Constitution & By-Laws Revised 1/2012

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Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS Constitution

ARTICLE I. Name The Name of this organization shall be "Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association" and be operated as a non-profit (501C) organization. ARTICLE II. Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be: Section 1. To Provide qualified and competent basketball officials in the Pacific Northwest by: Conducting rules study meetings and an apprenticeship program. Promoting a better understanding of the importance of fair play and sportsmanship among contestants and those in charge of athletic contests. Developing a sense of professional pride as an official and conscientious obligation to those for whom we provide service. ARTICLE III. Membership (Revised 1/2012) Section 1. Membership shall consist of active and honorary.

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Section 2. Active membership shall include all members in good standing as defined in Board Policy By-Laws Section 3. Honorary membership shall include all active members who wish to continue membership in the organization, but do not elect to participate in the officiating activities of organization. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues and shall not be eligible to hold office or vote, but may otherwise contribute to the organization. Section 4. A new applicant may gain membership in the organization by: Presenting an application to the membership committee; Serving as an apprentice for a time specified by the Board of Directors; Attend and pass classes designed by the Apprenticeship Committee in addition to passing tests/exams as required; Receiving a recommendation from the Apprenticeship Committee and approval by the Board of Directors and to be governed by the Constitution, By-Laws, and Board Policies. Section 5. Transfers may be admitted as active members by: Submitting a letter to the Membership Committee indicating his /her membership in good standing in a recognized association; Paying the appropriate fees; Being approved by the Board of Directors; Following procedures set up in the PNBOA policies. ARTICLE IV. Officers Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Section 2. All officers shall be active members in good standing as defined in Board Policy By-Laws Section 3. The Board of Directors shall elect the officers from the Boards membership for a term of one (1) year. Section 4. The duties of the President and Vice President shall be the same as are usually attached to such officers and such other duties, as this Constitution requires of the Board of Directors may direct. Section 5. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall consist of recording and publishing the minutes of all Board meetings and Association meetings, and preparing correspondence as directed by the Board of Directors. Section 6. The duties of the Treasurer shall consist of receiving and banking all monies due the Association, dispersing funds by check as authorized by the Board, providing
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and maintaining complete and accurate financial reports with audit tracking as may be required. Section 7. In the event an officer resigns or is removed from office before the end of his / her term, the remaining officers may move to the next level of succession in accordance to "Roberts Rules of Order." The president may then appoint a replacement for the vacancy (vacancies) that remains. The President may then appoint a replacement for the vacancy/vacancies that remain. ARTICLE V. Board of Directors (Revised 1/2012) Section 1. Nominations for Directors will be accepted at the voting Meeting in January of the current PNBOA season. Elections will be held during the last meeting in January. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) directors whose qualifications and terms are as follows: a. A member in good standing and remains so during his/her term. b. The term of each office shall be for three years. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to transact all of the business of the organization. Section 3. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members. Section 4. The Board of Directors shall appoint auditors to audit the financial records of the association each year. Section 5. The Board of Directors may discipline members by: Censure Fine Probation Expulsion Regulation of Assignments Suspension Section 6. The Board of Directors, in considering disciplinary action, is obligated to offer due process to those concerned. Section 7. The Board of Directors shall advertise for, and elect, a commissioner/assignor, as needed. Section 8. Board members may be removed form office for dereliction of duty, responsibilities, and/or any infractions contrary to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Board Policies. Six (6) votes by the Board of Directors is required for the removal of any Board member. Section 9. Board Members will have their PNBOA & WOA dues paid for by the PNBOA. Further, Board Members shall be entitled to reimbursement for annual NASO dues for each year the Board Member serves.

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ARTICLE VI. Elections (Revised 1/2012) Section 1. Elections of Directors shall be held during the last meeting of January. Only active members in attendance at this meeting may vote. Section 2. Elections shall be by ballot or other electronic means as authorized by the Directors. The President or his designees shall be charged with the administration of elections. Section 3. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the president to select a minimum of six (6) candidates for three (3) positions. Additional nominations shall come from the general membership. The top three (3) candidates will be on the Board of Directors. In the event of additional board members are needed the elected board member with the next higher vote tally will received the next longest term. This formula will continue until all board positions are filled. Section 4. The new Boards term shall commence on the 1st day of March following each general election; however prior to March 1st, the President for the previous year shall convene the new Board for the purpose of electing the officers of the Association. ARTICLE VII. Committees (Revised 1/2012) Section 1. Standing committees shall be: a. Apprentice b. Ethics & Grievance c. Recreation d. Presidents Review Committee Section 2. Chairpersons of the committees shall be appointed by the President from current members of the Board of directors. Section 3. The duties of all committees and their chairpersons shall be as designated by the Board of Directors. Section 4. The chairperson of each committee shall select the other members of his/her committee from the organization membership. The Board of Directors must approve members of these committees. ARTICLE VIII. Funds Section 1. The annual dues from each member shall be set by the Board of Directors. Dues shall be paid at a date specified by the Board. Section 2. The Board of Directors shall recommend assessment to the membership each year and have the power to levy such membership-approved assessments.
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Section 3. The treasurer shall be elected by the Board of Directors and may appoint a bookkeeper to assist in handling and disbursing funds.

ARTICLE IX. Amendments (Revised 1/2012) Section 1. This Constitution may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the active members in good standing choosing to vote, as administered by the Board, on or about the annual January Meeting present and voting at the annual election meeting. Electronic voting may be used, as approved by the Directors. If electronic voting is used, the voting period shall occur within 72 hours of the January meeting. Proposed changes to the Constitution or Bylaws must be received the meeting preceding the January election meeting. Section 2. By-laws may be adopted and amended only by a majority of those active members in good standing present and voting at the annual election meeting. Section 3. The rules and regulations drawn up and approved by the Board of Directors shall be termed Board policy and must be fully in compliance with this Constitution and the By-laws. Section 4. All approved amendments to the Constitution and By-laws become effective when passed. ARTICLE X. Vacancies Section 1. Revised 1/04 Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors. Vacancies will be filled through vote of board of Directors giving consideration to the member who was not elected, but had the next highest vote tally. Section 2. Appointments made by the Presidents and approved by the Board to fulfill an unexpired term of a member who has resigned and/or has been removed from office, will be effective only until the next election/new term, at which time the general membership shall elect a replacement to fill out the remainder of the unexpired term. Section 3. Appointment to vacancies on the Board of Directors can only be filled by members of the association who has been in good standing in the association for one (1) full year or longer. ARTICLE XI. Relation to WOA Section 1. The Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association is a member organization of the Washington Officials Association.

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Section 2. The President, Vice President and/or their designees shall act as a liaison or representative to the WOA (Washington Officials Association) and the W.I.A.A. (Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association)

ARTICLE I. APPRENTICESHIP REQUIREMENTS Section 1. Please refer to Section 9 of board policy ARTICLE II. CONDUCT OF MEMBERS AND APPRENTICES Section 1. Active members and apprentices shall abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Board Policy. Section 2. The Ethics and Grievance Committee shall be responsible for the investigation of all reported violations and upon completion, report its findings and recommendations to the Boards of Directors. Section 3. A member in good standing will be defined as one who: Complies with general membership meeting policy; Completes a WIAA Clinic for current season; Current on WIAA & WOA dues no later that December 1st of that current season; Takes and passes an NFHS test for the current year due no later than January 1st of that current season; Adheres to PNBOA Constitution, By-Laws and Board Policies; Completes, sings & submits WSP Background Check as needed; Penalties: No Clinic, No Test no School Ball for that season Attendance no playoffs, no state, suspension from Rec Ball until April 1st, drop to bottom of classification after promo/reassign, back in good standing after April 1st for school and rec ball No clinic no school ball for current season, Rec penalty N/A No test- refer to Board of Policies Violations and Fines No WSP refer to Board of Policies Violations and Fines No service agreement -refer to Board of Policies Violations and Fines WIAA & WOA dues dont work Rec or School until paid Non-adherence to PNBOA Constitution, By-Laws and Board Policies refer to Board of Policies Violations and Fines

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ARTICLE III. COMMISSIONER / ASSIGNOR Section 1. The school and Recreation Commissioner/Assignors will not officiate basketball games Section 2. The school and Recreation Commissioners/Assignor shall have voice without vote at PNBOA Board meetings ARTICLE IV. MANDATORY MEETING ATTENDANCE (Revised 1/12) Section 1. Apprentices are required to attend 75% of the scheduled apprentice meetings and general meetings. ARTICLE V. DUE PROCESS (Revised 1/12) Section 1. DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES/PURPOSE The following sections outline the procedures whereby members can appeal suspension, expulsion, or other forms of disciplined imposed by the Board of Directors. The purpose of these provisions is to prescribe in detail the procedures where be a member shall be afforded a fair opportunity to a petition an impartial and unbiased committee to obtain an open and fair review of the boards decision. Section 2. PROCEDURE- ACTION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors, acting within the scope of power granted to them under the Constitution and By-laws, having reasonable cause to believe that an official is violating or has violated the Constitution, By-laws or Board Policies of the Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association, and is subject to expulsion, suspension, or other discipline, shall provide the official with written notice of the alleged violation. The notice shall: Be delivered by mail, e-mail, or in person. In the case of suspension and expulsion, be delivered be certified mail or in person within seven (7) days of the Boards decision. Specify the reasons for the suspension, expulsion, or discipline. Specify the rule, by-law or Board Policy being violated. Advise the official of his/her opportunity to request and have a hearing to contest the Board action. Specify that a written petition for a hearing must be postmarked or received be the Ethics and Grievance Chairperson before the expiration of the seventh business day after the receipt of t he notice or opportunity for a hearing. Specify the address of the Ethics and Grievance Committee. Section 3. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO APPEAL The notice and decision dates and provisions contained in the hearing and appeals procedures set forth herein shall correspond within seven (7) business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Failure by the recipient of such notice to request a hearing within the allotted time shall be deemed as a waiver of right to the hearing and appeal process.
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Section 4. REVIEW COMMITTEE- SELECTION OF MEMBERS- TERM The following shall govern the selection of committee members and their terms: Immediately upon taking office, or as soon as possible thereafter, the President shall appoint seven (7) members from the general assembly to serve as members of a committee hereinafter called the Review Committee. Each Committee members term shall run concurrently with the appointing Presidents term in office and shall expire accordingly. A committee member may, at any time, for personal reasons or otherwise, resign his/her appointment. Upon the resignation of any committee member(s), the President shall, as soon as possible thereafter, appoint a new member or members to the committee. Section 5. REVIEW COMMITTEE- DUTIES 1. The Review Committee shall be authorized to hear and decide petitions involving suspension, expulsion, of other discipline of an official by the Board of Directors. The Review Committee shall only hear matters related to violations of due process, or the failure of the E&G Committee or Board to follow current policy. Prior to a review, the Committee shall elect a Chairperson(s) to head the committee. The Chairperson(s) shall have the responsibility of: Determining if a request for review shall be granted; Determining the relevancy of testimony, examination and exhibits; Maintaining the orderly conduct of the hearing, and; Removing from the hearing any person he/she feels is disrupting the orderly conduct of the hearing. The President shall act as recording secretary for the Review Committee, and the Chairperson or the Ethics and Grievance Committee shall act as representative for the Board of Directors; but neither shall have a voting right. Section 6. PETITIONING THE COMMITTEE- PETITIONERS RIGHT Any member of the Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association may request a hearing before the Review Committee to contest his\his disciplinary action by the Board of Directors. A request for a hearing shall: Identify violations of due process, policy, or procedure, relevant to the decision imposed by E&G Committee and/or the Board of Directors; Be legibly hand written or type written; Be signed by the Petitioner and; Be submitted to the Review Committee Chairperson within the time prescribed by the Notice of opportunity for hearing. Section 7. REVIEW COMMITTEE THE HEARING- TIME AND PLACE Upon receipt of a petition properly submitted, the Review Committee may schedule a hearing.

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Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be delivered to the Petitioner in person, e-mail or by certified mail no later than seven (7) business days prior to the date of the meeting. The Petitioner may decide on an open or closed hearing. Section 8. REVIEW COMMITTEE THE HEARING EXAMINATION RECORD The Petitioner may represent himself / herself or to be represented by such persons as he / she may decide. The Petitioner shall have the opportunity to testify, examine and cross-examine as well as introduce affidavits, exhibits and other evidence deemed relevant by the Review Committee. The Review Chairperson shall present evidence shall, if necessary, and shall have the right to examine and cross-examine, as well as introduce affidavits, exhibits and other evidence deemed relevant by the Review Chairperson. The President shall record, by verbatim method or electronic recording device, the hearing of each petition to the Committee. Section 9. REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS After a full and complete consideration of the evidences presented in support and against the Petitioner, the Review Committee shall: Forward their findings to the Board of Directors. The findings report shall: State the relevant facts; State the Committees conclusions and reasons for those conclusions; and State the Committees recommendations concerning those conclusions. The Review Committee shall be provided the Petitioner with a copy of it findings and conclusions and notice of his / her right to appeal. The Review Boards decision shall be final. Section 10. APPEAL Any official still aggrieved by the recommendations of the Review Committee or the decision of the Board of directors may appeal to the Washingtons Officials Association and shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the body. ARTICLE VI. EQUAL RIGHTS Section 1. The Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association and its officers shall not discriminate against current member or prospective applicants, on the basis of race, color, gender, age, martial status, veterans status, national origin or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. ARTICLE VII. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (REVISED 1/2012) Section 1. Yearend financial statements will be made available to members upon request. Financial statements will be delivered (post mail or electronically) to members within ten (10) days of member request.
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