1.1 Origin of The Report: Prime Bank Limited
1.1 Origin of The Report: Prime Bank Limited
1.1 Origin of The Report: Prime Bank Limited
1.0 Introduction
1.6 Methodology
1.6.1 Primary Information: Consulting with the officers working under MIS, Sales, Assessment and Recovery Unit of Retail Banking Division. 1.6.2 Secondary Information Information has been collected through Annual Report of Prime Bank Limited and visiting the web address of http://www.prime-bank.com
1.7 Limitations
There are some specific problems and limitations that were faced by us during preparing the report. Some of them are: Previous retail data especially product wise are not recorded in a regular basis. Confidentiality of data Time constraint is another very important limitation.
Prime Bank Ltd. offers all kinds of Commercial Corporate and Personal Banking services covering all segments of society within the framework of Banking Company Act and rules and regulations laid down by our central bank. Diversification of products and services include
Corporate Banking, Retail Banking and Consumer Banking right from industry to agriculture, and real state to software.
The bank has consistently turned over good returns on Assets and Capital. During the year 2005, the bank has posted an operating profit of Tk.1520.34 million and its capital funds stood at Tk.3177.32 million. Out of this, Tk.1400 million consists of paid up capital by shareholders and Tk.1777.32 million represents reserves and retained earnings. The banks current capital adequacy ratio of 9.96% is in the market. In spite of complex business environment and default culture, quantum of classified loan in the bank is very insignificant and stood at less than 0.96%.
Prime Bank Ltd., since its beginning has attached more importance in technology integration. In order to retain competitive edge, investment in technology is always a top agenda and under constant focus. Keeping the network within a reasonable limit, our strategy is to serve the customers through capacity building across multi delivery channels. Our past performance gives an indication of our strength. We are better placed and poised to take our customers through fast changing times and enable them compete more effectively in the market they operate.
2.2.2: Mission of PBL To build Prime Bank Limited into an efficient, market driven, customer focused institution with good corporate governance structure. Continuous improvement in our business policies, procedures and efficiency through integration of technology at all levels.
Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Non-resident Account Non-resident Taka Account House Building Deposit Scheme Account
In order to contribute to the development of the Capital Market of the country Prime Bank Limited extends credit facilities against pledge of Shares to the individuals as well as to the Member of DSE & CSE. 2.8.1 Terms & Conditions 01. For availing of credit facilities against pledge of shares the intending borrowers shall deposit shares of at least three (3) Companies, which are preferably registered in his/her name. Credit facilities in the form of Secured Overdraft (SOD) Limit may be allowed up to 50% of the Value of shares pledged calculated on the basis of current market prices or previous 6 months' average market prices, whichever is lower. In case of ICB Unit Certificates SOD limit upto 80% of the face value Certificate may be extended. The Share Certificates must be accompanied by Form -117 containing the signature of the Shareholders duly checked and verified. The maximum ceiling shall be Tk. 20.00 Lac for individual borrowers. The Stock Brokers of DSE & CSE are eligible for availing of the SOD facility against pledge of shares upto Tk.50.00 lac & Tk.15.00 Lac respectively. They will be required to keep lien of the original copy of the Licence issued by SEC. 07. Interest rate will be charged @ 15% P.A with quarterly rests or as may be amended from time to time. The intending borrowers shall have to open a CD Account with our Motijheel Branch for availing of the SOD facility. Credit facility is extended only against Shares which are in market lots. Borrowers can withdraw or deposit shares and vary their limits/exchange Shares/enhance limits etc. at any time during banking hours. Handling charge of Tk.100.00 is realized per transaction. The loan facilities under this scheme are presently available at bank's Motijheel Branch,
05. 06.
09. 10.
Service Portfolio Prime Bank Limited provides following services under Islamic Banking: 01. Deposit 02. Investment 03. Foreign Trade 04. Remittance and Fund Transfer 2.9.1 Weightage Principle in Distributing Profit to the Depositors: Deposit of different A/Cs is not given equal weightage in ascertaining profit rate. Bank gets opportunity to invest fund for long period if the deposit is obtained for long period. If duration of deposit is long term the risk of deposit is higher. Depositors participate in long term investment of the bank and face higher risk. As such, Bank fix up profit on the different weightage against various types of deposit A/Cs on the basis of risk. Profit to the depositors for the year 2004 has been paid as per following weightage and rates:
Sl. No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. Deposit Types Mudaraba Saving Deposits Mudaraba Short Term Deposits Mudaraba Term Deposits for 36 months Mudaraba Term Deposits for 24 months Mudaraba Term Deposits for 12 months Mudaraba Term Deposits for 6 months Mudaraba Term Deposits for 3 months Mudaraba Contributory Savings Scheme Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposits Scheme Mudaraba Education Savings Scheme Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme Mudaraba Special Deposit Scheme Lakhopati Deposit Scheme Weightage 0.75 0.52 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.92 0.88 1.05 1.02 1.20 1.20 1.02 1.05 Final rate of profit for 2005 6.25% 4.15% - 5.15% 8.60% - 10.75% 8.60% - 10.75% 8.60% - 10.75% 7.85% - 10.50% 7.60% - 10.50% 9.00% - 9.50% 9.00% - 9.15% 10.75% - 11.25% 9.00% - 9.50% 9.00% - 9.15% 9.00% - 9.50%
2.9.2 Shariah Council: Shariah Council We established a Shariah Council to advice and provides guidance on Islamic Banking Operations. The following Islamic scholars having vast knowledge and ideas in Islamic Sharia relating to banking operations sit on the Board:
Name Maulana Mohammad Salahuddin Chairman Ex-Principal Madrasha-e-Alia, Bakshi Bazar, Dhaka Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan Vice Chairman Ex-Chairman, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Member Chairman, Bangladesh Masjid Council, Uttara, Dhaka. Maulana Mohammad Shahidul Islam Professor Dr. Shamsher Ali Member Vice Chancellor, Southeast University,Dhaka. A.S.M Fakhrul Ahsan Member Former Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank Azam J Chowdhury Member Chairman, Prime Bank Ltd. Capt. Imam Anwar Hossain Member Director, Prime Bank Ltd. Mohammad Ehsanul Haque Member Managing Director, Prime Bank Limited Mahbubul Alam Member Secretary Additional Managing Director, Prime Bank Limited Member Status in the Shariah Council
banking facility to its valued clients. Under the Scheme, clients of any branch shall be able to do banking transaction at other branches of the bank. Under this system a client will to be able to do following type of transactions: Cash withdrawal from his/her account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Cash deposit in his/her account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Cash deposit in other's account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Transfer of money from his/her account with any branch of the Bank. Any amount can be deposited or transferred under Prime Line. In the system, however, at present there is a limit for cash withdrawal through bearer or by account holder himself. 2.10.2 SWIFT Prime Bank Limited is one of the first few Bangladeshi Banks who have become member of SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication) in 1999. SWIFT is a member owned co-operative, which provides a fast and accurate communication network for financial transactions such as L/C, Fund transfer etc. By becoming a member of SWIFT, the bank has opened up possibilities for uninterrupted connectivity with over 5,700 user institutions in 150 countries around the world.
2.10.3 One Stop Utility Services Scheme Like any other country of the world, the people living in the urban areas of our country lead a very busy life. Time is very valuable to them. Despite this, they are to waste their valuable time at the counter of different Banks and other Institutions for payment of their monthly bills of different utility services like Electricity, Telephone, Water, and Gas etc. They, as such, face enormous difficulties for payment of their monthly bills in time. Such inconveniences of the urban people can be removed by making an arrangement to collect all the bills of various utility services at One Point. Scope of Services
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
With this end in view, Prime Bank Limited has introduced a Scheme entitled "ONE STOP UTILITY SERVICES SCHEME". The scheme is designed to provide all the required services to the customer in making payment of their following bills on their behalf from the counter of the Bank: To pay Electricity Bills Cash deposit in his/her account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Cash deposit in other's account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Transfer of money from his/her account with any branch of the Bank. Any amount can be deposited or transferred under Prime Line. In the system, however, at present there is a limit for cash withdrawal through bearer or by account holder himself.
2.10.4 ATM Services To deliver 24 hours cash withdrawal services, Prime Bank has launched its ATM Operation since March 11, 2008. Presently the bank has been providing this service to their customers through 29 ATM Booths. Moreover the bank has made agreement with Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited to use their ATM booths by Prime Bank customers.
Income Statement
Interest Income Interest Expense Net Interest Income Non-interest Income Non-interest Expense Net Non-interest Income Profit before provision and tax Provision for loans and assets Profit after provision before tax Tax including deferred tax Profit after tax 2159 1408 751 841 591 250 1001 232 770 394 375 2641 1616 1025 946 824 121 1146 82 1064 452 612 3446 2271 1175 1232 886 346 1520 320 1201 633 568 5199 3698 1500 1732 1101 631 2131 390 1741 689 1052 7170 5267 1903 2913 1559 1354 3257 910 2347 946 1401
Balance Sheet
Authorized Capital Paid-up Capital Total Shareholder's equity Deposits Long-term liabilities Loans and advances Investments Property,Plant and Equipment Earning Assets Net current assets Total assets Current ratio Debt equity ratio 1000 700 1732 20483 7052 16492 2750 256 19335 583 24249 0.96 8% 1000 1000 2240 28069 7371 23220 3084 322 27131 (1299) 32362 1.06 7% 4000 1400 2808 36022 11406 31916 3940 372 36727 31 41506 1.00 7% 4000 1750 3860 54724 16877 45010 7844 412 55458 5286 60899 0.88 7% 4000 2275 5273 70512 15267 57683 12698 660 72798 1338 79588 0.97 7%
Other Business
Import Export Remittance Guarantee Business Inland letter of credit 25441 16490 3063 4248 3729 16455 1782 176 1958 10.83 1.07% 36747 19502 2140 4085 4267 23050 2240 236 2476 9.72 1.02 40303 28882 3688 5303 5405 31890 2808 369 3177 8.80 1.16 52639 41801 15050 5386 10174 44324 3860 549 4409 8.71 1.24 70617 51316 15905 7033 11943 55485 5273 1109 6382 9.50 2.00
Capital Measures
Total risk weighted assets Core capital (Tier-I) Supplementary capital (Tier-II) Total Capital Tier-I capital ratio Tier-II capital ratio
2.12 Operating Profit Position of Prime Bank in Banking Industries for the year 2008
Sl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Name of Bank Islami Bank AB Bank Prime Bank Pubali Bank National Bank Southeast Bank Brack Bank The City Bank EXIM Bank UCBL Dhaka Bank NCCBL Dutch Bangla Bank Uttara Bank Shahjalal Bank Eastern Bank Bank Asia Mercantile IFIC Bank Basic Bank Al Arafah Bank Standard Bank Premier Bank The Trust Bank Mutual Trust Bank Profit 2008 (in crore) 832 465 430 365 350 300 300 270 267 260 254 236 218 215 207 200 195 193 178 175 158 155 145 135 122
With a view to raise the living standard as well as meeting different kinds of financial requirements of general people Prime Bank introduces its Retail Banking Operation since inception i.e. 1995. Initially the retail loan was processed and disbursed through all the branches of the bank where Head Office used to do only monitoring. But presently all the loans are sanctioned centrally and disbursed through branches. Branches handle regular Recovery parts where Head Office only deals with the default issues. An exclusive division naming Retail Banking Division has been formed in Head Office in the end of year 2004 for processing all kinds of retail activities. The division has four units and they are (i) Assessment Unit, (ii) Sales Unit, (iii) Recovery Unit & (iv) MIS Unit.
3.1.1 Principles: Each credit assessment must: Be based on the sound ethical practices, which are consistent with all banking rules and legislation; and Be consistent, at a product level, with Product Program Guideline
3.1.2 Applications: The first stage of credit assessment and approval process is a customer application. The application must provide adequate information to enable the Bank to assess the credit. As a minimum, the application must request for sufficient information to verify the existence of the individual and to facilitate the collection effort, including skip tracing and security checks. The
information in the application must also establish Know Your Customer (KYC). Specific information should include: Telephone and address contact details Employment/business details Income details Income & Expenditure Statement Personal Net worth Statement Residence details Credit references and guarantors details
All application must be checked for complete information so that initial review of the application enables the selection of better proposal for accelerated processing and quick reflection of those that do not meet minimum criteria of the product. However, application should not be rejected purely on the basis of incomplete information, if the proposal merits consideration appropriate follow up should be initiated. A format of loan application is attached in Appendix 2.
3.1.3 Contact Point Verification: Verification is a key part of application process. The level and verification details must be documented in PPG. Contact Point Verification shall be done for all applicants except for the High Net Worth individuals or the customers having good account relationship with the bank. The objective is to confirm the declared/undeclared information of the applicants. CPV includes:
Applicants Residence, Business/Office address, phone, status. Guarantors Information Verification Bank Statement & other Income Documents Verification
3.1.4 Contact Point Verification through Third party(s): As the verification is a critical function of loan application process, it is to be managed professionally by independent third party agency(s). This will enable the selection of better accounts for accelerated processing and quick rejection of those having negative or inadequate information.
Regular examination and testing of the third party must be in place and the integrity of the verification report must be in place. The officers involved in Retail lending process must verify the data by telephone or personal visit as appropriate. The percentage of accounts verified will be determined by the risk dynamics of a product but must not less than 20% in any case.
Data must be structured to facilitate monitoring at individual agent level. Quarterly review meeting with third party agents must be held to assess the performance and to discuss forthcoming activities.
3.1.5 Guarantee: One of the fundamental perquisites for securing retail lending is to obtain guarantee acceptable to the bank by way of social status and perceived creditworthiness. The following must be adhered to while obtaining guarantee for securing the loans:
No loans shall be allowed against the guarantee of an existing guarantor of any other loan.
Existing borrowers of the bank shall not be eligible to become Guarantors for any retail loans.
No guarantee shall be obtained from the Chairman, Managing Director and Directors of Corporate facility clients and obtaining such guarantee must be referred to the Head Office for approval.
All guarantors must be cross-referenced through available MIS to ascertain whether the guarantor is an existing bank customer, or if the guarantor had the past relationship with the bank. If the guarantor has a negative credit history and social status or if his financial standing does not appear to be acceptable, the guarantee should be rejected or referred to the appropriate level of authority.
3.1.6 De duplication check All approved applications must be checked against Banks database to identify whether the applicant is enjoying any other loan in other account apart from the declared loans. It must also be checked that the applicant has a credit card and any payment default is made. This crosschecking is mandatory for Credit Card Retail Credit approval. In such cases the application must be rejected.
3.1.7 Maintenance of Negative Files Two negative files one listing the individuals and the other listing the employers - are to be maintained to ensure that individual with bad history and dubious integrity and employers of the applicants with high delinquency rate do not get loan from the Bank.
3.1.8 Assessment Methods This section outlines the process that will be used to assess the lending requests. It is the policy of the Bank to use the method of assessment that provides the highest level of control and risk prediction for a particular group of customers. There are two major assessment methods will be used for consumer financing and the order of preference will be: Credit Scoring Matrix Judgmental Decision Credit Scoring: Credit scoring is a method used for predicting the creditworthiness of applications. This scoring is based on the concept that applicants will perform in a similar way to existing customers with a similar demographic profile. Key items of application information such as occupation, residence status, income details etc are assigned point values. The total of these point values i.e. final score represents the repayment probability, generally expressed as an odd or risk quote between good or bad accounts. Generally the higher the score, the more likely the
applicant will not experience delinquency and, conversely, the lower the score the more likely the applicant will experience delinquency. Judgmental Decisions: Applications meeting the minimum cut-off score and meeting any other credit criteria should be further reviewed for judgmental decision. Judgmental approval involves the assessment of an applicants character, capacity and collateral, which are defined as: Character- an applicants willingness to meet past obligations Capacity- an applicants willingness to meet current and future obligation Collateral the value of the items being financed or collateral being offered.
The judgmental assessment approach must be established through the development of credit criteria in line with Product program Guideline. Criteria will vary from the risk dynamics of a product but should be documented and capable of audit. The following factors must be taken into account while assessing the credit on judgmental approach:
The accuracy and stability of an applicants stated employment/self employment and income is critical to all credit decisions. Cautions should be exercised and verification must be conducted on the occupational details.
An applicant is required to be living at his/her present address for a minimum of one year unless the applicant is an established bank customer holding an account for longer than 6 months. The applicant must provide utility bills for verification.
Debt Burden Consumer credit products traditionally have incorporated an assessment of the applicants debt burden based upon the minimum income level or maximum credit limit established for the product. The calculation should be: Total monthly Expenses (TME)/Net Total Monthly income (NTMI)
TME = Living Expenses + Credit Card Repayments (including payments to other banks) + Loan Repayments (including payments to other banks and payment of current loan applications) NTMI = Total monthly income (i.e. Salary/business + other monthly income e.g. house rent, dividend etc)- deductions.
Applications are received at Credit Assessment & Approval unit from sales team /branches. Applications are evaluated / assessed by Credit Analysts/ Managers. The evaluation process is carried out based on the agreed and standard guidelines for different loans product and the documents checklist as per the product program guideline (PPG). The detailed credit and risk
assessment should be conducted prior to the approving of any loans. Sales Team/Branches must complete a documentation checklist to ensure all documents have been properly obtained.
The sales team / branch staff responsible for loan sales as well as the customer relationship, and must be held responsible to ensure the accuracy of the loan application submitted for approval. They must be familiar with the banks Retail Credit Policy Manual & Guidelines and should conduct due diligence on new borrowers, purpose of the loans and guarantors.
The credit approval function is completely separated from the marketing / sales function. Approvals must be evidenced in writing. Approval records must be kept on file with the Credit Applications.
Credit approval should be centralized within the Credit function. Regional credit centers shall be established as appropriate; however, all large loans (as defined in the PPG) must be approved by the Head of Credit or delegated Head Office credit executives. Any credit proposal that does not comply with this policy, regardless of amount, should be referred to Head Office for Approval.
3.2.1 Delegation of Approval Authority: Credit approval authority to the proper body and/or executive is a precondition for ensuring smooth and transparent credit operation in the Bank. Since inception, credit approval authority
has been delegated to different tiers of both the Board of Directors and the Management. Authorities who enjoy delegation of business power i.e. credit approval authority are as follows:
1. The Board of Directors 2. The Executive Committee of the Board 3. The Managing Director 4. The Deputy Managing Director 5. Retail Credit Committee.
The Board of Directors approved the delegation of business power to the different tiers as follows:
Loan limit
Deputy Managing Director Up to 10.00 lac Up to 8.00 lac Up to 3.00 lac Up to 5.00 lac Up to 3.00 lac Up to 1.50 lac Full limit Up to 1.50 lac Up to 1.50 lac Up to 1.50 lac Up to 1.50 lac --
Car Loan (new) Car Loan (reconditioned) Household durables (Other items) Doctors Loan (Specialist) Doctors Loan (General Practitioner) Advance Against Salary Any Purpose Loan Education Loan Travel Loan Marriage Loan Hospitalization Loan CNG Conversion Loan 60
20.00 lac 20.00 lac 5.00 Lac 10.00 lac 5.00 lac 3.00 lac 1.50 lac 3.00 lac 2.00 lac 3.00 lac 3.00 lac thousand
Committee --Up to 2.00 lac Up to 3.00 lac Up to 2.00 lac Up to 1.00 lac Up to 1.00 lac Up to 1.00 lac Up to 1.00 lac Up to 1.00 lac -Up to 1.00 lac
Up to 15.00 lac Up to 15.00 lac 5.00 lac 10.00 lac 5.00 lac 3.00 lac -3.00 lac 2.00 lac 3.00 lac 3.00 lac --
for individual and 1.00 lac Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd. for corporate
3.3.1 Introduction After approval, Credit Team will send / forward the approved applications along with the security and other documents to the Credit Administration Unit for processing. The Credit Administration function is critical in ensuring that proper documentation and approvals are in place prior to the disbursement of loan facilities.
Under Credit Administration there shall be two-sub units, Documentation & Quality Control and Loan Administration Dept who will process the document and disburse the loan.
Credit Documentation
Credit Documentation dept is responsible: To ensure that all security documentation complies with the terms of approval. To control loan disbursements only after all terms and conditions of approval have been met, and all security documentation as per the checklist of approved PPG is in place. To maintain control over all security documentation. To monitor borrowers compliance with agreed terms and conditions, and general monitoring of account conduct/performance. Upon performing the above, Documentation dept will forward the Limit Insertion Instruction to the Loan Administration unit for limit and other information to input into the banks main system. A format of Limit Insertion form is attached in Appendix 8.
Loan Administration dept in head office/ regional office/ branches will disburse the loan amounts under loan facilities only when all security documentation is in place. CIB report is obtained, as appropriate, and clean. A sample documentation and disbursement checklist is attached as Appendix 9.
3.3.4 Custodial Duties Loan disbursements and the preparation and storage of security documents shall be centralized in the head office and regional credit centers. Security documentation is held under strict dual control in locked fireproof storage.
3.3.5 Compliance Requirements All required Bangladesh Bank returns must be submitted in the correct format in a timely manner. Bangladesh Bank circulars/regulations shall be maintained centrally, and advised to all relevant departments and braches to ensure compliance. Appointment of all third party service providers (values, lawyers, insurers, CPV, Recovery Agents etc.) must be approved by the Board of directors/ Executive Committee or appropriate competent level of authority. The performance of the third party services must be reviewed on an annual basis.
The credit risk is managed by the Credit Approval & Assessment unit, which is completely segregated from sales. The following elements contribute to the management of credit risks:
The credit risk associated with the products is managed by the following:
Loans will be given only after proper verification of customers static data and after proper assessment & confirmation of income related documents, which will objectively ascertain customers repayment capacity.
Independent Credit Unit completely separated from sales will assess proposals.
Every loan will be secured by hypothecation over the asset financed, and customers authority taken for re-possession of the asset in case of loan loss. For Car Loan, the vehicle will be registered in banks name, which will give the bank the legal right of re-possession when required.
The loan approval system is parameter driven which will substantially eliminate the subjective part of the assessment procedure.
There will be dedicated collection force that will ensure timely monitoring of loan repayment and its follow up.
The Credit & Collection activities will be managed centrally and loan approval authorities will be controlled centrally where the branch managers or sales people will have no involvement
3.5.1 Introduction: This section lays down the procedures with regard to collections and remedial management retail credit to ensure the effective control and monitoring in the recovery of funds lent to customers.
3.5.2 Objective: To minimize the combined collection expenses, write off costs, and reduce the overall provisions held to minimize the bad debt charge on the profit and loss account.
3.5.3 Monitoring A banks loan portfolio is subject to a continuous process of monitoring. This will be achieved by regular generation of over limit and overdue reports, showing where facilities are being exceeded and where payments of interest and repayment of principle are late.
3.5.4 Review In order to ascertain the effectiveness of this procedure, the Head of Retail Banking or appropriate level of authority must review the section every after six months. Any modifications must be approved by EC / Board of Directors.
The collection process for personal loans starts when the account holder has failed to meet one or more contractual payment (Installment). It therefore becomes the duty of the Collection Department to minimize the outstanding delinquent receivable and credit losses.
This procedure has been designed to enable the collection staff to systematically recover the dues and identify / prevent potential losses, while maintaining a high standard of service and retaining good relations with the customers. It is therefore essential and critical, that collection people are familiar with the computerized system, procedures and maintain effective liaison with other departments within the bank.
Collection objectives The collectors responsibility will commence from the time an account becomes delinquent until it is regularized by means of payment or closed with full payment amount collected.
The goal of the collection process is to obtain payments promptly while minimizing collection expense and write-off costs as well as maintaining the customers goodwill by a high standard of service. For this reason it is important that the collector should endeavor to resolve the account at the first time worked.
Collection also protects the assets of the bank. This can be achieved by identifying early signals of delinquency and thus minimizing losses.
The customers who do not respond to collection efforts - represent a financial risk to the institution. The Collectors role is to collect so that the institution can keep the loan on its books and does not have to write-off / charge off.
When a customer fails to pay the minimum amount due or installment by the payment due date, the account is considered in arrears or delinquent. When accounts are delinquent, collection procedures are instituted to regularize the accounts without losing the customers goodwill whilst ensuring that the banks interests are protected.
Collection Steps
Collection Action Letter, Follow up & Persuasion over phone (Appendix 10) 1st Reminder letter & Sl. No. 1 follows 2nd reminder letter + Single visit 3rd reminder letter (Appendix 11) Group visit by team member
Follow up over phone Letters to Guarantor, Employer, Reference all above effort follows
Warning on legal action by next 15 days Call up loan (Appendix 12) Final Reminder & Serve legal notice Legal proceedings begin Repossession starts Telephone calls/Legal proceedings continue Collection effort continues by officer & agent Letter to different banks/Association
90 and above
3.5.9Agency management: All problems accounts must be placed into a dedicated recovery management team. The recovery portfolio has sub divided into various collectible and non-collectible pools of accounts. Depending upon the size of the account balance, internal recovery efforts may continue while rest of the portfolio that would be assigned to external agencies including legal agencies to ensure expected recovery. In order to reinforce the recovery effort a separate Call Center must be formed under Recovery and Collection unit. The contractual staff with competitive incentive scheme will manage the center
The Head of Retail Banking would be empowered to offer interest waivers for one-time settlement, and installment plans (not re-writes) and amnesty offers to maximize recovery collections.
On every month the Recovery and collections ensure the allocation of the provided accounts to the individual collectors as well as to the external agencies depending on the prospect of recovery to maximize the collection.
3.6.1 Introduction Management Information System (MIS) is one of the most important elements of the credit cycle as it provides a feedback mechanism on the effect of decisions made earlier in the credit cycle and also provides input to product profitable models. Bank shall put in place an efficient computer based MIS for the purpose of consumer finance, which will to effectively cater to the needs of consumer financing portfolio and will be flexible enough to generate necessary information reports used by the management for effective monitoring the quality of the portfolio against the established operating standards and budgets. The MIS is expected to generate the following periodical reports during the three stages of credit cycle.
3.6.3 Account Maintenance: Information related to the on-going performance of the portfolio of active accounts. Quarterly product wise profit and loss account duly adjusted with the provision on account of classified accounts. These profit and loss statements must be placed before the Board of Director in the immediate next Board Meeting.
3.6.4 Collection & Recoveries: Information related to the problem account which includes: o Delinquency reports (for 30, 60, 90 180 & 360 days and above) on monthly basis.
Reports interrelating delinquencies with various type of customers of various attributes of the customers to enable the management to take important policy decisions and make appropriate modifications in the lending program.
While developing Product Program Guidelines (PPG) for any product - the following guidelines must be included in the PPG documents to ensure that the PPG is covering all the aspects of risk and return for the particular product.
PPG Guideline No. 1: Customer Segment PPG Guideline No. 2: Purpose PPG Guideline No. 3: Nationality PPG Guideline No. 4: Age Limit - Minimum age (years) / Maximum age (years) PPG Guideline No. 5: Minimum Income PPG Guideline No. 6: Loan Size PPG Guideline No. 7: Loan to Price Ratio PPG Guideline No. 8: Security/ Collateral PPG Guideline No. 9: Legal Documents PPG Guideline No. 10: Interest Rate PPG Guideline No. 11: Maximum Term of Loan PPG Guideline No. 12: Repayment Method PPG Guideline No. 13: Disbursement Mode PPG Guideline No. 14: Disbursement pre-condition PPG Guideline No. 15: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) PPG Guideline No. 16: Verification of Personal Details and Quotation
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
1: Customer Segment: Any Bangladeshi individual who has the means and capacity to repay the loan. In specific terms, the target customers should cover salaried executives of multinational Companies, middle to large size local corporate, Government officials, Officials working in Semi- Government, Autonomous and reputed NGOs (Non Government Organizations), international aid agencies & UN bodies, any tax paying businessmen of repute and self-employed tax-paying individual having a reliable source of income. 2: Purpose Purchase of non-commercial new and reconditioned vehicles for personal use only by an individual. 3: Nationality Bangladeshi only
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 25 60 years at the time of maturity of loan
5: Minimum Income TK .20,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 40,000 for businessman
6: Loan Size Tk. 20, 00,000 for both Brand new & Reconditioned Cars.
8: Security/ Collateral Hypothecation over the car (Registration of the vehicle in the name of the bank.) First party comprehensive insurance of the car (Policy must be renewed every year and copy of the policy must be submitted to the bank) Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Additional security in the form of Personal Guarantee may be obtained of Spouse/parents or an individual having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the borrower supported by income proof.
9: Legal Documents Duly filled in Car Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off Irrevocable Letter of Authority to repossess the vehicle Ownership transfer form signed by customer
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted.
10: Interest Rate 14% p.a (Reducing) and 13% p.a provided the loan is secured at least by 50% in the form of Fixed Deposit. 11: Maximum Term of Loan Maximum 6 years for brand new cars and 5 years for reconditioned cars.
12: Repayment Method Equal Monthly Installments based on the tenor of the loan.
13: Disbursement Mode After loan approval vendor will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that vehicle will be registered in the name of the bank. Upon submission of Registration vendor will be paid the total value of the vehicle in the form of Pay Order. Customer should pay the down-payment/total value prior to issuance of facility confirmation letter. 14: Disbursement pre-condition: Comprehensive Insurance coverage and Registration Document must be in place before giving the Pay Order. 15: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
16: Verification of Personal Details and Quotation Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party / internal assessment officers. Before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Borrower and Guarantors (if any) details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Car quotation Referee details (if any) Bank statement
Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
18. Other charges: Fees & Charges: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Risk Fund: Nil Stamp Charge: Tk. 475/-
1: Customer Segment Any Bangladeshi Citizen who is a graduate in Medical Science/Dentist/Eye/Allopathic as self employed or salaried people has the means and capability to repay the loan. 2: Purpose Small scale purchase of different medical equipments, machineries, tools or other relevant items to support professional needs (e.g. run or set up a
clinic/hospital/dispensary). 3: Nationality
Bangladeshi only
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 25 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5: Minimum Service/length of business For salaried individual, must be confirmed employees of an established organization. For self employed individual, a professional experience of minimum 2 years
6: Minimum Income TK .10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for self employed
7: Loan Size Tk. 500,000 for General Practitioner Tk. 1000,000 for specialist doctors i.e. holding post graduation degree
8: Loan to Price Ratio Loan amount will not exceed 90% of the instrument/item price.
9: Security/ Collateral Hypothecation over purchased assets. Attested photocopy of the Certificate of the last degree and BMDC/BMA membership certificate. Comprehensive insurance over the assets (Policy must be renewed every year and copy of the policy must be submitted to the bank) Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor.
Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the applicant supported by income proof
10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off Irrevocable Letter of Authority to repossess the asset
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval vendor will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of down payment, service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the vendor will be paid the total value of the item in the form of Pay Order. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: N/A 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
17: Verification of Personal Details and Quotation Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party/ internal assessment staff before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Trade License/ Partnership Deed/Memorandum of Articles Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Quotation of the item. Referee details (if any) Bank statement
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose:
Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 21 60 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5: Minimum Service/length of business For salaried individual, minimum service length of 1 year and must be a confirmed employee. For self employed individual, a business record of minimum 3 years
6: Minimum Income
TK .10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman. Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence)
7: Loan Size Maximum Limit of Tk. 500,000. 8: Loan to Price Ratio Loan amount will not exceed 90% of the quotation value.
9: Security/ Collateral Hypothecation over the purchased assets. Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor.
Personal Guarantee from two persons 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off Irrevocable Letter of Authority to repossess the asset
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval vendor will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of down payment, service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the vendor will be paid the total value of the item in the form of Pay Order. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details and Quotation Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Trade License/ Partnership Deed/Memorandum of Articles Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Quotation of the item. Referee details (if any) Bank statement
Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose:
Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge
Any tax paying businessmen of repute, any employed / self-employed tax-paying individual having a reliable source of income
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 25 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5. Minimum Service /length of business For salaried individual, minimum service length of 1 year and must be a confirmed employee 6: Minimum Income TK .10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) 7: Loan Size Tk. 300,000
Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than That of the applicant supported by income proof
10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: N/A
16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Referee details (if any) Bank statement
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc. 19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount
o Other acceptable purpose not mentioned above but no facilities can be granted for purposes that are legally in contradiction with the law of the land. It is therefore advisable that the dealing officer knows the purpose of the facility and records the same. 3: Nationality Bangladeshi only
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) 25 Maximum age (years) 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5. Minimum Service/length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job
6: Minimum Income TK .12,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) Tk. 10,000 for employees of Government, Semi government and Autonomous bodies
9: Security/ Collateral Letter of introduction from the employer Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the applicant supported by income proof 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost.
After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 35% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Referee details (if any) Bank statement
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/-
5. Minimum Service /length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job
6: Minimum Income TK .12,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) Tk. 10,000 for employees of Government, Semi government and Autonomous bodies
9: Security/ Collateral Letter of introduction from the employer Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the applicant supported by income proof 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 35% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary
Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.)
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc. 19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/-
Employees of reputed Multinational Companies and large local corporate. Employees of medium sized or mid-range local companies such as reputed schools & colleges, pathology labs, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, newspapers, airlines, real-estate developers of repute, insurance & leasing companies, NGOs, aid agencies, UN bodies, reputed trading firms and business establishments and all other salaried employees including employees of Government, Semi-government & Autonomous bodies.
Any tax paying businessmen of repute, any employed / self-employed tax-paying individual having a reliable source of income
2: Purpose: To meet the financial need for treatment purposes in the following hospitals/clinics of Dhaka and Chittagong:-
BIRDEM Holy family Hospital Central Hospital Monwara Hospital Samrita Hospital Medinova (vii) Comfort Diagnostic Center & Hospital
(xvii) CMH, Dhaka (xviii) Apollo Hospital (xix) (xx) (xxi) Medical Center, Chittagong Metropolitan Hospital, Chittagong Royal Hospital, Chittagong
(xxii) Holy Crescent, Chittagong (xxiii) Health Home, Chittagong (xxiv) Health Care, Chittagong (xxv) Poly Clinic, Chittagong (xxvi) Nebedita Hospital, Chittagong (xxvii) Niramoy Clinic, Chittagong (xxviii)Holy Health, Chittagong (xxix) Sergiskop Clinic, Chittagong (xxx) CMH, Chittagong
Metropolitan Hospital Bangladesh Medical Sikder Medical Ibne Sina Hospital Dhaka Renal Center Gastro lever Clinic Islami Bank Hospital Lab Aid Cardiac Hospital
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 25 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5. Minimum Service /length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job
6: Minimum Income TK .12,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) Tk. 10,000 for employees of Government, Semi government and Autonomous bodies
9: Security/ Collateral Letter of introduction from the employer Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than That of the applicant supported by income proof 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted.
Letter of Guarantee
11: Interest Rate 15% p.a. (Reducing) 12: Maximum Term of Loan Maximum 2 years.
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the
basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 35% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is
Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.)
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc. 19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/-
Purchasing apartment/ house (if old not older than 10 years) Constructing new house Taking over of House Building Loans from other Banks/ Non Banking Finance Institutions.
4: Age Limit Up to 60 years (Repayment age). Note: At the time of sanctioning loan, the age of the borrower as well as cash flow /repayment capacity of the borrower, should be such to ensure full adjustment of the loan within 60 (Sixty) years of age. However Head Office may relax age of the borrower as and when deem fit but not exceeding 65 years. 5: Minimum Income Loan amount, debt-equity ratio etc. shall be decided on a case to case basis considering location of the project, prospect of rental income, repayment capacity, financial and social standing of the customer, other source of income, size of family, income of the family members, other debts, age of the borrower etc. However, the quantum of loan shall be such to ensure monthly installment size would not exceed 40% of the gross income or 80% of the residual income (after deducting all expenses except present rental expense) which ever is lower. 6: Loan Size The Managing Director may be authorized to sanction Prime Bank Swapna Neer Loan up to Tk. 50 lac (Taka Fifty lac) only. The officials working at Housing Finance Unit, Head Office shall evaluate all Home Loan proposals. 7: Loan to Price Ratio a. At least 40% of the total cost of construction of home
b. At least 30% of purchase price of new apartment/home. At least 50% of purchase price of old apartment/home and repairing cost, if any. 8: Security / Collateral Under construction apartment: Under supervision of Banks Panel Lawyer, a tri-partite agreement will be signed among the customer, the developer and Prime Bank Limited to the effect that the developer will handover property related documents directly to Prime Bank Limited being the financer of the apartment. Subsequently, the apartment will be registered mortgaged in the name of Prime Bank Limited. Construction of house: Registered mortgage of the concerned property Registered IGPA to sell/foreclosure of the mortgage property without intervention of the court; Note: The building/apartment/land to be financed be secured by registered mortgage along with Registered Power of Attorney to sell the property directly without referring the same to the borrower/court in case of default. Collateral: On a case to case basis, if available: Mortgage (Registered/ equitable) of any other property Pledge of shares/securities and other encashable securities. Lien on retirement benefits Assignment of life insurance policy Guarantee from a person acceptable to the Bank
9: Legal Documents
i. D.P. Note; ii. Housing Loan Agreement; iii. Letter of disbursement; iv. Letter of authority of the Employer to pay monthly installment by deducting from salary/ service benefit in case of salaried person; v. Letter of installment vi. Land documents 10: Interest Rate 13.25% p.a. (Up to 7 years) with quarterly rests. 13.50% p.a. (for 7-10 years) with quarterly rests. 14.00% p.a. (Over 10 years) with quarterly rests.
11: Maximum Term of Loan Particular Construction of new house Purchase of new apartment under construction Purchase of new apartment/ house Purchase of old ready Up to 3 house/ Nil 10 Remaining loan period with Nil existing financer or 15 years 15 Grace period (months) 12-18 06-18 Loan repayment period (years) Up to 20 Up to 20
which ever is lower. Note: The grace period interest may be recovered before starting repayment of installments or may be capitalized with the principal for repayment. 12: Repayment Method The repayment will be started from the subsequent month of disbursement or from the following month at the end of grace period. The repayment will be made in amortized monthly installment comprising of principal and interest. 13: Disbursement Mode For purchasing apartment: Firstly, the customer shall pay the equity portion to the developer. Later on, the Bank will provide the remaining amount. For construction of building:
The customer will have to invest the equity portion first for having disbursement from the sanctioned loan. Banks Civil Engineer will ascertain whether the customers equity is rightly invested or not. Any cost overrun of the projected cost shall be borne by the customer. 14: Disbursement pre-condition: The subject property should be insured for Fire, RSD, Flood, Cyclone and Earthquake. However, obtaining Fire and Earthquake policy is mandatory. 15: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) The quantum of loan shall be such to ensure monthly installment size would not exceed 40% of the gross income or 80% of the residual income (after deducting all expenses except present rental expense) which ever is lower. 16: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc. 17. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount Risk Fund: 0.50% on loan amount
No. 1: Customer Segment Employees of reputed Multinational Companies and large local corporate. Employees of medium sized or mid-range local companies such as reputed schools & colleges, pathology labs, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, newspapers, airlines, real-estate developers of repute, insurance & leasing companies, NGOs, aid agencies, UN bodies, reputed trading firms and business establishments and all other salaried employees including employees of Government, Semi-government & Autonomous bodies. 2: Purpose To meet the financial need for any acceptable purpose.
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 21 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5. Minimum Service/length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job
7: Loan Size
8 times of gross salary where the Organization of the applicant would have Memorandum of Understanding with our Bank subject to highest Tk. 300,000.
6 times of gross salary where the Organization of the applicant would have not Memorandum of Understanding with our Bank subject to highest Tk. 300,000
9: Security/ Collateral Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Employer Certificate incorporating to pay the monthly installments by deducting salary of the concerned applicant. 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted.
After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant.
15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Borrower details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Referee details (if any) Bank statement
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months
Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: Nil Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/-
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 25 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5. Minimum Service /length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job
6: Minimum Income TK .12,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) Tk. 10,000 for employees of Government, Semi government and Autonomous bodies
9: Security/ Collateral Letter of introduction from the employer Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the applicant supported by income proof 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
14: Disbursement Mode After loan approval the customer will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the branch will credit the approved loan amount to the said SB account opened by the applicant. 15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 35% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary
Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.)
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose: Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc. 19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT Service Charge Risk Fund: 1% on loan amount Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/on
Any Bangladeshi individual who has the means and capacity to repay the loan. In specific terms, the target customers should cover salaried executives of multinational Companies, middle to large size local corporate, Government officials, Officials working in Semi- Government, Autonomous and reputed NGOs (Non Government Organizations), international aid agencies & UN bodies, any tax paying businessmen of repute, any employed / self-employed tax-paying individual having a reliable source of income.
2: Purpose For converting vehicles from carbon based fuel to Compressed Natural Gas system.
4: Age Limit Minimum age (years) Maximum age (years) 21 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
5: Minimum Service/length of business For salaried individual, minimum total service length of 2 years Govt. employees must be confirmed on job For self employed individual, a business record of minimum 4 years
6: Minimum Income TK .12,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 25,000 for businessman (for rented people) Tk. 10,000 for salaried individuals and Tk. 15,000 for businessman (who are residing in his/her own or family residence) Tk. 10,000 for employees of Government, Semi government and Autonomous bodies
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
9: Security/ Collateral Post dated cheques based on the loan tenor. Personal Guarantee from two persons having minimum solvency/income not less than that of the applicant supported by income proof 10: Legal Documents Duly filled in the Loan Application Form Terms and conditions signed Demand Promissory Note Letter of Set-Off Irrevocable Letter of Authority to repossess the asset
Letter of Offer with full terms and conditions stated therein and duly accepted. Letter of Guarantee
After loan approval vendor will receive a facility confirmation letter. On the basis of that customer will open a SB account with the branch nominated by the customer. Then he/she will deposit the amount of down payment, service charge including VAT, risk fund, stamp cost. After that the vendor will be paid the total value of the item in the form of Pay Order.
15: Disbursement pre-condition: 16: Debt Burden Ratio (DBR %) Debt Burden ratio to be maintained at minimum 33% at all times.
17: Verification of Personal Details and Quotation Details of an applicant to be verified by a third party before an approval is accorded. Letter from employer with details of employment and salary Trade License/ Partnership Deed/Memorandum of Articles Borrower and Guarantors details (addresses both present and permanent, all telephone numbers of residence, office & mobile no.) Personal net-worth statement Quotation of the item. Referee details (if any) Bank statement
18: Substantiation of Income Proper substantiation of income will be mandatory. o All or any of the following original / true copy of original (accepted only after seeing the originals) documents are accepted for the purpose:
Bank Statements for minimum last 6 months Personal Net-Worth Statement Any other document that may stand as a proof of income such as last tax return, deed of tenant agreement etc.
19. Other charges: Service Charge: 1% on loan amount or Tk. 1,000/- whichever is higher + 15% VAT on Service Charge Risk Fund: NIL Stamp Charge: Tk. 320/-
Nationalized Bank 9%
Overdue: BDT 24.08 crore involving 7449 accounts (4.8% of total portfolio) Classification: BDT 15.75 crore involving 1553 accounts (3.14% of total portfolio) Special Mention Account (SMA): BDT 18.10 crore involving 1083 accounts (3.6% of total portfolio)
H HD 2% 5
Ca r 4% 0
HD H 2% 8
Cr a 4% 1
HD H 6% 0
Cr a 2% 6
Fig in crore
O erd e p sition v u o
3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 10 0% 8% 0 6% 0 4% 0 2% 0 0 % -2 % 0
Fig in crore
C p sitio L o n
3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 4% 0 2% 0 0 % 10 0% 8% 0 6% 0
6.0 Findings
An important part of credit assessment is contact point verification (CPV). At present the bank has been executing this part through two Outsource Agents naming Prime Asset and Insight Management. Quality of a loan is heavily dependent on the reports provided by the low salaried employees of the outsource agents. On the other hand the bank has not the capability to verify all the information provided by the customers within the competitive time by its own resources at this moment.
Bank Account Statement especially for businessman is one of the top most tools for assessing income since there is no practice of taking other business related documents for retail loan sanctioning in Bangladesh. It is observed that verifying of bank account statement is not so smooth in Bangladesh due to incorporation of many banks.
For salaried people it is very tough to find out the actual salary if the salary does not go to bank account cause in most cases the salary statement is becoming manipulated.
Credit Matrix for loan assessing is not being followed all time.
Lack of maintaining proper customer database that results loan duplication of default
The bank has achieved 76% growth compare to last year in retail loan outstanding.
Car loan and Swapna Neer (Home Loan) is 63% of total retail portfolio, which is good for the bank cause the above two product is more secured than other retail products.
The overdue and classification position of the bank is very much alarming. The trend of overdue and CL is increasing.
Head Office Recovery Unit is currently handling only 30% of default customers of the bank and branches are handling the rest. Though the performance of Recovery Unit is acceptable but the branch recovery performance is very poor.
7.1 Recommendation
Since the bank has been doing CPV (Contact Point Verification) through third party(s) so the bank official should involve in cross checking as much as possible.
The bank itself either by Credit Officer or introducing a separate unit naming Verification Unit may handle CPV for Car loan.
Without proper verification of bank statement no loan should be processed for businessman.
For Salaried people only those applications should be considered where there is standard corporate culture.
The bank may focus more on maintaining proper database so that default customers of the bank do not get any opportunity for availing of any further loan.
Retail Banking Operation: A case study on Prime Bank Ltd.
Risk fund that is being taken against most of the product may be refundable.
Recovery Center of Head Office should be restructured and developed for handling all the delinquent customers of the bank.
7.2 Conclusion
Retail banking sector has achieved great popularity over the last decade. The industry has also experienced a massive competition in recent years. Not only have a huge number of new players entered the market, but with the emergence of new markets, the traditional retail loan providers have had to vastly improve the terms on which they do business with customers. This means that customers have more choices and better offers than ever before and this is also fuelling the demand for more retail loan.
Through retail loan Prime Bank not only enhances the living standard of people but also makes general people familiar with banking system. There are a lot of customers who have no capacity to expend a total amount of money at a time for meeting their crisis need or for purchasing any necessary items for their home. But these customers
do have capability to give monthly installment at regular basis. Prime Bank has been satisfying these customer segments through extending retail since inception of the bank.
Since the coming day market is going to be more competitive & logically aggressive so Prime Bank should focus more on research & development activities regarding retail loan products and operation.
8.0 Bibliography
8.1 Publications:
George H. Hempel and Donald G. Simonson (1998), Bank Management: Test and Cases, 5th Edition, New York: South-western Pub. Joel Bessis (2001) Risk Management in Banking, 3rd Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons Ins. Peter S. Rose (2001), Commercial Bank Management, 5th Edition, New York: Irwin Professional Pub. Policy Manual of Retail Banking Operation of Prime Bank Limited Prime Bank Annual Report 2006, 2007 & 2008 Brochures of Prime Bank Limited Reading Materials on Credit Department
Some websites are visited for collecting some secondary data, which are: http://www.sotheastbank-bangladesh.com http://www.standardchartered.com http://www.dhakabank.info http://www.prime-bank.com http://www.hsbc.com