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DESCRIPTION 1/1551-COH 109 2069

Uen AJ
Tecrr|ca| Producl 0escr|pl|or

R83 320
Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2009. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission
of the copyright owner.
The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued
progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for
any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.
1 Document Introduction


Product Overview
2.1 Main Features
2.2 Optional Equipment




Space Requirements
4.1 Installation Requirements
4.2 Site Layout
4.3 Earthquake Requirements


5.1 Operating Environment
5.2 Ground Vibrations
5.3 Heat Dissipation
5.4 Acoustic Noise
5.5 Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Exposure
5.6 Materials


Radio Configurations
6.1 Frequency Bands
6.2 Output Power
6.3 Configurations
6.4 Power Supply
6.5 Software


Hardware Units
7.1 RBS Overviews
7.2 Hardware Units Descriptions


Connection Interfaces
8.1 Site Local Area Network (Optional) (Position A)
8.2 GPS Interface (Optional) (Position B)
8.3 Transmission Interface (Position C)
8.4 Power Interfaces (Position D)
8.5 External Alarm Interface (Position E)
8.6 Earth Grounding Interface (Position F)
8.7 Antenna Interface (Position G)
8.8 ESD Interface (Position H)
8.9 Co-siting Interface (Position J)


Power System
9.1 Fuse and Circuit Breaker Recommendations
9.2 Power Consumption






Standards, Regulations, and Dependability
12.1 Safety Standards
12.2 Other Standards and Regulations

0ocurerl lrlroducl|or
This document is a general description of the RBS 3206, including future expansions and
features not yet available. Section 6 describes the currently available configurations.
The RBS currently exists in three versions: RBS 3206 Mid-Size (RBS 3206M), RBS 3206
Full-Size (RBS 3206F) and RBS 3206 Extended (RBS 3206E).
This document applies to all the RBS types unless otherwise indicated.

2 Producl 0verv|eW
The RBS 3206 is an indoor macro RBS, based on the RBS 3000 R3 hardware, and a
member of the RBS 3000 family.
The figure below shows the two cabinet versions of the RBS 3206.

Figure 1 RBS 3206 Cabinet Versions
2.1 Ha|n Features
Not all features are supported by all RBS configurations. For current RBS configurations
see, Section 6.
The main features of RBS 3206 are the following:
A complete RBS in a four-subrack cabinet with a standard footprint.
Various Radio Units (RU), with power classes from 20 to 60 W.
Can be equipped and configured to support multiple frequency bands
RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: Can be configured for 1-6 sectors, with up to four carriers
per sector
RBS 3206M: Can be configured for 1-3 sectors, with up to two carriers per sector
Transport network interface boards, which support E1, T1, J1, E3, T3, STM-1/OC-3c,
STM-1/OC-3, or Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbps. Ethernet (optical or electrical) can be used
along with the other transmission types in Dual Stack configurations
Variable baseband capacity uplink and downlink. For RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E with up
to 1,536 Channel Elements (CE) and for RBS 3206M with up to 768 Channel Elements
Supports High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) including
4 Flexible distribution of HSDPA users per cell by capacity pooling
4 64-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (64 QAM)
4 Enhanced Uplink 2 ms Transmission Time Interval (EUL 2ms TTI)
4 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
Two-way RX diversity and two-way TX diversity
Power supply alternatives for RBS 3206E: +24 V DC, -48 V DC (two-wire), -48 V DC
(three-wire), and 120-250 V AC
Power supply alternatives for RBS 3206F: +24 V DC, -48 V DC (two-wire), -48 V DC
(three-wire), 120-250 V AC and optional prioritized power -48 V DC (two-wire)
Power supply alternative for RBS 3206M: -48 V DC (two-wire)
Supports external alarm equipment
Global Positioning System (GPS) as a synchronization source
Supports Ethernet-based site Local Area Networks (LAN) (optional)
Antenna sharing with GSM and TDMA systems
Supports GSM or WCDMA Tower-Mounted Amplifiers (TMA), Antenna System Controller
(ASC), RET Interface Unit (RIU) and Remote Electrical Tilt Units (RETU)
2.2 0pt|ona| Equ|pment
The following equipment is optional and can be ordered separately. It is not necessary
for basic RBS functions.
The optional equipment presented in this section is located outside the RBS. The optional
equipment located inside the RBS is described in Section 7 Hardware Units.
The GSM or WCDMA TMA, the ASC, the RIU, and the RETU are mast-mounted units
placed close to the antenna.
The TMA and the ASC are uplink amplifiers and improve the RX sensitivity.
The RETU enables remote tilt of the antenna system. An ASC or a RIU is required to
enable the RBS to communicate with the RETU. There also are 3GPP/AISG defined
components as ATMA and ARET.
EACU Including OVP
The External Alarm Connection Unit (EACU) is an alarm connection panel that includes
Overvoltage Protection (OVP) for external alarms and transmission.
3 0|rers|ors
This section describes the physical characteristics of the RBS; dimensions, weight, and
%able 1 RBS 3206 Dimensions
Dimensions (mm)
Unit RBS 3206M RBS 3206F RBS 3206E
Height (including
base frame)
1,850 1,850 1,950
Width 600 600 600
Depth 450
Type 1: 400
Type 2: 450
Depth including door 470 470 470
1) %e dept of te two cabinet types differs, see also Figure 3.

Figure 2 RBS 3206M Dimensons

Figure 3 RBS 3206F Dimensions for te %wo Cabinet Versions

Figure 4 RBS 3206E Dimensions
The various weights of the RBS 3206 are listed in Table 2.
%able 2 RBS 3206 Weigts
Unit Weight (kg)
RBS 3206M
Weight (kg)
RBS 3206F
Weight (kg)
RBS 3206E
RBS fully equipped 125 220 255
Base frame 12 12 12
The color of the RBS 3206 is listed in Table 3.
%able 3 RBS 3206 Color
Color Reference Number
White NCS 1002-R
3pace Requ|rererls
The following sections specify the space requirements for the RBS.
.1 |nsta||at|on Requ|rements
A minimum distance of 250 mm must be left between the cabinet and the cable ladder to
provide adequate working space and to ensure sufficient airflow.
A 300 mm space between the cable ladder and the ceiling is also recommended to
provide adequate working space.
For RBS 3206E and RBS 3206F type 1, the closed door protrudes 70 mm from the
For RBS 3206M and the RBS 3206F type 2, the closed door protrudes 20 mm from the
The installation requirements are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Installation Requirements
The base frame can be used as a template to mark new holes which are 12 mm in

Figure 6 Drill Pattern
.2 8|te Layout
The RBS is installed on the floor and can be positioned as a free standing RBS without
contact with other cabinets against walls, back-to-back, or side-to-side with other
A minimum space of 1000 mm is recommended in front of the cabinet to avoid
obstructing the door and to provide adequate working space. The door can be right or
left hung for RBS 3206F, type 1 and RBS 3206E, but only left hung for RBS 3206M and
RBS 3206F, type 2. The door projects 600 mm in front of the RBS when it is opened.
All maintenance work can be performed with the door opened at 90.

Figure 7 Site Layout wit Expansion Dotted Lines) Considered
.3 Earthquake Requ|rements
If the RBS is required to fulfill earthquake zone requirements the space between wall and
cabinet must be at least 100 mm and the space between cabinets must be at least 150
This section contains information about environmental data and requirements.
.1 0perat|ng Env|ronment
Normal operating conditions for the RBS are listed in Table 4.
%able 4 Normal Operating Conditions
Measurement Normal Operation
Temperature +5 to +40C
Relative humidity 5 to 85%
Absolute humidity 1 to 25 g/m

Maximum temperature change 0.5C/min
.2 Cround V|brat|ons
The RBS is designed to resist seismic exposure according to test method IEC/EN 60 068-
2-57. Table 5 lists the vibration resistance.
%able 5 Vibration Resistance
Random Vibrations
Normal operation Max. 0.02 m /s
Exceptional operation Max. 0.08 m /s
Non-destruction Max. 0.15 m /s
Shock Max. 30 m/s
Non-Destructive Seismic Exposure
Maximum level of Required Response
Spectrum (RRS)

50 m/s within 2 to 5 Hz
Test frequency 1 to 35 Hz
Time history Verteq II
1) Defined in figure 1, table 13 in E%S 300-019-2-3.
.3 heat 0|ss|pat|on
The heat dissipation value given in this section is intended only to form the basis of the
dimensioning of the site-cooling system. The value represents the worst-case power
consumption of a fully equipped RBS, taking into account optional equipment and future
For power consumption during traffic, refer to Section 9.2, where typical and maximum
power consumption is given for each configuration.
Table 6 lists the maximum heat dissipation from the RBS.
%able 6 Maximum Heat Dissipation
RBS Type Maximum Heat Dissipation (kW)
RBS 3206M 1.5
RBS 3206F 3.4
RBS 3206E 4.2
. Acoust|c No|se
The acoustic noise levels correspond to a fully equipped RBS and are measured for
typical traffic according to ISO 3741.
%able 7 Sound Power Levels
Temperature (C) Maximum Sound Power Levels (Bel)
+20C 5.5
+25C 5.5
+30C 5.8
+40C 6.6
. Rad|o Frequency E|ectromagnet|c Exposure
This section provides information on Radio Frequency (RF) Electromagnetic Field (EMF)
exposure from a typical antenna connected to the RBS.
5.5.1 Compliance Boundaries for Electromagnetic Exposure
The compliance boundary defines the minimum separations that should be kept between
the antenna and a person to ensure that the ICNIRP
and FCC
2, 3
RF exposure limits are
not exceeded.
ICNIRP, Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and
electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz), International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection, Healt Pysics, vol. 74, no. 4, 1998.
FCC, Code of Federal Regulations CFR title 47, part 1.1310 Radio frequency radiation
exposure limits, Federal Communications Commission FCC), August 1997.
%e values in %able A1 ave been determined using te ICNIRP reference levels but are
applicable also for te FCC maximum permissible exposure MPE) limits.
Ericsson has performed RF exposure assessments of typical configurations of the RBS
with two recommended antennas. The resulting dimensions, in meters, for a compliance
boundary for both public and occupational exposure are listed in Table 8.
The compliance boundary is defined as a cylinder surrounding the antenna, see Figure 8.
The antenna is not located at the center of the cylinder. Instead it is located almost at
the edge, facing towards the center of the cylinder. The distance between the back of
the antenna and the cylinder is the "distance behind antenna. The height of the cylinder
is the antenna height plus equal distances above and below the antenna.

Figure 8 Cylindrical Compliance Boundary
%able 8 Compliance Boundary Dimensions for General Public GP) and Occupational O)
Exposure for %ypical Configurations
Mode and Configuration Dimensions of Cylindrical Compliance
Boundary (m)
Diameter Height Distance
Three-sector Configurations GP O GP O GP O
WCDMA 850 3x1, 40 W 4.1 1.6 1.5 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 20 W 4.1 1.6 1.5 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
3x1, 60 W 5.0 2.1 1.6 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 30 W 5.0 2.1 1.6 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 40 W 5.8 2.5 1.7 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
, 20/40 W 5.8 2.5 1.7 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 20 W 5.8 2.5 1.7 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 60 W 7.1 3.1 1.8 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
, 30/60 W 7.1 3.1 1.8 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 30 W 7.1 3.1 1.8 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 900 31, 40 W 3.7 1.2 1.4 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
32, 20 W 3.7 1.2 1.4 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
32, 40 W 5.3 2.2 1.6 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
, 20/40 W 5.3 2.2 1.6 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 20 W 5.3 2.2 1.6 1.3 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 1900 3x1, 40 W 2.0 0.4 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 20 W 2.0 0.4 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 40 W 4.5 0.8 1.5 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x3, 20/40 W 4.5 0.8 1.5 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 20 W 4.5 0.8 1.5 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 2100 31, 20 W 0.9 0.3 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
31, 30 W 1.4 0.4 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
31, 40 W 2.0 0.4 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
32, 30 W 2.4 0.6 1.5 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 40 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
, 20/40 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 20 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x3, 30 W 4.8 0.9 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 60 W 5.8 1.1 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
, 30/60 W 5.8 1.1 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 30 W 5.8 1.1 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 1700/2100 3x1, 40 W 2.0 0.4 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x2, 40 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
, 20/40 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
3x4, 20 W 4.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
Six-sector Configurations
WCDMA 850 6x1, 40 W 6.1 1.1 2.4 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 20 W 6.1 1.1 2.4 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
6x1, 60 W 8.1 1.7 2.5 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 30 W 8.1 1.7 2.5 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 900 61, 40 W 6.2 1.1 2.4 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
62, 20 W 6.2 1.1 2.4 2.3 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 1900 6x1, 40 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 20 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 2100 6x1, 20 W 1.9 0.3 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x1, 30 W 3.4 0.5 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x1, 40 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 20 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x1, 60 W 5.7 1.2 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 30 W 5.7 1.2 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
WCDMA 1700/2100 6x1, 40 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
6x2, 20 W 4.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 <0.1 <0.1
1) Maximum output power for a 3x3 configuration were one antenna branc ave
two carriers wit te power per carrier and te oter branc ave full power on one
Table 8 shows examples for specified typical antennas. As the antenna field distributions
will differ, complete calculations or measurements may be necessary to establish the
compliance boundary for other configurations chosen by the customer. For further
information on calculation methods, see Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, RBS
2000 and RBS 3000, guidelines, Safety information, EN/LZT 720 0399.

The expanded uncertainty (k=2) is 2 dB for the underlying calculations of the power
density used for assessment of the compliance boundary dimensions listed in Table 8.

Characteristics of the antenna recommended for typical RBS 3206 configurations are
listed in Table 9.
%able 9 Caracteristics for %ypical Antennas
X-pol macro RBS
sector antenna
(KRE 101 1797/1)
X-pol macro RBS
sector antenna
(KRE 101 1985/1)
X-pol macro RBS
antenna (KRE
101 2009/1)
X-pol macro RBS
antenna (KRE
101 1977/1)
Height (m)
1.3 1.3 2.3 1.3
Beam Width
65 65 33 33
Antenna Gain
15.5 18 21 21
0 0 0 0
The maximum power to the antenna for the RBS, is given in Table 10.
%able 10 %otal Power to te Antenna for %ypical RBS Configurations
Mode RBS
Power per
Total Power
Delivered to
Antenna (dBm
/ W)

WCDMA 850 3x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x1, 60 W 47.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
3x2, 30 W 44.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
3x2, 40 W 46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
20/40 W 43.0/46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x4, 20 W 43.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x2, 60 W 47.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
30/60 W 44.8/47.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
3x4, 30 W 44.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
6x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x1, 60 W 47.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
6x2, 30 W 44.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
WCDMA 900 3x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 40 W 46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x4, 20 W 43.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
20/40 W 43.0/46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
6x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
WCDMA 1900 3x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 40 W 46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
20/40 W 43.0/46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x4, 20 W 43.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
6x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
WCDMA 2100 3x1, 20 W 43.0 43.0 41.0 / 12.6
3x1, 30 W 44.8 44.8 42.8 / 19.0
3x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x1, 60 W 47.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
3x2, 30 W 44.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
3x2, 40 W 46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
20/40 W 43.0/46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x4, 20 W 43.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x3, 30 W 44.8 49.6 47.6 / 57.2
3x2, 60 W 47.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
30/60 W 44.8/47.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
3x4, 30 W 44.8 50.8 48.8 / 75.9
6x1, 20 W 43.0 43.0 41.0 / 12.6
6x1, 30 W 44.8 44.8 42.8 / 19.1
6x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x1, 60 W 47.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
6x2, 30 W 44.8 47.8 45.8 / 38.1
3x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
3x2, 40 W 46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
20/40 W 43.0/46.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
3x4, 20 W 43.0 49.0 47.0 / 50.1
6x1, 40 W 46.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
6x2, 20 W 43.0 46.0 44.0 / 25.1
1) Including power tolerance level 1dB) and transmission losses -3dB).
2) Maximum output power for a 3x3 configuration were one antenna branc ave two
carriers wit 1/2 te power per carrier and te oter branc ave full power on one
. Hater|a|s
The materials in the RBS are managed through the Ericsson lists of banned and
restricted substances based on legal and market requirements.
Rad|o orl|gural|ors
This section presents information about available frequency bands, output powers,
maximum configurations, power supply, and software for the different versions of RBS
.1 Frequency ands
Table 11 lists the available frequency bands for each version of RBS 3206.
%able 11 Available Frequency Bands for RBS 3206
SW Version RBS 3206 Version Available Frequency Bands
P5 onwards RBS 3206M 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2100 MHz,
and 1700/2100 MHz
RBS 3206F 850, 900 MHz, and 2100 MHz
Dual-band: 2100 and 850 MHz
Dual-band: 2100 and 900 MHz
RBS 3206E 850 MHz, 1900 MHz, and 1700/2100 MHz
Dual-band: 1900 and 850 MHz
Dual-band: 2100 and 850 MHz
.2 0utput Power
Table 12 lists information about available output power per carrier for each frequency.
For more information about available output power alternatives, see Hardware
Configuration Data.
%able 12 Available Output Power per Carrier
3GPP Frequency Band Output Power per
2100 Band I 20, 30, 40, or 60
1900 Band II 20 or 40
1700/2100 Band IV 20 or 40
850 Band V 20, 30, 40, or 60
900 Band VIII 20 or 40
.3 6onf|gurat|ons
For RBS 3206M the maximum available configuration is 3x2.
For RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E the maximum available configuration is 3x4 or 6x2. The
maximum configuration for dual band is 3x2 + 3x2.
For more information about available radio and baseband configurations see Hardware
Configuration Data.
For information on TX Diversity configurations, refer to Expanding for TX Diversity.
. Power 8upp|y
The RBS 3206M is available with a two-wire -48 V DC power system.
The RBS 3206E is available with either a two-wire -48 V DC, a +24 V DC power system
or an AC power system.
The RBS 3206F is available with either a two-wire -48 V DC (with optional prioritized -48
V DC), +24 V DC power system or an AC power system.
. 8oftware
For software dependencies, see Compatibilities For Hardware and Software.
lardWare ur|ls
This section contains information on both standard and optional hardware units based on
a fully equipped RBS 3206. An overview of the various RBS 3206 types is followed by
brief descriptions of the hardware units.
Some hardware units may not yet be available, and the maximum number of boards and
units may refer to future expansions. The currently available configurations are
described in Section 6.

.1 R8 0verv|ews
This section briefly describes the standard hardware units required, regardless of
configuration or frequency.
7.1.1 RBS 3206M
The various parts of the RBS 3206M are shown in Figure 9 and listed in Table 13.

Figure 9 RBS 3206M Hardware Units
%able 13 RBS 3206M Hardware Units
Position Description
A Connection Field (CF)
B Fan
C Fan Control Unit (FCU)
D Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
E Filter subrack
The filter subrack contains the following:
Filter Unit (FU)

F The radio subrack contains the following:
Radio Unit (RU)

Radio subrack also includes the digital casette, see below
G Digital cassette:
Control Base Unit (CBU)
Exchange Terminal (ET) board
Random Access and Receiver (RAX) board
Transmitter (TX) board
Radio Unit Interface (RUIF)
Unused slots must always contain a dummy board or dummy unit.

7.1.2 RBS 3206F
The various parts of the RBS 3206F are shown in Figure 10 and listed in Table 14.

Figure 10 RBS 3206F Hardware Units
%able 14 RBS 3206F Hardware Units
Position Description
A Connection Field (CF)
B Fan
C Fan Control Unit (FCU)
D Type 1 cabinet: DC filter or +24
Type 2 cabinet: Alternating Curre
or Power Distributi
E Filter subrack
The filter subrack contains the fo
Filter Unit (FU)
Dummy board
F Radio subrack
The radio subrack contains the fo
Radio Unit (RU)
Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
G Digital subrack which contains th
Control Base Unit (CBU)
Exchange Terminal (ET) board
Random Access and Receiver (RA
Transmitter (TX) board
Radio Unit Interface (RUIF)
H Power subrack or space for optio
J Busbar
K Type 1 cabinet: Alternating Curre
Type 2 cabinet: DC filter or +24
1) See Figure 3
2) %e PDU-03 is used to connect incoming -48 V DC prioritized power.
7.1.3 RBS 3206E
The various parts of the RBS 3206E are shown in Figure 11 and listed in Table 15.

Figure 11 RBS 3206E Hardware Units
%able 15 RBS 3206E Hardware Units
A Connection
Field (CF)
B Fan
C Fan Control Unit (FCU)
D DC filter or
+24 V DC
Unit (DCCU)
E Filter subrack, which contains the following:
Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
Filter Unit (FU)
F Radio subrack 6RU, which contains the following:
Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
Radio Unit (RU)
G Digital subrack, which contains the following:
Control Base Unit (CBU)
Exchange Terminal (ET) board
Random Access and Receiver (RAX) board
Transmitter (TX) board
Radio Unit Interface (RUIF)
H Radio subrack 3RU, which contains RUs
J Power subrack, which contains the following:
Auxiliary Unit Hub (AUH)
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
K Busbar
L Alternating Current Connection Unit (ACCU) or three-wire -48 V DCCU
.2 hardware Un|ts 0escr|pt|ons
This section contains brief descriptions of the hardware units.
The positions in the subsequent subsections refer to the positions in the figures in
Section 7.1.

The section applies to all the RBS 3206 types unless otherwise indicated.
7.2.1 Connection Field (Position A)
The CF and other connection interfaces are described in Section 8 Connection Interfaces.
7.2.2 Fan (Position B)
The fans cool the RBS. They are situated behind the power connection unit (or PDU in
RBS 3206M) and the FCU and are accessible from the top of the RBS.
Number of fans, RBS 3206M: 2
Number of fans, RBS 3206E and RBS 3206F: 3
7.2.3 Fan Control Unit (Position C)
The FCU is used to control the fans and to connect the External Alarm Connection Unit
(EACU). The FCU communicates with the CBU through the Enclosure Control (EC) bus.
7.2.4 Power Connection Unit or PDU-03 (Position D, K, or L)
Numerous power connections are possible:
For RBS 3206E and RBS 3206F:
The +24 V DCCU is used to connect incoming +24 V DC power.
The -48 V (three-wire) DCCU is used to connect incoming -48 V DC (three-wire) power.
The DC filter is used to connect incoming -48 V DC (two-wire) power.
The ACCU is used to connect incoming 120-250 V AC power.
The DC filter is used to connect optional external battery backup when the RBS is
powered by AC.
For RBS 3206F
In combination with the DC filter the optional PDU-03 is used to connect incoming -48 V
DC prioritized power and to provide power to the CBU, ET-boards, and necessary cooling
equipment when the RBS is exposed to a power outage.
For RBS 3206M:
The PDU-03 supplies the RU, the FCU, and the digital cassette (through the CBU) with -
48 V DC power. The supply to the CBU has 10 ms hold-up. The PDU contains circuit
7.2.5 Filter Subrack (Position E)
The filter subrack contains filter units, which are described in the section below. The
RBS 3206E contains an additional PDU in this subrack.
Filter Unit
The FU contains RX and TX filters, duplexer and a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA). It also
handles the RF carrier splitting.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1 - 3
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 6
Power Distribution Unit for RBS 3206E
If the cabinet is configured with more than six RUs then the filter subrack contains
another PDU in addition to the PDU in the Radio Subrack, see Section 7.2.6.
Number of units: 1
7.2.6 Radio Subrack (Position F)
The radio subrack, which contains most of the Radio Frequency (RF) processing
hardware, handles the following:
Digital to Analog (D/A) and Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion
RF modulation and demodulation
RF carrier combining
The following sections briefly describe the boards in the subrack.
Radio Unit
The RU contains the Transceiving Receiving Processing (TRP) function with clipping, and
the Power Amplifier (PA). The RU supports single-carrier or multicarrier configurations.
The RU supplies the FU with power.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1 - 3
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 6
Power Distribution Unit for RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E
For RBS 3206M, the PDU is located in the upper part of the cabinet close to the CF, see
Figure 9 and the description in Section 7.2.4.

The PDU supplies the RU and the digital subrack (through the CBU) with -48 V DC
power. The supply to the CBU has 10 ms hold-up. The PDU contains circuit breakers.
Number of units: 1
Digital Cassette for RBS 3206M
The digital cassette for the RBS 3206M corresponds to the digital subrack for the
RBS 3206F or RBS 3206E but is half the size of the digital subrack. The hardware units
are described in Section 7.2.7.
7.2.7 Digital Subrack for RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E (Position G) and
Digital Cassette for RBS 3206M (Position G)
The digital subrack functions handle dedicated and common channels to User Equipment
The digital subrack consists of an interface for connection to a Radio Network Controller
(RNC), a Main Processor (MP), and the external Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
interface termination. It also contains all functions in the baseband domain, except for
average output power limiter, power clipping, and delay and gain adjustment, which are
all located in the radio subrack.
The digital subrack includes a backplane.
The following sections give a brief description of the boards in the subrack.
Control Base Unit
The CBU implements the following:
An MP for control
An ATM switch for all boards connected to the backplane in the digital subrack
A Timing Unit (TU), which provides clock signals for synchronization
An ET board function, which provides 4 E1, T1, or J1 ports to the transmission network
Power supply to the digital subrack
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 2
Exchange Terminal Board (Optional)
The ET board implements transmission ports. ET boards can be used when the CBU does
not have enough ports, or when another type of transmission standard is required.
Several types of boards are available:
ET-MC1, implements 8 E1, T1, or J1 ports per board
ET-M3, implements 2 E3 or T3 ports per board
ET-M4, implements 2 STM-1 or OC-3c ports per board
ET-MC41s, implements 1 Channelized STM-1 or OC-3 port per board
ET-MFX11, implements 6 Electrical 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet connectors and 1 Optical
1000 Mbps Ethernet connector per board.
ET-MFX14, implements 1 Electrical 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet connector and 6 Optical
1000 Mbps Ethernet connectors per board.
ET-PSW, implements 1 10/100 Mbps Electrical Ethernet and 1 100 Mbps Optical Ethernet
connector per board
The ET-MFX board can be used together with the other ATM ET boards for Dual Stack
transmission. Without using other ATM ET boards, Ethernet can be used together with
E1/T1/J1 connections on the CBU.
If more than four ET boards are added, baseband capacity has to be reduced.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 0 - 4
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 0 - 8
Number of units: 0-1 (For ET-PSW and ET-MFX)
Random Access and Receiver Board
The RAX board implements the uplink digital processing and is available with different
Channel Element (CE) capacities.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1 - 6
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 12
The total maximum number of ET and RAX boards in the digital cassette of RBS 3206M,
or in the left part of the digital subrack of RBS 3206E or RBS 3206F, is 8. In addition
there can be two ET boards in the right part of the digital subrack of RBS 3206E or
RBS 3206F.

Transmitter Board
The TX board implements the downlink digital processing. TX boards are available with
different CE capacities.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1 - 2
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 4
Radio Unit Interface
The RUIF contains point-to-point connections through cables to the RUs. The RUIF is
connected to the ATM backplane in the digital subrack.
Number of units, RBS 3206M: 1
Number of units, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E: 1 - 2
7.2.8 Power Subrack for RBS 3206F (Position H) and RBS 3206E (Position 1)
The power subrack contains the PSUs and the AUH. The following sections briefly
describe the units in the subrack.
Power Supply Unit
The PSU converts incoming voltage to -48 V DC system voltage. The PSU communicates
with the CBU through the EC bus and is a required unit when the RBS is equipped with a
DCCU or ACCU power connection unit.
Number of units: 0 - 4
Auxiliary Unit Hub
The AUH is used to connect auxiliary units to the EC bus. The AUH is a required unit
when the RBS is equipped with PSUs.
Number of units: 0 - 1
7.2.9 Optional Equipment for RBS 3206F (Position H) and RBS 3206M
(Position G)
For RBS 3206F:
A space for optional equipment is provided that can be used for optional site
transmission equipment or, as it is described in Section 7.2.8, internal power supply
units in the RBS. The space is 6 U high and 19 inches wide, and it extends 250 mm
behind and 50 mm in front of the 19-inch mounting rails. There are 40 mm spaces for
cables at the front and the rear. 300 W is reserved in the power consumption budget and
150 W for heat dissipation.
7.2.10 Busbar for RBS 3206F (Position 1) and RBS 3206E (Position K)
The busbar distributes internal -48 V DC power to all units inside the RBS.
8 Connection Interfaces
This section contains information about the interfaces of the RBS 3206. As the interfaces
described in this section have the same positions in all three RBS variants, the section is
relevant for RBS 3206M, RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E. The connection interfaces are
shown in Figure 12 and in Table 16.

Figure 12 Connection Interfaces Example: RBS 3206E)
%able 16 Connection Interfaces for All RBS 3206 Variants
Position Description
A Site Local Area Network (LAN) (optional)
B Global Positioning System (GPS) interface (optional)
C Transmission interface
D Power connection interface
E External alarm interface
F Earthing grounding interface
G Antenna interface
H Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) interface
J Co-siting interface
There is space for ten outlet plates in the Connection Field (CF), five on each side of the
cabinet. The numbering and lettering are as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 Modular CF
The CF is modular and alternative plates can be used for different purposes. The
uppermost plate, rows L to M, can be replaced with an alternative plate containing four
rows, N to U. For very large configurations with more than 12 RJ-45 connectors on one
side, the three plates containing rows C to H can be replaced by one large alternative
plate containing 16 RJ-45 connectors, rows A to H.
Since the CF is modular, all figures showing the CF in the following sections must be
considered as examples.

8.1 Site Local Area Network (Optional) (Position A)
Site LAN is used to communicate with the Base Station Element Management (BEM). The
Site LAN interface in the CF can occupy two positions: M1 and M2, shown in Figure 14.
The interface in the CF consists of an RJ-45 connector. How to connect a client to the CF
is described in Hardware Maintenance Instructions.

Figure 14 Site LAN Interface
8.2 GPS Interface (Optional) (Position B)
The RBS can be optionally connected to a GPS unit, which is used for timing
synchronization of the RBS. The GPS unit is connected to the CF and then routed to the
CBU. The GPS interface can occupy two positions in the CF: L1 and L3. The interface in
the CF consists of a 9-pin D-sub connector, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 GPS Interface
8.3 Transmission Interface (Position C)
Numerous transmission alternatives are available. The alternatives with their
corresponding cable types are summarized in Table 17.
For more information about transmission standards, see Section 10.
%able 17 %ransmission Cables
Transmission Standard Cable Type Cable Impedance ( )
E1 Balanced lines 120, twisted pair
Coaxial 75
E3 Coaxial 75
T1 Balanced lines 100, twisted pair
T3 Coaxial 75
J1 Balanced lines 100, twisted pair
Balanced lines 110, twisted pair
STM-1/OC-3c and STM-
Optical fibre Single mode
Ethernet (electrical) Balanced lines 100, twisted pair
Ethernet (optical) Optical fibre Single mode
Ethernet (optical) Optical fibre Multi mode, 50 &mgr;m core
Ethernet (optical) Optical fibre Multi mode, 62,5 &mgr;m
The RBS transmission ports are designed without primary overvoltage and overcurrent
protection and must not be exposed to overvoltage that exceeds the values given in the
following standards:
ITU-T K.20, Table 7 Basic level, concerns ports that are connected to ET-M3 boards
ITU-T K.45, concerns ports that are connected to the CBU and to the ET-MC1 boards
An External Alarm Connection Unit (EACU) equipped with overvoltage protection for
transmission can be used when additional protection against overvoltage is required.

E1, T1, and 11
The connection interface in the CF can be equipped with up to 32 female RJ-45
connectors. Internal connections are made between the connection interface and the
CBU and between the connection interface and any optional ET-MC1 boards in the digital

Figure 16 E1, %1, or J1 %ransmission Interface
To support 75 cable impedance the RBS can be delivered with up to four transmission
adapters (Miniwift) installed in the CF. The transmission adapter, which consists of eight
BNC connectors, is a converter between the 75 coaxial interface and the 120 twisted
pair aimed for the E1 interface. The signal is transformed to 120 in the transmission
adapter and routed to the ET board.

Figure 17 E1 75 %ransmission Interface
STM-1/OC-3c and STM-1/OC-3 (Optional)
The STM-1/OC-3c and STM-1/OC-3 connection interface in the CF is equipped with four
optical SC connectors. An internal connection is made between the CF and the optional
ET-M4, or ET-MC41s board in the digital subrack.

Figure 18 S%M-1/OC-3c and S%M-1/OC-3 %ransmission Interface
E3 and T3 (Optional)
The E3 and T3 connection interface in the CF is equipped with four BNC connectors. An
internal connection is made between the CF and the optional ET-M3 board in the digital

Figure 19 E3 and %3 %ransmission Interface
Ethernet, electrical (Optional)
The ET-MFX or ET-PSW connection interface in the CF is equipped with RJ-45 female
connectors. An internal connection is made between the CF and the ET-MFX or the ET-
PSW board in the digital subrack.

Figure 20 Electrical %ransmission Interface
Ethernet, optical (Optional)
The Ethernet connection interface in the CF is equipped with optical connectors. An
internal connection is made between the CF and the optional ET-MFX or ET-PSW board in
the digital subrack. The interface is shown in Figure 21.
Only LC connectors handle optical connection.

Figure 21 Optical %ransmission Interface
8.4 Power Interfaces (Position D)
Numerous power connection interfaces are currently available and described in the
sections below.
8.4.1 +24 V DC
This alternative is available for RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E.
The incoming +24 V DC power is connected by screw terminals to the power switch in
the DC Connection Unit (DCCU). Each Power Supply Unit (PSU) is connected with two
cables (a pair). The power interface accepts cables with an area up to 35 mm , and a
minimum cable area of 25 mm is recommended. The maximum allowed fuse rating for
a cable area of 25 mm is 75 A. All cables must consist of multiple strands.
There are two variants of screw terminals for incoming +24 V DC power cables. Only one
variant is shown in Figure 22. For more information about the two variants, see
Installation Instruction.

Figure 22 +24 V DCCU
8.4.2 -48 V DC
RBS 3206M
The incoming two-wire -48 V DC power is connected by screw terminals to a PDU-03.
The power cable must consist of multiple strands and have a cross-sectional area of 35-
70 mm .

Figure 23 PDU-03
RBS 3206F
The incoming -48 V DC prioritized power is connected by screw terminals to a PDU-03.
The power cable must consist of multiple strands and have a cross-sectional area of 35-
70 mm .

Figure 24 PDU-03
RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E
The incoming two-wire -48 V DC power is connected by screw terminals to a DC filter.
The power cable must consist of multiple strands and have a cross-sectional area of at
least 35 mm . There are two variants of the DC filter.
For an AC-powered RBS 3206, the optional battery backup is connected to the DC filter.

Figure 25 DC Filter Location Depends on te %ype of Cabinet)
8.4.3 AC
This alternative is available for RBS 3206E and RBS 3206F.
The incoming AC power and protective ground are connected by screw terminals in the
AC Connection Unit (ACCU). Each Power Supply Unit (PSU) is connected with two cables
(a pair). The power interface accepts cables with an area between 1.5 mm and 2.5 mm
The maximum allowed fuse rating for a cable area of 2.5 mm is 16 A. All cables must
consist of multiple strands.

Figure 26 ACCU Location Depends on te %ype of Cabinet)
8.5 External Alarm Interface (Position E)
The external alarm interface to the EACU is located on the Fan Control Unit (FCU) and
consists of a 10-pin RJ-45 connector. The interface contains both power and control

Figure 27 External Alarm Interface
8.6 Earth Grounding Interface (Position F)
All equipment must be connected to the same site Main Earth Terminal (MET) inside the
equipment room, using a 35 mm earth grounding cable.
The earth grounding point is located on the top of the RBS and consists of an M8 stud,
nut and washer.

Figure 28 Eart Grounding Interface
8.7 Antenna Interface (Position G)
The antenna jumpers are routed through the antenna jumper inlet and connected
directly to the Filter Units (FU). The antenna connection interface on the FU consists of a
7/16 connector.
The FUs in the RBS 3206M is located to the right in the cabinet.

Figure 29 Antenna Interface
The tables below describes the connection between the FU and the antenna.
%able 18 Configuration 31 for RB
FU / FU Connector
FU 1 / A
FU 1 / B
FU 2 / A
FU 2 / B
FU 3 / A
FU 3 / B

%able 19 Configuration 31 and 6
FU / FU Connector
FU 1 / A
FU 1 / B
FU 3 / A
FU 3 / B
FU 5 / A
FU 5 / B
FU 2 / A
FU 2 / B
FU 4 / A
FU 4 / B
FU 6 / A
FU 6 / B

%able 20 Configuration 32 for all
FU / FU Connector
FU 1 / A
FU 1 / B
FU 3 / A
FU 3 / B
FU 5 / A
FU 5 / B

%able 21 Configuration 32 for RB
wit RU21 6 RUs and 6 FUs)
FU / FU Connector
FU 1 / A
FU 2 / A
FU 3 / A
FU 4 / A
FU 5 / A
FU 6 / A

%able 22 Configuration 31+31
FU / FU Connector
FU 1 / A band 1
FU 1 / B band 1
FU 2 / A band 2
FU 2 / B band 2
FU 3 / A band 1
FU 3 / B band 1
FU 4 / A band 2
FU 4 / B band 2
FU 5 / A band 1
FU 5 / B band 1
FU 6 / A band 2
FU 6 / B band 2
8.8 ESD Interface (Position H)
The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) interface provides two connection points each
consisting of a BS 3/8-inch input for the ESD wrist strap. The wrist strap protects boards
and units from being damaged by electrostatic discharge from the person working with
the board or unit. The ESD wrist strap connector is located on the antenna jumper inlet.

Figure 30 ESD Interface
8.9 Co-siting Interface (Position 1)
Cables for co-siting are routed through the cable inlet and connected to the QMA
connectors on the FU. There are one to three QMA connectors depending on the type of

Figure 31 Co-Siting Connection Interface
Power System
This section describes the power system alternatives that are currently available. The
values in this section apply to RBSs operating at 2100 MHz, 1900, 1700/2100, 850, and
900 MHz.
The following power system alternatives are available:
+24 V DC
The RBS transforms the incoming power to -48 V DC, which is the voltage that
runs the RBS units.
The RBS transforms the incoming power to -48 V DC, which is the voltage that
runs the RBS units.
Two-wire -48 V DC
Table 23 lists the incoming DC voltage requirements. Table 24lists the incoming DC
voltage requirements.
%able 23 Incoming DC Voltage Requirements
RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E RBS 3206M
Description +24 V DC -48 V DC -48 V DC
Nominal voltage +24 V DC -48 V DC -48 V DC
Operating voltage
+20,5 to +29 V DC -40 to -57.6 V DC -40 to -57.6 V DC
0 to +30 V DC 0 to -60 V DC 0 to -60 V DC

%able 24 Incoming AC Voltage Requirements
RBS 3206F and RBS 3206E
Description AC
Nominal Operating Range Tolerance Range
Nominal voltage 120 to 250 V AC 108 to 275 V AC
Non-destructive range 0 to 275 V AC 0 to 300 V AC
Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
The RBS must be protected by an external fuse and a main switch.
9.1 Fuse and Circuit Breaker Recommendations
This section contains information about recommended fuses and circuit breakers.
The recommendations given in this section are based on peak power consumption and
gives no information on power consumption during normal operation.
For power consumption during traffic refer to Section 9.2, where the typical and high-
load power consumption are given for each configuration.
The table below shows the fuse or circuit breaker recommendations. If the
recommended fuse size is not available a larger size must be used.
The recommended melting fuse type is am-gL-gG in accordance with IEC 60269-1.
Circuit breakers must comply with at least Curve C (AC) or Curve 3 (DC) tripping
characteristics, in accordance with IEC 609 34.
For details about fuse ratings related to cable areas refer to Section 8.4.
%able 25 Fuse/Circuit Breaker Recommendations
RBS Type Number of
Fuse Rating
Recommended for
Reliable Operation (A)

Maximum Allowed Fuse
Rating (A)

+24 V
n=2-4 PSU n80 n100

-48 V
RBS 3206M
3 RU 50 80
-48 V
RBS 3206E
RBS 3206F
3 RU 50 150
6 RU 80
DC-powered 3 RU Prioritized load, 30 Prioritized load, 30
-48 V
Prioritized power
(Main load, 50) (Main load, 150)
6 RU Prioritized load, 30
(Main load, 80)
200-250 V
n=2-4 PSU

n10 n16
n=2-4 PSU

n15 n16
1) %e recommended fuse rating corresponds to peak load. For an RBS wit an internal
fuse or circuit breaker selectivity is granted.
2) %e absolute maximum fuse class in accordance wit RBS design restrictions.
3) Cables wit min. 35 mm
cross-sectional area are required.
4) It is recommended tat te PSUs are connected to different pases wen possible.
If the site is exposed to lightning or network transients, an Ericsson
recommended Surge Protection Device (SPD) with minimum a 32 A melting fuse
(type am-gL-gG) must be installed in the AC mains supply. For a circuit breaker
40 A (Curve C) is applicable.

9.2 Power Consumption
This section contains the power consumption figures for the RBS. The power
consumption figures shown in this section refer to normal operation during
traffic and use of the latest hardware revision.
Typical power consumption values are based on a realistic, typical traffic
distribution that corresponds to an average output power of 40%. Cooling
conditions are based on +25C. Optional equipment is not included.
High-load power consumption values corresponds to 100% of maximum
output power. Cooling conditions are based on +25C. Optional equipment
is not included.
Table 26 lists the power consumption values describes the power classes
that are currently available. The power consumption values refer to -48 V
DC power supply, other alternatives give typically additionally 0.2-0.3 kW
higher values.
%able 26 Power Consumption by Configuration
Typical Power
Consumption (kW)
High-Load Power
Consumption (kW)
31 850 MHz 40 W 0.9 1.2
850 MHz 60 W 0.8 1.2
900 MHz 20 W 0.5 0.7
900 MHz 40 W 0.7 1.0
40 W 0.7 1.0
1900 MHz 40 W 0.9 1.2
2100 MHz 20 W 0.5 0.7
2100 MHz 30 W 0.6 0.9
2100 MHz 40 W 0.7 1.0
2100 MHz 60 W 0.8 1.3
32 (6 RU)
61 (6 RU)
850 MHz 40 W 1.6 2.2
850 MHz 60 W 1.4 2.3
900 MHz 20 W 0.9 1.2
900 MHz 40 W 1.2 1.8
40 W 1.3 1.9
1900 MHz 40 W 1.7 2.3
2100 MHz 20 W 0.9 1.2
2100 MHz 30 W 1.1 1.6
2100 MHz 40 W 1.2 1.8
2100 MHz 60 W 1.4 2.4
31 + 31 850/1900 MHz 40 W 1.7 2.3
32 (3 RU) 850 MHz 20 W 0.9 1.2
850 MHz 30 W 0.8 1.2
900 MHz 20 W 0.7 1.0
20 W 0.7 1.0
1900 MHz 20 W 0.9 1.2
2100 MHz 20 W 0.7 1.0
2100 MHz 30 W 0.8 1.3
1) Minimum equipped.
This section describes the transmission standards supported by the RBS.
The RBS can be located at any point of a transport network. For example, it
can act as an end node, a hub node, in a cascade, or in a ring.
The following transmission alternatives are available:
E1, T1, and J1 (electrical transmission)
STM-1/OC-3c (optical transmission)
Channelized STM-1/OC-3 (optical transmission)
E3 and T3 (electrical transmission)
Ethernet (Optical or Electrical Transmission)
The transmission standards are listed in Table 27.
%able 27 %ransmission Standards
Transmission Transmission Cable Cable Type Physical Layer
Standard Capacity
Impedance (
E1 2.0 120, twisted
Balanced lines ETSI G.703 &
G.704/G.703 (ITU-T)
75 Coaxial G.703 (ITU-T)
E3 34 75 Coaxial G.703
T1 1.5 100, twisted
Balanced lines ANSI T1.403/G.703
T3 45 75 Coaxial G.703
J1 1.5 100, twisted
Balanced lines Japan JT-
1.5 110, twisted
Balanced lines Japan JT-G.703 &
and STM-1/OC-
155 Single mode Optical fiber G.709/S1.1
100 Balanced lines IEEE 802.3-
100/1000 Mpbs Max attenuation
0.5 dB/cablage
Optical fibre Supported SFP
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
IEEE 802.3-
This section describes the external alarms that are available when the RBS
is connected to an External Alarm Connection Unit (EACU).
Customer-Specific External Alarm
The RBS connected to an EACU (optional) provides 32 external alarm input
ports to be used for customer-specific purposes. The EACU also handles four
remote control signals.
An alarm can be generated by two alarm conditions:
Closed loop condition, called Normally Open (NO)
NO means that an alarm is triggered when an open switch is closed.
Open loop condition, called Normal Closed (NC)
NC means that an alarm is triggered when a closed switch is opened.
NC is the default alarm condition.
The customer can configure the alarm condition.
Standards, Regulations, and Dependability
This section presents a brief overview of standards, product approval, and
electromagnetic compatibility.
12.1 Safety Standards
In accordance with market requirements, the RBS configured for 2100 MHz
or 900 MHz complies with the following product safety standards and
EN 60 950-1:2001 / IEC 60 950-1:2001
IEC 60 950: 2001
EN 60 215:1989 / IEC 60 215:1989
In accordance with market requirements, the RBS configured for 1900 or
850 MHz, and 1700/2100 MHz comply with the following product safety
ANSI/UL 60 950-1:2003/CSA C22.2 No. 60 950-1:2003
12.2 Other Standards and Regulations
The product is marked with symbols to indicate compliance with product
safety standards.
Product Approval Standards
The RBS configured for 2100 MHz or 900 MHz complies with the EC
(European Community) market requirements regarding radio performance,
as well as the R-TTE directive 2004/108/EC. The product is marked with the
CE symbol to indicate compliance with the legal requirements.
The RBS configured for 1900, 850 or 1700/2100 MHz complies with the
NOA (North America) market requirements regarding radio performance.
The product is marked with the FCC symbol to indicate compliance with the
legal requirements.
The RBS complies with IEC 61000-3-11.
The RBS configured for 2100 MHz or 900 MHz complies with the EC
(European Community) market requirements regarding Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC), as well as the R-TTE directive 2004/108/EC. The
product is marked with the CE symbol to indicate compliance with the legal
The RBS configured for 1900 or 850 MHz complies with the NOA (North
America) market requirements regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC). The product is marked with the FCC symbol to indicate compliance
with the legal requirements. The RBS fulfil standards 3GPPTS25.113
worldwide and EN 301 489-23+EN 301 489-1 and for radaited emission
from enclosure EN 301 908-1 for European market.
The RBS configured for 1900 or 850 MHz comply with FCC part 24 (1900)
and FCC part 22 (850) and FCC part 15 for both.
The RBS configured for 1700/2100 MHz complies with FCC part 27.53g and
FCC part 15.
The RBS is designed for a technical lifetime of 20 years (24-hour operation).
The following preventive maintenance conditions must be fulfilled to
guarantee the availability of the RBS.
Fans: The fans must be inspected (and cleaned if necessary) every
year. Ericsson recommends replacing the fans every 10 years.
Air filters: The air filters must be regularly inspected and cleaned
(interval depends on the environmental conditions at the site).
Ericsson recommends replacing the door filter once a year.
Spare Parts
This RBS adheres to the Ericsson Serviceability and Spare Parts Strategy.
Vandal Resistance
Unauthorized access is not possible without damaging the unit.

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