The document summarizes activities related to the Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs:
1) Work continues on Discovery in preparation for its upcoming mission, while stacking of solid rocket boosters on the launch pad is on hold pending tank modifications.
2) On Thursday, NASA TV will broadcast the first-ever relocation of a pressurized component of the International Space Station without a space shuttle present, as flight engineers move an adapter using the robotic arm.
3) Upcoming events at KSC include briefings from a Congressman, an engineering academy panel discussion on Apollo 13, and a workshop for girls interested in engineering.
The document summarizes activities related to the Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs:
1) Work continues on Discovery in preparation for its upcoming mission, while stacking of solid rocket boosters on the launch pad is on hold pending tank modifications.
2) On Thursday, NASA TV will broadcast the first-ever relocation of a pressurized component of the International Space Station without a space shuttle present, as flight engineers move an adapter using the robotic arm.
3) Upcoming events at KSC include briefings from a Congressman, an engineering academy panel discussion on Apollo 13, and a workshop for girls interested in engineering.
The document summarizes activities related to the Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs:
1) Work continues on Discovery in preparation for its upcoming mission, while stacking of solid rocket boosters on the launch pad is on hold pending tank modifications.
2) On Thursday, NASA TV will broadcast the first-ever relocation of a pressurized component of the International Space Station without a space shuttle present, as flight engineers move an adapter using the robotic arm.
3) Upcoming events at KSC include briefings from a Congressman, an engineering academy panel discussion on Apollo 13, and a workshop for girls interested in engineering.
The document summarizes activities related to the Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs:
1) Work continues on Discovery in preparation for its upcoming mission, while stacking of solid rocket boosters on the launch pad is on hold pending tank modifications.
2) On Thursday, NASA TV will broadcast the first-ever relocation of a pressurized component of the International Space Station without a space shuttle present, as flight engineers move an adapter using the robotic arm.
3) Upcoming events at KSC include briefings from a Congressman, an engineering academy panel discussion on Apollo 13, and a workshop for girls interested in engineering.
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August 28, 2007 Vol. 12, No.
Discovery's ET/SRB stacking NASA TV to air module move
on hold for tank modifications by ISS flight engineers Shuttle Update: adding new international science labora- 11:30 a.m. on Thursday at the KSC Forward, midbody and aft tories to the orbiting outpost. NASA TV Training Auditorium (located between closeout work continues on coverage of the activities, expected to last KSC HQ and O&C buildings). The pan- Discovery in OPF bay 3. about five hours, will begin at 5:30 a.m. elist will discuss “root causes of the inci- The orbiter docking system This will be the first time such a dent -- human factors, technical items, pyrotechnic testing is under move is conducted without a space shut- decisions, KSC support activities, (i.e., way. Functional testing of tle present. Expedition 15 flight engineers simulators, flight crew equipment, etc.),” the external door and final testing of the Clayton Anderson and Oleg Kotov will and more. engine cutoff sensor wiring modifications use the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm NASA and contractor personnel are are complete. Final payload bay door to detach a large docking adapter from invited. If you have any questions, closing is scheduled for next week. one port of the Unity connecting node please contact Gisele Altman at Stacking and closeout of the STS- and attach it to another port. The docking [email protected] or 867-4000. 120 solid rocket boosters in the VAB adapter is designated Pressurized Mating Also, questions are being gathered in ad- have finished. Mating of the external tank Adapter 3 or PMA 3. vance for the panelists to address during to the boosters has been postponed, pend- The move will make room for the their Q&A. Send your questions to KSC- ing completion of foam modification attachment of the Harmony connecting [email protected]. work that will be done on the tank's liq- module, or Node 2, which will be deliv- ered to the station on the next space shut- Engineering Workshop for Girls uid oxygen feedline support brackets. in 7th to 10th grades — The Society of In OPF bay 1, technicians continue tle mission, targeted for launch in late October. Harmony will provide ports to Women Engineers will conduct an excit- making modifications to Atlantis' engine ing new program for girls in seventh to cutoff sensor wiring. This work involves attach the station's European and Japa- nese laboratory modules. The laboratories 10th grades, called "WOW! That's Engi- rerouting new wires and installing new neering!" on Oct. 20 at Bayside High resistors. Workers also continue install- are targeted to be delivered in late 2007 and early 2008, respectively. School in Palm Bay. This one-day work- ing new, stronger tiles, known as Boeing shop will include five hands-on lab ac- Reusable Insulation, or BRI tiles, around tivities, allowing the girls to experience Legislative Update With Con- the main landing gear doors. gressman Dave Weldon — On Wednes- the creativity and innovation of engineer- Installation of the main propulsion day, Weldon will hold two hour-long ing and technology and to meet women system tanks is complete, with leak briefings, at 1:30 p.m. and at 4 p.m. in the engineers and technologists and hear checks planned next week. Waterproof- OSB II/5th floor conference room. He first-hand about these exciting careers. ing of the orbiter's thermal protection sys- will provide a Congressional budget up- Registration is now open on the web at tem is planned for Sunday. The left-hand date and talk about the transition from For more in- orbital maneuvering system pod was re- shuttle to the Constellation Program. formation, contact Judy Kersey at moved for a valve replacement. Civil servant and contractor employees [email protected] or call 783-4644. Endeavour is in OPF bay 2 for post- must check with their supervisor for ap- flight inspections and processing. En- proval to attend. Countdown is published every Tuesday & Thurs- deavour's payload was removed last day for NASA KSC employees. Deadlines are weekend. KSC Engineering Academy His- 10 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays. E-mail news to torical Panel Discussion: KSC Perspec- [email protected]. For questions or ISS Update: On Thursday, NASA tives On Apollo 13 — The KSC information, e-mail or call 321-867-2815. You can TV will broadcast the relocation of a Engineering Directorate will conduct a also find Countdown on the Web at pressurized component of the Interna- historical panel discussion from 9 to tional Space Station, the first step toward untdown-toc.html.