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Gas Chromatography: CBB4032 Analytical Chemistry Asna M.Z

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Gas Chromatography

CBB4032 Analytical Chemistry Asna M.Z.

Content: Intro to GC Column Detector GCMS Qualitative and Quantitative Application Video session -GCMS


A physical separation method Involve distribution of component between two phases

Stationary solid (10%) -liquid (90%) Mobile gas

What compound can be determine by GC?

Compound vaporise up to 450 C can be analyze by GC Compound that do not decompose at the T when vaporise Compound that quantitatively generate decompose product even if decomposed when vaporised


Separate a mixture containing organic Detect the individual analyte To identify and quantify the analyte base on the reference standard

A GC system contain:
Flow controller Injection port Column and column oven Detector Data processor

The differential migration rate of analyte Mobile phase help sample to move through fixed phase. Column equilibrium: Xm Xs Linear velocity U = L/t

(L=column length, t = ret. time for unretained peak)

Flow rate(ml/min), F = 3.142r2L/t

R is column radius

Component of a GC

Shimadzu QP2010Plus

Method for GC analysis

EPA 502.2 VOCs compound EPA 551.1 Chlorinated disinfection byproduct EPA 604 Phenol EPA 625 SVOCs Base neutrals, acid, pesticides SW-846 8260b Volatile organic 8270 Semivolatile organics

Injection port
Manual by direct injection Automated Autosampler - purge and trap

Column oven
Temperature control by Isothermal Gradient

240 200

Temp (deg C)

160 120 80 40 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 60


Length 0.5-20m I.D. 2-4 mm Inj Vol-0.5-50 (gas) Or 0.1-1 ml (liq)

Capillary column
Length 10-100 m I.D. 0.1-0.53 mm Inj Vol-0.1-1 ml (gas) Or 0.004-2.0 ml

Injection Mode
Packed column injector Capillary column injector:

Split adjust injection vol to column Splitless use for analysis of compound with high boiling points with low concentration samples Programming temperature vaporiser Cool on column injector

Capillary column

Fused silica

Material for capillary column

Fused silica material column activity attributed to expose silanol group and metal ions activity on surface of a glass capillary Treated with dilute hydrofluoric acid to remove imperfections

Mass Spectral Detector -MSD Flame Ionization FID Nitrogen-Phosphorus NPD Flame Photometric FPD

Thermal Conductivity TCD Electron Capture ECD Photo Ionization - PID

Detector principles and characteristics

Most widely used GC detector Good sensitivity to almost all organic compounds Utilizes air-hydrogen flame that burn between two electrodes Separated component from GC column flow into the flame carbon containing compounds are burned producing charged ionsCH CHO + e

+ Oxidation

The NPD has a heated rubidium bead positioned between two electrodes A separated component from column flow across the bead and compounds containing N and P cause a current to flow between two electrodes The current is amplified and FED into the GC data system.


A miniaturized version of flame emission spectrophotometer Applied to Sulfur or Phosphorus containing compounds that burned in a small flame S and P wavelength are selected by filter in the light path

S: (S-S)* (S-S) + hv (394 nm) P: (PHO)* (PHO) + hv (526 nm)

One of earliest GC Low sensitivity Use heated wire or semiconductor Resistance of wire changes with analyte vs carrier


Electron capture detector contain radioisotope of Nickel, 63N or 3H adsorbed on Pt or Ti foil that emit beta particle as its decay particle hit carrier gas cause electron burst to be released constant current Separated component flow in column to ECD and those with an affinity for electrons acquire negative charge. Cause current reduce = signal Most sensitive and selective GC Respond to compound contain halogen Chlorine, Bromine, Fluorine and Iodine ray and nitro groups. N N + + ePCB + e- PCBPCB + N2+ Neutral compounds
2 2

Column effluent irradiated with intense UV light source Ionizes molecules Measure ions with electrodes in detector cell

GC-MS interphase
Powerful tool for separation and quantitation Interphase of GC and MS require special jet separator or membrane separator for packed column MS operate under high vacuum

Mass Spectral -GCMS

Commonly Quadrupole or ion trap Time of flight/magnetic Use ion multiplier Require ion source
Electron ionization-EI Chemical ionization-CI


thermal electron (70eV) hit molecules and ionize them Ample fragment ion = ample structure info fingerprint


Yield ionization in 2 stage:

Reactive gas (methane) ionized by thermoelectron The primer ionize ion of reactive gas react with sample gas molecule to generate secondary ionize ion No fragment as molecule react in low energy state

Ion trap

Ion trap uses radio frequency to trap ions, hold or store them, then ejects them to detector

Mode of GCMS operation

Spectral mode display chromatogram at every second Total ion chromatography (TIC) all ions formed a high intensity signal Selective ion monitoring focus to certain mass/charge ratio, m/z of interest compounds only, very sensitive

Direct comparison of retention time Log plotting of homologues series Retention Index

Qualitative analysis

Identification by log plotting of homologues series

A. a semilog plotting, one column Log Rt vs Cn or Bp or (CH2)n B. Log-log plotting, two column Log Rt (nonpolar) vs Log Rt (polar)

Qualitative analysis

Retention Index
n-paraffin are chosen as standard components The retentian times of n-paraffin eluting before and after a target component are used to calculate the retention index

Qualitative analysis

Direct comparison of retention time

Simplest method A known standard is first analyze under specific GC condition Unknown is then run under the same GC condition The difference in the retention times should not be more than +/- 0.1 min for proper identification

Quantitative analysis
Normalization Corrected area normalization Absolute calibration zero

Quantitative analysis

Absolute calibration curve method

A relationship between the concentration of an analyte and its peak area (or height) Concentration of unknown can be calculated from this relationship External and internal standard

Quantitative analysis

External standard
Concentration of an unknown A CA=C1/A1 x AA C- concentration, A- peak area

Internal standard
Concentration of unknown X Cx = (CA/Cs)(AA/As) x Ax/AIS x WIS IS- internal standard

Calibration curve
A ideal case B error in standard or impurity C Loss onto column D Error in standard or constant lost of analyte

Linear equation calibration plot

Y = a + bX, Y is peak response of analyte

X is the concentration of analyte a is the intercept b is the slope

Concentration X = (Y-a)/b If a = 0, b = 2x 106, the concentration of unknown U which shows a peak response of Y = 500,000 is determined to be 0.25 mg/mL Alternatively after the calibration range has been established, the concentration of unknown can be determined by response factor
RF = Standard peak response/ standard concentration

If two or more than one standard of different concentration within a linear range are measured, use average RF


This method is simple, provided that each solute, i, the analytical signal lies within the linearity range, the peak area is proportional to the weight of solute pass through the detector cell, thus present in the injected volume Mi = KiAi here Ai is the peak area of solute I And Ki is the response coefficient Percentage in weight of each analyte %i = (Ki Ai)/(iKi Ai) x 100

Application of GCMS
Ideally suited to screen environmental samples with large variety of contaminant Ionize molecules and fragment products can be used to identify the compounds Produce mass spectrum based on the mass to charge ratio (m/z)


Jack Cazes (Ed) Encyclopedia of Chromatography, Marcel Dekker Inc. 2001 Perkin Elmer GC course note Nealk Osther and Patric K., Sampling and Analysis, Vol 4 K.H. Altgelt and T.H. Gouw (Eds), Chromatography in Petroleum Analysis, Marcell Dekker Inc Vol II Marco Pellie et al, Characterization of Contaminate Sediment, Battelle Press 2002

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