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Monikandan Ias Academy: Geomorphology

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Indicative Topic(s)
1) Meaning & Scope of Geomorphology 2) Recent Trends in Geomorphology 3) Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology 4) Origin & Evolution of the Earths Crust 5) Structure of the Earth 6) Physical Conditions of the Earths Interior 7) Earths Magnetic Field 8) Wegners Continental Drift Theory 9) Paleomagnetism 10) Fundamentals of Geomagnetism 11) Sea floor spreading 12) The Theory of Plate Tectonics 13) Theory of Plate Tectonics- Critical Evaluation 14) Plate Tectonics & Vulcanism 15) Tsunamis 16) Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes 17)Plate Tectonics & Mountain Building 18) Mountain Building Processes 19) Recent views on Mountain Building 20) Orogeny and continental Accretion 21) Fluvial & Aeolian Landforms 22) Iostasy: Concept & Theories 23) Factors Controlling Landform development 24) Glacial & Coastal Landforms 25) Concepts of Geomorphic Cycles & Landscape Development 26) Denudation Chronology 27) Erosion Surfaces 28) Channel Morphology 29) Cycle of Erosion-Davis,Penck and L.C.King 30) Davis & Penck: A comparative analysis 31) Concept of Slope Development32) Applied Geomorphology : Meaning & Scope 33) Geo-hydrology 34) Economic Geology 35) Environmental Aspect in Applied Geomorphology

Mandatory Readings

09/06/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Test No. 1

Fundamentals of Phy. Geog New Class XI NCERT 2006 Edition, Principles of Geog. Part-I. Old Class XI NCERT 1989 Edition, Certificate Physical & Human Geog by G C Leong Physical Geog. by S. Savinder Singh Geog. Made Simple-I Geomorphology by Savinder Singh Self Study Material



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Indicative Topic(s)
1) Meaning & Scope of Climatology 2) Origin of Atmosphere 3) Composition & Structure of Atmosphere 4) Temperature & Pressure belts of the world 5) Heat Budget of the Earth 6) Atmospheric circulation 7) Moisture & Humidity in the Atmosphere 8) Adiabatic Processes 9) Atmospheric Stability & Instability 10) Forms of Condensation w.s.r.t Clouds 11) Precipitation Process 12) Types & Distribution of Precipitation 13) Pressure Belts of the World 14) Winds Planetary, Periodic,Variable & Local 15) Hadleys Tri-cellular Model 16) Jet Streams: Genesis, Distribution & Characteristics 17) Air Masses: Genesis, Classification Distribution & The Related Weather 18) Fronts : Frontogenesis, Types & Associated weather 19) Temperate Cyclones: Genesis, Distribution & Characteristics 20) Tropical Cyclones: Genesis, Distribution & Characteristics 21) Temperate and Tropical Cyclones: A comparative analysis 22) Climatic Classification 23) Classification of World Climates 24) Koeppens Classification 25) Basis of Thornthwaites classification 26) Thornthwaits Classification 27) Koeppen & Thorthwaite : A Comparative Analysis 28) Trewarthas classification of World Climates 29) Global climatic changes: Meaning and Concept 30) Role and response of man in climatic changes 31) Applied Climatology: Meaning and concept 32) Urban climate

Mandatory Readings

16/06/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Principles of Geog. Part-I Old Class XI NCERT1989-Edition. Fundamentals of Phy. Geog. New Class XI NCERT 2006 Edition Certificate Physical & Human Geog by G C Leong Geog. Made Simple-I Climatology-D S Lal Physical Geog. by S. Savinder Singh Self Study Material

Test No. 2



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Oceanography & Biogeography

Indicative Topic(s)
1) Importance of Oceans 2) Marine Resources: Biotic & Mineral 3) Food from the Sea 4) Marine Resources: Energy from the Sea 5) Conservation and Management of Marine Resources 6) Law of seas and Marine pollution 7) Dynamism of the sea water:Waves,Currents & Tides 8) Importance of ocean currents 9) Factors influencing ocean currents 10) General pattern of ocean currents 11) Reasoned account of currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean 12) Oceans and climate 13) Ocean currents and climate 14) The Phenomena of Tides 15) The Mechanism of Tides 16) Theories of Tides 17) Coral reefs 18) Theories of coral reef formation & their critical Evaluation 19) Coral bleaching 20) Temperature & Salinity of Oceans 21) Reasoned account of the spatial distribution of salinity 22) Reasoned account of the spatial variation of temperature 23) Heat & Salt budget of the Oceans 24) T-S Diagram 25) Classification and distribution of ocean deposits 26) Pelagic deposits 27) Ocean Bottom relief 28) Mid Oceanic Ridges 29) Submarine Canyons 30) Hypsometric curve 31) OBR of Atlantic, Pacific & Indian ocean 32) Soil: A vital link 33)Soil profile 34) Soil forming factors & processes 35) Weathering and Soil Formation 36) Soil Classification 37) Soil distribution and characteristics 38) Soil erosion and conservation 39) Major Biomes of the world: Rain forests, Coniferous forests, Monsoon forests, Savanna and Temperate Grasslands, Biological deserts 40) Altitudinal patterns of Biota 41) Factors influencing global distribution of plants and animals. 42) Wild life and Major gene pool centers

Mandatory Readings

23/06/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Principles of Geog. Part-I Old Class XI NCERT1989-Edition. Fundamentals of Phy. Geog. New Class XI NCERT 2006 Edition Certificate Physical & Human Geog by G C Leong Geog. Made Simple-I Physical Geog. by S. Savinder Singh Self Study Material

Test No. 3



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Environmental Geography (Paper I) Contemporary Issues (Paper II)

Indicative Topic(s)
1) Ecology & Ecosystem. Meaning, Concept & Principles 2) Structure & Function of ecosystems 3) Human ecological adaptations 4) Human impact on ecology & environment 5) Global & regional ecological changes and imbalances 6) Ecosystems: Their management and conservation 7) Biodiversity: Concept and Types 8) Importance of Biodiversity 9) Biodiversity and Sustainable Development 10) Environmental education and legislation 11) Environmental policies 12) Issues related to Environmental Pollution 13) Environment degradation 14) Environmental Hazards: Landslides, Earthquakes Tsunamis 15) Floods & Droughts, Epidemics 16) Environmental Hazards & remedial measures 17) Environmental Issues in Regional Planning 18) Principles of Environment Impact Assessment and Environment Management 19) Planning for Sustainable Development.

Mandatory Readings

30/06/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Principles of Geog. Part-I Old Class XI NCERT 1989 Edition India People and Economy New Class XII NCERT 2003 Edition. Geog. Made Simple-I India: A Comprehensive Geog. D R Khullar (2008 Edition)

Test No. 4

Self Study Material


Economic Geography
Indicative Topic(s)
1) Definition and scope of Economic Geography 2) What is Development 3) Growth v/s Development 4) Sectoral classification of Economic Activities 5) World Regional disparity in Economic Development 6) Measures of Economic Development 7) Problems of Economic Development 8) Rostovs model of stages of growth 9) Resource as a concept 10) Spatial analysis of Global Resource Distribution 11) World Population: Resource Regions 12) World mineral resources 13) World mineral resources: An overview 14) World energy resources: An overview 15) Energy crisis in World & India 16) Limits to growth 17) Approaches to agricultural regionalization 18) Whittleseys agricultural regions of the world 19) Critical evaluation of Whittleseys classification 20) Agricultural land use theory of Von Thunen 21) Food and nutrition problems 22) Food Security 23) Famine causes, effects and remedies 24) Factors influencing global pattern of industries 25) World industrial regions 26) Emerging trends in global distribution of industries 27) Theory of industrial location by Weber 28) World trade patterns 29) Trading Blocks, Trade Routes, Trade Volume 30) Trading Pattern: Theories 31) Emerging Trends in the Trading Pattern

Mandatory Readings

07/07/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Fundamentals of Human Geog. New Class XII NCERT 2006 Edition, Ch. on Secondary Activities Manufacturing and Ch. on International Trade Geog. Made Simple-II. Ch. 16. Industrial Location Theory Self Study Material

Test No. 5



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Perspectives in Human Geography Population Geography (Paper I) Cultural Settings (Paper II)
Indicative Topic(s)
Perspectives in Human Geography Cultural Settings
30) Historical Perspective of Indian Society 31) Cultural regions: Cultural Realms of the world 32) Ethnic, Linguistic and racial diversity in India 33) Major tribes in India and their spatial distribution 34) Problems of tribal communities in India 35) Approaches to Tribal Development 36) International Migration: Causes and consequences 37) Recent trends in international migration 38) International migration in the Indian context 39) Inter-and Intra-regional migration in India 40) Density and distribution of population : Patterns and analysis 41) Factors influencing fertility in India 42) Sex ratio: Spatio-temporal patterns and their International comparison 43) Age-structure, Dependency Ratio, Work-force and Longevity 44) Literacy rates in India: Spatio-temporal patterns and their analysis 45) Measures to improve the literacy rate India 46) Population growth in India: Spatio-temporal patterns and their analysis 47) 2001-census results: A comprehensive analysis 48) Religion and 2001 census 49) Religious minorities 50) Population problems in India: A regional perspective 51) Population explosion & Food security 52) Population policies in India A critical evaluation 53) National Population Policy 2000: An Overview 54) Health indicators 55) Social well being and quality of life 56) Population as Social Capital

Mandatory Readings

14/07/2012 Saturday 9.00 a.m-12.00 noon Discussion time: 12.15 p.m. -1.45 p.m.

Test No. 6

1) Dichotomy and Dualism in Geography 2) General v/s Regional Geography 3) Physical v/s Human Geography 4) Historical v/s Contemporary Geography 5) Environmentalism and related themes 6) Determinism, Possibilism and Probablism 7) Areal Differentiation 8) Regional concept in Geography 9) Quantitative revolution and Locational analysis 10) Behavioural and Humanistic Geography 11) Radical and Welfare Geography. 12) Human development and its indicators (HDI etc.) 13) System Analysis in Human Geography 14) Languages, religions and secularization Population Geography 15) Brief introduction to Population Geography 16) The human bio-cultural evolution 17) World population growth over the centuries 18) Spatial dimensions of world population growth 19) World population distribution 20) Factors influencing population distribution 21) Theory of Demographic Transition 22) Reap: Theory of Demographic Transition 23) Demographic Trap 24) Age-sex structure: Patterns and analysis 25) Malthusian theory 26) Marxian theory 27) Concept of over-, under- and optimumpopulation 28) Population-Resource regions of the world 29) World population problems

Fundamentals of Human Geog. New Class XII NCERT 2006 Edition, Ch. on Secondary Activities Manufacturing and Ch. on International Trade Geog. Made Simple-II. Ch. 16. Industrial Location Theory Self Study Material



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