Fluid Distribution in Transition Zones

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SCA 2001-62


(Using a New Initial-Residual Saturation Correlation)

M.Sarwaruddin 1, A. Skauge2 and O. Torsæter1

Norwegian University of Science & Technology, 2Norsk Hydro

The fluid distribution as a function of height in transition zones is often very complex. This
may be due to movement of water-oil contact, tilting of the reservoir at some point in time,
leak of fluid out of the reservoir zone or complex inflow during secondary migration. The
resultant fluid distribution seen in saturation logs may be difficult to model. In this paper
we address the changes in fluid distribution versus height, inferred by changes of fluid
distribution due to the movement of water-oil contact only.

The experimental procedures for determining capillary pressure are based on fluid
saturation monitoring by gamma absorption from centrifuge experiments. An analytical
capillary pressure-saturation model was fit to the bounding imbibition capillary pressure-
saturation data. The drainage-imbibition hysteresis curves were then constructed assuming
that these curves have similar shape to that of the bounding imbibition curve. The
imbibition hysteresis model proposed may be used to calculate fluid saturation in the
reservoir due to the movement of water-oil contact. We also proposed necessary auxiliary
equations to solve the new linear and four-parameter (sigmoidal type) initial-residual fluid
saturation equations. Thus once the shape of the bounding-imbibition capillary pressure-
saturation curve and maximum non-wetting fluid saturation are known one can easily
construct any imbibition hysteresis curves that may be required.

The potential and importance of transition zones are discussed in a number of recent and
old papers 1-5. Oil transition zone is a zone above the water-oil contact where the water
saturation (Sw) is above the irreducible water saturation. In many cases recovery from
transition zones are not economical, however for a low permeability reservoir, entire
reservoir or a substantial part of it might become a potential target for recovery.

In this paper, we present a new initial (Snwi ) -residual (Snwr ) non-wetting fluid correlation
that can be used to construct imbibition capillary pressure (Pc) hysteresis curves. No
attempt has been made to model imbibition relative permeability (kro/krw) curves.
However if no data is available, a first estimate can be obtained by using Corey-Burdine6
correlation. No data has been collected for secondary drainage. Further capillary pressure
hysteresis has been reported 7-9 to be a closed loop type hysteresis curves. Tan 10 notes that
Killough's Pc hysteresis model12 is suitable for specific reservoir types where the
imbibition and drainage curves meet at the same residual (non-wetting) fluid saturation.
Kleppe et al11 criticised the formulation of Killough's model since it is based on Land's 13
initial-residual non-wetting fluid correlation.

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SCA 2001-62

Using limited experimental data and synthetic core, Kleppe et al showed that a linear
correlation exists between Snwi and Snwr . Masalmeh and Oedai2 also found piecewise linear-
constant correlation between Snwi and Snwr for low permeable carbonate samples. Fanchi et
al3 reported experimental data on 20/40-70/100 mesh glass beads that showed a kind of S-
shaped relation between Snwi and Snwr . Based on experimental investigation Larsen et al1
concluded that Land's Snwi -Snwr correlation predicts too high Snwr at low values of Snwi .
Morrow and Harris 14 also confirmed this and their experimental Pc hysteresis curves
suggest that Killough's model might be suitable for unconsolidated sand but most likely
will fail for consolidated material.


Using centrifuge (Beckman L8-55/P), high melting point (290~320C) paraffin oil (C 19H40)
and gamma absorption technique similar to Sarwaruddin 16,17 approach, we have been able
to establish, maintain and calculate fluid distribution profile for liquid-wet Berea cores.
The standard deviation of each saturation value was estimated to 0.01 saturation fraction
after setting γ-ray counting time to 20 minutes18, 19. Note that radial and gravity effect20, 21
was considered when average Pc was related to the corresponding average saturation.

According to the above procedures, we gathered a set of {S w,Pc} of data points for three
samples (Sample ID: Bx3, Bx4 and Bx5). For each sample, a non-linear regression was
performed to smooth the data points using a weighting factor 1/Pc2 and a constraint Swir ≤
Swmin. Here S wir is referred as irreducible wetting fluid saturation, whileSwmin as
minimum measured average saturation at any cross-section of a given sample. We used
Microsoft® Excel's solver function to minimise the ∑(1-Pc,a/Pc)2. Here,Pc,a is analytical
Pc of the following form
 S − S wir 
Pc, a = a. w  L (1)
 1 − S wir 
 
In Eq.3, "a", "n" and S wir are fitting parameters and their values are determined by
regression. The best-fit analytical Pc-saturation function was used to estimate initial fluid
distribution in the transition zone. The movement of water-oil contact reduces the capillary
pressure at every point along the height of the transition zone. The reduction of Pc also
changes the fluid saturation that may be obtained from a set of similar but different
imbibition Pc-saturation curves (see Fig.1), if the reservoir in question is water-wet. The
imbibition Pc curves are also called hysteresis curves and note that each of them satisfies
their turning/initial wetting fluid saturation (S wi) point.

In this experiment, the movement of water-oil contact is simulated changing the liquid
level in the centrifugation cup. After rising the liquid level, the centrifuge is again run at a
set rotation. This procedures allows us to collect a large pair of initial-final fluid saturation
data {Swi,S wr} which are basically end point data for the drainage-imbibition Pc hysteresis
curves. Note that we regard a point in the sample reached to the residual saturation only if
itsPc value reached -5 kPa , which is approximately -10 kPa for an equivalent water-oil
system. The bounding imbibition curves were also obtained after establishment of

SCA 2001-62

irreducible liquid saturation (Swir) and each of the curves was fit to an imbibition Pc model
shown below
PcI (S w ) =

( max
; S wir ≤ S w ≤ 1 − S nwr L (2))
(S w − S w1 ) n1
(S w 2 − S w ) n 2

Here, PcI(S w) : Imbibition Pc, a function Sw, S w: Wetting fluid saturation; C1, C2 are
positive constants; n1,n2 are exponents and Sw1, Sw2 are two asymptotes. Note that for
bounding imbibition Pc, S w1≤Swir, Swir: irreducible wetting fluid saturation and Sw2≥1-
Snwr max, Snwr max: maximum residual non-wetting fluid saturation.

In order to construct drainage-imbibition Pc hysteresis curves, we collected some

experimental drainage-imbibition Pc-saturation data including end point data {Swi,Swr}sets
for the above samples. The imbibition Pc model (Eq.2) is again used to fit the data.
However, for each drainage-imbibition curve, the asymptotes {Sw1,Sw2} were determined
honouring the corresponding initial-residual set {S wi,S wr}. Except "n 2", the bounding shape
parameters i.e. C1, C2 and n 1, n2 are assumed to be equal for all other drainage-imbibition
hysteresis curves. The exponent "n 2" has been used to adjust the shape of the hysteresis
curves from that of the bounding imbibition curve. We recommend adjusting n2 as a linear
function of Snwi . For the three samples that were used in this experiment, the average slope
was found 0.43 while the intercept at S nwi =0, may be obtained honouring the bounding
n2.Note that saturation boundary for the hysteresis curves (Eq.2) are S wi ≤ S w ≤ S wr
although difference between the asymptotes Sw1, Sw2 is larger than S wi and Swr.


Using the experimental procedures discussed earlier, a large number of data set
{Swi,S wr}has been collected for four Berea samples (Bx2,Bx3,Bx4 and Bx5) whose average
porosity and permeability are 22.6% and 228 md respectively. The corresponding initial-
residual non-wetting fluid saturation (Snwi , Snwr ) is plotted for these samples in Fig2. Linear
and sigmoidal equations of the following form are fitted to the data by non-linear
regression tool.
S nwr = (m )S nwi ; *
S nwi > S nwi ≥ 0 K (3a )

Where, m and Snwi * are constants. The slope "m" is estimated to be equal to 0.15 while
Snwi * may be determined solving Eq.3a and Eq.3b. There might have several solutions for
Snwi *, however, we suggest taking the minimum Snwi *. In case, no solution is found for
Snwi *, one may seek a solution by slightly increasing the value of "m".

S nwr = Yo + − (S nwi − S nwo ) / d
; 1 ≥ S nwi ≥ S nwi L(3b )
1+ e

Where, Y0, b, d and Snwo are fitting parameters.

Apparently Eq.3b is bit complicated since it involves four parameters which are difficult to
obtain. However a closer look to Eq.3b reveals that "d" is simply a scaling parameter

SCA 2001-62

which ensures that the denominator [1+e-(Snwi-Snwo)/d ] becomes ≈ 1 as Snwi equals to (1-
Swir). Therefore, parameter "b" becomes S nwr the maximum residual non-wetting fluid

Accordingly "d" may be estimated from a functional relation such that d= f2(b≡ S nwr ). The
other parameters Snwo and Y0 may be considered as a rock-fluid property of porous media.
Hence it is also expected that Snow and Y0 may be written as Snwo ≡f1 ( S nwr max
) and Y0=
max max
Y0( S nwr ) since S nwr is a rock-fluid property. Considering the arguments above, equation
3b can be rewritten as
( )
S nwr
S nwr = Yo S nwr + L (4 a )
1 + e −(S nwi − f1 (Snwr )/ f (S ))
max max
2 nwr

With the regressed parameters obtained from Fig2, we found the following functions for
max max
f1( S nwr ) and f2( S nwr ) and Y0 .

( )max
f1 S nwr max
= 0.7223 S nwr + 0.1815 K (4b )
f (S
2 ) = 0.096 S
nwr + 0.0432 K (4c )
Yo = 0.0218 S nwr − 0. 0014 K (4d )

Now, Eq.3a and 4a can be solved using equation 4b, 4c and 4d if one has knowledge about
S nwr either from experimental bounding imbibition curve or from other sources.


The initial fluid distribution in the transition zone was modelled by primary drainage Pc-
saturation function. The drainage Pc function was obtained in two stages. In order to
capture saturation at low Pc range, we conducted centrifuge experiment at 500 rpm while
data was extended to high Pc range during drainage-imbibition experiment at 1000 rpm.
We also conducted centrifuge experiment at 2000 rpm to establish irreducible wetting fluid
saturation (Swir). We fit Pc -saturation data together with the experimentally determined
Swir to analytical Eq.1 The analytical equation was then used as our basis for initial fluid
distribution function. One of the analytical drainage Pc function (Bx3) is shown in Fig.3
for demonstration purpose.

Centrifuge experiments were conducted again at 500 rpm after the establishment of Swir in
order to obtain the full bounding imbibition curves (positive as well as negative part) for
the three samples (Bx3, Bx4 and Bx5). The imbibition Pc model, Eq.2 was fit to the
bounding imbibition Pc-saturation data. The drainage-imbibition experiments provide
initial-residual wetting-fluid saturation data. The analytical drainage Pc, bounding
imbibition Pc and initial-residual wetting fluid saturation data and some experimental
hysteresis data are gathered. However, for page limitation, one sample-Bx3 is drawn in
Fig4. The drainage-imbibition hysteresis curves are also shown in Fig4.

SCA 2001-62

Fig.5 is a comparison between our new initial-residual non-wetting saturation model to the
other existing models i.e. from Land13, Kleppe11, Masalmeh 2 and Jerauld 23. In order to
compare the different models, we choose the sample Bx3 and its properties i.e. S nwr =0.2,
S nwi = 0.8 4 from the bounding Pc imbibition curve.

A new initial-residual non-wetting-fluid-saturation correlation has been proposed which
may be used for calculating fluid saturation distribution in transition zone due to the
movement of water-oil contact.

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SCA 2001-62

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a =Capillary entry pressure [kPa] (Eq.1)

C1, C2, n1, n2 = Shape parameters (Eq.2)

Capillary pressure
m= slope, Snwi* (Eq.3a)
Y0,b,d, Snwo=Trapping characteristic (Eq.3b)
kr= Relative permeability
S = saturation

S = Average saturation
P = Pressure [kPa]
P = Average Pressure [kPa] 0 Wetting fluid saturation(Fraction) 1
a= analytical, C = capillary, g = gas, o= oil, w= Figure1: Imbibition Pc hysteresis curves are shown
wetting, nw = non-wetting, wc= connate water, by down arrow
wi= wetting initial, nwi= non-wetting initial, wr=
wetting residual, nwr= non-wetting
residual,w1=asymptote-1 , asymptote-2 (Eq.2).
Superscript: 30
max= maximum, min= minimum; I=I mb
Drainage Pc [Kpa]

Dr:500 rpm
0.6 Bx2
0.5 Bx2(M) 15 1000rpm

10 Pc:Bx3
0.3 Bx4
0.1 Bx5(M)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Snwi Sw

Figure2: Initial-residual non-wetting fluid Figure3: Best-fit drainage Pc for Bx3

correlation. Solid lines are model equation.
Pc:Dr 0.25
Pc:Bounding Imbibition
10 0.2
Snwi-Snwr (pair-1)
Capillary Pressure [kPa]

Exp (set-1) 0.15 Masalmeh)2

S nwr

Snwi-Snwr (pair-2) 0.1 Land)13
0 Exp (set-2) Kleppe)11
0.05 Christiansen)4
Snwi-Snwr (pair-3) Sarwaruddin
-5 Exp (set-3)
Pc(hyst-3) 0
Snwi-Snwr (pair-4) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Exp (set-4)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pc:hyst(4) Snwi

Figure4: Bounding imbibition curve and constructed

hysteresis curve together with some experimental data are Figure5:Comparison of different initial-residual
shown for sample: Bx3 saturation model with our proposed model

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