Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Procedure: Emergency and Response Issued by: Peter Murray Approved by: Peter Murray
Emergency Drill and Accident 1. Emergency drills shall be conducted at least once a year. The Centre Manager/Duty Manager shall schedule such drills and simulated environmental incidents involving partial or all of the operations and employees at each location. 2. They shall be scheduled in such a manner so as to ensure that all employees have an opportunity to participate within a 1 year period. 3. Centre Manager and the Duty Manager shall discuss and record the results of the fire drill. 4. In the event of an environmental incident / emergency accident, an investigation shall be carried out by the Centre Manager/Duty Manager and any other relevant personnel. The resultant report shall be submitted to management and the authorities as required 5. The Evacuation Procedure shall be reviewed and revised accordingly after each drill or occurrence of environmental incident / emergency accident.
Procedure: Emergency and Response Issued by: Peter Murray Approved by: Peter Murray
6. It is the responsibility of everyone to observe emergency response and evacuation procedures as documented and to observe all safety precautions / instructions during an emergency 7. If it is established that no emergency situations have occurred, the procedures shall be tested (where practicable) on an annual basis as a minimum. 8. The emergency response procedures shall be documented and shall cover at least the following: Response to fire Response to chemical spill Response to oil spill Response to excessive air emissions Response to Bomb Threat 9. The Environmental Incident / Fire Evacuation Plan procedures shall be made known to all centre security and maintenance staff. Emergency Training 1. Training in the environmental incident / fire evacuation procedures shall be provided to all existing and new employees during the safety induction training. 2. The Duty Manager shall coordinate training of the Security Officers. Communication
1. In the event of an Environmental Incident or Emergency Situation, the following are to be contacted as necessary. External Contact EHS Fire Authority Police DoE Local Authority Electricity Supplier Energia Waste Management Contractor Specialist Advice Specialist Clean Up Contractor Contact Name Una Mc Carney Brain Greer Bobby Hunniford David Johnston Martin Mooney Daniel Boyle Des Durkin Geoff Evans Thompson Recycled Oil Contact Details 028 90 254754 028 202 62463 028 302 65500 028 302 64521 028 30313233 028 90 685915 028 302 65446 07764755938 028 92 692335
Procedure: Emergency and Response Issued by: Peter Murray Approved by: Peter Murray
Contact Name Tim Ingle Finch Peter Murray Michael Mc Cabe Contact Details 07767846291(M), 028 90327954(W) 07767271576(M), 02830264627(W), 02840626592(H). 07714955546 02830264627 02830830729 (H) 07767846292(M), 02890327954(W) 07870592380 02890423314(W).
(M), (W),
2. The following up to date information must be readily available at all times. Site Plan Site Drainage Plan Chemical Inventory Oil / Fuel Inventory MSDS for all chemicals stored on site COSHH Assessments Personnel List Emergency Procedures APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Examples Chemical Spillage Procedures
Oil Spillage Procedures Fire Evacuation
Power Failure
Procedure: Emergency and Response Issued by: Peter Murray Approved by: Peter Murray