Burner Control with integrated Fuel / Air Ratio Control and Load Control for Forced-draft Burners Basic Documentation
Valid for the following software versions: LMV51... : V01.90 Int. LC: V01.40 AZL51... : V01.70 CC1P7550en 29. 05. 2002
Safety notes
Please note: The present basic Documentation describes the large number of applications and
functions and shall serve as a guideline. The correct functioning of the system is to be checked and proven on a test rig or on the actual application in the plant!
Degree of protection IP40 to EN 60 529 for burner controls must be ensured by the burner or boiler manufacturer by adequately mounting the LMV51... In the geographical areas where DIN norms apply, mounting and installation must be in compliance with the relevant VDE requirements, specifically DIN / VDE 0100, 0550 and DIN / VDE 0722! The electric wiring inside the boiler must conform to country-specific and local regulations! Ensure that spliced wires cannot get into contact with neighboring terminals. Use adequate ferrules! Prior to commissioning, check wiring and the parameter settinfs carefully! When commissioning the plant, check all safety functions! Before performing any wiring changes or other work in the connection area of the LMV51..., completely isolate the unit from the mains supply! Lay high-voltage ignition cable completely separate from all other cables! Ensure protection against electric shock hazard on the LMV51... itself and on all electrical connections through appropriate mounting! There is no absolute protection against incorrect use of the RAST5 connectors. For this reason, prior to commissioning the plant, check correct assignment of the connectors. The burner manufacturer must fit dummy plugs to all AC 230 V terminals that are not used (refer to Product range overview and Suppliers for other accessories) When wiring the unit, AC 230 V mains voltage and extra low-voltage must always be run strictly separate to warrant protection against electric chock hazard! Protect the mains-powered ionization probe against electric shock hazard!
The LMV51... is a safety device! Do not open, interfere with or modify the unit! Siemens is not liable for any damage resulting from unauthorized interference!
In the event of blow n fuses, return the unit to Siemens! Check electromagnetic emissions on an application-specific basis!
To ensure the safety and reliability of the LMV51..., the following points must also be observed:
Condensation, formation of ice and ingress of water are not permitted! Should such conditions have occurred, make sure the unit is completely dry again before switching on! Static charges must be avoided as they can damage the units electronic components Recommendation: Use ESD equipment!
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To provide protection against inadvertent or unauthorized parameter transfer from the parameter backup memory of the AZL51... to the basic unit of the LMV51..., the OEM1) must enter an individual burner ID for each burner.
The LMV51 system prevents the transfer of a parameter set from some other plant (with inadequate and possibly dangerous parameter values) via the backup memory of the AZL51 to the basic unit of the LMV51 only if the above regulation is observed (for more detailed information, refer to the description of burner ID in section Display and operating unit AZL51...).
With the LMV51, it is to be noted that the characteristics of the unit are determined primarily by the specific parameter settings rather than by the type of unit.
This means that, among other things, each time a plant is commissioned, the parameter settings must be checked and the LMV51 may not be transferred from one plant to another without matching the parameter settings to the new plant!
In programming mode, the position check of the actuators and, if required, of the variable speed drive (that is, checking of the electronic fuel / air ratio control system) is different from the check in automatic mode.
Like in automatic mode, the actuators are still jointly driven to their required positions. If an actuating device does not attain the targeted position, it will be corrected until the required position is reached. However, for this corrective action in contrast to automatic mode there is no time limit. The other actuating devices maintain their current positions until all have reached their required positions. This is required for adjusting the fuel / air ratio control system. This means that during the period of time the fuel / air ratio curves are programmed, the engineer making the adjustments must continuously check and monitor the quality of the combustion process (e.g. by means of a flue gas analyzer). If there is poor combustion or dangerous conditions, he must take appropriate measures like manual shutdown of the system.
In the case of dual-fuel burners and firing on oil, the short preignition (Phase 38) parameter OnTmeOilIgnition is to be selected and a magnetic clutch to be provided, thus ensuring that there will be no oil pressure until this phase is reached.
With proper oil burners, the magnetic clutch is not required. In that case, the long preignition time (from Phase 22) must be parameterized.
When using the PC software ACS450, the safety notes contained in the relevant Operating Instructions (CC1J7550) must be observed.
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A password is required to protect the parameter setting level against unauthorized access.
The OEM assigns individual passwords to the parameter setting levels he can access. The default passwords used by Siemens must be changed by the OEM. These passwords are confidential and may only be given to persons authorized to access such parameter setting levels!
The responsibility for setting the parameters is with the person who - in accordance with his access rights - has made changes to the respective setting level.
In particular, the OEM assumes responsibility for the correct parameterization in compliance with the norms and standards covering the specific application (e.g. EN 676, EN 267, EN 1643, TRD 411, TRD Sttzpunktdaten 412, etc.).
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1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 General ......................................................................................................... 10 Brief description............................................................................................. 10
- Basic diagram ....................................................................................... 10
Product range overview................................................................................. 12 Type code LMV51... ...................................................................................... 15 Block diagram inputs / outputs ...................................................................... 16 Fuel train applications (examples)............................................................. 19
- Direct gas ignition ................................................................................. 19 - Gas pilot ignition 1 ................................................................................ 19 - Gas pilot ignition 2 ................................................................................ 19 - Direct ignition with light oil, multistage .................................................. 20 - Direct ignition with light oil, modulating................................................. 21 - Fuel valve control program ................................................................... 21 - Direct ignition with heavy oil, multistage ............................................... 22 - Direct ignition with heavy oil, modulating .............................................. 22 - Fuel valve control program ................................................................... 22 - Dual-fuel burner gas / light oil with gas pilot ignition............................. 24 - Fuel valve control program ................................................................... 24 - Dual-fuel burner gas / heavy oil with gas pilot ignition.......................... 25 - Fuel valve control program ................................................................... 25
3 3.1
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(START) X403.....................................................................................32 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Program sequence.........................................................................................33 Parameters ....................................................................................................33
- Time parameters ...................................................................................33
Gas valve proving ..........................................................................................33 - Determination of VP leakage rate......................................................34 Special functions during the program sequence............................................35
- Lockout phase (Phase 00) ....................................................................35 - Safety phase (Phase 01).......................................................................35 - Reset / manual lockout..........................................................................35 - Signaling start preventions....................................................................36 - Forced intermittent operation ................................................................36 - Program stop function ...........................................................................36 - Gas shortage program ..........................................................................37 - Part load shutdown ...............................................................................37 - Normal / direct start...............................................................................37 - Continuous fan operation ......................................................................38 - Response to extraneous light in standby ..............................................38
4 4.1 4.1.1
Position check................................................................................................51
- Dynamic safety time ratio control ..........................................................51 - Outside the operating position ..............................................................53 - Operating position modulating ..............................................................53
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- Operating position multistage ............................................................... 53 Special features............................................................................................. 53 - Program stop ........................................................................................ 53 - Direction of rotation of actuators........................................................... 53 - Limitation of the load range .................................................................. 54 - With / without auxiliary actuator ............................................................ 54 - Number of fuel actuators ...................................................................... 55 - Traveling times...................................................................................... 55 - Shutdown behavior ............................................................................... 55 - Overload protection of actuators........................................................... 55 - Curve adjustment.................................................................................. 55
Temperature or pressure controller (internal load controller LC) .......... 56 General.......................................................................................................... 56 Connection diagram ...................................................................................... 56 Operating modes with the load controller ...................................................... 56
- Operating mode 1 (extLC) .................................................................... 57 - Operating mode 2 (intLC) ..................................................................... 58 - Operating mode 3 (intLC via BMS) ....................................................... 58 - Operating mode 4 (intLC BMSan)......................................................... 59 - Operating mode 5 (extLCanalg)............................................................ 59 - Operating mode 6 (extLC via BMS) ...................................................... 60
5.4 5.4.1
Control (characteristics)................................................................................. 61
- Operating mode .................................................................................... 61 Integrated 2-position controller (C = ON / OFF) ............................................ 61 - General ................................................................................................. 61 - Switching differentials ....................................................................... 61
X61........................................................................................................ 68
- Input 4: TEMP, Pt1000 / LG-Ni 1000 X60............................................. 68
Setpoints (W)................................................................................................. 69
- Internal setpoint .................................................................................... 69 - Input 3: SET POINT INPUT X62........................................................... 69 - External predefined setpoint ............................................................. 69
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
- External predefined load....................................................................69 - External predefined load, modulating ................................................70 - External predefined load, multistage .................................................70 - External setpoint changeover ............................................................70 - External setpoints or predefined load via digital e-bus interface...........70
Cold start thermal shock protection (CSTP) ..................................................72 CSTP - modulating operation.........................................................................72 CSTP - multistage operation..........................................................................73 Output ............................................................................................................73 Output 4...20 mA............................................................................................73
- Output, modulating................................................................................73 - Output, multistage .................................................................................73
Multiboiler plants ............................................................................................74 Multiboiler plants by means of an analog input..............................................74 Multiboiler plants by means of a digital interface ...........................................74 Display and operating unit AZL51..............................................................75 Assignment of AZL51 terminals .................................................................76
- Connecting cable to the e-bus adapter .................................................77 - Connecting cable to the PC ..................................................................77
Ports of the AZL51 .....................................................................................78 Port for the PC ...............................................................................................79 Connection to superposed systems such as a BMS......................................79
- General information and BMS functions ...............................................79 - Exchange of data ..................................................................................80
6.3 6.3.1
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Commissioning instructions for the LMV51... system........................... 117 Practice-oriented setting instructions for the system configuration, the burner control, and the electronic fuel / air ratio control system .................. 117 Basic configuration ...................................................................................... 117 Settings for gas-fired operation ................................................................... 120 Settings for multistage firing on oil............................................................... 123 Extra functions of the LMV51... ................................................................... 127 Configuration of the load controller.............................................................. 129 Control parameters of the load controller .................................................... 130 Connection terminals / coding of connectors........................................... 134 Connection terminals of the LMV51... ......................................................... 134 Coding of connectors................................................................................... 135 Mounting, electrical installation and service .......................................... 136
- Installation........................................................................................... 136 - Electrical connections and wiring........................................................ 136 - Connection of LMV51... bus ............................................................... 136
9.2 10
Suppliers of other accessory items.............................................................. 141 Duties of the authorized inspector .......................................................... 142
- Correct parameterization of the system.............................................. 142 - General ............................................................................................... 143
11 11.1
13 14
Addendum 1: List of error messages of LMV51... system..................... 148 Addendum 2: Connection diagram.......................................................... 156
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The burner management system is operated and programmed with the help of the display and operating unit AZL51... or a PC tool. The AZL51 with LCD cleartext and menu-driven operation affords straightforward operation and targeted diagnoses. For making diagnoses, the LCD shows the operating states, the type of fault and the point in time the fault occurred. The parameter setting levels for the burner / boiler manufacturer and heating engineer are password-protected to prevent unauthorized access. Basic settings that the plant operator can make on site do not demand a password. Also, the AZL51... is used as an interface for superposed systems such as a building management systems, or for a PC using the ACS450 software. Among other things, the unit affords convenient readout of settings and operating states, parameterization of the LMV51..., and trend recording. When replacing the LMV51... basic unit (BU), all parameters can be saved in a backup memory of the AZL51... to be loaded back into the basic unit. This means that reprogramming is not required. When designing the fuel trains, the burner / boiler manufacturer can choose from a total of 7 valve families. The large number of individual parameterization choices (program times, configuration of inputs / outputs, etc.) enable him to make optimum adaptions to the specific application. The universal SQM4... actuators are driven by stepper motors and can be positioned with a high resolution. The characteristics and settings of the actuators are defined by the basic unit of the LMV51... .
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AGG5.110 AGG5.220
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CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
CAN bus connecting cable between basic unit and AZL51..., complete with connector type 3.5 and Sub-D, 3 m. Standard connector set LMV51... for gas / oil applications with up to 3 actuators. LMV51... Terminal designation
X3-01 X3-02 X3-03 X3-04 X4-01 X4-02 X4-03 X5-01 X5-02 X5-03 X6-01 X6-02 X6-03 X7-01 X7-02 X7-03 X8-01 X8-02 X8-03 X9-01 X9-02 X9-03 X10-01 X10-02 [/] X10-03
Description Rast 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1
Alarm, fan Air pressure switch (APS) Burner flange Power supply safety loop Fuel selection, lockout reset Ignition Start signal / PS relieve valve Oil pressure switch min. Oil pressure switch max. Load controller external Direct heavy oil start Magnetic clutch / oil pump Safety valve SV (oil) Oil valve V2 Oil valve V3 Not used Operating on gas / oil Oil valve V1 Oil valve V1 Gas valves Protective earth, neutral conductor Gas pressure switch min., max. Power transformer (prim I, sec I) Flame detector - QRB..., QRI... Plug Ionization probe ION
1 1 1 prim I sec I sec II CDO DFO DEFL
Type 3.5
2 1 1 1 1 1 6 X50, X51 X52 X60 X61 X62 X63 [/] CAN bus (6-pole) Transformer, secondary side (4-pole, low-voltage) Inputs 1 and 4 - temperature sensor (5 pins), TEMP. Input 2 - pressure input - temperature limiter (5 pins) TEMP./PRESS. INPUT Input 3, analog input (5 pins), SET POINT INPUT Load output (3 pins), LOAD OUTPUT Actuator (5 pins)
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Extension connector set LMV51... (in addition to AGG5.720, covering all connector variants). LMV51... Terminal designation
[/] [/] [/] [/]
2 2 1 1
Actuator (5 pins) Variable speed drive 4-pin connector 2 x 5-pin connector 1 x 6-pin connector 1 x Rast 5
1 1 prim I sec II CDO DEFL
AZL51 cable, complete [/] [/] 1 1 [/] [/] Cable AGG5.630 Cable AGG5.640 Sub-D connector 6-pin connector type 3.5 Actuator cable
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Voltage / frequency
1 2 AC 120 V / 50 - 60 Hz AC 230 V / 50 - 60 Hz
Basic function
Electronic fuel / air ratio control with up to 4 actuators Electronic fuel / air ratio control with O2 trim control and up to 5 actuators
Burner control, microprocessor-based CAN bus system, dual- and single-fuel burner for continuous or intermittent operation, depending on the type of flame detector Gas valve proving
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X3-03.2 X3-04.1
L1' F 6,3 AT
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X9-01.4 Fuel valve V1 (GAS)
Power signal for air pressure switch (APS)
Fuel selection GAS Fuel selection OIL Fan contactor contact (FCC) or FGR-PS Reset / manual lockout Controller (ON/OFF) Controller closes / stage 3 Controller opens / stage 2 Start release oil Heavy oil direct start Pressure switch-min-oil Pressure switch-max-oil
Power signal for controller Power signal for start release oil Power signal for heavy oil direct start Power signal for pressure switch-min-oil Power signal for pressure switch-max-oil
X5-01.3 X5-02.3
P max
X5-01.2 X5-02.2
P max LT (CPI)
Pressure switch-min-gas Pressure switch-max-gas Pressure switch VP gas LT or closed position indicator (CPI)
X9-03.3 X9-03.2
QRI (IR detector) signal voltage QRI (IR detector) power supply Protective earth (PE) Neutral conductor (N) Power supply (L) QRB signal voltage Ionization probe (ION)
X10-02.4 X10-02.3 T1 AGG5.2xx Neutral conductor Power signal transformer AC power signal G0 AC power signal G X10-01.4 X10-01.3 X10-01.2 X10-01.1
X10-02.1 X10-03.1
2 7550a10E/2
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Temperature / pressure controller Functional earth for X60.5 shield connection Temperature sensor Pt/Ni 1000 (input 4) Temperature sensor Pt 100 (input 1) Line compensation Pt100 X60.3 X60.1
Pt 100 Pt/Ni 1000
CDO (02-D)
X60.2 X60.4
TEMP. Functional earth for shield connection Power supply for temp./ pressure transmitter Voltage input DC 0-10 V (input 2) Current input 4-20 mA (input 2) Reference ground TEMP./PRES. INPUT
SEK I 12V/1,2A
U + 0-10 V I + 4-20mA
1 23 4
DFO (02-I)
J/p J/p
Functional earth for shield connection Power supply for setpoint changeover Voltage input DC 0-10 V (input 3) Current input 4-20 mA (input 3) Reference ground SET POINT INPUT Functional earth for shield connection Current output 4-20 mA Burner output Reference ground LOAD OUTPUT
2 3 4
FE X63.3
X63.1 X63.2
Functional earth for shield connection 12VAC2 12VAC1 CANH CANL Reference ground (PELV) GND BUS Functional earth for shield connection 12VAC2 12VAC1 CANH CANL Reference ground (PELV) GND BUS
SHIELD white
X51.2 X51.3 X51.4 X51.5 X51.6
12VAC2 brown
12VAC1 yellow
CANH green
CANL black
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Direct gas ignition
Direct ignition
PS max
PS min
Gas pilot
PS max ACT
PS min
PS max ACT
Pilot ignition 2
V2 PV V1 V2 PV
V1 V2
ts 1
ts 2
19/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 2 Fuel train applications (examples) CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
Fuel train applications (contd) Direct ignition with light oil, multistage
PS min
Single-stage burner
PS min
2-stage burner
PS min
3-stage burner
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PS min
PS max M
PS min
PS max M
ts 2
V2 V3
Multistage operation
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J 2)
V2 No HE
2-stage burner
V1 V2
LMV direct heavy oil start input
ts 1
ts 2
Modulating burner
Circulation from Phase 38, max. 45 s as soon as direct heavy oil start = ON in Phase 38: Phase change in Phase 40 Direct heavy oil start = OFF at the end of Phase 38 Repetition (max. 3 times in total)
Multistage operation
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Gas trains G, Gp1 and Gp2 1) can be randomly combined with oil trains LO and HO for operation with dual-fuel burners since these fuel trains operate independently.
Oil trains LOgp and HOgp are designed for ignition with a gas pilot. They must always be combined with special gas train Gp2 for operation with a dual-fuel burner.
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SV gas
PS min
V1 gas
V2 gas
PS max ACT
PV gas
V2 oil
SV oil
V3 oil V1 oil
Light oil
ts 1
ts 2
V2 V3
Multistage operation
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SV gas
PS min
V1 gas
V2 gas
PS max
PV gas
LMV start release oil input SV oil V1 oil
V3 oil Ph
2) 1)
V2 oil
Heavy oil
ts 1
Phase 44 max. 45 s
ts 2
Circulation from Phase 44, max. 45 s as soon as direct heavy oil start = ON in Phase 44: Phase change in Phase 40 Direct heavy oil start = OFF at the end of Phase 44 Repetition (max. 3 times in total)
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Burner control
Signal voltage
< 100 %
Self-test voltage
21 V
Operating 14 V voltage
Test time
400-600 ms
The self-test function of the QRI... is triggered by increasing the supply voltage to the level of self-test voltage. During the following test time, the signal voltage at the output of the QRI... changes to zero so that the LMV51 will receive the anticipated flame OFF signal as a reply to the test. If the behavior is correct, operation is continued until the next test cycle is reached. The test cycle is dependent on the parameterization of the LMV51... . Technical data flame supervision QRI (suited for continuous operation) Note: All measured voltages refer to connection terminal N (X1002, terminal 4).
Supply voltage operation / test at terminal POWER QRI... (X1002, terminal 2) Minimum signal voltage required at terminal FSV / QRI... (X1002, terminal 6)
Connection diagram
Landis & Staefa QRI
Made in Germany
X10-02 / 6 X10-02 / 4 X10-02 / 2 blue
0...10 V Ri > 10 MW
No-load voltage at terminal ION (X1003, terminal 1) approx. UMains Note: The ionization probe must be installed such that protection against electric shock hazard is ensured! Short-circuit current Minimum detector current required Maximum detector current Permissible length of detector cable (laid separately) max. AC 0.5 mA DC 6 A, display flame approx. 50 % approx. DC 85 A, display flame approx. 100 % 100 m (wire-earth 100 pF / m)
The greater the detector cable capacitance (cable length), the lower the voltage at the probe and, therefore, the lower the detector current. In the case of extensive cable lengths and high-resistance flames, it may be necessary to use low-capacitance cables (e.g. ignition cable). The electronic circuit is designed such that impacts of the ignition spark on the ionization current will be largely eliminated. Nevertheless, it must be ensured that the minimum detector current required will already be reached during the ignition phase. If that is not the case, the connections of the ignition transformer on the primary side must be changed and / or the location of the electrodes also.
No-load voltage at the QRB... terminal (X1002, terminal 1) Minimum detector current required (with flame) Maximum permissible detector current (dark current with no flame) Maximum detector current Permissible length of QRB... detector cable (laid separately)
approx. DC 8 V
DC 30 A, display flame 35 % DC 5 A approx. DC 70 A, display flame approx. 100 % 100 m (wire-wire 100 pF / m)
A detector resistance value of RF < approx. 5 kW is identified as a short-circuit and, in operation, leads to safety shutdown as if loss of flame had occurred. Measurement of the voltage at terminal QRB... during burner operation gives a clear indication: If voltage drops below 1 V, safety shutdown will probably occur. For that reason, before using a highly sensitive photoresistive flame detector (QRB1B or QRB3S), it should be checked whether such a detector is really required! Increasing line capacitance between the QRB... terminal and mains live L adversely affects the sensitivity and increases the risk of damaged flame detectors due to mains overvoltages. The separate laying of detector cables as specified in Data Sheet 7714 must be observed.
For indication of flame (on the AZL51...), observe the following general rules: The above percentage values are obtained when, for parameter Standardize (standardization of flame signal), the default setting is used. The accuracy of the display is a maximum of 10 %, depending on the tolerances of the components. It should also be noted that, for physical reasons, there is no linear relationship between the display and the detector signal values. This is especially obvious with ionization current supervision. For more detailed information, refer to Data Sheet 7714.
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For the diagnosis, these signal source contacts are combined for delivering the Safety loop message. If no signal is received, the burner will at least be shut down. What follows is a number of repetitions that can be parameterized. Parameter: SafetyLoop
When the external control loop is closed, the signal from the integrated controller (if present) is used to deliver the internal Heat demand information to the input.
- There is a demand for heat when this external controller signal is present and if
present and configured there is a demand for heat from the internal load controller or the building management system When there is no more demand for heat, the burner will be shut down. Depending on the parameterization, the fuel valves will either be shut the moment the period of time is completed by the timer, or after the MIN load is reached Part load shutdown. In operation with the internal load controller or with load control, the input can be deactivated via a building management system. This means that a wire link at this controller input is not required. In operating mode 1 (external LC), the input must remain activated Operating modes with load controller. Parameter: InputController (activated / deactivated) 1) In manual operation burner ON / OFF, the input will not be valued! This input serves for the connection of an external controller with contact outputs. The input is only active when configured as External load controller. Parameter: LC_OptgMode (ExtLC). 2 operating modes are possible. The one active depends on the parameterization of the fuel / air ratio control system. a) Parameter: Operation Mode (Two-stage / Three-stage) Multistage operation can be accomplished by using additional thermostats / pressure switches. Input 2 activates stage 2. Input 3 and input 2 activate stage 3. b) Parameter: Operation Mode (Modulating) The burners output can be increased or decreased by means of a 3-position step controller output with 2 relays. increases the output decreases the output If none of the 2 inputs is active, the burners output is maintained at a constant level. The shortest permissible positioning step is about 100 ms.
1) (Parameter text) in Italics = text displayed on the AZL51
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An air pressure switch can be connected to these terminals. Air pressure is anticipated after the fan has been switched on. If there is no pressure signal, at least safety shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: AirPressureTest (activated / deactivated)
The input can be configured either as pressure switch - valve proving - input (PS-VP) or as a closed position indicator input (CPI). a) Parameter: Config_PS-VP/CPI (PS-VP) The input is only active when firing on gas and when valve proving is activated. Valve proving b) Parameter: Config_PS-VP/CPI (CPI)
CPI: The input is active in both gas- and oil-fired operation. It is used for checking the gas valves fully closed position. For that purpose, the gas valves contacts for the fully closed position are to be connected in series using this input. Note on a) and b) If the signal received at this input does not correspond to the anticipated value, at least safety shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated by configuring the input as PSVP and by switching off valve proving (no LT). Parameter: Parameter: Pressure switch-min-gas, start release gas (PSmin-gas) X903 Config_PS-VP/CPI (PS-VP) ValveProvingType (No VP / VP startup / VP shutdown / VP stup/shd)
The input is used for connecting the gas pressure switch-min and the start signal, e.g. from the release contact of an external outside air damper. In that case, both signal sources are to be connected in series. The input is only active when firing on gas and in the LOgp and HOgp programs until the end of ts2. The signal is anticipated in Phase 21. If there is no gas pressure, the gas shortage program will be activated. Loss of gas pressure / start signal causes the burner to shut down. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: GasPressureMin (activated / deactivated) 2)
There is a delayed reaction to loss of gas pressure during ts1 and ts2 to prevent shutdown caused by pressure shocks when the valves open. Parameter: Pressure switch-max-gas, (PSmax-gas) X903 PressReacTme
The input is used for connecting the gas pressure switch-max. It is only active when firing on gas. The signal is anticipated when ts1 starts. If the gas pressure is exceeded, at least safety shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: GasPressureMax (activated / deactivated)
There is a delayed reaction to loss of gas pressure during ts1 and ts2 to prevent shutdown caused by pressure shocks when the valves open. Parameter: PressReacTme
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The input is used for connecting an oil pressure switch-min. It is only active when firing on oil. It is anticipated that the pressure signal appears during preignition to be critically valued. If there is no oil pressure, or if the oil pressure drops, at least safety shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: OilPressureMin (activated / deactivated)
There is a delayed reaction to loss of oil pressure during ts1 and ts2 to prevent shutdown caused by pressure shocks when the valves open. Parameter: Pressure switch-maxOil (PSmax-Oil) X502 PressReacTme
The input is used for connecting an oil pressure switch-max. It is active only when firing on oil. The maximum oil pressure may not be exceeded. If exceeded, at least one safety shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: OilPressureMax (activated / deactivated)
There is a delayed reaction to loss of oil pressure during ts1 and ts2 to prevent shutdown caused by pressure shocks when the valves open. Parameter: Start release-oil (START) X601 PressReacTme
The input is used for connecting a start signal, e.g. from the release contact of an external outside air damper. It is only active when firing on oil. The signal is anticipated in Phase 21. If the signal is not delivered, or if it is lost, shutdown will occur. The input can be deactivated. Parameter: StartReleaseOil (activated / deactivated)
The input is used for connecting a heavy oil direct start signal with which circulation Phase 38 with HO or Phase 44 with HOgp can be shortened. In the circulation phase, the waiting time for the signal is a maximum of 45 seconds. If the signal is not delivered, home run will take place, followed by repetition. The input is only active when firing on heavy oil (HO or HOgp). The input can be deactivated. Parameter: HeavyOilDirStart (activated / deactivated)
The input is used for connecting a fan contactor contact (FCC) or a flue gas recirculation pressure switch (FGR-PS). a) Parameter: Config_FGR-PS/FCC (FCC) The input is active when firing on oil and gas. It serves for checking the position of the fan contactor. A signal is anticipated at this input after the fan has received a control command. b) Parameter: Config_FGR-PS/FCC (FGR-PS) The input has been designed for the connection of an air pressure switch for flue gas recirculation (only from LMV52...). c) Parameter: Config_FGR-PS/FCC (deactivated) The function of the input can be deactivated.
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When continuous purging is activated, the fan runs in all phases. This mode functions only when using an APS relieve valve which, in Phase 21, ensures that the fan pressure switch does not sense any pressure, thus facilitating checking. Parameter: Output ignition, type SI (IGNITION) X402 ContinuousPurge (activated / deactivated)
This output is used for connecting ignition transformers or electronic ignitors. When firing on gas, ignition is switched on just prior to ts1 in Phase 38. Parameter: PreIgnitionTGas When firing on oil, there is choice of short preignition as with gas operation and long preignition. In the case of long preignition, ignition will be switched on when the fan starts to run in Phase 22. Parameter: Parameter: PreIgnitionTOil IgnOilPumpStart (on in Ph38 / on in Ph22)
These outputs are used for connecting the oil valves in accordance with the selected fuel train. Fuel trains, sequence diagrams. Parameter: FuelTrainOil (LightOilLO / HeavyOilHO / LO w Gasp / HO w Gasp) (light oil with gas pilot and heavy oil with gas pilot may only be used in connection with Gp2) These outputs are used for connecting the gas valves in accordance with the selected fuel train. Fuel trains, sequence diagrams. Parameter: FuelTrainGas (DirectIgniG / Pilot Gp1 / Pilot Gp2)
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This output can be used for connecting an oil pump or a magnetic clutch for an oil pump. The switch-on time can be parameterized together with preignition. In the case of long preignition, the oil pump is switched on in Phase 22 together with ignition; in the case of short preignition, in Phase 38. With the heavy oil programs (heavy oil HO, heavy oil with gas pilot), the oil pump with short preignition is already activated in Phase 36 to ensure oil pressure is available when circulation starts. Parameter: IgnOilPumpStart (on in Ph38 / on in Ph22)
Output Start signal or PS valve (APS test valve) type No-SI (START) X403
Depending on parameterization, the output can be used for a start signal or for a PS relieve valve. a) Parameter: Start/PS-Valve (StartSignal)
The start signal is used for controlling an outside air damper. When actuating the air dampers end switch, which is fed back to the start release inputs of the LMV51..., the startup sequence will be continued. b) Parameter: Start/PS-Valve (PS Relief)
In this configuration, a 3-port valve for testing (no pressure) the air pressure switch (APS) can be connected. This valve is required when parameterizing NormDirectStart (NormalStart / DirectStart) direct start for testing the air pressure switch if ContinuousPurge is parameterized (activated) continuous purging.
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3.2.1 Parameters
Time parameters The most important time parameters for the program sequence are the following (for values, refer to the list of parameters):
- Prepurge time (tv) - Preignition time / circulation time heavy oil - Safety time 1 (ts1) - Safety time 2 (ts2) - Interval 1 ts1 - ts2 - Interval 2 ts2 - traveling to low-fire = LC release - Postpurge time 1 (tn1) with FGR damper shut (this part of the postpurge time is
always executed) - Postpurge time 3 (tn3) with FGR damper open (this part of the postpurge time will be interrupted when there is demand for heat) - Postpurging in the lockout phase (if G = ON before lockout occurred) All of the times mentioned above - with the exception of Postpurging in the lockout phase - depend on the type of fuel, which means that different times can be set for oil and gas. The prepurge time and the safety times are safety-related. This means that, using the AZL51, the heating engineer can only readjust them in the safe direction (against internal maximum or minimum values). In other words, ts times can only be shortened and tv times can only be extended.
t80 Evacuate
With gas valve proving, first the gas valve on the burner side is opened to bring the test space to atmospheric pressure. After the valve has closed, the pressure in the test space may not exceed a certain level. Then, the gas train is filled by opening the gas valve on the gas network side. After shutting the gas valve, the gas pressure may not drop below a certain level.
t82 Fill
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It is possible to parameterize whether gas valve proving shall be performed. Also, the time can be set. Gas valve proving can be carried out during startup, shutdown, or in both phases. Recommendation Perform gas valve proving during shutdown. Parameter: ValveProvingType (No VP / VP startup / VP shutdown / VP stup/shd)
The evacuation and filling times as well as the test times at atmospheric pressure or mains pressure must be set by the OEM, for each individual plant and in accordance with the requirements of EN1643. Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: VP_EvacTme VP_TmeAtmPress VP_FillTme VP_Tme_GasPress
In particular, it must be ensured that the 2 test times will be set correctly. It must also be checked whether - on the specific application - it is permitted to introduce into the combustion chamber the gas required for testing. The test times are safety-related. After a reset, or in the event gas valve proving has been aborted or prevented, the burner control will carry out gas valve proving during the next startup sequence (only if gas valve proving is activated). Examples of aborted gas valve proving: When the safety loop or the start prevention input for gas (containing Gpmin) opens during gas valve proving. If gas valve proving is parameterized with startup and shutdown, the gas valves must perform additional switching cycles. This means that wear and tear of the gas valves will increase.
Leakage rate in liters per hour Overpressure in the piping section between the valves to be tested, at the beginning of the test phase Overpessure adjusted on the pressure switch (normally set to 50 % of the gas inlet pressure) Absolute air pressure (1,013 mbar normal pressure) Volume in the piping section between the valves to be tested, including the volume in the valves themselves, plus any pilot section (Gp1) Test time
Refer to chapter Commissioning instructions for LMV51... system / gas valve proving / leakage test.
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The safety phase is an intermediate phase that is completed before lockout occurs. The safety loop relays are deenergized, but lockout will not yet occur. The alarm relay is not yet energized. In the safety phase, the fan motor maintains the status of the previous phase, that is, it remains switched on if it was on before, and it remains switched off if it was off before. If possible or permitted, safety checks or repetition counter checks will be made. Their results will decide on the transition to either Lockout phase or Standby. The duration of the safety phase varies (depending on the scope of testing), but lasts a maximum of 30 seconds. This procedure serves primarily for suppressing undesired lockouts, caused by EMC effects, for instance.
There are 2 choices to reset the system: 1. Resetting on the AZL51 If the burner control is in the lockout position, a reset produces the following reactions:
- The alarm relay will be deenergized and lockout indication switched off - The lockout position will be cancelled
The function is only available when the unit is not in the lockout position. The system can be manually locked by simultaneously pressing the ENTER and ESC buttons on the AZL51 . This function enables the user to stop the system during programming should an emergency situation occur. 2. Resetting with the button on connection terminal Reset of the LMV51... basic unit Characteristics If the burner control is in the lockout position, a reset produces the following reactions:
- The alarm relay will be deenergized and lockout indication switched off - The lockout position will be cancelled
If the burner control is not in the lockout position, a change to the lockout position will take place when pressing the reset button. If this reaction is not desired, it is possible to feed power to the reset button from the alarm output, thus obtaining the same reaction as described in 1. above.
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If start is prevented, it is always displayed on the AZL51 . Start is prevented only when there is demand for heat and one of the start criteria is not satisfied. The time from start prevention to display on the AZL51 can be set. Parameter: DelayStartPrev
It is also possible to signal start preventions via the alarm output. This function can be activated and deactivated via Parameter: AlarmStartPrev (activated / deactivated)
If Signaling start preventions is activated by means of the alarm relay, it is advisable to pick up power for the reset from the alarm output in order to prevent inadvertent manual lockouts. The time from start prevention to signaling at the alarm contact can be set: Parameter: Forced intermittent operation AlarmDelay
No matter if the LMV51... is used for continuous operation or intermittent operation (e.g. when using a flame detector type QRB), forced intermittent operation can be activated, this means short automatic shutdown after 23 hours and 50 minutes of uninterrupted operation. As a general rule, it is recommended to activate forced intermittent operation or to leave it activated. Forced intermittent operation should only be deactivated in plants where this function is not desired or is inacceptable. Parameter: ForcedIntermit (activated / deactivated)
To simplify burner adjustments during commissioning or in connection with maintenance work, the program sequence of the LMV51... can be stopped at the following points: a) Air damper in the prepurge position b) Traveling to the FGR position c) Ignition position d) Interval 1 e) Interval 2 f) Air damper in the postpurge position g) Traveling to the FGR position Phase 24 32 36 44 52 72 76
Activation takes place via the relevant menu items on the AZL51... . Parameter: ProgramStop (deactivated / 24 PrePurgP / 32 PreP FGR / 36 IgnitPos / 44 Interv 1 / 52 Interv 2 / 72 PostPPos / 76 PostPFGR)
The program stop function is maintained until manual deactivation takes place.
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When gas pressure is insufficient (input PSmin-gas), the LMV51... ensures that a selectable number of start attempts will be made while observing a selectable waiting time. The waiting time between the start attempts is automatically doubled (based on the value parameterized for the first waiting time). The basic time is DelayLackGas. Parameter: DelayLackGas
If, with the last of the parameterized start attempts, there is still a shortage of gas, the burner control will initiate lockout. Parameter: StartPrev
Sequence diagram
Start conditions must be satisfied. n = Limitation of the number of start repetitions (StartPrev). Example: 10 tDelay_G = Delay time gas shortage program (DelayLackGas). Example: 10 s
Phase PSmin-Gas
10 1. tDelay_G 12
10 2. tDelay_G
Home run
Home run
10 s
10 s x 21 = 20 s
8. tDelay_G 12
10 9. tDelay_G 12
Home run
Safety phase
- Repetition counter will be reset after controlled shutdown - When phase 22 is reached for the first time, delay time will be reset to the selected parameter value
To prevent the boiler from shutting down when operating at high-fire, FARC will first change to low-fire when there is no more demand from the controller. Only then will the valves be closed. The maximum time MaxTmeLowFire for changing to low-fire operation can be parameterized. If the time is set to 0.2 seconds, part load shutdown will be deactivated. Parameter: MaxTmeLowFire
a) Normal start With normal start, the fan will be deactivated also when there is a new demand for heat in Phase 78 or when changing the type of fuel. b) Direct start When there is demand for heat in Phase 78, there will be a direct change to startup via Phase 79 to Phase 24 without switching the fan off, so that the startup sequence will be accelerated. But this would suppress checking the air pressure switchs OFF position in standby.
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10 s x 27 = 1280 s
10 s x 28 = 2560 s
For this reason, the PS relieve valve is controlled in Phase 79. This valve ensures that the air pressure switch is relieved of the pressure produced by the fan so that it can signal Air pressure OFF although the fan motor is running, thus making possible a functional check of the air pressure switch. Parameter: NormDirectStart (NormalStart / DirectStart)
For both variants, following applies: If, during postpurging, there is another demand for heat, or if demand for heat is still present like in the case of type-of-fuel change, for example, that part of postpurging will be stopped in Phase 78 in order to accelerate the following startup sequence. Continuous fan operation In the case of burners that could be damaged by return heat (e.g. several burners operating on one combustion chamber), continuous purging can be activated. In that case, the fan runs in all phases. To enable the air pressure switch to be tested, a PS relieve valve is required. This valve is controlled in Phase 21 on burner startup, causing the air pressure to fall, so that the Air pressure OFF signal can be delivered. Parameter: Response to extraneous light in standby ContinuousPurge (activated / deactivated)
As a response to extraneous light in the standby phase, it is possible to choose start prevention or lockout. Parameter: ReacExtranLight (Lockout / Startblock)
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Valve proving
Operation 1 (station.)
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
V = ON
PoP 1
5) 76 78
t 78
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
6) 79
t 80
t 81
t 82
t 83
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 74
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 12) 5) 7)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Oil Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
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Pressure test
PrP 2 (FGR)
Direct start
PoP 3
Atm. test
PrP 1
Startup tv SV = ON Release of startup Standby (station.) AD => IGN-POS AD => HF-POS ts 1 ts 2 AD => LF-POS
Valve proving
Lockout phase
Post-burn time
Direct start
Safety phase
PrP 2 (FGR)
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
PrP 1
5) 76 78
6) 79
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
t 80
t 81
t 82
t 83
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 74
t 78
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP) 11) 1) 13) 9) 12) 5) 7)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Oil Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
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Pressure test
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
PoP 3
Atm. test
V = ON
PoP 1
Valve proving
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
5) 78
6) 79
t 80
t 81
t 82
t 83
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 74
t 78
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 12) 5) 7)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Oil Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
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Pressure test
PrP 2 (FGR)
Direct start
Atm. test
V = ON
PoP 1
PrP 1
PoP 3
Operation 1 (station.)
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
PrP 2 (FGR)
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
V = ON
PoP 1
PrP 1
5) 76 78
t 78
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 36
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 74
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx3
tmx1 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 5)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Oil Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
Program Light oil (LO) direct ignition (also refer to Fuel trains)
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Direct start 6)
PoP 3
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
PrP 2 (FGR)
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
V = ON
PoP 1
PrP 1
5) 76 78
t 78
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
t 34
t 74
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 36
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx3
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 5)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Oil Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
Program Heavy oil (HO) direct ignition (also refer to Fuel trains)
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Direct start 6)
PoP 3
Operation 1 (station.)
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
PrP 2 (FGR)
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
V = ON
PoP 1
PrP 1
5) 76 78
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
t 10
t 21
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 36
t 38 ts1
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 62
t 70
t 74
t 78
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx3
tmx1 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 5)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Oil Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
Program Light oil with gas pilot ignition (LOgp) (also refer to Fuel trains)
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Direct start 6)
PoP 3
Post-burn time
Lockout phase
Safety phase
PrP 2 (FGR)
Interval 1 ti1
Interval 2 ti2
Pre-ignition IGN = ON
Home run
V = ON
PoP 1
PrP 1
Phase number Timer-event-relation Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 = Ph. max. time Fuel 1 (oil) Fuel 2 (gas) Fuel selection
t 22
t 30 tv
t 34
t 42
t 44
t 50
t 52
t 74
5) 78
t 78
6) 79
t 10
t 21
t 36
t 38 ts1
t 62
t 70
t 01 tmx1 tmx1 tmx2 tmx1
tmx1 tmx3
tmx1 tmx1
Safety loop (SLT, water deficiency) TL internal Gas + Oil Load controller ON (int. + ext.) Flame Air pressure switch (APS) 11) 1) 13) 9) 5)
Fan contactor contact (FCC) (FGR-PS, alternative to FCC) (CPI, alternative to PS-VP)
Fuel valve SV Gas Fuel valve PV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Fuel valve SV Fuel valve V1 Fuel valve V2 Oil Fuel valve V3 Oil pump / magnetic clutch 90 HF PoP Fuel ACT 2, 3 IGN LF HP 0 Required position 90 HF PoP Air, Aux ACT 1, 4 IGN LF HP 0 Required position
Program Heavy oil with gas pilot ignition (HOgp) (also refer to Fuel trains)
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Direct start
PoP 3
Depending on the parameter, VP takes place: between Ph 62 and 70 and / or between Ph 30 and 32
Signal ON Signal OFF
Assignment of times : t0 t01 t10 t21 t22 tv t30 t34 t36 t38 t42 ts1 t44 t50 t52 t62 t70 t74 t78 t80 t81 t82 t83 tmx1 tmx2 tmx3
Postpurge lockout position MaxT_SafetyPhase MinTimeHomeRun MinT_StartupRel FanRunupTime PrepurgeTime_Gas / Oil PrepurgePt1 PrepurgePt3 MinOnT_OilPump PreignitionT_Gas / Oil PreignitionT_Off SafetyTime1 Gas / Oil Interval1 Gas / Oil SafetyTime2 Gas / Oil Interval2 Gas / Oil MaxTimeLowFire AfterburnTime PostpurgeT1 Gas / Oil PostpurgeT3 Gas / Oil VP_EvacTime VP_TimeAtmPress VP_FillTime VP_TimeGasPress MaxDampRunTime MaxT_ StartupRel MaxT_CircHOil
Next phase
00, Rep = 0 12, Rep > 0
Parameter direct start Checking with controller on Devation --> 10 No Rep decrement 10 70 Without VP 70 With VP 80 62 Stop, up to Ph Max. time 01 Stop, up to Ph Max. time 10 00, Rep = 0 01 12, Rep > 0 01 01 00, Rep = 0 12, Rep > 0 00, Rep = 0 12, Rep > 0
0 - 30 s
1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
With / without PM Short / long preignition time for oil only short / long oil pump ON time Delayed shutdown within ts Parameter: Output as startup signal / PM relief valve Parameter: Normal / direct startup Normal startup sequential phase = 10 Direct startup sequential phase = 79 (when R = ON) Sequential phase = 24 Only with valve proving during startup Parameter: With / without alarm on prevention of startup Parameter: With continuous purging Fan controlled as before Running time when locked out = T_FanLockout Parameter: With / without extraneous light test in standby With valve proving in startup phase 10 Parameter: Normal purging: Normal / continuous purging Checking for off in 10, Stop to Ph-max time -> 01 Continuous purging: Checking for on in 10 and 12, Stop to Ph-max time -> 01
Parameter: Parameter:
In standby : actuator can travel within the permissible positioning range, but is always driven to the home position. Must be in the home position before changing the phase
Actuator fully open (90) Pre-Purge position Post-Purge position Ignition position Low-Fire position Home position Position as supplied Air Damper Closed Position Indicator Air Pressure Switch Fan Contactor Contact Flue Gas Recirculation Pressure Switch Post-Purge Pre-Purge Pressure Switch-Valve Proving Safety Limit Thermostat Safety Relay Temperature Limiter
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4.1 General
The electronic fuel / air ratio control system can control up to 4 actuators. The functions of the dampers are ready assigned to the addresses and are defined as follows:
1 2 3 4 Air damper * Fuel 1 (gas) Fuel 2 (oil) Mixing device *
In Phase 24, the actuators used for the control of air (air actuator and auxiliary actuator) are driven to their postpurge positions. If the actuator does not reach the required position within the maximum time, safety shutdown will take place position check. The prepurge time starts only when the actuators have reached their prepurge positions. The prepurge position is only defined for the actuators used for the control of air and can be parameterized depending on the type of fuel. The fuel actuators maintain their home positions. Parameter: Parameter: PrepurgePosAir PrepurgePosAux
In Phase 36, all actuators are driven to their ignition positions. For that purpose - like in prepurging - a maximum time is available within which the ignition position must be reached position check. Ignition takes place only when the required position is reached. The ignition position can be adjusted for all actuators, depending on the type of fuel. Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: IgnitionPosAir IgnitionPosGas IgnitionPosAux or parameter IgnitionPosOil
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When ignition has taken place and the flame has stabilized, the actuators must be brought into line. For that purpose, the control unit drives the actuators to their basic part load position (low-fire) as defined by the curves. The actuators which, for ignition, have assumed a special position, travel at individually calculated speeds to ensure that all of them will reach the part load position at the same time.
25 %
Low fire
50 %
Ignition positions
75 %
Ai r
Au x
100 %
Note: The system also permits ignition positions that lie outside the range defined by fuel / air ratio control, that is, not between high-fire and low-fire. Operation In the operating position, the dampers are adjusted according to demand. The ratio curves are defined for gas and oil. For modulating operation, the output can be adjusted in increments of 0.1. The actuators travel to the defined ratio curves. In multistage operation, 2 or 3 load points can be approached. For more detailed information, refer to section Operating position. End of operating position After there is no more demand from the controller, the fuel / air ratio control system first changes to low-fire (Phase 62) before the fuel valve close. For that purpose, a maximum time is available which can be parameterized part load shutdown. When the burner is shut down, the actuators will be driven to their postpurge positions in Phase 72. For that purpose, a maximum time is available position check. The postpurge position is defined for all actuators and can be adjusted depending on the type of fuel. Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Actuator speed outside normal operation PostpurgePosAir PostpurgePosGas or parameter PostpurgePosAux PostpurgePosOil
The actuators speed when traveling to the home, prepurge, ignition and postpurge positions can be parameterized. Parameter: TmeNoFlame Outside normal operation, all actuators travel at that speed.
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When parameterizing the operating ramp, the speed of the slowest actuator must be taken into consideration!
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
Modulating operation is possible for both types of fuel, gas and oil. In the operating position, the dampers are driven to the defined fuel / air ratio curves in accordance with the required output. Up to 15 curvepoints can be defined. The spacing of the points (difference in output) can be freely selected. The positions of the breakpoints are calculated by making linear interpolations. To ensure correct fuel / air ratio control at any time, the actuators travel in steps of maximum 1.2 seconds. This traveling time corresponds to a positioning angle of 3.6 at an operating ramp of 30 seconds / 90 . For each of these steps, an individual speed is calculated for each actuator, so that all actuators reach the required positions at the same time. The speed of the fastest actuator can be parameterized. Parameter: OperatRampMod
The position check is always made between the individual steps when the actuators do not move. If there is a breakpoint on the way to the next target on the curve, it will always be approached. Note When parameterizing the operating ramp, the speed of the slowest actuator must be taken into consideration! Multistage operation is only possible when firing on oil. It is possible to parameterize if multistage or modulating operation is used. Electronic fuel / air ratio control can be configured for both 2-stage and 3-stage burners. In this operating mode, the oil actuator is not controlled. Parameter: Operation Mode (Two-stage / Three-stage / Modulating)
Multistage operation
Multistage fuel / air ratio control is defined via different load points. These are the stationary operating points and separately adjustable switch-on / off points. Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter:
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Between these points, the actuators are adjusted during their continuous travel. The speeds of the individual actuators will be calculated such that they reach their targets at the same time. The speed of the fastest actuator can be parameterized. Parameter: Note OperatRampStage
When parameterizing the multistage operating ramp, the speed of the slowest actuator must be taken into consideration! When changing from stage 1 to stage 2, first switch-on point S2 is approached, starting from operating point S1. Now, the second fuel valve is opened. Then, the system travels to operating point S2. If the output shall be cut back to stage 1, first switch-off point S2 will be approached. If switch-off point S2 has not yet been set, switch-on point S2 will be approached and the fuel valve closed. Then, the ratio position of operating point S1 will be approached again. The procedure is analogous when switching from stage 2 to stage 3 and back again.
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required position of one or several actuating devices are tolerated before the valves are shut down
- In contrast to the burner controls safety time, this safety time need not be fixed since
the risk potential of a ratio control system increases in proportion to its deviation from the required state All safety-related supervision functions of the ratio control system, especially checking of the actuator positions with regard to the required positions, are based on this Safety time ratio control. The Safety time ratio control of 3 seconds considers the worst case. This describes the situation where the deviations from the actuators required positions are such that loss of flame does just not yet occur, that is, the combustion process is as poor as it can possibly be. In such a case, it is assumed that the amount of unburnt or partly burnt gases produced within 3 seconds is not sufficient to cause deflagrations or explosions within the Safety time ratio control or just after that time (that is, after the valves are shut down). As mentioned above, it should also be considered that the smaller the deviation from the required state, the smaller the proportion of unburnt gases. This means that the closer the required positions, the smaller the risk of dangerous conditions. For this reason and for reasons of availability, the LMV51... uses a Dynamic safety time ratio control. This safety time is accomplished as follows:
Pos. []
Actual position 2
<3s <8s
In the case of a change of position, the current actuator position must have approached the required position to within 2 in no more than 3 seconds. Otherwise, safety shutdown occurs. Also, the neutral band must be reached within 8 seconds after starting the change in position.
Monitored band
Neutral band
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If, due to external effects, an actuator moves from its required position by more than 0.3 (neutral band) for more than 8 seconds, the supply of fuel will be shut down.
Pos. []
Pos. []
The required position is considered to be reached when it is within 0.3. When reaching a new position within 0.3, the fuel / air ratio control system makes a fine adjustment on the actuators. Readjustments of the position are made only if the current position deviates from the required position by more than 0.3, followed by another fine adjustment. If, during the load change, an actuator is mechanically blocked, the supply of fuel will be shut down within 3 or 8 seconds.
Pos. []
0,3 Required position -0,3
-2 Actual position
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In the phases where the actuators are driven to one of the special positions (home, prepurge, ignition or postpurge position), there is no continuous position check. To make possible the change to the next phase, the required position must be reached. To travel to the required position, the maximum time available is 35 seconds or 20 % longer than TmeNoFlame parameterized. If the required position is not reached within this maximum period of time, safety shutdown will be initiated actuator overload protection. In the phases where the damper does not move, the position is continuously checked. If there are deviations from the required position, adjustment attempts are made where the Dynamic safety time ratio control is used.
The position checkback signal delivered by the actuators is evaluated only when the actuators do not travel, thus making possible precise position measurements. To ensure that the actuators are not out of control of the basic unit for longer periods of time, longer movements are subdivided into traveling steps of 1.2 seconds. After each step, the required position must be reached. The required position is considered to be reached when the actuator has traveled to a band width of 0.3. If the actual position does not agree with the required position, readjustments will be made, whereby the dynamic safety time of the fuel / air ratio control system will be applied.
In multistage operation, the actuators are monitored at stationary points. The actuators must reach these points within the calculated period of time, whereby the dynamic safety time of the fuel / air ratio control system will be applied. Additional position checks are made during the actuators travel, in order to find out if the actuators do not move, or if they travel in the wrong direction.
The actuators direction of rotation can be reversed, so that the direction of rotation can be matched to the mounting method. The direction of rotation must be selected before defining the ignition position and the curvepoints. If that is not observed, these points must be deleted before the direction of rotation is reversed. For that purpose, a special function called Delete curves is offered on the menu for selecting the direction of rotation. Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: 1 AirActuator (Standard / Reversed) 2 GasActuat(Oil) (Standard / Reversed) 3 OilActuator (Standard / Reversed) 4 AuxActuator (Standard / Reversed)
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The curves are defined by the 2 limits Low-fire (part load) and Nominal load (maximum load). In certain cases, it has proven practical to limit the burners output, either temporarily or permanently. This limitation of the burners working range can make sense in both directions. The burners working range then looks as follows:
Low fire
The usable output range always lies within the defined curves. This means that if the minimum load is smaller than the low-fire load, loads below the low-fire load will be disregarded. And if the maximum load is greater than the high-fire load, loads above the high-fire load will be disregarded. If the minimum load is greater than or equal to the low-fire load, the minimum load assumes the role of the low-fire load, that is, after ignition, the minimum load will be considered. The 2 parameters Minimum load and Maximum load can be set depending on the type of fuel burnt, whereby: Low-fire load minimum load maximum load nominal load Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: With / without auxiliary actuator MinLoadGas MaxLoadGas MinLoadOil MaxLoadOil
If the auxiliary actuator is not required, it must be deactivated. This can be selected separately for both types of fuel. Parameter: AuxActuator (deactivated / activated)
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Nominal load
Max. load
Min. load
The standard LMV51... system uses one fuel actuator for gas and one fuel actuator for oil. But it is also possible to use one common actuator for the fuel damper and the oil pressure controller. However, it is still possible to parameterize independent curves for both types of fuel. Parameter: NumFuelActuators (1 / 2)
If the above mentioned parameter was set to 1, the common fuel actuator must be addressed as a gas actuator. The traveling speed of the actuators can be adjusted for the different burner statuses. The time to be parameterized is the period of time the actuator requires to cover an angular rotation of 90. Traveling speed in the phases with no flame (e.g. traveling to prepurge): Parameter: TmeNoFlame
Traveling times
When parameterizing the speeds, the running times of the connected actuators must be taken into consideration. Shutdown behavior The positions the actuators assume in the event of lockout can be adjusted. To facilitate fault diagnostics, the actuators can be stopped at their last position or can be driven to their home or postpurge position. Parameter: Overload protection of actuators ShutdownBehav (Unchanged / PostpurgeP / HomePos)
If the actuators block, lockout will be enforced. However, if the actuators cannot reach the positions required by lockout, they would be damaged due to overtemperatures. To prevent this, the actuators will be deactivated after a maximum time of 35 seconds, or at 20 % above the value for TmeNoFlame parameterized.
Curve adjustment
Refer to chapter Displays and settings / special function curve adjustment FARC.
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5.1 General
The internal load controller is made available as an option to the LMV51... . This is a digital PID controller for the control of temperature or pressure, featuring selfsetting or manual setting of the control parameters. On fuel changeover, the control characteristics for modulating or multistage burners are automatically adapted if required. Note For operation and parameterization, refer to chapter AZL51
Input 2
Actual value pressure or temp.
Power: Sens.
4-20 mA
0-10 V
4-20 mA
4-20 mA
0-10 V
Pt / Ni 1000
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External load controller. In this operating mode, an external load controller (e.g. Siemens RWF40) is used. The internal control algorithm is not active. The internal temperature limiter function can be activated. The external load controller must have 3 contact outputs which - as shown below - must be connected to the LMV51... basic unit.
External load controller ON / OFF or stage 1
X5-03 Terminal
OPEN or stage 2
X5-03 Terminal
CLOSED or stage 3
Terminal 3
OPEN or stage 2
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Internal load controller. In this operating mode, the load controller inside the LMV51... is used (standard application). The manipulated variable and the demand for heat are internally generated and handled. Terminals X62.1 and X62.2 can be used to make an external changeover between the internal septoints W1 and W2.
CAN bus
BMS as control via CAN bus with the internal load controller. The internal load controller is connected via the AZL51 and an external e-bus interface with a BMS. The BMS transmits only predefined setpoints to the internal controller. This means that the actual control is provided by the internal load controller. Terminals X62.1 and X62.2 can be used for changeover from the external predefined setpoint to the internal setpoint W1 (e.g. in the event the BMS fails), triggered via a potential-free contact (from software version V01.40 or higher).
CAN bus
Jack X72
e-bus Interface
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BMS as control via analog input with the internal load controller. In principle, identical to operating mode 3, except that the BMS delivers the predefined setpoint via analog input 3 (SET POINT INPUT). Terminals X62.1 and X62.2 can be used to make a changeover from externally (e.g. in the event the BMS fails) from the external predefined setpoints to the internal setpoint W1, using a potential-free contact (from software version V01.40 or higher).
Input 3 (SET POINT INPUT) X62.1 Predefined setpoint 0...10 V or 4...20 mA X62.2 X62.3 X62.4
CAN bus
The internal load controller is used for translating the analog load signal to the CAN protocol. BMS as control (or external controller) with analog predefined manipulated variable (load signal) to the controller inside the LMV51... .
Input 3 (SET POINT INPUT) Predefined setpoint X62.2 2...10 V or X62.3 4...20 mA X62.4
CAN bus
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BMS as control with digital predefined load via CAN bus. The LMV51... system is connected to a BMS via the AZL51 and an external e-bus interface. The BMS contains the controller and transmits the load (manipulated variable) and the heat demand signal to the LMV51... system. In this operating mode, the load controller inside the LMV51... is not required.
CAN bus
Jack X72
e-bus interface
Manipulated variable, demand for heat
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Switching differentials
Note: When SD_*_On is positive, the switching differential lies above the setpoint. WhenSD_*_On is negative, the switching differential lies below the setpoint (from software version V01.40). Parameters: SD_ModOn SD_ModOff SD_Stage1On SD_Stage1Off SD_Stage2Off SD_Stage3Off
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Example 2: The load is greater than the amount of heat produced by the burner under part load conditions, thus enabling correct modulating operation.
Setpoint SD_ModOff W SD_ModOn Actual value
Control parameters Manual setting of the control parameters Parameters: P-Part (Xp) (2...500 %) of the parameterized measurement range Proportional band: I-Part (Tn) (0...2000 s) 0 = no I-part Integral action time: Derivative action time: D-Part (Tv) (0...1000 s) 0 = no D-part The PID parameters can be manually set to any value of the above setting ranges, or a triple value from the standard values described below can be activated (and furter edited it required). Standard values: The controllers memory contains 5 standard parameter sets. If required, one of these 5 PID triple values can be copied to the storage locations for the current values so that it becomes active. PID standard values for the following applications: Parameter: Standardparam (very fast / fast / normal / slow / very slow)
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The load controller integrated in the LMV51... is capable of identifying the controlled system, of calculating its PID parameters based on the acquired characteristic data and of resetting the parameters. In modulating mode, the adaption function is available for both temperature and pressure control. In multistage mode, the PID controller is active, so that no adaption can be made there. Adaption can be activated in a number of ways: 1. Adaption from manual operation a) Adaption from shutdown or standby Burner OFF b) Adaption from startup or operation Burner ON 2. Adaption from automatic operation a) Start of adaption from shutdown or standby b) Start of adaption from startup or operation
Adaption sequence
Manual operation, shutdown or standby Manual operation, startup or operation Automatic operation, shutdown or standby Automatic operation, startup or operation
Burner OFF
Burner OFF
Evaluation of development of actual value. If actual value changes excessively, setting phase will be extended by another 5 min max
Saving the startup values and output of the parameterized adaption load
When the temperature or pressure increase changes to a straight line, the delay time Tu and the maximum increase of the controlled system is ascertained from the measured values and the start values. These values are then used to calculate the control parameters. If the adaption load is below 100 %, a correction factor will be used.
Adaption will be terminated or stopped: - before the setpoint is reached - in the case of unusual developments of the actual value (e.g. pure dead time member with extensive dead time)
End of adaption is communicated to the AZL... . If adaption was correct, the control parameters will be saved in EEPROM. Otherwise, the former control parameters are reinstaled and the change to modulating control will take place.
Note: If adaption was successful, the former control parameters in EEPROM will be overwritten. The control then uses the new parameters without waiting for an extra confirmation by the user. The new control parameters appear on the AZL... and are valid from now on.
Basic Documentation LMV51... 5 Temperature or pressure controller (internal load controller LC)
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
Optimum adaption of the controllers to the controlled system can be checked by recording the actual value during startup while the controlled system is working. The diagrams below reveal incorrect settings and give hints on remedy. Here, the behavior of a controlled system of the 3rd order for a PID controller is shown. The procedure for setting the control parameters can also be applied to other types of controlled systems. Practical value for TN : TV = 4...6.
XP too small
XP too great
Optimum setting
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Settling of the manipulated variable is used in modulating mode to avoid unnecessary drive pulses, thus extending the life of the controlling elements. Settling of the manipulated variable is active across the entire working range so that a neutral zone is no longer required. For setting the settling of the manipulated variable, a parameter is used that can be set by the user, it is called Minimum possible step of the controlling element. Parameter: MinActuatorStep
Based on this value, the currently smallest step of the controlling element (ASmincur) is calculated, depending on the control differential. If the difference between the newly calculated manipulated variable and the manipulated variable delivered last is smaller than ASmincur, the last manipulated variable will be maintained and the newly calculated manipulated variable rejected. Calculation of the currently smallest possible step of the controlling element (ASmincur) is made differently for the 2 ranges: a) Value of control differential smaller than setpoint * MinActuatorStep b) Value of control differential greater than setpoint * MinActuatorStep
Setpoint MinActuatorStep
Control differential
MinActuatorStep: (0.5...10 %)
In this range, the setpoint can be maintained with a small number of steps of the controlling element. If required, large changes of the controlling element are possible - in contrast to the classical neutral band. Sector 2
- Actual value near the setpoint - Range of a large number of small steps of the controlling element
In this range, to ensure control, the smallest steps of the controlling element are possible. Sector 3
- Actual value far away from the setpoint - Range of a small number of large steps of the controlling element
In this range, small steps of the controlling element are suppressed since they would not yet have any major impact.
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adjustable reaction threshold Q3 Parameter: ThreshStage2On (Q2), ThreshStage3On (Q3) Reaction thresholds Q2 and Q3 (integral of control deviation (K) x time (s))
If the temperature often drops below the switching on thresholds, the integrals will be added up and the higher stage switched on when the associated Q-value is reached. If, before that, the setpoint is reached with the lower stage, the counter will be reset. Function diagrams Example 1: Reaction thresholds Q2 and Q3 for switching on stages 2 and 3 are not reached. In that case, stage 1 will already be switched off when threshold W+SD_Stage3Off is reached (low-fire operation).
Setpoint Actual value
Stage 2 Stage 3
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Example 2: Reaction thresholds Q2 and Q3 for switching on stages 2 and 3 are exceeded and the stages will be switched on. In that case, stage 1 will be switched off when threshold W+ SD_Stage1Off is reached.
SD_Stage1Off SD_Stage2Off SD_Stage3Off W SD_Stage1On
R=ON Stage 1
Stage 2 Stage 3
Q2 Q3
Actual value
Q2 Q3
3-wire circuit (copper wires), line balancing is not required when the resistances of the measuring leads are identical. The TL function is active. Start of measuring range: End of measuring range: 0 C or 32 F 150 C or 302 F or (can be parameterized) 400 C or 752 F Inp1/4/MaxValue
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This input can be parameterized as a pressure or temperature input. Parameter: Inp2Config_C/V:(4...20 mA / 2...10 V / 0...10 V)
The TL function is not active. Active power supply by the LMV51...; typically, a pressure or temperature sensor / transmitter is connected here (e.g. Siemens QBE620-P). Power supply to the pressure sensor: DC 20 V / 25 mA (nominal rating).
Start of measuring range: Parameter: End of measuring range: Start of measuring range: Parameter: End of measuring range:
0 C or 32 F Inp2TempMaxValue Continuously up to 2,000 C or 3,632 F 0 bar or 0 psi Inp2PresMaxValue Continuously up to 100 bar or 1,450 psi
Detection of sensor short-circuit and open-circuit is provided (distance from ends of the measuring range about 10 % of the measuring range). In the case of DC 0...10 V signals, detection of short-circuits and open-circuits is not possible. If a fault is detected, the burner will be shut down (changing to the safety phase). If the short-circuit or open-circuit disappears within the safety phase, a change to standby will take place. Otherwise, lockout will be triggered. Input 4: TEMP, Pt1000 / LG-Ni 1000 X60 2-wire circuit. Line balancing is not required if the resistances of the measuring leads are small compared to the sensor's resistance. The TL function is active. The sensors to be used are the Siemens types QAE22.5A and QAE21.1. Start of measuring range: End of measuring range: 0 C or 32 F 150 C or 302 F or (can be parameterized) 400 C or 752 F Inp1/4/MaxValue
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Input for an external predefined setpoint, suited for a predefined load or setpoint changeover. The input is passive (not powered by the LMV51...). Typically, an active PC output is connected here (PC output requires galvanic separation for PELV). Parameter: Inp2Config_C/V: (4...20 mA / 0/2...10V) When setting is (0/2...10 V), the setting ranges are as follows DC 2...10 V with external predefined load DC 0...10 V with external predefined setpoint
If parameterized for intLC BMSan, the input signal is converted to pressure or temperature according to the parameterization of the measuring range and interpreted as the boilers setpoint. The setting range automatically corresponds to the parameterized measuring range of the actual value and can also be limited. Parameters: Inp3MinSetpoint Inp3MaxSetpoint Setpoint min. measuring range I (mA) U (V) 4 0 Setpoint max. measuring range 20 10
Detection of short-circuits and open-circuits of lines is ensured - similar to the sensor inputs (but not when configured for DC 0...10 V). The demand for heat results from the difference between actual value and setpoint. External predefined load If parameterized for extLC analg, the input signal is interpreted as the predefined load. This will internally be transmitted to FARC where it is translated into the respective actuator driving signals. Since the internal controller is inactive in this operating mode, control must be performed externally. If, in addition, a temperature sensor Pt100 (and / or Pt1000, LG-Ni1000 sensor) is connected, it is also possible to use the internal temperature limiter function with the external predefined load.
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Full load 20 10
Stage 1 5 2.5
Stage 2 10 5
Stage 3 20 10
Detection of short-circuits and open-circuits of lines is ensured - similar to the sensor inputs.
In operating mode 2 (intLC), changeover between the 2 internally defined setpoints W1 and W2 can be accomplished by means of an external (potentialfree) contact. In operating modes 3 (intLC via BMS) and 4 (intLC BMSan), changeover between the external predefined setpoint and the internally defined setpoint W1 can be accomplished by means of an external (potentialfree) contact (from software version V01.40).
The settings described under Input 3 can also be made from a BMS connected to the AZL51 via RS-232 and e-bus interface. Parameter: LC_OptgMode (intLC o.DDC / extLC o.DDC)
An external predefined setpoint via e-bus exists with intLC via BMS. An external predefined load via e-bus exists with extLC via BMS.
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The TL function also ensures that controller setpoints > TL_Threshold_Off cannot become active. The TL function is only active in connection with the Pt100, Pt1000 and LG-Ni1000 sensors. These sensors are monitored for short-circuits and open-circuits. Activation / deactivation of the TL function depends on the parameterization of the actual value input (parameter Inp1/2/4Sel) (refer to section 5.5). Short-circuits or open-circuits of the TL sensors lead to C = OFF, TL = OFF and to the relevant error message. TL within the scope of TRD Within the scope of TRD (Technische Regeln fr Dampf = Technical Directives for Steam), 2 temperature sensors are required to ensure the internal TL function. Parameter: Inp1/2/4Sel (Pt100Pt1000) or Inp1/2/4Sel (Pt100Ni1000)
The Pt100 input is always assigned to the TC function. For the TL function, the Pt1000 or LG-Ni 1000 input is used for the second sensor. TL with external predefined load The internal TL function can be used in all operating modes, provided the appropriate actual value input parameterization is made and the associated temperature sensor is connected. If the internal TL function is used, the time constant T of the temperature sensor with protection pocket may not exceed 45 seconds (for details, refer to DIN 3440).
1 Temperature J
Xa 0.63
Time t
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Burner off, actual value below threshold ON. Burner will be switched on with stage 1
Setpoint step not reached, but max. time exceeded. Therefore, start of 2nd stage
Setpoint step is reached before max. time has elapsed. Start of 3rd stage. Max. output will be delivered.
5.9 Output
5.9.1 Output 4...20 mA
This active output serves primarily for covering the current load, e.g. for boiler sequence control and for display by the BMS (if no e-bus interface is used). If a voltage signal is required, it can be delivered by connecting a resistor (maximum 500 Ohm). Output, modulating I (mA) Burner OFF 4 Part load 5 Nominal load 20
Burner OFF 4
Stage 1 5
Stage 2 10
Stage 3 20
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- Actual value - Controller ON / OFF - Manipulated variable multistage / modulating - Error messages
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Operating field
6 1
7 8
Port for PC (RS-232); for parameterization and visualization with the help of the PC tool software Port for BMS via external e-bus interface Port for the LMV51 basic unit
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External e-bus interface (incl. galvanic separation)
Max. 3 m
Max. 100 m
The AZL51 menu (Operation Select operating mode) offers the following choices:
- Interface PC - Gateway BMS on - Gateway BMS off
The CAN connection to the basic unit can simultaneously be combined with only one of the 2 ports, either Interface PC or Gateway BMS.
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During the program update of the AZL51, the transmission rate between PC tool and AZL51 is automatically increased to 38,400 bit / s.
e-bus infrastructure
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
Control functions
Boiler sequence control (maximum 8 boilers) Boiler sequence control with predefined setpoints: On the AZL51 menu Params & Display SystemConfig, set the LC_OptgMode parameter to intLC o.BMS, or boiler sequence control with predefined load: In this case, set the parameter to extLC o.BMS. Select the type of fuel Set the date and the time of day
Exchange of data
Only non-safety-related data may be changed via the BMS. A reset via the BMS is not possible. List of e-bus commands supported by the LMV51...: Primary command
03h 05h 07h 08h 09h 07h 01h 04h 05h FEh FFh 15h 15h FEh 10h 11h 01h Operating data of the controller to the BC Operating data request of the controller to the BC Operating data of the BC to controller block 1+2 Set date / time of day Identification Query of the supported commands Existence inquiry Sign of life Readout of LMV error storage (Siemens-specific) Readout of LMV lockout storage (Siemens-specific) Error message
Secondary command
Meter readings
For details, refer to e-bus specification, Application Layer OSI7 of User Club eBUS e. V. www.eBUS.de
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Manual operation
Set load Autom / Manual / Off
Ratio control
Gas settings Oil settings
Load controller
Controller parameters Temperature limiter
Password-protected range
Times Language
Addressing Direction of rotation
+ -
System configuration
LC operating mode Inp3Config_C/V
Temperature limiter
Hours run
Start counter
PW Login
AZL operation Esc + Enter < Select >
PW Logout
Submenu selection
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Below, the most important displays of Normal operation and examples of Lockout and start prevention messages and Parameter settings are defined. In Normal operation, the display shown is the default display which automatically appears and which is maintained as long as no settings are made and no unusual events like faults or start preventions occur. The change from other displays to the normal display can be made by pressing the Info button. Normal operation (undisturbed, no manual entries) HOME RUN L H S F M o t 0 V m a 5 e r . t 1 N A o 0 2 . 1 4 2 3 0 4 4 5 1 1 5 . 0 6 3 (Phase 10)
STANDBY S A F S e c u t t t e a l n d b y p o V i a n l t u e 1 1 2 2
(Phase 12) 5 4 O i C C l 1 2
STARTUP I W S F a t 0 i a 5 t r . i t 1 n g R A e 0 f a 2 o l . r
(Phases 20,21)
a 4
e 0 4
2 .
1 3
STARTUP II S F F t a 0 a n 5 . r t o 1 n A 0 2 . 4
(Phase 22)
2 0 4 .
2 3
STARTUP III D P F r r 0 i e 5 v . i p 1 n u g r L g 4 t i 4 o n . g 6
(Phase 24)
2 3 0 .
4 3
(Phases 30...34)
r 0
e 5
p 1
r L
g 9
i 4
n .
g 6 9 8
3 .
2 3
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Display (contd)
STARTUP V D I F r g 6 i n 5 v i . i t 1 n i g o L n 4 4 t o P . o 6 s
(Phase 36)
3 1 0 .
6 3
(Phase 38)
g 3
n 2
i .
t 1
o L
n 4 2
P .
o 3
s 2 2
3 .
8 3
STARTUP VII F R F F u e l 3 e l a 2 l e m . a e 1 L 4 2 s e 1
(Phases 40,42,44)
4 8 . 3 2 2 0 .
0 % 3
STARTUP VIII F R F F u e l 3 e l a 2 l e m . a e 1 L 4 2 . s e 2
(Phases 50,52)
5 8 3 2 2 0 .
0 % 3
STARTUP IX D L F r o 2 i w 8 v . i f 5 n i g r L e 3 8 . 3 t o
(Phase 54)
5 1 8 .
4 5
OPERATION I S A S F e c e l t t t a m p o V L e i a o n l a t u d e 5 1 1 7 1 2 2 . 0
(Phase 60) 5 4 5 0 % % C C
OPERATION II S L F h o 2 u w 8 t . f 5 d i o r L w e 1 7 . 6 n
(Phase 62)
6 1 2 .
2 5
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Displays (contd)
SHUTDOWN S h u t d o w n
(Phase 70)
7 F 2 8 . 5 L 1 7 . 6 1 2 .
0 5
SHUTDOWN D P F r o 0 i s 5 v t . i p 1 n u g r L g 4 t e 4 . 6 o
(Phase 72)
7 3 0 .
2 3
(Phases 74...78)
o 2
s 8
t .
p 5
r L
g 1
i 7
n .
g 6 1 2
7 .
4 5
SHUTDOWN T S F e w 2 s i 8 t t . c 5 A h L 1 7 . 6 i r P r e
(Phase 79) s s 7 1 2 . 9 5
VALVE PROVING V E a v l a v c e u a P t r i o n v g
(Phases 80...83) i n g 8 0
a e
l s
v t
e a
P t
r m
o o
v s
n P
g 8 r e s 1 s
a i
l l
v l
e i n
P g
g 8 2
a e
l s
v t
e G
P a
r s
v P
i r
n e
g 8 s s 3
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SAFETY PHASE S a f e t y P h a s e
(Phase 01)
LOCKOUT L R O o e p S c s e t k e r a o t a t t u u t v i s i o / a n U a n l l S o
(Phase 00)
t c
a k
Example: Display of lockouts in the lockout history In the event lockout occurs, the display alternates at 5-second intervals. Press ENTER to choose one of the 2 display texts. In that case, the alternating cycle will be interrupted. Example: Lockout due to a gas pressure signal in connection with gas valve proving. 1 C S L : t o 1 3 a a 8 1 r d t : . 0 D 6 : N . 0 o 2 5 9 0 : . 9 P 1 0 1 : 2 0 8 3 : 1 4 G 5 a 6 s 3 5
a a a i
s l l d v v e
P e e
e P o
s r n a
s o k
u v G i
r i a n
e n s g g
Example: Display of errors in the error history In contrast to the lockout history, the error history contains the errors of all error classes and not only the lockouts. If an error occurs, the display alternates at 5-second intervals. 1 C D S 2 o i t d a a C e g r l : : t a 2 0 s 1 0 N o s : P L : h o 0 a d 1 3 s : 2 3 e G : 0 4 A 2 . 5 S 4 0 6
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Lockout and error messages Example: Immediate display of lockouts In the event lockout occurs, the display alternates at 5-second intervals. (contd)
a a a i
s l l d v v e
P e e
e P o
s r n a
s o k
u v G i
r i a n
e n s g g
Example: Immediate display of safety shutdowns In the event of safety shutdown, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.
G d m
a r i
s o n p i
P p m
r e u
e d m
s b L
u e i
r l m
e o i w t
Example: Immediate display of warnings In the event of warnings, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.
C t
u o
r o
e h i
G g
r h
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Lockout and error messages Example: Immediate display of start preventions (contd) In the event of start preventions, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.
A o
i n
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Calling up and selection To indicate a selection, the first letter of the menu item is shown with a flashing pointer. As long as the selection is made by pressing the SELECT buttons within the 4 menu items shown on the display, the selection scrolls. If some other (presently not shown) menu item shall be selected, the menu display scrolls. Press ENTER to make the final selection. This calling up and selection procedure is similar on all other menu levels. Example: O M P U p a a p e n r d r u a a a a m t t l s i n i o O & g n p e D r i a s t p i l o a n y
Changing the standard parameters This action is shown using the example of setting the prepurge time of the burner control section. Selection of the associated main menu item: The main menu item Parameterization & Display is called up and selected as described above: O O M P p p a a e e n r r r u a a a a m t t l s i i o o O & n n p e D r i a s t p i l o a n y a l S t a t
= flashing cursor
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It is very important to study chapter Safety notes on settings and parameterization! Before changing to the parameter settings range, a password must be entered. For that purpose, the display shown below appears. First, the pointer points to the first character of the line Access without PW. Access without PW is always available for access level Enduser. If a valid password has been entered, there will be no more password prompt when accessing this parameter setting level until the end of the legitimation period is reached, or until legitimation is manually deactivated If required, access to the parameters can be deactivated on the bottom line of the main menu before the legitimation period expires If a password shall be entered, line Enter password is selected by means of decrementing (pointer points to the first character of that line) and selected by pressing ENTER. Then, the pointer jumps to the first position of the password entry line. Now, through incrementing or decrementing, a character (digit or letter) can be selected. A character is confirmed by pressing ENTER. If a wrong entry has been made, the last character can be edited again by pressing ESC. The other password positions can be selected, edited and entered in a similar way. Hence, when making an entry, there is always only one character visible. When the last character of the password is reached, the entry is to be confirmed by pressing ENTER. The passwords are linked to the access levels (Service, OEM, Siemens). This means that the parameters available for editing are only those associated with the access level When leaving the parameter setting level, a backup is offered
Start display
c c c c
c c c c
e e e e
s s s s
s s s s
w S O L
e E S
o r M
u v
E :
E :
If the check of the password entered is positive, the change to the next menu level will take place. Otherwise, the display will return to the main menu level.
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Setting the parameter: a) After the required parameter has been called up and selected, the display shown below will appear. Lines Curr and New show identical values at first, namely the current parameter value. The pointer automatically points to the colon on line New. Here, the required new value can be entered, whereby the AZL51 automatically displays the 4 possible line setting ranges with the associated resolutions: - 0...12.6 s - 13...63 s - 70...630 s - 11...63 min P C N r u e e r w r resolution 0.2 s resolution 1 s resolution 10 s resolution 1 min p : : u 1 1 r 2 2 g . . e 6 6 T s s i m e G a s
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b) As soon as the basic unit has handled the parameter settings, the new value appears on line Curr. The user has to make certain that the 2 values are identical (safety test of display). P C N r u e e r w r p : : u r g 3 3 e 0 0 T s s i m e G a s
The user can return to the next higher menu level by pressing ESC.
To make the addressing, the actuator must be opened. A button and an LED are located behind the actuators removable plastic cover. In connection with addressing with the help of the AZL51, the button is used to define the address of an actuator. When commissioning the plant, the actuators are in their addressing mode. To indicate this, the LED is steady on. If the LED is not steady on, refer to Reset below. To make the addressing, the following menu is required on the AZL51: Params & Display Actuators Addressing This menu contains the choice of actuators to be addressed (e.g. the air actuator). By appropriately positioning the pointer and then pressing ENTER, the user can select the required actuator function. Address assignment is started by pressing ENTER. After a short period of time, the user will be prompted to press the button on the actuator to be addressed. The AZL51 confirms the successful address assignment. To be sure, the address of the actuator can be checked against the blink code which now appears. This procedure can be repeated for other actuators used by the system, but the AZL51 does not allow double assignments. In that case, a display tells the user that an appropriate actuator is already used by the system.
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Direction of rotation
To select the direction of rotation, choose the following menu on the AZL51: Params & Display Actuators DirectionRot You are given the choice of Standard and Reversed:
The parameter is filed in the basic unit so that the direction of rotation need not be reentered when replacing the actuator. Reset This facility makes it possible to reset an already addressed actuator in the case of a replacement, repair, or if addressing is wrong (wrong address assignment by the user). For that purpose, the user must press the actuators addressing button for at least 10 seconds when the actuator is in normal operation. The actuator will then reset its address which is indicated by the LED when steady on. Operational status indication by LED on the actuator
Power is fed to unaddressed actuator
LED steady ON
The actuator gives the addressing number via the LED. The blink interval is 200 ms: 1 pulse 2 pulses 3 pulses 4 pulses air actuator gas actuator oil actuator auxiliary actuator
After each blink cycle, there is a pause of 1.2 seconds. Example of an actuator for gas
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The following section covers the parameter settings of the curves used by the basic unit module Fuel / air ratio control. Selection menu Ratio control The selection menu looks as follows: S S A T N S P e e u i u h r t t t m m u o t t o e F t g i i m s u d r e o a l w m A n c B S t e t u h o a a p t v o r s n n / g g M s s a n G O u a i a s l l / O f f
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Selection of 3) through 6) leads to standard parameter settings of the parameters specified. Selection of 1) leads to: Selection menu Settings gas Only the data associated with the currently active type of fuel can be parameterized. S C L A p u o u e r a x c v d A c i e L t a l P i u P a m a o r i t s a t o i m s r t i o n s
1) 2) 3) 4)
Calling up 1) (HomePositions, PrepurgePositions...), 3) and 4) leads to standard parameter settings of the parameters specified. Selection of 2) leads to: Selection menu Curve Param(modulating) P M o a i : n n t 1 | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 3 . . . . 2 2 6 3
In this example, the ignition positions are copied to the first point of the curve. This is always made automatically when the ignition positions are defined but no point on the curve has as yet been entered. The preliminary load value entered is the position value of the fuel actuator. This point is also automatically approached as the low-fire point. If the installer attempts to reach submenu Curve parameter settings before the ignition positions are defined, point number 1 appears. But the position fields display XXXX, indicating that the data are invalid. When making the parameter settings, the installer is guided, starting with entry of the ignition positions and coarse adjustment of the low- and high-fire positions to fine adjustment of the curve settings with up to 15 breakpoints. This setting of the curve can be made in 2 different ways: 1. Individual points are specifically entered. 2. Ratio control is operated manually until the value reached shall be stored as a new point. A more detailed description of both approaches is given below:
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Editing or introducing an individual point In this setting mode, an individual point of curve is edited by acknowledging the pointer on Point with ENTER, so that the pointer jumps to the breakpoint number. By scrolling the (available) curvepoints, the point to be edited or a new point can be selected. After acknowledgement, the pointer jumps to the right field of the display, thus releasing the individual actuator positions and the associated load value for change or adjustment. Below, the procedure is shown in graphic form: When accessing this menu, the pointer is positioned on Point. To edit the curvepoint, the pointer must be positioned on Point. - Pointer positioned on Point: P M o a i n n t | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 3 . . . . 5 2 6 3
After selecting the breakpoint number, the associated point data will always be displayed in the right column (see above). The first unused point always has the highest number. If, for instance, 3 points are used, a new point is given number 4 prior to sorting. The new point is also characterized by the display of XXXX for the points data. Note: When introducing a new point, the following display will be skipped! - For changing the parameter data: Select the required breakpoint, then continue with ENTER P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | | Here, the pointer position can change between change? and delete?. To edit the point, change? must be selected here. P c d o h e i a l n n e t g t e e ? ?
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It is to be noted that with these settings, which can be made in standby and normal operation, the actuators will travel to the displayed or changed positions. Traveling to the load that is assigned to the curvepoint can be stopped by pressing ESC. During the time the actuators approach the positions, the display shows > in place of : . Note: If a new point is introduced, the points data to be entered are the actual values. The parameter that shall be changed (e.g. the fuel position) can be selected by changing the pointer position. P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 3 . . . . 5 2 6 3
After the selected point of curve has been reached by the system: - Continue with ENTER P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 3 . . . . 5 2 6 3
Now, the selected parameter can be changed online. This means that the system follows the changes at the rate of the selected ramp speed. Press ENTER to save the changed values. Now, additional parameters for change can be selected. If ESC is pressed before ENTER, changes made to the selected parameter (e.g. fuel position) will be rejected and the value last saved will be restored. When leaving this level with ESC, the following query appears: L A S R o i t e d r o j : : r e 2 4 e c 3 1 t . . > 5 6 E > F A n E u u t s l x e c : : r 2 3 3 3 . . 2 3
ENTER saves the changes or the new point and adds them to the already existing points in the correct order (during the storage process, no buttons will be evaluated. To indicate this, a symbol appears on the display). The changes can be rejected by pressing ESC.
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Canceling a curvepoint When accessing this menu, the pointer is positioned on Point. To cancel a curvepoint, the pointer must be positioned on Point. - Pointer positioned on Point: P M o a i n n t | | | | - Continue with ENTER P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | |
Point of curve number
o u i u
a e r x
d l
: : : :
2 2 4 3
3 3 1 3
. . . .
5 2 6 3
o u i u
a e r x
d l
: : : :
2 2 4 3
3 3 1 3
. . . .
5 2 6 3
By calling up the breakpoint number the respective point is selected. The data associated with the point number are always displayed in the column on the right (see above). - For canceling the parameter data: Select the required breakpoint, then continue with ENTER P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | | Here, the pointer position can change between change? and delete?. To cancel the point of curve, delete? must be selected here. Confirm by pressing ENTER. The selected point has been canceled and the actuators travel to the positions determined by the remaining breakpoints, in other words, the systems output will be maintained. P c d o h e i a l n n e t g t e e ? ?
Setting the curve via manual control In addition to curve settings by means of individual point entry, it is also possible to adjust the burner in manual operation with optional point storage. The procedure is the following: After leaving menu item CurveParams, position the pointer on Man when reaching the menu. - Pointer positioned on Man: P M o a i n n t | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 3 . . . . 5 2 6 3
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This menu enables the installer to manually change the output by using incrementing or decrementing commands, letting the actuators operate on interpolated straight lines (outside the parameterized breakpoints: Extrapolation). Traveling to the output preset here can be stopped by pressing ESC. The actual curve settings are made by adjusting the entire ratio control system based on the roughly predefined curvepoints and outside the already defined points. After pressing ENTER again, new points can be introduced at the required positions. Then, the values can be changed: P M o a i : n n t 3 | | | | L F A A o u i u a e r x d l : : : : 2 2 4 3 8 8 5 1 . . . . 5 4 2 3
The further setting procedure is the same as that used with Edit individual point. Example: Adjustment of the ratio control system via manual control Prerequisite: No breakpoints are parameterized. 1. Activating program stop On menu: Params & Display Ratio Control Program Stop parameterize from deactivated to Stop_Ph24 2. Starting the system On menu: Params &. Display Ratio Control Settings Gas / Oil Special Positions Autom / Manual / Off or on: Manual Operation Autom / Manual / Off to Burner on and confirm.
3. Setting the prepurge positions The system commences the startup sequence and stops in phase Driving to Prepurge 24. Now, the prepurge positions can be set on menu SpecialPositions. Then, on ProgramStop, change to Stop_Ph36. 4. Setting the ignition positions The system continues the startup sequence and stops in phase Driving to ignition position 36. Now, the ignition positions can be set on menu SpecialPositions. Then, on ProgramStop, set to Stop_Ph72, if operation shall immediately follow. To readjust the ignition positions after the burner has ignited: ProgramStop to Stop_Ph44, or Stop_Ph52 for pilot ignition after the pilot flame has been shut down. Then, on ProgramStop, set to Stop_Ph72.
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5. Curve settings via manual control The system continues the startup sequence and assumes normal operation. The first breakpoint entered are the ignition positions and the load entered is the number of degrees (angular rotation) of the fuel actuator.
Ignition = low fire AIR FUEL AUX
0 0%
100 %
Choose Man from the menu Params & Display Ratio Control Settings Gas / Oil Curve Param. It is now possible to follow the above curves by changing the load. A point can be saved at every intermediate point. Then, the load / position graph will look as follows:
2nd curve point
Low fire
0 0%
100 %
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2nd curve point
Low fire
Nominal load
0 0%
100 %
Using this method, up to 15 points can be defined. 6. Shutdown On the menu: Params & Display Ratio Control Settings Gas / Oil Special Positions Autom / Manual / Off or on: Manual Operation Autom / Manual / Off to Burner off and confirm
7. Setting the postpurge positions The system shuts down and stops in phase Driving to postpurge 72. Now, the postpurge positions on menu Special positions can be set. Then, on Program Stop, set to deactivated. The system continues the shutdown sequence and stops in phase Standby 12.
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Selection menu Settings Oil Only the data associated with the currently active type of fuel can be parameterized. S C L A p u o u e r a x c v d A c i e L t a l P i u P a m a o r i t s a t o i m s r t e i t o e n r s
1) 2) 3) 4)
Selection of 1) (HomePositions, PrepurgePositions), 3) and 4) leads to standard parameter settings of the parameters specified. Selection of 2) leads to: C O u p r e v r e a t S i e o t n t M i o n d g e s
1) 2)
Selection of 2) leads to standard parameter settings of the operating mode (modulating or multistage). Selection of 1) leads to curve setting, modulating (refer to gas) or curve setting, multistage, depending on the parameterized operating mode.
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Setting multistage ratio control With multistage ratio control, the position values can be changed in 2 different ways: 1. Presetting the positions with no response by the actuators in order to fine-adjust the points later using Followed. 2. Setting the switching and operating positions from below using Followed. This means that stage 1 must be adjusted first, followed by the next switching on point, etc. A P c o f n t s o o u i l t a t l t i o f o o w o r n e l s d l o w e d
When the switch on / off and operating positions have been parameterized with Not followed, the values can be changed. The system maintains its current load stage. The menu offers the choice of Followed or Not followed. The display is maintained while the settings are made. When accessing the menu, the operating positions Stage 1 appear. By pressing the SELECTION buttons the entered positions of all switching and operating points can be viewed. This has no impact on the system, even if Followed has been selected. Example: Not followed. N S A A o t i u t a r x r f t A A o P c c l o t t l i u u o n a a w t t t e S : : d t a 3 3 g 7 2 e . . 2 3 5
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Setting multistage ratio control Followed The startup is made similar to modulating operation, including automatic entry of the ignition positions in the operating positions Stage 1, if these still display invalid values (showing: XXX.X as a value). F S A A o e i u l t r x l P o o A A w i c c e n t t d t u u S a a t t t a : : g e 3 3 1 7 2 . . 3 5
This causes output stage 1 to be approached. Here, the actuator to be adjusted can be selected. Again, confirm by pressing ENTER. F S A A o e i u l t r x l P o o A A w i c c e n t t d t u u S a a t t t a : : g e 3 3 1 7 2 . . 3 5
Now, the value can be changed and the respective actuator follows at the rate of the set ramp speed. ENTER saves the value and ESC rejects it. In this way, all stages can be set one by one. The following table shows the response of the system when a point is selected. However, the relevant valve is switched on only when at least the switching on point is definitely used ( XXXX). Selected point
Operating point stage 1 Switch-on point stage 1 Switch-off point stage 2 Operating point stage 2 Switch-on point stage 3 Switch-off point stage 3 Operating point stage 3
Approach of stage 1 Approach of stage 1 -Approach of stage 2 Approach of stage 2 -Approach of stage 3
Fine adjustment of stage 1 Setting from stage 1 Setting from both stage 1 and stage 2 Fine adjustment of stage 2 Setting from stage 2 Setting from both stage 2 and stage 3 Fine adjustment of stage 3
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Sequence steps of adaption (self-setting): 1) Starting the adaption Using the AZL51 menu, the heating engineer manually activates the adaption function of the LC. After selecting menu item Adaption (within the parameter settings of the LC), the following display will appear: - The pointer is positioned on Start adaption. Adaption is activated by pressing ENTER S w S A t i e c a t t t r h p o V t E i a A N n l d T t a E : : p R 7 6 0 0 . . 0 0 t i o n 6 C C 0
Adaption starts after pressing ENTER whereupon the following text appears: A L A C d o c a a a t n c p d V e a l l w t a c t : : i i 5 6 t v 2 0 h e . . 0 0 E % S C C
Depending on the adaption step, the following displays appears, alternating with the display shown above: A S m C d e a a a t x n p t . c e t i n 1 l a g 0 w c t P m i i h i t v a n h E S C e s e
d e c a
a m t n
p p
t S V a l e
a e l
c t w
t b : i
i a 6 t
v c 0 h
e k . 0 E S C C
A H m C
d e a a
a a x n
p t . c
t i e n 1 l
a g 0
t m
i i t
v n h
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2) End of a successful adaption After the adaption, the relevant characteristics will be displayed. By pressing the SELECTION buttons, the P-, I- and D-parts as well as the acquired loop delay time Tu will be displayed: A P C d o a P n p a t t r i i t n u o n ( e X o p w k ) X i 2 t 5 h . 0 < % >
d o
a P n
p a t
t r i
i t n
n ( T
o n w
k ) 4 0 0 < s > i t h
d o
a P n
p a t
t r i
i t n
n ( T
o v w
k ) 3 5 < s > i t h
d e o
a l n
p a t
t y i
o T
n i e m
o e w
k ( i t T h u 1 ) 0 < s >
3) Canceling the adaption If the LC was not able to select a suitable loop, it will stop the adaption and display the following text. If a running adaption is manually canceled by pressing ESC, the following text will also appear: A c C d a o a n n p c t t e i i l n o e u n d e w E S C
The system changes to Normal operation. In that case, the previous PID parameters will be maintained.
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Burner ID offers the OEM the opportunity - which may also be the OEMs duty - to store an individual burner ID in each LMV51... system by means of the OEM password, prior to delivery. Burner ID is then used to enable or disable the data transfer between the basic unit and the AZL51 backup storage. Parameters can be loaded to the AZL51 at any time, if the burner ID in the basic unit is not in the as supplied status. The burner ID itself is part of the data transfer in both directions (if that is possible). In addition, for the burner, the burner ID represents one of a number of start prerequisites. In other words, the burner cannot be started up as long as the burner ID is in the as supplied status. So, it is possible to have data transmission between the basic unit and the AZL51 of one plant (burner IDs are identical) and between an AZL51 and a new basic unit (burner ID as supplied by Siemens). Data transmission between AZL51 and basic units of different plants (burner IDs not identical) is not possible (no cloning!).
Makeup of burner ID
Invalid characters for the burner ID are all vowels (, , and ). Minimum length of burner ID = 4 characters Maximum length of burner ID = 15 characters
The AZL51 can output the display texts in different languages. Changeover to another language takes place via menu Params & Display AZL51 Language. In addition to English as the basic language, the AZL51 provides German and French. Using the program update function of the PC tool, additional language groups can be loaded to the AZL51 together with the relevant program version. Hence, direct exchange of the language without loading a new program version is not possible.
The LMV51... system is equipped with a real time clock with a calendar and backup, which is accommodated in the AZL51... . The clock features automatic summer- / wintertime changeover.
S / W changeover
The following parameter setting choices are available: Parameter1 Parameter2 EU version US version summer- / wintertime changeover: summer- / wintertime changeover: start: end: start: end: last Sunday in March last Sunday in October first Sunday in April like EU version on / off EU version / US version
Changeover takes place on the dates given above in the night between 02:00 and 03:00 hrs. The time shift is always 1 hour. Changeover takes place only if the AZL51 receives power at that moment in time.
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Backup Batterietyp
Backup is about 10 years. The backup battery is a replaceable lithium battery. Refer to Technical data. When changing batteries, ensure ESD protection! If the AZL51 uses the associated interface to communicate with a building management center, the latter can act as the clock master by transmitting cyclically a preset time of day and date to the AZL51... . This information is given priority over all other time of day / date sources.
In Normal operation of the AZL51, the contrast of the display can be adjusted. To do this, keep the ENTER button depressed and, at the same time, press the SELECTION buttons ( + or - ). The contrast of the display can also be adjusted on the parameter setting level of the AZL51 menu.
Shutdown function
Lockout of the basic unit can be triggered by simultaneously pressing ENTER and ESC. Lockout will be stored in the AZL51... .
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Name of column
Menu level Description Value range Access rights
This parameter name or this submenu level corresponds to the name on the menu Brief explanation of the parameter or of the submenu level Definition of setting limits within which the parameter can be changed Definition of access rights. Parameters can be set by:
User: OEM:
Factory-set parameter
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Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Description Menu level for displaying normal operation Display of actual values, setpoints, load a. flame signal Shows the current error (or no fault), lockout reset function Last 21 error messages Storing the last 6 lockout indications with date and time of day Menu level for operating the key functions
Value range
Access rights User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User
NormalOperation Status/Unlock FaultHistory LockoutHistory Operation BoilerSetpoint SetpointW 1 SetpointW 2 Fuel CurrentFuel FuelSelect Date/TmeOfDay DisplayClock Date TmeOfDay W eekday
Internal setpoint W 1, in degrees Celsius Internal setpoint W 1, in bar Internal setpoint W 1, in degrees Celsius Internal setpoint W 1, in bar Displaying and selecting the type of fuel Information about the type of fuel currently burnt (read only) Fuel selection via AZL when fuel selector is set to Internal Displaying and setting the time of day and the date Display of date (Day.Month.Year or Month-Day-Year) Display of time of day (Hour:Minute) Display of day of week
0..2000 C 0..100 bar 0..2000 C 0..100 bar Gas Oil Gas Oil
01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 00:00..23:59 Sunday Monday Tuesday W ednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 00:00..23:59 Sunday Monday Tuesday W ednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 h h h h h h h
SetClock Date TmeOfDay W eekday Setting the display of date (Day.Month.Year or Month-DayYear) Setting the time of day (Hour:Minute) Setting the display of day of week
HoursRun GasFiring OilStage1/Mod OilStage2 OilStage3 TotalHoursReset TotalHours SystemOnPower StartCounter GasStartCount OilStartCount TotalStartCountR TotalStartCount LockoutCounter BurnerID
0 0 0 0 0 invalid
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Displaying the current hours run readings Hours run gas (selectable) Hours run oil stage 1 or modulating (selectable) Hours run oil stage 2 (selectable) Hours run oil stage 3 (selectable) Hours run total (can be reset) Hours run total (read only) Hours run device under voltage (read only) Displaying the start counter readings Number of startups gas, start counter (selectable) Number of startups oil, start counter (selectable) Total number of startups, start counter (can be reset) Total number of startups, start counter (read only) Total number of lockouts that occurred (read only) Identification of burner
User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Operating mode selection of AZL for serial port and eBus Setting the serial port (RS-232) of the AZL to interface operation for PC tool Activating the eBus port on the AZL for DDC Deactivating the eBus port on the AZL Menu level for activating manual operation with the preselected load Set target load Selection of m anual or automatic operation
User User User User User 0..100 %, S1, S2, S3 Automatic Burner on Burner off User User Automatic
Params & Display BurnerControl Times TimesStartup1 MinTmeStartRel FanRunupTme PrepurgeTmeGas PrepurgeTmeOil MinT_PrepurgeGas MinT_PrepurgeOil PrepurgeSafeGas PrepurgeSafeOil PreIgnitionTGas PreIgnitionTOil MinOnTmeOilPump TimesStartup2 SafetyTme1Gas SafetyTme1Oil Interval1Gas Interval1Oil SafetyTme2Gas SafetyTme2Oil Interval2Gas Interval2Oil PressReacTme TimesShutdown MaxTmeLowFire AfterburnTme PostpurgeT1Gas PostpurgeT1Oil PostpurgeT3Gas PostpurgeT3Oil MinTmeHomeRun DelayLackGas TimesGeneral AlarmDelay DelayStartPrev PostpurgeLockout Configuration ConfigGeneral AlarmStartPrev NormDirectStart IgnOilPumpStart
Menu level for making the parameter settings Setting the burner control parameters Burner control startup times 1 Minimum time for start release Fan runup time Prepurge time gas Prepurge time oil Minimum prepurge time gas Minimum prepurge time oil Prepurge time after safety shutdown gas Prepurge time after safety shutdown oil Preignition time gas Preignition time oil Minimum on time of oil pump Burner control startup times 2 Safety time 1 gas Safety time 1 oil Interval 1 (ts1-ts2) gas Interval 1 (ts1-ts2) oil Safety time 2 gas Safety time 2 oil Interval 2 (ts2 operation) gas Interval 2 (ts2 operation) oil Reaction time to lack of pressure in ts1 and ts2 Burner control shutdown times Maximum time to low-fire in operation 2 Afterburn time Postpurge time 1 gas Postpurge time 1 oil Postpurge time 3 gas Postpurge time 3 oil Minimum time in home run phase Basic waiting time in the event of lack of gas General times of burner control Time to alarm in the event of start prevention and heat demand Time until message on start prevention and heat demand is delivered Postpurge in lockout position General parameters of burner control W ith / without alarm in the event of start prevention and heat demand Normal / direct start in the event of heat demand in phase 78 Switch-on time of ignition and oil pump
t21 0.2..63 s t22 0.2..63 s tv MinT_PrepurgeGas..63 min tv MinT_PrepurgeOil..63 min tvmin 0.2..63 min tvmin 0.2..63 min ---- MinT_PrepurgeGas..63 min ---MinT_PrepurgeOil..63 min t38 0.2..63 s t38 0.2..44 s t36 0.2..63 s ts1 ts1 t44 t44 t50 t50 t52 t52 ---t62 t70 t74 t74 t78 t78 t10 ---1 s..MaxSafetyTGas 1 s..MaxSafetyTOil 0.2..63 s 0.2..63 s 1 s..MaxSafetyTGas 1 s..MaxSafetyTOil 0.2..63 s 0.2..63 s 0.2 s..MaxSafetyTGas 0.2..630 s 0.2..63 s 0.2..63 min 0.2..63 min 0.2..63 min 0.2..63 min 0.2..63 s MinTmeHomeRun ..63 s 0.4..630 s 0.4..630 s 0.2..63 min
User User Service Service OEM OEM Service Service OEM OEM OEM OEM OEM OEM OEM Service OEM OEM Service Service OEM OEM Service Service OEM Service Service OEM OEM OEM Service Service OEM OEM Service Service Service OEM Service Service Service OEM OEM
1s 2s 20 s 15 s 20 s 15 s 20 s 15 s 2s 2s 1s 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 s s s s s s s s s
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W ith / without forced intermittent operation Configuration for normal or continuous fan operation Fuel train when firing on gas
deactivated activated deactivated activated DirectIgniG Pilot Gp1 Pilot Gp2 LightOilLO HeavyOilHO LO w Gasp HO w Gasp
Selection of m ains trequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz Configuring the inputs and outputs Input start release oil active Assess / ignore air pressure signal Configuration of input on PM-VP or CPI Configuration of input for FCC or FGR-PS
50 Hz 60 Hz deactivated activated deactivated activated PS-VP CPI FCC FGR-PS deactivated deactivated activated deactivated activated deactivated activated deactivated activated deactivated activated deactivated activated StartSignal PS Relief Lockout Startblock
50 Hz
InputController GasPressureMin GasPressureMax OilPressureMin OilPressureMax HeavyOilDirStart Start/PS-Valve ConfigFlam eDet ReacExtranLight FlameSignal Standardize StandardFactor RepetitCounter HeavyOil StartPrev SafetyLoop ValveProving ValveProvingType
Input controller active Input minimum gas pressure (+start release gas) active Input maximum gas pressure active Input minimum oil pressure active Input oil pressure max. active Input imm ediate heavy oil start active Configuration of output for start signal or PS relief valve Configuring the flame detector Reaction in the event of extraneous light in standby Configuration the flame signal Standardizing the flame signal Reading / writing the standard factor Displaying the repetition counters Rep. counter: immediate start heavy oil Rep. limit value: start prevention Rep. limit value: safety loop Settings for valve proving Type and time of proving test
1..16 1..16 1..16 No VP VP startup VP shutdown VP stup/shd PS-VP CPI 0.2..3 s MinT_VP_Atm Press..63 s
3 10 16
VP shutdown
Configuration of input on PM-VP or CPI Proving test evacuation time Proving test test time atmospheric pressure
PS-VP 3s 10 s
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V P_FillTm e V P_Tm e_GasPress P rod_ID A SN P roductionDate S erialNum ber P aram Set Code P aram Set V ers S W Version RatioControl GasSettings S pecialPositions Hom eP os Hom ePosGas Hom ePosA ir Hom ePosA ux P repurgeP os P repurgePosA ir P repurgePosA ux IgnitionP os IgnitionPosG as IgnitionPosA ir IgnitionPosA ux P ostpurgePos P ostpurgeP osGas P ostpurgeP osAir P ostpurgeP osAux P rogram S top
P roving test filling tim e P roving test test tim e gas pressure Displaying the burner control's HW version Type reference P roduction date S erial num ber P reselected param eter set: custom er code P reselected param eter set: version S W version of burner control P aram eter settings for ratio control P aram eter settings for firing on gas S etting the special actuator positions for firing on gas S etting the hom e positions for firing on gas Hom e position of fuel dam per (gas) Hom e position of air dam per (gas) Hom e position of auxiliary dam per (gas) S etting the hom e positions for firing on gas P repurge position of air dam per (gas) P repurge position of auxiliary dam per (gas) S etting the ignition positions for firing on gas Ignition position of fuel dam per (gas) Ignition position of air dam per (gas) Ignition position of auxiliary dam per (gas) S etting the prepurge positions for firing on gas P ostpurge position of fuel dam per (gas) P ostpurge position of air dam per (gas) P ostpurge position of auxiliary dam per (gas) P rogram stop
0.2..3 s M inT_V P_GasPress..63 s 1..15 characters 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 0..65535 0..255 0..65535 0..65535
OE M OE M User User User User User User User User Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service
3s 10 s LM V51.100A2 20 103 -
0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 0..90 deactivated 24 PrePurgP 32 PreP FGR 36 IgnitP os 44 Interv 1 52 Interv 2 72 P ostPP os 76 P ostPFGR
ResetIgnitP os IgnitionPosG as IgnitionPosA ir IgnitionPosA ux CurveP aram s LoadLim its M inLoadGas M axLoadGas A uxA ctuator OilS ettings S pecialPositions Hom eP os Hom ePosOil Hom ePosA ir Hom ePosA ux P repurgeP os P repurgePosA ir P repurgePosA ux IgnitionP os IgnitionPosO il IgnitionPosA ir IgnitionPosA ux P ostpurgePos P ostpurgeP osOil
S etting the m inim um and m axim um load lim its M inim um load Low fire (gas) M axim um load High fire (gas) A ctivation / deactivation of auxiliary actuator for gas P aram eter settings for firing on oil S etting the special actuator positions for firing on oil S etting the hom e positions for firing on oil Hom e position of fuel dam per (oil) Hom e position of air dam per (oil) Hom e position of auxiliary dam per (oil) S etting the prepurge positions for firing on oil P repurge position of air dam per (oil) P repurge position of auxiliary dam per (oil) S etting the ignition positions for firing on oil Ignition position of fuel dam per (oil) Ignition position of air dam per (oil) Ignition position of auxiliary dam per (gas) S etting the postpurge positions for firing on oil P ostpurge position of fuel dam per (oil)
Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service OE M Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service
0% 100 % activated
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P ostpurge position of air dam per (oil) P ostpurge position of auxiliary dam per (oil) P rogram stop
0..90 0..90 deactivated 24 PrePurgP 32 PreP FGR 36 IgnitP os 44 Interv 1 52 Interv 2 72 P ostPP os 76 P ostPFGR
15 0 deactivated
S etting the curve param eters of ratio control for firing on oil S election of burner operating m ode (m ultistage or m odulating) for oil S etting the m inim um and m axim um load lim its M inim um load Low fire (oil) M axim um load High fire (oil) A ctivation / deactivation of auxiliary actuator for oil S election of m anual or autom atic operation Two-stage Three-stage M odulating 0..M axLoadOil M inLoadOil..100 % deactivated activated Autom atic Burner on Burner off 30..120 s 10..30 s 10..120 s 1..2 Unchanged PostpurgeP Hom eP os deactivated 24 PrePurgP 32 PreP FGR 36 IgnitP os 44 Interv 1 52 Interv 2 72 P ostPP os 76 P ostPFGR
Tim es OperatRam pMod OperatRam pStage Tm eNoFlam e Num FuelA ctuators S hutdownB ehav Duration operating ram p ratio control m odulating operation Duration operating ram p ratio control m ultistage operation Duration ram p in prepurge and ignition position Num ber of fuel actuators This param eter determ ines the way the ratio control system behaves in the lockout phase P rogram stop
30 s 10 s 10 s 2 Hom eP os
P rogram S top
S ettings for the internal load controller S etting the controller param eters P ID control param eters S election of standard param eter sets for the load controller
Adaption very fast fast norm al slow very slow 2..500 % 0..2000 s 0..1000 s 0,5..10 % 1..10 s 0..2000 C 0..100 bar 0..2000 C 0..100 bar
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Controller param eter proportional band Controller param eter integral part Controller param eter differential part M inim um actuator step possible S oftware filter tim e constant Internal setpoint W 1, in degrees Celsius Internal setpoint W 1, in bar Internal setpoint W 1, in degrees Celsius Internal setpoint W 1, in bar
15 % 320 s 40 s 1% 3s -
SD_ModOn SD_ModOff SD_Stage1On SD_Stage1Off SD_Stage2Off SD_Stage3Off ThreshStage2On ThreshStage3On TempLim iter TL_ThreshOff TL_SD_On ColdStart ColdStartOn ThresholdOn StageLoad StageStep_Mod StageStep_Stage MaxTm eMod MaxTm eStage ThresholdOff Configuration LC_OptgMode
Two-position controller switching differential burner ON m odulating referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Two-position controller switching differential burner OFF m odulating referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Two-position controller switching differential burner ON m ultistage referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Two-position controller switching differential stage 1 OFF referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Two-position controller switching differential stage 2 OFF referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Two-position controller switching differential stage 3_1 OFF referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Reaction threshold Q2 for switching on stage 2 (integral control deviation * tim e) Reaction threshold Q3 for switching on stage 3 (integral control deviation * tim e) Settings for the tem perature lim iter function Tem perature lim iter OFF threshold, in degrees Celsius Tem perature lim iter switching differential ON Settings for the cold start (therm al shock protection) Cold start therm al shock protection, activate / deactivate Cold start therm al shock protection activation level referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Cold start therm al shock protection load step Cold start therm al shock protection setpoint step (m odulating) referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Cold start therm al shock protection setpoint step (m ultistage) referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) Cold start therm al shock protection, m ax. tim e per step (m odulating) Cold start therm al shock protection, m axim um tim e per step (m ultistage) Cold start therm al shock protection deactivation level referred to the current setpoint (W aktuell) General configuration of the load controller Operating m ode with load controller
-50..+50 % W aktuell 0..+50 % W aktuell -50..+50 % W aktuell 0..+50 % W aktuell 0..+50 % W aktuell 0..+50 % W aktuell 0..1000 0..1000
User User User User User User User User Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service User User
0..2000 C -50..0 % TL_Thresh_Off deactivated activated 0..100 % W aktuell 0..100 % 1..100 % W aktuell 1..100 % W aktuell 1..63 m in 1..63 m in 0..100 % W aktuell
95 C -5 % deactivated 20 % 15 % 5% 5% 3 m in 3 m in 80 %
ExtLC IntLC IntLC o.DDC IntLC DDCan ExtLCanalg ExtLC o.DDC Pt100 Pt1000 Ni1000 Tem pSensor PressSensor Pt100Pt1000 Pt100Ni1000 NoSensor
Select actual value input E1-> Pt100, TL act. E4-> Pt1000, TL act. E4-> Ni1000, TL act. E2-> Tem p, TL inact. E2-> Pressure, TL inact. E1-> Pt100 for controller + TL and E4-> Pt1000 for TL E1-> Pt100 for controller + TL and E4-> Ni1000 for TL No input End of m easurem ent range for sensor at inputs 1 and 4 Configuration of input 2
Inp1/4/MaxValue Inp2Config_C/V
0..10 V
End of tem perature m easurem ent range for input 2 (4...20 m A, 0...10 V, 2...10 V) End of pressure m easurem ent range for input 2 (4..20 m A, 0..10 V, 2..10 V)
Service Service
90 C 2 bar
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150 C / 302 F
Inp3Config_C/V Inp3MinSetpoint Inp3MaxSetpoint Adaption StartAdaption AdaptionLoad SW Version AZL Times PasswordTme Sum/W interTme Time EU/US Language
Configuration of input 3 Input 3 (4..20 mA, 2..10 V) Accepted preselected minimum external setpoint Input 3 (4..20 mA, 2..10 V) Accepted preselected maximum external setpoint Adapting the controlled system Adaption load SW version of internal load controller Settings for the display and operating unit AZL-specific time settings Validity of password Setting the summer- / wintertime Setting the summer- / wintertime US / EU Selection of language
Service Service Service User User User User User User OEM User User User
4..20 mA 0% 60 %
40..100 % 0..65535
100 % -
10..480 min Manual Automatic S / W time EU S / W time US Deutsch English Francais TT.MM.JJ MM-DD-YY Display C Display F Display bar Display psi 1..8 10..60 s
DateFormat PhysicalUnits UnitTemperature UnitPressure eBUS Address eBus SendCycleBU Display Contrast System_ID ASN ProductionDate SerialNumber ParamSet Code ParamSet Vers SW Version Actuators Addressing 1 AirActuator 2 GasActuat(Oil)
Selection of date format (Day.Month.Year or Month-DayYear) Selection of display format C or F Selection of display format bar or psi E-bus address of LMV Cycle time for sending the burner control's operating data to DDC Displaying the HW version of the AZL Type reference Production date Serial number Preselected parameter set: customer code Preselected parameter set: version SW versions of AZL Addressing unaddressed actuators The actuator to be addressed becomes the air actuator The actuator to be addressed becomes the gas actuator, or the fuel actuator for dual fuel burners with one fuel actuator The actuator to be addressed becomes the oil actuator The actuator to be addressed becomes the auxiliary actuator
User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User Service Service Service
AZL51.* 20 103 -
Direction of rotation of the respective actuator Direction of rotation of the respective actuator Direction of rotation of the respective actuator
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ProductID 1 AirActuator ASN ProductionDate SerialNumber ParamSatz Code ParamSatz Vers 2 GasActuat(Oil) ASN ProductionDate SerialNumber ParamSatz Code ParamSatz Vers 3 OilActuator ASN ProductionDate SerialNumber ParamSatz Code ParamSatz Vers 4 AuxActuator ASN ProductionDate SerialNumber ParamSatz Code ParamSatz Vers SW Version 1 2 3 4 SystemConfig LC_OptgMode AirActuator GasActuat(Oil) OilActuator AuxActuator
Displaying the actuators' HW version Type reference Date of production Serial number Preselected parameter set: customer code Preselected parameter set: version Type reference Date of production Serial number Preselected parameter set: customer code Preselected parameter set: version Type reference Date of production Serial number Preselected parameter set: customer code Preselected parameter set: version Type reference Date of production Serial number Preselected parameter set: customer code Preselected parameter set: version Displaying the actuators' SW version SW version of actuator SW version of actuator SW version of actuator SW version of actuator Settings for LMV51 system configuration Operating mode with load controller 1..15 characters 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 0..65535 0..255 0..65535 1..15 characters 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 0..65535 0..255 0..65535 1..15 characters 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 0..65535 0..255 0..65535 1..15 characters 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 0..65535 0..255 0..65535 0..65535 0..65535 0..65535 0..65535 ExtLC IntLC IntLC o.DDC IntLC DDCan ExtLCanalg ExtLC o.DDC 4..20 mA 0/2..10 V 0..2000 C -50..0 % TL_Thresh_Off Pt100 Pt1000 Ni1000 TempSensor PressSensor Pt100Pt1000 Pt100Ni1000 NoSensor 150 C / 302 F 400 C / 752 F
User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User
Configuration of input 3
4..20 mA
150 C / 302 F
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Temperature limiter OFF threshold, in degrees Celsius Temperature limiter switching differential ON Select actual value input E1-> Pt100, TL act. E4-> Pt1000, TL act. E4-> Ni1000, TL act. E2-> Temp, TL inact. E2-> Pressure, TL inact. E1-> Pt100 for controller + TL and E4-> Pt1000 for TL E1-> Pt100 for controller + TL and E4-> Ni1000 for TL No input
95 C -5 % Pt100
HoursRun GasFiring OilStage1/Mod OilStage2 OilStage3 TotalHoursR TotalHours SystemOnPower Reset GasFiring OilStage1/Mod OilStage2 OilStage3 TotalHoursReset StartCounter GasStartCount OilStartCount TotalStartCountR TotalStartCount Reset GasStartCount OilStartCount TotalStartCountR Updating Passwords ServicePassword OEM Password BurnerID ParamBackup BackupInfo Date TmeOfDay BU included? AZL included? LC included? ACT1 included? ACT2 included? ACT3 included? ACT4 included? LMV51 -> AZL AZL -> LMV51 Load_SW _from_PC PW Login PW Logout SafetyCheckFunct LossFlameTest SLT Test Date of backup Time of day of backup BU included in backup YES / NO AZL included in backup YES / NO LC included in backup YES / NO ACT1 included in backup YES / NO ACT2 included in backup YES / NO ACT3 included in backup YES / NO ACT4 included in backup YES / NO Saving the parameters of the system on the AZL Transferring the parameters saved on the AZL to the system Updating the AZL software via the serial port with the PC tool Obtaining access right via the password (access tim es can be parameterized) Cancelling the last access right obtained via password Safety check function Loss of flame test Safety limit thermostat test 01.01.00..31.12.99 01-01-00..12-31-99 00:00..23:59 No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Changing the passwords Service password (not included in parameter backup) OEM password (not included in parameter backup) Identification of burner 3..8 characters 4..8 characters 4..15 characters Number of startups gas, start counter (selectable) Number of startups oil, start counter (selectable) Total number of startups, start counter (can be reset) Total number of startups, start counter (read only) Resetting the start counters Number of startups gas, start counter (selectable) Number of startups oil, start counter (selectable) Total number of startups, start counter (can be reset) 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 h h h h Hours run gas (selectable) Hours run oil stage 1 or modulating (selectable) Hours run oil stage 2 (selectable) Hours run oil stage 3 (selectable) Hours run total (can be reset) Hours run total (read only) Hours run device under voltage (read only) Resetting the hours run counters Hours run gas (selectable) Hours run oil stage 1 or modulating (selectable) Hours run oil stage 2 (selectable) Hours run oil stage 3 (selectable) Hours run total (can be reset) 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 0..999999 h h h h h h h h h h h h
User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User OEM OEM OEM OEM User User User User User User User User User User User Service Service Service User Service User User User
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 No No No No No No No
deactivated activated
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7.1 Practice-oriented setting instructions for the system configuration, the burner control, and the electronic fuel / air ratio control system
These settings instructions serve for commissioning the LMV51 system as supplied by Siemens. To access the parameter setting levels, a password must be entered. After having entered the correct password, the data will appear on the AZL51 (backup for emergencies). Then, the unit can be parameterized. After leaving the parameter setting level, we recommend to make a backup.
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Burner identification: E.g. OEM13-10-02-003 (name of OEM = burner manufacturer; date 13-10-2002, production number 003); minimum 4 characters 2. Selecting the fuel trains Menu level 1
Params & Display BurnerControl Configuration ConfigGeneral FuelTrainGas FuelTrainOil
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
FuelTrainGas from DirectIgniG to Pilot Gp2 FuelTrainOil from LightOilLO to HO w Gasp 3. Setting gas valve proving Menu level 1
Params & Display BurnerControl ValveProving ValveProvingType
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Selection of gas valve proving: No VP, VP startup, VP shutdown or VP stup/shd ( Gas valve proving system)
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Prior to programming the actuators, the connector for the bus connection at the last CAN bus element must be plugged in. Menu level 2
Actuators Addressing 1. AirActuator 2. GasActuat.(Oil) 3. OilActuator 4. AuxActuator
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
For addressing an actuator, select the respective type of actuator: 1. Air actuator 2. Gas actuator (oil) [for dual-fuel burners with only one fuel actuator] 3. Oil actuator 4. Auxiliary actuator Confirm by pressing ENTER ( Display and operating unit AZL51). The AZL51 prompts you to operate the addressing switch on the actuator.
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Select the direction of rotation with Standard or Reversed. The standard direction of rotation is anticlockwise when facing the end of the drive shaft ( Display and operating unit AZL51). Note: After setting the ignition positions / curves, the direction of rotation can only be changed after canceling the curves and the ignition positions on the setting menu DeleteCurves.
Depending on the application and the type of fuel (with or without auxiliary actuator), the auxiliary actuator can be activated or deactivated.
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Menu level 6
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Menu level 6
Select a load controller operating mode in accordance with the examples given in chapter Operating modes with load controller.
8. Selecting a temperature If the internal load controller of the LMV51 is used, a temperature or pressure sensor or pressure sensor must be connected to input 1, 2 or 4.
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
On the configuration level of the LC, select the required type of sensor. Then, define the sensors measuring range.
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Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
ProgramStop deactivated 24PrePurgP 32PreP FGR 36IgnitPos 44Interv1 52Interv2 72PostPPos 76PostPFGR
10. Checking and presetting the actuators positions for gas ignition
The unit is supplied with presettings for the parameters home position, prepurge and postpurge position. These positions should be checked and adapted if required, either now or during the following program stops. The ignition positions are not predefined. In this section, a valid setting must be made or, otherwise, burner startup is not possible. Menu level 3 Menu level 4 Menu level 5 Menu level 6
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
If startup shall be watched, press simultaneously selection buttons < and > to switch the display to Normal operation.
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The burner control stops startup during the prepurge phase (Phase 24). The positions of the actuators for prepurging can thus be set very straightforwardly.
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Menu level 6
After the settings have been made, the program stop in the prepurge position should be replaced by the program stop of the ignition position in Phase 36.
The burner control continues the startup sequence until the ignition position (Phase 36) is reached. Then, it stops again so that the actuators ignition positions can be set. Menu level 2
RatioControl GasSettings SpecialPositions IgnitionPos IgnitionPosGas IgnitionPosAir IgnitionPosAux
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
To verify the ignition positions again, the program sequence can be stopped in interval phase 44 or 52 (interval with ignited flame on completion of the relevant safety time). On deactivation of the program stop, the burner continues its program until the operating phase (Phase 60) is reached. If no point for the fuel / air ratio control system has as yet been predefined, the first curvepoint P1 to be adopted on a preliminary basis are the ignition positions of the actuators.
The burner travels to the ignition load. The burners output should now be increased manually and in steps of the curve setting until the nominal capacity (100 %) is reached. During the manual procedure, the actuators travel on the interpolated straight line to the maximum position of 90 at 100 % output. The flue gas values and the stability of the flame must be constantly checked. It may be necessary to define provisional curvepoints, which can be canceled again later. As soon as the nominal capacity is reached, the burner should be optimized with regard to flue gas values.
It is recommended to measure the gas throughput at each curvepoint in order to reflect the real burner output on the display in relation to the maximum gas throughput. Press the ESC button to leave the curvepoint setting Store the point by pressing ENTER Now, select the second curvepoint. The settings of the previous curvepoint will be adopted on a preliminary basis Store the second curvepoint like the first one
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During storage, the LMV51... sorts the curvepoints based on rising output. This means that you can enter the curvepoints in any order you like as long as the output was correctly set. Proceed in this way point by point until the minimum output is reached. After storage of the minimum output point, leave the curve setting. Menu level 1
Params & Display RatioControl GasSettings CurveParams Point Manual
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Point Order of setting Output Gas Air Aux 1 5 15 % 8.6 10.5 20.3 2 4 28 % 28.0 28.8 30.0 3 3 50 % 43.0 46.0 45.0 4 2 71 % 62.5 55.7 52.0 5 1 100 % 81.5 70.8 60.0
Position []
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Gas actuator position Auxiliary actuator
100 %
Load [%]
The curvepoints can be changed during burner off periods (Phase 12) or during burner operation (Phase 60). To change an existing curve, select the curvepoint in Point mode. You are now able to change the point, or to cancel it.
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Params & Display
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Menu level 4
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Menu level 6
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To create a new curvepoint, select Manual. Set the output of the new point and acknowledge by pressing ENTER. During the manual procedure, the actuators travel on the interpolated straight lines between the breakpoints. After pressing ENTER, each individual actuating device can be selected to optimize the position. To leave the curvepoint setting, press the ESC button and store the point by pressing ENTER.
Finally, you can limit the burner output to a minimum and maximum in accordance with the boilers requirements. Menu level 2
RatioControl GasSettings LoadLimits MinLoadGas MaxLoadGas
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Fuel changeover on the AZL51 is possible only if input FuelSelect is set to internal. Set fuel selection to Oil or set the external fuel selector to Oil. Menu level 2 Menu level 3 Menu level 4 Menu level 5 Menu level 6
Here, the burner operating mode can be set to 2-stage or 3-stage. 18. Changing the burner operating mode from modulating to multistage (only when firing on oil) Menu level 1
Params & Display RatioControl OilSettings CurveParams Operation Mode
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
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19. Activating the program Activate the program stop if startup shall be interrupted to continue setting the special positions. stops in the different program phases Prepurge Phases 24 - 34 Ignition position Phase 36 Interval 1 Phase 44 Interval 2 Phase 52 Postpurge Phases 72 - 78 Menu level 1
Params & Display RatioControl ProgramStop deactivated 24PrePurgP 32PreP FGR 36IgnitPos 44Interv1 52Interv2 72PostPPos 76PostPFGR
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
20. Checking and presetting the ignition positions for firing on oil
For the parameters home, prepurge and postpurge position, the parameter set as supplied contains presettings. These should be checked and, if necessary, adapted, either now or during the following program stops. There is no presetting for the ignition position. In this section, a valid setting must be made because otherwise, the burner cannot be started up. Menu level 2
RatioControl OilSettings SpecialPositions IgnitionPos IgnitionPosOil IgnitionPosAir IgnitionPosAux
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
These values are also transferred to operating point S1 even if it has not yet been set.
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
If startup shall be watched, the display can be changed to Normal operation by pressing simultaneously selection buttons < and >.
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The burner control stops startup in the prepurge phase (Phase 24), so that the positions of the actuators for prepurging can be straightforwardly set.
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Menu level 6
After the settings are made, the program stop in the prepurge position should be replaced by the program stop of the ignition position in Phase 36.
The burner control proceeds with the startup sequence until the ignition position (Phase 36) is reached. There, the burner control stops again for setting the ignition positions of the actuators. Menu level 2
RatioControl OilSettings SpecialPositions IgnitionPos IgnitionPosOil IgnitionPosAir IgnitionPosAux
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
To repeatedly verify the ignition positions, the program sequence can be stopped in interval phase 44 or 52 (interval with ignited flame on completion of the respective safety time). When the program stop is deactivated, the burner proceeds with its program until normal operation is reached (Phase 60). If the switching points of the burner stages have not yet been defined, the ignition positions of the actuators will be used as the first stage for the moment.
The burner runs at ignition load or at the first burner stage. The positions of the actuators can now be changed. Menu level 2
RatioControl OilSettings CurveParams Curve Settings Actuator Positions followed not followed
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
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It is recommended to use the function Actuator positions followed to set the switching points and operating points of the second and third stage. Menu level 1
Params & Display RatioControl OilSettings CurveParams Curve Settings Actuator Positions followed not followed SetPointStage1 StartPointStage2 OffPointStage2 SetPointStage2 StartPointStage3 OffPointStage3 SetPointStage3
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Stage Air Aux S1 35.0 13.0 S2 on 43.0 28.0 S2 off 45.0 20.0 S2 53.0 43.0 S3 on 61.0 50.0 S3 off 62.0 50.0 S3 69.0 54.0
Position []
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 45 70
Air actuator position Up Air actuator position Down Auxiliary actuator Down
Auxiliary actuator Up
Load [%]
V3 off V3 on
100 %
V2 off
V2 on
Menu level 3
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Menu level 6
The gas volume contained in the piping between the valves (including the valve volume) must be calculated in accordance with the gas train.
PS min
Direct ignition
PS max
Determination of the test time with predefined leakage rate to be detected during valve proving: (PG - Pw) V 3600 t Test = Patm Q Leck
Determination of the detected leakage rate during valve proving: (PG - Pw) V 3600 Q Leck = Patm t Test
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PG PW Patm
= 30 mbar = 15 mbar = 1013 mbar (30 - 15) mbar 3 l 3600 s / h t Test = = 3.2 s 1013 mbar 50 l / h
V = 3l QLeck = 50 l / h
PG PW Patm V tTest
= 30 mbar = 15 mbar = 1013 mbar = 3l = 4s (30 - 15) mbar 3 l 3600 s / h Q Leck = = 40.0 l / h 1013 mbar 4 s
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Operating modes with the load controller Example: Internal load controller with Pt1000 sensor. Menu level 3 Menu level 4 Menu level 5 Menu level 6
Menu level 2
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
After the internal load controller has been activated, the sensor input must be selected and configured. Menu level 1
Params & Display LoadController Configuration Inp1/2/4Sel Pt100 Pt1000 Ni1000 TempSens. PressSensor Pt100Pt1000 Pt100Ni1000 NoSensor
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
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Menu level 6
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The memory of the load controller contains 5 standard parameter sets. Depending on the characteristics of the controlled system, a PID triple value can be selected and activated. The following standard parameter sets can be chosen: P [%]
Very fast Fast Normal Slow Very slow 40 4 7 15 30
I [s]
55 35 90 320 400
D [s]
15 17 50 40 10
Alternatively, the PID parameters can be directly selected and set within the predefined value range.
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
ControllerParam ContrlParamList StandardParam Adaption very fast fast normal slow very slow
P-Part (Xp) I_Part (Tn) D-Part (Tv)
3. Autoamtic adaption
With the method of adapting the control parameters, the characteristic data of the controlled system are acquired with an adaption procedure whereupon matching PID parameters will be calculated. If possible, the adaption load should be 100 %.
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Params & Display
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Menu level 4
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Menu level 6
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The integrated temperature limiter observes a separate temperature limit. (for details Integrated temperature limiter function). After the switch-off point in C for the temperature limiter has been entered, the relative switch-on point in % will be given. Example: TW_Threshold_Off: TW_SwiDiff_On Temperature limitation on at 80 C -10 % ( = 8 K) 72 C Menu level 5 Menu level 6
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
SystemConfig TempLimiter TL_Thresh_Off TL_SD_On
2 boiler setpoints can be adjusted which, however, may not lie above the current limit value of the temperature limiter function ( Setpoints). Changeover from setpoint W1 to setpoint W2 is accomplished by means of an external, potentialfree contact at input 3.
Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
Menu level 4
Menu level 5
Menu level 6
Operation BoilerSetpoint Setpoint W1 Setpoint W2
Example: Modulating control After the boiler setpoint in C has been entered, the switch-on and switch-off point of the 2-position controller in % will be given. The switching points will be calculated in relation to the current setpoint. Example: Setpoint: SD_ModOn SD_ModOff Controller loop open (Off) Controller loop closed (On) 70 C +5 % ( = 3.5 K) +10 % ( = 7 K) 70 + 3.5 = 73.5 C 70 - 7 = 63 C
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Menu level 1
Params & Display
Menu level 2
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Menu level 6
SD_ModOff W SD_ModOn
Actual value
When the cold start thermal protection has been activated, a boiler - after having dropped below a predefined switch-on threshold - will be heated up in multistage operation. This approach ensures that when cold, the boiler does not have to satisfy the maximum demand for heat within a very short period of time. Thermal strain on the boiler will thus be prevented.
The cold start sequence will be activated when, on startup, the actual value lies below the switch-on threshold. When cold start thermal shock protection is activated, the manipulated variable - on cold start - will be increased in a stepwise fashion using the adjusted otuput step (or the next stage will be switched on). Start output for the cold start is the minimum load. The increase of the output by the output step depends on 2 criteria: 1. If the predefined change of the actual value is not reached with the current output (setpoint step modulating or setpoint step multistage), the output will be increased by this step (output step) when the maximum time has elapsed. 2. If the predefined change of the actual value is reached with the current output within the maximum time, the output will be increased by one output step. When the switch-off threshold is reached, the cold start sequence will be terminated and normal control operation started.
Modulating burner with pressure control For the output step, any output value in % can be predefined. 100 % divided by the output step gives the number of possible steps.
Parameters: Shock protection on / off Shock protection activation level Output step (only for modulating operation) Setpoint step moduating Max. time modulating per step Shock protection deactivation level
ColdStartOn ThresholdOn StageLoad StageStep_Mod MaxTmeMod ThresholdOff
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Example (contd)
Spacing of temperature lines corresponds to the setpoint steps from the actual setpoint, e.g. 10 % = 1 bar
7 bar
Load 70 %
6 bar
Load 55 %
Load 40 %
5 bar
4 bar = 40 %
Burner off, actual value below threshold ON. Burner will be switched on
1. Setpoint step not reached, but max. time exceeded. Therefore, increase of manipulated variable by load step, e.g. MaxTmeMod = 5 min.
2. Setpoint step is reached before max. time has elapsed. Increase of manipulated variable by load step.
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Params & Display
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Menu level 6
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3 2
(S R TA T)
X63 1
1 X61 1
X60 1
X52 1
0 4...20 mA
0 4...20 mA
4...20 mA
AC 12V2
Pt100 Pt / Ni 1000
AC 12V1
X51 1
X50 1
134/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 8 Connection terminals / coding of connectors CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
T4 IEC 60127-2/V
L G0 12 VA G C
T4 IEC 60127-2/V
Detector connection
max LT (CPI)
4 3 2 1 1 6 5 4 3 2 1
X10-02 X10-03 X10-02 X10-01 X8-01 X9-03 X9-02 X9-01
4 3 2 1 2 1
4 3 2 1 2 1 4 3 2 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
04K01 X5-03 X5 X4 X4-01 X4-02 X4-03 04K49 03K66 03K48
05K30 X3-04
L & S-Bezeichnung
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 4
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
3 2 1 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
X8 X9 X10
X10 - 02.2 05K53
The burner / boiler manufacturer must ensure degree of protection IP 40 through appropriate mounting Depending on the field of use, external requirements may impose more stringent degrees of protection, which must then be observed When fitted, the maximum permissible ambient temperature may not be exceeded! The unit is designed for mounting inside the burner casing or in a control panel The display and operating unit (AZL51) has its own casing and can be mounted in a suitable location (detached from the basic unit), e.g. away from the burner or in the control panel door Condensation water may not drip on the unit, neither in operation nor while service work is carried out! The power transformer is not integrated in the LMV51... and must be fitted by the burner / boiler manufacturer in a suitable location (Only the AGG5.2XX transformers specified by Siemens may be used!)
The entire RAST 5 connection area does not feature functional low voltage. The RAST 3.5 connection area on the units small side offers functional low voltage. When making the wiring, the functional low voltage section must be strictly separated from the other sections to ensure protection against electric shock hazard! Adequate protection against electric shock hazard on unused AC 230 V terminals (RAST 5) must be provided by fitting dummy plugs! To isolate the unit from the mains supply, a multipolar switch must be used. For wiring the bus users, only the cables specified by Siemens may be used! The electrical contacts used by the external signal sources (DWmin, max, LC, etc.) must be gold-plated silver contacts! The ignition cable must be run to the ignition electrode as directly as possible, with no loops It may never be laid parallel with or very close to other electrical cables.
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Example 1
Installation of all components in the burner; bus cable LMV51 ACT < 20 m
SQM 4x
No bus termination
SQM 4x
No bus termination
SQM 4x
SQM 4x
Bus termination
No bus termination
Sub-D connector Max. bus cable length LMV - AZL: 80 m AGG5.630 / 631 Max. bus cable length LMV - SQM4x: 20 m AGG5.640 / 641 Power supply line max. 3 m X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2
AC1 12 V
X51 F3 T4
F2 T4
12 V 12 V
12 V
230 V
Note on example 1
AC2 12 V M
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Example 2
Basic unit LMV51... in the control panel, actuator on the burner; bus cable LMV SA > 20 m
Control panel
SQM 4x
No bus termination
SQM 4x
No bus termination
SQM 4x
SQM 4x
Bus termination
No bus termination
Sub-D connector Max. bus cable length LMV - AZL: 5 m AGG5.630 / 631
AC1 12 V AC2 12 V
X1 3
X2 5
X1 5
X1 5
Max. cable length of power supply for actuators 3 m
F T4
Power supply line max. 3 m AC2 12 V M AC1 12 V Rast 3.5 Trafo X52
Max. bus cable length LMV - ACT1: 75 m AGG5.640 / 641 or AGG5.630 / 631
12 V
Not used
X51 F3 T4
F2 T4
12 V 12 V
12 V
230 V
Notes on example 2
Total length of bus cable 100 m Whenever the distance between the LMV51... and the last actuator exceeds 20 m, a second transformer is required for powering the actuators. In that case, transformer 1 supplies power to the basic unit of the LMV51... and the AZL51... With the bus cable connections from the LMV51... to the first actuator, the 2 voltages AC1 and AC2 on the LMV51... side will not be connected and only the cables CANH, CANL and M (+shield) will be connected to the first actuator. In that case, the actuators are powered by a second transformer which must be located near the actuators. The power from that transformer (cables AC1, AC2 and GND) is fed to the actuator (ACT4 in the example above) and then connected through via bus cable AGG5.640 (Type1) to all the other actuators. The fuses required for transformer 1 are accommodated in the LMV51... basic unit. For transformer 2, these 3 fuses must be located close to the transformer.
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The maximum cable length between transformer and bus users is dependent on the type of cable (cross-sectional area), the number of actuators and the type of actuator used (current). The following graphs can be used to determine the maximum bus cable lengths between the transformer and group of actuators or the AZL51, depending on the relevant influencing factors. The assumption was made that the actuators within the group are close to one another. The minimum cross-sectional area for the system examples shown results from the start of the curve. The maximum cable lengths for the defined system cables AGG5.640 and AGG5.630 result from the points of intersection in the graph.
50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 4 2 0 0.5 1.25
AGG5.630 / 631
AGG5.640 / 641
Cross-section in mm2
Example: System cable AGG5.640 (connecting cable to the actuators) Actuators, 2 x SQM45... The point of intersection of the vetical line for the AGG5.640 (1.25 mm2) and curve (2 x SQM45.xxx) gives a maximum cable length of 33.4 m between the transformer and the group of actuators. The minimumcross-sectional area is 0.33 mm2.
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100 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 8 4 0 0.1 12
AGG5.630 / 631
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Cross-section in mm2
(cable type 2)
1 x AZL + 1 x SQM45
Types of cable
1.25 mm2
1.25 mm2
Drilled pair
2 x 0.25 mm2
0.50 mm2
0.50 mm2
0.50 mm2
Drilled pair
2 x 0.25 mm2
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Fa. Karl Dungs GmbH & Co. Steuer- und Regeltechnik Postfach 1229 D-73602 Schorndorf or User Club eBUS e.V. www.eBUS.de
141/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 9 Mounting, electrical installation and service CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
The mechanical links between the actuators and the fuel and air actuating devices and any other actuating devices used must be rigid.
In addition, following must be checked: Correct parameterization of the system The parameterized values and the breakpoints of the curves that describe the fuel / air ratio control system must be documented by the plant manager after installation and commissioning. As long as it is not possible to print with the PC software tool, the parameters and breakpoints need to be documented in some other form (handwritten on forms) and attached to the plant documentation. The values and curves parameterized on the plant must be presented to the authorized inspector. The following parametes are of particular importance: Fuel / air ratio control system The setting values (curve parameters) for the actuating devices, the types of fuel and the combustion air across the burners load range must be stored in adequate numbers. While considering the combustion chamber pressure, fuel pressure as well as temperature and pressure of the combustion air, assignment of the selected setting values of fuel and combustion air must be made such that correct operation with sufficient amounts of excess air is ensured across the entire burner load range. Proof of this must be delivered by the burner / boiler manufacturer by measuring the combustion characteristics. Burner control section Fuel train parameterization (G, Gp1, Gp2, LO, HO, LOgp, HOgp, refer to chapter Fuel trains) must be checked prior to commissioning to ensure it agrees with the fuel trains implemented on the burner and to make certain the valves are correctly assigned to the valve outputs on the LMV51... .
142/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 10 Duties of the authorized inspector CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
The correct setting of the time parameters, especially the safety and prepurge times (separately for oil and gas), must be checked. It must also be checked if, in the case of plants with continuous operation, flame detector type QRI... (or the ionization probe) is used, because only these are suited for continuous operation. Further, the function of the flame detector in the event of loss of flame during operation and with extraneous light during the prepurge time, or in the case there is no establishment of flame at the end of the safety time, must be checked. (With the QRI... flame detector, generation of an extraneous light signal is achieved by simulating a flickering flame with an artificial light source). The functions of all available or required input messages must be checked, for example: Air pressure Minimum gas pressure Maximum gas pressure Gas valve proving or CPI Minimum oil pressure Maximum oil pressure Safety loop (e.g. SLT) Fan contactor contact in at least 2 phases (e.g. prepurge and operation)
It is to be checked whether gas valve proving is activated if required by the application. If yes, the correct leakage rate is to be checked. For details, refer to chapter Gas valve proving. In the case of dual-fuel burners, short preignition_Oil (from Phase 38) must be parameterized when firing on oil, and the oil pump must be equipped with a magnetic clutch, for example, ensuring that the oil pressure will be increased in Phase 38 before ignition takes place. Pure oil burners do not require a magnetic clutch, in which case long preignition_Oil (from Phase 22) is to be parameterized. General It must be made certain that all safety notes and the notes on mounting, electrical installation and service according to the above mentioned Data Sheets are complied with.
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11 Technical data
11.1 LMV51... and AZL51...
Basic unit LMV51... Mains voltage Transformer AGG5.220 - Primary side - Secondary side Mains frequency Power consumption (typically) Degree of protection of housing Safety class Environmental conditions Transport - Climatic conditions - Temperature range - Humidity Operation - Climatic conditions - Temperature range - Humidity Mechanical conditions Condensation, formation of ice and ingress of water are not permitted! CE conformity according to the directives of the European Union Electromagnetic compatibility EMC 89 / 336 EEC incl. 92 / 31 EEC 73 / 23 EEC 90 / 356 EEC IEC 721-3-2 class 2K2 -20...+70 C < 95 % r.h. IEC 721-3-3 class 3K5 -20...+60 C < 95 % r.h. class 2M2 AC 230 V -15 % / +10 %
AC 230 V AC 12 V 2 x AC 12 V 50...60 Hz 6 % < 30 W IP00, IEC 529 I with parts according to II and III as per IEC 60 730-1
CR 2430 (LF-1 / 2 W) DL 2430 CR 2430 (LF-1 / 2 W) CR 2430
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Status inputs (with the exception of the safety loop) of the contact feedback network (CFN) are used for system supervision and require a mains-related input voltage. Input safety loop Input currents and input voltages
- UeMax - UeMin - IeMax - IeMin
Recommended contact material for external signal sources (APS, PSmin, PSmax, etc.) Transition / transient behavior / bouncing
- Max. perm. bounce time of contacts
when switching on / off (after the bounce time, the contact must be permanently closed or open) UN
50 ms
AC 230 V
Nominal voltage Unit input current* (safety loop) * Total contact current resulting from:
- Fan motor contactor - Ignition transformer - Valves - Oil pump / magnetic clutch
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Load on individual contacts Fan motor contactor Nominal voltage Nominal current Power factor Nominal voltage Nominal current Power factor Nominal voltage Nominal current Power factor Nominal voltage Nominal current Power factor Nominal voltage Nominal current Power factor Mains cable CFN cable Analog cable Flame detectors AC 230 V +10 % / -15 %, 50-60 Hz 1A cosj > 0.4 AC 230 V +10 % / -15 %, 50-60 Hz 1A cosj > 0.4 AC 230 V +10 % / -15 %, 50-60 Hz 2A cosj > 0.2 AC 230 V +10 % / -15 %, 50-60 Hz 2A cosj > 0.4 AC 230 V +10 % / -15 %, 50-60 Hz 1A cosj > 0.4 max. 100 m (100 pF / m) max. 100 m (100 pF / m) 1) max. 100 m (100 pF / m) refer to data sheets CC1N7714 CC1N7716 CC1N7719 total length max. 100 m
Alarm output
Ignition transformer
Cable lengths
CAN bus
When a certain cable length is exceeded, the actuators must be powered by a transformer located near the actuators. For details, refer to Power supply for LMV51... system. Cross-sectional areas The cross-sectional areas of the mains supply lines (L, N, PE) and, if applicable, the safety loop (SLT, shortage of water, etc.) must be sized for nominal currents in agreement with the selected external primary fuse. The cross-sectional areas of the other cables must be sized in agreement with the internal unit fuse (max. 6.3 AT). Min. cross-sectional area 0.75 mm2 (single- or multi-core to VDE 0100)
Cable insulation must satisfy the requirements of the relevant temperature and environmental conditions. The CAN (bus) cables have been specified by Siemens and can be ordered as accessory items. Other types of cables may not be used. Otherwise, the EMC characteristics of the LMV51... system will be unpredictable! Fuses used in the basic unit LMV51... F1 F2 F3 6.3 AT 4 AT 4 AT IEC 60127 2 / 5 IEC 60127 2 / 5 IEC 60127 2 / 5
1) If the cable length exceeds 50 m, no additional loads may be connected to the stauts inputs
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12 Dimensions
Dimensions in mm
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T roubleshooting *1) *1) *1) *1) If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently: Replace the flam e detector or the faulty basic unit *1) *1)
11 15
1 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Internal Fault Basic Unit Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Fault Positioning Actuator Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit
*1) If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently: Replace the respective actuators (see diagnostic code)
16 17
# -
Check the curve data for invalid entries: Valid output range: 0.0% - 100.0 % Valid positioning range: 0.0 - 90.0 In case of departure from the valid range when com m issioning the unit for the first tim e: Readjust to ensure valid value range If fault occurs after operation has been correct: Replace the faulty basic unit
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B as ic u nit (F A R C ) h a s d e tec te d a fa u lt w h e n co m pa ring po te ntiom eter cha nne ls A and B . T h e d ia g n o s tic c o d e ind ic a tes th e a c tu a to r o n w h ic h the fa u lt o c c u rre d (s e e d ia g n o s tic c o d e ) A ir actuator is fau lty w hen co m pa ring p otentio m eter chann els A an d B A c tive fuel a c tu ato r is faulty w h en com parin g p otentio m eter chann els A an d B A ux ilia ry a c tua to r is fa u lty w he n c o m p a ring p otentio m eter chann el A w ith B
1 2 4
C he c k th e c u rve 's d a ta . If, b e tw e e n 2 c u rve p o in ts , th e s lo p e e x c e e d s - 3.6 p er 0 .1 % (30 -s ram p ) - 1.8 p er 0 .1 % (60 -s ram p ) - 0.9 p er 0.1 % (12 0-s ram p) o utpu t c h a n g e -> C ha n g e o u tpu t a s s ig n m e n t o f th e c u rve p o in ts s u c h th a t the a b o ve c o n d itio n w ill b e s a tis fied
W hen setting the curve pa ra m eters , the plant should be op erate d w ith B u rne r P rogram m ing m o de in P hase 62 is still active an d o n in m anu al op eration . T his p re vents the load co ntroller fro m triggering th e the requ ired po sitio ns (no rm al o peratio n) ha ve not c h a n g e to s h u td o w n . If th e T L res p o n d s , th e e ffec t c a n b e the s a m e, h o w e ve r, b een reach ed b ut th e value c u rre n tly h a n d le d (c u rve p o in t) c a n s till b e s a ve d in s ta n d b y o r loc k ou t T he re levant ign itio n p ositions are not p aram e te rized Ign itio n p ostitio n of air actuator Ign itio n p os titio n o f a c tiv e fu e l a c tu a to r is n o t p aram e te rized Ign itio n p os itio n o f a ux iliary a c tu a to r is n o t p aram e te rized R un nin g tim e fault of ac tua to rs R un nin g tim e fault of air a c tu ato r R un nin g tim e fault of au xiliary actuator B as ic u nit h a s d e te c ted th a t o n e o r s e veral a c tu a to rs h a ve n o t rea c h e d th e s p e c ial p os itio n a s s o c ia te d w ith the p h a s e P o s ition in g fa u lt o f a ir a c tu a to r P o s ition in g fa u lt o f g as a c tu a to r P osition ing fault of a ir actu ator an d fue l actuator P o s ition in g fa u lt o f a ux ilia ry a c tu a to r P osition ing fault of a uxiliary actuator a nd air a c tu ato r
# 1 2 4
Ign itio n P os not defin ed Ign itio n P os not defin ed Ign itio n P os not defin ed Ign itio n P os not defin ed F ault R unning T im e A ir A c tuator F ault R unning T im e A ux A c tuator S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S pecial P os no t re ache d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S p e c ial P os n o t re a c h e d S afety Loo p o pen Internal T em p L im iter h as res p o n d e d
# 1 4
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P osition ing fault of a uxiliary actuator a nd fu el a c tu ato r P os itio n ing fa u lt o f a ux ilia ry a c tu a to r, a ir a c tua to r a nd fu el actuator S afety lo op ope n Intern a l tem pe ra tu re lim iter h as c u t o u t s in c e the p aram e te rized v a lu e h a s b e e n e x c e e d e d
21 22
149/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 13 Addendum 1: List of error messages of LMV51... system CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 40 41 42 43
# # # 2
Extraneous Light on Startup Extraneous Light on Shutdown No Flam e at End of Safety Tim e Loss of Flam e Air Pressure on Air Pressure off Fan Contactor Contact energized Fan Contactor Contact deenergized Flue Gas Recirculation Pressure Switch on Flue Gas Recirculation Pressure Switch off Valve not open Valve or Closed Position Indicator (CPI) open Gas Pressure has dropped below m inim um Lim it Gas Pressure has exceeded m aximum Limit Gas Pressure w Valve Proving: Valve on Gas Side leaking No Gas Pressure Valve proving: Valve on Burner Side leaking Oil Pressure on although Oil Pump off Oil Pressure below Minim um Oil Pressure above Maximum No Start Release for Oil No direct Heavy Oil Start Lack of Gas Program Internal Fault Basic Unit No Burner ID defined No Service Passort defined Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit
Basic unit has detected extraneous light during startup Basic unit has detected extraneous light during shutdown No flam e detected at the end of the safety time ts1 Loss of flam e detected during operation Air pressure detected = on, but should be off Air pressure detected = off, but should be on FCC signal detected = on, but should be off FCC signal detected = off, but should be on FGR-APS detected = on, but should be off FGR-APS detected = off, but should be on Valve closing contact (CPI) detected = on, but should be off Valve closing contact (CPI) detected = off, but should be on Gas pressure < minim um Gas pressure > maximum Gas pressure VP = high Gas pressure VP = low Oil pressure > m inim um Oil pressure < m inim um Oil pressure < m aximum Start release oil = off Direct start heavy oil Gas shortage program running Param eter Maxim um safety tim e faulty No burner identification defined No service password defined W rong contact position of SR relay W rong contact position of ignition W rong contact position of fuel valve relays Fault in connection with plausibility check. For cause of fault, refer to the diagnostic code No defined fuel train param eterized
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# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU Controller connected but deactivated APS connected but deactivated FCC / FGR - APS connected but deactivated Gas Pressure m in connected but deactivated Gas Pressure m ax connected but deactivated Oil Pressure m in connected but deactivated Oil Pressure m ax connected but deactivated Start Signal Oil connected but deactivated HO Start connected but deactivated Locked by SLT Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Param eter Set dam aged Param eter Set dam aged
Fault with inputs deactivated Controller input connected but deactivated APS connected but deactivated FCC / FGR-APS connected but deactivated GP m in connected but deactivated GP m ax connected but deactivated OP m in connected but deactivated OP m ax connected but deactivated Start signal oil connected but deactivated HO start connected but deactivated Shutdown after SLT test Key error Tim e block overrun Stack fault Internal com m unication (C1 <> C2) EEPROM page on ABORT after initialization (last param eter setting has possibly been interrupted by a power failure) Reset the unit. !Caution! If this fault occurred while setting the param eters: Check the param eters changed last to ensure they are correct If resetting does not solve the problem : Restore the param eters of the AZL51... Otherwise, replace the basic unit Reset the unit !Caution! If this fault occurred while setting the param eters: Check the param eters changed last to ensure they are correct If resetting does not solve the problem : Restore the param eters of the AZL51... Otherwise, replace the basic unit Reset the unit Reset the unit !Caution! If this fault occurred while setting the param eters: Check the param eters changed last to ensure they are correct If resetting does not solve the problem : Restore the param eters of the AZL51... Otherwise, replace the basic unit
45 50 51 52 58 59
# # #
Page is on ABORT
Page is on W R_RESTO
151/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 13 Addendum 1: List of error messages of LMV51... system CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
Reset the unit. !Caution! If this fault occurred while setting the parameters: Check the parameters changed last to ensure they are correct. If resetting does not solve the problem: Restore the parameters of the AZL51... Otherwise, replace the basic unit Repeat backup restore 1. Make a reset 2. Restore data with the AZL51... 1. Make a reset 2. Restore data with the AZL51... Lockout by external reset / lockout contact can be negated by pressing the button again *1) If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty air actuator
5F 60 61 70 71 72 81 82 83 84 86 87 88
# # # # # # # # # # # 1 2 3
Parameter Set damaged Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Manual Lockout Internal Fault Basic Unit Fault Feedback Air Actuator Fault Feedback Gas (Oil) Actuator Fault Feedback Oil Actuator Fault Feedback Aux Actuator Fault Feedback Load Controller Fault Feedback AZL
Last backup restore invalid (was interrupted) Fault when copying a parameter page Fault in connection with EEPROM initialization Fault when restoring the lockout information Lockout was made manually via contact Plausibility fault during fault entry Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the air actuator
Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the gas If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC actuator If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty gas actuator Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the oil actuator Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the auxiliary actuator Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the internal load controller Basic unit has detected a wrong status of the AZL51... Plausibility fault network management If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty oil actuator If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently:Replace the faulty auxiliary actuator *1) If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently: Replace the faulty AZL51... If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently: Replace the faulty unit (see diagnostic code) or the basic unit
Fault Feedback Actuator Fault Feedback Load Controller Fault Feedback AZL Fault Feedback Air Actuator
Undefined fault class of ACT Undefined fault class of LC Undefined fault class of AZL51... Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the air actuator when checking the actuator's feedback signal If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty air actuator If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty gas actuator If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently:Replace the faulty oil actuator If fault occurs sporadically: Im prove EMC If fault occurs perm anently: Replace the faulty auxiliary actuator
Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the Fault Feedback Gas (Oil) Actuator gas actuator when checking the actuator's feedback signal Fault Feedback Oil Actuator Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the oil actuator when checking the actuator's feedback signal Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the auxiliary actuator when checking the actuator's feedback signal
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Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the load controller when checking the load controller's *1) feedback signal Basic unit has detected a ROM-CRC fault in the If fault occurs sporadically: Improve EMC AZL51... when checking the unit's feedback signal If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty AZL51... CAN overrun CAN in bus off CAN warning level Fault probably occurred when connecting or disconnecting a CAN bus user CAN queue overrun Air actuator has detected own fault and has reported it to the basic unit Type of fault: See diagnostic code Check if several partners (e.g. actuators) with the same address are connected to the CAN bus and correct this condition (e.g. readdress the actuators by using their correct addresses) *1) *1) Replace the faulty AZL51... if necessary *1) If fault occurs sporadically: Improve EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty actuator Check the housing's temperature (max. 60 C) Check if actuator is in its valid positioning range (0 - 90) Check wiring of CAN bus; check terminating resistors
98 99 9A 9B A1
# # 0C 13 15
Fault two equal Addresses Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit Internal Fault Basic Unit
Internal Fault Air Actuator Position Fault Air Actuator Internal Fault Air Actuator
Temperature warning and shutdown Actuator outside the permitted angular rotation (0 - 90) or wrong linearization data CAN fault Gas actuator has detected own fault and has reported it to the basic unit Type of fault: See diagnostic code
# See A1
See A1
See A1 Oil actuator has detected own fault and has reported it to the basic unit Type of fault: See diagnostic code
See A1
# See A1
See A1
See A1 Auxiliary actuator has detected own fault and has reported it to the basic unit Type of fault: See diagnostic code
See A1
# See A1
See A1
See A1 Internal load controller has detected own fault and has reported it to the basic unit *1) Type of fault: See diagnostic code
See A1
# 10 12 13 14 15 16
Invalid XP identified Invalid TN identified TU greater than identification time Invalid TV identified Timeout during observation time
153/157 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Basic Documentation LMV51... 13 Addendum 1: List of error messages of LMV51... system CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
No actual Value Slope at End of Identification Adaption invalid Adaption invalid Adaption invalid Adaption invailid Timeout with Adaption
17 18 22 33 44 45 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A A7 # 9 0B 0D 0E 15 16 17 18 1B
Cold Start thermal Shock Protection active Timeout with Adaption Setpoint Temp Controller above maximum Limit Parameter Set damaged Parameter Set damaged Parameter Backup Restore Internal Fault Load Controller Internal Fault Load Controller Internal Fault Load Controller Internal Fault Load Controller Internal Fault Load Controller Short-circuit Pt100 Sensor Open-circuit Pt100 Sensor Short-circuit Pt100 Sensor (Line Compens) Short-circuit Pt1000 Sensor Open-circuit Pt1000 Sensor Short-circuit Ni1000 Sensor Open-circuit Ni1000 Sensor Overvoltage at Input 2 Open-circuit / Short-circuit at Input 2 Overvoltage at Input 3 Open-circuit / Short-circuit at Input 3 Timeout while adaption output is delivered and process is obseved
Invalid CRC when reading in a page Page was set on ABORT Page was set on RESTO CAN fault CAN fault CAN fault CAN fault CAN fault
Reset the unit; repeat backup restore, if required Reset the unit; repeat backup restore, if required Reset the unit; repeat backup restore, if required
AZL51... has detected own fault and has reported Follow the measures listed below and: it to the basic unit If fault occurs sporadically: Improve EMC Type of fault: See diagnostic code If fault occurs permanently:Replace the faulty AZL51... Manual Lockout AZL > 250 000 Startup Cycles Service required Menu for Firing on Oil. Current Fuel is Gas Menu for Firing on Gas. Current Fuel is Oil Internal Fault AZL Internal Fault AZL Internal Fault AZL Internal Fault AZL No valid Parameter Backup W hile firing on gas, it was attempted to change data on a menu for oil W hile firing on oil, it was attempted to change data on a menu for gas CAN queue fault CAN overrun fault CAN bus off CAN warning level Fault when copying a parameter page Change to menu Settings for gas Change to menu Settings for oil Fault message for emergency off function via AZL51...
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30 38 40 B0 88 # 1 2 1 #
B1 C5
A fault occurred in connection with eBus communication Internal Fault AZL Interface mode could not be terminated Parameter setting fault PC tool detection through Communication AZL with PC Tool key test in the AZL51... Internal Fault AZL RAM fault with redundant inverse variables Fault check of port outputs Internal Fault Basic Unit Fault when reading back the set outputs Internal Fault Basic Unit Fault during the IR test Internal Fault Basic Unit Fault short-circuit test inputs / outputs W hen comparing the versions of the individual units, the AZL51... has detected old data Fault Communication eBus The relevant units are bit-coded Bit / unit 0 / BU 1 / LC 2 / AZL 3 / air actuator 4 / gas actuator 5 / oil actuator 6 / auxiliary actuator 7 / not used
Version Conflict
*1) If fault occurs sporadically: Improve EMC If fault occurs permanently: Replace the faulty basic unit
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F3 F2 4 AT 4 AT
F 6,3AT Ph N PE
Water deficiency
sr = r2
Burner flange
X9-01 (X9-02)
2 x 115 V
X7-02 X6-02
Oil Gas
Open Closed ON/OFF
Gas + Oil
Pressure switch max. Pressure switch min./ release of startup Heavy oil-direct start Release of startup
Gas ramp
X5-02 X5-01
Ph AC 230 V
CC1P7550en 29.05.2002
6,3AT PE al = r1
3 r3
3 3
3 3 3
4 r7 5 r8 r9 6 7
3 8
Gas ramp
5 M 5 M 5 M 5
Flame detector QRI, QRB X10-02 Ionization X10-03
r13 r14
CAN bus
Siemens Building Technologies AG Landis & Staefa Division Berliner Ring 23 D-76437 Rastatt Tel. 0049-7222-598-0 Fax 0049-7222-53182 www.landisstaefa.com
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