Shoe Store Database Design
Shoe Store Database Design
Shoe Store Database Design
DATA DICTIONARY The data dictionary of any system is an integral component of structure analysis, since data flow diagram by themselves do not fully describe the subject under investigation about the system. A data dictionary is a catalog a repository of the elements in the system. These elements center on data and the way they are structured to meet user requirements and organization needs. This step of creating a data dictionary is simultaneous with the process of making data flow diagram(s). Here all the data fields in their respective tables are allotted so as to access these data in the system. The data tables are create in a back-end tool like Microsoft, Access, Oracle, FoxPro, etc Here in the Billing system for Bata store we are using tables created in Microsoft Access 2000 as it is the back-end tool used in the system. The data dictionary consists of different major elements like Data Elements, Data Store [Tables Used], Data flow, Processes and other External entities used in the system. The data dictionary stores details and description of these elements. It is developed during data flow analysis and assists the analysts involved in determining the system requirements Analysts use data dictionary for the following important reason: To manage the details in large system. To communicate a common meaning for all system elements. To document the features of the system. To facilitate analysis of the details in order to evaluate the characteristics and determine where system changes should be made. To locate errors and omissions in the system. The data dictionary contains different types of descriptions for the data flowing through the system: Data Elements is the most fundamental level which is also considered as the building block for all other data in the system. It refers to all the different data used like fields, data item, etc. to make the system fully functional irrespective to the table used in the system. Here all the different type of fields used to make table are written sequentially without referring to the tables. This process helps in the process of Normalization of tables. Next to Data Elements comes the Data Storage which provides the information of where and how each data element is stored in which tables and it also give information of any constraints if there. This step also gives knowledge of different data types used for different field and their size. All the normalized tables are showed in the data storage. Data Flow stage shows the flow of data in the system. This step is can be already seen in the data flow diagrams above in this document. This step refers to all the data flow paths were transactions are done in the computerized system. The data flow step also includes different processes used in the system and it is followed by External Entities used in the system.
DATA ELEMENTS The different data elements used in the system irrespective of the tables used in the system are as below. BILLNO1 : Bill Number PARTI1 QTY1 Rate1 AMT1 BILLNOdb DATE1DB MSDB MSDB1 TOTAL CLIENT_ID NAME1 ADDRESS CITY STATE RPHONENO OPHONENO FAX EMAIL MOBILE COMMENT1 BILLNO1 PARTI1 QTY1 RATE1 AMT1 BILLNODB DATE1DB MSDB MSDB1 TOTAL PARTY_ID NAME1 ADDRESS CITY STATE RPHONENO OPHONENO FAX EMAIL MOBILE COMMENT1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Party Name Quantity Rate Amount Bill Number Date of payment MSDB(Address) MSDB1(Address 1) Total Client Id Name of the Client Address of the Client City of the client State Phone No of Residence Phone No of office Fax Email Address Mobile Number Comments of client Bill Number Party Name Quantity Rate Amount Bill Number Date of payment MSDB (Address) MSDB1 (Address) Total Party Id Name of the party Address of the party City of the party State Phone No of Residence Phone No of Office Fax Email Address Mobile Number Comment of party
Different tables used in the system along with their description is described below in detail. Table Name Description
Cash Memo Cash Memo Single Client Master Party Cash Memo Party Cash Memo Single Party master
The above tables are described briefly and can be understand clearly from below. Each table is described along with different fields used, their data types, their size and constraints if any.
Objective: The cash_memo table contains the information about the different transaction which are done cash.ty
Tables referred:
Table Format : Field name BILLNO1 PARTI1 QTY1 RATE1 AMT1 Field description Type Size Null
Number 7 Text 15
No No No No No
Number 4
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.
Objectives: The cash_memo_single table contains the information about the different transactions which are done cash.
Field name Field description BILLNOdb DATA1DB MSDB MSDB1 TOTAL Bill Number Date MSDB MSDB Total
Type Number
Size 7
Null No No No No No
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.
Objectives: The client_master table contains the information about the client, information such as name, address, city, state, pincode, phone no, mobile, fax, Email address, etc.
Field description Client Id Name of the Client Address of the Client City State
null No No No No No No No No No
RPHONENO Residence Phone No OPHONENO Office Phone No FAX EMAIL Fax Email Address
Number 15 Text 50
No No
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.
Objectives: The party_cash_memo table contains the information about the cash transaction done with the party. Tables referred: party_cash_memo Table Format:
Size null 7 15 4 4 5 No No No No No
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.
Objectives: The party_cash_memo_single table contains the information about the cash transaction done with the particular party. Tables referred: party_cash_memo_single Table Format:
Size null 7 8 25 25 7 No No No No No
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.
Objectives: The party_master table contains the information about the parties, information such as name, address, city, state, pincode, phone no, mobile, fax, Email address, etc.
null No No
Number 7 Text 15 ADDRESS CITY STATE Address of the Party City State Text Text Text 50 20 15 No No No No No No No No No
RPHONENO Residence Phone No OPHONENO Office Phone No FAX EMAIL MOBILE COMMENT1 Fax Email Address Mobile No Comment of the Party
Number 15 Text 50
Validations: The table does not allow to the user to enter blank field those are required as those fields are not null and it will show an error message if the any of the fields which is required is kept null by the user while doing any transaction using this table.