Social and Health Policy 2012 Comp Reading List

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Reading List for the Comprehensive Exam in Social and Health Policy Summer 2012

Foundations of contemporary debates


William Beveridge. Full Employment in a Free Society. New York: WW Norton and Co. 1945. T. H. Marshall, Citizenship and Social Class in Sociology at the Crossroads (Heinemann, 1963) Asa Briggs. The Welfare State in Historical Perspective. European Journal of Sociology #2, 1961. R. Titmuss, What is Social Policy? Social Policy: An Introduction (Allen and Unwin 1974) Gsta Esping-Andersen, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (Princeton, 1990). Tony Fitzpatrick. Welfare Theory: An Introduction to Theoretical Debates in Social Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011

2. 3.




Beyond three worlds


John Myles How to design a liberal welfare state: A comparison of Canada and the United States Social Policy and Administration 32:4 1998 Geoff Wood and Ian Gough, "A Comparative Welfare Regimes Approach to Global Social policy" World Development 34:10 2006 Wil Arts and John Gelissen. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or More? A State of the Art Report. Journal of European Social Policy #12, 2002.



Class, Gender and Beyond


Walter Korpi, Faces of Inequality: Gender, Class and Patterns of Inequalities in Different Types of Welfare States, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 7 (Summer): 127-191, 2000. Walter Korpi and Joachim Palme, The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality, and Poverty in the Western Countries American Sociological Review 63, pages 661-687



Ann Shola Orloff, Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of Gender Relations and Welfare States American Sociological Review 58:3 1993 Julia OConnor, Ann S. Orloff and Sheila Shaver, States, Markets, Families (Cambridge, 1999) Fiona Williams, Race/ethnicity, gender and class in welfare states: A framework for comparative analysis Social Politics 2 1995



Canadian material

Alvin Finkel Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History Wilfred Laurier University Press 2006 Rianne Mahon Varieties of Liberalism: Canadian Social Policy from the Golden Age to the Present Social Policy and Administration 42:4 2008 pp 342-361


Banting, K. (2005). "Do we know where we are going? The new social policy in Canada." Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques 31(4): 421-429.
17. 18.

Battle, K. (1998). "Transformation: Canadian social policy since 1985." Social Policy and Administration 32(4): 321-340.

Welfare restructuring/redesign

Neil Gilbert. US Welfare Reform: Rewriting the Social Contract. Journal of Social Policy 38 (3), 2009. Robert Henry Cox, The Social Construction of an Imperative: Why Welfare Reform Happened in Denmark and the Netherlands But Not in Germany World Politics 53:3 2001 Jacob S. Hacker. The Great Risk Shift. Oxford University Press, 2008 J. Jenson & D. St-Martin (2006) Building Blocks for a New Social Architecture: the LEGO Paradigm for an Active Society Policy and Politics 34:3 Loic Wacquant. Punishing the Poor;The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009


21. 22.


Workfare and Basic Income


Jamie Peck, Workfare states (Guilford, 2001)


Patricia M. Evans (Not) Taking Account of Precarious Employment: Workfare Policies and Lone Mothers in Ontario and the U.K. Social Policy and Administration 41:1 2007 pp 29-49 Franois Blais. Ending Poverty; A Basic Income for All Canadians. Toronto: James Lorimer and Co.: 2002 Andr Gorz. Reclaiming Work; Beyond the Wage-Based Society. Polity Press, 1999.



Poverty and Inequality


Charles Murray. The Two Wars against Poverty. The Public Interest #69, Winter 1982.

Raphael, D. (2007). Poverty and policy in Canada : implications for health and quality of life. Toronto, Canadian's Scholar's Press.
29. 30. 31.

Albanese, P. (2010). Child poverty in Canada. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Finnie, R. and A. Sweetman (2003). "Poverty dynamics: empirical evidence for Canada." Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'conomique 36(2): 291-325. Green, D. A. and J. R. Kesselman, Eds. (2006). Dimensions of inequality in Canada. Vancouver, UBC Press.
32. 33. 34.

Sen, A. (1992). Inequality reexamined. New York, Russell Sage Foundation: xiv, 207 p.

Stiglitz, J. E., A. Sen, et al. (2009). Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Paris.

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. The Spirit Level; Why more equal societies almost always do better. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011.

Health Policy

Evans, R.G. Strained Mercy: The Economics of Canadian Medicare. Toronto: Buttersworth Chapters 1 to 5 . Jones, Andrew M. (Ed). 2006. The Elgar Companion to Health Economics. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar. Chapters 1-7, 9-14, 17, 18, 24, 25 Dennis Raphael. 2004. Social Determinants of Health: A Canadian Perspective. Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.




Evans R, Barer M and Marmor T (Eds.) (1994) Why are Some People Healthy and Others Not?: the determinants of the health of populations. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Specific chapters TBA. Marmot, MG and Wilkinson, RG (Eds.) (1999) Social determinants of health. Oxford University Press: Oxford. Chapters 1-4, 8, 10


Life Course Approach Giele, J. and G. Elder (1998). Methods of life course research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Government of Canada (2004). A Life-Course Approach to Social Policy Analysis: A Proposed Framework. D. Paper. Ottawa, Policy Research Initiative.

Hills, J., J. Le Grand, et al. (2002). Understanding social exclusion. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

OECD (2007). Modernising Social Policy for the New Life Course. A. C. D'Addio and P. Whiteford. Paris, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: 1-226.

OECD (2005). Extending Opportunities: how active social policy can benefit us all, OECD Publishing.

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