3-1 (Conk) Requimd Containers, Preservation Techniques, Holding Tintts, and Test Methods (Excerpt from 40 CFR Pati 136 Tabk I and lr)
preservation requirements of this table, the OffIce of Hazardous Materials. Materials Transportation Bureau, Department of Transportation has determined that the Hazardous Materials Regulations do not apply to the following materials: hydrochloric acid (HCI) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.04% by weight or less (pH about 1.96 or greater); nitric acid (HNO,) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.15% by weight or less (pH about I .62 or greater); sulfuric acid (H,SO,) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.35% by weight or less (pH about I.15 or greater); and sodium hydoroxide (NaOH) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.80% by weight or less (pH about 12.3 or less). (4) Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. The times listed are the maximum times that samples may be held before analysis and still be considered valid. Samples may be held for longer periods only if the permittee, or laboratory, has data on file to show that the specific types of samples under study are stable for the longer time and has received a variance from the Regional Adminstrator under $136.3(e). Some samples may not be stable for the maximum time period given in the table. A permittee, or monitoring laboratory, is obligated to hold the sample for a shorter period of time if knowledge exists to show this is necessary to maintain sample stability and integrity. Should only be used in the presence of residual chlorine. Maximum holding time is 24 hours when sulfide is present. Optionally, all samples may be tested with lead acetate paper before pH adjustments to determine if sulfide is present. If sulfide is present. it can be removed by the addition of cadmium nitrate powder until a negative spot test is obtained. Ihe sample is filtered, then NaOH is added to raise the pH to 12. Samples should be filtered immediately on-site before adding preservative for dissolved metals. Guidance applies to samples to be analyzed by GC, IX, GCIMS for specitic organic compounds. Sample receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within 7 days of sampling. Ihe pH adjustment is not required if acrolein will not be measured. Samples for acrolein receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within 3 days of sampling. When extractable analytes of concern fall within a single chemical category, the specified preservation and maximum holding times should be observed for optimum safeguarding of sample integrity. When the analytes of concern fall within two or more chemical categories, the sample may be preserved b) cooling to 4C, reducing residual chlorine with 0.008% sodium thiosulfate. storing in the dark. and adjusting the pH to 6-9; samples preserved in this manner may be held for 7 days before extraction and for 40 days after extraction. Exceptions to this optional preservation and holding time procedure are noted in footnote (5) (re: the requirement for thiosulfate reduction of residual chlorine and footnotes ( 12). (I 3) (re: the analysis of benzidine). If l.2-diphenylhydrazine is likely to be present, adjust the pH of the sample to 4.0 kO.2 to prevent rearrangement of the benzidine. Extracts may be stored up to 7 days before analysis if storage is conducted under an inert (oxidant-free) atmosphere.
15) (6)
(12) (13)
Required Containers, prcrcrvation Techniqwcs, Holding Times, and Test Metho& (Except from 10 CFR hi 136 Tab& I uud 10
For the analysis of diphenylnotrosamine, add 0.008% Na&O, and adjust pH to 7-10 with NaOH within 24 hours of sampling The pH adjustment may be performed upon receipt of the sample at the laboratory and may be omitted if the samples are extracted within 72 hours of collection. For the analysis of aldrin, add 0.008% Na&O,. K.F. Addison and R.G. A&man, Direct Determination of Elemental Phosphorous by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Journal of ChromatonraDhv, 47 (3): 421426, 1970. Reference: Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water EPA-600/4-80032 (1980 Update) U.S. EPA, August, 1980. This list does not represent an exhaustive list of all approved test methods. When determining the appropriate analytical method, always refer to 40 CFR Part 136. NOTE: See Appeodir XIII for detnils
on 40 CFR Part 136.
Tab 34 (Conf.) Required Containers, prwcrvrrliorr Techniques, Holding Times, and Test Met/rods (Ejcetpf /mm 40 CFR P& 136 Tclble I and 10
EPA Method Mwimrrm Hold 7lme
(1979) (UtlkSS
otherwise noted)
ORGANIC Haloethers
TESTS (cont.) G, teflon-lined cap Cool to 4C 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extract ion 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 611 (40 CFR 136 Appendix A. 1984)
G, teflon-lined Cap
PESTICIDES Organochlorine
TESTS pesticides G, teflon-lined cap Cool to 4C pH 5-9 7 days until extraction; 40 days after extraction 608 (40 CFR 136 Appendix A, 1984)
HNO, to pH<2
6 months
Meth. 900-903
Polyethylene (P) or Glass (G) Sample preservation should be performed immediately upon sample collection. For composite chemical samples, each aliquot should be preserved at the time of collection. When use of an automatic sampler makes it impossible to preserve each aliquot, then chemical samples may be preserved by maintaining at 4C until compositing and sample splitting is completed. When any sample is to be shipped by common carrier or sent through the United States mail, it must comply with the Depamnent of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Pat? 172). The person offering such material for transportation is responsible for ensuring such compliance. For the
preservation requirements of this table, the Office of Hazardous Materials, Materials Transportation Bureau, Department of Transportation has determined that the Hazardous Materials Regulations do not apply to the following materials: hydrochloric acid (HCI) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.04% by weight or less (pH about 1.96 or greater); nitric acid (HNO,) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.15% by weight or less (pH about 1.62 or greater); sulfuric acid (IlrSO,) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.35% by weight or less (pH about I.15 or greater); and sodium hydoroxide (NaOft) in water solutions at concentrations of 0.80% by weight or less (pH about 12.3 or less). (4) Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. The times listed are the maximum times that samples may be held before analysis and still be considered valid. Samples may be held for longer periods only if the permittee, or laboratory, has data on file to show that the specific types of samples under study are stable for the longer time and has received a variance from the Regional Adminstrator under $1363(e). Some samples may not be stable for the maximum time period given in the table. A permittee, or monitoring laboratory, is obligated to hold the sample for a shorter period of time if knowledge exists to show this is necessary to maintain sample stability and integrity. Should only be used in the presence of residual chlorine. Maximum holding time is 24 hours when sulfide is present. Optionally, all samples may be tested with lead acetate paper before pH adjustments to determine if sultide is present. If sulfide is present. it can be removed by the addition of cadmium nitrate powder until a negative spot test is obtained. The sample is filtered, then NaOH is added to raise the pH to 12. Samples should be filtered immediately on-site before adding preservative for dissolved metals. Guidance applies to samples to be analyzed by GC, IL, GC/MS for specific organic compounds. Sample receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within 7 days of sampling. The pf( adjustment is not required if acrolein will not be measured. Samples for acrolein receiving no pH adjustment must be analyzed within 3 days of sampling When extractable analytes of concern fall within a single chemical category. the specified preservatron and maximum holding times should be observed for optimum safeguarding of sample integrity. When the analytes of concern fall within two or more chemical categories, the sample may be preserved by cooling to 4C, reducing residual chlorine with 0.008% sodium thiosulfate, storing in the dark. and adjusting the pH to 6-9; samples preserved in this manner may be held for 7 days before extraction and for 40 days after extraction. Exceptions to this optional preservation and holding time procedure are noted in footnote (5) (re: the requirement for thiosulfate reduction of residual chlorine and footnotes ( II), (I 3) (re: the analysis of benzidine). If 1,2-diphenylhydrazine is likely to be present, adjust the pfi of the sample to 4.0 fO.2 to prevent rearrangement of the benzidine. Extracts may be stored up to 7 days before analysis if storage is conducted under an inert (otidant-free) atmosphere.
(5) (6)
(12) (13)
Required Containers, Pxwvutbn Techn@us, Holding Times, and Test Methods (Exe@ fern 40 CFR PM I36 Tab& I and II)
(14) For the analysis of diphenylnotrosamine, 24 hours of sampling. add 0.008% N%S,O, and adjust pH to 7-10 with NaOH within
The plJ adjustment may be performed upon receipt of the sample at the laboratory and may be omitted if the samples are extracted within 72 hours of collection. For the analysis of aldrin, add 0.008% Na&O,. K.F. Addison and R.G. Ackman, Direct Determination of Elemental Phosphorous by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Journal of Chromatogranhv. 47 (3): 42 l-426, 1970. Reference: Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity 032 (1980 Update) U.S. EPA, August, 1980. in Drinking Water EPA-600/4-80-
This list does not represent an exhaustive list of all approved test methods. When determining the appropriate analytical method, always refer to 40 CFR Part 136. NOTE: !3u Appendix XIII for details on 40 CFR Part 136.
GENERAL QUESTIONS A. Usage of Chemicals, Cleaners, and Location of Drains 1. Check the proximity of any chemical storage areas to floor drains. What kind of chemicals are stored? Chemicals might include, paint, thinner. solvents, etc. Are the chemicals stored in a way that they could reach the floor drains if spilled? 2. Check the floor washdown procedures (frequency, water usage, detergents). What is the frequency (daily, periodical) of the washdown? Are high pressure sprays used? Are detergents used? How is the wash water disposed? 3. If floor drains are sealed, do employees have access? 4. Check for the use of detergents and chemical cleaners for equipment washdown. Acids (e.g., muriatic. sulfuric, phosphoric, acetic, etc.), surfactants. caustic soda. soda ash, and phosphates are commonly used as cleaners. How are these materials stored? How are working concentrations of chemical prepared, and who prepares them? B. Cooling Waters 1. Are there any sources of uncontaminated cooling water in the plant? Are there any sources of recirculated or once-through cooling waters? What is the disposal method of the cooling water? 2. If contact cooling water is used. is it treated in any way before discharge? What contaminants would be in the water? Are conditioning chemicals added to cooling waters? 3. Is there any water cooled machinery used by the facility? What contaminants would be in the water? What is the volume and how is the cooling water disposed? C. Solvents 1. Does the facility use any solvents or degreasing agents? 2. Are any solvent wastes handled separately from the other cleaning solution wastes? 3. Is there any batch pretreatment prior to discharge? 4. How are any residual materials, sludges at the bottom of the tank disposed? 5. Is there a solvents management plan to reduce solvent waste at the facility? 6. If solvents are used, are they redistilled on-site? Does this process generate uncontaminated cooling water? Where is it discharged? D. Boiler Discharge 1. Check the frequency and volume of any boiler blowdown. Check on the usage of additives to the boiler make-up waters. Do the additives contain any metals or priority pollutants? 2. What types of boiler pretreatment is used (e.g., ion exchange, chemical addition, etc.)? Are there any boiler wastes generated? 3. What is the frequency and volume of boiler blowdown? 4. Is the waste stream acting as a dilution stream at a process monitoring point? 5. Are there air pollution control devices which use water? How is the water disposed>
POTW Inspection
and Sampling
Appendix I
E. Discharge Locations and Sampling Points 1. Are the facilitys domestic and process wastewaters segregated? 2. What method is used to determine domestic and process discharge volumes? 3. Are dilution streams accounted for at the monitoring point? 4. Does the facility have a sampling point available which is representative of the process wastewaters discharged? F. Food Processing 1. What are the products processedat the facility? What is the production rate? 2. Does the facility use flow equalization prior to discharging into the sewer? Does the facility have any provisions to respond to a produce spill into the wastewater system? 3. Does the facility generate any byproducts which have associated wastewaters? 4. Is there any coloring added to the product? Is there any treatment for removal of the color? 5. Check for the usage of chemical cleaners for equipment washdown. Acids (e.g., muriatic, acetic, sulfuric. and phosphoric), surfactants, caustic soda, soda ash, and phosphates are commonly used as cleaners. How are these materials stored and used? 6. Check the floor washdown procedures. Are equipment and floors washed down with water? 7. What is the water consumption rate of the operation (total gallons per day and the number of pounds of product or pounds of material processed) How much water is generated by or incorporated into ? the product? 8. What percent of water use is recycled? Does this include any uncontaminated water (for refrigeration, machinery, etc.)? NOTE: Single pass cooling water is common in food processing and should be checked or verified. 9. What kind of containers does the facility use to package the product? Are containers made on-site? Are they washed or sterilized? 10. Are acidic and caustic solutions used and when are pH samples taken by the facility? G. Pretreatment 1. What kind of treatment systems does the facility have in place for each of the various types of ? process wastewaters discharged? What chemicals are added How often are monitoring equipment calibrated? 2. Are of the process wastewaters subject to National categorical pretreatment standards? If so, are any dilution waste streams accounted for during monitoring? 3. Does the facility combine its waste from the various sources prior to treatment or discharge? Is the combined wastestream formula applicable? If so, are proposed waste stream volume determination method accurate? H. Radioactive Materials 1. Determine the maximum quantity of each radionuclide used, stored, and discharged at the facility Does the storage area have adequate spill control? 2. How are liquid and solid radioactive wastes being disposed? 3. Are they being hauled away? If so, what is the name of the hauler and what is the destination of the waste? I-2
POTW Inspection
and Sampling
4. Are they being discharged to the sanitary sewers?If so, how often and what are the maximum concentrations in Curies? 5. Obtain a copy of the industrial users radioactive users license(s). 6. Obtain a copy of any protocols for handling radioactive materials at the facility. 7. Obtain a copy of any logs pertaining to radioactive discharges.
Adhesives and Sealants: 1. 2. What is the product manufactured at the facility ? Are the adhesives water-based or organic solvent base materials? What kind of binder material is used? Are there any product washing operations? Are reactor vessels washed down between batches? Is water or a solvent used? Would these wastes be discharged to the sewer? What is the frequency and volume of washing operations? Check the general questions on solvents listed below. Check the usage of cooling waters. See general questions on cooling waters listed below.
3. 4.
Aluminum Forming: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the production rate of this facility in terms of mass of aluminum or aluminum alloy processesper year? Is there an accurate method for determining off-lbs from individual processes? What are the forming processesat the facility? Is there a waste stream generated from any air pollution control unit present? What kind of metal forming lubricating compounds are used? Is water recycling feasible? How often are the lubricant-wastewater emulsions changed and discharged? Is there a continuous overflow from quenching water baths? What is the disposal method for the quench waters? Is any casting done on site? If yes. see questions under Metal Refineries and Foundries listed below. Are any solvents used as part of the cleaning processes? Refer to the general questions on Solvents. Are wastewaters from desmutting and deoxidizing pretreated before discharge to the sewers? What volume is discharged? Are there any metal finishing processes(anodizing, chemical conversion coatings. coloring. dyeing, chemical sealing, chemical or electrochemical brightening, or etching) done on site? If yes. refer to questions under Electroplating and Metal Finishing listed below.
Auto Repair and Paint Shops: 1. 2. 3. 4. DO the paint booths use a water curtain? If so, how often is it discharged? How is the bottom sludge disposed? Are water conditioning chemicals used? Check the paint spray gun cleaning procedures and the method of disposal of any cleanings. Are employees trained, supervised, and rewarded to paint efficiently, thus reducing contaminants to the sewer? How does the facility dispose of old unwanted paint? Is there any other disposal of any chemicals at this site? What is the disposal method?
Auto Parts and Suppliers: Wholesale and Retail 1. 2. 3. 4. If floor drains are present, is there any storage of oils, paint, anti-freeze, transmission and brake fluids, or any other fluids within the proximity of the drains? What is the quantity of fluids stored? Check the location and manner of storage of batteries and battery acid. Check for used crankcase oil and return facilities. Check for any machining or repair. See Auto Repair questions.
POTW Inspection
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Appendix II
Auto Repair (Mechanical - Engine and Transmission Work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Look for drains under service bays. What is the destination of the drain? Identify the location of any gas/oil interceptors or separators. What kind of unit is it and what is the general operating condition of the unit? Check on the use of solvents and parts degreasers. Check the general questions on solvents. Check for the storage of fluids such as oil. transmission fluid, brake fluid, and anti-freeze. Check on the quantity and method of waste oil storage and the manner and location in which it is disposed.
Auto Wash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Check for any system for water reuse or reclamation such as settling tank. If a settling tank exists, check how the sludge from it is handled and by whom. what is the ultimate disposal method? Check what types of cleaners are used. Do any specialty cleaners such as tire cleaners contain solvents? Do waxes contain solvents? If yes, check the general questions on solvents. Check for an oil and grease separator on the discharge line. Check for the storage of any liquids near the floor drains. Check and identify the water consumption level. Can the facility handle trucks? If so, what kinds of materials might be contained in the trucks and what the washwater contamination from those materials?
Bakeries - Retail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check the washdown and cleanup procedures. Check the storage of cleaning agents. Check the storage of baking ingredients. Check the quantity of deep fry grease generated. Note how it is disposed. Check for the presenceof any greaseinterceptor. Describe the size and general condition of the unit. How often and by whom is it serviced? How is the grease disposed?
Battery Manufacturing 1. 2 3. 4. 5. What is the production rate of the facility (number of units manufactured, amp per hour output, etc.)? What is the primary reactive anode material (cadmium, calcium, lead, leclanche, lithium, magnesium, nuclear, zinc) used for the batteries produced at the facility? What volume of wastewater from electrodeposition rinses, scrubber bleed off and caustic removal is discharged to the sewer? ? Are depolarizers used in the manufacturing process What type? What is the final disposal method of these materials? What kind of electrolytes does the facility use? Check the general questions on Usage of Chemicals, Cleaners and location of Drains.
Appendix II
Check to see if they do any offset printing (related questions). What type of blueprinting machines are being used? With some, the total ammonia is totally consumed while other will have spent ammonia solution to dispose. Is there a significant amount of ammonia stored? Check the floor drains. Are there any chemicals of concern?
2. 3. 4.
Canned I.
Check what detergents and techniques are used in washing fruits and vegetables before rinsing In addition to checking the water usage for washing, rinsing, and cooling, check to see if water is also used for conveyance and the amounts used. Is peeling done chemically (i.e., caustic soda, surfactants to soften the cortex)? Is there any discharge from the peeling operation? Check the floor washdown procedures. Are equipments and floors washed down with water? Does the facility have a grease and solids recovery system? Is there any other pretreatment before discharge? Describe the system. How often is monitoring equipment calibrated? Are there any processing brines used by the facility? How are these brines disposed of? Check the kind of treatment given the brines prior to discharge to the sewer. How are the larger remains of processed fruit and vegetables disposed (ground up and flushed down the sewer? used as byproducts?)? Check the refrigeration system for possible leaks. Are they discharged to the
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Are there any fungicides or other similar chemicals used in the processing? sewer?
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What is the average square footage of metal sheeting processed at the facility (either on a daily or annual basis)? what is the base metal processed (aluminum, galvanized steel, andior steel)? Check the general questions on solvents, What sort of conversion coating is used at the facility (chromating, phosphating. complex oxides)? What solvents are used to control viscosity? Is there a continuous overflow from quenching water baths? What is the disposal method from the quench waters?
What kind of metal forming lubricants does the facility use? 7 What is the volume of rinse waters discharged to the sewer. Have the wastewaters been characterized?
Establishments: (Restaurants1
Check for the presence of any grease interceptor. Describe the size and general condition of the unit. How often and by whom is the unit serviced? How is the grease disposed?
Appendix II
flow does the facility dispose of spent cooking grease? tTow does the facility dispose of edible garbage material? Check what types of janitorial cleaners are used. How are they stored?
3. 4. 5.
Does the facility use an automatic dishwasher? Approximately how may hours per day does it operate? What is the discharge temperature and the water consumption rate? Is the dishwasher connected to any grease interceptors? How may. sinks does the facility have and how are they used? tlow are grill cleaning residuals disposed?
6. 7.
Steam f:lectrtc Power Generation I. 7 &. 3. Are the plants run on coal. oil, or gas? What is the source of condenser cooling water (e.g.. city, river, wells)? chemicals added by the facility? How is the cooling water disposed? What IS done with the waste oils? Are there any water treatment
Substations I. 1 -. 3. Check the location of any floor drains. Is there any contact cooling water discharge? Look for signs of leaking transformer oil and to where it would go if leakage occurred. Look for a label on the transformer for the identification of PCRs. What percentage of PCBs are in the oil?
Ekcmnic I.
What IS the product that is manufactured at this facility? Does the facility use any solvents or degreasing agents? If yes. check the general questions under Solvents. Does the facility, use any cooling water.7 Check the general questions under Cooling Waters Does the facility have a clean air room for which is must scrub air? generated from the scrubber? lfow is the waste disposed? Does the facility conduct any electroplating activities? Finishing. Is there any water recycle.reuse within the plant? streams? Are there any chemical wastes and Metal
1 -. 3. 4. 5 _ 6. 7. 8.
Does the facility employ any photographic processes? Check the genera1 questions under Solids Disposal
and Mtiuf f inlshine
I. 7 A.
Try to determine the quantity, of plating done by the facility in terms of surface area (sq. ft.. etc.) plated. flow often does the facility change its cleaning solutions, both acidic and alkaline cleaners? What is the volume for each change and how is the old material disposed? Is there any batch pretreatment prior to discharge? Ilow are any residual materials, i.e.. sludges, at the bottom of the tank disposed? Does the facility, use any solvents or degreasing agents? If yes, check the general questions under Solvents. Does the facility, use any cooling water.3 If yes, check the general questions under Cooling Waters.
3. 4.
Appendix II
What types of chemicals make up the plating baths? Is cyanide used in the plating operations? Is there any chromium used? Is there any ammonium persulfate used in an etching process? Are employees aware of water conservationdrag out? ftow often are plating bath solutions changed? What is the volume for each change and how is the old material disposed? Is there any batch pretreatment prior to discharge ? How are any residual materials at the bottom of the tank disposed? Is there any water recycle:reuse within the plant? Does the plant employ any pretreatment for the recycle streams? If masking is employed. are photographic processes involved (circuit boards)? Are there metal finishing operations (e.g., machining, grinding, coloring, brightening, etc.) associated with the plating operations?
7 8. 9.
IO. If metal coloring is present, are organic dyes used? I I. Check the plumbing of the process wastewater from the plating room to the pretreatment system or sewers. Are floor drains in the plating room directed to the pretreatment units.3 Are floors washed down regularly? tIow much water is used and discharged? Where is the discharge location for dilution streams?
12. Does the facility use running water systems for rinsing ? Are the units set up for countercurrent flows? Are any still or dead rinses used? Check if the rinsewaters are pretreated prior to being discharged. 13. tias the facility been checked against any interconnections of the public water supply with process lines (cross connections)? Are there backflow preventers in place? 14. Check the general questions under Solids Disposal.
Explosives 1.
What are the products manufactured at this facility? Does the facility blend these products into end-use products? Is ammonium nitrate used in the product and if so. how is it monitored for in the wastewater? Does the facility propellants? have a disposal area for obsolete, off-grade. contaminated, or unsafe explosives and
3 -. 3. 4. c 4. 6.
Are the products produced for private sector usage or military necessary to enter the facility? Check the general questions for Solids Disposal.
I. 2.
What methods are used to bind and cool the glass after is has been drawn into fibers? What wastes are generated from this phase? Are these wastes pretreated prior to being discharged to the sewer? What method is employed for collecting the glass fibers (i.e., wire mesh conveyors, flight conveyors, etc.)? What methods are used to clean the conveyors or any glass fibers? Is this process shut down or in service while being cleaned? What type of cleaning agent is used? Is the wastewater discharged to the sewer? Are wet air scrubbers used? Is wastewater discharged to the sewer? Is the wastewater treated prior to discharge (e.g., sedimentation for particulate matter)? HOW are any backings applied (heat, adhesives, etc.)?
3. 4.
Appendix II
Are the above ground storage and the loading areas diked or bermed? Is there any leakage or spillage access to storm or sanitary sewers? Are any oils or fuels stored inside the building? Note the proximity of floor drains to these areas. Note the
3. 4. 5 .
What types of absorbent is used for spills? How much is stored for immediate availability? proximity of the material to any floor drains. Does the facility have a spill prevention plan? Do employees receive spill plan training?
Funeral I.
Check what kind of chemicals are used and how they are stored. What is the storage proximity drains?
to the floor
1 -. -4 *. 4.
Check how much formalin is used for embalming. What percentage of usage is discharged to the sewer? tiow much blood is discharged per day? Are there any other chemicals invo!ved in the embalming process? Check the washing and cleaning procedures at the embalming table. disinfectants are used? tiow are infectious wastes disposed?
Service Slations
I. -l -. 3.
Check the location of any floor drains. Look for drains under service bays. What is the destination of the drain? Identify the location of any gas/oil interceptors or separators. What kind of unit is it and what is the general operating condition of that unit? [heck what kind of chemicals are used and how they are stored. Chemicals might include fluids such as oil. transmission and brake fluids, anti-freeze, or solvents. What is the proximity of the storage area to floor drains? (heck the quantity and method of waste oil storage and the manner and location in which it is disposed. Is there a waste oil recepticle (drum or tank)? Check the disposal method used for radiator flushing.
4. 5.
I. 2 3. 4. 5 . 6.
What volume of product is produced on a yearly basis? If gum resin, turpentine. or pine oil are produced, what is the volume of process wastewater from stripping. vacuum jet stream condensates, and unit washdown? If tall oil resin, pitch, or fatty acids are produced, what is the volume of wastewater form the acid treatment system, overflow from the evaporative cooling system. process washdowns and quality control lab wastes? Check the general questions on Cooling Water. If essential oils are produced, what is the volume of contaminated condensate that is discharged from the batch extraction of oil of cedar-wood? If rosin dertvatives are produced, what is the volume of wastewater from the water of reaction; sparge stream. if used; and the vacuum jet stream?
Iiospitals I.
Kate the general layout of the facility (e.g., types of labs, equipment, morgue. laundr). food services. etc.).
Appendix II
to the floor
(heck what kind of chemicals are used and how they are stored. What is the storage proximity drains?
3. 4 5 5.
Any special procedures used for handling infectious or hazardous wastes? Identify the mode of disposal and names of any haulers of such wastes. What are the types and quantities of cleaners and germicides utilized in cleaning procedures? Disposal of spent photoprocessing chemicals (i.e.. fixen) from X-ray departments? See general questions on Radioactive Materials
Innrfanic I.
What is the product that is manufactured at this facility? Arc an) brine muds generated by the facilitys production or inorganic compounds? Do these brines contain any known heavy metals? How are these brine muds disposed? Does the facility generate any air scrubber wastewater ? What is the chemical quality of this water and how is it disposed? Are an) cyanide (CN) compounds generated by the facility 7 Are the CN wastestreams segregated and/or pretreated prior to discharge? Check the general questions under Cooling Waters. Check the general questions under Solids Disposal.
7 -. 3. 3. 5. h.
1~uundrie.s I.
I\ dy cleaning done? If so, what is the solvent used? Is sludge generated? What is the disposal method? If solvents are used, are they redistilled on-site? Does this process generate uncontaminated or contaminated cooling water? Where is it discharged? What is the discharge volume? 110 washers have lint traps and settling pits? What is the temperature of the eflluent? Is a heat exchange system used?
7 -. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Arc printers rags, shop rags, or other industrial materials cleaned? What types of detergents and additives are used? What is the pH of the effluent? added? How are chemicals
8. 9.
Arc laundp trucks maintained and washed on-site.q If so, how are the waste oils, etc. handled? Are there any floor drains leading to the sewer in the vicinity of the vehicle wash or vehicle storage area? Is there any loss of water as a result of evaporation. 7 What is the estimated *volume of the loss?
IO. What is the water consumption at the facility ? What is the source of the water used at the facility?
Leather I. Tanning and Finishinp
What method is used to preserve the received hides? (Note: hides preserved with salt will result in a high dissolved solids count in the emuent). What types of skins and/or hides are tanned? (Note: if sheepskins or goatskins are tanned, there will be a separate solvent or detergent degreasing operation.) Is hair saved or pulped (i.e., chemically dissolved)? (Note: in a save hair operation with food recovery of hair, the contribution to the effluent strength is substantially lower that in pulp hair operations).
2. 3.
POTW Insprciion
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Sampling Manual
Appendix Ii
Is deliming accomplished by treating with mild acids or by bating ? What is the destination of these waters? What types of tannin are used? (Note: chrome and vegetable tannins are the most common. A combination of tannins ma) also be used). Are chemicals stored near floor drains? (This is a very appropriate question to ask since many liquid chemicals are used m the leather tanning industry). Are tannins recycled and/or chemically recovered? What happens to this wastewater? Are any pretreatment units employed? What is the calibration of monitoring equipment?
and Buildinp
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Check for the storage of paint. thinner, and other solvents, adhesives, roofing materials, etc. Does the facility mix paint? Is the paint mixing dry or does it involve waler.? Check the nearby sinks for evidence of water usage. How is the waste paint disposed? Are cutting oils used and are they water soluble? Are h),draulic oils used? Would any of these oils ever be discharged to the sewer?
and Sheet .Clctal Shops
I. 2. 3. 4. 5 -. 6.
What type of product is manufactured? What kind oi material is machined? Are cutting oils used and are they water soluble? Are hydraulic oils used? Would an! of these oils ever be discharged to the sewer? Are an) degreasing solvents or cleaners used? What are the chemical make up an&or brand names of the degreasers and how are they used? How are the spent degreasing chemicals or sludge disposed? Is degreasing rinse water discharged to the sewer? Is there any water cooled equipment such as a vapor degreaser or air compressor? frequency and volume? What is its discharge
7. 8. 9.
Is any painting done on the premises. How are waste thinners or paints disposed? Is a water curtain used 3 for control of solvents entering the air and is contaminated water discharged? Is any t>pe of metal finishing done, such as anodizing, chromating, application of black oxide coating or organic d)e? Hhat are the chemicals used. volumes consumed, and destinations of the finishing chemicals?
IO. What is the water consumption at the facility? Il. Are there any pretreatment units, traps, etc.?
Meat ProductslPoulfrv I.
What type of livestock are slaughtered an&or processed? Hhat are the principal processes employed?
Appendix II
Does the facility cure hides? What brine solution is used specifically (i.e., sodium chloride)? Are hides cured in vats? Are vats ever discharged to the sewer? What is the frequency and volume of such discharges? What are the by-product processes? Is rendering practiced at the plant? How (i.e., catch basins, grease traps, air flotation, etc.)? l!ow often are the systems cleaned out? What methods are used for clean-up operations.3 What detergents are used (i.e., caustic. alkaline, etc.)? Which wastestreams, if any (i.e., uncontaminated water) bypass all treatment and discharge directly to the sewer? If poultry processing is done, how are the feathers removed? parts disposed? Jiow is blood disposed?
Heat Treatinp Shops
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Metal I.
What kinds of metal are heat treated? What fluids are used for quenching metals ? Are these ever discharged to the sewer? Are sludge ever removed from the quenching tanks? How are the sludge disposed? Is any of the metal cleaned before or after heat treating ? Are any degreasing solvents or cleaners used and how are they used? Are there any water cooled quenching baths, vapor degreasers, or other equipment? discharged? What volumes are discharged? What is the water consumption?
Refineries und Foundries
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Metal I.
What is the product that is manufactured at the facility? 3 Does the facility use any solvents or degreasing agents, Check the general questions under Solvents. Does the facility use any cooling water.3 Check the general questions under Cooling Waters. Is there any water recycleireuse within the plant? Does the plant employ any pretreatment for the recycle streams? Does the facility have a spill prevention plan developed ? Does the plan include spills to the sewer of highly acidic or caustic materials? Check the general questions under Solids Disposal.
Care Facilities
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I. 2. 3.
Food service (se Restaurant questions). Any chemical usage (e.g., lab facility)? Janitorial chemicals - usage. destination, and storage or germicides and disinfectants.
I. 2.
Are processes batch or continuous? If batch processes are used, how frequent is clean-up and how are wastes disposed?
Appendix II
Are waste disposal services or scavengers used? If so. are they licensed? Which wastes are haul& What types of solvents are stored in bulk? Check the points for the discharge of cooling water. Check general questions under Cooling Waters. Is there water in contact with catalysts used at the plant (e.g.. in cleaning catalyst beds)? List all products and raw materials. Are there laboratories for research and for product testing? How are laboratory wastes disposed? Is the water used in boiler feed or in processing pre-created ? How are laboratory wastes disposed?
IO. Are storage areas near drains leading to the sewer? 1 I. Are there any chemical reaction or purification techniques, such as crystallization, filtration, or centrifugation. which produce wastewater and/or sludge wastes? What is the destination of these wastestreams and/or sludge?
13. Is deionized water used, how is it generated (on-site) ? Are columns regenerated on-site? Does the facility use acids or caustics? Is there a discharge from the deionization process? Where does the discharge go? 14. Is a water tower used? What is the frequency and volume of the discharge? Where does the discharge go? Are any additives such as chromates used by the facility?
Paint and Ink Formulation
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
What types of inks are made (i.e., oil-based or water-based)? What types of paints are manufactured (i.e., water-based or solvent-based)? What are the pigments made of! Are extenders used? Arc any solvents used? Check the general questions under Solvents. What are the resin types? What other ingredients are used in formulating the product? Is there any discharge to the sewer system (washdown andor bad batches)? Are any chemicals used to clean product equipment? Arc there any floor drains in chemical storage and mixing areas?
IO. Is there a scavenger service? If yes, for which wastes? I I. Is there on-site disposal of solids by burial? If not, where do the solids go?
I. 2. 3. 4.
What are the products manufactured at the plant? Which specific chemicals are used in the process? Is pulp bleached? If yes, what is the process and what chemical are used? Are any chemicals manufactured on-site (e.g., chlorine dioxide, hypochloritcs, discharged from these operations? etc.)? Are any chemicals
Appendix II
liquor regeneration, cooling water reuse, etc.)? Where is it
6. 7. 8. 9.
Where is cooling water used in the plant (e.g., condensers, vacuum pumps, compressors)? discharged? Describe the types of fillers. coatings, finishes, etc., in paper making.
What happens to bad batches or liquids in case of equipment failure ? Are they discharged to the sewer? On the average, how much water is consumed in the processof making paper? What is the source of the water?
and Roofing
Tar and Asphah I. 2. Does the wastewater from wet air scrubbers used on the oxidizing Is it treated and recycled? tower discharge directly to the sewer? tower (i.e., water)? Is this waste
What method(s) are used to control the temperature or the oxidizing discharged or recycled?
3. 4.
What treatment methods are used to remove suspended solids or oil from the water (i.e., catch basins, grease traps, sedimentation, oil skimmers)? Is water or air used to cool asphalt products.3 If water, is it contact or noncontact? If contact. is this water discharged directly to the sewer or does it undergo treatment.9 (Note: mist spray used alone causes the largest amount of solids present in wastewater.) Check the general questions under Cooling Waters. Are any solventsused? Check the general questions under Solvents.
5. 6.
Pesticides I.
Does the facility manufacture or blend pesticides at this location? What pesticides are manufactured or formulated at the facility? a yearly basis? Check the chemical storage areas. How are chemical containers rinsed? Is the rinse water discharged to the sewer? What is the volume of wa-tewater from the final synthesis reaction or the dilution water step used directly in the process? Check the procedures for floor and/or quipment washes. What volumes of product is produced on
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
What are the processes employed by the facility and what is the throughput (in barrels per day) of each of the following processes: Topping: The term includes basic distillation processes; fluid catalytic cracking, and moving bed catalytic
Petrochemical: This includes the production of second generation petrochemicals (i.e., alcohols. ketones,
II-1 1
Appendix I/
cumene. styrene. etc.), first generation petrochemicals, and isomerization products (i.e., BTX, olefrns, cyclohexanes, etc.); and Lube: This term includes hydrofining, white oil manufacturing, propane dewaxing, solvent extractions and dewaxing, naphtenic lubes, phenol extraction, SO, extraction, etc. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identie the location of any oil interceptors or separators. What kind of unit is it and what is the general operating condition of the unit? Does the facility employ any biological treatment prior to discharging to the sewer? Are there any controls in place for phenols, sulfides, hexavalent chromium. and/or ammonia? the facility dispose of any spent caustic which it might generate? How does
Is storm water runoff isolated from the sewer discharge? HOW is the contaminated storm water runoff disposed? Does the facility have a NPDES permit for stormwater? Check the general questions for Cooling Waters. Check the general questions for Sludge Disposal.
Pharmaceuticals 1.
Uhat type of processes are used to manufacture the product (e.g.. fermentation, extractIon. chemical synthesis, mixinglcompounding and formulation).
or natural
2. 3.
If processes include fermentation andor chemical synrhesis. are these continuous or batch discharge? If chemical synthesis is involved, what processing steps (crystallization, distillation, filtration, centrifugation. vacuum filtration. solvent extraction. etc.) produce wastewater? Arc these wastewaters discharged to the sewer system? What types of solvents are used? Check the general questions on Solvents. Is raw water intake purified? If yes, by what method (e.g.%ion exchange, reverse osmosis. water softening, etc.)? What types and volumes of wastes are generated? What is the frequency of discharge! What is done with the spent beer generated by fermentation? Check the general questions on use of cleaners and location of drains. Is there any chance of spills or batch discharges? Check the usage of cooling waters. See general questions on Cooling Waters What are the wastes generated 4y the facility? flow are the!
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
I. 2. 3.
Determine what type of chemistry is used. This is important because some of the chemicals may be toxic while others are not. What types of films are developed? Are prints made? Give an estimate of how much total processing is done per day. Ilow may automatic processors are utilized and long arc they in operation per day? What chemical brands arc used? What type of process chemistry is used: C-41, E-6, CP-30, etc.? What 7 are the names of each chemical used in the process. What are the volumes used? Which chemicals arc discharged to the sewer? Do any of the chemicals contain cyanide? What is the square footage of the material being processed? Is silver recover) practiced? Is bleach regeneration practiced, and if yes, is it done within the lab? What are the processes and wastes involved? Does the silver recovery system have a maintenance schedule?
4. 5.
Appendix II
What is the wastewater flow from each of the photographic processing operations? Does the rinse water on the processors run continuously or does it shut off when film is not being processed? tIow otten are the processors cleaned and the chemicals changed ? How often. if ever, are these chemicals discharged to the sewer? What chemicals. if any. are used to clean the processor rollers and tra),s? Are there an> floor drains where the chemicals are mixed or stored? Is there any type of pretreatment or pH control? What is the frequency of silver recovery maintenance? What is the water consumption of the facility?
and Synthetic Materials Manufacturinp
7. 8. 9.
Plastic I. 2. 3.
What is the product that is being manufactured? What are the raw materials used. including any accelerators and inhibitors? Are there any known toxics (such as cyanide, cadmium. or mercury) utilized in manufacturing the product? What type of polymerization process is employed? Does the process use a water or solvent suspension? What are the wastes generated from the process? What are the possible contaminants? Ilow are the wastes disposed? Are there any product washing operations.7 Are reactor vessels washed down between batches? Is water or a solvent used? Would these wastes be discharged to the sewer? Check the usage of cooling water. Check the general questions on Cooling Waters.
2. 3.
What is the square footage of material enameled at the facility on annual basis? tiow is the base metal prepared for enameling? Is any electroplating done on-site ? If yes, check the general questions on Electroplating and Metal Finishing. What coatirtg application method is used? Check the general questions under Usage of Chemicals. Cleaners and I.ocation of Drains
4. 5.
Some of the following questions may apply and others may not; experience will be the best judge. The SIC number for offset and silkscreen printing is 2732 and letterpress is 27s 1. other types of printing are listed in the 27XX group. I. 2.
Note the kind of printing done (i.e., offset, letterpress, silkscreen, or other types of printing) If offset printing is done, is film processing and plate developing done in the shop? If film processing is done, is an automatic film processor used or are trays used? Does the processors rinse water run continuously or does it shut off after processing is completed? How often are the processors chemical tanks cleaned out and what volume is discharged to the sewer? How much developer. fixer, and stop batch (if applicable) are used and are these discharged to the sewer? Is silver reclamation practiced? Is cyanide used at all for further reducing of negatives? Are phototypositors used, and if yes, what chemicals are discharged? If plate development is done, what type of plates are used? If they are aluminum plates, are they developed with a subtractive color key additive developer. 3 What are the names of the developers. and what quantities are used? Is the developed washed off the plates to the sewer or wiped off with a rag? Where do the rags go? How may plates are developed?
Appendix II
If paper plates are used, what m of processor is employed and what are the names, volumes, and destination of the chemicals used? If a silver process is used, is silver reclamation practiced? In the press room, what type of fountain solution is used and would this ever be discharged during normal use or cleanup operation? What type of solvent is used to clean the presser and how is this applied? Would this solvent ever be discharged or does it become associated with the rags? Are these rags washed on the premises or are they picked up by a commercial laundry ? What is the name of the laundry? Are there any floor drains where the solvent or ink is stored? Are any of the presser waters cooled? Are there any waste oils from the presser? If letter press printing is done, is old lead type smelted in the shop, and if yes. are the molds water cooled? What type of solvent is used to clean the presser and type ? Check the general questions on Solvents. Is silkscreen printing done? What kind of photosensitive coating is used and what volume of coating is used? What kind of developer is used and is it discharged ? Is a solvent or other cleaner used to clean the screen after printing? Check the general questions for Solvents. Are the screens used over again for making new stencils or are they thrown away? If a different type of printing is done. what kind is it and what are the names and volumes of the chemicals used? Are these discharged to the sewer? Are the screens used over again for making new stencils or are they thrown away?
7. 8.
Synthetic or Natural What are the products manufactured at the facility? Is the rubber natural or synthetic ? If synthetic rubber is used. is it polymerized on-site and would it be a water or solvent suspension.9 Is there a discharge associated with the process? What are the Ingredients of the rubber, including all additives? Are any known toxics used at the plant? 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. What kind of anti-tack agents are used.
Are there any waste oils from rubber mixers or other processes which required disposal, and if yes. how are they disposed? What type of forming process is used? Is cooling water used? Check the general questions on Cooling Waters. Is there any wastewater associated with the curing process (e.g., steam condensate) and what would the contaminants be in the water? Is rubber reclaimed, and if yes, what types of processes are used? Are any chemical agents used and how are spent agents disposed? Are any final coatings applied to the rubber, paint, plastics, etc.? Are there any wastes or wastewater associated with the process and how are they be disposed? Does the plant have air pollution control equipment.? Does it use water as a scrubbing medium and is this discharged?
General I. 1. . Cafeteria (see Restaurant questions). Janitorial chemicals (usage, destination and storage).
Appendix II
Art department (note any agents disposed to the sewer and their amounts - e.g., paint thinners). Woodmetal shop (refer to questions under Woodworking Shops.
llniversities I. 7 L. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is a map of the campus available to inspectors? Can a master list of chemicals used on campus be provided? Which chemicals are used most?
Is there an organized waste chemicals pickup program ? How many pickups per year? How many gallons picked up per year? Are there any central storage locations? Are radioactive materials handled on campus? If yes, in what capacity? Are any wastes generated which are discharged to the sewer? Any photo developing facilities on campus? Any printing facilities? Any prototype PC board work in the electronics labs on campus? 110~. are pathogenic organisms disposed? Any pretreatment facilities? Has study been done to account for all water uses at the university (e.g.. cooling water, lab wastes, cooling tower and boiler blowdowns, etc.) ? What is the total campus population, including support staff?
IO. Are there any floor drains near liquid chemical storage areas?
Is there any processing of the material (e.g., welding or smelting)? Check the general questions under Cooling Waters. Describe oil storage, including capacity. Is there a potential for discharge to the sewer?
2. 3. 4.
General I. 1 -. 3. 4. 5 _ Soap I. 2. 3. 4. What is the basic process employed for manufacturing soap (e.g., batch kettles)? What amount for fatty acid neutralization? Other? Is process batch or continuous. 3 If batch, what is the frequency and volume of reactor cleanout? Is waste soap from processing sewered? Are defoamers added prior to sewer discharge? Are only soaps manufactured, detergents, or both? Classify the plant. Is there any cooling water used? Refer to the general questions under Cooling Waters. . Iiow are the liquid materials stored ? Are there floor drains nearby leading to the sewer? Are air scrubbers used? Is water used? Caustics? In product purification steps, how are filter backwashes handled?
POTW inspection
and Sampling
Appendix II
Detergent I. 2. What are the additives used in the product? How are the spray drying towers cleaned?
and Noncontact Coolim
Steam Swvlv
Steam Supply I. 1 &. 3. 4. Is the system high or low pressure steam? Check the general questions under Boiler Discharges. Is major cleaning and maintenance done? How often? Are ion exchange systems used for boiler feed water.7 If yes. what types of wastes are generated?
Are cooling towers used? If yes, what are the chemical additives? How frequently are towers blown down? Where does the blowdown go?
Are both liquid and crystalline sugar produced? What type of system exists for sweet water recovery? Are ion exchange systems used? If yes, what are the backwashing systems likely to produce as wastes? How frequent is the backwash? Are trucks or other heavy equipment maintained ? Washed? Any floor drains leading to sewers? Any traps? What bulk chemicals are stored and how? (Examples are acids used in liquid sugar production). What happens to filter sludges in the plant? What type of filter aids are used? Is cooling water used? Refer to the general questions on Cooling Waters. From the cleaning of the equipment, what wastes are sewered and what wastes are recycled through the plant (e.g., filters, evaporation plans screens, etc.)
7 -. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Turile I.
What are the products manufactured at the mill? What types of fibers are used in the fabric?
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Does the raw fiber require cleaning before spinning and weaving? Are the fibers or fabrics scored. mercerized. fulled, carbonized or bleached? What chemicals and rinsing operations are used and what is the destination of these wastes? Is any kind of sizing applied, and if yes, what kind is it? Is desizing practiced and what are the chemicals used? Are these chemicals discharged to the sewer? Is dye applied to fabrics? What are the types and chemical constituents of the dyes and are the spent dye solutions and rinse waters discharged to the sewer? Are any antistatic agents applied to synthetic fibers before spinning and weaving operations? Would these
Appendix II
be removed from the fabric and subsequently enter the wastewater discharged to the sewer? 9. Are any further finishing operations practices such as printing or application or various coatings?
IO. What is the volume of wastewater generated by each chemical process? I I. Are there any methods of pretreatment employed before discharge of wastewater to the sewer?
12. Check the general questions for Cooling Waters. 13. Any liquids stored near floor drains leading to the sewer?
veterinorv services
I. 2. 3. 4. Check on chemical (including alcohol, germicides, pesticides, cleaners, and medicines) usage and storage. Refer to the general questions under Usage of Chemicals, Cleanersa nd Location of Floor Drains. Are detergents used and discharged for animal washing baths? Are there any hair clogging problems? What is done with excreta material for any animals boarded? Are there any special procedures taken for infectious wastes?
Woodworkinp I.
Check chemical usage at the facility (e.g.. look for solvents, thinners, paints, stains, cutting oils, adhesives, etc.). Check the general questions under Solvents. Check the general questions under Usage of Chemicals, Cleaners, and Location of Drains. How are brushes cleaned? Are any spray guns used? If yes, how are they cleaned? Are cutting oils discharged? Is any cooling water used? Check the general questions under Cooling Waters.
2. 3. 4. 5 -.
General Questions: Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A 1. Is there a formal or informal set of policies for facility operations? 2. Do policies address any of the following: Remaining in compliance? Maintaining process controls? Quality control? Preventative maintenance? 3. Is there a set of standard procedures to implements these policies? 4. Are the procedures written or informal? 5. Do the procedures consider the following areas? Safety? Emergency? Laboratory? Processcontrol? Operating procedures? Monitoring? Labor relations? Energy conservation? Collection system? Pumping stations? Treatment processes? Sludge disposal? Equipment record system? Maintenance planning and scheduling? Work orders? Inventory management? 6. Are the procedures followed?
Organization: Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A 1. Is there an Organizational Plan (or Chart) for operations? 2. Does the plan include: Delegation of responsibility and authority? Job descriptions? Interaction with other functions (such as maintenance)? 3. Is the Plan formal or informal? 4. Is the Plan available to and understood by the staff? 5. Is the Plan followed? 6. Is the Plan consistent with policies and procedures? 7. Is the Plan flexible (i.e., can it handle emergency situations)? 8. Does the Plan clearly define lines of authority and responsibility in such areas as: Laboratory? Process control? Instrumentation? Sludge disposal? Collection system? Pumping stations? Monitoring practices? Mechanical? III-1
POTW Inspection Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A
and Sampling
Staffing: Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A 1. Is there an adequatenumber of staff to achieve the policies and procedures established in the plan? 2. Are staff members adequately qualified for their duties and responsibilities by demonstrating: Certification? Qualification? Ability? Job performance? Understanding of treatment processes? 3. Is staff effectively used? 4. Has the potential for borrowing personnel been considered? 5. Are training programs followed for: Orientation of new staff? Training new operators? Training new supervisors? Continuing training of existing staff? Cross training? 6. Which of the following training procedures are used? Formal classroom? Home study? On-the-job training? Participation in professional conferences or organizations? 7. Does the training program provide specific instruction for the following operations and maintenance activities? Safety? Laboratory procedures? Treatment processes? Instrumentation? Equipment troubleshooting? Handling personnel problems? Monitoring practices? Handling emergencies? Mechanical? Electrical? Automotive? Building maintenance? Inventory control? 8. Does management encourage staff motivation? 9. Does management support its first-line supervisors? 10. Is staff motivation maintained with: Encouragement for training? Job recognition? Promotional opportunities? Salary incentives? Job security? Working environment?
Appendix III
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No No
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Ifow are operating schedules established? Do schedules attempt to attain optimum staff use? Are line supervisors inculded in manpower scheduling? Are staff involed in and/or informed of manpower planning? Is there sufficient long-term planning for staff replacement and system changes? Are there procedures in manpower stafling for emergency situations? iiow are process control changes initiated? 110~ do process control changes interct with managment? How effectively are laboratory results used in process control? Are there emergency plans for treatment control? Is there an effective energy management plan? Is the plan used? To what extent are operations personnel involved in the budget process? Do budgets adequately identify and justify the cost components of operations? Arc future budgets based on current and anticipated operating conditions? Do operating and capital budget limits constrain operations? Can budget line items be adjusted to reflect actual operating conditions?
Yes No NA
Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No N.A Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No N:A N A N:A N!A N:A WA NiA N!A N/A
1. Arc maintenance activities planned? Is the planning formal or informal? 2. Does the facility have sufficient management controls to affect realistic planning and scheduling? If the controls exist, are they used? 3. Are operating variables exploited to simplify maintenance effons? 4. To what extent are the supply and spare parts inventories planned in conjunction with maintenance activities? 5. llave minimum and maximum levels been established for all inventory items? 6. Does the facility have a maintenance emergency plan? 7. Is1 he maintenance emergency plan current? Is the staff knowledgable about emergency procedures? 8. Does a plan exist for returning to the preventative maintenance mode following an emergency? 9. Are preventative maintenance tasks scheduled in accordance with manufacturers recommendations? IO. Is adequate time allowed for corrective maintenance? I I. Are basic maintenance practices (preventative and corrective) and frequencies reviewed for cost-effectiveness? 2. Do the management controls provide sufficient information for accurate budget preparation? 3. To what extent are maintenance personnel involved in the budget process? 4. Do budgets adequately identiQ and justify the cost components of maintenance? 5. Are future budgets based on current and anticipated operation and maintenance conditions? 6. Do maintenance and capital budget limits constrain preventative maintenance (equipment replacement and improvement)? 7. Does the maintenance department receive adequate feedback on cost performance? 18. Can budget line items be adjsuted to reflect actual maintenance conditions?
I. Are current versions of the following documents maintained: . Operating reports? a Work schedules? * Activity reports? * Performance reports (labor, supplies, energy)? Ill - 3
Appendix III
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No N!A N!A N A N A 7% A N A NA N A N A N A NA NA a Espenditure reports (labor. supplies, energy)? - (ost analysis reports? - Emergency and complaint calls? . Process control data. including effluent quality? Do the reports contain sufficient information to support their intended purpose? .4re the reports usable and accepted by the staf?? Are the reports being completed as required? Are the reports consistent among themselves? .4re the reports used directly in process control? Are the reports reviewed and discussed with operating staff! Uhat types of summart reports are required? 10 \rhom are reports distributed and when?
7. 3. 4. 5 6. 7 8. 9.
Cunrr0l.r (.Ziainrenancd):
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ko No No No No No Yo . No No No No No No No No No No No No
N A N A N A N .4 N A N A W4 .a S .4 N .A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A S A S A N A
No N A No N A No N A So N A
Yes No TGA
I Dots a maintenance record system exist? Does it include: . As-built dratiings? . Shop drawings? . Construction specifications? . (apita and equipment inventov? . Liaintenancc histo> (preventative and corrective)? . Maintenance costs? 2. Is the hase record s),stem kept current as part of daily maintenance practices? 3. Is there a mark order system for scheduling maintenance? Is it explict or implicit? -I. Do work orders contain the following: - Ilate? . Work order number? * I .ocat ion? . Nature of the problem? . %ork requirements? * Iime requirements! . Assigned personnel? - Sp~c for reporting uork performed, required supplies, time required, and cost summar)? . Kc\ponsihle staff member and supervisory signature requirements? 3. \hhcn emcrgcnc! work must be performed without a work order, in one completed afterward? 6. :\re brorh orders usable and acceptable by staff as essential to the maintenance program? Are the) actualI> completed? 7 IS r+ork Larder information transferred to a maintenance record system? 8 I>OCSa catalog or index system exist for controlling items in inventory? 9 Are ~ithdrnwnl tickets used for obtaining supplies from the inventory? IO. I)o the tickets contain cost information and interact well with inventory controls and the work order s>stem. I I Is the COSIand activity information from work orders aggregated to provide management reports. 12. Is this information used for budget preparation? 13. Is the maintenance performance discussed regularly with staff! 1-l tlo\r is [he cost otcontract maintenance or the use of specialized assistance recorded? I5 Arc ~ateguards and penalties adequate to prevent maintenance cards from being returned 1% ithout the work being done? Ih. Is the prc\cntati\e maintenance record checked after an emergency equipment failure?
Ill - 4
Industry Physical
With Specific
Suggested Protective Gear
Cluttered areas Sloppy housekeeping Wet floors/loose boards Heated plating baths High amperage in plating baths
Flammable vapors Exposure to chlorine Sulfur dioxide vapors Cyanide vapors Alkaline vapors/mist Acid vapor/mist
Corrosive chemicals used in plating process Heavy metal baths High voltage Exposure to chemicals due to leading equipments Exposure to acids (hydrofluoric and fluoroboric) Exposure to caustic soda (pulping process)
Slippery floors
Exposure to: - Ammonia (pulping process) - Chlorine (bleaching process) Arsenic fumes Exposure to sulfuric acid vapors Lead fumes Acid vapors
Ear plugs Safety glasses Latex gloves Dust and mist mask Boots
Battery Manufacturing
Heat from steam curing of pasted plates Spills of washwater Exposure to lead metal particles during anode production
Safety glasses Boots Latex gloves Lead fume mask Organic vapor/gas mask
Leather Tanning
Exposure to: - sulfuric acid - chromium - cyanide - napthalene - phenol - pentachlorphenol Exposure to toxic vapors from hut baths
Hot ovens Hot baths Particulates Moving equipment Slippery floors Heated equipment Slippery floors Moving machinery
Exposure to toxic vapors from solvents Metal particulates Nitric acid Caustic solutions Safety glasses Boots Latex gloves metal fume mask Organic vapor mask Safety glasses Boots Latex gloves Lead fume mask Organic vapor mask
Acid vapors/mists Ammonia vapors Alkaline vapors Metal fumes Freon chlorinated solvents Borane gas
. . . . . . Cylrlndc lquid . . . . .
sarety glasses Boots Latex gloves Hard hat Mcul fume mask sarcty Boots
flard ha1 Orgrmc vapor/gas mask Safety glasses fhu Rubber gloves Orgnnrc vapor/gas
Orgaruc Chemicals
. Tnppmg
. Monomcn
. . . .
. Tnppmg
Safety glasses Boots fir profectron Lalcx gloves Oust mask Safety glasses fbots Lalcx gloves Panrculau mask
. Shppery
. Dctergenr
MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM : The Use of Pretreatment Grab Samples Standards to Detect Violations
Michael B. Cook, Director Office of Wastewater Enforcement & Compliance (WH-546) Frederick Enforcement F. Stiehl Counsel for Water (LE-134W) Regions I - X
Water Management Division Directors, Environmental Services Division Directors, Regions I - X Regional Counsels, Regions I - X
The primary purpose of this Memorandum is to provide guidance on the propriety of using single grab samples for periodic compliance monitoring to determine whether a violation of Pretreatment Standards has occurred. More specifically, the Memorandum identifies those circumstances when single grab results may be used by Control Authorities, including EPA, State or publicly owned treatment works (POTW) personnel, to determine or verify an industrial user's compliance with categorical standards and local limits. Please be aware #at the concepts set out below are applicable when drafting self-monitoring requirements for industrial user permits. REGULATORY BACKGROUND
The General Pretreatment Regulations require Control Authorities to sample all significant industrial users (SIUs) at least once per year [see 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(v)]. In addition, the Regulations, at 40 CFR 403.12(e), (9) and (h) require, at a minimum, that all SIUs self-monitor and report on their compliance status for each pollutant regulated by a Pretreatment Standard at least twice per year unless the Control Authority in lieu of self-monitoring by chooses to conduct al) monitoring its industrial users.1 1 The PCTW should conduct more frequent sampling and/or more frequent self-monitoring by an industrial user if necessary to assess the industry's compliance status (e.g., weekly, monthly or quarterly frequency as appropriate).
-2at 40 CFR 403.12(g) and (h), also specify The Regulations, that pollutant sampling and analysis be performed using the procedures set forth in 40 CPR Part 136. Part 136 identifies the proper laboratory procedures to be used in analyzing industrial wastewater (including the volume of wastewater necessary to perform the tests and proper techniques to preserve the sample's integrity). However, with certain exceptions, Part 136 does not specifically designate the method to be used in obtaining samples of the wastewater. Rather, section 403.12(g) and (h) require sampling to be "appropriate" to obtain "representative" data; that is, data which represent the nature and character of the discharge. DISCUSSION OF BASIC SAMPLING TYPES
Sampling may be conducted in two basic ways. Roth types of sampling provide valid, useful information about the processes and pollutants in the wastewater being sampled. The first is an "individual grab sample." An analysis of an individual grab sample provides a measurement of pollutant concentrations in the wastewater at a particular point in time. For example, a single grab sample might be used for a batch discharge which only occurs for a brief period (e.g., an hour or less). Such samples are typically collected manually but are sometimes obtained using a mechanical sampler.2 The second type of sample is a "composite sample." Composite samples are best conceptualized as a series of grab samples which, taken together, measure the quality of the wastewater over a specified period of time (e.g., an operating Monitoring data may be composited on either a flow or time day). basis. A flow-proportional composite is collected after the passage of a defined volume of the discharge (e.g., once every 2,000 gallons). Alternatively, a flow-proportional composite may be obtained by adjusting the size of the aliquots to correspond to the size of the flow. A time-proportional composite is collected after the passage of a defined period of time (e.g., once every two hours). Generally, composite samples are collected using a but may also be obtained through a series of mechanical sampler, manual grab samples taken at intervals which correspond to the wastewater flow or time of the facility's operations. In some cases, composite data is obtained by combining grab samples prior
2 pollutants volatilize
samplers may not be used to sample for those which could adhere to the sampler or pollutants with short holding sampler,
-3At other times, the samples to transmittal to a laboratory. prior remain discrete and are either combined by the laboratory to testing or are analyzed separately (and,mathematically averaged to derive a daily maximum value). DtTtRnINING APPROPRIATB CONPLIAHCL SAl4PLINQ NETHODS
EPA policy on appropriate compliance sampling types has been articulated in several pretreatment guidance manuals and regulatory preambles, and continues to be as follows:
With Categorical
Most effluent limits established by categorical standards are imposed on a maximum daily-average and a monthly-average bases. Generally, wastewater samples taken to determine compliance with these limits should be collected using composite methods. . There are exceptions Composite to the general rule. samples are inappropriate for.certain characteristic pH and temperature) since the composite pollutants (i.e., Therefore, alters the characteristic being measured. analysis of these pollutants should be based on individual Alternatively, continuous monitoring devices grab samples. may be used for measuring compliance with pH and temperature Any exceedance recorded by a continuous monitoring limits. device is a violation of the standard. Sampling wastewater from electroplating facilities regulated under 40 CFR Part 413 may be conducted using single grab samples ((assuming that the grab samples are representative of the daily discharge for a particular see also preamble discussion at 44 m. w. facility): 52609, September 7, 19791
. A series of grab samples may be needed to obtain appropriate composite data for some parameters due to the Examples of this nature of the pollutant being sampled. situation include: .
maximum discharge limits are controls on the average wastewater strength over the course of the operating day. They are not intended to be instantaneous limits applied at any single point during that operating day.
-4parameters Which may b8 altered in by compositing or storage. Th8S8 pollutants include pH-sensitive compoufds (i-8., total phenols, ammonia, cyanides, sulfides); and Volatile organics such as purgeable halocarbons, purgeable aromatics, acrolein, and acrylonitrile.
Sampling for pollutants which may adhere to the sample container or tubing such as fats, oil and grease. Individual analysis for these parameters ensures that all the material in the sample is accounted for. B.
With 1~~1
r.imits instantaneous, The sample type limits should be limit being applied.
Local limits may be established on an weekly or monthly-average basis. daily used ;o determine compliance with local linked to the duration of the pollutant Compliance established identified
with instantaneous limits should be Exceedances using individual grab samples. by composite sampling are also violations.
weekly or monthly average Compliance with daily, limits should be determined using composit8d sampling noted in A, abOV8. data, with the same exceptions Measurements of wastewater strength for nonpretreatment purposes (e.g., surcharging) may conducted in a manner prescribed by the POTS. GRAB BARPLINO AS A 8URSTfTUTt ?OR CONPOSXTE 6ARPLfNG EPA is aware that a number of Control Authorities currently rely on a single grab sample to determine compliance, particularly at small industrial users, as a way of holding down It is EPA's experience that the process monitoring costs. activities and wastewater treatment at many industrial facilities may not be sufficiently steady-state as to allow for routine use pH-sensitive compounds can b8 automatically Certain sample is only to be composited without losses if the collected a S8ri8S of grab Additionally, analyzed for a sinule Darameter. samples may be manually composited if appropriate procedures are followed.
grab results as a substitute for composite results. the Agency expects composited data to be used in most However, there are several circumstances when a single cases. grab sample may be properly substituted for a single composite These situations are: sample. Sampling a batch or other similar the duration of which only allows sample to be taken; short
Sampling a facility where a statistical relationship can be established from previous grab and composite monitoripg data obtained over the same long-term period of time; and Where the industrial user, in its self-monitoring report, certifies that the individual grab sample is representative of its daily operation. Except for these circumstances, Control Authorities should continue to use composite methods for their compliance sampling. URAB SAMPLE6 AS A COXPLIANCL BCREtNfNU TOOL Control Authorities may consider using grab samples as a compliance screening tool once a body of composite data (e.g., samples obtained over a Control Authority and l elf-monitoring year's time), shows consistent compliance. However, in the event lingle grab samples suggest noncompliance, the Control Authority
Grab mampling may provide results that are similar to composite sampling. See for example, a March 2, 1989, Office of Water Regulations and Standards (OWRS) Memorandum to Region IX describing the results of a statistical analysis of sampling data from a single indumtrial facility. These mampling data included both individual grab and flow-proportional, composite sampling obtained during different, non-overlapping time periods. After reviewing the data, OWRS concluded that the composite and grab sample data l ets displayed similar patterns of violation for lead, metals. In fact, the analyses did not find any copper I and total statimtically significant difference in the concentration values meamured between the grab and composited data. Furthermore, additional l tatimtical tests of the two data sets indicated that the means and variances for each pollutant were mimilar. The statistical conclusion was that the plant was judged to be out of compliance regardless of what data were analyzed.
-60 and/or the industrial umer should resample techniguem on the industrial urnart effluent compliance is again demonstrated. uming composite until consistent
Control Authorities may also rely on mingle grab l amples, or a seriem of grab samples for identifying and tracking slug loads/spills since these "single event" violations are not tied to a discharger'm performance over time. Any time an SIU's l ample (either grab or composite) showm the General Pretreatment Regulations, at 40 CFR noncompliance, the Control Authority 403.12(g) (2), require that the SIU notify within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of the violation Furthermore, EPA encourages Control and remample within 30 daym. Authorities to conduct or require more intenmive sampling in order to thoroughly document the extent of the violation(s). Of in the course, the ume of grab samples l hould be recon$idered event the SIU changem itm process or treatment.
The collection and analysis of sampling data im the foundation of EPA's compliance and enforcement programs. In order for theme programs to be l uccessful, wastewater l amples Although the must be properly collected, premerved and analyzed. Federal standards and self-monitoring requirements are Control Authorities should mpecify, in independently enforceable, individual control mechanisms for indumtrial umers, the l ampling Generally, collection techniguem to be used by the indumtry. pretreatment sampling should be conducted using composite methods to determine compliance with daily, weekly or wherever pomsible, monthly average limits since this sampling technique most closely reflects the average quality of the wamtewater as it im discharged to the publicly owned treatment workm. Grab samples compliance with instantaneous should be umed to determine There are circummtances when discrete grab samples are limits. cost effective means of screening compliance almo an appropriate, weekly and monthly pretreatment standards. with daily, Where grab samples are used am a screening tool only (i.e., consistent compliance ham been demonmtrated by compomite data), the remults should not be used in the POTW's calculation of significant noncompliance (SNC).
l amples,
When POTWs choose to allow the SIU to collect single grab the POTW l hould draft the SW's individual control mechanism to clearly indicate that grab sampler are to be obtained thereby preventing any uncertainty at a later date.
7 -
In summary, there are limited situations in which single grab sample data may be used in lieu of composite data. Assuming adequate quality control measures are observed, analyses of these grab samples can indicate noncompliance with Federal, State and Local Pretreatment Standards and can form the bamis of a succemmful enforcement action. Grab sampling can almo be useful in quantifying batches, spills, and slug loadm which may have an impact on the publicly owned treatment workm, its receiving stream and sludge quality. this at
Should you have any further comments or quemtions regarding matter, please have your staff contact Mark Charles of OWEC (202) 260-8319, or David Hindin of OE at (202) 260-8547. Frank M. Covington, NEIC Thomas O'Farrell, OST Regional and State Pretreatment Coordinators Lead Regional Pretreatment Attorneys, Regions Approved POTWPretreatment Programs
Flow Measurement
Basic Hydraulic
between flow rate (Q), the average velocity (V), and the cross-sectional area of the flow
Q = flow in cubic feet per second V = the velocity in feet per second A = the cross-sectional area in square feet feet of water per second to flow in gallons of water per minute, the following
in cubic
is used: x 7.48 gallons water cubic foot of water x 60 seconds = minute gallons minute per day, multiply the number of cubic feet per second A 1/4 p d2, where d is the
by the equation:
Flow Measurement
instantaneously concentration are summed or continuously. Instantaneous flows must be measured when In a continuous flow can be correlated to the flow data.
samples are taken so that the pollutant measurement compliance. system. flow measurements
IU permit
system consists of a flow device. flow data can be obtained without hydraulic
equipment. flow
The primary
pressure to flow;
and experimentation
Flow is measured by many methods; designed supporting measurement to measure flows in pipelines. theories, devices and the devices and procedures
A complete
flow measurement
used are beyond the scope of this manual. for inspecting them are described VI-1
in this Appendix.
and Sampling
Weirs. A weir consists of a thin vertical plate with a sharp crest that is placed a stream, channel, or in partly filled pipe. Figure 3-4 (in Chapter 3) shows a profile of a sharp-crestedweir and indicates the appropriate nomenclature. Four common types of sharp-crested weirs are shown in Figure 3-5. This figure illustrates the difference between suppressedand contracted rectangular weirs as well as illustrates Cipoletti (trapezoidal) and V-notch (triangular) weirs. To determine the flow rate, it is necessary measurethe hydraulic head (height) of water above the crest to of the weir For accurate flow measurements,the crest must be clean, sharp, and level. The edge of the crest must not he thicker than 1/8 inch. The rate of flow over the weir is directly related to the height of the water (head) above the crest at a point upstream of the weir where the water surface is level. To calculate the discharge over a weir, the head must first be measured by placing a measuring device upstream of the weir, at a distance or at least 4 times an approximate measurementof the head. A measurementcan be taken at the weir plate to approximate the head. However, if this measurementis used to calculate the discharge, this value will provide only a rough estimate of the discharge. Therefore, when evaluating compliance with mass-basedpermit limits, it is essential that a more refined method of determining flow be used. The head-dischargerelationship formulas for nonsubmergedcontracted and suppressedrectangular weirs, Cipolletti weirs, and 90 V-notch weirs are provided in Table VI-1. Discharge rates for the 90-degree V-notch weir (when the head is measured at the weir plate) are included in Table VI-2. Flow rates for 60- and 90-degree V-notch weirs can be determined from the nomograph in Figure VI-1. Minimum and maximum recommended flow rates for Cipolletti weirs are provided in Table VI-3. rectangular weirs using the Francis formulas. Parshall Flume: The Parshall Flume is composed of three sections: a converging upstream section, a throat or contracted section, and a diverging or dropping downstream section. When there is free fall out of the throat of a Parshall flume, no diverging downstream section is required. It operates on the principle that when open channel water flows through a constriction in the channel, it produces a hydraulic head that is proportional to the flow. The hydraulic head is used to calculate the flow. Flow curves are shown in Figure VI-3 to determine free flow through 7 inches to 50 feet Parshall flumes. The Parshall flume is good for measuring open channel flow becauseit is self-cleaning. Therefore, sand or suspended solids are unlikely to effect the operation of the device. The flume is both simple and accurate. The flume size is given by the width of the throat section. Parshall flumes have been developed with throat widths from 1 inch to 50 feet. The configuration and standard nomenclature for Parshall flumes is provided in Figure 3-6 Strict adherenceto all dimensions is necessaryto achieve accurate flow measurements. Figure VI-4 VI-2 Figure VI-2 is a nomograph for flow rates for
Table VI-1 Head-Discharge Relationship Formulas for Nonsubmerged Weirs (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988) Weir Type
Rectangular Francis forululas u= 3.33 (L - O.lnH)Hl.~ Q = 3.33 L H1.5 Approach neglected velocity King 1363 Cmt ratted Suppressed Renarks Reference
Q = 3.33 Cipol letti 0 - 3.367 Q = 3.367 V-note h Fornula for 90* V-notch only -0 * 2.50
Q = 3.33 L[(H NA
+ h)1.5
- hL.5]
Kir y
191 3
weir in cubic feet per second 0 = discharge H = head in feet M = not applicable = hedd in feet at weir plate - nullber of end contracttons l klectlon of 4 formula depends on Its sultabllity L h V Y = crest length in feet = head in feet due to the approach = approach velocity = gravity (32.2 ft/secz)
= V?/Zy
dnd pardmeters
VI - 3
Table VI-2 Discharge of 90 V-hotch Weir -- Head Measured at Weir Plate (Takc;r fror,; %PDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, hlay 1988) Head@ Weir
RATE EL 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016
0.06 0.07 0.08 u.u9 0.10 0.11
FLOW RATE ;Fns 0.439 0.463 0.488 0.513 0.540 0.567 0.595 0.623 0.653 0.683 0.715 0.747 0.780 0.813 0.848 0.883 0.92u 0.957 0.995 1.034 1.074 1.115 1.157
RATE zs 2.071 2.14U
2.255 2.318 2.382 2.448 2.514 2.582 2.650 2.720
0.52 0.53 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6U 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 a.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 Hw if nead
0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2U 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 U.43 0.44 0.45 ECuATION
0.023 0.027 0.032 0.037 0.043 0.049 0.056 0.063 0.070 3.079 0,087 0.097 0.107 0.117 0.128 U.140 0.152 0.165 0.178 0.193 0.207 0.223 0.239 0.256 0.273 0.291
2.863 2.936 3.010 3.U85 3.162 3.239 3.317 3.397 3.478 3.556 3.643 3.727 3.813 3.889 3.987 4.U76 4.166 4.257 4.349 4.443 4.538 4.634 4.731 4.829 4.929 5.U30 5.132 5.235 weir and 0 1s 1n
1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23
1.24 1.25 in feet at the
1,678 1.730
0.330 0.350 0.371 0.393 0.415 where Q = 3.01 td*48 feet per second
. . l1 ,b2
. .
: t I.8
Flow Rates for 60 and 90 V-Notch Weirs (Taken from NPDES Compliant Iqpection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
VI - 5
Table VI-3 Minimum and Maximum Recommended Flow Rates for Cipolletti Weirs (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Crest Length, ft. Minimum Head, ft. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 i?; 0:2 Minimum Flow Rate MGD CFS Maximum Head, ft. 0.5 0.75 Maximum Flow Rate HGD CFS 0.769
1 1.5 2
2.5 3 4 i 8
0.292 0.389 0.487 0.584 0.778 0.973 1.17 1.56
0.301 0.452 0.6U2 0.753 0.903 1.20 1.51 1.81 2.41 3.01
1.25 1.5 ::i a*: 5:o
4.35 7.60
18.6 38.1 66.5
24.6 43.0
67.8 139.0
105.0 214.0
Table VI-4 Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates for Free Flow Through Parshall Flumes (Taken from NPDES Complirrnce Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Throat Width, w ii 3 6 9 in. in. in. in. in. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. Minlmum Head, Ha ft. 0.07 0.07 Minimum Flow Rate MGD CFS 0.003 0.007 0.018 0.035 0.059 0.078 0.005 Maximum Head, Ha ft. 0.60 0.60 1.5 Maxlmum Flow Rate CFS MGD 0.099
l-1/2 2 3 4 ii 8
0.028 0.054
1.20 2.53 5.73 10.4
2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2: 2.5 3.5 4.5
8.87 16.1 24.6 33.1 50.4 67.9
0.120 0.174 0.423 0.615 1.26
0.273 0.397 0.816
21.4 32.6 43.9 55.3
1 .oo 1.70
2.23 3.71 5.13
2.63 3.45 5.74 7.93
VI - 7
1 45ooo
,000 000
100 eo b0 1 50 40 1 50 :
20 I
I 10 I 0 i
:i . 5 : 2 1 1
50 20
:@Q - b 4 - b - 5 - . 5 2
40 OI Ob 05 04 05 02 uao
l : 10 oe
Ob 05 04
02 Cr5 01
Figuw VI-3 Flow Curves for Parshall Flumes (Taken itom NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 198%)
VI - 9
ltl. e 0 b pt. 1 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 b b 0 0 In. In 0 1 1 1
II -
8 -rt. 0 1 1 4 5 b 7 0 IO 11 12 1)
I al*&UI 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.1s 0.42 1.3 1.b l.b 1.0 1.5
ft. 1-1;
fa. Q
It * 1 1 2 2 2 a 2 1 a 2 2
18. b 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a Q 0 0
xa. I 2
b b
0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0
1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 J 4 5 b 1 0
1 I I
1 1 I I 1
Vidth of flm
of die
A +A B c 0
e 1
sctior. to~pofnt.
of sick wll
of tk die km kh
in eleuatim
rd cnst.
Yidth of drrnrtmm
ameduiqrall. distakx dttawx to \ to \ w g+ point fm pint fm Icw pint Acwpint in that. in t)nnt.
Figure VI-4 Dimensions and Capacities of Parshall Flumes for Various Throat Widths (Taken from NPDES Comdiance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Appendix Vl
the minimum and
flow in a Parshall flume of throat and upstream head (H, in feet), the discharge Q = CWH,. where Q = flow. Nomographs, Table curves,
for flumes of 8 feet or less is given by the general equation: the values of C, n, and Q for different available to determine sizes (widths)
the discharge
Flow through
if the submerged
ratio is:
Greater than 0.5 for flumes under 3 inches; Greater than 0.6 for flumes 6 to 9 inches; I to 8 feet; and
than 0.8 for flumes larger than 8 feet. exist, the inspector These correction should apply a correction factor to the free flow determined using
a contracted
and a diverging
depth of the water (head) above the raised step in the throat is related to the discharge a distance unknown d2 upstream until of the throat where d is the size (width) data are consulted, point. The dimensions
should be measured
of the flume.
the manufacturers
measure the height of water above the step at an upstream not standardized tunes as they are for Parshall by the manufacturers flumes.
no standard
flow equation
Instead, rating
are provided
with a minimum
to maintain
flow through
the flume and prevent the flume from becoming throat indicates that critical flow through
A small jump or rise in the water surface below the occurred and submerged conditions exist.
can usually
depths that are up to 95 percent of the pipe for installation of Palmer-Bowlus head loss,
slopes recommended
The advantages
and self-cleaning.
Table VI-5 Free Flow Values of C and N for Parshall Flume Based on the Relationship Q = CWH, (Taken from NPDW Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Flume Throat, In in In in in ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
3 6
9 :.5
0.30 :*; 8:9 16.1 24.6 33.1 50.4 67.9 85.6 103.5 121.4 139.5
1 .522W*026
2 3 4
H -
n - Constant
- W should
be represented
In feet
to calculate
w 0 : a
t Y a
Q a0
W- Width of flume
90 90 10 70
22 @O 90 no , IN PERCENT
Figure VI-5 Effect of Submergence on Parshall Flume Free-Discharge (Taken from NPDES Compliance Insgecrion Msnuat, EPA, May 1988)
Table VI-6 and Maximum Recommended Flow Rates for Free Flow Through Plast-Fab Palmer-Bowlus Flumes (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Kaouai, GA, XPJ 1~~~; Minimum
Mini mum Minimum Maximum Head Flow Rate Head MGD CFS (ft.) (ft.>
0.15 0.18
12 15 18 21
1.4 1.4 ::: 1.3
24 27 30
0.023 0.048 0.079 0.128 0.216 0.355 0.504 0.721 0.945 1.26
0.035 0.074 0.122 0.198 0.334 0.549 0.780 1.12 1.46 1.95
0.36 0.49 0.61 0.73 0.91 1.09 1.28 1.46 1.64 1.82
0.203 0.315 0.433 0.670 0.752 1.16 1.18 1.83 2.06 3.18 3.24 5.01 7.44 4.81 6.70 10.4 8.95 13.8 11.6 18.0
VI- 13
Appendix VI
pressure) meter is one of the most accurate primary a pipe segment consisting in Figure 3-8. devices for a is
The Venturi
meter is basically
The pressure
the inlet pipe and the throat is proportional with great accuracy. resulting
head loss.
The formula
for calculating
meter is as follows:
Q = c -. h h K -
volume of water, in cubic feet per second discharge coefftcient. obtain from Table VI-5 pressure head at center of pipe at inlet section. in feet of water pressure head at throat, in feet of water constant which relates d2 to d, for Venturi meters. Values for K can be obtained from Table VI-8 or calculate according to the following formula:
2~ I -[d:.d,]
d: throat diameter. in feet d, - diameter of inlet pipe, in feet Flowmeter. The electromagnetic flowmeter operates according to Faradays Law of
to the velocity
of the conductor
the field.
electromagnetic The
is shown m Figure 3-9. The induced voltage with recorder and totalizer
to a converter
using electric
or pneumatic
raw wastewater
are used in full pipes and have many advantages, range. a negligible pressure loss, no moving by abrasive
*I percent, a wide flow measurement tiowever, Regular operation calibration they are rxpensrve checking and cleaning
parts. and rapid response time. wastewaters can cause errors. for proper The
and buildup
of the electrodes
can be checked
at least annually.
it to the factoe
or be the
VI - I4
Table VI-7 Coefficients of Dischqe c for Venturi Meters (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988) Throat ueiwiLy, Diameter of Throat. in. 3 0.935 0.939 0.943 0.948 0.955 0.963 0.970 4 0.945 0.948 0.952 0.957 0.962 0.969 0.977 5 0.949 0.953 0.957 0.962 0.967 0.973 0.980 10 0.958 0.965 0.970 0.974 0.978 0.981 0.984 it. 15 0.963 0.970 0.975 0.978 0.981 0.983 0.985 per set 20 0.966 0.973 0.977 0.980 0.982 0.984 0.986 30 0.969 0.974 0.978 0.981 0.983 0.985 0.987 40 0.970 0.975 0.979 0.982 0.984 0.986 0.988 50 0.972 0.977 0.980 0.983 0.985 0.986 0.988
: 4 8 12 18 48
Table VI-8 Values of K in Formula for Venturi Meters (Taken from NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
d2 7
0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32
K 6.34 6.34 6.35 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 6.43 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 6.45 6.46 6.47 6.49 6.51 6.52 6.54 6.54 6.59 6.61 6.64 6.66 6.69
d2 at 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.71
K 6.72 6.75 6.79 6.82 6.86 6.91 6.95 7.00 7.05 7.11 7.17 7.23 7.30
d2 d' 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84
6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.33 6.33 6.33
0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45
7.37 7.45 7.53 7.62 7.72 7.82 7.94 8.06 8.20 8.35 8.51 8.69 8.89
Table VI-9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Devices (Taken fhm NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, EPA, May 1988)
Oevice Hook gauge Stage board Advantages CtJlMl0t-l Common Disadvantages Require trainfng to use, easily damaged Needs regular cleaning, difficult to read top of meniscus
measurement bulb Since no compressed air Is used, source can be llnked dir ectly to sampler Self-clean expensive, Inexpensive, ing, less reliable reliable Openfngs expensive can clog,
a. Pressure
b. Bubbler Float
Needs compressed air or other air source Catches debris, requires frequent cleaning to prevent stlcklng and changing bouyancy, and corroding hfnges 011 and grease foul probe causing possible sensor loss Errors from heavy turbulence and foam, callbratlon procedure Is more Involved than for other devices
or contact
VI - 17
Appendix VI
that translate the
into two types: . . Nonrecording type with direct readout (e.g., a staff gauge) or indirect (e.g.. a chain, wire weight, or float); and Recording electrical. type with either digital and acoustic). of various or graphic readout from fixed points
The advantages
and disadvantages
are provided
in Table VI-9.
FIow Measurement
The current heavily evaluate categorical
System Evaluation
for assessing compliance of self-monitoring data. by industrial users in the Pretreatment inspector is on-site. limitations inspection Program depends When the POTW he or she should (local limits or
and provide
or revising
must check both the IUs flow data and the flow measurement categorical standards or local limits. When evaluating
system to verify
should consider
on the following:
The systems accuracy and good working order. This will include a thorough physical inspection of the system and comparison of the systems readings to those obtained with calibrated portable instruments. The need for new system equipment. The existence equipment. or absence of a routine calibration and maintenance program for flow measurement
is encouraged
to use
sensor or recorder
is found to be inaccurate,
can be corrected
If the equipment
the portable
of the inspection.
and precision
in pipelines,
the inpsector
flowmeter. flow
should The
with an operating
select the site for flow per the manufacturers by the manufacturer
to the permit
as specified
in evaluating
Physical Physical
inspection inspection
for inspecting
types of primary
and flow
secondary data.
for measuring
and portable
that the number of primary:secondary procedures is strongly for all system configurations. encouraged to consult
device permutations
when system other than those discussed are for advice before preparing a
the manufacturers
Faulty Fabrication - The weirs may be too narrow rough or critical dimensions may exceed tolerances
Improper installation - The weirs and flumes may be installed to near pipe elbows. sources of turbulence. The devices may also be out of level or out of plumb. Siring Errors - The primary devices recommended applications
may not include the actual flow range. and debris or solids may accumulate.
Poor Maintenance
- The primary
to the weir
Verify that the weir is perpendicular to the flow direction. Verify that the approach is a straight section of conduit with a length at least 20 times the maximum expected head of liquid above the weir crest. Observe the flow pattern in the approach channel. The flow should occur in smooth stream lines without the velocity gradients and turbulence. Check the approach, particularly in the vicinty of the weir, for acculated solids, debris, or oil and grease. The approach must not have any accumulated matter.
Inspect the weir Verify that the crest of the weir is level across the entire conduit traverse. Measure the width of the weir crest. The edge of the weir crest should be no more than l/8inch thick. VI - I8
Appendix VI
Make certain the weir crest corresponds to zero gauge elevation (zero output on the secondary device). Measure the angle formed by the top of the crest and the upstream face of the weir. This angle must be 90 degrees. Measure the chamfer on the downstream side of the crest. The chamfer should be approximately 45 degrees. Visually survey the weir-bulkhead connection for evidence of leaks or cracks which permit by-pass. Measure the height of the weir crests above the channel floor. The height should be at least twice the maximum expected head of liquid above the crest. Inspect the weir for evidence of corrosion. scale formation, or clinging matter. The weir must be clean and smooth. Observe flow patterns on the downstream side of the weir. Check for the existence of an air gap (ventilation) immediatley adjacent to the downstream face of the weir. Ventilation is necessary to prevent a vacuum that can induce errors in head measurements. Also ensure that the crest is higher than the maximum downstream level of water in the conduit. Verify that the nappe (see Figure 3-4) is not submerged and that it springs free of the weir plate. If the weir contains a V-notch, measure the apex angle. The apex should range from 22.5 degrees to 90 degrees. Verify that the head is between 0.2 and 2.0 feet. The weir should not be operated with a head of less than 0.2 feet since the nappe may not spring clear of the crest.
and have
Inspect the flume approach. The flow pattern should be smooth with straight stream lines. be free of turbulence, a uniform velocity across the channel. The upstream channel should be free of accumulated matter.
Inspect the flume The tlume should be located in a straight section of the conduit. Flow at the entrance should be free of white water. The flume should be level in the transverse and translational directions. Measure the dimensions of the flume. Dimensions are strictly prescribed as a function of throat width (see Figure 3-6 for critical dimensions). Measure the head of liquid in the flume and compare with the acceptable ranges in Figure 3-6.
Inspect the flume discharge Verify that the head of water in the discharge is not restricting flow through existence of a standing wave is good evidence of free flow and verifies submergence present. Verify whether submergence occurs at or near maximum flow. the flume. The that there is no
as outlined above (these flumes are seldom used for effluent flow
The flume should be located in a straight section of the conduit. The flow at the entrance should be tree of any white water. Observe the flow in the flume. The profile should approximate that depicted in Figure 3-7. The flume should be level in the transverse direction and should not exceed the translational
VI- 19
Appendix VI
the ranges specified in
Inspect the flume discharge Verify that free flow section of the flume. exists. Look for the characteristic standing wave in the divergent
Meter is installed according to the manufacturers specifications.
that the Venturi Meter is installed downstream from a straight and uniform section of pipe,a 5 lo 20 diameters, depending on the ratio of pipe to throat diameter and whether straightening are installed upstream (Installation of straightening vanes upstream will reduce the upstream requirements). that the pressure measuring taps are not plugged.
Calibrate the Venturi Meter in place by either the volumetric method or the comparative dye dilution method to check the manufacturers calibration curve or to develop a new calibration curve.
- The gauge is located in the wrong position - The gauge is not serviced regularly.
- The zero setting of the gauge is not the zero point of the primar)
Error - There is human error in the reading. procedures in Weir follow. Atdications device is positioned 3 to 4 head lengths upstream device. or carpenters To determine rule flow of the weir.
Specific Flow
Determine Verify
that the zero or other point of the gauge is equal lo that of the primary method of measuring and convert
The inspector
(be sure to measure at least 4 H, rate. use the appropriate Flow Measurement
relationship Applications
in Parshall
Determine -
the upstream
Verify the staff gauge is set to zero head. A yardstick or carpenters rule can be used for this Verify the staff gauge is at the proper location (two-thirds of the length of the converging section back from the beginning of the throat). Read to the nearest division the gauge division at which the liquid surface intersects the gauge. Read 11, in feet from the staff gauge.
VI - 20
POTW hpection
Appendix VI
or use tables published in Table VI-4. in flow
To determine the flow rate, use Table VI-3 management standard references, or calculate
it is difficult
with submerged-flow
In cases when
can be obtained
(using a staff or float gauge), the procedures head using a staff or float gauge.
listed below
should be followed:
Determine -
the upstream
Read to the nearest division and, at the same time a5 for H,, the gauge division liquid surface intersects the gauge. Calculate t1, from the gauge reading. the downstream head (H,) using a staff or float gauge.
at which the
Determine -
t1, refers to a measurement at the crest. Read to the nearest division, and at the same time as for H,, the gauge division liquid surface intersects the gauge. Calculate tl,, from the staff reading. the flow rate the percent submergence
at which the
Determine -
Consult Table VI-XXX When a correction factor is obtained. use H, and find the free-flow from Figure VI-XXX. Multiply this free-flow value by the correction factor to obtain the submerged flow. or carpenters rule at the section of a flume, it is
x 100
The inspector may use an independent method of measuring head, such as a yardstick proper head measurement point. Due to the sloping water surface in the converging essential that the proper head measurement point be used.
Flow Measurement
in Palmer-Bowlus
Fiume Applications
Obtain head measurements as in the Parshall Flume application, using the secondary device. The head is the height of the water above the step. The total depth upstream of the step is not the head. Refer to the manufacturer-supplied discharge tables to convert head measurements to flow data. Palmer-Bowlus flumes, unlike Parshall Flumes. are not constructed to rigid dimensional standards. The inspector must not use discharge tables supplied by other manufacturers.
Most flow measurement the inspector is relatively has determined simple. errors result from inadequate calibration of the flow. totalizer properly, verification and recorder. If that the primary device has been installed of the IUs system to the flow of the WS
is compared IO percent
should be within
to certify
flow comparisons
be made at various
VI -21
Appendix VI
meter, the inspector a period of steady
is accurate,
i.e., properly
flow by reading
a stop watch.
The stop watch should be started just the total&r should be read again, just readings. the total flow by using
as a new digit begins to appear. the stop watch is read. over the measured time period can be obtained.
The flow rate in gallons per minute can be calculated to the flow determined of the total&r
the time from the stop watch. of the head made at the primary satisfactory known
The calibration
value. or divisor,
VI - 22
OFFICE OF WATER MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM: Determining Industrial user Compliance Director Using Split Samples
This memo is a response to your letter of September 30, 1991, where you requested written clarification regarding the use of split samples for determining industrial user (IU) compliance under the Pretreatment Program. Specifically, you requested guidance on how to use the data from split samples determining IU compliance situations where split samples yield different analytical results. The fundamental question posed by your inquiry whether all analytical results must be used when evaluating the compliance status of IUs and In situations where split samples exist how to use those results for determining compliance. and both samples were properly preserved and analyzed, POTWs should evaluate compliance with applicable Pretreatment Standards in the manner described below. When evaluating the compliance status of an industrial user, the POTW must use all samples which were obtained through appropriate sampling techniques and analyzed in accordance with the procedures established in 40 CFR part 1361. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has consistently encouraged Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) to periodically split samples with industrial users as a method of verifying the quality of the monitoring data. When a POTW splits a sample with an IU, the POTW must use the results from each of the split samples. A legitimate question arises, however, when a properly collected, preserved and analyzed split sample produces two different analytical results (e. g., one which indicates compliance and the other shows noncompliance, or where both indicate either compliance or noncompliance but the magnitudes are substantially different). In these instances, questions arise regarding the compliance status of the IU, and what should be done to reconcile the results.
See memorandum,
There is inherent variation in all analytical measurements, and no two measurements of the same analyte (even when drawn from the fame sample) will produce identical results. When a split sample is analyzed using appropriate methods, there is no technical basis for choosing one sample result over the other for determining the compliance status of a facility. Since this is the case for all split samples which have been properly analyzed, the POTW should average the results from the split and use the resulting average number when determining the compliance status of an IU. Using the average of the two sample results avoids the untenable situation of demonstrating compliance and noncompliance from the same sample. If the split sample produces widely divergent results or results which are different over a long period of time, then the cause of the discrepancy between the analytical results should be reconciled. When this happens. the POTW should investigate Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures at each laboratory involved. For example, the POTW could submit a spiked sample (i.e,. a sample of known concentration) to the laboratories involved (preferably blind) to determine which laboratory may be in error. In situations where one or both of the analytical results is determined to be invalid, there are compliance and enforcement consequences. If one of the analytical results is determined to be invalid, the average value of that sample is also invalid. In this situation, the value for this sample should be the value of the sample which was not determined to be invalid (e.g., if the IU's results are determined to be invalid, the POTW should use its sample for assessing compliance, and vice versa). If both samples are determined to be invalid, the avenged result from that sample should be discarded and not used for compliance assessment purposes. In either case. the POTW must recalculate the compliance status of the IU using all remaining valid sample results. In summary, whenever split samples are taken and both are properly analyzed, the POTW should average the results from each sample and use the averaged value for determining compliance and appropriate enforcement responses. Where the sample results are widely divergent, the POTW should instigate QA/QC measures at each of the analytical laboratories to determine the cause of the discrepancy. If one or both of the samples are invalid, the POTW must recalculate the compliance status of the IU using all valid results. If you have any further questions regarding these questions, please feel free to call me at (202) 260-8304. The staff person familiar with these issues is Lee Okster. Lee can be reached at (202) 260-8329. CC: Cynthia Dougherty Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Approved Staff Pretreatment Coordinators Bill Telliard
Mr. Harold R. Otis Chairman, Split Sampling Task Force Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce 826 Ewing Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2182 Re: Using Split Samples to Determine Industrial User Compliance Dear Mr. Otis: In response to your letter of January 12, 1993, and your phone conversation of February 9, 1993, with Lee Okster, I am providing a further discussion of the issues surrounding the use of split samples to determine industrial user (IU) compliance with Pretreatment Standards. In your letter and your phone conversation, you requested clarification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on three issues. First, you requested a firm definition of what constitutes widely divergent results when comparing split sample results. Second, when a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) splits a sample with an IU, you inquired whether a POTW must use the industrial users data to determine compliance with pretreatment standards. Finally, you requested written authorization from the EPA to incorporate the language from our existing guidance memorandum on split samples into the Rules and Regulations of the Water Control Utility for the City of Fort Wayne.
As you are aware, the EPA issued a memorandum on January 21, 1992, entitled Determining Industrial User Compliance Using Split Samples. The widely divergent results criterion established in this memo is to be used as an indication that a problem exists with the laboratory analysis. We did not include an indication of what constitutes widely divergent in our memorandum because the amount of normal analytical variability depends on the pollutant parameter being tested and the method being used to analyze the sample. With appropriate QA/Qc, this normal analytical variability is small. In general, though, metals analyses have a smaller variation than organ& analyses, but the magnitude of the variability depends on the pollutants being tested. Therefore, no hard and fast rules exist for determining what is widely divergent. This determination is left to the discretion of the local authority,
In the January, 1992, memorandum we state that the POTW must use all samples which were obtained through appropriate sampling techniques and analyzed in accordance with the procedures established in 40 CFR Part 136. The memo further states (w]hen a POTW splits a sample with an NJ; the POTW must use the results from each of the split samples. The POTW is required to sample the IU at least once per year to determine, independent of information supplied by the IU, the compliance status of that facility. If the POTW does not wish to be in a position of comparing its own data with the IU when it samples the IUs discharge, it is not required to split its samples with the IU. Furthermore, we do not recommend that the POTW use a split sample with the industry to satisfy its annual sampling requirement. The POTW should pull its own sample so that it has data which are truly independent of the IUs results. The POTW also has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance by the IU with all applicable pretreatment standards and requirements. One way the POTW can satisfy its requirement to ensure compliance is to split a routine sample taken by the IU. If a POTW splits a routine sample taken by the IU, it must use the Ws data, in conjunction with its own, to determine the compliance status of the facility (assuming all of the data are sampled and analyzed appropriately). We encourage POTWs to split samples in this manner to verify the Ws data. In a similar fashion, if the POTW chooses to split its own sample with the IU, it must use all of the data to determine the compliance status of the facility (assuming all of the data are appropriately analyzed). When the POTW splits a sample with an IU (whether it is a routine sample by the IU or an annual sample by the POTW) the POTW has the responsibility to determine whether the IUs results from the split sample are valid. Where an IUs results aredifferent than the POTWs, the burden is on the IU to show that all preservation, chain-of-custody, and analytical and QA/QC methods were followed. If the IU cannot make this showing, then the analytical result.5 from the IU should be discarded when determining the compliance status of the facility. If the IU establishes that it followed all appropriate procedures, then the POTW should review its own QA/Oc program. If both the IU and POTW have followed appropriate procedures, and there is still a wide divergence, then follow-up sampling should be conducted. If follow-up sampling consistently shows IU noncompliance, or if the POTW is otherwise satisfied with the validity of its own results, it should proceed to follow its enforcement procedures.
in regard to your final request, the City of Fort Wayne has the authority to incorporate these procedures into its Rules and Regulations without any authorization from the EPA. As long as the City has the minimum legal authorities to implement its
approved program, it has satisfied its requirements under the Federal regulations. As always, the City is encouraged to adopt the EPAs Pretreatment Guidance whenever possible. I hope this letter responds to your questions and concerns. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at (202) 260-8304 or you can call Lee at (202) 260-8329. Sincerely yours,
&hard G. k&w& Director Water Enforcement Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cc: Cynthia Dougherty Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Approved State Pretreatment Coordinators
Mary Jo M. Aiello, Chief Bureau of Pretreatment and Residuals Wastewater Facilities Regulation Program New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy NJ 08625-0029 Trenton, Dear Ms. Aiello:
(CN 029)
Thank you for your letter of January 25, 1993, to Jeffrey Lape of my staff regarding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy's (the Department) proposed policy on waivers from pH limits applicable to industrial discharges to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). subject to the qualifications stated below, your proposed policy is consistent with the federal regulations. Your letter relates to the application of 40 CFR 401.17, which allows facilities that employ continuous pH monitoring to exceed certain pH limits one percent of the time. Your letter correctly notes that 40 CFR 401.17 applies only to discharges to surface waters, but inquires whether an analogous policy could be applied to discharges to POTWs. We believe an analogous policy could be applied to discharges to POTWs, subject to several restrictions. First, the federal pretreatment regulations contain a specific prohibition against discharges with a pH below 5.0, from which no waivers are allowed unless the treatment works is specifically designed to Your letter accommodate such discharges (40 CFR 403.5(b)(2)). correctly acknowledges that, except for such specifically designed treatment works, waivers below this minimum limit would not be consistent with federal regulations. Second, although federal pretreatment regulations do not include an upper pH limit applicable to all discharges, some categorical pretreatment standards do so. Waivers from the requirements of those categorical standards would not be allowed unless expressly permitted by the standards themselves. Third, a POTW may not grant a waiver from a local such waiver would cause pass through or interference. local limits are based on considerations at each POTW, not be appropriate to institute a waiver of local limits applies statewide regardless of conditions at individual limit if Since it would that POTWs.
-2So long as POTWs act consistently allow pass through or interference, waivers that apply either more or if it wishes, Of course, propose. waivers at 1% and thereby be more which requires no cap. with their obligations however, they might less frequently than the State could cap stringent than Federal not to implement the 1% you all law,
if a POTW wishes to provide waivers from pH We note that, limits that are technically-based and are part of the POTW's Approved Pretreatment Program, the POTW will have to modify its Approved Pretreatment Program accordingly. The Department should consider for each POTW whether the adoption of this policy is a which result in less stringent local "change to local limits, limits" and therefore requires a formal modification under 40 CFR or whether it constitutes a clarification of 403.18(c) (l)(ii), the POTW's existing local limits. have call I hope that any questions me at (202) this response addresses your concerns. or would like to discuss this further, 260-5850 or Louis Eby at (202) 260-2991. Sincerely, If you please
2.8 SAMPLE 2.9 ISCO 2.10 3.0 CHAIN 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
4.3.2 Opening Manholes 4.3.3 5.0 CLEANING 5.1 ISCO SAMPLER 5.2 TUBING 5.2.1 Dairies 5.2.2 Metals 5.2.3 Organics 5.3 CONTAINERS 5.3.1 Composite Jugs 5.3.2 Discrete 5.3.3 Sample 6.0 MAINTENANCE 6.1 ISCO SAMPLERS 6.2 FLOW METER 6.3 BATTERIES 6.4 pH METER Lifting
TABLE SECTION 7.0 CALIBRATION 7.1 7.2 FLOW METER pH METER 7.2.1 Field 7.2.2 8.0 9.0 Laboratory
11.1 ACTUATOR 11.2 FLOW METER 11.3 11.4 11.5 WATER METERS GRAB SAMPLER ISCO SAMPLER Composite Sequential
11.5.1 11.5.2
6 11 42
27 28 43
The Pinellas County Sewer System (PCSS), Industrial Monitoring Program, is responsible for monitoring industrial discharges to the sewer system. There are four primary goals in industrial monitoring: to protect worker health and safety, to prevent inhibition to wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF), to control the quality of effluent discharged from the WWTF, and to limit sludge contamination. This Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOPM) explains the procedures used to collect samples of industrial wastewater, including all quality control (QC) protocols, equipment cleaning and maintenance, and safety considerations.
2.0 DOCUMENTATION Documentation is an integral part of any pretreatment program. The validity of samples collected and data obtained both in the field and the laboratory is ensured through documentation and record keeping. All information must be complete and accurate. Record management and methodology must be consistent throughout the program to support the validity of data gathered. Failure to maintain records and documentation according to set procedures could result in these documents being inadmissible as evidence in court. In addition to the Field Data Record, which is the primary sampling information document, there are logs for equipment calibration, maintenance, chain-of-custody, and cleaning.
2.1 FIELD DATA RECORD The Field Data Record includes sample site identification, type of sample, sampler and battery identification, settings on the sampler, results of field analyses, flow information (where applicable), and any additional information related to the site or effluent characteristics.
2.2 FIELD DOCUMENTATION LOG The Field Documentation Log is used to record which sites are sampled each day, and any violations, conversations, or notable occurrences during the sampling event.
2.3 FIELD pH CALIBRATION LOG The Field pH Calibration Log is used to record calibration of the field pH meter during the sampling event. The field pH meter is calibrated at each site prior to measuring the pH of the effluent. Calibration and slope are checked, adjusted as necessary, and recorded, along wit the temperature of the buffer.
2.4 FLOW METER CALIBRATION LOG The Flow Meter Calibration Log is used to record program information for the flow meter and water level calibration from the initial value shown on the meter to the actual measured water level.
2.5 pH METER CALIBRATION - LABORATORY The laboratory maintains their own notebooks to record equipment calibration. When the laboratory pH meter is used, it must be calibrated as discussed in Section 7, and the results recorded in the (laboratory) pH Meter Calibration Log Book.
2.6 pH CALIBRATION/SPIKE CHECKLIST The field pH meter is calibrated in the laboratory on a weekly basis. The buffers and internal fill solution are also changed at this time. Once a month, an EPA known sample for pH is checked after meter calibration in order to verify the accuracy of the pH meter. The pH Calibration/Spike Checklist is used to record the date and time of field pH meter calibration, calibration data, results and true value for the known sample, and to document the buffer and fill solution changes.
2.7 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM When samples are brought in to the laboratory for analyses, they must be logged in and received by the laboratory personnel. The Chain-of-Custody Form includes sample collection information, types of analyses to be run, preservation, and a space for the laboratory personnel to sign with the date and time the sample was received by the laboratory. Any comments which may be important for the analysts to know prior to running the sample, or in reviewing the results of analyses, are also included on this form. A more detailed discussion of the Chain-of-Custody Form is presented in Section 3.5. There will occasionally be samples collected which need to be sent to an outside laboratory for analyses, either for confirmation of a number, or for analysis of parameters which we cannot do in-house. The laboratory is responsible for filling out additional Chain-of-Custody Forms for sending shipments to an outside laboratory. The Chain-of-Custody Form (discussed above) will still be used by sampling personnel, with the addition of a statement that the samples are to be sent to an outside laboratory. The laboratory documents all shipment information on the Custody Form.
The overall success of a monitoring program depends on its capability to produce valid data through the use of accepted sampling procedures and protocol, and its ability to substantiate such data through documentation. This begins with properly trained personnel and continues with sampling preparation, the sampling event, transfer of sample custody, laboratory analyses, equipment cleaning and data management. The importance of this concept is realized when sampling data is used as evidence in court against non-compliant Industrial Users.
3.1 FIELD DATA RECORD The Field Data Record is a permanent record of the information gathered during the sampling round. An example of the Field Data Record is included as Form 1. The sheet should be accurate, legible and complete. INFORMATION RECORDED SHOULD NEVER BE FALSIFIED. A few points to consider: 1) When identifying the facility sampled, record the complete name of the industry and street address. This line also includes the Industry Login Code. The description of the sample site location (point where sample is actually taken) should be concise. The last name of each person from PCSS that is actively participating in the sampling round is recorded by that person for Day 1. If the same people are present the next day, they place their name or initials by Day 2. If a different person is present, he records his name by Day 2. It is preferable that sampling personnel remain consistent throughout the round to assure continuity. Monitoring is considered unscheduled unless the industry is notified of a specific date and time that they will be sampled, in which case it would be a scheduled event. Surcharge sampling is marked as such. A sample would be considered a demand sample if it were taken in response to a complaint or an emergency situation. A sample will either be a grab, a composite, or a sequential sample. When collecting samples for metals (DI) water blank is collected using be used at that site. This will co equipment was not contaminated at collected is also noted. analyses, a deionized the tubing and ISCO to nfirm that the setup. The time
sight digits. Thr first two C!fl3LZS refer to in '*87", the rrcond two digits rafar to the month, and thr third pair to tha day. zke last two digits are assignad by thm lab whm the samples arm chrckad in and ara known as thr rquenca number. x samplr collected on Harch 13, 1987, with sequence ~.~&rr OS, would mad 87031305. If a field blank ir collected, it is also assigned a lab numbor, and recordad on ?.a Field Data Record. claanlinom
back to It i8
a lab
any quortion
to record tha ISCO ID numbor. If tkerr a8 to the cleaning procodurm usad or ,:e of tha equipment, it can l a8il.y ba traced Cloanfng Oocummtation Log.
mu8t bo raeordod complotoly. In most rampla internals will ba rot wary 1S minutor Zzr tio.d COPpo8ita8. Gallon8 arm urod for flov compo8r~rr Tfm~ or ?lov nu8t bo indfcatod. If any rotting8 arm Rot thay should be madCOd 88 8UCh. applicable, Volume of Hoawrad Grab* f8 tha actual voluu collmtod when usi.-.g the rocordod ISCO rettingm.
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mt8 V8lUW tO8ulttng
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U?mn dalivoring the suplom to tha hbor8tory, thy should ba on tha contr81 countor by the 8ink. Tha Chain-Of-cust0dy Form should ba filled out. Whon thm lorm i8 colgletad, the hb poraonnal 8uat rign in the suplea. At thim point, tha roapormibility for tha cutody of the l 8plu ia tramfurad to thal8b. An axmaple of tl!m Chain-Of-CUtoby ?orr fa included as
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There are many safety precautions which must be followed both at the office and in the field. Industrial monitoring, by its very nature, adds additional potentially hazardous situations to those existing in any field sampling situation. On the job safety can be broken down into three broad categories: cleaning, t r a f f i c , and sampling. Safety hazards associated with doing chemical analyses in the field are discussed in the Hach Portable Laboratory Procedures Manual. 4.1 CLEANING
The major hazard associated with cleaning sampling equipment and containers is the use of chemicals. Nitric acid, hydrochloric a c i d , and/or acetone are used in cleaning certain types of equipment. The hazards come from 1) mixing the acid/DI water solution, and 2) using the solution for cleaning. Acid, when mixed with water, creates fumes which may be hazardous if inhaled, and can cause irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. Acid can cause skin burns if it is spilled on the skin. This can occur during mixing or cleaning. Upon working w i t h a c i d , r u b b e r g l o v e s , a rubber apron and goggles should be worn. Acid solutions should always be prepared under the hood It is also advisable to wear rubber with the vent fan turned on. boots when cleaning, to protect your feet and lower legs from s p i l l e d a c i d , as well as to keep them dry. NOTE : ALWAYS ADD ACID TO WATER - NEVER ADD WATER TO ACID.
Acetone is used to clean equipment that is used for collecting It is extremely flammable and ignitable. organic samples. Acetone is incompatible with nitric and sulfuric acids and should not be used where these acids are present. While the primary h a z a r d i s i g n i t i o n , acetone is also a skin and mucous membrane i r r i t a n t . Gloves and a respirator with organic vapor cartridges must be worn when working with acetone. Goggles must be worn to protect against any possible splashing. PREVENT OR AVOID ALL IGNITION SOURCES.
Other hazards associated with cleaning are the potential for slipping on wet ground, and strains from lifting and moving Lifting and moving equipment will be discussed under equipment. Slipping, tripping or falling are problems which can sampling. occur during any activity, and can be prevented by wearing proper footwear (good fit and condition) and by using extra caution in areas of potential hazards. 4.2 TRAFFIC All County employees who are authorized to drive a County vehicle are required to take a driving safety course. In addition to following safe driving techniques, wearing seatbelts and observing traffic laws, there are other concerns related to w o r k i n g o n o r n e a r t h e r o a d a n d / o r p a r k i n g l o t s . The county requires that cones be placed in front of and/or behind the v e h i c l e w h e n e v e r i t i s p a r k e d . More cones may be advisable when p a r k i n g i n a h e a v i l y t r a f f i c k e d a r e a . When parking on the road, hazard lights should be used in addition to cones. If an employee has to work on or near the road or where cars may pass in close proximity, a safety vest must be worn and the work area should be blocked off with cones and/or barricades. Before leaving the site, the area should be checked to ensure that everything was reloaded into the van, and a circle-of-safety check should be performed (walk around vehicle, look under, and check area). 4.3 SAMPLING Because sampling is conducted at industrial locations, often in confined or remote areas, there are so many potential hazards which must be recognized. Hazards associated with sampling include; working around unfamiliar chemicals/equipment; handling contaminated wastewater; lifting and moving equipment; and opening and/or entering manholes and flumes. A l i s t o f t h e s a f e t y equipment kept in the industrial van is included below: acid-sill pads eye-wash station first aid kit goggles latex gloves safety cones barricades fire extinguisher gas/vapor detector hard hats respirators safety vests
toa shoaa or boots must bo uorn Stml tow ara protection against
or aid
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unfamiliar hazard8.
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Goggla8 situation
vorn to protect
varrants Manholar
Fuzlas Opaninq mnholr8 md flumes have 8oma common hazardr. and/or 988.8 uy accuaulat8 within tha ~~Mola, and pomfbly could ovarcoao somono opurfnq the lid. Tha covar8 of manhola8 and fluma rhould alway be opanad slightly md allovad to vant prior A vapor/ga8 datwtor probe rhou,ld tm to oponinq thm cmlotaly. inrartad through thm opening to chack th8 quality of'tho ait XI I:f tha proba indicat88 thm QrarMc~ of tha almhol~/fl~a. should ba vorn vhila working near hatardow gam8, a rupirator TIM ga8 datrctor should ba kapt on a8 long as any=:e the mmhola. 80 sum to rtand upvind of tha is workmar tha mnhola. ?4anhola OQaninq 80 Ury m1U888 vi11 bo blown aV8y frm YOU. Opting thu can t@ covers um wually vary heavy and unvialdy. catchinq your hand8 or Porriblo injuries include: dmg*ro\u. Fut undu thm cover; hitting your lOg8 or fwt Vith the hook :f int or bainq ovarcomo by it 81ip8 1008@ Of tb C0V.r:: falling
a manhole is to first pry the The propu procadura for opwting hook. aanhola cmar open slightly with the manhole ml. mwlhola covar ha8 l asall indentation whora tha hook can bo in@arrfad and have a larg8r op8ning and Some mnhola8 usad to pry tna cove up. you will ba able to alida th8 hook coaplrtaly undu th8 tiqa of If not, uaa a SCrWdriVU, AltUnating Vith tha tha covu. up until you Can Slip tha mmho18 hook all hook, to pry the lid Us0 th hook to slid0 thm manhole covar fru of tha vay undar.
tha rim, diSCU88ad so -8.
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Do not attapt to lift or mow anything th8t 18 uncomfortably caumm you to l tr8in youraalf. Pin.1188 COUlty h88Vy, ;.a., policy rmquirom that tvc paoplo vork toqotbu to lift anythinq bo oura to pr8ctica aafa lifting that wigha ovu JO pound8. procaduroat bud ycur knoa8 and use your 1-8 and arm support th8 vaight, no+ ycur back.
5.0 CLEANING ISC0 samplers, c o m p o s i t e a n d s e q u e n t i a l c o l l e c t i o n c o n t a i n e r s , sample bottles, and suction tubing are cleaned specific to the parameters to be analyzed. Equipment which door not come into contact with the effluent (ISCO base and cover, flow meter, etc.) is either wiped off or washed with soapy water and rinsed well with tap water. Cleaning must be done near a source of potable water (a spigot with a hose) and should be done in sunlight, when possible, to f a c i l i t i e s d r y i n g . ISCO sampler, t u b i n g a n d c o n t a i n e r c l e a n i n g must be documented in the appropriate log books. 5.1 ISCO SAMPLER Two types of ISCO samplers are used, Model 1680 and Model 2710. ISCO Model 2710 does not have a control panel plate, and does not use a discharge tube: the sample collection tubing e x t e n d s a l l t h e w a y t h r o u g h t h e I S C O h e a d i n t o t h e b a s e . The following procedures are used to clean the ISCO samplers: 1 ) 2 ) Clean two 3-gallon polyethylene jugs, fill one jug with tap water and fill the other jug with soapy water. The sampler should be completely assembled, i.e.: the base, head, and head cover are all connected, and a c h a r g e d b a t t e r y i n s t a l l e d . Remove the head cover. Leave the auction line attached to the sampler and wipe off the auction line with a sponge, using soapy water. Rinse the suction line off with tap water. Place the end of the suction line into the jug containing s o a p y w a t e r . Turn the pump to "Forward", and pump at least 2 liters of soapy water through the sampler. Remove the suction line from the soapy water. Place the end of the line into t h e j u g c o n t a i n i n g t a p w a t e r a n d thoroughly rinse (use at least 2 liters). Make sure that there is no detergent residue remaining in the tubing. Pull the end of the suction line out of the jug, turn the pump to "Reverse" ( t h i s p u r g e s t h e l i n e ) u n t i l t h e l i n e is free of water, a n d t h e n t u r n t h e p u m p t o " O f f " .
4 )
5 )
Disconnect the suction line at the white polyethylene connector barbs. Wipe the barb connected to the sampler clean, or replace if necessary (there are extras in the van). D i s c o n n e c t t h e b a t t e r y . With a soapy sponge, wash down the ISCO head and carefully rinse it, being sure not to get the control panel vet. Wipe off the control panel with a slightly damp paper towel or cloth, and then wipe it dry with a clean paper towel. THE CONTROL PANEL IS SENSITIVE TO MOISTURE AND OTHER THAN THIS MILD CLEANING, THE CONTROL PANEL MUST BE KEPT DRY AT ALL TIMES TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE CIRCUITRY. Remove the head from the base. Wash the base and head cover with soap and water. Rinse clean with tap water and let dry. After all parts are dry, reassemble the sampler (base, head, control panel plate-black ISCOs only, head cover) and store in the shed. If the ISCO sampler is to be used for collecting metals samples, follow the cleaning procedures outlined below for metals tubing.
5.2 TUBING 5.2.1 Dairies Tubing to be used for dairy sampling (or other biological analyses) should be soaked in a composite jug with soapy water and bleach for at least 24 hours after use, or replaced if necessary. The tubing should then be cleaned with soap and water again, and t h o r o u g h l y r i n s e d w i t h t a p w a t e r , followed by a DI water rinse. 5.2.2 Metals Tubing to be used for metals or cyanide sampling should be acid washed and then rinsed with DI water as detailed below:
mo3:H20) as
containers contairmrs
labeled labolad
al80 contain a Lonqth of barb on one end. This tub1.".q :I the discharge tuba/how wken
and than adding SO0 ml HNO,. Pill both brown containers vith DI vatat (you m8y vant to fill an acrd v8sh.d corporita juq vith 01 vatar and uso this to ret::: your brown DI vatar cont8insrs aa they 8re emptied). Koap the 01 v8tor containsrm cappod vhon thay are not being used for rinsing to rvofd rcid contlain8tfon.
In the Laboratory, praparr tha acid solution the clear cont8inorr, with filling it first
in onm zf 1500 ml 31
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tha ISCO hrad from tha b8ra on on0 of the PVC stmda.
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8cid cont8inor. the and of tha suction linm in tha full 8Cid l olut;c3 cont8inor 8nd pump the 8cid through the ruplar. NT l .z 811 th8 8cid hrr p8srod through, pull tha end of tze suction lin0 from the acid contrinar rnd hold it above the l aplar ho8d, allovinq any rosidua in t&m tubkq '-3 be punpad through. Turn the srrphr to mOff. Repeat thir saquanca. Disconnecz ',?.a Cap both rcid cont8inar8. discharga tuba l ctanafon and atom in the cooler.
and the
on the udrrsiie
Turn tha foN8rd, than put tha and of tha suction 1 F a in on@ of the brmm 01 v8ta cont8inorr. Pump two full containers of DI vatmr throuqh the ramp:er Hold the tubinq rllouinq it to mn onto tha ground. >erd as discussed abovo to ansure :.'.a= abovo the suplrr tba tubing i# flueRed complotaly through. Turn the 8uplW to Off.
D~WOMW~ cormactor tha
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anda of rtorrqa
tha u8.d acid sohition out in tha laboratory sink: 11~1th copiU8 8mOWt8 Of V8trt. Rlnso tha contrinors vith DI vator and cap. Stora tha upty acid 8nd Of u8ter cont8in8rr in tha l tyrofou coolw. ROp18Ca tha COOlW in tha rtorrga #had.
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vwhd, Md U8t8r
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rat of discrata S8mpla bottles consists of 28 500-n: which arm to bm ur8d vhan conducting squcrntial ramp::zq. bottlm should bo acid-washed as outlined balov: Soap Rinw rinse Sampla and vfth vith
rfnse. by a tr:?:e
of HN03,
S8nph cont8inar8 ur8d for collwtfnq mat81 l uplm arm prep8rOd by thr hbor8tory rccordfnq to stMd8rd nathods. 2a;,i in cubft8irmrs, lhrzr! and othu biologic81 ramplos 8r@ collwtad 8rm rinwd vith l ffluukt prior to fillinq, and 8ra dirposad of aftm um. Cyanida and orgmfc supl~ l a collect& in bottles which arm l uppliod and prrp8r8d by an outaid. laboatory.
6.0 MAINTENANCE 6.1 ISCO SAMPLERS Change desiccants weekly, o r m o r e f r e q u e n t l y i f n e e d e d ( I S C O Model 1680). T h e d e s i c c a n t f a c e s h o u l d b e b l u e . If the blue is faded, or is turning to pink or white, it is time to Change the Unscrew the desiccant cartridge from the sampler and desiccant. replace the desiccant as discussed below: 1) Take the cartridges into the laboratory. Inside the laboratory oven, there are two beakers with colored desiccant. Using insulted gloves, take the beakers out of the oven. Unscrew the top of the cartridge and pour the old desiccant into the least filled beaker. Pour fresh desiccant into the cartridge, screw the top on, and put the beakers, as well as the cartridge, back in the oven. Remove the cartridge after the face is a rich blue color ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 m i n u t e s ) , let it cool, and screw it back into the sampler.
Other maintenance for the ISCO includes routine checks of the base, head and cover for cracks, and checking/repairing the seal o n t h e c o n t r o l p l a t e c o v e r . The pump housing should be opened and lubricated once a month, and the tubing checked for cracks. The locks and cables should also be cleaned and lubricated to prevent rusting. 6.2 FLOW METER F l o w m e t e r d e s i c c a n t s a l s o n e e d t o b e c h a n g e d w e e k l y . There are two plastic desiccant cartridges on the outside of the flow meter, and one metal desiccant cartridge inside the cover. Replacement metal cartridges are kept in the laboratory oven. The whole cartridge should be replaced - DO NOT OPEN. The desiccant from the exterior plastic cartridges should be emptied into the least filled beaker from the laboratory oven and refilled with f r e s h d e s i c c a n t . DO NOT HEAT THE PLASTIC CARTRIDGES IN THE OVEN. Place the cartridges back in the flow meter.
Batteries should be kept fully charged. The batteries should be kept hooked up to the chargers when not in use. Return the batteries to the chargers after each use. When a battery is plugged into a charger, it should be labeled with the data and t i m e p l u g g e d i n . Always use the batteries that have been charged for the longest time first. Keep batteries clean and dry. 6.4 pH METER There are two types of pH meters used: Orion and Corning. The maintenance procedures for both meters are similar, but cleaning procedures should be checked in the appropriate pH probe manual prior to use. The protective cap that comes with the pH electrode should be k e p t f i l l e d w i t h p H 7 b u f f e r b e t w e e n m e a s u r e m e n t s . The reference buffer solutions in the field pH kit should be changed weekly. The solution level in the pH probe should be maintained above the internal element at all times. The fill solution should be changed when erratic readings or slow response/stabilization is observed. After being refilled, the electrode should be allowed to soak in pH 7 buffer before being used again. If the readings continue to be slow/erratic, the ceramic junction may be clogged. This may be tested by wiping off the electrode tip and observing it after an hour of air drying. A failure of KC1 crystals to appear at the junction indicates a If the junction is clogged, soak the pH probe clogged junction. If the junction still does not in a warm solution of DI water. function properly, it must be replaced (Corning meter only). Instructions for replacing the ceramic junction are presented in the pH meter manual. Another cause of slow/erratic readings is build-up on the glass bulb or ceramic junction of the probe. This may cause interference in the measurements. Check the pH probe manual for proper cleaning solution depending upon the cause of the build-up.
The flow meter should be calibrated at the sampling site as p a r t o f t h e s e t u p a c t i v i t i e s . After programming the flow meter (see setup instructions), there are two calibrations which must be The bubbler tube should be adjusted to put out one bubble dons. per second. The adjustment knob is located on the outside of the flow meter, n e a r t h e b u b b l e r t u b e o u t l e t . The water level should also be checked and calibrated, if necessary. Set the meter readout to level. Check the actual water level in the flume. Adjust the flow meter level readout to match the actual water level. 7.2 pH METER The pH meter is calibrated once a week in the laboratory. The pH meter is also calibrated in the field at each site, prior to taking a pH reading. The procedure for calibrating the meter is the same in the field and the laboratory, but the documentation v a r i e s , and the buffers are replaced during the weekly laboratory calibration. 7.2.1 Field Calibration Corning pH meter Rinse the pH probe and the thermometer with DI water, and shake the excess water off. Place the probe in buffer 7 and wait f o r t h e r e a d o u t t o s t a b i l i t i e s . At the same time, check the temperature of the buffer, and adjust the pH meter temperature dial to that temperature. Once the meter has stabilized, write down the initial reading in the pH calibration log book. Also fill in the date, time, location, and buffer temperature. Calibrate the meter to 7.00 using the calibration dial, and record the reading in the l o g b o o k . Turn the meter off. Remove the probe and thermometer a n d r i n s e w i t h D I w a t e r . Shake the excess water off. Place the probe in buffer 4 or buffer 10 and allow to stabilize. Once the meter stabilized has stabilized, write down the initial reading in the log book. If the reading varies from 4.00 (or 10.00) by greater than 0.04, slope the meter to exactly 4.00 (or 10.00) using the small s c r e w d r i v e r i n t h e s l o p e h o l e a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e m e t e r . Record If sloping was necessary, rinse off the reading in the log book. the probe and recheck the meter with buffer 7 as above, to be sure If it did not, repeat the procedures that the calibration held. above until the meter returns to 7.00 (0.02).
24 Orion pH meter At the beginning of each day, an overall meter check should be With the shorting plug in, and no probes attached, performed. turn the meter on with the "type of measurement" selector in the m V p o s i t i o n . mV should read 0. H o w t h e s e l e c t o r t o T e m p e r a t u r e , and check that it is reading 25.0. If not, use the scroll button to correct the temperature and press Enter. Move the selector to Press ISO, and check that the reading is 7.00. pH 0.01. If not, correct as above and press Enter. Press the Slope button and check that the reading is 100. Correct as necessary. Press the Sample button and check that pH is reading 7.00 0.05. Correct as necessary. The meter is now ready for calibration. Rinse the pH and temperature probes with DI water, and shake the excess water off. P l a c e t h e p r o b e s i n b u f f e r 7 . Move the selector to pH .01. Turn the pH motor on, and press the "ISO" button. The readout should show 7.00. Press the "CAL" button. The readout will flash from .1. to the pH value. Wait for the r e a d o u t t o s t a b i l i z e . Once the meter has stabilized, write down the initial reading in the pH calibration log book. Press the Enter button, and record the pH that the meter is calibrated to. A l s o f i l l i n t h e d a t a , t i m e , a n d l o c a t i o n . Remove the probes and rinse with DI water. Shake the excess water off. Place the probes in buffer 4 or buffer 10 and allow to stabilize. The readout will flash from ".2." to the pH value. Once the meter has stabilized, write down the initial reading in the log book. Press the Enter button, and record the sloped value in the log book. If buffer 4 or 10 were off by more than 0.1, rinse off the probes and recheck the meter with buffer 7 as above, to be sure that the calibration held. If it did not, repeat the procedures above until the meter returns to the calibrated value for buffer 7.00 ( Move the selector to temperature, and record the buffer 0.02). temperature in the log book. 7.2.2 Laboratory Calibration G e t t h e p H / S t a n d a r d C a l i b r a t i o n C h e c k S h e e t . Change the buffers in the field pH meter kit and mark the Check Sheet accordingly. Replace the internal fill solution in the pH probe. Calibrate the field pH meter as described above, logging the information onto the Check Sheet. T h i s l a b o r a t o r y c a l i b r a t i o n should be done once a week, a n d / o r b e f o r e e a c h s a m p l i n g r o u n d t o v e r i f y t h e a c c u r a c y a n d o p e r a t i o n o f t h e p H m e t e r . Once a month, a pH sample with a known value is measured with each pH meter. This chock confirms that the pH meter is functioning properly at pH values other than the buffers.
8.0 SAMPLING PREPARATION Sampling preparation is the most important part of a successful sampling event. Careful attention must be given to both equipment and handling in order to collect a valid sample. Sampling site(s) and type(s) of samples will determine the equipment needed and the method of collection. Standard sampling checklists are included as Tables 1 and 2. Sampling preparation procedures are as follows: Day before the sampling round: 1) 2) Go over the sample checklist and the site specific data sheet to determine what will be used for each site. Check the van to make sure it is properly stocked. Load into the van: -Properly cleaned ISCO samplers, site specific tubing and composite jug/sequential bottles; -Site specific equipment; -Proper sample containers (metals, cyanides, cubitainers, etc.); and -Flow meters, if needed. Change the buffers and calibrated the pH meter.
Day of the sampling round: Load into the van: -Charged batteries, one for each ISCO plus a backup, -Ice for ISCO bases (approx. 1/2 cooler per sampler), -Ice to chill samples (if picking up samples that day).
TABLE 1 DAIRY SAMPLING CHECKLIST Data: Sites to be sampled: ISCO Sampler(s) # battery(s) # desiccant(s) in good condition site specific tubing with weights 12 liter composite container(s) (dairy) ISCO Flow Meter(s) # battery(s) # desiccant(s) in good condition program box pH meter calibrated w/fresh buffer cooler(s) w/ice # cubitainers for samples # DI water (lowboy) latex gloves Sulfuric acid (for acid kit) field data sheets field notebook grab sampler ISCO stand camera with film
ISCO SuphE (COtpOSit. Or diSCr8t8) # httuy(8) I d~88iCUlt(#) in good condition . l ctuatorm I -Sit8 @pacific tubirr$J rwving plate baaa dffictata bOttl.8 (@a@@ Ot PbStiC) # 12 litat cosposito cont8in*r(s) (8Cid-V88h.d)
# good condition
# irr
pH mt8r calibr8tod v/fro8h bufflrr for blanks Dt V8t8r -COO1U(S) V/km # acid-v8shd bottla(8) for blanka acid-V88hd bOtth(8) for Saq1.8 DI V8tU (h&Oy) latuc glovom Nitric acid (For rcfd kit)
# 4
data ahaa+r
-QrSb Is-cuu8
There are two basic types of samples: grab and composite. The method of collection is determined by flow, sampling location and analyses to be performed. Obtaining a representative sample should be of major concern. 9.1 GRAB SAMPLES A grab sample is defined as "an individual sample collected over a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes". A grab sample is collected when: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Setting up a sampler is not feasible due to flow or site arrangement. There is unusual flow of short duration. The flow is not continuous (batch discharge). Waste characteristics are relatively constant. Analytical parameters require a grab sample: i.e., pH, cyanide, organics, oil and grease, sulfides, temperature, a n d r e s i d u a l c h l o r i n e .
A grab sample can be taken either manually or with an a u t o m a t i c s a m p l e r . To obtain a manual grab sample; a clean grab c o n t a i n e r , sample container, and a sampling pole are needed. The grab and sample containers must be properly cleaned according to t e s t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s . The grab container is attached to the pole and lowered into the wastestream. The sample container is then r i n s e d w i t h t h e e f f l u e n t t o b e s a m p l e d . This is known as " s e e d i n g " . T h e c o n t a i n e r i s t h e n f i l l e d w i t h e f f l u e n t . Several grabs might be needed to fill the sample container completely. It is important to remember that in order for a sample to be considered a grab, it must be collected within a 15 minute time frame. An automatic sampler is used to obtain a grab sample where In most cases, pipes or "cleanouts" are used as sampling sites. the diameter of the pipe prevents easy access, allowing only a To obtain a grab sample in this tube to be placed into the flow. manner, f o l l o w p r o c e d u r e s f o r o b t a i n i n g a p H g r a b s a m p l e f o r a 2 4 - h o u r c o m p o s i t e w i t h a n a u t o m a t i c s a m p l e r . See Section 11 for instructions on setting up the equipment.
A composite sample is made up of a number of individual grab s a m p l e s w h i c h a r e c o m b i n e d b a s e d o n e i t h e r t i m e o r f l o w . A time composite sample consists of equal volume grab samples collected a t e q u a l t i m e i n t e r v a l s . A flow composite sample may consist Of equal volume grab samples taken at varying time intervals; samples of variable volume ( in proportion to flow) collected at equal time intervals; or one sample continuously collected proportional to flow. A composite sample is taken when: 1) 2) Determining average pollutant concentrations during the compositing period. Calculating mass/unit time loadings.
The use of an automatic sampler with a composite base simplifies implementing this type of collection. In the event of a timed composite, the sampler can be programmed w i t h t h e d e s i r e d time interval. For a flow proportional composite, a flow meter can be used in conjunction with the sampler (provided that the sampling site is constructed for this type of sampling). In the event of industrial batch discharges at varying time intervals, an a c t u a t o r s h o u l d b e u s e d . See Section 11 for instructions on ratting up the equipment. If an automatic sampler is not available, grab samples can be collected and manually composited. (NOTE; IN ANY MANUAL COMPOSITING METHOD. SAMPLE MANIPULATION SHOULD BE MINIMIZED TO REDUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF CONTAMINATION). A second type of compositing is known as "sequential" This type of compositing c o n s i s t s o f a s e r i e s o f sampling. individual grab samples collected into different bottles. The ISCO sequential base holds 28 500-ml bottles. Depending on sample volume, from one to four grab samples can be composited into each o f t h e b o t t l e s , a t t i m e i n t e r v a l s programmed i n t o t h e s a m p l e r . This type of sampling is valuable in isolating discharge values that may vary over a period of time or from one batch discharge to another. It is also useful in situations where chemical constituents at a particular time are of interest. If sequential sampling is to be done manually, procedures for An automatic sampler may also be grab sampling can be followed. used with a sequential base (ISCO Model 1680 only). See Section 11 for instructions on setting up the equipment.
Two types of measurements are routinely performed in the field: pH and temperature. T h e s e t e s t s a r e d o r m i n c o n j u n c t i o n with one another on the initial and final grabs, and on the composite sample during the 24-hour composite sampling event. The pH and temperature are also measured on a portion of the grab sample during a grab sampling event. Other analyses may be conducted in the field for special investigations/projects. These analyses are performed using a Hach portable laboratory. During composite sampling, the "pH grab" is usually collected in a graduated cylinder at the beginning and end of the sampling The cylinder should be rinsed out three times with DI want. water, and then seeded with effluent before collecting the pH grab. The pH can then be measured directly from the cylinder. The pH of a grab sample is measured off of a separate portion of the sample. The grab container should be seeded with effluent before being used to fill the sample container; the sample c o n t a i n e r s h o u l d a l s o b e s e e d e d w i t h e f f l u e n t b e f o r e f i l l i n g . The sample container should be filled to the top, and then a portion of the sample should be poured into a separate 25-ml container for pH measurement. T h e c y l i n d e r o r p H c o n t a i n e r s h o u l d b e r i n s e d o u t three times with DI water after the pH grab is analyzed and disposed of. The pH meters used in the field are stored in cases which contain the following supplies: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1 pH meter. 1 pH probe. 1 thermometer o r t e m p e r a t u r e p r o b e . B u f f e r s - 4, 7 and 10. 1 slope adjustment screwdriver (Corning only). A supply of paper towels.
To obtain a pH measurement, t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o c e d u r e s a r e u s e d 1) 2) 3) Connect the probe(s) to the meter. Remove the cap from the pH probe; rinse the probe and the thermometer (or temperature probe) with DI water. Calibrate the meter following instructions in Section 11.
A f t e r m e t e r c a l i b r a t i o n , rinse the pH probe and the thermometer/temperature probe with DI water and place in the sample solution. Turn the meter on to start stabilization; read the thermometer and make the temperature adjustment (Corning Record the temperature on the Field Data Record. only). When using the Orion meter, it is generally faster to check the pH first, and check the temperature afterwards (switch steps 5 and 6). Let the pH reading stabilize; remember to periodically s t i r t h e s a m p l e w i t h t h e p r o b e . Record the results on the Field Data Record. If the pH value is out of compliance, recheck the buffer 7 solution to verify proper calibration. Rinse the pH probe and the thermometer/temperature probe with DI water and store properly. Pour the pH sample back into the wastestream, unless the p H v a l u e i s o u t o f c o m p l i a n c e . If the pH value is out of compliance, take the sample in to the laboratory/contact person so that they may check the pH value themselves.
7) 8) 9)
11.0 EQUIPMENT SETUP 11.1 ACTUATOR At some sitar where there is intermittent flow, it may be advisable to use an actuator. The actuator has an open electronic c i r c u i t , w h i c h i s " c l o s e d " b y t h e w a t e r w h e n t h e r e i s f l o w . When the circuit closes, it sends a signal to the sampler to collect a Once the programmed time interval between samples passes, sample. the ISCO is in the "ready" position and waits for a signal from If there is flow at that time, the circuit will be the actuator. closed; a signal will be sent and a sample will be collected. I f there is no flow, the ISCO will remain in the ready position Until the actuator circuit is again closed by the recurrence of To use the actuator: flow. 1) Connect the actuator and the sampling hose to a firm support (such as a short piece of PVC pipe) so that the end of the actuator is resting on the bottom of the Be sure manhole or flume floor in a vertical position. the hole in the aids of the plastic cap at the and of the actuator is not covered and is open in the direction affluent flow will be coming from (facing upstream). The tubing should be positioned so that the end of the tubing is slightly above the floor (about 1/4-inch). Attach the actuator to the battery by putting the control box clamp over the top of the battery and pressing down firmly until it clamps on. Set the switch on the actuator control block to "Toggle/Reset". Set the ISCO switch to time (not flow). Plug the actuator into the flow meter rocket on the ISCO head next to the battery socket; you are ready to start sampling or proceed with the ISCO setup.
3) 4) 5)
11.2 FLOW METER The settings on the ISCO flow meter will vary with site c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . Be sure you have the programming data for your site, or the flow meter manual which has all the program settings.
Settings for sites which we currently monitor using a flow meter are listed in front of the Flow Meter Calibration Log. To set up the flow motor: 1) 2) 3) Hook up the battery. Hook up the bubbler tube. Set the program disk by inputting the device number (based on width of flume and maximum expected depth of flow) and the scaling constant (determined by the device Use the scaling constant for gallons per number). The scaling constant equals, the flow at the minute. maximum expected depth, a n d i s e x p r e s s e d i n t h e f o r m a t "#.##". If the maximum flow is greater than 9.99 or less than 1.00, an exponent will be included in the scaling constant (i.e., #.## 1). Place the program disk into the flow meter. Turn the flow meter on. Adjust the bubble rate from the bubbler tube to one bubble per second. Adjust/calibrate the flow level. Set the meter readout t o l e v e l . Measure the actual flow level. Unlock the calibration knob and adjust the level on the readout to Relock the calibration match the actual flow level. knob. Set the recorder mode/span. T h i s d e t e r m i n e t h e s p a n (total level variation) that will show up on the recorder Generally, you want the average flow level to be paper. near the center of the page. Set the flow meter to purge every 60 minutes, except in a flow with lots of fats or solids, than set it for 30 minutes. Purge causes a burst of air to be blown out through the bubbler tube, thereby clearing any obstructions from the and of the bubbler tube. The sampler initiation signal sends a signal a to the ISCO for way 10, 100, or 1000 gallons of effluent that flow p a r t t h e b u b b l e r t u b e . The ISCO will be set to take a sample after it receives a certain number of signals. For example, the flow meter signals every 10
4 ) 5 ) 6 ) 7 )
8 )
9 )
and the ISCO samples wary 10 signals, rqua1;y.g gallons, ona aample l vuy 100 gallons, or it can signal wary :20 gallons and smph avary Signal l qualinq onm sampla avary 100 gallona. If thora 1s an l cponont in tha scaling constant (+/-) , multlply/divid* the samplot initiation atgnal by that l cponmt. For l campla, if thara is an uponant of +l, rattinq the samplot initiation signal at 10 wfll ramalt in a signal being rant awry LOO gal1or.r. Tha flov mading on tha total flov dial is also to br multipllod/dividod by the rxponont in the scaling
Sat thr
one aova
inch your
hour. is
vhua tha pan vrftm. If it 18 not on tha 0 line, un8e~w the knob holding the pm and adjust the pans podtlon up or dovn. Recheck thim until thm pm lines Ralock tha knob holding the pan. wanly on 0. Rasat display bob to lwal.
of tha
up thr
xook 1x0
up tha sa8@lu.
to th
l ffluant
W8tU Utar8
uaad to l atimata
ts not practical
flov at
coabind Watu
v8~toatrum formula.
maaa baluca
be takm
o ao to bo rrprammtativa of a 240hour taken at fha baginning and and of and total flOW8, 01 at thm baglnnr?.q
aa clam
am poraibla
duration &udia8.
Thus asetlm typa8 of vat&r mator vhich Uy b8 mcountored Ona typa usaa a sariam of dfalr, vhilo thm other tha fialb. ha8 8 digital rr8dout with tha Last digit(a) bainq datwmln~d by in
minglo uttufor dial. Tha
and of
1 Fllumtratmm thmma two typo8 of mmtmrm. If 1s when a value i8 about to takr accurat@ raadingr. it may appear to br thm highu value, vhilm it is actually champ, For l xampla, naar the top of tha lovu valu8. on a digital rmdout, thlr Im in 49 may appear to bm a "S* bmcaumm thm "4" in it8 mu position. has l lmomt rolled up and tha "S* is almost Tharafora, amtmr8 l hould bm raad from right to laft, or lovost to #o that tha value of t&o lover digit may give placaont, hiqhast Anothu an indication of thm value of tha higher digit. conmFdmration vh8n reading a multiple-dial mrtar lm vhich dial is This dial will bo markmd in IOU v&y, and or alovmmt*. nCfr8t*, will ganorally ba moving at a famtmr ratm thmn thm othur. ~igurm 100) . important to 11.4
bo COl~OCtad MnUally Or w U8iw ~3 ISCO rugl*r ir a polo vith two Cl-8 usmd to Place t&m colloetion bottl8 in the hold t&o bottla. C1W8, and tiqhtan until mug. Dip t&o bottlm into tbm flov, facing ug8trw, and rin8a (or 8-d) it l mvuml vifh Redip t&a collection bottle and pour the affluent offluent. collmcto4 into your 8uple contaimr. Soad tha l rrglo container vfth t&18 l ffluant, ti thm continuo to collmct -8 until thm SUP10 bO+tla i8 fUl1. Whan collecting Qt8b 8upla8 from a holding t8nk (a8 appo8od to a sttau-flw), foflou thm MU ucopt that th@ collection bottle should be procodur~8 88 above, dippod into the flov up8id8 down and thw turned #o a8 to collet Dapandihq upon the l ira and l fflumt from klw tha rurface. Uy Tha manual collection
a rmprwurtativa
l mnpla.
Whan collouting l grmb ramp10 vfth thm ISCO, connect propuly clmanad tubto tha l rrplmr, and thus turn W ISCO to )oq wwqh affluent through the ISCO to fill the ?OrW8rb. S&mphb, rfiur the bottle vith thi8 l ffbWld, urb t&O!% Turn tha ISCO to Ravam# to purg. raflll tha -la containu. tha linm !fhyua arm finimhmd sampling.
100 \
800 I \Wd; 40 0 0 I
600 500
ohm ISCO is an l utoamtic ru8plmr comporod of a b&am, vhich holds the sample coll~C+iOn containmr(m) and icm; thm haad, whi:h is thm control unit: and a cover to help kamp tha hoad dry, 1: opmratmm by utilftfnq a pwistaltic pump to drav l fflumt up through a 1mngt.h of tubing l xtmndfnq from thm ISCO to tha flow, this l ffluant into tha colhction contafnmr(s) fn and dimcharqm8 tha b&mm of the ISCO. Tb ISCO is dmmignmdto collect two typs of l amplomt compomitm and soqumtial. Squantial sup108 can only ba collactod vita ISCO Kodml 1660. that ?or congomitm ruplmm, l tand8 to tha riddle
tuba ISCO Hod01 1600 us@8 a df8chatgo of t&m bad 80 a8 to discharqa to a cmntmr opmninq. ?or mmqumntial rupling, a short umd to fomd the ruplm into tha l pproprfato through a distribution funnel (am Saqu~ntial di8chugo tuba8 arm ummdvhur collmctfng natal To am+ up ur XSCO rmplart
a battuy
flurm, t&a
l pacific
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71 0) 9)
mnd dfammtrr ba
01: ~biaaa)
aw!trolm for thm d88h8d voluru to th l pproprfatm head fast for th@
to nut
1660, you
colhctsd vith l ach grab. If lover than YOU vf8h to collect, hsad foe and collrct anothsr collect tha dssirad volume. 10) Collmt graduatsd Composits
reaof ths
is grab
highsr until
US~ for
11.5.1 with
sampling, a long dfschargm polyathylsno tubing attachad baie, ISCO haad and covar composite ju9 (with ice; rsmovs the lid lid
ba zsad (Modal
ju9. the
Put ths
ISCO hosd on the base, roads into tha conposito toqglm svitch to disable
timr 20
8 flov
or 30 ninutas)
signals vi11
inter/al if is;.-.?
Lock tha 13C0, and position it vhum tha coaposita duration (suspendad in into the Flum, or lomtsd way from l rsss) .
short diaahrga m should bo used vith no tubinq attached. ?.a distributfaa funno 8hould ba l ttachsd to tba bottom of tha head using the eultu bolt to hold lt in @rem. Ths black suving plsf8 (Vith 28 hole Fn it) rhould bs plac8d uvar th8 bottles :Y
thr base.
are hmld
in plsco
haa 28 bottles
8stsl circle.
Pack ths
lids set from tha
base or
13) 14)
l vitch
l nabls.
ths tha
f3CO hmd
lrn appsus
on tha
on tha 13CO until th@ word hola in tha bass OF ths advance again on8 tins so
15) Put
numbor of
par to bottls
ramplas rquiramnts.
as appropriate
supla, for
or thr
17) 18)
Sat tha
it vhara tt vi11 rusin for Leek tha ISCO, and position the smplin9 duration (suspondsd in thm manhole, lovarad
The industrial van is serviced by Pinellas County Fleet Maintenance (PCFM) every six months or 5000 miles, whichever comes PCFM does a complete vehicle inspection, and changes first. fluids and filters, as necessary. The industrial van is also taken to PCFM for repair if the drivers' routine checks indicate any problems. T h e v a n i s c h e c k e d b y t h e d r i v e r s f o r f l u i d l e v e l , t i r e p r e s s u r e , l i g h t a n d h o r n f u n c t i o n , and proper operation on a r o u t i n e b a s i s . The Vehicle Maintenance Schedule is included as Per trip mileage is also recorded and turned in monthly. Form 3. 12.2 SUPPLY The industrial van is kept stocked with the supplies and equipment that are commonly used or that may be necessary in an first aid and safety equipThese supplies include: emergency. ment, a t l e a s t o n e s a m p l e r , s a m p l i n g a c c e s s o r i e s , m i s c e l l a n e o u s t o o l s , p a p e r w o r k , D I w a t e r a n d d i s i n f e c t a n t s . The complete van inventory checklist is included as Table 3. Many of the items on the list are kept in the van at all times, others are depletable ( i . e . , g l o v e s , D I w a t e r ) . The van is checked and restocked, as necessary, at the end of each sampling rum and/or prior to going out in the field.
vehicle: 881221 42
-alcohol -as-built8
-battsry battsrio8
-c8lLbration -clamps
(ffov containor
pH nator)
~flaahlight flw
l ~ua8ion
h8nd v88h
cylindmt suplinq
lina ft.
3AmLu (20
blocker (1)
tiumion) (5)
Bilmga pa-0 N
l %plirrq bott1u
ahoat8 (accident
and ball form,
point pum
-:=ti -su8pumiun
Appendix X Example Sample Tag and Chain-of-Custody Form for Use by POTWs
NPDES Compliance
Inspector Training:
3. Sample Number
5. TasA Number
4. inspection Number
6. !kmple Description
7. sample me
8. Sample lbne
li7bomtory bzte Received Received By Sent Via Sample Condition Condition of Seals Units Received Storage Localion Assigned By Assigned To Delivered By Date Delivered Nutnber of Units Received Units Analyzed
Date Seal Broken
Lhzte Received Resealed By Stomge Location hte Results of Analysis Issued to the POTW Retnarks:
Each inspection and sampling event should be identified with a unique number to track the information from the inspection. Task numbers are used when the POTW uses contractors to perform inspections. disregard this space. Inspectors may
Describe the sample. including: size. container. contents (e.g., 8 oz. bottle of electroplating effluent). List the date (7) and time (8) the sample was taken at the facility. Indicate if duplicate (or splits) were performed at the time of sampling. Enter the name and address of the facility and the sample location identification number. List all required analytic tests (e.g., Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn testing).
Regional REGION I (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, & VT) Mark Spinale (WCM-2103) U.S. EPA - Region I JFK FederalBuilding Boston, MA 02203 Phone: (617) 565-3554 Fax: (617) 565-4940 REGION II (NJ, NY, Puerto Rico & VI) Virginia Wong (2WM-WPC) U.S. EPA - Region II 26 Federal Plaza, Room 825 New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 264-1262 Fax: (212) 264-9597 REGION III (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, & WV) John Lovell (3WM-52) U.S. EPA - Region Ill 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia,PA 19107 Phone: (215) 597-6279 Fax: (215) 597-3359
Coordinators REGION VIII (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT & WY) Curt McCormick (8WM-C) Implementation Coordinator U.S. EPA - Region VIII 999 18th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80470 Phone: (303) 293-1592 Fax: (303) 293-1647 Bruce Kent (8WM-C) EnforcementCoordinator U.S. EPA - Region VIII 999 18th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80470 Phone: (303) 293-1592 Fax: (303) 293-1647 REGION IX (AZ, CA, HI, & NV) Keith Silva (W-5-2) Implementation Coordinator U.S. EPA - Region IX 75 Hawthorn Street San Francisco,CA 94105-3901 Phone: (415) 744-1907 Fax: (415) 744-1235 Bob Wills (W-5) EnforcementCoordinator U.S. EPA - Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco,CA 94105-3901 Phone: (415) 744-1910 Fax: (415) 744-1235 REGION X (AK, ID, OR, & WA) Sharon Wilson (WD-134) U.S. EPA - Region X 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle,WA 98101 Phone: (206) 553-0325 Fax: (206) 553-0165
REGION V (IL, IN, Ml, MN, OH, & WI) Mutt Gluckmun (5 WQP-16J) Implementation Coordinator U.S. EPA - Region V 77 W. JacksonBlvd. Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 886-6089 Fax: (312) 886-7804 Mike Mikulka (WCC-15J) EnforcementCoordinator U.S. EPA - Region V (WCC-15J) 77 W. JacksonBlvd. Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 886-6760 Fax: (312) 886-7804 REGION VI (AR, LA, NM, OK, & TX) Lee Bohme (6W-PM) Implementation Coordinator U.S. EPA - Region VI 1445 RossAvenue, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75202-2733 Phone: (2 14) 655-7175 Fax: (214) 655-6490
REGION IV Bob Goodfellow (6W-EO) (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, & TN) EnforcementCoordinator Al Herndon (FPB-3) U.S. EPA - Region VI U.S. EPA - Region IV 1445 RossAvenue, Suite 1200 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Dallas TX 75202-2733 Atlanta, GA 30365 Phone: (214) 655-6444 Phone: (404) 347-3973 Fax: (214) 655-6490 Fax: (404) 347-1797 REGION VII (IA, KS, MO, & NE) Paul Marshall (WACM) U.S. EPA - RegionVII 726 MinnesotaAvenue KansasCity, KS 66101 Phone: (913) 551-7419 Fax: (913) 551-7765
This appendix provides a comprehensive list of documents available from the U.S. EPA. To obtain any of these documents, please contact either of the following references:
U.S. EPA Water Resources Center (202) 260-7786 Please reference the EPA Identification Number provided in the following table when ordering through the Water Resources Center. The National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Rd. Springfield, VA 22161 (800) 553-6847 Please reference the NTIS number provided in the following table when ordering through NTIS. Document Safes Desk: General Information: Customer Services: Document Identification: (703) (703) (703) (703) 487-4650 487-4600 487-4660 487-4780
EPA Docunun~ #
EPA 812/E92/Wl EPA 833/F921003 EPA 505/z-91/Wl EPA 2lW-4001 EPA ZIW-4#2 EPA 21 w-m3
PB92- I 73-236 p893-122-414 PB91-2Lg-72~5 PB92- 11 l-897 P093-209-872
EPA 833/E89/Wl
EPA 833/&89/Wl
PB92- I 17-%9/AS
PB92- I29- 188 PB92- 149-25 I
PB90-246521 ?B92-232424
EPA 833/%35/Wl
Appendix XIII 40 CFR Part 136 - Tables IA, IB, IC, ID, IE and II
136.3 Identification of test proce- by one of the standard analytical test dures. procedures incorporated by reference (a) Parameters or pollutants, for and described in Tables IA, IB, IC, ID, which methods are approved, are listed and IE, or by any alternate test procetogether with test procedure descrip- dure which has been approved by the tions and references in Tables IA, IB, Administrator under the provisions of IC, ID, and IE. The full text of the ref- paragraph (d) of this section and 136.4 erenced test procedures are incor- and 136.5 of this part 136. Under certain porated by reference into Tables IA, IB, circumstances ( 136.3 (b) or (c) or 40 IC, ID, and IE, The references and the CFR 401.13) other test procedures may sources from which they are available be used that may be more advanare given in paragraph (b) of this sec- tageous when ouch other test procetion. These test procedures are incor- dures have been previously approved by porated as they exist on the day of ap- the Regional Administrator of the Reproval and a notice of any change in gion in which the discharge will occur, these test procedures will be published and providing the Director of the State In the FEDERAL REGISTER. The dis- in which such discharge will occur doer charge parameter values for which re- not object to the use of such alternate ports am required must be determined test procedure. TABLE IA. - LIST OF APPROVED BIOLOGICAL TEST PROCEDURES
ll.LarQ~ I- "........". ..... .."._I".". ..._" ............. ....". ". -.- ......- .l2.cumm-laur,~~.w~ AA w rrpran - .- _.........................-...... M - -............ ..... ... - .... ................................... ICC - ............ ......- . ...- - ....................................-. CCP- ................. ....... - ...... .................. ....... -. ..... ..... . vanmmy 11. Q .................~.................~........~ CumhuDe -1 ._.__..... ..... -. .... .............- .... lS-lm.m@kD9lllgl~w~ M w rpon .- _ .. -. ...... - _..I.. - .... -. ICP .... ... ....... ..-.....-- ..... . .. ........ ..... . . .... -..-..DCP, er .... .......... ....... -......... ...... ...I. - ....._. .... -_-_ nnmrr* fEolA) .......^. ~.~~..~-. 1 14. cAkx--IRo-
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tr.Ar>..rrbd Pmbdlm &.=Y mental Protection -nCY. EPA-+ -nj4)ao, M u c h 1979. o r Mothode f o r chemld Andysir o f W a t e r and Wutar. U.S. Erlvlmnmentrl PIwactlon Agency, BPA-6WC7sOr). Haf1aed such l963. Available from: ORD Publl~UOM. CBRI. U . S . Envlronmentrl Protection A g e n c y . C1nclnnat.i. Oh10 45269. Table IB. Note 1. BeLlxidlne. for Methode (4) Compounda. Ch10rlMtui (M=fC Pentachlorophenol mc Peetlcldes In wa,er and wutewater. U.S. Envlronmental Protection Agency, 1979. Avlllable from: ORD Publlcatlona. CERI. U.S. Environmental Rotactlon Awncy. Clnclnnatl, Oh10 a. Table IC, Not4 3; Table D. Note 3. (S) Vreocrlbed Proceduree for Meuureunent of Radloactlvity in Drinking W&X. U.S. Environmental Protect i o n Agency. EPAdlNB44UWJ. 1080. Available from: ORD Publication& CE.RI. U.S. Envlronmentrl Protection Agency, clnclnMti. Ohio 4ma. Tale IEE. Nota 1. (6) Standard Method for the Exami n a t i o n o f Water and Wutawatar. Joint Editorial Board, American Public Health hwoclatlon. Amerlc~~ W8t@r Workm Awclation. and Water Pollutlon Control Federation. 17th Edttion. 198. AvaIlable Cram: American Public Health Aeeoclation. 1 0 1 6 F i f t e e n t h street, N W . , Wuhi~n. D C aoom. Coat: 390.00. Tables IA. IB. and IE. (7) Ibid. 15th Edltlon. lae0. Table IB. Note 90; Table ID. (6) Ibid. 14th Edition, 1975. Tabte IB. Noter 17 and 27. (9) Ibid. 19th Edltlon. Wll. Table IB. Note 31. (10) &lect.ed AnAlytIcal M e t h o d s ADjWOVd a n d C i t e d b y t h e United Protactlon EIlVlIWMWDtd StauaB Agency, Supplement to the 15th Edltlon of S-dud Methods for the Exunlnrtlon of Water and Wrstawater. 1361. Avrll&ble from: American Public H e a l t h Aeeoclatlon. 1 0 1 5 Flftaenth Street NW., Wuhlngton. DC XIOS. Coat available from pubhiher. Table IB, Note 19 Table IC, Note 6; Table ID, Nota 6. (11) AMu~ Book of StanW8t.m. section 11. PIIZS Il.01 &nd 11.01, American Society for Te8tin.g and hiateW. l991. 1916 Race Street, Pblk-
) 136.3
fb)Thefulltsrtroftbemethoda&om the fOllOwl~ ml- which are cud in Ml- IA, w IC. ID, and IE arw lncorgorrbd by mferenoa into thla reguhtlon and mw k obtahed hpm t& - identlfld. All ooete cited uw rubjeot to m ux muet he oerinod fkom the lndlc8ti Bourca. T h e f u l l texta o f 8ll t h e WC -urea citul M available for irvuection at the Envlronmenw Monltorlng spltftmr
bbO=tOrJ. 0ffhX1 Of - &Id b-
RumuNcu, soIJBcu. coem. AND TABLB CITATIONIK (1) The full taxt of Mothode 691613. ~.~.l~md16%araprintedin~~
veloplwnt. U.S. Environmental Pro*tioo Agency. 1 Wwt ldutlo Luther King Dr., cinclnMtl, OH 4&469 a.ui the OfXlca of the Federal water. room 1901. 1110 L Street, NW., Wuhlngton. Dem.
for detarminlng the method detactlon 11mltwhenurinOthetatprocedursr~ given in appendix B of Thea put 136. The full text of Method m.7 ia printed in l ppdDdl1 c of thtr put 136. cited in: Table IB. Nota S; Table XC, Note 1; and Table ID, Note 3. 0) Microblologlul Methoda f o r Monitoring the Envl.ronmsnt. Water and Wutue. U.8. EnvIronmentAl Protaction Agency. EPAdOag79417. lQ79. Available from: ORD Publicationa. CERI. U.S. ErwironmentAl Rotaction
~oy~bCilUUti. OhlO m. lLbh
(3) *Methoda for Chemical Analyrie of w&tar and Wuteo. U.S. Environ-
delphia. PA IslO& Coet avtilable from publisher. Tableo IB, IC. ID. and IE. (12) Methods for Collection and Anrlyeir of Aquatic Biological and Mlcroblological Sunplea. e&ted b y Britton. L.J. and P.E. Oraaaon. Tecbnlquee of Water Reeourc8a Inveetlgatlona, of the U.S. Ceoloqicrl Survey. Book 5. Chapter A4 Cl969,. Avrllable from: U.S. Cieologlcrl Survey. Denver Federd Center, Box 25425. Oenver, CO 60225. Coat.: E8.25 (rubject to change). Table IA. (13) Metho& for Determlnatlon of Inorganic Sutwtraces i n W a t e r and Fluvial Sediment& by M.J. Ftshman md Linda C. Friedman. Techniquea of Waer-Reeourca InveotlgatloM of the U.S. Oeological Survey, Book 6 Chapter Al (1989). Available from: U.S. Qeologicd Survey, Denver Federal Ckmter. Box 2WZ. Denver, CO 80125. Coat: $106.75 (rubject to change). Table IB. Note 2. (14) Msthoda for Det4umlnatlon of I n o r g a n i c Sukt~cer i n Water and Fluvlrl Sedimenta. N . W . Skougatul md o t h e r s . editore. Technlquea o f Wdar-Raourca Inveetlqrtione of the U.S. Geological Survey, Book 5. Chap tar Al (1979). Available from: U.S. Qeological Survey, Denver Federal Center. Box Zi4!&. Denver, CO @X25. Coca: 110.60 (rubject to change). Table IB. Note 8. (16) Methoda for the DetsrITilMtiOn o f Organic Suktancee i n Water md Fluvld Sedimenta. Wexuh~w. R.L.. et sl. Techniques of Water-Resources Invatig8tJonB of the U.S. Geological survey, Book 6, Chapter A3 (1967). Avtilable from: U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center. Box 25425. Denver, CO a. Co&: 30.80 (rubject to change). Table IB. Nota 94; Table ID, Note 4. (16) Water Temperature-Influentlrl Factors. Field Measurement and Data Presentation. by H.H. Stevens. Jr., J. Flcke. and O.F. Smoot. Techniques of Water-Reeourcee InveetIgatlonn of the U.S. oSologiul Survey, Book 1. Chap tar Dl. 1975. Available from: U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Fe&d Center. Box 2542!5. Denver, CO 80126. Coat: $1.60 (subject co change). Table IB. Note 32. (17) Selected Methoda of the U.S. Geological S u r v e y o f And~eis of Waatawaan. b y M.J. ~bhmm snd Eugene Brown; U.S. Geological Survey Open File &port 7&n (1976). Available
from: U.S. Oeologlcal Survey, Branch of DlstributIon. liZJO South Eadn Street. Arlington. VA mM. Coat: 313.50 (subject to change). Table IE. Nota 2. (19) Offlclal Methods of An&lye111 of the Awoclrtlon of Offlclal Analytical Chemiuln, Methoda manurl. 15th Edition (1390). Price: 3240.60. Available from: The Aawclrtion Of Offlclal Analytical Chemlets. ZUMI Wllwn Boulevard, Suite 460. Arllwn. VA -1. Table IB. Note 3. (19) Amerlun Ntitloarl SUndard on Phobjp8DhiC Procmolng Emuentd. April 2.1415. Available from: American Natlonrl S- InBtltuta. 1439 Broadway. New York, New York 10016. Table IB, Note 9. (P) hn Inveetigntlon of Improved Frooedura for Meuurement of Mill Efnwnt and Bocelving Water Color. NCASI Tschnlcrl Bulletin No. 253. Da umber Ml. Avlllable &om: Nat.ion~I Council of the Paper Industry for Air a n d S t r u m Improvements. Inc., m Mndlwn Avenue, New York, NY 10016. C a t rvlilrble tirn publisher. hble KB. Note 19. (11) Amrnonla, Aut~mrtad Electrode Method. bduotrhl Methcd Number 37%75WE. d a t e d F e b r u a r y 19. 1978. Tsohnicon Auto Analyser II. Method rad prlU atilable from Technicon Indwtrlal Syotama. T a r r y t o w n . N e w York 10591. Table KB, Nets 7. (P) Chemlcd Oxygen Demand. Method 0. Each Handbook of Water An& y8io. lW. Method price rvailrble tirn Hub Chemlcrl Company. P.O. Box 988. Ld3velrob. Colorulo m. T8hle IB. Note 14. cls) OIC Chemlcrl orsrgen Demand Method, M6. Method and price avallable from Oceanography Internatio~I CO~Mtlon. slra Wat LOOP, P.O. Box m. C o l l e g e St&lon. Tetu 77940. hhle IB, Note Is. 04) ORION Raurch Inotructlon Ymud. Rsridual Chlorine Electrode Model 97-70. lFf7. Method and prloe atrllable &om ORION Rasrrch Incorporation. Ho Memorial Drive. C&mh-Ides. --ecbuwtu au38. Tsble IB. Nota 16. (%) Blclnchonlnata Method for Cop psr. Mathod W. Hrch Hmdbook o f WaLu Analy8la. lw. Method and Hoe l vdlabie born H&oh w& Comppny. P.O. Box 300. Loveland. Colorado KX37. Table IB. Note 1% (26) Hydrogen Ion (DH) Automated Electrode Method, Induetrlal Method Number 3%75WA. October 1976. Bran & Luebbe (Tech&on) Auto Analyzer II. Method &nd price available itom Bran & Luebbe Analyzing Technologies, Inc. Elmsford. N.Y. 105p. Table LB. Note 21. 1.16Phenanthrollne Method cm using FerroVer Iron Rsrqent for Water. Hach Method 9OlB. lsB0. Method and pries available from Hach Chemical Company. P.O. Box 369 Loveland. Cole rule 80637. Table LB. Note 11. (29) Periodate Oxidation Method for MAIIUUI~~. Method 8091. Hach Handbook for Water Analmlu. l979. Method and price rve.llable from Huh Chemical Compuv. P.O. Box 388. Loveland. Coloruio m. lkble IB. Nets 29. (ls) Nltsogea. Nlt.rlte+L.ow Range. Dluotintlon Method f o r Water a.nd Wmtewater, Hbch M e t h o d 6Wl. 1979. Method and ixics rvrilable from mh Chemlul Compmy. P . O . B o x m, Loveland, Colordo Ml537. Table IB. Note !&Lb. (90) Zincon Method for Zinc. Method QOW. Hach Handbook for Water Amly8ia. 1419. Method and p?c8 avtilable fkom Ha&h ChemJcrl Corn-. P . O . B o x 380. L o v e l a n d . Color8do 80631. Table IE. Note s9. (31) Direct Determination of Ela menti PhOeDhOnU b y -Liquid Chromatography. by RF. Addiwn and R.O. Ackmaa, Jo& o f Chroma-Dhy. Volume 47. No. 3. pp. 4zl-(ls. 1970. Avallable in most public lib&w. Back volumm of the Journal of chrorvrilrble f r o m MtofrmhY are ElwvieriNorth-Holland, I n c . . Journal Lnfornutlon Centrs. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue. New York, NY 10164. Coet avtilable from publisher. Table IB, Note 28. (8) Direct Current Plwma (DCP) Optlul Emiadoa Spectromatic Method for Trace Elemental wyonir of Water md Wuted. Method AES Cmo. 1986RevIwd 1981. Fiwn Lnrtrumentr. Inc.. P Commerw Cent&. Chsrrg Hill Drive, Danverr. M A Om. T8ble B . Nota 34. (33) Cloeed V-1 Mlctowrve Dio# Lion of Wutewater &mph0 for Detsrml~tloa of Met&. CEM Corgorrtion. P.O. Box rr). Matthern. North Cuollar al-. Agrill& 1oQ1. A-10 from the CEM Corporation. Table IB. Nots 36. (c) Under certA.ln clrcumatnnc~a the Fteglonrl Adminlrtrator or the Director in the Rtulon or State where the dlschaqre will occur may determine for a putlculu diecharge that additional perunetera or pollutanta mwt be reported. Under ruch clrcur~tancer. ddltionrl teat procedures for uulyrls of pollutante nuy he rpeclfled by the Ragional Admlnlstntor. or the Director upon the recommendation of the Dlrectar of the EnvironmentsI Monltmlng Systems Laborrtory~lnclnnrtl. (d) Under certain clrcumetances. the
hitddOtIUtor ITUY AD~OVe, Upoil lWC-
f 136.3
may @~ply for a vu-lance from the prtscribed prewrvrtlon techniquea. container m~tm-irln. md rnuitnum holding tlmee &ppliUble to aamples taken from a specific diectuu-ge. Appllcattons for varlancer mry be made by letters Cc the Regloti Admlnletrrtor in the Region in which the discharge will occur. Sufficient dota should be provided to inure such variance doea not advemely affect the lntqgrity of the 8unple. S u c h data will be forwarded. by the Regional Administrator. to the
Director o f the E n v i r o n m e n t a l M o n L&orat0ry--C1 nsystamB itoring
clnnatl. Ohio for tschnlcal review and recommendatfona f o r aahm o n t h e ommendatlon b y t h e Director. Envl- V&l-iMC43 appllUtiOn. UpOn mCelpt O f ronmental Monitoring Systsme Lab the Fecommendatlona from the Dlrecorat4xy-Clnclnnatl. addltlonrl alter- tar of the Environmenti Monltming nnte test procedurer f o r nGlonwlde Systems Labo~tory. the Regional Admlnlst.rator may g r a n t a v a r i a n c e a p Me. (a) Sample Dreeervfitlon proceduree. Dlicable to the speclflc c-0 to the container materiala. and -mum al- appllUIIt. A d e c i s i o n to WDt-OV9 O r deny B vui~ce will be made within 90 lowable holding tlmeu for puunetsm cltsd in Table8 IA. IB. IC. ID. &nd IE daye of receipt of the application by are preecrlbed in T&ble II. Any petwon the Ftegional Administrator.
-noRrrn - - d-.fl: 1-w -1 n I, mur1.a -hMNqm
6ham Da 14m Do.
14. ~.#azdndW ................._ ......... a Fud *+lxwd ................... ... ... ..... 1-4 ho, a.TII l.kmy ............................................................ ...... 2. Mawy ............................... 4. Ammgy ....................................................... @.bx3~+~o;lwlldwnmj .......... .._ ...... .._ 11 maNd4 ...................................................... II. bsl r- - drmQ e lh c?bw .... . . . . . ._ ................... v.ckbnn.oplnay .............................~. 21, colp ....................................... .... ............. m c 2s-24.cywuwbmnd dti# nrn. 26. mRw ...................................................... 27 - ......... ........ ............................. 2a n)hqwl m (PC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ ,r.ul@kuAmd-nrrg ............... m
P,a .... ..- ..... cd.4C.0.oowrasx>,... P. a ................... OD ...................................... P.0 ............ P. 0 ........ .... P.0 ............. P.0 ............. ca4.4.c .................................. ..... . .... ........................ ........ ceu.*c.. ............................. r4umm ..........................
48krrr 2am
3. 6-B. 10. 12. (3, 10. 20. 22. lb 29. 30. 3s 34. w. 37, 46. 47. 61. 62. s-a a. a. m-72. 74. ?a Ly*rolpl- n
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dmrsy. 30 m ...............................
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44 rA% - #%a ................ ..~........~........~ ... l. 0 .... -. ..... Pz w \. cad 4% ... 46 Sl
P. 0
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67. m w -.....-........-................ ..- P. 0 ....._ .. ....- ...- - -I...-...- .-. ..- .. -. m. m I -..... ..-........_.- ......... uga +* a w _----. .....-..-..._ ......... ..-.---..-- -. ..- .... ULLJC
P. 0 .-........P $3 ..-........
km+@la&4 A poo P W
atudiea of the applhXbility of the d&Wnata teat sm-ocedum to the emuentd In qumtlon.
ba a T-ap . . ..A0 -........ _... a0 .._..... ..-. a -.-..... ..-. a -.-..-. a - -..... A .-.-..... - .--.. _ .-.......--. cocl UC -..-----.-..
w h e r e t h e dlecharge occur8 f o r aP proPal of an altarnatIve tad Drocedura. (b) When the dlacharge for which an altamatlre teat llrocedure lr WWo.ed occura within a state having a Dermlt Proqnm ~D&ll%VCld -Wt to *tiOn
a Of
A I( @* ..-........-.-....-...- .._.
Bhdl rub-
1.2 2 Cllk. n. m. m. Y. a, 84. n ..-a ..- ..-. I. pr, * )rorrckp lh lo. n. 31.7s. I . EC rs -...... - -...--. ..-. no .-.-.... a w. m - a al. 6 ,b - - b+e. . - a --..-1. w. lwn --.....--..-.--._..-.. -...--.. ..-a . - - lYFP-lrr: 1-M a * t -....-...-...--... - ._.._..._.... ..-.& .-.-. 1nt P f J 17m 14 w m d w .-........-...-..._...... P. a . . . . . -._
-.a ----.--.-...-^ - zz.---~rc.MDII-... co4 4%. pn M 1s ..-- -... mo, 0 pl4a ....----. - ..._.
mlnlrtrator through the Director of the State agency having reeponalblllty for lvuance of NPDES permltr wlthln such State. (c) Unlev and until printed &ppll~tlon forms ue made available. an ap pllcatlon for an alternate teet pcocedure may be made by lettir in trip
liUt4l. hly aDDkXtiOn for &Xl titerrUt
teat procedure under thlr DecmuraDh Cc) 8hall: (1) Provide the name md addreee of the reeponalble person or firm maklng the dlech&rge (if not the applicant) and the applicable m number of the elistIng or pending permit. laaulng agency, and type of permit for which the alternate test DrocedUre is requested. and the d1ec-e aerial number. (2) Identlfy the pollutant or parameter for which opprovol of an alternate t.ustlng plwcedlue la being requested. (3) Provide juatlflcatlon for unlng testing procedures other than those specified In Table I. (4) Provide a detailed description of the proposed alternate test procedure. together with reference8 to publlahed
(d) hn ~ppliCXti0l.l for WLlIOV~ Of &II altaruate tact procedure for nationwide use may be made by letter in trlpllcatd to the Director. Environmental Monltorlng and Support I~boratory. ClnCillMti, Ohlo 16168. hny ~DpliCAtiOU for an altsrnate tsrt procedure under thlr paragraph (d) ahall: (1) Provide the name and addrena of the responnlble person or W-m making the aD@iUtiOXl. (2) Identify t h e polluta.nUs) o r parameter@) for which nationwide ag proval of an alternate teet1ng procedure la being requested. (3) Provide a detailed description of the propooed alternate procedure. together with references to published or other studlee conflrmlng the general applicability Of the titarn0t.e test LWOpollutant(s) o r cedure to the ~tetir) in wvte water diacharues repceaentatlve a n d spcined Industrial or other categories. (4) Provide comparablllty dnto for the performance of the proposed alternate teat procedure compared to the pWfOrmaIEe of the approved test proCEldUreS.
j Isa5~~aI d albmate! tat pre (a) The Regional Adminlatrotor of the region in which the diecharge will occur ha flnal reaponelbility for ag
40 CFR Part 136 Tables IA, IB, IC, ID, IE and Table II
&nd~l~tethORlllnUIiO.&ldlVlU. 8nd telephone number of the pereon giving notice. (c) Identi~ o f coud. A l l notlcea l hrll include the w. addrew. and talephone number of the legal cou~01. If any. reprewntlng the person giving notice. )18&U Tlr4ofNo action rmg be commenoul under mctlon 14@@)(l) o r (aK1) u n t l l t h e plalntlff hrs irlren each of the auprck pl8t.a putlei rixty day0 notice of lntent to flle math a n a&on. Actiona wnodrnl~ lnkctlon well8 dl8poelng of huatdotir&ta which all- jurkdlctlon rolelv under section mc) of the Beoourw -Conoematlon and Rscove~ Act m8y pvceul lmmedl8taly aftar notice to the approp?ata uartlm.
(8) An appkalon albfrdtted to the Admlnl8tr8tor. or to 8 Stat4 h8vlxW 8n 8~proved NPDES m for 8 mmlt under rection IQ0 of the Clean W8tar Act of 1977. u unended (OVA). and/or
querta for quuhtltatlve or qualltatlve effluent d8t0 under puta 1s to 126 of Tit10 4B. uld, (b) Reporta required to be mabmlttad by dlacharga under the NPDBB estab llshed by puta 124 and 136 of thlr chap ter. and. (c) Certlficatlona lmued b y Btatm prlmlmt to nctlon 101 of the CWA. u unended.
lm.1 Appllablllt~. lam Dondtiolm. ls.*) uowlnatlon d trt lroooduna lS.4 Appllutlon f o r altarlu~ mmt FJOOduNa lm.6 Am of altumta tmt poc+duru. APPUDU A TO Pm lSXHVKXM3 IDR ok OAmC CHPUCAL AMALTSUI or YIJmcIPAL APPUDU B To PART 13bIhrumIOW AND Pmrx~uuma~~~D~ Anm or w -0 Drr r&W Lrml-1.11
AND -w-A=
ADTwONTT: &a. 6Ol. ZWh). m aad WlW. Pub. L 96217. 91 8-t. 1606. et m. (g U.&C. ml. et mq.) ttho Fedarrl Wear P011utl00 Control Act &neadmeota of 1011 u amended by the Clwn Watm Act of loTI).
A8llHllnthl8put.thOte~: (a) Ad meana the Cleu~ Water Act of lB77. Pub. L. DEe2l7,Bl Btat. 1606. et req. (33 U.&C. 1161 et req.) (The Feder8l Water Pollution Control Aot Amendments of 1sR M unended by the Clean Water Act of 1Sn). (b) AS meuu the Adrnlnle ttmtor of the U.S. Environmental Pre t4xtion Agency. (c) Rcoronal A cbn)nlrltdor man6 one of the EPA Reqloti Admlnlatrat.or8. (d) MrccLor mean8 the Dlxwctor of the 8tat43 Agency 8uthorlsed to carry out an approved Natloti Pollutant Dlechvge Ellmlnatlon System Prosram under wctlon 4W of the Act. (e) Nutional Polhbnl Dixhuwe hlhination *stem (NPDFS) meana the IUtlond ryrtam for the imumce of germlta under aectlon UU of the Act and includea my Btrta o r lntarst~te WOgram which hy bum ap~~ved by the Admlnlrtamtor. in w h o l e o r in Put. pumuant to uxtlon 402 of the Act. (0 Lktecticm ltdt meana the mlnlmum concontrrtlon o f a n anal* (8ub rtu.tce)th8Ccuhtmme8auxd~~ portad with 8 8BX oonfldenoe that the anal* concentration L greater than zero m determined b y t h e &ure set forth at appendix B of thir out.