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Para Mada Bhangam

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Swamy Desikan’s

Paramatha Bhangam

Annotated Commentary in English By:

Oppiliappan kOil
SrI Varadachari Sathakopan
Introduction to Paramatha Bhangam 3
Paasuram 1 7
Paasuram 2 8
Paasuram 3 12
Paasuram 4 14
Paasuram 5 15
Paasuram 6 16
Paasuram 7 17
Paasuram 8 18
Paasuram 9 19

Paasuram 10 21
Paasuram 11 23
Paasuram 12 24
Paasuram 13 25
Paasuram 14 27
Paasuram 15 28
Paasuram 16 31
Paasuram 17 32
Paasuram 18 36
Paasuram 19 37
Paasuram 20 40
Paasuram 21 41
Paasuram 22 46
Paasuram 23 47
Paasuram 24 49
Paasuram 25 50
Paasuram 26 52
Paasuram 27 53

Paasuram 28 56

Paasuram 29 58

Paasuram 30 59

Paasuram 31 60

Paasuram 32 62

Paasuram 33 63

Paasuram 34 65

Paasuram 35 66

Paasuram 36 68

Paasuram 37 70

Paasuram 38 72

Paasuram 39 73

Paasuram 40 75

Paasuram 41 76

Paasuram 42 77

Paasuram 43 79

Paasuram 44 80

Paasuram 45 85

Paasuram 46 86

Paasuram 47 87

Paasuram 48 88

Paasuram 49 89

Paasuram 50 90

Paasuram 51 91

Paasuram 52 92

Paasuram 53 94

Paasuram 54 96

Nigamanam 98

. ïI>.

. ïImte ramanujay nm>.

. ïImte ingmaNt mhadiezkay nm>.


பரமத பங்கம்
This is a very important Prabhandham derived from a very famous debate of Swamy
Desikan with leaders of other Mathams in front of Lord DevanAthan on the banks of
PeNNai river. Swamy Desikan defeated all his challengers and firmly established the
Supermacy of VisishtAdhvaitham over 15 other SiddhAnthams. Lord DevanAthan was very
pleased at the accomplishment of His dear devotee and blessed him profusely.

After this historic debate, Swamy Desikan composed the major MaNipravALa SrI
Sookthi named “PARA MATHA BHANGAM” to summarize the content of his debate with
the people of Para Mathams (other SiddhAnthams).
There are 24 chapters in that SrI Sookthi/Rahasyam. Swamy Desikan took the first and
the last paasurams of these 24 chapters that were in chaste TamiL and strung them together
as a garland along with 6 more special Paasurams to create the FOURTH Desika
Prabhandham with the same name of “PARA MATHA BHANGAM”. There are thus 54
Tamil Paasurams in this Fourth Desika Prabhandham.


The original MaNipravALa Version of “Para Matha Bhangam” is an intellectual
achievement of the highest magnitude. Abhinava Desikan, Vaikunta Vaasi, SrI UttamUr

Swamy has blessed us with a commentary for this MaNipravALa version entitled “AnapAya
PrabhA”. It has 1168 pages of commentary. Erudition to grasp the fine points of this
grantham is beyond the capabilities of many of us. Only a very few AchAryAs can help us
understand atleast a small portion of this extraordinary creation of Swamy Desikan.
The SrI Sookthis of Swamy Desikan such as Tatthva Muktha KalApam, Satha
DhUshaNi, SarvArTa Siddhi, MeemAmsa PadhukA, the Five RakshA granthams have
material related to Para Matha Bhangam. It will take many lives and SadAchArya
KatAksham to get even a glimpse of the deep doctrines covered by Swamy Desikan in the
original SrI Sookthi of Para Matha Bhangam.
The original MaNipravALa Version starts with the prayer of Swamy Desikan to Lord
DEvanAthan, who was waiting eagerly on the banks of PeNNai River during one of His
Uthsavam to witness this debate between His intimate devotee and the challengers from the
other Mathams. The prayer of Swamy Desikan to Lord DevanAthan at the beginning of this
debate is:
“apaayAsthu tama: pumsAm anapAya prabhAnvitha:

AhIndhranagarE nithyam udhithOayam ahaskara:”


anapAya PrabhA anvitha: = the Lord with never leaving luster (prabhA) of SrI HemAbhja
AhIndhra NagarE = at His dhivya dEsam of AhIndhrapuram
nithyam = always
udhitha: = rising
ayam = this Lord, the origin of this SrI Sookthi
Ahaskara: = is shining as the radiant Sun
PumsAm Tama: nithyam apAsyathu = May He banish the darkness (tamas) of nescience
and viparItha Jn~Anam of the chEthanams!

Lord DEvanAthan has the unique lakshaNam of His eternal Prabhai of SrI HemAbhja
Naayaki. He is always resplendent as the rising Sun. May this Lord of
Thiruvaheendhrapuram chase away all the spirtual darkness of people with His matchless
This prayer is linkable to the command of Manu in His Smruthi according to Sri
UtthamUr Swamy:
“yaa vEda-bAhyaa: smruthayO yaasccha kaasccha kudhrushtaya:
SarvasthA: nishphalA: prEthya tamOnishtA hi taa: smruthA:”

Para Mathams are born due to the influence of TamO guNam and are rooted in that
guNam. The prayer to the ishta dhaivam of Swamy Desikan is to remove the Tamo GuNam
of people through study of the SrI Sookthi born out of Lord DEvanAthan's grace.
Paraphrasing Manu, the First Law giver, Swamy Desikan condemns the Veda BAhya and
Kudhrushti Mathams as nishphalam (fruitless) and prays to the Lord to banish the TamO
GuNam that stands in the way of the ChEthanams to adopt the Vedam-prescribed UpAyam
of SaraNAgathy to gain freedom from the cycles of Births and Deaths in the SamsAric world


Swamy Desikan was a Master of all Darsanams. He was one of the greatest scholars of
all times to understand the faulty assumptions and conclusions of Veda Baahya Mathams
and Kudrushti Mathams. He was also a Master of the tenets of SrI VisishtAdhvaitham as
developed by Rishis like VyAsa-ParAsara-Parankusa and PoorvAchAryAs like Swamy
Nathamuni, EmperumAnAr and other AchAryas like NadathUr AmmAL and AathrEya
RaamAnujar (His own AchAryan).

Swamy Desikan used his immense scholarship to provide the logic-based critique about
the deficiencies and pitfalls of 15 other mathams (SaarvAkam, Four kinds of Bhouddha
Matham, Jainam, Adhvaitham,BhAskara-Yaadhava Matham, VyAkaraNa Matham, KaNAtha
Matham, Gouthama Matham, MeemAmsaka Matham, Saankhya Matham, Yoga and
Paasupatha Mathams) and established the unassailable superiority of VisishtAdhvaitha
Swamy Desikan created the major MaNipravALa commentary as his critique of all the
other SiddhAnthams and to establish the glories of VisishtAdhvaitha SiddhAntham over all
of them. There are 24 chapters in the MaNipravALa Rahasyam known as “Para Matha


1. PrasthAvanAdhikAram (The chapter serving as an Introduction / Preface to this Sri
2. Jeeva TatthvAdhikAram (Sentient Tatthvam)
3. Achith TattvAdhikAram (insentient Tatthvam)
4. Para TatthvAdhikAram (Iswara Tatthvam)
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 deal with the Tatthva Thrayams of ChEthanam, achEthanam and
5. SamudhAya DhOshAdhikAram
This chapter deals with the defects /blemishes (dhOshams)common to all (samudhAya
dhOshams) of the Para Mathams
6. LokAyadhika BhangAdhikAram /SaarvAka Matham critique

7. MadhyAmika BhangAdhikAram/ criticism of MaadhyAdhmikam
8. YogAchAra BhangAdhikAram/Criticism of YogAchAram
9. SouthrAndhika BhangAdhikAram
10. VaibhAshika BhangAhikAram
11. Prachanna Bhouddha BhangAdhikAram
12. Jaina BhangAdhikAram
13. BhAskara-Yaadhava BhnagAdhikAram
14. VyAkaraNa BhangAdhikAram
15. VaisEshika BhangAdhikAram
16. Goudhama(NyAya) BhangAdhikAram
17. NirIswara MeemAmsA BhangAdhikAram
18. NeerIswara Saankhya NirAkaraNAdhikAram
19. Yoga SiddhAntha BhangAdhikAram/Criticism of Yoga Matham

20. Paasupatha BhashikArAdhikAram

The above 15 chapters (6-20) serve as the criticism of the specific dhOshams of each of
the above 15 Para Mathams.
21. Salutation to PaancharAthra Saasthram/Bhagavath Saasthra VirOdha
This chapter is constructed as the defense of Paancha Raathra Aagamam and to establish
that it does not belong to the category of Para Mathams.
22. ParOkthOpAya BhangAdhikAram
23. ParOktha PrayOjana BhangAdhikAram
These two chapters assert that the UpAyam and Phalan /PrayOjanam advocated by the
15 Para Mathams are insubstantial, inappropriate and not lasting to gain Moksha Sukham
in distinct contrast with the UpAyam and Phalan realizable with the Parama Vidhika
Matham of VisishtAdhvaitham.
24. Nigamana AdhikAram
Based on Tarkam, Nigamanam means conclusion in a Syllogism. Nigamana AdhikAram
can also be interpreted as that which has Vedic Sanctions. This is the concluding chapter
of the illustrious SrI Sookthi of Para Matha BhAngam.

ïIman! ve»qnawayR> kivtaikRk kesrI,

vedaNtacayR vyaem
R e siÚxÄa< sda ùid.

shrImaan.h ve~NkaTa naathaaryaH kavitaarkika kesarI.

vedaantaachaarya varyo me sannidhattaaM sadaa hR^idi.


The first Paasuram consists of Swamy Desikan’s salutaions to Lord Sudarsanar, the
embodiment of the Sankalpa Sakthi of SriMan NaarAyaNan. The second and the Third
Paasurams are tributes to AchAryans for their great UpakAram to us.


எண்தள வம் யத் ள் இலங்கும் அ ேகாணமிைச
வண்பணிலம் திகிாி வைளவில் வைளவாய் சலம்

திண்ைகயில் அங்குசம் சீர் திக ம் கைத ெசங்கமலம்
எண்பைட ஏந்தி நின்றான் எழிலாழி இைறயவேன

YeNNtaLa ambhuyaththuL ilankum aRu kOnam misai

vaNN paNilam Thikiri vaLai vill vaLai-vaay Musalam
tiNN kaiyil ankusam seer thihazhum Gadhai senkamalam
yeNN padai yEnthi ninRAn yezhil Aazhi IRaiyavanE

Lord Sudarsanar is standing on top of a eight petaled Lotus flower housing the six
cornered yanthram. He is radiant with the eight weapons in His eight hands: Conch,
Chakram, Bow, Axe, Pestle, Elephant Goad, Mace, Lotus shaped weapon.

The soundharyam of Lord Sudarsanar is saluted as “Yezhil Aazhi IRayavan”. His status
as the Master of the battle field is recognized by the choice of the name “IRayavan” (Lord).
The weapons are held firm in His hands (tiNN kayil) for immediate use (prayOgam).
“VeNN paNilam” refers to the white hued conch. “VaLai moonRu vill” denotes the
Saarngam bow bent at three places. Lord Sudarsanar is ready to fly in to action as indicated
by His PrathyAleeDam posture with one step mounted forward. Swamy Desikan seeks the
protective power of Lord Sudarsana in the context of the imminent debate with the Para
Matha Vaadhis.

This Paasuram is set in PathinARu SeerAsiriya Chandha Viruttham. It is a majestically
moving Paasuram with beautiful Chandham and has to be recited without break to enjoy the
TaaLa PramAnam:

வி ெநறி அஞ்சி விடத்ெதாடக்கிய

விதியரைடந் ெதாழத் தைழத்ெத
விழிய ள் தந் விலக்க க் கைள
விரகி யம்பி விலக்கி ைவத்தனர்

ெகா விைன என்பதைனத் திைனத்தைன

ெகாணர்த கந்த குணத் தனத்தினர்

கு ைகயில் வந் ெகா ப்படக்கிய

குலபதி தந்த குறிப்பில் ைவத்தனர்

க நரகன் கழற்றி மற்ெறா

கதி ெப மன்பில் ெயம்ைமப்ெபா த்தினர்
கமைல கந்த கடற் கிைடக்ககடல்
க ைண யர்ந்த திடர்க்ெகா க்கினர்

ப த ன்றி வளர்த்த நற்கைல

பலபல ஒன்ற ெவமக்குைரத்தனர்
பழ மைறயந்தி நைடக்கிைடச்சுவர்
பரமதெமன்றி த்த பத்தேர

vidu neRi anji vidath thodakkiya

vithiyar adainthu thozhat-tazhaitthu yezhu
vizhi aruL tanthu vilakku adi kaLai
virahil iyambi vilakki vaiththanar

kodu vinai yenpathanai tinaitthinai
koNarthal ihantha guNat-tanatthinar
Kuruhayil vanthu kozhuppu adakkiya
Kulapathy tantha kuRippil Vaiththanar

Kadu narahu anbhu kazhaRRi maRRoru

kathi peRum anpil yemmaip-porutthinar
Kamalai uhantha kadal kidaikkadal
karuNai uyarntha tidarkku orukkinar

padu mudhal inRi vaLarththa naRkalai

pala pala onRa yemakku uraitthanar

pazha maRaiyanthi nadaikku idaic-chuvar
Para Matham yenRu idiththa pattharE

The Para Mathams (Veda Baahya and Kudhrushti Mathams) were obstacles to the
spreading of our timeless Matham rooted in veda/VedAnthams. Our parama BhAgavatha
AchAryAs refuted the incorrect doctrines of Para Mathams through their SrI Sookthis and
one-on-one debates with the challengers from Para Matham. We went and prostrated before
these AchAryAs driven by our fear of following the sinful ways (deceptively alluring Para
Mathams). Those merciful AchAryAs blessed us with affection and cast their auspicious
glances on us. They instructed us about:
1. the misfortunes that would result from the sins that block our pursuit of the right
2. the need for observance of the right upAyam to gain Moksham.
Those AchAryAs have the caring disposition to make sure that no sins come our way.
They made us follow the way shown by Swamy NammAzhwAr, who with His sweet
paasurams refuted the unsound doctrines of Para Mathams. They asked us to be aware of the
deeds that will land us in Narakam and made us long for Moksham. They made us as fit
objects for approaching the Lord resting in the Milky Ocean. They initiated us in to many
eternal vidhyAs. Many indeed are the matchless upakArams extended to us by our most
merciful AchAryans.


Question may arise as to the appropraiteness of the Viraktha SikhAmaNis like our

AchAryas to engage in acts of refutation and deflation of the Para mathams. In reality, it is
the way shown by our PoorvAchAryAs. There is nothing wrong with such refutations. This
refutation is not to condemn the Para Matha AchAryAs; it is for the auspiciousness of the
world and to spare one's own sishyAs from being confused and agitated. It is like removing
the weeds from a planted field for the health of the crop under cultivation. In creating this
KhaNDana Grantham, Swamy Desikan points out that it is not only dhUshaNam (finding
fault with the premises of other Veda Baahya and Kudhrushti mathams) but it is also Sva-
paksha sTApanam (securing the foundations of one's own Matham: VisishtAdhvaitha
Para Matha nirasanam or condemnation of the faulty doctrines of other Mathams is
defended as an important duty of an AchAryan. This is the legitimate duty of a SadAchAryan:
Sva Paksha sTApanam and Para Paksha Prathikshiptham. Both have to go together.
Establishment of the soundness of one's doctrines as well as the logical rejection of the
faulty doctrines of Para Mathams go hand in hand.



Para Mathams were like the blocking walls in the sacred way built by ancient
VedAntham (Para Matham pasha maRai anthi nadaikku idaic-chuvar). Those walls had to
come down. AchAryAs broke them down so that there are no more obstructions to travel on
the right royal road of VedAntham. AchAryAs are saluted here as “Idaic-chuvar idittha
Patthar”. “Patthar” refers to the Parama Asthika AchAryAs.
Prior to the great help of the compassionate AchAryAs, the concerned sishyAs were afraid
to travel on the misleading routes of Para Matham and abandoned their harmful travel on
such routes (vidu neRi anji vidat- thodakkiya vithiyar); they prostrated before the sacred feet
of their AchAryAs (adainthu Thozha). What did the AchAryAs do? They cast their merciful
glances on these sishyas (aruL vizhi tanthu) and instructed them on the futile pursuit of Para
Mathams for gaining Moksham and removed their doubts like a farmer will remove the
weeds from the fields to protect the main crop (vilaku adi kaLai iyampi). They not only
saved us from following the futile observances recommended by the Para Mathams but also
initiated us in the performance of one of the redeeming and secure UpAyams (Bhakthi or
Prapatthi yOgam befitting our sakthi) for gaining Moksha Siddhi.
The AchAryAs helped us with additional things as well:
1. They positioned us to comprehend and practise the deep doctrines of our Kulapathi,
Swamy NammAzhwAr (Kulapathy tantha kuRippil vaitthanar).
2. They removed our penchant for committing sins through their SadhupadEsams
(kodu vinai tavirtthanar).
3. They kindled our longing for Moksha Sukham (maRRoru gathi peRum anbil
yeMMai porutthinar).
4. They raised us to the elevated plateau, where the most merciful Lord is resting
(KaruNai tidarkku orukkinar).

5. They revealed to us many vidhyAs bequeathed to them by PoorvAchAryAs and Sages
(pala pala nall kalai uraitthanar).
Such is the grand Compassion and UpakAram of our AchAryAs!



ேபா ைரக்கும் ெபா ள் யாமறிேயாம் ெபா ளார் மைறயிறல்

தா ைரக்கின்றன தாேமயறி ந் தர ைடயார்
ஆ ைரக்ெகன்றி ைவயாய்ந்ெத த் ஆரண ல் வழிேய
நா ைரக்கும் வைக நல்ல ேளந்தி நவின்றனேர.

pOm uraikkum poruL yaamm aRiyOm poruL aar maRayil

thAmuraikkinRa thAmE aRiyum taram udayArAm
uraikkinra ivai aayntu yedutthu AaraNa nool vazhiyE
nAmm uraikkum vahai nall aruL yEnthi navinRanaRE

The Veda manthrams with their true meanings of doctrines are like the deep ocean.We
can not know without the help of AchAryAs as to which Veda Manthrams are to be used and
which are to be discarded.
Our AchAryAs have the power to see directly, what they speak about as upadEsams. Out
of their boundless mercy towards us, they have searched deeply among the Veda manthrams
and picked those, which are indispensable for us and instructed us on them. As a result, we
(Swamy Desikan) embraced the path of VedAntham and are able to create this SrI Sookthi of
Para Matha Bhangam.
Before the AchArya UpadEsam, we were ignorant ones, who had no idea about which
portions of the vast Vedam is appropriate for us and which one are not (PoruL aar maRayil
pOm uraikkum poruL yaamm aRiyOm).
The quality of our AchAryAs is such that they have the power to directly visualize what
they teach us (tAmm uraikkinrana tAmE aRiyum taram udayAr).
These glorious AchAryAs have DayA towards us and have analyzed the entire gamut of
Veda Manthrams, picked among them whatever is appropriate for us (nall aruL yEnthi,
aaynthu ivai uraikkum aamm yenRu). Then they instructed us on those selected manthrams
in the way in which Vedam shows (aaraNa nool vazhiyE nAmm uraikkum vahai

We do not know the Bhaava Patha arTams of the Veda Manthrams. We can not use
yukthi vaadham or kutarkkam to establish which of the meanings of Veda Manthrams is
lasting and which are not. AchAryAs endowed with satthva GuNam are able to distinguish

Nithya (lasting) and anithya (non-lasting) meanings and have the vivEkam to instruct us
about the true and lasting meanings of SaarIradhi Saasthrams.

The Four Paasurams of Para Matha Bhangam of PrasthAvanAdhikAram deal with Jeeva
and achEthana TatthvAdhikArams. There are two paasurams for each of the two subjects:
ChEthanam and achEthanam.



சித் மசித் மிைற ெமனத் ெதளி ற் நின்ற

தத் வ ன் ம் தனித்தனிகாட் ந்தனி மைறயானல்
த்திவழிக்கி லெமனத் ணிவார்கைள ம்
கத்தி மயக்குங் கதகைர நாம் க கின்றனேம.

chitthum achitthum IRayumenat-teLivuRRu ninRa

tatthvam moonRum tanittani kaattum tani maRayAl
mutthi vazhikku ithu moolam yenat-tuNivArkaLayum
katthi mayakkum kathakarai nAmm kadihinRanamE


VedAntha Saasthrams define distinctly the individual Svaroopams and SvabhAvams of

the three tatthvams: ChEthanam, achEthnam and Iswaran. VivEkis (those with
discriminating intellect) clearly understand these distinctions.They also know that this
understanding about the Tatthva Thrayams is the basis of gaining MOksham. We, who have
been blessed with AchArya UpadEsam, condemn those prathivAdhis, who enchant even
these vivEkis with their ensnaring and loud arguments.


த்தின் வடங்கெளன குந்தன் ைன வைகயாம்

சித்தில ஞ்சு திச் ெசவ்ைவமாறிய சிந்ைதகளால்
பத்தி ரண் ெமய்க்கப் பகட் ம் பரவாதியர்தம்
கத்தில் வி ந்தைடந்த அவ்வ க்கின் கழற்றினேம.

mutthin vadangaL yena Mukundhan punai moovahayAm

chitthil arum suruthi.c-chevvai mARiya sinthaihaLAl
patthil iraNDu meykkap-pahattum para vAdhiyar tamm
katthil vizhunthu adainthaa-avvazhukkuinRu kazhaRRinamE

The Moksham granting EmperumAn (Mukundan) adorns the three kinds of Jeevans
(Bhaddhar, Mukthar and Nithyar) as the three strands of a pearl necklace on His chest.
About these three kinds of Jeevans (MoovahayAm chitthil), Para Matha Vaadhis attack with
their doctrines that are inconsistent with the VedAs. They argue loudly to see if they can
make atleast two of their ten faulty points stick and blabber to confuse the VivEkis. We
(Swamy Desikan) have cleared these erroneous statements of Para Matha Vaadhis in this
chapter on Jeeva Tatthva adhikAram.
Yeka Jeeva Vadham (the same jeevan being present in all bodies), the MaadhvA view
point of Aanandha Taara Tamyam in Moksham (gradations in the enjoyment of bliss/
bhOgam by various liberated AathmAs in Moksha dasai), the confusion that Isvaran is the
AathmA and the other confusions about the AathmA being understood as the body,
Kaivalyam/AathmAnubhavam as the mukhya/highest mOksham--are some of the
befuddlements that can confuse even a VivEki.
Jeevan has the eight guNams (apahatha Paapmathvam) and prakruthi vilakshaNathvam
(distinct difference from prakruthi/achith) and Iswara Seshathvam (being the eternal servant
of Iswaran). These are the ten guNams sanctioned by the VedAs. Yet, the Para Matha Vadhis
conclude incorrectly that dEham is AathmA and Iswaran is the Jeevan/chith. Swamy
Desikan states that in the JeevAthma TatthvAdhikAram, he engaged the Para Matha Vaadhis
in debate and showed that their interpretations about the JeevAthmA and its relationships to
achEthanam and Iswaran are utterly false and hence have to be discarded.


நாக்கிய ம் வைக நம்ைமயளித்த வர்நல்ல ளால்

பாக்கியேமந்திப் பரன யார் திறம்பார்த்ததற்பின்
தாக்கியர் தங்கள் தைலமிைசத் தாக்கித் தனிமைறதான்
ேபாக்கிய ெமன்றதனில் ெபாய்ம்மதங்கைளப் ேபாக்குவேம

nAkku iyalum vahai nammai aLitthavar nall aruLAl

bhAkkiyam yEnthip-paran adiyAr tiRam pArtthaRppin
thAkkiyar tangaL talai misaith tAkkit-tanimaRai tAnn
bhOkkiyam yenRatanil poy mathangaLai pOkkuvamE

We, who had no knowledge about tatthvams (their svaroopams and SvabhAvams) have
been blessed to speak about them with confidence due to our AchArya UpadEsam and
anugraham. We presented the correct description about the Jeevans in the previous chapter.
In this adhikAram, we criticize those, who use aabhAsa yukthis (disgusting arguments) to
advance their incorrect doctrines about the achEthanam (BhOgyam) enjoyed by the Jeevan
Upanishads describe the three Tathtvams as BhOkthA (Jeevan, the one that enjoys),
BhOgyam (the vasthu that is being enjoyed by the BhOkthA) and PrEritha (Iswaran, the
Bouddha-VaisEshAdhikaL's celebration of ParamANu Vaadham, adhvaithin's view
that the world is a myth, misinterpretation of Kaalam and Nithya VibhUthi are some of the
points that Swamy Desikan attacks under the achEthana adhikAram.


தீவைக மாற்றி அன்ேறார்ேதாிலா ரணம்பா ய நம்

ேதவகிசீர் மகனார் திறம்பாவ ள் சூ யநாம்
வைகயாம் அறியாத்தத் வத்தின் கமறிவார்
நாவைகேய நடத் ம் நைடபார்த் நடந்தனேம

thee vahai mARRi anRu ohr tEril aaraNam paadiya namm

Devaki seer mahanAr tiRampA aruL soodiya nAmm
moovahaiyAm aRiyAt-tatthuvatthin muham aRivAr
naa vizhiyE nadatthum nadai paartthu nadanthanamE


Devaki's son, KrishNa ParamAthmA decided to uplift the Jeevans from SamsAric mire.
He stood as the charioteer for Arjunan during the great war. Our Lord used Arjunan as an
excuse to instruct the beings of the world on the meanings of VedAnthams through His SrI
Sookthi of Geethai. We who have been blessed by the Lord explained the intrinsic nature
(Svaroopams) and SvabhAvams of achEthana entities such as Prakruthi, Kaalam, Suddha
Satthvam as our AchAryAs explained to us from the SrI Sookthis of Sages VyAsa, ParAsarar
and the AzhwArs.

The two Paasurams of Para Matha Bhangam dealing with Isvara Tatthvam is known as
Para TatthvAdhikAram. The second and the third adhikArams were about the Jeevan
(BhOkthA) and achEthanam (BhOgyam). The Fourth adhikAram is about the third of three
tatthvams: Iswaran (PrErithA).
For additional information on the three Tatthvams and ParadEvathA nirUpaNam (The
supermacy of Sriman NaarAyaNan as the Supreme Being), the bhakthAs are referred to
Swamy Desikan's SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram Chapters of (1) Tatthva Thraya
ChinthanAdhikAram and (2) ParadEvathA PaaramArTyAdhikaram.


ேவைலப் ற மகங்காண்ப ேபால் ேவதநன்ெனறிேசர்

ைலப் றமகங்காண்ட ல் ண்ணறிவின்றி நின்றீர்
மாைலப் ெபற வழிகாட் ய ேதசிகர் வாசகேம
ஓைலப் றத் திெல கின்ேறாம் உள்ெள மிேன.

velaip-puRam aham kANpathu pOl vEda nannERi sEr

noolaip-puRam aham kANDalil nuNN aRivnRi ninReer
Maalaip-peRa vazhi kAttiya Desikar VaachakamE
Olaip-puRaththil yezhuthuhinROm uLLE yezhuthuminE

Oh AaasthikAs! It is impossible to see the inside and outside of the great ocean.
Similarly, it is a difficult task to comprehend the simple and the deeper inner meanings of
the SaasthrAs that describe Veda mArgam. You do not have the sharp intellect to accomplish
that task. Therefore, we are writing the essence of the AchArya UpadEsams on the UpAyam
for Moksham. May You inscribe this message in your mind and benefit from it!


சிைறநிைலயாம் பவத்தில் சி ேதனின்ப ண் ழல்வார்

மைறநிைலகண்டறியா மயல் மாற்றிய மன்ன ளால்
ைறநிைல பாரெமனத் ளங்கா வ தக்கடலாம்
இைறநிைல யா ைரத்ேதாம் எம்கு க்களியம்பினேவ

siRai nilayAm bhavatthil siRu tEn inbham uNDu uzhlvar

maRai nilai kaNDu aRiyA mayal mARRiya mannaruLAl
thuRai nilai pAram yenat-tuLangA amuthak-kadalAm
iRai nilai yAmm uraitthOm yemm gurukkaL iyambinavE

This SamsAric life is like the life in prison. The happiness (Sukham) that one experiences
in this SamsAric life is like an insignificant drop of honey that is tasted in between all the
sufferings. The chEthanams deeply comitted to SamsAram think of this trivial sukham as
great and are enveloped in ajn~Anam that prevents them from engaging in the learning of
the meanings of VedAntham (VaakyArTams and TaathparyArTams. Sath SampradhAyam is
essential for the understanding of these VedArTams. Our AchAryAs are powerful to destroy
our ajn~Anam with their DayA for us through their merciful upadEsams on our Sath
SampradhAyam. Our AchAryAs reveal Isvaran as:
(1) the descending steps (ThuRai) for the ocean of Bliss
(2) as our enduring home
(3) as the other bank of the ocean of SamsAram and
(4) as the tranquil ocean of nectar.
Following our AchAryan's upadEsams, we (Swamy Desikan) reveal the Svaroopam and
SvabhAvam of Iswaran.
The first three adhikArams about Jeevan, achEtanam and Iswaran are for Svapaksha
sTApanam (establishment of the fundamentals of visisthAdhvaitha darsanam). The
subsequent chapters are for demonstrating the illogic and hollowness of other mathams
based on Veda PramANams, Bhagavath Saasthrams and Sath SampradhAyam. Lord
DevanAthan listened to the debate between Swamy Desikan and Para Matha Vaadhis and
approved the correctness of Swamy Desikan's arguments in defense of the Sath
SampradhAyam and honored the VedAnthAchAryan for his visEsha Kaimkaryam.


We will follow the commentary of UtthamUr Swamy now.

The second and the third adhikArams were about Jeevan (BhOkthA) and AchEthana
(BhOgyam) Tathvams. The fourth adhikAram is about Iswaran (PrErithA) and His
Svaroopam as well as SvabhAvam according to VisishtAdhvaitha SiddhAntham. PrErithA
means one who commands (niyamikkiRavan/yEvuhiravan). He is the One who orders the
chEthanams as their indweller.He is Omniscient (Sarvajn~an).He can only be seen through
SaasthrAs (Saasthraika vEdhyan). He (Vaikunta NaaTan) can not be seen with one's own
physical eyes on this earth. Our inability to see Him and enjoy His physical form, guNams
and Iswaryams here is known as anulabdhi. It can be overcome by the knowledge about His
SaasthrAs that reveal His presence here. He can be seen & enjoyed only in His archA
roopam on this earth by us until we reach SrI Vaikuntam by practicing one of the two
The Creation, protection and destruction of the universe and its beings is carried out by
this Iswaran. He is UpAdhAna and Nimittha KaaraNan. Thus, He is Sarva Sakthan with
SarIrAthma Sambhandham and as One Brahman carries out the Srushti, STithi and
PraLayam. He becomes the UpAsyan (the One to be meditated upon) for Mumukshus (those
who desire MOksham).

Iswaran is avAptha Samastha Kaaman (one who has gained all fruits/phalans and needs
nothing). Therefore He has no PrayOjanApEkshai (want for any gain).
In this Para Tatthva adhikAram (Para Tatthva NirNaya adhikAram), Swamy Desikan
proves the invalidity of the assumptions of Para Mathams about Iswara Tathvam and
instructs us on the Veda Maarga prathishtApitha Iswara Tatthvam in all its correctnness and
glories.Swamy Desikan reminds us of the Atarva SikhOpanishad Vaakyam: “KaaraNam tu
dhyEya:” (One who is the Jagath KaaraNan should be the object of one's dhyAnam) and
proves that He is SrIman NaarAyaNan, the Supreme Tatthvam, Para Brahmam and Param
JyOthi. He is full of all auspicious attributes and is free from any blemishes.
This Iswaran is the One who is SaasthrIya Sarva Karma SamArAdhyan (all karmAs
sanctioned by the Vedams is NaarAyaNa AarAdhanam; whatever is adreesed to other
DevathAs, who are all influenced by their karmAs (karma VasyALs) reach Him alone. This
Iswaran is Sarva Karma Phala pradhan (as RaajAdhi Raajan, He grants the fruits for all
KarmAs). He is the One, who can say with clarity, conviction and authority:
“MokshayishyAmi Maa sucha:” (Do not grieve; I will chase away all your sins and grant you
freedom from the cycles of births and deaths). Thus He is Moksha Phala Pradhan.
Summing up, Swamy Desikan states here that for those, who were incessantly tasting the
bitterness (kasappu) of the Taapa Thrayams of SamsAram, he has shown the
sukhAnubhavam of the taste of a little drop of the honey of Iswaran in this Para Tatthva
adhikAram and attempted to remove their ajn~Anam & ViparItha Jn~Anam.
The three adhikArams covered so far are elaborations of “Sva -paksha sTApana
pEtikai” (Statement and defense of one's SiddhAntham); the next 17 adhikArams are about
the logical criticisms and condemnations of the other Pakshams (Para Paksha prathikshEpa
pEtikai), where Swamy Desikan reaches dizzying heights of scholarship and


ெவறியார் ள ைட வித்தகன் தன்ைமயின் ெமய்யறிவார்

குறியார் ெந யவெரன் ஒ குற்றம் பிறர்க்குைரயார்
அறியார் திறத்தில ள் ாிந் ஆரண நன்ெனறியால்
சிறியார் வழிகளழிப்ப ம் தீங்கு கழிப்பதற்ேக.

VeRi aar tuLavudai Vitthahan tanmayin meyyaRivAr

kuRiyAr nediyavar yenRu oru kuRRam piRarkku urayAr

aRiyAr tiratthil aruL purinthu AaraNa nanneRiyAl
siRiyAr vazhigaL azhippathum theengu kazhippathaRkkE

Our AchAryAs who fully understand the Svaroopa- SvabhAva visEshams of the Lord of
mysterious deeds adorning the fragrant TuLasi garland will not venture to cast even the
smallest of accusations (blames) on other AchAryAs. It is not their nature to engage in such
activities. Inspite of this leaning, the reason for these merciful AchAryAs with deep faith in
Veda mArgam, to criticize the incorrect docrines of other mathams is to protect the simple
people, who may be enchanted and ensnared by these alluring (bewitching) appeal of
doctrines of Para Mathams even if they have faulty premises. Our AchAryAs point out the
inaccuracies and blemishes in Para Mathams purely out of their dayA to save us, the
saadhAraNa adhikAris (the untutored ones).

The key passage of this Paasuram is: “AaraNa nool neRiyAl siRiyAr vazhikaL
azhippathum, aRiyAr tiRatthil aruL purinthu theengu kazhippathaRkkE” (Following the
path laid out by the never-failing VedAs, our merciful AchAryAs destroy the incorrect
siddhAnthams that either misinterpret VedAs or stand outside the Vedic doctrines. This they
do to remove the damages done from following these alpa (insignificant) darsanams by
unsuspecting simple folks).
These AchAryAs are fully aware (mey aRivAr) of the Svaroopam and SvabhAvam
(tanmai) of the Lord (MaayOn/Vitthahan), who sports the fragrant TuLasi garland (VeRiyAr
TuLavudai Vitthahan). That is why they undertake on themselves the duties of a

SadAchAryan to instruct us on the true doctrines based on the correct interpretations of the

Vedams are the best among PramANams to reveal the hollowness of other inaccurate
doctrines of Para Mathams. Therefore AchAryAs choose Sabdha (Veda) PramANam for their
efforts.Swamy Desikan suggests that Matha DhUshaNam is not to be mixed with manushya
dhUshaNam, while they (AchAryAs) are engaged in the criticism of mathams created by
those with either alpa jn~Anam about the true meanings of the VedAs or created by them
with total disregard for Vedic doctrines. They (Para matha vaadhis) have no legitimate and
sound pramANams to back them up.


PramANa is derived from the root “PramA” meaning valid and true knowledge.
PramANa means the instrument (reason) for valid knowledge.
PramEya is the object of cognition/object of knowledge.

VisishtAdhvaitha VedAntham accepts perception, inference and verbal testimony

(Sabdha) as PramANmas.
ChArvaka Matham accepts perception (prathyaksha) as the only means of valid
The Bhuddhists and VaisEshikAs accept two PramANams: Perception (pratyaksha) and
inference (anumAna).
PrabhAkara MeemAmsa accepts Prathyaksha, anumAna and Sabdha along with
presumption (arthApatti) as PramANams.
Bhatta MeemAsa and Adhvaitham accepts the traditional three along with three more as
PramANAs: comparison, presumption and noncognition (anupalabdhi).
Saiva SiddhAntham accepts Siva-chith-Sakthi as the primary pramAnam and accepts the
traditional three as secondary pramANams.
DvaithAs have two kinds of PramANAs: Anu pramANa and Kevala PramANa. Latter is
defined as an object as it is. For Dvaitha VedAnthins, the traditional three PramANAs are
grouped under the category of anu-pramANa (Source of valid knowledge).
Veda PrAmANyam (True Validity of the VedAs) is common to Advaitha, Dhvaitha and
VisishtAdhvaitha Darsanams.
Buddhism, Jainism do not accept the validity of the VedAs and are therefore called Veda
Baahya Mathams.


மிண் ைரக்க விரகு த ந் த க்கங்ெகாண்ேட

ேவண் ங்கால் ேவண் வேத விளம் கின்றார்
கண்டதற்கு விபாீதங் கத் கின்றார்
காணாத குைறமைறயிற் காட்ட நிற்பார்
பண்ெடா த்தன் கண் ைரத்ேதன் நாேனெயன்னப்
பலவைகயி ம் உபாதிகளாற் ப ந் ழ்வார்
ெகாண்டெலாக்குந் தி ேமனி மாயக் கூத்தன்
குைரகழல் ேசர் விதிவைகயில் கூடாதாேர.

minDu uraikka virahu tarum tarukkam koNDE
vENDumkAl vENDuvathE viLampuhinrAr
kaNDatharkku viparItham katthuhinrAr
kANAtha kuRai maRayil kAtta niRpAr
PaNDu orutthan kaNDu uraitthEn nAnE yennap-
pala vahayilum upAthihaLAl padinthu veezhvr
KoNDal okkum ThirumEni Maayak-kUtthan
kurai kazhal sEr vithi vahayil koodAthArE

The followers of KaNAtha-Gouthama- VyAkaraNa -MeemAmsa darsanams say whatever
they want at the desired times and use illogic that gives rise to futile debates. Those who
belong to the BhAskara-Yaadhava adhvaitham will distort what they see (Prathyaksham/
Perception) and shout about them. The ChArvAka- Bhoudda –Jaina Matham followers will
declare that Vedam is created by humans and deny its apourushEyam origin from the Lord
Himself. Those who belong to Saankhya-Yoga and Paasupatha mathams believe in the
statements of Sage Kapila, BrahmA and Siva that they invented these mathams and eat and
seek dhravyams to make their lives comfortable.
Alas! What a pity that none of those belonging to these Para Mathams have the good
fortune of seeking the divine feet of SrIman NaarAyaNan and enjoy them as Parama
bhOgyam and PurushArTam.



கண்ட ெமய்ெயனில் கா மைறயிலறி கண்ேடாம்

கண்டதலாத திலெதனில் கண் லங்குற்றமிதில்
கண்ட ேபால் மைறகாட் வ ம் கண்டெதாத்ததனால்
உண்ட ேகட்கும் உேலாகாயத ெரன் மீ வேத.

KaNdathu meyyenil kANum maRayil aRivu kaNDOm

kaNDathalAtathilathu yenil kaNDilam kuRRamithil

kaNDathu pOl maRai kAttuvathum kaNDathu otthathanAl

uNDathu kEtkkum ulOhAyathar yenRu meeruvathE


Prathyaksham alone is PramANam says ChArvaakAs. Only those recognized by direct
perception (Prathyaksham) are true according to them. Rest are false. Therefore, every thing
described by Vedam that is not seeable by the direct perception such as Dharmam,
adharmam, Iswaran, the Other world are all false according to CharvAkAs.
These CharvAkAs equate arTa kAmams (POruL, Inbham) as equal to PurushArTam
(Veedu). Swamy Desikan rejects the view that Prathyaksham alone is PramANam.He goes
on to establish why anumAnam and sabdham (Vedam) are additional necessary
PramANams. Swamy Desikan quotes Swamy ParAsara Bhattar’s SrI RangarAja Sthava
SlOkam 2.5 to refute CharvAkA's claim that Vedam is not PramANam. Here Bhattar argues
that CharvAkAs hear the Vedam through their ears, which is Prathyaksham since it is a
prathyaksha indhriyam and develop knowledge about the Meanings of the Vedam (arTa
Jn~Anam) from there. Bhattar asks how one can categorize Vedam as Meaningless, when
the knowledge about meaning is obtained through one's ears. The chief reason for
Prathyaksham is the assistance from an Indhriyam. When the ear as an Indhriyam hears it
and develops arTa Jn~Anam, Bhattar asks how can you reject sabdham (Vedam) as false?
Some CharvAkAs include anumAnam and aagamam in Prathyaksham. Swamy Desikan
rejects that view and points out that Prathyaksham and anumAnam are separate
PramANams. Swamy Desikan's arguments are deep and incisive to reject ChArvaka
Matham as unacceptable as elaborated in the next paasuram.


கண்டதனாற் காணாத த மிக்கின்றார்

கண்ெடா த்த ைரத்ததைனக் கவ கின்றார்
உண் பசிெக ெமன்ேற உனர்ந் ண் கின்றார்
ஒன்றாேல ெயான்ைறத் தாஞ்சதிக்கின்றார்
பண் ைல ண்டதனால் ைல ண்கின்றார்
பார்க்கின்றார் பலவல்லாத் தம்ைம மற் ம்
கண் மதி ெகட்ட நிைல காணகில்லார்
காணாத திலெதன் கலங்குவேர.

KaNDathanAl kANathathu anumikkinranar
KaNDu Orutthan uraitthatanai kavaruhinRAr
uNDu pasi kedum yenRE uNarnthu uNkinrAr
onRAlE onRait-tAmm sAdhikkinRAr
paNDu mulai uNDu athanaal mulai uNkinrAr
pArkkinrAr pala allAt-taMMai maRRum
kaNDu mathi ketta nilai kANahillAr
kANathathu ilathu yenRu kalanguvArE

ChArvakAs infer the presence of Agni from the directly seen smoke. Another believes in
the vishayam that is directly seen and experienced by the ear and accepts it. From this, it is
clear that the charvAkAs accept anumAnam and sabdham. They consume food with the
knowledge that hunger will be relieved, when one is hungry. They do not know however that
hunger will be removed by eating, before eating through the power of prathyaksham. Further,
as Vaadhis, they point why they agree with the PrathivAdhis on the reasons and state that
the unseen vasthu exits. By this act, they have agreed to the validity of anumAnam and
The CharvAkAs, who only accept the body that is seeable by prathyaksham and reject
the unseeable aathmA as nonexistent can come up with the only answer for the new born
baby drinking mother's milk because of poorva janma vaasanai (memories of previous
births). By this they have to agree that there is an eternal aathmA other than the SarIram.

Further, the CharvAkAs who equate the body with the aathmA see the aathmA, which has no
hand or leg or eye in the same way as the limbs of the SarIram (hand, leg, eye of that
SarIram) that they can see by direct perception (Prathyaksham).
Thus the CharvAkAs know that their doctrines are inconsistent with their actions and
lose their minds and yet wont give up their faulty doctrines.


Before we proceed with the study of the meaning of the Paasurams related to the
refutation of the doctrines of the four sects of Bhouddha Matham, it would be useful to have
an overview of this matham as elaborated in SarvArTa Siddhi of Swamy Desikan. The
excerpts from the Doctoral thesis of Dr. V. N. SeshAdhriyAcchAr about SarvArTa Siddhi are:
“There are four schools of Buddhism: VaibhAshika, Sautraanika, YogAchAra and
Maadhyamika. They have some common points:
1. all entities are impermanent, transitory and in a continuous state of change

2. apart from the flow of cognitions, there is no soul or Aathman as the seat of cognition
or consciousness.
Coming to The School of Budhdism of Maadhyamika, it has close relationship with the
school of nihilists of western philosophy in denying the real existence of every thing seen
within and around us.
The MaadhyAmikas deny the reality of everything in the universe. Even consciousness
or intellect (chaitanya) is considered unreal. Nothing comes into existence nor perishes. Like
other schools of Buddhism, MaadhyAmikas hold that things are momentary. There is a close
relationship to Advaitham among the doctrines of MaadhyAmikam (Samvruthi in
MaadhyAmikam is the same as the term avidhya in advaitham). Adhvaithin holds every thing
except Brahman is unreal, and the appearance of thing as existing is due to the
superimposition on the basis (adhishtAna) namely, Brahman which alone is real as per his
(adhvaitin's) contention, MaadhyAmika finds no purpose in holding even that Brahman as
real to serve as basis (adhishtAna) for the superimposition and maintains that no cognition
requires a basis. The MaadhyAmika asks: What harm would arise if Brahman alone is denied
Reality ? The MaadhyAmika does not accept the authority of Vedam and has no scruples in
denying the need for a real basis (adhishtAna) for unreality. Thus, MaadhyAmikan denies
the existence of Brahman and is an atheist.
Swamy Desikan refuted soundly the MaadhyAmika's views, which seek to prove the void
of the universe as opposed to the reality of the universe.


காணாதில ெத ங்கல்வி யினாைரக் க ந்ததற்பின்

ேகாணார்குதர்க்கங்கள் ெகாண்ேட குழப் ம் ப த்தர்களில்
நாணாதைனத் மில ெதன் ம் நால்வைகயன்றிெதன் ம்
வாணாள க்கின்ற மத்திமத்தான் வழிமாற் வேம.

kANathathu ilathu yenuum kalviyinArai kaDinthathaRppin

kONAr kutharkkangaL koNDE kuzhappum bhavuttharhaLil
nANAthu anaitthum ilathu yenRum nAlvahai anRu yenRum
VaaNAL aRukkinRa matthimatthAn vazhi mARRuvamE

One of the four sishyAs of Bhuddha is Maadhyamikan,who developed the doctrine:
“Sarvam Soonyam” (all is void) and without hesitation declares that there are no Tatthvams.
He was the most favored sishyan of Buddha. It is generally accepted that there are four kinds
of vasthus in the Prapancham (universe):
(1) Sath (Truly existing),
(2) asath (nonexistent),
(3) Sathasath (Mixture of true and untrue) and
(4) sathasath vilakshaNam (one which is neither Sath or asath).
Maadhyamikan holds that the Universe can not be classified as any one of the above four
kinds. He denies the existence of Iswaran and the vasthus of the universe belonging to Him
and therefore loses the fruits obtained through the grace of Iswaran. In this context,
MaadhyAmikan is like the women, who hates her living husband and cuts her MangaLa
Soothram and throws it away. Swamy Desikan says that He refutes MaadhyAmikam as the
First of the four Buddhistic systems in the 7th adhikAram of his Para Matha Bhangam.


மானமிைல ேமயமிைல ெயன் ம் மற்ேறார்

வாதெநறியிைல ெயன் ம் வா ண்ட
தா மிைல தன் ைர ம் ெபா மில்ைல
தத் வத்தி ணர்த்தி சயமில்ைல ெயன் ம்
வானவ ம் மானவ ம் மன ம் ெவள்க
வளம்ேபசுமதி ேகடன்மத்திமத்தான்
ேதனெநறிெகாண்டைனத் ம் தி டாவண்ணம்
ெச மதிேபாெல மதியாற் ேசமித்ேதாேம.

mAnam ilai mEyam ilai yenRum maRROr

Vaadha neRi ilai yenRum vaathu pooNDa
thAnumilai tannurayum poruLm illai
tatthuvathtin uNartthi sayam illai yenRum
vAnavarum mAnavarum manamum veLha
vaLam pEsu mathikEdan MatthimatthAn
tEna neRi koNDu anaitthum thiruDA vaNNam
sezhumathi pOl yezhum mathiyAl-semitthOmE

MaadhyAmikan's doctrine is that all is soonyam (void). In his matham, there is no
pramANam to comprehend the different vasthus. There is no debating method. He is not
there for engaging in debate. There is no vaakyam uttered by him and no meaning for those
There is no Tatthva Jn~Anam. There is no victory in debates. In view of these strange
aspects of his matham, the DevAs and humans laugh at his doctrines and his own mind also
chuckles about his stupidity. We (Swamy Desikan) refuted these strange doctrines of
MaadhyAmikan, which makes every thing void and denies the existence of Iswaran and His
sentient and insentient universe.

Before we proceed further with the study of the meaning of the Paasurams related to the
refutation of the doctrines of the four sects of Bhouddha Matham, it would be useful to have
another summation of this matham as elaborated in SarvArTa Siddhi of Swamy Desikan.
The excerpts from the Doctoral thesis of Dr. V. N. SeshAdhriyAcchAr about SarvArTa Siddhi
“ There are three corner stones of Buddhism with the exception of VaibhAshika matham:
(1) Nothing is permanent,
(2) Nothing has any self or inner substratum, and
(3) NirvANa is tranquility.
These three are fundamental tenets of Buddhism, which distinguishes it from all other
religious systems in the history of the world. According to Buddhists, there is no being, but
there is only becoming. All individual objects are unstable and ephemeral. Every thing, be it a

person, a thing or God, is therefore merely an aggregation of component elements. Further in
all individuals, with out any exception, the relation of their component parts is eternally
changing and is never the same even for two consecutive moments. Putting together
implies becoming, becoming means becoming different, and becoming different can not
arise without a dissolution-- a passing away, which must inevitably and finally be complete.”
As an introduction to YogAchAra matham, the summary by Dr. V.N. SeshaadhriyAcchAr:
“Things may be considered as permanent only if, at all times, present, past and future,
they remain the same without undergoing any change or assuming a new future. If it suffers
any alteration or acquires a new feature or peculiarity, which did not exist before, it can not
be maintained as permanent. To the Buddhists, there is no distinction between the
attributes (dharma) and the thing possessing that attribute (dharmi). The attribute and the
thing which is supposed by the scholars of other doctrines as having that attribute are one
and the same. So if a new change or attribute or feature occurs in the thing, it is a new thing,
the old thing having ceased to exist. YogAchAran denies the existence of three different
entities, namely, cognition, its object and the cognizer. The existence of them as distinct
entities according to YogAchAran is due to illusion.”


மானமிைல ேமயமிைல ெயன் ம் மற்ேறார்

வாதெநறியிைல ெயன் ம் வா ண்ட
தா மிைல தன் ைர ம் ெபா மில்ைல
தத் வத்தி ணர்த்தி சயமில்ைல ெயன் ம்
வானவ ம் மானவ ம் மன ம் ெவள்க
வளம்ேபசுமதி ேகடன்மத்திமத்தான்
ேதனெநறிெகாண்டைனத் ம் தி டாவண்ணம்
ெச மதிேபாெல மதியாற் ேசமித்ேதாேம.

maanamilaimEyamilai yenRum maRROr


vaathan^eRiyilaiyenRum vaathupooNda
thaanumilai thannuraiyum poruLumillai
thaththuvaththinuNarththi sayamillaiyenRum
vaanavarumaana varumanamum veLka
vaLampEsumathi kEdanmaththimaththaan
thEnan^eRikoNdanaiththunthi rudaavaNNam
sezhumathipOlezhu mathiyaaR sEmiththOmE

There is no PramAnam and hence there is no premEyam to be achieved by PramANam.

There is no prathivAdha mArgam. The yOgAcharan engaged in Vaadham believes that his
words, its meanings, the realization arising from them and any doubts associated with those
meanings are unreal. The celestials, humans and himself are ashamed about this stand. We
(Swamy Desikan) with clear knowledge prevented this MadhyAthmikan from causing any
damage through illogic (kutarkkams).


ற் ஞ்சகத்திலெதன்ேற பகட் ய ட்டைர நாம்

சுற் ந் றந் ைறயில்நின்ேற களாக்கியபின்
மற்ெறான்றில மதிபல ண்ெடன் வஞ்சைனயால்
சற் ந் றந்த ேயாகாசாரைனச் சதிக்கின்றனேம.

muRRum chahatthil ilathu yenRE pahattiya muttarai nAmm

suRRum thuRanthu thuRayil ninRE tuhaL-Aakkiya pinn
maRRu onRu ilathu mathi pala uNDenRu vanchanyAl
saRRum thuRantha yOgAchAranai sathikkinRanamE

One of the four groups of Bhouddham with the name of MaadhyAthmikan propagated
his foolish doctrine that every thing is void in this world and cheated the human beings with
his trickery. Earlier, We stood firmly on VedAnthic ground and refuted his matham and
pulverized his doctrines. Now, we refute the doctrines of the second group of Bhouddham
known as YogAchAram, which also tried to enchant the world with its sophistry.
YogAchAran's main contention is that Jn~Anam alone is true. It is of many kinds.
Beyond that, there is neither the knower nor the vasthus understood by that Jn~Anam. Since
he rejected himself as the knower and the objects enjoyed by him, he is a forever loser that
forfeits even the trivial phalans that he is entitled to in this & the other world.
Dr. SeshAdriyAcchAr sums up this philosophy of YogAchAryan this way: Cognitions
apprehend their objects as if the objects were distinct from the cognitions and as existing
externally. Hence, the yogAchAran is called “aathma-khyAti vaadin”. If the so-called external
objects, he says, are spoken of as being real, it is due to their having only the empirical reality
(Samvruthi-sathyatA). As a matter of fact, there is neither a separate apprehender nor even a
separate apprehended object. One and the same apprehension appears in three forms as
apprehender, apprehension and apprehended...”.
In the next paasuram, Swamy Desikan says that the two eyes of YogAchaaran are
KshaNikathvam and NirAkArathvam. These are his PramANam and PramEyam. Swamy
Desikan says that he used VedAnthic arguments to destroy them as meaningless babble.


உளக்கதிைய நா ள்ளி உள்ளந்ேதறி

உலகத்தா கந்திைசய உலகுண்ெடன்ேறாம்
இளக்க அாிதாகிய நல் த க்கஞ்ேசர்ந்த
எழில் மைறயில் ஈச டெனம்ைமக் கண்ேடா ம்
விளக்குநிைரேபால் மதிகள் ேவறாய் ேவெறான்
அறியாேத விளங்குெமன விளம் கின்ற
களக்க த்தன் கண்ணிரன் மழித்ேதாம் நாணாக்
காகம்ேபால் திாிந்தவெனன் கத மாேற.

uLak-kathiyai nAmm uLLI uLLam tERi

ulahatthAr uhanthu isaya ulahu uNDu yenROm
iLakka arithAhiya nall tarukkam sErntha
yezhil maRayil Isanudan yemmaik-kaNDOm
viLakku nirai pOl mathikaL vERAy vERu
onRu aRiyAthE viLangumena viLambuhinRa
kaLak-karutthan kaNNIraNDum azhitthOm nANA
kAham pOl thirinthavan en kathaRumARE

The doctrine of YogAchAryan is that Jn~Anam is born from moment to moment in new
forms and ceases to exist the next moment (KshaNikatthvam). This Jn~Anam will not relate
to any thing other than itself. Therfore, there are no external objects (nirAkArathvam). The
successions of the Jn~Anam that is born every second and dies is considered as AathmA.This
leads to the inevitable conclusion that AathmA is not eternal. At the same time, consideration
of AathmA as Jn~Anam confers its firm presence as a lasting entity (sTiram). Therefore,
there is a fundamental contradiction in YogAchAran's views. Just as the flames (JwAlAs)
emanating from a lamp (Dheepam) varies from moment to moment and yet is the same
dheepam that is behind these variations in a firm and steady manner to give the Jn~Anam
that it is the same Dheepa JwAlai, it is concluded that Aathma is anithyam and the doctrines
of YogAcchAran are incorrect.
YogAchAran negates ChEthanam, achEthanam and Iswaran using untenable logic. He

says that “the knower is false” and “the known vasthu is false (nonexistent)”. Swamy
Desikan states that he has destroyed the above two “eyes” of YogAchAra matham and
reduced the status of YogAchaaran as a wailing blind man. He compares the YogAcharan's
status to that of the KaakAsuran, who committed unforgivable apachArams to SithA PirAtti
and sought without success some one to protect him in all the three worlds and finally lost
one of his eyes to the blade of grass empowered by Lord Raamachandran to serve as
BrahmAsthram. Swamy Desikan says that KakAsuran wailed over loss of one eye, where as
YogAchAran symbolically lost both his eyes (KshaNikatthvam and NIrAkAratthvam) in the
debate with him and was wailing over that unbearable loss.



Before studying the two Paasurams of Swamy Desikan on this branch of Buddhism, let
us summarize the key aspects of SouthrAnthikam as presented by Dr. V.N.
SeshAdhriyAcchAr Swamy:
1. The MadhyAmikan focused on Soonya Vaadham.
2. The YogAchAryan stayed with the theory of the Phenomenality of the world.
3. SauthrAnthikan represented that things being imperceptible are to be inferred by
their forms imprinted in the cognitions.
Buddhist's views of momentariness of all things (KshaNikathvam) and the theory that
substratum is no more than an aggregation of qualities (nirAkArathvam) are broadly present
in all of the four Buddhistic Mathams.
Although momentary features can not be completely denied such as Cloud, flood et al,

this does not lead to the conclusion that non-momentary entities do not exist. Dr.
Varadachari of the French Institute of Indology points out in this context that Recognition
proves that stability (AakArathvam instead of nirAkArathvam) is at the basis of the worldly
things in most of the Vaidhika Mathams.
Coming back to SautrAntikan, he hods that the external objects like pot and cloth are real
but they can not however be directly perceived by the senses. He states that these (pot or
cloth) can only be inferred by the cognition, which bears their “form” or “likeness”.
SautrAntikan's view of the process of generation of a perception and subsequent
cognition is described by Dr. V. N. S. Swamy this way:
“There are few requisites for every cognition: (1) Aalambana Pratyaya (2) Samanantara
Pratyaya (3) SahakAri Pratyaya and (4) Adipathi Pratyaya. »
Let us understand each of the four Pratyayas and their interrelationships
1. Aalambana pratyaya relates to the objects, which are the causes of the cognitions in
which, in the absence of those objects, can not come in to being.
2. Samanatara pratyaya is a cognition that enables the succeeding cognition to receive
the form of the external objects.
3. SahakAri pratyaya refers to light etc. which are responsible in making the cognition
distinct with regard to its object. The absence of light disables a person from having
a clear apprehension of an object placed in the darkness. Therefore, light is sahakAri
4. Adhipathi pratyaya refers to the sense organs. It is the sense organs that make the
objects present their forms to the cognition in the succeeding moment.
As the external objects present their forms to the Cognition, so do the internal objects like

pleasure, pain and hatred; thus they too become inferable.”
SautrAntikan's view is based on an untenable theory and has been criticized by the other
two Mathams associated with Buddhism (YogAcharam and VaibhAshikam). AchArya
RaamAnuja and Swamy Desikan have soundly criticized the SautrAntrikan's theories using
Tarkam and VedAntham.
Acharya Raamanuja asks the question:
“If things are contended to be MOMENTARY, the external things would cease to exist
in the moment of the presentation of their form to the mind. In the absence of such a thing,
how can its form alone survive to be presented to the mind?”
The unsoundness of the SautrAntikan's views is severely criticized by Swamy Desikan in
SarvArTa Siddhi and Para Matha Bhangam as well as in the Desika Prabhandham carrying
the same name.



ெபா ெளான்றிலெதன் ேபாதெமான் ம் ெகாண்ட ெபாய்யைர, நாம்

ெத ள்ெகாண் தீர்த்த பின் காணெவாண்ணாப் ெபா ள்ேத கின்ற
ம ள்ெகாண்ட சூ ைரக்கும் ெசௗத்திராந்திகன் வண்ணிக்ைக நாம்
இ ள்ெகாண்ட பா ங்கிணெரன் இகழ்ந்ேதாடவி ம் வேம.

PoruL onRu ilathu yenRu bhOdham onRum kONDa poyyarai nAmm

teruL kONDu theertha pinnkANavoNNAp-poruL tEDuhinRa
maruL koNDa soothu uraikkum SouththirAnthikan vaNNikkai nAmm
iruL koNDa pAzhumkiNaRu yenRu ihazhnthuOda iyampuvamE

YogAchAran has the doctrine that there are no external objects and that Jn~Anam alone
exists. We (Swamy Desikan) refuted those views with our special Jn~Anam acquired from
our AchAryAs in the previous adhikAram. The Buddhist belonging to SautrAnthika Matham
accepts the reality of external objects. The SautrAnthikan due to his ignorance tries to use
beguiling ruse to prove the existence of the external objects and internal entities through
anumAnam (inference). His unconvincing arguments are like the Paazhum KiNaRu (dark
and dangerous empty well). If any one stumbles in to this type of well will lose his life. We
(Swamy Desikan) criticized severely the SautrAnthika Matham so that VivEkis will develop a
distaste for this Matham and stay away from it.


நிைலயில்லாப் ெபா ள்மதிைய விைளத் த் தான்ேசர்

நிறங்ெகா த் த் தானழி ம் தன்னால்வந்த
நிைலயில்லாமதி தன்னில் நிறத்ைதக் கா ம்
இ கா ம் ெபா ள் காண்ைகெயன்ற நீசன்
ைலயில்லாத் தாய்ெகா த்த ைலப்பா ண் ம்
கமில்லாெமாழிெயனேவ ெமாழிந்த வார்த்ைத
தைலயில்லாத் தா ங் கணக்காய் நின்ற
கட்டைள நாம் கண் ன் காட் ேனாேம.

nilayillA poruL mathiyai viLaitthu tAnn sEr

niRam kodutthu tAnn azhiyum tannAl vantha
nilayillA mathi tannil niRatthaik-kANum
ithu kANum poruL kANNKai yenRa neesan
mulai illAt-thaai koduttha mulaip-paal uNNUm
muhamilla mozhi yenavE mozhintha vArtthai
talai illAt-taaL oorum kaNakkAi ninRa
kattaLai nAmm kaNDu inRu kaattinOmE

In contrast to YogAchAran, SautrAnthikan accepts the existence of external objects.
SautrAntikan's doctrine is: External objects generate Jn~Anam and hand over the white,
yellow and other colors to that Jn~Anam and become extinct. Therefore, the Indhriyams can
not apprehend/comprehend these objects, which have the svabhAvam of extinction after
enriching Jn~Anam about their attributes like their colors. Even in these external objects
cease to exist, we can comprehend the objects through the information transferred to
Jn~Anam about the colors through a process of anumAnam (inference). Even this Jn~Anam
with transferred information on the colors of the external objects becomes extinct in a trice
(KshaNam). This Jn~Anam is equivalent to the AathmA. This Jn~Anam will enjoy the colors
like blue, yellow et al that has been given to it by the external objects. This anubhavam is
termed Vasthu SaakshAthkAram.
In SautrAntikan's doctrine, one has to accept that Jn~Anam is generated after the birth of
the Vasthu. That vasthu exists for a KshaNam and ceases to exist after that kshaNam.

During that KshaNam of its existence, the external object creates Jn~Anam and imparts
information about itself to Jn~Anam and thereafter the external object ceases to exist. Thus
this external object that is destined to become extinct in a kshaNam has to be born first,
Create Jn~Anam in the first second, transfer the information to Jn~Anam in the second
Second and in the third second has to become extinct. This is totally impossible to conceive.
Further, the Jn~Anam housing the imparted information also becomes extinct after a
KshaNam. First second, Jn~Anam is born, the next second it becomes the repository of
information from the external objects and in the third second, it has to become extinct. How
can that Jn~Anam accomplish Vasthu SaakshAthkAram (Visualization of external objects)?
It is inconceivable and impossible. The situation here is similar to the baby helping itself to
mother's milk from a mother, who has no breasts; it is like speaking, when there is no face ; it
is like the movement by the feet, when there is no head in the body to command it. Thus we
refute the inconsistent and unsound theories of SautrAnthikam says Swamy Desikan in this

Before studying the two Paasurams of Swamy Desikan on this branch of Buddhism, let
us summarize the key aspects of VaibhAshikam as presented by U.Ve. Dr. V.N.
SeshAdhriyAcchAr Swamy (Dr. V.N.S Swamy) and his elder brother, U.Ve. V.N. SrIrAma
DesikAcchAr Swamy:
“The Four Schools of Buddhism, namely, VaibhAshika, SautrAntika, YogAchAra and
Maadhyamika, inspite of many differences in their principles, have some agreements in their
(1) All entities are impermanent, transitory and in a continuous state of change
(2) Apart from the flow of cognitions, there is no soul or aathman as the seat of cognition
or consciousness.
Unlike the two latter Buddhists (YogAchara and MaadhyAmika), the VaibhAshika and
the SautrAntika hold both mental and physical entities as real and existing. The VaibhAshika
contends that all external objects are real and apprehensible by perceptions generated by the

sense organs. Space and NirvANa are, according to him, eternal; matter and mind which is
not an entity distinct from the so-called soul or atman, are impermanent and momentary.
For the reason that some entities are held as permanent and non-momentary, the
VaibhAshika is condemned as a non-buddhist even by his colleagues, who uphold the
momentariness of all existing entities.
The VaibhAshika is grouped with SautrAntika because both of them maintain the reality
of external things. Consequently, they are both called Sarva-asti-vAdhins. The VaibhAshika
objects however to the contention of SautrAntika on the point of presentation of a form by
the external thing to the mind”.


காண்கின்றவனிைல காட்சி ங்கண்ட ம் உண் , அைவதாம்

ஏண்ெகாண்டனவன் இவற்றிற்குண நிைல மிைல
ேசண்ெகாண்டசந்ததியால் ேசர்ந் ெமான்ெறன நிற்குெமன்ற
ேகாண்ெகாண்டேகா ைர ைவபா கன் குைறகூ வேம.

KaaNkinravan illai kAtcchiyum kaNDathum uNDu avai thAmm

yENN koNDanavanRu ivaRRil guNamum nilayum illai
chENN koNDa santhathiyAl sErnthum onRu yena niRkum yenRa
kONN koNDa kOLUrai VaibhAtikan kuRai kUruvamE


VaibhAshika's doctrine are:

(1) The Jn~AthA, who knows the meaning is false (poy aavAn)
(2) Jn~Anam, and the entity comprehended by the Jn~Anam are real entities
(3) That Jn~Anam and the vasthus comprehended by it are limitless
(4) Both of them however have no attributes (GuNams)
(5) They do not stay permanent and are destroyed in a moment.
(6) Vasthus will stay as assemblies of ParamANus (sub-atomic entities).
Some weird and distorted inferences are made form this ParamAnu theory of
According to him, although the ParamANus are limitless, their assembly makes the
entity of similar ParmANus that we call as a Pot or the flame made up of similar ParamANus
of fire (microcosms of fire). Even if the sparks of flames are similar ParamANus to make the
mighty flame, it is confusing to extend the instantaneously perishing sparks to become an
existing flame. This kind of Vakra (distorted) arguments are criticized heavily by Swamy
Desikan in VaibhAshika BangAdhikAram.


கும்பி வார் ஆெரன் ேத கின்றார்

குணங்கைள ந் தங்க க்குக் கூ கின்றார்
தம் ப ையத்தமர்க்குைரத் ப் ப விக்கின்றார்
தமக்கினிேமல் ெடன் சாதிக்கின்றார்
தம் டைவ ணல் குறித் ெந ெதண்கின்றார்
சந்ததிக்குத் தவம்ப க்கத் தாம் ேபாகின்றார்
ெசம்படவர் ெசய்கின்ற சிற்றினிப்ைபச்
ேசவகப் பற் டேன நாம் ெசகுத்திட்ேடாேம.

kumbhiduvAr Ar yenRu tEduhinRAr
guNangaLayum tangaLuku kooRuhinRAr
tamm padiyai tamarkku urIaitthup-padivikkinRAr
tamakku ini mEl VeedenRu sAthikkinRAr
tamm pudavai uNal kuritthu nedithu yeNkinRAr
santhatikkut-tavam palikkat-tAmm pOhinRAr
sempadavar seyhinRa siRRinippaic-
chEvahap-paRRudanE nAmm sehtthittOmE

VaibhAshikars accept Jn~Anam and vasthu as real and yet reject guNams (attributes) in
them and state their existence is momentary. These doctrines counter their behavior.
VaibhAshikAs spend a lot of time and effort to collect sishyAs for the sake of amassing
wealth and glory. They proclaim that they possess dispassion (VairAgyam) and non-violence
(ahimsA). They instruct the sishyAs about their doctrine that they will secure MOksham, the
moment their bodies fall down at the end of their life span. They take a lot of trouble to
amass wealth and food and worry quite a bit on bodily matters. They state that they perform
penance for the upliftment of their sishyAs and family. All of these are inconsistent with their
doctrines that all entities are momentary and these entities have no attributes. We (Swamy
Desikan) have refuted all these inconsistencies between the VaibhAshikA's acts and their
professed philosophies.
The use of the Tamil word in this Paasuram “Sempadavan” has double meanings: (1)

Sempadavar means fishermen. Here the VaibhAshikAs are compared to fishermen, who use
their distorted logic to attract the minds of the people to win them over to their doctrines (2)
Sem+padavar means one, who wears ochre robes (KaashAyam).

At the outset, let me request all who to read this essay to treat it as a historical summary
with no intention to hurt anybody's feelings. This particular posting is aimed at the students
of Philosophy.

There are many outstanding books on Advaitha, Dhvaitha, VisishtAdhvaitha
VedAnthams by eminent AchAryAs going back to many centuries. In most recent times, the
following books on the comparative analysis and defense of Advaitha and VisishtAdhvaitha
Darsanams would be of immense use to the students of such darsanams:
1. SrI Madhusoodhana Saraswathi (1540-1647 C.E): Advaitha Siddhi
2. Swamy Desikan (1268-1369 C.E): Satha DhUshaNi & Other SrI Sookthis such as
AdhikaraNa SaarAvaLi , 11th chapter of Para Matha Bhangam
3. SrI AnanthakrishNa Saasthri (1956): Satha BhUshaNi

4. SrI UtthamUr Swamy (1959): ParamArTa BhUshaNam
5. SrI S.M.S. Chari 1961): Advaita and VisishtAdhvaitha (A study based on Vedanata
Desika”s Sata DhUshaNi).
6. SrI S.M.S. Chari (1998): The Philosophy of the Vedantha SoothrAs
Before studying the two Paasurams of Swamy Desikan on Advaitham, let us summarize
the key aspects of Advaitham as presented by U.Ve. Dr.V.N.SeshAdhriyAcchAr Swamy
(Dr.V.N.S Swamy) and his elder brother, U.Ve. V.N.SrIrAma DesikAcchAr Swamy along the
lines of AchArya RaamAnujA in SrI BhAshyam (laghu and MahA SiddhAntham) and Swamy
Desikan in Satha DhUshaNi, Tatthva Muktha KalAPam, SarvArTa Siddhi and Para Matha
Bhangam (11th Chapter: Pracchanna Bouddha BhangAdhikAram).


His contributions are many from PrakaraNa granthams to moving sthOthrams and
subhAshithams like Bhaja Govindham. Adhi Sankara destroyed the faulty doctrines of Veda-
Baahya mathams like Buddhism and Jainism and established the authority of Vedams and
crushed the nihilistic theories of Buddhism. We are indebted to Adhi Sankara for these
unique contributions.


Dr.V.Varadachary's observations on Adhvaitham developed by Aadhi Sankara are:
“Idealism of the Buddhists found room in SankarA's system in which Brahman assumed the
place of Knowledge. Brahman is without attributes and is the only Reality. The world of
animates and inanimates (ChEthanams and achEthanams) has only phenomenal existence
and while dividing existence thus in to absolute and phenomenal, SankarA paved the way for

living a virtuous life leading finally to absolutism”. In view of overlaps with Buddhistic
doctrines in some key areas, some have described adhvaitham as Pracchanna Bhouddham.

VaishNavite Achaaryas have over centuries disagreed with the basic premises of
Advaitham in the following areas as defined by Dr. S.M.S. Chari in his classical monograph
(1) The validity of PramANAs for Advaita VedAntham
(2) The nature and content of Perception
(3) The Nature of Consciousness
(4) The nature of Jeevan
(5) The Nature of Brahman: SaguNa or NirguNa Brahman
(6) The nature of Jagath (Universe)
(7) The doctrine of avidhya and

(8) Sadhana and Mukthi.

As Dr. S.M.S. Chari points out, there have been criticisms Advaitham by
VisishtAdhvaitham and vice versa over centuries and continues even today.


Professor P.N. SrInivAsAchAri's wise assessment has to be borne in mind, while we treat
this subject (the Two schools of VedAnthA) in this series of essays on Para Matha Bhangam.
“Every VedAnthic System has a synthetic purpose as it claims be a criticism of and
fulfillment of previous systems. The conflicts between two schools of thought do not in any
way affect their value as a system of philosophy. On the other hand, they enrich them in so
far as they serve as an impetus to further development of Philosophic thought”.


Samkara Advaitha has the core doctrines:
“ Brahma Satyam Jagan Mithya, JivO Brahmaiva na Para:”
This core statement of Advaitham affirms:
1. the non-duality of Brahman / the oneness of the individual Jeevan with the absolute
Brahman/ the non-difference between the Jeevan and Brahman
2. the non-reality of the empirical world around us and
3. Brahman alone is True.
The key concept in Advaitha VedAntha is avidhyA /MaayA). It is used to explain the
distinction between the attributeless (nirguNa) Brahman and the One with attributes

(SaguNa Brahman) and to explain the distinction between non-dual reality appearing as
Jeevans and as God Iswaran).



ேவதங்கள் ெமௗ விளங்க வியாசன் விாித்த நன் ல்

பாதங்களான பதினாறில் ஈசன்ப மைறத் ப்
ேபதங்களில்ைலெயன் ஓர்பிரமப்பிச்சியம் கின்ற
ேபாதங்கழிந்தவைனப் த்தர்மாட் டன் ட் வேம

VedhangaL mouli viLanga ViyAsan virittha nannool

paadhangaL aana pathinARil Isan padi maRaitthu
BhEthangaL illai yenRu ohR birama picchu iyambuhinRa
bhOdham kazhinthavanai Bhuddhar mAttudan poottuvamE


For the purpose of understanding the true meaning of Upanishads, Sage VyAsa compiled
Brahma Soothrams in four adhyAyams containing sixteen padhams. Adhvaithins do not
accept Iswaran's anantha kalyANa guNams and Svaroopam proclaimed by the above
VedAntha Saasthram. Instead, they describe Brahman as mere Jn~Ana Svaroopan without
any guNams (nirguNa Brahman). They assert Brahman alone is Real (sathyam) and all else
are false.
They declare that MayA does make all these unreal objects appear real to Brahman as a
result of its Ajn~Anam. We have no choice under these circumstances to link adhvaitham
with Bhouddham and reject both as unsound in this adhikAram of Pracchanna BhouddhA
Matha Bangam.


பிாிவில்லா இ ெளான் பிணக்ெகான்றில்லாப்

ெப ெவயிைல மைறத் லகங்காட் ெமன்ன
அறிவில்லா அறிெவான்ைற அவித்ைத
அகம் றெமன்றிைவ யைனத் ம் அைமக்குெமன்பார்
ெசறிவில்லாப் த்த டன் ேசர்ந் ெகட்டார்
சீவைன மீசைன ஞ்சிைதக்கப்பார்த்தார்
ெநறியில்லா ேநர்வழி ந் தாேனயானான்
ெந மாைல நாமைடந் நிைலெபற்ேறாேம

pirivu illa iruL onRu piNakku onRu illA
peru-veyilai maRaitthu ulaham kaattum yenna
aRivillA aRivu onRai avitthai moodi
aham puRam yenRu ivai anaithtum amaikum yenpAr
seRivu illA Buddharudan sErnthu kettAr
seevanayum Isanayum chithaikkap-pArthAr
neRi illA nErvazhiyum tAnE aanAn
NedumAlai nAmm adainthu nilai peRROmE

The main tenet of Adhvaithis is that Brahmam alone is true (sathyam). It has no
GuNams like Jn~Anam. But it (Brahman) stands as the Jn~Ana Svaroopam.There is no real
Vasthu other than Jn~Anam. Brahma Svaroopam has sambhandham from time immemorial
to a vasthu called MaayA. The nature of MaayA is to hide its aadhAram, Brahman. Since
Brahman is hidden by MaayA, Brahma svaroopam does nor shine as it should in its real
nature. This MaayA is a vasthu made up of the three guNams, Satthvam,Rajas and Tamas; it
can not be described either as real or unreal; it has the svabhAvam (nature) to hide its
substratum (aadhAram); it changes constantly. It hides Brahma Svaroopam and shows
transformed vasthus like Water, Earth (Pruthvee) and similarly through its thirOdhanam
(hiding Brahman), shows up as variations such as Desire (icchA), Jn~Anam and DhvEsham
(resentment). These are the key doctrines of Advaitham.
The description of avidhyai hiding Brahman to create all vasthus is like saying that a
mighty darkness hides the brightest luminous body and that mighty darkness shows all

vasthus of the world to the people (IruL onRu peru veyilai maRaitthu ulaham kAttum yenna).
It is YogAchAran's doctrine that Jn~Anam alone is sathyam and the rest are false. He
says that Jn~Anam is momentary in existence. It ceases to exist every moment and newer
Jn~Anams are born and perish the next second. This anithyathvam (impermanence) and
Bahuthvam (nature of being many Jn~Anmas) are figments of fancy and are not consistent
with Veda PramANams. In this Bhouddha Matham, Jn~AthA (the knower) is false
(asathyam) and the phalans of the Jn~Anam are also unreal.
Adhvaitham overlaps thus with YogachAras in some areas and MaadhyAmikas in other
areas. There are thus commonalities between the two mathams. Bhouddham is an avaidhika
matham (Veda Baahya matham) and does not accept Vedam as PramANam. Adhvaitham is
indeed a Vaidhika matham but misinterprets the true meanings of VedAntham as revealed by
Sage VyAsa in his Brahma Soothrams. The key outcome for adhvaitham is that they do not
accept that Jeevan and Iswaran are different tatthvams. The Adhvaithins believe in the
identity of Jeevan with Brahman. In Adhvaitham, “All things other than Brahman are unreal
because they are different from Brahman, like the shell-Silver. Avidhya (ignorance) makes
one see the universe in Brahman even though the Universe has no real existence. This

doctrine of avidhyA or MaayA is the very life blood of Adhvaitha”. With the use of avidhyA,
the relation between Brahman and the Universe is distorted by adhvaithins.
VisishtAdhvathins stoutly refute many of the above doctrines of Adhvaitham. They hold
that The Universe is Real and the Supreme Being is full of kalyAna GuNams. Brahman is
held to be playing the role of Soul to the Universe, which is recognized as His own body. The
Body-Soul relationship between the Universe and Brahman is the life blood of
VisishtAdhvaitham. All the chEthanams and achEhtanams form the body of Brahman.
VisishtAdhvaitham's central tenet is “Brahman (the Supreme Being) having the Universe
of ChEthanams and achEthanams as its body is the ONLY Real thing and there is
NOTHING, which is not the body of Brahman and which is independent of the same
Supreme Being. Whereas in the doctrine of Adhvaitha, Brahman alone is real, and every thing
else--Sentients and insentients -- is false; the VisishtAdhvaitha while presenting the view that
brahman alone is real explains that brahman includes sentients and insentients, which are
proved to be inseparable attributes and body of Brahman. This interpretation reveals a vast
gulf of difference between Adhvaitham and VisishtAdhvaitham”.
Swamy Desikan states in this slOkam: “neRi illA nEr vazhiyum tAnE aanAn,
NedumAlai adainthu nilai peRROM” (We performed the UpAyam of SaraNAgathy to the
Lord, SrIman NaarAyaNan, who has no other alternative except Himself for granting
MOksham and we as Sesha BhUthans protected out Svaroopam as His eternal servant
through rejection of other misleading Mathams like Adhvaitham.


ேசாதைனவிட்ெடா த்தன் ெசால ெமய்ெயனச் ேசாகதைரச்

ேசதைனயற்றவெரன் சிைதத்தபின், சீவர்கட்ேகார்
ேவதைனெசய்ைக ெவ மறெமன் விளம்பிைவத்ேத
மா தவெமன் மயிர் பறிப்பார் மயல் மாற் வேம

sOthanai vittu orutthan solla meyyenac-chOhatarai

sEthanai aRRavar yenRu sithaittha pinn seevarkatkkOr
vEdanai seyhai veRum maRam yenRu viLampi vaitthE
maatavam yenRu mayir paRippAr mayal maaRRuvamE

The Jains do not accept the eternal VedAs as having been created by no human beings
(apourushEyam). They do not accept the Vedams bequeathed to us by the Lord as
PramAnam. Bhouddhism is in the same category of Veda Baahya Mathams. In this chapter,
we refute the Jaina Matham as we did before the four kinds of Bhouddha mathams. The key
doctrine of Jainism is nonviolence to every living being. In spite of this avowed doctrine not
to cause any pain to living beings, they pull out their own hair and cause harm to themselves
and consider that act of himsai as a great act of penance. We will remove their ignorance
about fundamental tatthvams.
The reason for many to like Jaina Matham over Buddha Matham is because of its
difference from Buddhism in accepting that the world is real and that here are nithya and
anithya vasthus.
They agree however with the Bhuddhists that mind is not a distinct entity from the Soul.
They preach ahimsai but perform forcible pulling of their hairs as dhigambhara monks and
cause himsai to themselves.
The nigamana (concluding, summing up) paasuram on Jainism goes in to more details
about the doctrines of this Matham and its inconsistencies and contradictions.


ெசான்னார் தாம்ெசான்ன ெதலாந் றேவா ெமன் ம்

ெசான்ன ேவ ெசான்னதலதாகுெமன் ம்
தின்னா ந்தின் ம ம் ஏகெமன் ம்
சிறிய மாம் ெபாிய மாஞ் சீவெனன் ம்
மன்னா மன் ம ம் ஒன்ேறெயன் ம்
ைவயெமலாம் வி கின்ற ெதன் ெமன் ம்
ெதன்னா ம் வடநா ஞ்சிாிக்கப் ேபசும்
சினெநறியார் சினெமல்லாஞ்சிைதத்திட்ேடாேம.

sonnAr tAmm sonnathu yelAm thuravOmyenRum


sonnathuvE sonnathu alathu aahum yenRum

tinnAthum tinnumathum yEkam yenRum
siRiyanumAm periyanumAm seevan yenRu
mannAthum mannumathum onRE yenRum
vaiyamellAm vizhuhinRathu yenRum yenRum
tennAdum vada naadum sirikka pEsum
sina neRiyAr sinam yellAm sithaitthittOmE

Jaina Matham's chief doctrine is that there is no Iswaran. For them, the ParamANus
(sub-atomic particles) are the cause of the Universe.Every vasthu in this world consists of the
duals of Sathyam-asathyam, bhEdham-abhEdham, nithyathvam-anithyathvam. They are
made of dhvandhvams (duads), which are polar opposites. If some one from other Matham
points out that the acceptance of polar opposites of the kinds pointed above would lead to the
acceptance of other dhvandhvams as well, then the Jains accept them all without objection. If
some one says that their views are inconsistent with PramANams, then they point out there
is no problem since they consider inconsistency as a guNam in vasthus. They say that what
can be eaten and what can not be eaten among vasthus is one and the same. They say that
the Jeevan will have the same size as one's body. They say that vasthus would be eternal
(nithyam) and at the same time evanescent (anithyam/limited life). They state that the Earth
because of its weight is forever descending downwards. All of these strange beliefs and
statements make them national laughing matter. We have rejected their doctrines (saptha
bhangee Vaadham) in this adhikAram.

This is one of the BhEdha- AbhEdha Matham). The detailed account of this matham as
a group of FIVE MATHAMS and its refutation is housed in the 6th Chapter of SrImath
Rahasya Thraya Saaram. During Jan 16, 1999 HH Prakrutham Azhagiya Singar gave a Tele-
upanyAsam on the Subject that has been summarized by adiyEn in the Ahobila Matham Web
Please refer to this posting for details on the BhAskara-YadhavaprakAsa Matham
doctrines. adiyEn will summarize the content of that posting below.


ஏகாந்திகெமான் மில்ைலெயன் ஆைசையத்தா ப்பார்

ேசாகாந்தமாகத் றப் ண்டபின் ெதாழில்ைவதிகெமன்
ஏகாந்திகள்ெசான்ன ஈசன்ப யில் விகற்பெமண் ம்
ேலாகாந்த ணர்தம் ேவதாந்த வார்த்ைத விலக்குவேம

yEkAnthikam onRum illai yenRu aasayai ththAmuduppAr

sOkAnthamAhat-thuRappunDa pinn thozhil vaidhikam
yenRu EkAnthikaL sonna Isan padiyil vikaRpam yeNNUM
lOkAntha VeeNar tamm vEdAntha Vaartthai vilakkuvamE

Jaina AchAryaas wear the directions as their dress (they are naked). They were saying
that there are no vasthus with the same svabhAvam. They became less sure about that
declaration after hearing our criticisms of that concept in the earlier chapter. Sages VyAsa,
ParAsara are the great ones, who established Brahma Svaroopam as firm and having the
same nilai. In those doctrines established by Sages VyAsa and ParAsarar, the BhAskara-
Yaahava matham followers create discord by suggesting BhEdham and abhEdham are in
Brahman. They keep telling that their BhEdhAbhEdha doctrines are rooted in the VedAs
and VedAntham. We will refute their Matham as unsound in this chapter.


ஒன்ெறன ம் பலெவன ந்ேதாற் கின்ற

உலெகல்லாெமா பிரமந்தாேனயாக்கி
நன்ெறன ந்தீெதன ம் பிாிந்தெவல்லாம்
நன்றன் தீதன்ேறெயன நவின்றார்
கன் ம் அலர் பசு ம் அலர் ஆகி நின்ேற
கன்றாகிப் பசுவாகி நின்றவண்ணம்
இன் மைற மாட் க்ேகாாிைடயனான
ஏகாந்தியிைசந்திட நாமியம்பிேனாேம.

onRenavum palavenavum thORRuhinRa


ulahu yellAm oru Bhiramam tAnE aakki

nanRu yenavum theethu yenavum pirintha yellAm
nanRu anRu theethu anRE yena navinRAr
kanRum alar pasuvum alar aahi ninRE
kanRAhi PasuvAhi ninRa vaNNam
inRu maRai mAttukku ohr idayanAna
yEkAnthi isayinthada nAmm iyambinOmE

BhAskara Matham: Jeevan and Braman will stay united without any variations
(abhEdham). This kind of non-difference (abhEdham) is natural for Brahman. The
differences (BhEdham) from Brahaman for Jeevans is thru the UpAthi of Buddhi, Indhriyam,
SarIram et al. For the insentients (achEthanam) and Brahman, both BhEdham and
abhEdham are natural manifestations.
Yaadhava PrakAsa Matham: The bhEdham and abhEdham between Brahman and
Jeevan as well as that between achEthanam and Brahman are natural manifestations
(SvabhAvikam) of Brahman. Yaadhava Matham asserts that the Svaroopam of Brahaman has
the capacity to transform in to chEthanams and achEthanams.
BhAskara-Yaadhava (B-Y) Matham was a powerful Matham in their day. That was why
Sudarsana Suri, the author of Srutha PrakAsikA, the Commentary on AchArya RaamAnujA's
SrI BhAshyam spent a lot of effort to refute the above doctrines of B-Y matham.

authors of B-Y matham had elegant but illogical arguments to sustain this untenable
position. How can there be Identity in difference? Ultimately, as history tells us
YaadhavaprAkAsa, one time AchAryan of SrI RaamAnujA surrendered his loyalty to B-Y
matham and became a devout SishyA of VisishtAdhvaitham as developed by AchArya
RaamAnujA. From the history of Philosophy, B-Y matham has to be looked at. The 180th
Paasuram covers Swamy Desikan's refutation based on the views of his PoorvAchAryAs.
Swamy Desikan refutes the central doctrine of B-Y Matham that the Svaroopam of Brahman
transforms in to ChEthanam and achEthanam. VisishtAdhvaitham avers that the Svaroopam
of Brahman is totally different from ChEthanams and achEthanams and the Brahama-
ParinAma vAdham of B-Y matham is undefendable based on Saasthrams and Upanishads.


The issue centers on the explanation of the material causality of Brahman. For reference,
a lump of clay is the material cause (UpAdhana KaaraNam) for an earthern pot. How does
Brahman, which Upanishads assert as immutable transform in to the Universe? How is the
material casuality of Brahman accounted for without affecting the Svaroopam of Brahman?
B-Y Matham accounted for this by stating that Brahman itself transforms into the

material universe. This is known as the Brahma PariNAma Vaadham.
VisishtAdhvaithins connected Brahman with ChEthanam and AchEthanam (sentient/
chith and insentient/achith) and held that the subtle form of association of Brahman with
chith and achith (Sookshma-chith-achith visihta form). The material causality of Brahman is
explained through the Brahman becoming antharyAmi for all chith and achith while
retaining its Svaroopam (with out any vikAram or changes). VisishtAdhvaithin's position is
therefore considered as a modified Brahma-PariNAma Vaadham.
Adhvaithins hold their view on material causality based on the illusory nature (MaayA)
of the Universe. They believe that Brahman is the basis of the illusory appearance of the
universe and links it to the material cause. Swamy Desikan classed this view as Vivartha
Vaadham and dismissed both the Adhvaithin's and B-Y views following the doctrines of
VisishtAdhvaitham elaborated by AchArya RaamAnujA.
In YadhavaprakAsa's matham, Brahman has three fold power (sakthi) and transforms in
to Chith, achith and Isvara sakthis. Brahman, which is BEING (SATH) transforms itself in
to a triadic form, while maintaining its svaroopam unchanged (abhEdham) although its
sakthi undergoes transformation (bhEdham). This matham of YaadhavaprakAsa was rejected
by Swamy Desikan as unsound on the basis that the acceptance of bhEdham and abhEdham
in one breath amounts to SELF-CONTRADICTION. This Aathmaikyam (the identity of
aathmA /ParamAthmA with prapancham (material universe) is thus rejected.
The key words of this Paasuram are: “OnRu yenavum pala yenavum thORRuhinRa
ulaham yellAm oru Brahmam tAnE aaki” (The whole world staying as one vasthu or as many
vasthus in B-Y matham is viewed as being driven by BhEdhAbhEdham through Brahma
PariNAma Vaadham). The Self-contradiction arising from this premise is pointed out by
Swamy Desikan.

For accepting amsams (aspects) of Adhvaitham, Yaadhava, Jaina and Bhouddha
Mathams as the planks in its foundation. Swamy Desikan dismisses VyAkaraNa matham as
Brahma Vivartha Vaadha matham.

சாயா மைறகளில் சத்தந்ெதளிந்திடச் சாற் தலால்

யாாிவெரன் ேதான்றநின்ேற பலசூ களால்
மாயாமத ம் ம சினவா ம் ப த்த ஞ்ேசர்
ைவயாகரணர்ெசால் ம் ம மாற்றங்கள் மாற் வேம.

chAyA maRaihaLil saththam teLinthida c-chARRutalAl

thUyAr ivar yenRu tOnRa ninRE pala soothuhaLAl

mAyA mathamum maRu sina vaathum bhavatthumum sEr

vyAkaraNar sollum maRu mARRangaL mARRuvamE

VyAkaraNar came to be considered as the pious & pure ones because they established
the precise ways to pronounce (precise akshara, Svara, Matthirai pronunciation) of Veda
manthrams so that the meanings of these Veda Manthrams are not distorted through their
VyAkaraNa Saasthram. Yet they have made their arguments about the superiority of their
matham by adopting illogical doctrines from Adhvaitham, Jainism and Bhouddham. Their
Vivarttha vAdha doctrines are suspect and therefore VyAkaraNa matham has to be rejected.
What is this Vivarttham? In the waterless desert, the hot Sun creates a mirage creating the
appearance of floods and waves, which really do not exist. The phenomenon of one
appearing as the other is known as Vivarttham. Adhvaithins hold that the Universe
(Prapancham) is the Vivarttham of Brahman.
VyAkaraNa matham holds that there is a vasthu known as SphODam besides aksharam,
word (padham made up of aksharam) and Svaram. That SphODam is attributed to produce
meanings to Aksharam and Padhams and that SphODam is Brahman. The VyAkaraNars
describe the entire Prapancham to be the vivarttham of that SphODam. Here they are close
to Adhvaithins' vivarttha Vaadham views (Prapancham is a Vivarttham of Brahman).
Brahman never loses its svaroopam and is distinct from Prapancham (Jeevans and
insentients) according to VisishtAdhvaitham.
BhAskara-Yaadhava Matham described derisively as Jaina VedAnthAm asserts that
Brahmam transforms in to Prapancham and undergoes vikArams. Brahman gives up its

svaroopam (thru the act of pariNAmam) to become some thing else (viz)., Prapancham
according to this Matham. Some of the VyAkaraNar believe that sabdha roopa Brahman
transforms in to Prapancham through the act of PariNAmam. Thus VyAkaraNar agrees with
BhAskara-Yaadhava matham in the matter of adopting Brahma PariNAmam that has been
rejected as untenable by VisihtAdhvaithins.
One class of VyAkaraNar and BhouddhAs believe that the individual words constituting
a sentence have their own meanings (artha Jn~Anam about the Padhams forming the
Vaakyams) and the integrated use of these words/padhams create a Jn~Anam known as
PrathibhA, which provides the true total meaning.
Here, there is correlation between the two groups --Bhouddham and VyAkaraNam on
one hand and VyAkaraNars on the other --and this is also unacceptable..
Swamy Desikan rejects the VyAkaraNa matham for borrowing the faulty doctrines of the
three mathams that have been proven earlier to be unsound.



கலக்கத்திற் கலங்கி வ ங்காணிக்ெகல்லாம்

கண்ணா சதிர வழிகட் வார் ேபால்
உலகத்தில் மைறேசர்ந்த ைரகள் தம்மால்
ஒ பிைழ ஞ் ேசராம பகாித்தார்
பலகத் ம் ப த்தர் தலான பண்ைடப்
பகற்கள்ளர் பகட்டழிக்கப் பர ம் ெபாய்யாம்
சிலகற் ச் சித்தாந்த மறியகில்லாச்
சி வாினி மயங்காமற் ேசமித்ேதாேம.

Kalakkaththil kalangi varum kANikku yellAm

kaNNARu sathira vazhi kattuvAr pOl
ulahaththil maRai sErntha uraihaL tammAl
oru pizhayum sErAmal ubahaharitthAr
pala katthum Bhouddhar mudhalAna paNDaip-
pahar kaLLar pahattazhikka paravum poyyAm
sila kaRRu siddhAntham aRiyahillA c-
chiRvar ini mayangAmal sEmiththOmE

In the case of ownership over the boundaries of a disputed land, it is customary to ask for
the help of mediators (MadhyastharkaL) to intervene and resolve the disputations.
The correct boundary agreed upon with the help of MadhyasthAs is known as
“KaNNARu”. Similarly, VyAkaraNar served as madhyasthAs to establish the true meanings
of Veda Vaakyams using VyAkaraNa Saasthram. In spite of this great help, VyAkaraNars fell
for the ostentatious propaganda of BhouddhAs and accepted number of doctrines unique to
Bhouddha Matham and were traveling on dangerous roads going no where. We (Swamy
Desikan) intervened and saved them from the dangers of the borrowed doctrines from
Jainam, Bhouddham and adhvaitham.

For creating concepts (padhArthams) not accepted by PramANam like Prathyaksham ;
they also do not accept Iswaran as revealed by the sabdha pramANam of Vedam. They
declare that the timeless Vedams were created by ordinary humans (PourushEyam) instead
of by the eternal Iswaran (apourushEyam).

கண்டதலாதன கட் தலால் கண்டவிட்டதனால்

பண் ள தானமைறக்குப் பழைமைய மாற் தலால்
ெகாண்ட மீசைனக் ெகாள்ளாவைகெயன் கூ தலால்
கண்டகராய் நின்ற காணாதர் வாதங்கழற் வேம.

kaNDathu alAthana kattuthalAl kaNDa vittathanAl

paNDu uLathAna MaRaikkup-pazhamayai maaRRuthalAl
koNDathum Isanaik-koLLA vahai yenRu kURuthalAl
kaNDakarAy ninRa kaNAthar vAdham kazhaRRuvamE

KaNAtha Matham invented concepts that are not consistent with Prathyaksha
PramANam. Some of these strange concepts are different from avayavam such as avayavee,
SaamAnyam, VisEsham, SamavAyam, abhAvam et al. KaNAthAs also reject Tatthvams
approved by the VedAs such as Prakruthi, MahAn et al.They accept Iswara tatthvam but
reject Vedam as apourushEyam. They do not recognize Iswaran as revealed by the eternal
VedAs and accept Him as being revealed by the pramAnam of anumAnam (inference) alone.
KaNAthAs are like thorn in the flesh and we (Swamy Desikan) removed that thorn from the
Vaidhika SiddhAnthams.


ஆகமத்ைத அ மான ெமன்ைகயா ம்

அழியாத மைறயழிக்க நிைனத்தலா ம்
ேபாகமற்ேறார் உபலம் ேபால் கிடக்ைக தாேன
ண்ணியர்க்கு ெடன் ணர்த்தலா ம்
மாகெமாத்த மணிவண்ணன் ப ைய மாற்றி
மற்றவ க்ெகா ப ைய வகுத்தலா ம்
காகெமாத்த காணாதன் கண்ைண வாங்கிக்
காக்ைகக்காெரன்றலற்றக் காட் ேனாேம.

aagamatthai anumAnam yenkayAlum


azhiyAtha maRai azhikka ninaiththalAlum

bhOgam aRRu ohr upalam pOl kidakkai tAnE
puNNiyarkku veedenRu puNartthalAlum
maakam ottha MaNivaNNan padiyai mARRi
maRRu avanukku ohru padiyai vahutthathAlum
kAkam ottha KaaNAtan kaNNai vAngik-
kAkkaikku aar yenRu alaRRak-kaattinOmE

The KaNAthAs do not accept Sabdham as separate (independent) PramANam and bury
it inside the pramANam of anumAnam. They treat the eternal, Nithya PramANam, Vedam
as apourushEyam and make it short lived. They state that the state of Moksham enjoyed by
the Jeevan is the state when it exists without any anubhavam like a stone without possessing
any Jn~Anam or aanandham. They say that Iswaran is nimittha kAraNam (like potter for a
clay pot) and not upAdhAna kAraNam (like the clay). They declare Iswaran, who is without
any admixture with Prakruthi as one without SarIram (Suddha Satthva maya sarIram) and
deny Him as possessing limitless bliss (aanandha mayan). The KaNAthAs are like the crow,
which committed huge apachAram to SithA PirAtti and lost its eye to the BrahmAsthram sent
after it by Lord Raamachandran. We (Swamy Desikan) have pulled out the eye (the doctrine)
of KaNAthan and made him cry with desperation about not having any place to resort to in
this adhikAram through our refutation of his doctrines.

He criticizes it for bending over backwards to reconcile its inconsistencies with some
aspects of KaNAtha Matham and does not reject it like other Mathams like Bhouddham,
Advaitham et al.
Swamy Desikan criticizes Gouthama matham for having some Soothrams that are
inconsistent with the path shown by Brahma Soothrams. Swamy Desikan's rejection of the
KaNAtha matham concepts were covered earlier. His objections on KaNAtha Matham were:
1. nonacceptance of Sabdham as a valid PramANam
2. Treatment of Vedam as PourushEyam (composed by a mortal instead of being
created by the eternal Lord) and
3. Status of Jeevan in Moksham devoid of Jn~Anam and other guNams.
Swamy Desikan accepts that NyAya matham as a Vaidhika Matham except for the above

cited deficiencies. He says that those defects could be removed and NyAya Matham can be
made acceptable. He likens the effort to straighten out NyAya Matham to that of surgically
removing the hunch from the hunchback with some effort. He says that an entirely new
NyAya Saasthram can be created by accepting the portions consistent with VisishtAdhvaithic
interpretation of Brahma Soothrams and rejecting the objectionable portions. Swamy
Desikan went ahead and created a SrI sookthi revered as NyAya Parisuddhi (Cleansification
of Gouthama Matham) on a three pronged approach to bring it back in to the fold of
VedAntha Saasthrams. In summary, Swamy Desikan accepts NyAya Matham as an anukoola
Matham and rejects KaNAtha Matham as a Prathikoola Matham. Swamy Desikan's position
with respect to NyAya-VaisEshikA matham as well as any other Matham is that of a
VisihtAdhvaithin upholding the Supreme authority of Sruthi (Vedam as unassailable
PramANam) and taking positions that are not Veda viruddham (inconsistent with
apourushEya Veda PramANams).
Dr. V.Varadachary Swamy's summing up of the criticism of the NyAya theory is as
follows: “The concepts of Parts and whole based on AarambhavAdha is untenable
(baseless)”. Swamy Desikan elaborates on the theory developed by VisishtAdhvaithins
(SathkAryavAdha) to defeat the NyAya developed theory on matter and its parts. Swamy
Desikan also rejects the NyAya-VaisEshika views on the nature and function of sense organs
and their views on the status of the soul in Moksham.


ேகாதம ல்கைளக் குற்றமிலாவைக கூட்ட மாம்

ேகா கழித்ெதா கூற்றில் குணங்கைளக் ெகாள்ள மாம்
யா மிகந் ஒ நீதிைய யாேம வகுக்க மாம்
ேவதியர் நன்னய வித்தரெமன்ப ெமய் ளேத

gOthama noolakLai kuRRam illA vahai koottalamumAm

kOthu kazhitthoru kooRRil guNangaLaik-koLLavumAm
yaathum ihanthu oru neethiyai yAmE vahukkavum
vEdiyar nannaya vittharam yenpathu meyuLLatE

It is possible to consider the doctrines of Gouthama Matham as not being totally
inconsistent with Vedam (Veda VirOdham) with some corrections. It is also possible to
remove those sections, which are Veda VirOdham and accept the rest. We can also reject the
whole NyAya Matham and construct a new one, which is totally compatible with the Vedam.
We can do that. Respecting the insight of Maharishis like Manu, who clearly understood the
true meanings of VedAntham and gave support for the inclusion of NyAya Vistaram as one of
the 14 VidhyA sthAnams, we accept the Gouthama matham (elaboration of nyAya
Vistharam) as sathyam. We (Swamy Desikan) have however straightened out the areas of
inconsistencies with Veda PramANams, accepted the areas that are backed up by Veda
PramANams and replaced the others with new NyAya soothrams, where they contradict
Brahma Soothrams.


நான் மைறக்குத் ைணயாக நல்ேலாெரண் ம்

நா ரண் ெலான்றான நய ல்தன்னில்
கூன்மைறத்தல் ேகா ள கழித்தல் மற்ேறார்
ேகாணாத ேகாதில் வழி வகுத்தலன்றி
ஊன்மைறத்த உயிெராளிேபாெலாத்த ெதாவ்வா
உயிாில்லாக்காணாத ைரத்தெவல்லாம்
வான்மைறக்க ம ேகா ம் வண்ணெமன்ேறாம்
மற்றிதற்கார் ம மாற்றம் ேபசுவாேர.

nAnn maRaykkut-thuNayAha nallOr yeNNUm

naaliraNDil onRAna naya nool tannil
koon maRaiththal kOthu uLathu kazhitthal maRROr
kONAtha kOthil vazhi vahuthalanRi
Oon maRaitha uyir oLi pOl otthathu ovvAthu
uyirillAk-kANatham uraitthathu yellAm
vAnn maRaikka madi kOlum vaNNam yenROM
maRRu ithaRkku maRu mARRam pEsuvArE

NyAya vistharam is accepted as one of the 14 vidhyA sthAnams used to interpret the
meaning of the four Vedams. The rest of the ten are the six angAs of the Vedams (SikshA,
VyAkaraNam, chandas, niruktham, jyOthisham and Kalpam), MeemAmsai, nyAya
vistharam, PurANam and dharma sAsthram. Among these ten, PurANams and Dharma
Saasthrams give the meanings of Vedams in a way and therefore are not strictly considered as
direct helps to determine the meaning of the Vedams. Therefore, the VidhyA SthAnams
needed for the determination of the precise meanings of the VedAs are reduced to 8 from 10.
Among the 8 vidhyA sthAnams, NyAya vistharam focuses on pramANams like
prathyaksham and objects experienced by prathyaksham in a brief manner. MeemAmsam
dwells in depth on these pramANams. They (NyAya Vistharam and MeemAmsam) fit thus in
to an overall topic for examination of PramANams in brief and elaborate manner.
This VidhyA sthAnam of nyAya vistharam was taught by Gouthama Maharishi through
his nyAya soothrams. PramANams and the pramEyams explained by those pramANams

form the content of the nyAya soothrams (Gouthamma matham). Swamy Desikan
researched them and straightened out some areas, which were inconsistent with Vedam,
Smruthi and Braham Soothram, removed some which could not be fixed to fit in to VedAntha
Saasthrams. The results of this scholarly research took birth as Swamy Desikan's SrI sookthi
revered as NyAya Parisuddhi. Swamy Desikan pointed out the mistakes made by Gouthama
matham in its enthusiasm to unify its doctrines with those of KaNAtha Matham and the de-
emphasis on the need to be aligned with the tenets of VedAntha Saasthrams. Swamy Desikan
refutes this misplaced enthusiasm on the part of nyAya matham of Gouthamar to bridge its
doctrines to KaNAtha matham that has totally unacceptable doctrines (Vedam is
pourushEyam, Jeevan in the state of Moksham is like a stone or wood without aanandha
anubhavam et al).
Swamy Desikan concludes that there is no one, who will disagree with his analysis of
treating Gouthama matham (after fixes) as an anukoola matham and KaNAtha matham as a
vipareetha matham that is not at all acceptable.

ஈச மற்றணங்குமிலெதன் எழில்நான்மைறயில்
ேபசியநல்விைனயால் ெப ம்பா க்கு நீாிைறக்கும்
நீசைரநீதிகளால் நிகமாந்தத்தின் ல் வழிேய
மாசில் மனங்ெகா த் ம் ம மாற்றங்கள் மாற் வேம

Isanum maRRa aNangum ilathuyenRu yezhil nAnmaRayil

pesiya nall vinayAl perum paazhukku neer iRaykkum
neesarai neethikaLAl nigamAnthatthin nool vazhiyE
mAsu il manam kodutthu maRu mARRangaL mARRuvamE

MeemAmsakAs do not accept either the Lord or the other gods like Indhran. They
believe that the Yaagams and Yaj~nams done by humans produce a vasthu known as
apoorvam and that vasthu gives the phalans for those karmAs. They accept sabdham as the
DEvathai. This creates a situation in their matham, where the devathais have no sarIram, no
problem in acceptance of the havis by the dEvathai, enjoyment of that havis by the accepting
devathai, granting fruits for the karmA performed by the Devathais and for the devathais to
be at more than one place to participate in more than one yaj~nam.
The MemAmsakAs do not accept the existence of Iswaran,who is worshipped by all types
of KarmAs and who grants the fruits for those kinds of worship. Instead, they create an
insentient vasthu named apoorvam (PuNyams and Paapams), perform karmAs enjoined by
the VedAs with pomp and expenditure of a lot of money, undergo a lot of physical sufferings
(SarIra Sramam). Their effort is like irrigating a desert region. It is futile and fruitless.
We (Swamy Desikan) will refute their foolish ways with appropriate Veda PramANams
and help them understand their follies.


கைனகடல்ேபாெலா நீராஞ்சூத்திரத்ைதக்
கவந்தைன மிராகுைவ ம் ேபாலக்கண்
நிைன டேன நிைலத்த மமிகந் நிற்க்கும்
நீசர்நிைல நிைலநாட வண்ணெமண்ணி
விைனபர ைசமினியார் ேவத ைல
ேவதாந்த டேன விரகாற்ேகாத்த
ைன ைடய மதி நம் னிவர் ெசான்ன
ெமாழிவழிேய வழிெயன் யன்றிட்ேடா ேம.

kanai kadal pOl oru neerAm sootthiratthai

kavunthanayum irAhuvaium pOlak-kaNDu
ninaivudanE nilait-tarumam ihanthu niRkkum
neesar nilai nilai nADA vaNNam yeNI
vinai paravu saiminiyAr vEda noolai
vEdAntha nooludanE virahAl kOttha
munai udaya muzhu mathi namm munivar sonna
mozhi vazhiyE vazhi yenRu muyanRittOmE

Our SiddhAntham is to accept Poorva MeemAmsai, Utthara MeemAmsai as one
vEdAntha Saasthram. Like the One ocean is called lower and upper ocean, the MeemAmsai,
which is one sAsthram is nomenclatured as Poorva and Utthara MeemAmsais. Poorva
MeemAmsai covers the KarmAs dealing with Bhagavath AarAdhanam. The Iswaran, who is
worshipped by those KarmAs is the subject matter of Utthara MeemAmsai or Brahma
KaaNDam. BhOdhAyanar, Swamy AaLavanthAr and AchArya RaamAnujA established this
unifying classification and accepted the two MeemAmsais as belonging to one Saasthram.
We follow this path recommended by these great intellectuals.
The usage of the words in this Paasuram (Kavanthanayum IrAhuvayum pOlE) refers to
the MeemAmsakAs calling Poorva MeemAmsam (Karma KaaNDam) that does not accept
Iswaran and only KarmAs as trunk without head; they call Utthara MeemAmsam, which
eschews KarmAs and talks only about Iswaran (Brahman) as head without trunk. Raahu has

head but no trunk; Kabhandhan of SrImath RaamAyaNam has no head but he has trunk
only. Swamy Desikan gives these apt comparisons to describe the position of the
MeemAmsakAs and goes on to assert that the united Poorva and Utthara MemAmsams are
one Saasthram (body with a head) and that they can not be separated.
Swamy Desikan rejects Nireeswara MeemAmsakas, who extol KarmAs over Iswaran with
the rules of SaarIraka Saasthram. Swamy Desikan accepts the PoorvOtthara MeemAmsa
Kramam. Swamy Desikan blessed us with two SrI Sookthis (sEswara MeemAmsa and
MeemAmsa PaadhukA) to establish the oneness of MeemAmsa instead of rigid separation of
the one Saasthram in to two MeemAmsa Saasthrams.



The full title of this adhikAram (chapter) is NirIswara Saankya NirAkaraNAdhikAram.

There are two Sankhya Mathams:
1. sEswara Saankhya darsanam (Theistic one) and
2. nirIvara Saankhya Darsanam (atheistic one created by Sage Kapila).
Saankhya KaarikA of Vaachaspathi Misra is a detailed statement on this atheistic
Saankhya Darsanam. There are significant differences between VisishtAdhvaitha and
SaankhyA darsanams.


க்குணமாய் நின்ற லப்பிரகி திக்கு அழியா


அக்குணமற்ற அ த் ைண மற்றதற் கீசனிைல

இக்கணைனப்ப ஐையந் ெமண்ணில் ன் த்திெயன் ம்
பக்கண ணர் பழம் பகட்ைடப் ப தாக்குவேம.

mukkuNamAy ninRa moola prakruthikku azhiyA

akkuNamaRRa aru tuNai athaRkku Isan illai
ikkaNanaippadi Iyainthum yeNNil munn mutthi yennum
pakkaNa veeNar pazham pahattaip-pazhuthAkkuvamE

The two key doctrines of Saankhya darsanam are: (1) Prakruthi and (2) Jeevan. There is
no Iswaran. Satthvam, Rajas and Tamas are not GuNams but dhravyams. When these three
guNams are in exactly equal proportions, Prakruthi is called Moola Prakruthi (MP); it is
eternal and is not destroyable. MP is enjoyed by the Jeevan. MP is pervasive everywhere
(Vibhu). MP will always undergo changes. This is the prime cause for all other doctrines and
transforms in to tatthvams like MahAn.
Jeevan is eternal. It is also Vibhu since it is pervasively present everywhere. Jeevan is
without any guNam. He is the embodiment of Jn~Anam. He has no activities. He stands
apart from every SarIram.
Prakruthi undergoes transformation as a result of Jeevan standing as support. Like a
blind person walks with the help of a lame person, Prakruthi performs its duties with the help
of Jeevan, which is Jn~Ana Svaroopan. Since the world's activities are accounted by Prakruthi

and Jeevan, Sankhya darsanam denies the need for the Tattvam of Iswaran. Saankhya
darsanam believes that one can earn mOksham,if one understands the twenty five tattvams
(Moola Prakruthi, MahAn, ahankAram, five bhUthams, five tanmAthrams, five
Jn~AnEndhriyams, five karmEndhriyams, manas and jeevan.
We (Swamy Desikan) condemn the futile assertions about its doctrines which are like the
brainless prattle of hunters in a hunter colony because of their lack of knowledge about
Iswaran and DharmAdharmams.



ஈசனிலெனன் பதனா ெலன் ஞ்சீவர்

எங்கு ளாிலர் உணர்ைவ ெயன்றவத்தால்
பாசெம ம் பிரகி தி தன்னால் என் ம்
பல மிைல மிைல ெயன் ம் பண்பால்
காசினி நீர் தலான காாியங்கள்
கச்சபத்தின் கால்ைக ேபாெலன் ங்கத்தால்
நாசமலதிைல கா ம் ஞாலத் ள்ளீர்
நாமிைசயாச் சாங்கியத்ைத நா வார்க்ேக

Isan ilan yepathanAl yenRum seevar

yengum uLar ilar uNarvai yenRavatthAl
pAsamenum prakruthitannAl yenRum
palamum ilai veedum ilai yennum paNN pAl
kAsini neer mudhalaana kAriyangaL
kacchapatthin kAl kai pOl yennum katthAl
nAsam alathilai kANum gnAlathu uLLEr
nAm isayA Saankhiyatthai nAduvArkkE

SaankhyAs deny the existence of Iswaran, who is celebrated by all the VedAs. They
describe the Jeevan as Vibhu and without Jn~Anam in opposition to the Vedic view that
Jeevan is aNu (atomic in size) and filled with Jn~Anam. First, they say that Jeevan's
samsAric experiences and MOksham are directly linked to Prakruthi and next state some
thing that is totally contradictory: Jeevan has no SamsAram and Moksham. Prakruthi alone
has SamsAram and Moksham.
SaankhyAs state that the dissolution of the universe and its being during PraLayam and
the appearance of the Universe during Srushti Kaalam is like the shrinking and stretching of
tortoises' head in to its shell. They link the shrinking and expansion (sankuchitham and
Vikasitham) of the Tatthvams to the dissolution and creation of the Universe, which is not
acceptable on the grounds of Veda PramANams.
VisishtAdhvathins point out the need for Prakruthi being under the control of the

Omniscient, Omnipotent Iswaran as controller of this insentient Prakruthi. Therefore they
reject the NirIswara Vaadham of the SaankhyAs. There are differences of opinions on the
Kaala Tatthvam too between the two darsanams.
Therefore says Swamy Desikan that he rejects the strange prattlings of SaankhyAs as
being inconsistent with Veda and other PramANams.



தாவிப் வனங்கள் தாளிைண சூட் ய, தந்ைத ந்திப்

விற்பிறக்கி ம் தங்கெளல்லாம் ணர்த்தி ம்
நாவிற்பிாிவின்றி நாமங்ைக வாழி ம் நான்மைறயில்
பாவித்ததன்றி ைரப்ப பா ம் பதர்த்திரேள.

thAvib-bhuvnangaL thALiNai soottiya Tanthai unthip-

poovinil piRakkinum bhUthangaL yellAm puNartthidinum
naavil pirivinRi nAmangai vaazhinum nAnmaRayil

bhAvithathu anRi uraippathu pARum padhartthiraLE

Yoga Matham was promulgated by Chathurmukha BrahmA, who is the first-born son of
SrIman NaarAyaNan born in the Lotus arising from the navel of the Lord. Even if Brahma
were to be born as the son of SarvEswaran and given the boon of creating the world and
being the husband of Saraswathi, his doctrines linked to Yoga Matham are fruitless husks
without any substance.


காரணனா லக ளிக்குங்கண்ணன் ேதைசக்

கண்ணா நிழல் ேபாலக் காண்ைகயா ம்
தாரைணயின் வான சமாதிதன்ைனத்
தனக்ேகற் ம் விளக்ெகன் தனிக்ைகயா ம்
காரணமாம தனக்குப் பயனாஞ்சீவன்
ைகவ ய நிைலெயன் கணிக்ைகயா ம்
ேகாரணியின் ேகாலெமனக் குறிக்கலாகும்
ேகாகனகத்தயன் கூ ஞ்சமயக் கூேற.

KaaraNanAi ulahu aLikkum KaNNan tEsaik-
kaNNAdi nizhal pOlak-kANNkayAlum
DhAraNayin mudivAna samAthi tannait-
tanakkERRum viLakkenRu tanikkaiyAlum
kAraNamAm athu tanakku payanAm seevan
kai valiya nilai yenRu kaNikkayAlum
kOraNiyin kOlamenak-kuRikkalAhum
kOkanahatthu ayan kooRum samayak-kURE

In Yoga Matham, the tatthva Thrayams of Prakruthi, Jeevan and Iswaran are accepted.
This matham states that Iswaran's anantha kalyANa guNams established by the VedAs
are not natural. The image that one sees in the mirror is due to the real object standing across
it. Similarly, in the mirror of Lord, the reason for the images of the GuNams to appear is
because of their links to chethanams and achEthanams with true guNams. Yoga Matham
unfortunately emphasizes Jeevan's SaakshAthkAram over BhagavAn's SaakshAthkAram. In
other words, Yoga Matham takes the position that Kaivalyam (Jeeva SaakshAthkAram) is the
desirable end result of Bhakthi Yogam and not bhagavathanubhavam in MOksha dasai. The
enjoyment of Jeevan without admixture of achEthanam is the central doctrine of Yoga
Matham and is totally the opposite position of VisishtAdhvaitha Darsanam. Thus Yoga
Matham is diametrically opposite in Tatthvam, Hitham and PurushArTam from the
VisishtAdhvaitha Darsanam and is in conflict with Veda PramANams, while declaring to

believe in Vedic doctrines. This matham is a crowd pleaser and is like the dance of the
Swamy Desikan condemns this Matham and describes his approach as
ViruddhAviruddhaamsa VibhAgam. Viruddham means conflict (VirOdham). Brahma Is the
direct son of the Lord and the husband of the goddess of Learning, Saraswathi Devi. He
knows the meanings of the four Vedams that he recites thanks to the anugraham of his
Father. Inspite of all these pluses, he imagines things which are not embraced by the VedAs
and creates the Yoga Matham with strange doctrines as though he (Brahma) is engaged in
an amusing dance for fools.
Yoga Matham hints at Iswara Svaroopam, hides it and engages in the enjoyment of
JeevAthma Svaroopam (JeevAthma Kaivalyam), which is Veda Viruddham. Our Lord is Sarva
Vidha KaaraNan (reason for Creation, Sustenance and dissolution of the Universe). His
Iswaryam is real and the Yoga Matham depicts that real Iswaryam like it is an image in the
mirror. The author of Brahma Soothrams says for all these reasons that Yoga Matham has to
be cast aside (yEthEna yOga: prathyuktha:). He says that Yoga Matham has to be rejected

like NirIswara Saankhya Matham.

சா சனங்கெளலாஞ் சச்ைச ெயன் ம் சலம் ணர்த்தார்
ேகாதம சாபெமான்றால் ெகா ங்ேகாலங்கள் ெகாண் லகில்
தபதிக்க யா ெரனநின் அவன் ெபாய் ைரயால்
ேவதமகற்றி நிற்பார் விகற்பங்கள் விலக்குவேம.

saathu sanangaLelAm chacchai yennum salam puNartthAr

gOdhama sApam onRAl kodum kOlangaL koNDu ulahil
BhUthapathikku adiyAr yena ninRu avan poyyurayAl
vEdam ahaRRi niRpAr vikaRpangaL vilakkuvamE

The Paasupatha SaivAs adorn frightening attires due to the curse of Sage Gouthama.
They accepted as PramANams the Paasupatha doctrines given to them by Siva that are full of
falsehood. Following these upadEsams of SivA, they pushed away Vedams as PramANams.
We (Swamy Desikan) refute these Paasupatha Matham doctrines as invalid from a
Saasthram point of view.


மாதவேன பரெனன் ைவயங்காண

ம ேவந்திமயல் தீர்க்க வல்லேதவன்
ைகதவெமான் கந்தவைரக் க யசாபம்
க வியதாலதன் பலத்ைதக்க திப் பண்ைட
ேவதெநறிய கா விலங்குதாவி
ேவறாகவிாித் ைரத்த விகற்பெமல்லாம்
ஓ வ குத்திரத் க் ெகன் ைரத்தான்
ஓதாேத ஓ விக்கு ெமா வன் தாேன.

MaadhvanE Paran yenRu vyaam kANa

mazhu yEnthi mayal theerkka-valla Devan
kaitavam onRu uhanthavaraik-kadiya sApam
kathuviyathAl athan phalatthaik-karuthip-paNDai
vEda neRi aNuhAthu vilangu thAvi
vERAha viritthu uraittha vikaRppam yellAm
odhuvathu kutthiratthukku yenRu uraitthAn
OdhAthE Odhuvikkum oruvam yenRAnE

PurANams state that Sivan held the hot axe (Mazhu) in his hand and swore that SrIman
NaarAyaNan is the Supreme dhaivam and removed the ignorance of the people. Such a
Sivan wanted to make true the curse given by Sage GouthamA and hence created a new
matham that went against the Veda PramANams and taught them to the disciples of Sage
GouthamA. Our Lord, who can instruct all without any upadEsam from others pointed out
that the following of the Paasupatha Matham doctrines is only to make them eke out
insignificant phalans. (Varaha PurANam describes the curse of Sage Gouthama and Sivan's
creation of Paasupatha Matham to make that curse become true).


கந்தமலர்மகள் மின் ங்காரார் ேமனிக்

க ைண கில் கண்ட கண்கள் மயிலாயா ம்
அந்தமில்ேபாின்பத் தில யேராேட
அ ைமெய ம் ேபர தம் அ ந்திவாழத்
தந்தமதி யிழந்தரனார் சமயம் க்குத்
தழல்வழிேபாய்த் த மாறித் தளர்ந் ழ்ந்தீர்
சந்தெநறி ேநரறிவார் சரணஞ்ேசர்ந்
சங்ேகதத்தவ னி ர் தவிர்மினீேர.

kaandha malar mahaL minnum kArAr mEnik-
karuNai muhil kaNDa kaNNkal mayilAi aalum
antham il pER inbatthil adiyarODE
adimai yenum pEramutham arunthi vAzhat-
tantha mathi izhanthu AranAr samayam pukkut-
tazhal vazhi pOyt-tadumArit-taLarnthu veezhntheer
chanda neRi nEr aRivAr saraNam sErnthu
sankEthat-tava muniveer tavirmineerE

SrI Vaikuntam is the sacred abode of the Lord, where the eyes of the MukthAs and
Nithya Sooris dance with joy at the sight of the Lord with the hue of the rainy season cloud
housing the golden hued lightning of SrI Devi on His chest. This joyous situation is similar
to the peacocks dancing at the sight of dark clouds of the rainy season. The PaasupAthAs
have equal opportunity to be guided by SadAchAryAs to enter Parama Padham and dance
joyously with MukthAs and Nithya Sooris at the sight of SrIman NaarAyaNan. We pray that
they will gain their senses, abandon Paasupatha matham, which can only grant insignificant
boons and save themselves by performing SaraNAgathy at SrI VaikuntanAthan's sacred feet
(like Lord Sivan).

Sage Gouthama Saapam (Curse) was for the offending Brahmins, who accused him
falsely to become avaishNava Paashandis (non-vaishNavite deluded ones). They followed the
upadEsam of Sivan, who wanted to make Sage GouthamAs' curse become true and
abandoned Veda PramANams dealing with Tatthvams and AchArams. Paasupatha Matham
breaks up in to four categories: Saivam, Paasupatham, kaapAlam and KaalAmukham.
In their doctrine, Pasu, Pathi and Paasam are the triads. Pathi is Siva Tatthvam. Pasus
are the atomic sized Jeevans. Paasam divides in to a pentad: Malam, Karmam, Maayai, the
world and ThirOdhAnam (hiding things). Among these, Maayai, Sivan and Pasu are present
during PraLayam. Siva Tatthvam is split in to another pentad of Suddha Tatthvams: Siva
Tatthvam, Sakthi Tatthvam, SadhAsiva Tatthvam, Iswara Tatthvam and VidhyA Tatthvam.
Asuddha Tatthvams are: avyaktham, three GuNa Tatthvams (Satthvam, Rajas and Tamas),
Bhuddhi, ahankAram, Manas, five Jn~AnEndhriyams, Five KarmEndhriyams, Five
TanmAthrais and Pancha BhUthams. They have absorbed the SaankhyA doctrines and
added their own to come up with 36 Tatthvams in total. Swamy Desikan has proven the
incorrectness of dividing Suddha Satthvam in NyAya SiddhAnjanam. There Swamy Desikan
points out the fallacies of PaasupathA doctrines and refutes it on many levels.


யா மிலாதவன் ம் யவர்க்குந்நன்றிெயண்ணிய, நம்

மாதவனார் வதனத்த ண் ம் வலம் ாிேபால்
வா களாலழியா மைற ெமௗ யின் வான்ெபா ேள
ஓதியபஞ்சராத்திர கவாைர ஒ க்குவேம.

Yaathum ilAtha anRum yevarkkum nanRi yeNNiya namm

MaadhavanAr vadhanatthu amudhu uNNum valampuri pOl
vAdhuhaLAl azhiyA maRai mouLiyin vAnn poruLE

Odhiya PancharAtthiram uhavArai ozhukkuvamE

SrI PaancharAthram was blessed to us directly by BhagavAn Himself. It houses
VedAntha Saaram that is not defeated by the other mathams. We (Swamy Desikan) will
defeat the other darsanams that do not accept SrI PaancharAthram and correct their strange
doctrines so that they can come in to the fold of SrI PaancharAthram.

வல ம் தி ந்திப் னிதன் ைவயம்
ெபான்ன யாலளந்தி வர் ேபாற்றநின்ற
நாவல ங் கைலகெளலாந் தன்ைன நாட
நாடாத நன்னிதியா ந கு நாதன்
ேகாவலனாய் நிைரயளித்த நிைறேபால் ேவதம்
ேகாவாகக் ேகாமானாயதன் பால்ேசர்த் க்
காவ நல் யி க்ெகன் காட் ம்
கார்த்த கக் கதிகண்ேடா ங்கைர கண்ேடாேம

Poo alarum Thiruvunthip-punithan vyaam

ponn adiyAl aLanthu iruvar pORRa ninRa

nAvalarum kalaikaL yellAm Tannai naada

nAdAtha nall nidhiya naNuhu NaaTan
KovalanAi nirayaLittha niRai pOl Vedam
kOvAhak-kOmAnAi athan paal sErtthuk-
kArthayuhak-kathi kaNDOm karai kaNDOmE

When our Lord transformed from being a short statured Brahmin (Vaamanan) in to the
gigantic sized Thrivikraman, His sacred foot extended up to Sathya lOkam and measured
all that was in between. Brahma Devan performed Thirumanjanam for that sacred foot. The
water that flowed from that feet of the Lord was received by Lord Siva on His matted locks.
Both Brahma and Sivan eulogized the glories of their Lord Thrivikraman. All the VedAs and
SaasthrAs are fatigued from their efforts to describe precisely the svaroopam (essential
nature) and guNams (limitless auspicious attributes) of BhagavAn. Meanwhile, The Lord
Himself stays as an easily approachable treasure within ready reach of His dear BhakthAs.
Like He protected the cows before, He now stays as the cowherd and milks the cows (VedAs)
to generate the nectar of milk (PaancharAthra Saasthram) for our benefit. He declared that
the PaancharAthram is the best protection for the sentients. We benefited from this
Saasthram, which clearly instructs us on the Krutha Yuga dharmam and have found the
release from drowning in the ocean of SamsAram.
The key passage in this Paasuram is: “Kaaval ithu nall uyrikkenRu kAttum Kaarttha
Yugak-kathi kaNDOM karai KaNDOmE”. Nall Kaaval refers to auspicious protection. This

protection is for “uyirkku” (for the chEthanams). PaancharAthra Saasthram is the essence of
Krutha Yuga dharmams for the benefit of the chEthanams of Kali Yugam. Knowledge and
practise of PaancharAthra Saasthram gets us across the dangerous ocean of SamsAram. It is
the gathi (auspicious means) and helps us to get to the other shore (Karai KaNDOm) of the
ocean of SamsAram. Elaborating on the 2 paasurams of Paramatha Bhangam in which
Swamy Desikan defends the Bhagavath Saasthram of SrI PaancharAthram against the
criticism of Para Matha VaadhikaLs.

Swamy Desikan's arguments are in the 21st Chapter of the 24 chaptered SrI Sookthi of
Paramatha Bhangam that came in to being at Thiruvaheendhrapuram suburbs in front of
Lord DevanAthan. We will follow closely the magnificent commentary (AnapAya PrabhA) of
Vaikunta Vaasi UtthamUr Abhinava Desikar on Swamy Desikan's Para Matha Bhangam.
Swamy Desikan's PaancharAthra RakshA will be born later as a part of the Five RakshA
granthams. We will include excerpts from the Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Sahasra Naamas
on the section related to PaancharAthra RakshA at the end of this posting.
Swamy Desikan follows the Aagama PrAmANyam of Swamy ALavanthAr and bases His
arguments on the BrahmasoothrAdhikaraNams (UthpathyasambhavAdhikaraNam).
Here Swamy Desikan discards the arguments of those that lump PaancharAthram
(Bhagavath Saasthram) with Viruddha VyAmisrams (unacceptable and inconsistent
Mathams like Saankhyam and Yogam).
In Prabhandha Paasuram 196, Swamy points out that PaancharAthram arose from the

lips of BhagavAn Himself like the Paanchajanya dhvani that arose from the lips of BhagavAn
(MaadhavanAr vadhaanatthu amudhu uNNum valampuri pOl). He says that
PaancharAthram deals with eternal and imperishable Veda-VedAnthic doctrines just like the
ghOsham of the divine conch of the Lord (Paanchajanyam), which seeks the hitham of the
pancha janams (Five kinds of people: Four VarNams and SankeerNa Jaathi members).
Swamy Desikan examines the basis for the criticisms stating that PaancharAthram is
aprAmANikam (without the support of PramANams) and dismisses those criticisms as
unsustainable and flimsy.
These objections can be classed under the categories of:
1. PourushEyam / created by mere mortals and therefore containing the normal
dhOshams associated with such people
2. Inconsistency with the VedAs (Veda Viruddham),
3. Tatthva viruddham
4. AchAra Viruddham.
Regarding the objections that it is PourushEyam and hence has vakthru dhOsham

(defects arising from association with speaker, who is a mere mortal) ;these defects of human
creations are: Ajn~Anam, ViparItha Jn~Anam, powerlessness to create the text (vachana
asakthi) and Vanjanai (deceit).
1. This PaancharAthra Saasthram is authored by the Sarvaj~nan, BhagavAn Himself
and therefore is free of Vakthru dhOsham. Hence, there is no basis for ajn~Anam,
Viparitha Jn~Anam and the like. It has no Vanchanais (misleading deceitful
upadEsam like others done for MohanArTam or causing delusions like Bhoudhdam).
It arose out of compassion for devotees (Bhakthaanukampaa). It was taught by
BhagavAn to Sanathkumaarar, Saandilyar and Naaradha Rishis, who are the
propagators of SamhithAs (SamhithA PrachArakars). Therefore, there is no basis for
2. PaancharAthram is intended for archA mUrthy aarAdhanam. In addition, it deals
with the upAyams for Moksham. There is therefore no variations or departures from
Veda Maargam. It is for Veda Maarga PrathishtApanam. There are no insignificant
and non-lasting objectives (Kshudhra Phalams) that are sought in PaancharAthram.
3. PaancharAthram covers the very same trinity of Tatthvams (ChEthanam,
achEthanam and Iswaran) taught by Vedams and VedAnthams (Upanishads).
Hence, there is no Veda VirOdham (Conflict with Vedam or Upanishads). As
Taarkika Simham (Lion among logicians), Swamy Desikan uses Tarkam brilliantly to
lay to rest the objections of critics belonging to Yaadhava PrakAsa-Saankara-
BhAskara darsanams and Saivam about Tatthva VirOdham arguments.
4. Next, Swamy Desikan takes up the criticisms about AachAra-AnushtAna viruddhams
(KriyA, CharyA visEshams being in conflict with pramANams).
PaancharAthram goes in to great lengths about Aalaya nirmANam (Construction of the

temple for BhagavAn), Moorthy nirmANma (Construction of images of the Lord for
consecration). AarAdhana -NithyOthsava- MaasOthsava-kriyAs). Swamy Desikan points out
that these are consistent with Veda PramANams. The Veda Moolam (Basis in the VedAs) of
such kriyAs based on the anushtAna kramam (the procedures established by Kalpa
Soothrams as angAs of the Vedams) is pointed out.
PaancharAthram divides the day in to five units fit for BhagavadhArAdhanam and
NithyAnushtAnams: Abhigamanam, IjyA, SvAdhyAya Yoga Kaalams. Here Swamy Desikan
quotes the defense of Sage SounakA for such VishNu AarAdhanam based on the Rg Veda
Manthram dealing with VishNu aarAdhanam. Sages VyAsa and Yaaj~navalkhyA elaborate
similarly on Hari Archanam and the methods of doing it in a manner consistent with
Vedams, which is akin to PaancharAthram. Bhagavath archanam precedes Bhakthi Yogam
and hence the necessity of PaancharAthram for gaining the fruits of Bhakthi yOgam
(Moksham) is stressed.
The KarmAs of PaanchrAthram are divided in to three kinds: (1) Vaidhikam (2) Kevala
Taanthrikam and (3) Vaidhika Taantrikam. Vaidhikam for Brahmins; Vaidhika Taantrikam
is for KshathriyAs; Kevala Taantrikam is for VaisyAs and SoodhrAs. This PaancharAtram

covers the needs of all four VarNams. The above approach is consistent with Dharma
Saasthrams. Each VarNam has rites customized for them as in Sroudha SoothrAs blessed by
Sage AapasthambhA and others. For instance, during the samarpaNam of Havis, Brahmin is
invited with the term, “YEhi”; Kshathrian with invocation, “AagAhi”; Vaisyan with
“Aadhrava” and Soodhran with the invitation, “AadhAva” No one is left out. Similarly, the
time for dhIkshAs for AarAdhanam are set at different seasons:
Vasantha Ruthu for Brahmin,
Ghreeshma Ruthu for Kshathriyan,
Sarad ruthu for Vaisyan and
Hemantha ruthu for Soodhran
This is for PaancharAthra DheekshA for Bhagavath AarAdhanam. This is Vaidhikam.
Thus PaancharAthram defends the VarNAsrama Dharmams and is consistent with
BhagavAn's apourushEya VedAs. PaancharAthra DheekshA prohibits the worship of
DevathAntharams for ParamaikAnthis. PaanchrAthram has PoorNa PrAmANyam (Complete
consistency with Veda PramANams). It is based on SarvAntharyAmithvam of BhagavAn
SrIman NaarAyaNan.There is no asArAmsam (insignificant admixture) in PaancharAthram.
It is like the nectar churned from the Milky ocean since it is created by SrIman NaarAyaNan.
Sages Manu, SukrAcchAr (Asura Guru) and Bruhaspathi (Deva Guru) practise
PaancharAthram and its four divisions/siddhAnthams (Aagamam, Manthram, Tanthram and


The founder of Munithraya SampradhAyam,Thirukkudanthai Desikan composed a
beautiful Sahasra Naamam for Swamy Desikan.Here, the great AchAryan salutes Swamy

Desikan as the defender of Paancha Raathram (PaancharAthra RakshAkruth) and as
“PaancharAthra PramANa vith”. Swamy Desikan points out that PaancharAthram is based
on the Veda BhAgam of yEkAyana Sruthi and therefore has Veda PramANam.

Swamy Desikan is saluted by Thirukkudanthai

Desikan as “SrI PaancharAthra SarvOpajeevyathva ukthi
vichakshaNa:” (the competent AchAryan, who could
point out that SrI PaancharAthram as being fit for
observance by all the four VarNams).
Swamy Desikan is saluted once again for his
comprehensive knowledge about the ThiruvArAdhanam
(ijyai) for the Lord and its 8 divisions, which is the heart
of SrI PaancharAthram:
“dEvEjyA -ashtAngathA-uthkarsha-varNanaikia-

Ijyai is peformed with its 8 parts for gaining Moksham by ParamaikAnthis. These eight
parts are:
1. Abhigamanam: from Hrudh thyAgam/Maanasa AarAdhanam to Aathma
SamarpaNam. This is not the same as the abhigamanam linked to PanchakAla
2. BhOgam (external upachArams like presenting argyam, flowers et al).
3. Madhuparga dhAnam
4. Anna nivEdhanam
5. SampradhAnam (distribution of Bhagavth PrasAdham).
6. Vahni SandharpaNam (separate hOmam associated with Ijyai ; not in practise now).
7. Pithru Yaagam (Yaj~nam done with VaasudEva nAmams).
8. AnuyAgam: Partaking of Bhagavan nivEdhitha annam (PrANAgnihothram /
antharyAmi nivEdhanam).
The greatness of PaancharAthram as Bhagavath Saasthram is thus upheld by Swamy
Desikan brilliantly.

The celebration of the Svaroopam (essential nature) and the glory of the UpAyam
according to VisishtAdhvaitha Darsanam as the most effective and never failing among all of
the UpAyams advanced by the other Mathams.


நமக்கார் ைணெயன நாெமன்ற ள் த நாரணனார்

உமக்காறிைவ ெயன்ற யிைணகாட்ட உணர்ந்தைட ம்
எமக்ேகார் பரமினியில்லா இ விைனமாற் த ல்
தமக்ேகபரெமன் தா ய ந்த ரஞ்சாற் வேம

NamakkAr ThuNai yena Naam yenRu aruL tarum NaaraNAr
umakku aaRu ivai yenRu adiyiNai kAtta uNarnthu adayum
yeamkku Ohr baram ini illAthu iruvinai mARRuthalil
TamakkE baram yenRu ThAmm muyalaum taram sARRuvamE

The suffering chEthanams got tossed about wildly in the horrors of SamsAram and
searched out for some one to save them. They got worried about who is going to come to
their help. SrIman NaarAyaNa responded and assured them that He is there to save them
and therefore they do not need to worry anymore. The Lord pointed out His sacred feet as
the means for the protection of the chEthanams. After we (chEthanams) surrendered at those
redeeming feet of the Lord, He accepted the total responsibility to destroy all the karmAs of
us, the ChEthanams, and stood in the place of other upAyams (means for Moksham) and
blessed us with the fruits of Moksham. In this adhikAram, We (Swamy Desikan) will salute
the glories of the Lord, who performs this MahOpakAram for the PrapannAs.


பலத்திெலா வக்கற்ற பதவிகாட் ப்

பல் யி ந் த மாறப் பண் கின்ற
க த்திரளின் க ங்க ைதக் கத் மாற்றிக்
கண் ைடயார் கண் ைரத்த கதிையச் ெசான்ேனாம்
வலத்திலகு ம ெவான்றால் ம ெவான்றில்லா
மாமணியாய் மலர் மாதெராளியாம், அந்நல்
நலத்திெலா நிகாில்லா நாதன் பாதம்
நல்வழியாம் அல்வழக்கார் நடத் வாேர

palatthil oru thuvakku aRRa padhavi kAttip-


pall uyirum tadumARap-paNNuhinRa

kalitthiraLin kadum kazhuthaik-katthu mARRik-
kaNNudayAr kaNDuraittha gathiyaic-chonnOm
valatthu ilahu(m) maRu onRAl maRu onRillA
MaamaNiyaai malar mAthar oLIyAm annal-
nalatthil Oru niharillA NaaTan paadham
nalvazhiyAm alvazhakku aar nadutthuvArE ?

Those who advocate the doctrines of Para Mathams are like the harm-causing Kali
PurushAs. They preach to the gullible people of the world the svaroopam of UpAyam for
Moksham in a distorted fashion to make sure that the followers will not gain the Phalan from
adopting these means (upAyam). Their debates are as horrible to listen to like the awful
bleating of an ass. We (Swamy Desikan) revealed in this chapter the upadEsams of our
AchAryAs gifted with the eye of true knowledge about the true and fulfilling upAyams for
Moksham. The upadEsams of our AchAryAs, who refuted the viparItha upAyams of Para
Matha Vaadhins is about the truly effective upAyam for gaining Moksham. That UpAyam is
the sacred feet of our Lord ; He is steeped in bliss and is characterized by the mole of
SrIvathsam adorning His chest and is united always with His Piraatti residing on this very
same broad chest. On this matter of the Lord being the surest upAyam (means) for
Moksham, there is no debate.


எல்லார்க்குெமளிதான ஏற்றத்தா ம்
இனி ைரக்ைக மிைகயான இரக்கத்தா ம்
ெசால்லார்க்கு மளவா ம் அைமதலா ம்
ணிவாிதாய்த் ைண றக்குஞ் சுகரத்தா ம்
கல்லார்க்குங் கற்றார் ெசால் கவர்தலா ம்
கண்ண ைர சூ த்தலா ம்
நல்லார்க்குந்தீயார்க்கும் இ ேவ நன்றாம்
நாரணற்ேக அைடக்கலமாய் ந கு ேர

yellArkkum yeLithAna yERRatthAlum
ini uraikkai mihayAna irakkatthAlum
soll aarkkum aLavAlum amaithalAlum
thuNivu arithAyt-thuNai thuRakkum sukaratthAlum
kallArkkum kaRRAr soll kavarthalAlum
KaNNan urai mudi soodi muditthalAlum
nallArkkum theeyArkkum ithuvE nanRAm
NaaraNaRkkE adaikkalamAi naNUhuveerE

Prapatthi is easy to perform by all chEthanams. Just like BrahmAsthram can not co-exist
with other inferior asthrams, Prapatthi can not co-exist with other upAyams intended for
gaining MOksha Siddhi. Lord's mercy makes sure that one does not need to perform
Prapatthi more than once to gain Moksham. Even if one does not have a clear understanding
of the different angams of Prapatthi, the simple repetition of the Prapatthi Vaakyams of one's
AchAryan yields the Phalans of Moksham. Even if it is difficult to realize the MahA
VisvAsam (an important angam of Prapatthi), Prapatthi is not comparable in difficulties to
Bhakthi Yogam that requires the mastery of Karma and Jn~Ana Yogams. Even for those
without any special Jn~Anam, the Prapatthi performed by AchAryAs for them is sufficient to
gain the fruits of Moksham. Further, in the charama slOkam of SrImath Bhagavath GithA,
Prapatthi alone is extolled as the surest and simplest yOgam for any one, be they sinners or
virtuous ones. May You all know the supermacy of Prapatthi over Bhakthi Yogam and
perform SaraNAgathy at the sacred feet of the Lord and gain Moksha Siddhi!

In the previous chapter, ParOktha UpAya BhangAdhikAram, Swamy Desikan rejected
the UpAyams recommended by the 15 Para Mathams and celebrated the glories of Prapatthi
as elaborated by GithAchAryan in His Charama SlOkam. After dismissing ParOktha
UpAyams, Swamy Desikan covers in the 23rd chapter the topic of ParOktha PrayOjanams
(Phalans cited by the other 15 Mathams) as worthless. Swamy Desikan points out the
supremacy of our SiddhAntham and elaborates on the true phalan worthy of pursuit resulting
from the following of our Darsanam.


பண்ைடமைறக்குப் பைகெயனநின்ற பரமதங்கள்

ெகாண்டவர்ெகாள் ம் பயெனான்றிலெத ங்கூர் மதியால்

வண் வைரக் கரசான நம்மாயைன, வா லகில்

கண் களிப்பெத ம் காதெலான்ைறக் க வேம

PaNDai MaRaikku pahai yena ninRa para mathnagaL

koNDavar koLLUm payan onRu ilathu yenum koormathiyAl
vaNN Thuvaraikku arasAna namm Maayanai vAnuluhilk-
kaNDu kaLippathu yenum kAthal onRai karuthuvamE

The followers of Para Mathams (Baahya Kudhrushti Mathams) are opponents of the
timeless Vedam. These mathams are born to the ancient Vedams. We know that they (the
followers of these Para Mathams) are wasting their time with no thought about the Phalans in
this life or the one thereafter (Moksha Siddhi). Those with a sharp intellect understand the
impotency of the Para Mathams to yield the desired fruits in this life or hereafter. In contrast
to these poor people hijacked by these futile Para Mathams, we are deeply desirous of
holding on to the sacred feet of KaNNan through SaraNAgathy and enjoying ParipoorNa
BrahmAnandham at SrI Vaikuntam as Parama PurushArTam.


கலந்திக ம் ேபாகங்கள் கண் ெவள்கிக்

காாிய ங் காரண ங் கடந் நாம் ேபாய்க்
குலந்திக ங் கு க்கள சூ மன் ம்
குற்றேவ ல யவர் தம் குழாங்கள் கூ
வலந்திக ந்தி மக ம் மற்றிடத்ேத
மன்னிய மண்மகளா ம் நீைளயா ம்
நலந்திகழ ற்றி ந்த நாதன் பாதம்
நமக்கி ேவ ெயன்ன நண்ணிேனாேம

kalanthu ihazhum bhOgangaL kaNDu veLhik-
kaariyamum kAraNamum kadanthu nAmm pOyk-
kulam thihazhum gurukkaL adi soodi mannum
kuRRavEl adiyavar tamm kuzhAngaL kooDi
valam thihazhum ThirumahaLum maRRidatthE
manniya MaNN mahaLArum NeeLayArum
nalam thihazha veeRRiruntha NaaTan paadham
namakkithuvE mudiyenna naNNinOmE

Rejecting the transient sukhams of
this world, performing the UpAyam of
Prapatthi, we get release from this
SamsAram. We reach SrI Vaikuntam and
prostrate there before the sacred feet of
the AchAryAs and mingle with the
ghOshti of BhaagavathAs (MukthAs).
There, we place on our head the sacred
feet of SrIman NaarAyaNan, who is the
embodiment of bliss and has SrI Devi on
the right and SrI BhUmi and NeeLA
Devis on His left side.

“Thiru Anbil”

In this final chapter, Swamy Desikan states that the Para Mathams will not bless us with
the Jn~Anam essential for Moksha Siddhi and to land us in Sri Vaikuntam. Swamy Desikan
instructs us with great compassion that we should not be deluded by the false promises of
Para Mathams but choose to travel in the ancient path of SaraNAgathy practiced by our
AchAryAs guided by VedAntham (nyAsamEshAm tapasAm athirikthamAhu:).


மானங்களின்றி வகுத் ைறக்கின்ற மதங்கெளலாம்

தானங்களன் த ம ெநறிக்ெகன் சாற்றியபின்
வானங்கவர்ந் மைற சூ ய மா தவத்ேதார்
ஞானங்கெளான்ற நடக்கின்ற நல்வழி நா வேம
MaanangaL inRi vahutthu uraikkinRa mathangaL yellAm

dhanangaL anRu dharuma neRikkenRu sARRiya pinn

Vaanam kavarnthu maRai mudi soodiya maa-tavatthOr
Jn~AnangaL onRa nadakkinRa nall vazhi nAduvamE

Our PoorvAchAryAs have established that any Matham that does not accept Vedam as
PramANam can not instruct us on Dharma mArgam. Our PoorvAchAryAs have unified the
SaasthrAs without conflict to each other. May we follow the way traveled by our
Here Swamy Desikan points out that the Para mathams are not dharma Maarga
sTAnams for those who seek the Moksha sTAnam of Sri Vaikuntam. This truth has been
stated with one voice by Sruthi, Smruthi, IthihAsam, PurANam and PaancharAthram. Based
on the above PramANams, SaraNAgathy at the Lord's sacred feet has been identified as the
best route for Moksha Siddhi. ParamAthma PrApthi is Moksham and Bhakthi, Prapatthi
yOgams are upAyams to gain Moksham.


தன்ன க்கீ லேகைழ ம் ைவத்த தனித்தி மால்

ெபான்ன க்ேகற்கின்ற ண்ணியர் ேகண்மின் கலறிவார்
ன்ன பார்த் ய தலால் அவர் சாையெயனப்
பின்ன பார்த் நடந் ெப ம்பதேம வேம

Tann-adik-keezh ulahu yEzhayum vaittha Tanit-ThirumAl

ponn-adikku-yERkkinRa PuNNIyar kENmin puhalaRivAr
munnadi pArthu muyuluthalaal Avar chayaai yenap-
pinnadi pArtthu nadanthu perum padham yERuvOmE


Oh Virtuous Ones! Our Lord rules the world positioned under His sacred feet. All are
equally qualified to worship and enjoy those holy feet without interruption. We will state one
thing that is beneficial to all. Please listen! Our AchAryAs followed scrupulously the path
traveled by their AchAryAs. May we also travel along the path of our AchAryAs and reach SrI


ைவயெமலாமி ள் நீக்கு மணிவிளக்காய்

மன்னிய நான்மைற ெமௗ மதிேய ெகாண்
ெமய்யல விளம்பாத வியாசன் காட் ம்
விலக்கில்லா நல்வழிேய விைரந் ெசல் ர்
ஐயமற அ சமயக் கு ம்ப த்ேதாம்
அணியரங்க ர யவர்க்ேக அ ைம ெசய்ேதாம்
ைமயகடல் வட்டத் ள் மற் ந்ேதாற் ம்
வாதியர்தம் வாய்ப்பகட்ைட மாற்றிேனாேம

vyamellAm iruL neekkum maNi ViLakkAi

manniya nAnn-maRai mouLi mathiyE koNDu
mey alathu viLampAtha ViyAsan kAttum
vilakillA nall-vazhiyE virainthu selveer
Iyaam-aRa aRusaamaya kuRumpu aRutthOm
aNi arangar adiyavarkkE adimai seythOm
mayya kadal vaDDatthuL maRRum thORRum
Vaadhiyar tamm vAy-pahattai mARRinOmE

We have now completed the refutation of Para Matha PrathivAdhis and have removed
doubts about the inappropriateness of their doctrines. Our VisishtAdhvaitha VedAntham
stands like a gem-studded dheepam to banish the darkness of nescience in this world.
BhagavAn VyAsa, who utters nothing but truth swam over the ocean of VedAntham,
reached the other shore and compiled Brahma Soothrams as the essence of Upanishads
(VedAntham). The most auspicious way is the One shown by Sage VyAsa to gain Parama
PurushArTam. We traveled on that path and are blessed with the boon of performing
Kaimkaryam to the true servants of Lord RanganAtha.
In the 23 chapters of Para Matha Bhangam, Swamy Desikan elaborately critiqued the
deficencies of Para Mathams and pointed out that Para Mathams will never become Dharma
Maarga SthAnams and that the VedAntha Maargam of SaraNAgathy will alone help us gain
Moksha SthAnam without failure. Swamy Desikan proved that Sruthi, Smruthi, IthihAsams

and PurANams declare this with a single voice.
Swamy Desikan has refuted on rigorous basis of logic and PramANams the doctrines of
ChAarvAkan (who holds that Only Prathyaksham as PramANam), Maadhyamikan (Soonya
Vaadham), YogAchAra Bhouddhan, SouthrAnthikan, VaibhAshikan, Pracchana BhouddhAs,
JainAs, Bhaskara matham (Brahma PariNAmam is Prakrtuhi), Yadhava PrakAsa matham,
VaisEshika Matham (ardha vainAsikar compared to PoorNa VainAsikars, who are
BhouddhAs), PrabhAkara Vedaantham and SaankhyA Matham and established the
blemishlessness of Sva-matham (VisishtAdhvaitham) firmly rooted in Tarkam and sound
PramANams. He established soundly that there is no Phala PrApthi by following other
defective mathams in this Sri Sookthi of Para Matha Bhangam.


“Veda Vyaasar”


ேகாதவெமான்றில்லாத தகேவ ெகாண்ட

ெகாண்டெலன வந் லகில் ஐவர்க்கன்ேறார்
வனா ெயா ேகா மைறகெளல்லாம்
ெதாடர்ந்ேதாடத் தனிேயா த் யரந் தீர்த்த
மாதவனார் வட ெகாங்கில் வானியாற்றின்
வண்ணிைக நன்னடங்கண் மகிழ்ந் வா ம்
ேபா , இைவ நாம் ெபான்னயிந்ைத நகாில் ன்னாள்
ணராத பரமதப்ேபார் ாித்ேதாேம

kOthu avam onRu illAtha tahavE koNDa


koNdalena vanthu ulahil iyvarkku enROr

thUthuvanAi oru kODi maRaikaL yellAm
thodarnthu Oda taniyODit-thuyaram theerttha
MaadhavanAr Vada Kongil vaani aaRRin
vaNNihai nannaDam kaNDu mahizhnthu vaazhum
pOthivai nAmm Ponniyanthai naharil munnAL
puNarAtha Paramathap-pOr pooritthOmE

Lord is the dark-hued rain season cloud (KaaLamEgham), who pours out the blemishless
and most merciful anugraham on the people of this world. He incarnated as KrishNa
BhagavAn for that purpose. The crores of VedAs are powerless to see this Lord. They chase
after Him and run behind Him with their eulogies. He escapes them and runs to
DuryOdhanA's court as their ambassador and finally through His gIthOpadEsam to ArjunA
banished the sorrows of the world by blessing us with His redeeming Charama SlOkam.
We (Swamy Desikan) had His darsana SoubhAgyam and feasted on His dhivya
soundharyam, when He incarnated as KrishNa at the dhivya dEsam of
Thiruvaheendhrapuram, where the Garuda Nathi flows northward (Uthara Vaahini). There,
He delights over the sight of the dancing waves racing with each other to offer salutations at
His Thiruvadi. During that time, we composed the SrI Sookthi of Para Matha Bhangam to
refute the imperfect and fallacious doctrines of Para Mathams that have not been included in
SrI BhAshyam of Achaarya RaamAnujA and gained Para Matha Bhanga Poorthy
(Completion of the Kaimkaryam of the refutation of Para Mathams).

In this glorious Prabhandha Paasuram saluting Sudarsana BhagavAn (The Sankalpa
Sakthi of SrIman NaarAyaNa), Swamy Desikan thanks Lord Sudarshanan at the end of this
Prabhandham as he did at the commencement of Paramatha Bhangam. At the beginning of
this Prabhandham, Swamy Desikan salutes Sudarsana BhagavAn.

திகிாி ம யர் குந்தம் தண்டங்குசம் ெபாறி

சித சத க அங்கி வாள்ேவல மர்ந்த ம்
ெதழிபணில சிைலகண்ணி சீரங்க ெசவ்வ
ெசழியகைத சலந்தி சூலந்தி கழ்ந்த ம்
அகில லகுகள் கண்ைடயா ேயாரலங்க ல்
அைடய அைடவில் இலங்க ஆசின்றி நின்ற ம்
அணி ம கைண ம் அரவாெமன்ன நின் அ

அைட ம யைர அன்பினா லஞ்செலன்ப ம்
மகி மமரர் கணங்கள் வானங்கவர்ந்திட
ம மசுரர் ணர்த்த மாயந் ரந்த ம்
வள ம் அணிமணிமின்ன வானந்தி ெகாண் ட
மைற ைற ைறவணங்க மாறின்றி ெவன்ற ம்
சிகியிரவி மதியம் உமிழ் ேதசுந்த ெவண் ைசத்
திணிம ள் ெசக கந் ேசமங்கள் ெசய்த ம்
திகழரவைண அரங்கர் ேதெசன்ன மன்னிய
திாிசுதாிசனர் ெசய்ய ஈெரண் யங்கேள
Thihari Mazhu uyar Kuntham TaNDu ankusam poRi
sithaRu sathamuka angi VaaL vEl amarnthathum
thezhi paNila silaikkaNNi Seeranga sevvidi
sezhiya Gathai musalunthi Soolam thihazhnthathu
akhila uluhahaL kaNDayAyi Ohr alangalil
adaya aday vill ilanga aasu inRi ninRathum
adiyum arukaruNayum aravu yenna ninRaDi

adayum adiyArai anpinAl anjal yenpathum
mahizhum amarar gaNangaL vAnam kavarnthiDa
maliyum asurar puNarttha mAyam thuranthathum
vaLarum aNi maNi minna vAnn anthi koNDida
maRai muRai muRai vaNanga mARinRi venRathum
siki Iravi madhiyam umizh dEsu untha yeNN Disait-
thiNi maruL seha uhanthu sEmangaL seythathum
Thihazh aravu aNai Arangar tEsu yenna manniya
Thiri Sudarisanar seyya Eeer yeNN bhuyangaLE

This sixteen lined (PathinARu Seer chantha Viruttham) has such dynamic gait that
matches the speed of the rotating Sudarsanam on the hand of Lord RanganAtha (PrayOga
Chakram) engaged in Para Matha Bhangam.

At the begining of this Prabhandham, Swamy Desikan saluted Sudarsana BhagavAn as

Ashta Bhuja Moorthy adorning Eight weapons. Here, Swamy Desikan salutes Lord
Sudarsana as ShOdasAyudha Moorthy to destroy utterly the Para Matha Vaadhams and to
accomplish Sva-Matha NirUpaNam.
The kramam (order) of the salutations to the weapons are in the same order as in
ShOdasAyudha SthOthram in Sanskrit. Here, Swamy Desikan salutes the 8 weapons in one
side (Chakram, Axe, Spear, Stick, Goad, hundred edged weapon spitting agni, Sword and
Sakthi aayudham). On the other side, Sudarshanar holds eight more weapons (the Conch,
Bow, Noose, Plough, VajrAyudham, Pestle, Gathai and Trident).

“At the lap of Perumal”

Swamy Desikan visualizes Sudarsanar with rows and rows of garlands and rathna
hArams and giving abhaya pradhAanam to devotees like AadhisEshan and DevAs, while
destroying the asurAs. Swamy Desikan enjoys the Sarva TejOmaya Sudarshanar saluted by
the VedAs shining as the radiance of the Lord of SrIrangam Himself. In the seven of the
sixteen lines (Paadhams) of this Paasuram, Swamy Desikan sums up the seven kinds of
anugraha kAryams of Sudarshana BhagavAn.
Swamy Desikan started this Prabhandham and concluded it at Thiruvheendhrapuram.
Yet, He refers to Lord RanganAtha (Thihazh AravaNai Arangar tEsu). It is Swamy
Desikan's prayer that in future that the Lord of SrIrangam should protect His BhagavathAs
with Dhaiva Sampath and destroy Bhagavath Kaimkarya VirOdhis (asurAs) just like he
refuted the Para Mathams through the creation of the SrI Sookthi of Paramatha Bhangam
with the blessings of Lord DevanAthan of Thiruvaheendhrapuram.

Paramatha Bhangam SampoorNam

kivtaikRk is<hay kLya[ gu[zailne,

ïImte ve»qezay vedaNt gurve nm>.

kavitaarkika siMhaaya kalyaaNa guNa shaaline.

shrImate ve~NkaTeshaaya vedaanta gurave namaH.

சீரார் ப் ல் தி ேவங்கட ைடயான் தி வ கேள சரணம்

NaarAyaNa, NaarAyaNa, NaarAyaNa

Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan


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