Health History Tool (Student)
Health History Tool (Student)
Health History Tool (Student)
1. Name
2. Address
3. Age
4. Gender
5. Date of Birth
6. Place of birth
7. Ethnic group
8. Primary language spoken
9. Marital Status
10. Educational
11. Occupation
12. Religious orientation
13. Health Care financing and usual source of medical care
14. Income
10. Personal Hygienic practices: Describe how do you take care of your body? Bath, hand washing, trimming
of fingernails, wearing of slippers, use of deodorant/cologne, brush teeth, flossing, dental visits?
11. Substance use; Use of cigarette, alcohol, drugs? Kind, amount, frequency? Reasons? Aware of effects?
Passive smoking?
12. Environmental condition: adequacy of lighting and ventilation,
13. Environmental sanitation practices: water supply, toilet facilities, waste management, food preparation,
presence of vectors, health hazards
1. Bowel elimination pattern. Describe. Frequency? Characteristics (color and consistency)? Discomfort/pain?
2. Urinary elimination pattern. Describe. Frequency? Characteristics (color, clarity, odor)? Discomfort/pain?
Problem in control?
3. Practices to achieve normal elimination pattern
4. Excess perspiration? Odor problems?
1. Describe your usual activities in a day (or week)
2. Kind of physical activity do you engage in? Exercise pattern? Type? Regularity?
Frequency, Intensity, Duration?
3. Are you satisfied with the amount of exercise do you get?
4. What type of work do you do for a living?
5. Sufficient energy for completing desired required activities?
6. Spare time (leisure activities?) Enough resources for leisure activities? Satisfaction?
1. Describe sleep pattern: Number of hours, Continuity, Satisfied?
2. Usual time to sleep? Usual time for waking up? Do you wake up at night?
3. Do you feel refreshed when you wake up?
4. Describe sleeping environment. Any problems? Concerns?
5. Describe bed time routine
6. Any problem falling sleep?
7. What helps you sleep? (back rub, music or warm milk? Do you take sleep medications?
8. Take naps? When? (morning/afternoon)
9. What do you do for relaxation? (watch movie, read, dance, shopping etc.)
1. Can you read and/or write? Any difficulty?
2. How is your hearing? Hearing difficulty? Aid?
3. How is your vision? Wear eyeglasses? Last checked?
4. Any change in the memory lately?
5. Easiest way to learn things? Any difficulty in learning?
6. Do you have any problems with speaking, reading or writing?
7. Any changes in smell or taste?
8. How are you doing in school/work?
1. Live alone? Family? Family structure? Significant people in life?
2. Describe relationship to each other member of the family
3. Roles assumed in the family. Fulfilled? Why?
4. Any family problems you have difficulty handling? (nuclear/extended)
5. How does your family usually handle problems?
6. Family dependent on you for things? If appropriate? How manage?
7. What do you think of voicing opinions to family? Friends?
8. Who initiates activities with family or with friends?
9. What are usual family activities?
10. Belong to social groups? Close friends? Feel lonely frequently?
11. How do you express your feelings or thoughts to others?
12. Are things generally go well with you at work? (school/college)? Are there any problem in work/school
that influence to health?
13. Income/allowance sufficient for needs? Any financial problems or concerns?
14. Feel part of (or isolated in) neighborhood where living?
1. How do you express yourself as a man/ as a woman? Any difficulty or problems in expressing ones
2. How do you show affection to others? How do you want others to show affection?
3. Any concerns regarding fertility or family planning?
4. Do you engage in high risk sexual practice?
5. If appropriate: any changes or problems in sexual relations?
6. If appropriate: use of contraceptives? Problems?
7. Female: when menstruation started? Last menstrual period? Menstrual problems?
1. Describe a stressful event for you
2. How do you handle stress or pressure? Effective? Satisfied? Why/why not?
3. Tense a lot of time? What helps? Use of any medicine? Drugs? Alcohol?
4. Who’s most helpful in talking things over? Available to you now?
5. Any big changes in your life in the last year or two?
6. When (if) have big problems (any problems) in your life, how do you handle them?
7. Most of the time, is this (are these) way(s) successful?
1. What makes a person healthy?
2. How important is health to you?
3. Any spiritual or religious practices important to you? Relevance to health?
4. Do you generally get things you like out of your life? Most important things to you?
5. Is religion important in your life? Does this help when difficulties arise?
6. What social values you were brought up with? Which ones are important to you now?
7. How do you see yourself in relation to society?
1. Any others things that we haven’t talked about that you’d like to mention? Questions?
Alfaro, Rosalinda, Applying Nursing diagnosis and Nursing process: A Step by step guide (J.B. Lippincott Co, Philadelphia) 1990
Christensen, Paula anhd Kenney, Janet, Nursing Process: Application of Conceptual Models (C.V. Mosby Co, Missouri) 1990
Gordon, Marjorie, Manual of Nursing Diagnosis (Mosby Yearbook Inc. Missouri) 1995
Kozier, Barbara, Fundamental of Nursing. (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.) 2001