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Writing Portfolios

Book Reports

Specific Learning Outcomes

Book Reports
Students should be able to

Give an oral/dramatic presentation in which they tell (at least three things) about a book they have read

Give an oral presentation in which they summarize the plot of a narrative, or present a character sketch

Specific Learning Outcomes

Book Reports
Students should be able to
Write a response to a book that shows an understanding of the plot, characters and setting Identify the main ideas of the plot
Discuss how the actions of some of the characters affect the events

Specific Learning Outcomes

Book Reports
Students should be able to
Identify the characters in a work of fiction, describe their physical appearance (find the words in the text and say why these words are suitable), and the role they play in the story/book Contrast the motives and actions of the characters in a text and discuss their relationships with other characters

Features of a Book Report

Title of the book and authors name

Why you chose the particular book Main character(s), importance, description,

characteristics Other characters, roles in the book Personal response/impressions words and phrases admired, characters liked (reasons from text)

Ways of Presenting a Book Report

Write a poem about a character in a book read
Dramatize a poem or a speech about a book read Stage a play of 3-5 minutes(2 -5 pupils)

Change a favourite scene from a book into a script for a play

Ways of Presenting a Book Report

Create a timeline to sequence the events of a story, include

the time and place of each event

Draw a picture for each event and write a one or two -

sentence summary of the event

Design a cover to show aspects of book e.g. setting,

character, title, author

Create a song track and a CD cover that explains the song

Ways of Presenting a Book Report

Work in pairs to interview a character- create questions to ask a character, have your friend ask the questions, answer as if you were the character

Make a video of an interview with a character Use a book you have read to create a comic book, use text and the spoken word from the book

Ways of Presenting a Book Report

Pretend to be a reporter and report live from a scene in a book, create a video of yourself Cast family and friends as characters in the book and interview them

Write a headline news story about the book, detailing the major events and the characters

Parents Involvement
Assisting with reading Talking with children about a book why you liked the book, reading relevant sections of the book Serving as an audience for oral reports

Scoring the Book Report (see Rubric)

Level 4 : Exemplary exceeds the requirements Level 3: Good meets the requirements

Level 2: Satisfactory generally meets the requirements but with some areas of weakness Level 1: Needs improvement, does not meet the requirements

What is a writing portfolio?

A collection of samples of a students writing designed to showcase writing process and progress over a period

Purpose of a Portfolio
To provide specific examples of writing as a process To allow students to improve their writing skills through

feedback from peers and teacher

To measure students development in writing To serve as a tool for parent teacher conferences
To promote learning through reflection and self-


Specific Learning Outcomes

For Writing Portfolio

Students should be able to

Write for a variety of purposes

Use a range of strategies to plan, organize, write, revise, proofread and edit their writing Write a story (narrative composition) consisting of more than one paragraph
Write a descriptive composition

Write a persuasive composition

Write an expository composition

Specific Learning Outcomes for

Writing Portfolio
Students should be able to
Write friendly letters and more formal letters for a particular purpose Write letters, notes of apology, invitation, complaint, thanks Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine stating a position

Specific Learning Outcomes

Writing Portfolio Students should be able to
Organize their writing in the most efficient ways to convey a message Use Caribbean Standard English consistently in their writing Show control over the technical aspects of their writing Evaluate their own writing and compare their progress over time

Contents of a Writing Portfolio

Table of Contents

Checklists Rubrics

Work samples
Teachers written feedback Reflection

Self- assessment

Parents Involvement
Talking about the portfolio objectives with the teacher

Sharing/discussing the scoring rubrics/checklists

Providing an audience for writing attempts Sharing /discussing feedback with teacher and child

Providing assistance in areas indicated by teacher through feedback

Assisting the child by encouraging reading and writing activities at home

Scoring the Writing Portfolio

(see Rubric)
Level 4 : Exemplary exceeds the requirements Level 3: Good meets the requirements

Level 2: Satisfactory generally meets the requirements but with some areas of weakness or omission Level 1: Needs improvement, does not meet the requirements

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