CELTA-PTTLS Task 1 Resubmission Final
CELTA-PTTLS Task 1 Resubmission Final
CELTA-PTTLS Task 1 Resubmission Final
Task 1 Numeracy and IT Observations Lesson plans provided by the centre 1. Numeracy (beginners) The lesson topic was Shapes. The students, though beginners a few of the students were strong students and were expected to know about half of the shapes. At the beginning of the lesson the teacher demonstrated on PPT and shared with students the aims and objectives which were: to tell the names, spell and write the words of seven shapes, list the properties of a shape, measure a shape and show the shape of a real object. Students were shown a line and a circle and then various shapes on PPT slides and were instructed to say the names of the shapes in small groups and individually. This is to help students to focus on pronunciation and stress. Students were mixed and were given an activity to match plastic shapes with words and then they were in pairs for a kinaesthetic task where students drew a shape on their partners back and the partners named the shape. These activities further helped to reinforce their vocabulary. Nominating student to list the shapes shown, the teacher was able to check learning objectives. Students whove finished early were given a word search activity to circle words on the e-board and then regrouped with the weaker students to help them. At this point the teacher introduced number of corners, sides and angles associated which each shape. The teacher, throughout the lesson used differentiated worksheet and differentiation by outcome and task to help weaker students and challenge stronger students. Students were then shown a video clip where they learned of real life places and their shapes. Then showing a measuring tape the teacher elicited from students to say what it is used for. Using centimetres students were grouped to measure classroom items and if they couldnt reach the item they have to think of a way of finding the length of the item using addition/or multiplication. Students worked in pairs measuring and deciding which furniture fits better in the room. At the end the teacher run the PPT again and through various questions and feedback referred to what was important to remember from the lesson.
In conclusion this is a very effective lesson embedding numeracy where students would easily identify forms and shapes around them in real life. I believe students would be actively engaged through the varied activities, video clip and interactive video games. I feel at the end of the lesson students can confidently name and measure various shapes using their numeracy skills and in addition might be able to reorganise their own rooms measuring and fitting furniture in the right places. It might even come handy if students decide to be interior designers, landscapers or even draftsmen.
2. ICT (E3 16-18) The lessons topic is Photography Concepts. This topic is especially useful for the students for an upcoming Newspaper Project and also it links to a speaking and listening exam where students will have to speak about the topic. In this group there are strong and weak students therefore differentiation instructions and strategy will be used. The teacher began the lesson by displaying and explaining the objectives of the lesson on the board and by recapping the previous days lesson where students learnt vocabulary related to cameras. Students were also encouraged to voluntarily tell what theyve learnt the day before. Then the teacher gave students photos and they were asked to tell how the photos make them feel and discuss their feeling with other students. In the next task students had to match the photography word with the meaning and students who finish early were either given extra cards to match or help other students with meaning. The feedback was given through peer checking. Further vocabulary task with the help of PPT was introduced to match vocabulary to pictures. This activity will reinforced students vocabulary and prepare them for the next task. The teacher then gave students a reading task where students look up for words and find their meaning using dictionaries. Continuing from this task students read about photography technique and used a prompt sheet to discuss about various techniques with a partner. Then students were paired and instructed to find photos that exemplify photography techniques around the room and say if they agree or disagree on the techniques used. Demonstrating the rules learnt the teacher instructed students to take at least twenty pictures (ten each) around the college. Students were given the opportunity to look at and discuss the photos taken and to choose five photos to upload to the computer. (The teacher kept monitoring and checking and helping when necessary.)
After the student chose the pictures the teacher demonstrated how to upload the photos into computers and load them into PowerPoint presentation. Students were in pairs uploading the five pictures, presenting them to others, explaining their choice using the photography rules learnt and inserting texts that explained reason for their choice and referencing the rules. Stronger students were encouraged to include more complicated features. Finally students were instructed to email their PPT to their teacher. Then the teacher prompted student to ask questions while watching presentation to review vocabulary learnt earlier in the lesson. I concluded that the embedded ICT skills together with the reading, listening and speaking skills worked very well and kept students interested and engaged. The use of dictionaries might help students to work independently as long as they know the alphabetical order and the phonemic script. Most students know how to take pictures but they may be unaware how to manipulate pictures (photos) for project presentation or simply to send photos and pictures to friends and families with texts and special messages . This embedded lesson would be in use even in their future career to present projects or teach in a classroom.